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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// ref_dfiles.h - xash supported formats
#ifndef REF_DFILES_H
#define REF_DFILES_H
.spr extended version (Half-Life compatible sprites with some xash extensions)
#define IDSPRITEHEADER (('P'<<24)+('S'<<16)+('D'<<8)+'I') // little-endian "IDSP"
#define SPRITE_VERSION 2 // Half-Life sprites
typedef enum
ST_SYNC = 0,
} synctype_t;
typedef enum
SPR_ANGLED // xash ext
} frametype_t;
typedef enum
SPR_ADDGLOW // xash ext
} drawtype_t;
typedef enum
} angletype_t;
typedef enum
SPR_SINGLE_FACE = 0, // oriented sprite will be draw with one face
SPR_DOUBLE_FACE, // oriented sprite will be draw back face too
SPR_XCROSS_FACE, // same like as flame in UT'99
} facetype_t;
typedef struct
int ident; // LittleLong 'ISPR'
int version; // current version 3
angletype_t type; // camera align
drawtype_t texFormat; // rendering mode (Xash3D ext)
int boundingradius; // quick face culling
int bounds[2]; // minsmaxs
int numframes; // including groups
facetype_t facetype; // cullface (Xash3D ext)
synctype_t synctype; // animation synctype
} dsprite_t;
typedef struct
int origin[2];
int width;
int height;
} dspriteframe_t;
typedef struct
int numframes;
} dspritegroup_t;
typedef struct
float interval;
} dspriteinterval_t;
typedef struct
frametype_t type;
} dframetype_t;
.LMP image format (Half-Life gfx.wad lumps)
typedef struct lmp_s
uint width;
uint height;
} lmp_t;
.MIP image format (half-Life textures)
typedef struct mip_s
char name[16];
uint width;
uint height;
uint offsets[4]; // four mip maps stored
} mip_t;
.bsp contain level static geometry with including PVS, PHS, PHYS and lightning info
// header
#define IDBSPMODHEADER (('P'<<24)+('S'<<16)+('B'<<8)+'I') // little-endian "IBSP"
// 32 bit limits
#define MAX_MAP_AREA_BYTES 32 // bit vector of area visibility
#define MAX_MAP_MODELS 0x2000 // mesh models and sprites too
#define MAX_MAP_BRUSHES 0x8000
#define MAX_MAP_ENTITIES 0x2000 // same as models
#define MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING 0x40000
#define MAX_MAP_SHADERS 0x800
#define MAX_MAP_AREAS 0x100 // don't increase this
#define MAX_MAP_PLANES 0x20000
#define MAX_MAP_NODES 0x20000
#define MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES 0x20000
#define MAX_MAP_LEAFS 0x20000
#define MAX_MAP_LEAFFACES 0x20000
#define MAX_MAP_LEAFBRUSHES 0x40000
#define MAX_MAP_PORTALS 0x20000
#define MAX_MAP_LIGHTDATA 0x800000 // 8 megabytes for lightmaps
#define MAX_MAP_LIGHTGRID 0x800000
#define MAX_MAP_VISIBILITY 0x200000
#define MAX_MAP_COLLISION 0x400000 // collision data size
#define MAX_MAP_SURFACES 0x20000
#define MAX_MAP_VERTEXES 0x80000
#define MAX_MAP_INDEXES 0x80000
// other limits
#define DVIS_PVS 0
#define DVIS_PHS 1
#define MAX_KEY 128
#define MAX_VALUE 512
#define MAX_WORLD_COORD ( 128 * 1024 )
#define MIN_WORLD_COORD (-128 * 1024 )
#define MAX_BUILD_SIDES 512 // per one brush. (don't change)
#define LIGHTMAP_WIDTH 128
#define LIGHTMAP_BITS 3 // RGB
#define LM_SAMPLE_SIZE 16 // q1, q2, q3 default value (lightmap resoultion)
#define LM_STYLES 4
// lump offset
#define LUMP_SHADERS 1
#define LUMP_PLANES 2
#define LUMP_NODES 3
#define LUMP_LEAFS 4
#define LUMP_MODELS 7
#define LUMP_BRUSHES 8
#define LUMP_VERTICES 10
#define LUMP_INDICES 11
#define LUMP_COLLISION 12 // precomputed physic engine collision tree
#define LUMP_SURFACES 13
#define LUMP_VISIBILITY 16 // unpacked pvs data
#define LUMP_TOTALCOUNT 17 // max lumps
typedef struct
int fileofs;
int filelen;
} lump_t;
typedef struct
int ident;
int version;
lump_t lumps[LUMP_TOTALCOUNT];
} dheader_t;
typedef struct
float mins[3];
float maxs[3];
int firstface; // submodels just draw faces
int numfaces; // without walking the bsp tree
int firstbrush;
int numbrushes;
} dmodel_t;
typedef struct
char name[MAX_SHADERPATH];// shader name
int contents; // texture contents (can be replaced by shader)
int flags; // surface flags (can be replaced by shader)
} dshader_t;
typedef struct
float point[3]; // Vertex3f
float normal[3]; // Normal3f
float st[2]; // texCoord2f
float lm[2]; // lightmap texCoord2f
dword color; // packed rgba color
} dvertex_t;
typedef struct
float normal[3];
float dist;
} dplane_t;
typedef struct
int planenum;
int children[2]; // negative numbers are -(leafs+1), not nodes
int mins[3]; // for frustom culling
int maxs[3];
} dnode_t;
typedef struct
int area;
int cluster;
int mins[3]; // for frustum culling
int maxs[3];
int firstleafface;
int numleaffaces;
int firstleafbrush;
int numleafbrushes;
} dleaf_t;
typedef struct
int planenum; // facing out of the leaf
int shadernum; // surface description
} dbrushside_t;
typedef struct
int firstside;
int numsides;
int contents; // brush contents
} dbrush_t;
typedef struct
int numclusters;
int bitofs[8][2]; // bitofs[numclusters][2]
} dvis_t;
typedef struct
int planenum; // plane->normal
int shadernum; // dshader_t[num]
int lightmapnum; // dlightmap[num]
int firstvertex; // dvertex[start]
int numvertices; // may contain odd number for tristrips
int firstindex; // dvertex[dindex[firstindex]] == dvertex[firstvertex]
int numindices; // may contain odd number for tristrips
// version 39. rev.3
int styles[LM_STYLES]; // lightstyles on a face
int lm_base[2]; // xypos
int lm_size[2]; // block size
int lm_side; // planenum & 1 (remove this)
float origin[3]; // lightmap origin
float vecs[2][3]; // lightmap vecs
float normal[3]; // plane->normal, probably not needed
} dsurface_t;
typedef struct dlightmap_s
byte image[LM_SIZE]; // PF_RGB_24
} dlightmap_t;
typedef struct
byte ambient[3];
byte diffuse[3];
byte diffusepitch;
byte diffuseyaw;
} dlightgrid_t;
a internal virtual machine like as QuakeC, but it has more extensions
// header
#define VPROGS_VERSION 8 // xash progs version
#define VPROGSHEADER32 (('2'<<24)+('3'<<16)+('M'<<8)+'V') // little-endian "VM32"
// prvm limits
#define MAX_REGS 65536
#define MAX_STRINGS 1000000
#define MAX_STATEMENTS 0x80000
#define MAX_GLOBALS 32768
#define MAX_FUNCTIONS 16384
#define MAX_FIELDS 2048
#define MAX_CONSTANTS 2048
// global ofsets
#define OFS_NULL 0
#define OFS_RETURN 1
#define OFS_PARM0 4
#define OFS_PARM1 7
#define OFS_PARM2 10
#define OFS_PARM3 13
#define OFS_PARM4 16
#define OFS_PARM5 19
#define OFS_PARM6 22
#define OFS_PARM7 25
#define OFS_PARM8 28
#define OFS_PARM9 31
#define RESERVED_OFS 34
// misc flags
#define DEF_SHARED (1<<29)
#define DEF_SAVEGLOBAL (1<<30)
// compression block flags
#define COMP_DEFS 2
#define COMP_FIELDS 4
#define COMP_STRINGS 16
#define COMP_GLOBALS 32
#define COMP_LINENUMS 64
#define COMP_TYPES 128
#define MAX_PARMS 10
typedef struct statement_s
dword op;
long a,b,c;
} dstatement_t;
typedef struct ddef_s
dword type; // if DEF_SAVEGLOBAL bit is set
// the variable needs to be saved in savegames
dword ofs;
int s_name;
} ddef_t;
typedef struct
int first_statement; // negative numbers are builtins
int parm_start;
int locals; // total ints of parms + locals
int profile; // runtime
int s_name;
int s_file; // source file defined in
int numparms;
byte parm_size[MAX_PARMS];
} dfunction_t;
typedef struct
int filepos;
int disksize;
int size;
char compression;
char name[64]; // FIXME: make string_t
} dsource_t;
typedef struct
int ident; // must be VM32
int version; // version number
int crc; // check of header file
uint flags; // who blocks are compressed (COMP flags)
uint ofs_statements; // COMP_STATEMENTS (release)
uint numstatements; // statement 0 is an error
uint ofs_globaldefs; // COMP_DEFS (release)
uint numglobaldefs;
uint ofs_fielddefs; // COMP_FIELDS (release)
uint numfielddefs;
uint ofs_functions; // COMP_FUNCTIONS (release)
uint numfunctions; // function 0 is an empty
uint ofs_strings; // COMP_STRINGS (release)
uint numstrings; // first string is a null string
uint ofs_globals; // COMP_GLOBALS (release)
uint numglobals;
uint entityfields;
// debug info
uint ofssources; // source are always compressed
uint numsources;
uint ofslinenums; // COMP_LINENUMS (debug) numstatements big
uint ofsbodylessfuncs; // no comp
uint numbodylessfuncs;
uint ofs_types; // COMP_TYPES (debug)
uint numtypes;
} dprograms_t;
Studio models are position independent, so the cache manager can move them.
// header
#define IDSTUDIOHEADER (('T'<<24)+('S'<<16)+('D'<<8)+'I') // little-endian "IDST"
#define IDSEQGRPHEADER (('Q'<<24)+('S'<<16)+('D'<<8)+'I') // little-endian "IDSQ"
// studio limits
#define MAXSTUDIOTRIANGLES 32768 // max triangles per model
#define MAXSTUDIOVERTS 4096 // max vertices per submodel
#define MAXSTUDIOSEQUENCES 256 // total animation sequences
#define MAXSTUDIOSKINS 128 // total textures
#define MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES 512 // bones allowed at source movement
#define MAXSTUDIOBONES 128 // total bones actually used
#define MAXSTUDIOMODELS 32 // sub-models per model
#define MAXSTUDIOBODYPARTS 32 // body parts per submodel
#define MAXSTUDIOGROUPS 16 // sequence groups (e.g. barney01.mdl, barney02.mdl, e.t.c)
#define MAXSTUDIOANIMATIONS 512 // max frames per sequence
#define MAXSTUDIOMESHES 256 // max textures per model
#define MAXSTUDIOEVENTS 1024 // events per model
#define MAXSTUDIOPIVOTS 256 // pivot points
#define MAXSTUDIOBLENDS 16 // max anim blends
#define MAXSTUDIOCONTROLLERS 16 // max controllers per model
#define MAXSTUDIOATTACHMENTS 16 // max attachments per model
// model global flags
#define STUDIO_STATIC 0x0001 // model without anims
#define STUDIO_RAGDOLL 0x0002 // ragdoll animation pose
// lighting & rendermode options
#define STUDIO_NF_FLATSHADE 0x0001
#define STUDIO_NF_CHROME 0x0002
#define STUDIO_NF_COLORMAP 0x0008 // can changed by colormap command
#define STUDIO_NF_BLENDED 0x0010 // rendering as semiblended
#define STUDIO_NF_ADDITIVE 0x0020 // rendering with additive mode
#define STUDIO_NF_TRANSPARENT 0x0040 // use texture with alpha channel
// motion flags
#define STUDIO_X 0x0001
#define STUDIO_Y 0x0002
#define STUDIO_Z 0x0004
#define STUDIO_XR 0x0008
#define STUDIO_YR 0x0010
#define STUDIO_ZR 0x0020
#define STUDIO_LX 0x0040
#define STUDIO_LY 0x0080
#define STUDIO_LZ 0x0100
#define STUDIO_AX 0x0200
#define STUDIO_AY 0x0400
#define STUDIO_AZ 0x0800
#define STUDIO_AXR 0x1000
#define STUDIO_AYR 0x2000
#define STUDIO_AZR 0x4000
#define STUDIO_RLOOP 0x8000 // controller that wraps shortest distance
// bonecontroller types
#define STUDIO_MOUTH 4
// sequence flags
#define STUDIO_LOOPING 0x0001
// render flags
#define STUDIO_RENDER 0x0001
#define STUDIO_EVENTS 0x0002
#define STUDIO_MIRROR 0x0004 // a local player in mirror
// bone flags
#define STUDIO_HAS_NORMALS 0x0001
#define STUDIO_HAS_VERTICES 0x0002
#define STUDIO_HAS_BBOX 0x0004
#define STUDIO_HAS_CHROME 0x0008 // if any of the textures have chrome on them
typedef struct
int ident;
int version;
char name[64];
int length;
vec3_t eyeposition; // ideal eye position
vec3_t min; // ideal movement hull size
vec3_t max;
vec3_t bbmin; // clipping bounding box
vec3_t bbmax;
int flags;
int numbones; // bones
int boneindex;
int numbonecontrollers; // bone controllers
int bonecontrollerindex;
int numhitboxes; // complex bounding boxes
int hitboxindex;
int numseq; // animation sequences
int seqindex;
int numseqgroups; // demand loaded sequences
int seqgroupindex;
int numtextures; // raw textures
int textureindex;
int texturedataindex;
int numskinref; // replaceable textures
int numskinfamilies;
int skinindex;
int numbodyparts;
int bodypartindex;
int numattachments; // queryable attachable points
int attachmentindex;
int soundtable;
int soundindex;
int soundgroups;
int soundgroupindex;
int numtransitions; // animation node to animation node transition graph
int transitionindex;
} dstudiohdr_t;
// header for demand loaded sequence group data
typedef struct
int id;
int version;
char name[64];
int length;
} dstudioseqhdr_t;
// bones
typedef struct
char name[32]; // bone name for symbolic links
int parent; // parent bone
int flags; // ??
int bonecontroller[6]; // bone controller index, -1 == none
float value[6]; // default DoF values
float scale[6]; // scale for delta DoF values
} dstudiobone_t;
// bone controllers
typedef struct
int bone; // -1 == 0
int type; // X, Y, Z, XR, YR, ZR, M
float start;
float end;
int rest; // byte index value at rest
int index; // 0-3 user set controller, 4 mouth
} dstudiobonecontroller_t;
// intersection boxes
typedef struct
int bone;
int group; // intersection group
vec3_t bbmin; // bounding box
vec3_t bbmax;
} dstudiobbox_t;
// demand loaded sequence groups
typedef struct
char label[32]; // textual name
char name[64]; // file name
void *cache; // cache index pointer (only in memory)
int data; // hack for group 0
} dstudioseqgroup_t;
// sequence descriptions
typedef struct
char label[32]; // sequence label (name)
float fps; // frames per second
int flags; // looping/non-looping flags
int activity;
int actweight;
int numevents;
int eventindex;
int numframes; // number of frames per sequence
int numpivots; // number of foot pivots
int pivotindex;
int motiontype;
int motionbone;
vec3_t linearmovement;
int automoveposindex;
int automoveangleindex;
vec3_t bbmin; // per sequence bounding box
vec3_t bbmax;
int numblends;
int animindex; // mstudioanim_t pointer relative to start of sequence group data
// [blend][bone][X, Y, Z, XR, YR, ZR]
int blendtype[2]; // X, Y, Z, XR, YR, ZR
float blendstart[2]; // starting value
float blendend[2]; // ending value
int blendparent;
int seqgroup; // sequence group for demand loading
int entrynode; // transition node at entry
int exitnode; // transition node at exit
int nodeflags; // transition rules
int nextseq; // auto advancing sequences
} dstudioseqdesc_t;
// events
typedef struct
int frame;
int event;
int type;
char options[64];
} dstudioevent_t;
// pivots
typedef struct
vec3_t org; // pivot point
int start;
int end;
} dstudiopivot_t;
// attachment
typedef struct
char name[32];
int type;
int bone;
vec3_t org; // attachment point
vec3_t vectors[3];
} dstudioattachment_t;
typedef struct
unsigned short offset[6];
} dstudioanim_t;
// animation frames
typedef union
byte valid;
byte total;
} num;
short value;
} dstudioanimvalue_t;
// body part index
typedef struct
char name[64];
int nummodels;
int base;
int modelindex; // index into models array
} dstudiobodyparts_t;
// skin info
typedef struct
char name[64];
int flags;
int width;
int height;
int index; // disk: offset at start of buffer
shader_t shader; // ref: shader number
} dstudiotexture_t;
// skin families
// short index[skinfamilies][skinref] // skingroup info
// studio models
typedef struct
char name[64];
int type;
float boundingradius; // software stuff
int nummesh;
int meshindex;
int numverts; // number of unique vertices
int vertinfoindex; // vertex bone info
int vertindex; // vertex vec3_t
int numnorms; // number of unique surface normals
int norminfoindex; // normal bone info
int normindex; // normal vec3_t
int numgroups; // deformation groups
int groupindex;
} dstudiomodel_t;
// meshes
typedef struct
int numtris;
int triindex;
int skinref;
int numnorms; // per mesh normals
int normindex; // normal vec3_t
} dstudiomesh_t;
included global, and both (client & server) pent list
#define LUMP_COMMENTS "map_comment"
#define LUMP_CFGSTRING "configstrings"
#define LUMP_AREASTATE "areaportals"
#define LUMP_GAMESTATE "globals"
#define LUMP_MAPCMDS "map_cmds"
#define LUMP_GAMECVARS "latched_cvars"
#define LUMP_GAMEENTS "entities"
#define LUMP_SNAPSHOT "levelshot" // currently not implemented
#define DENT_KEY 0
#define DENT_VAL 1
typedef struct
string_t epair[2]; // 0 - key, 1 - value (indexes from stringtable)
} dkeyvalue_t;