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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// ref_dllapi.h - shared ifaces between engine parts
#ifndef REF_DLLAPI_H
#define REF_DLLAPI_H
#include "ref_dfiles.h"
typedef struct { uint b:5; uint g:6; uint r:5; } color16;
typedef struct { byte r:8; byte g:8; byte b:8; } color24;
typedef struct { byte r; byte g; byte b; byte a; } color32;
typedef struct { int ofs; int type; const char *name; } fields_t; // prvm custom fields
typedef enum { mod_bad, mod_world, mod_brush, mod_studio, mod_sprite } modtype_t;
typedef void (*cmsave_t) (void* handle, const void* buffer, size_t size);
typedef void (*cmdraw_t)( int color, int numpoints, const float *points );
typedef struct edict_s edict_t;
typedef struct sv_edict_s sv_edict_t;
typedef struct cl_edict_s cl_edict_t;
typedef struct ui_edict_s ui_edict_t;
typedef struct sv_entvars_s sv_entvars_t;
typedef struct cl_entvars_s cl_entvars_t;
typedef struct ui_entvars_s ui_entvars_t;
typedef struct sv_globalvars_s sv_globalvars_t;
typedef struct cl_globalvars_s cl_globalvars_t;
typedef struct ui_globalvars_s ui_globalvars_t;
typedef struct physbody_s physbody_t;
typedef enum
ED_SPAWNED = 0, // this entity requris to set own type with SV_ClassifyEdict
ED_STATIC, // this is a logic without model or entity with static model
ED_AMBIENT, // this is entity emitted ambient sounds only
ED_NORMAL, // normal entity with model (and\or) sound
ED_BSPBRUSH, // brush entity (a part of level)
ED_CLIENT, // this is a client entity
ED_MONSTER, // monster or bot (generic npc with AI)
ED_TEMPENTITY, // this edict will be removed on server when "lifetime" exceeds
ED_BEAM, // laser beam (needs to recalculate pvs and frustum)
ED_MOVER, // func_train, func_door and another bsp or mdl movers
ED_VIEWMODEL, // client or bot viewmodel (for spectating)
ED_ITEM, // holdable items
ED_RAGDOLL, // dead body with simulated ragdolls
ED_RIGIDBODY, // simulated physic
ED_TRIGGER, // just for sorting on a server
ED_PORTAL, // realtime display, portal or mirror brush or model
ED_MISSILE, // greande, rocket e.t.c
ED_DECAL, // render will be merge real coords and normal
ED_VEHICLE, // controllable vehicle
} edtype_t;
// phys movetype
typedef enum
MOVETYPE_NONE, // never moves
MOVETYPE_NOCLIP, // origin and angles change with no interaction
MOVETYPE_PUSH, // no clip to world, push on box contact
MOVETYPE_WALK, // gravity
MOVETYPE_STEP, // gravity, special edge handling
MOVETYPE_TOSS, // gravity
MOVETYPE_FOLLOW, // attached models
MOVETYPE_PHYSIC, // phys simulation
} movetype_t;
// phys collision mode
typedef enum
SOLID_NOT = 0, // no interaction with other objects
SOLID_TRIGGER, // only touch when inside, after moving
SOLID_BBOX, // touch on edge
SOLID_BSP, // bsp clip, touch on edge
SOLID_BOX, // physbox
SOLID_SPHERE, // sphere
SOLID_CYLINDER, // cylinder e.g. barrel
SOLID_MESH, // custom convex hull
} solid_t;
// model_state_t communication
typedef struct model_state_s
int index; // server & client shared modelindex
int colormap; // change base color for some textures or sprite frames
float scale; // model or sprite scale, affects to physics too
float frame; // % playback position in animation sequences (0..255)
float animtime; // auto-animating time
float framerate; // custom framerate, specified by QC
int sequence; // animation sequence (0 - 255)
int gaitsequence; // client\nps\bot gaitsequence
int skin; // skin for studiomodels
int body; // sub-model selection for studiomodels
float blending[16]; // studio animation blending
float controller[16]; // studio bone controllers
} model_state_t;
// entity_state_t communication
typedef struct entity_state_s
// engine specific
uint number; // edict index
edtype_t ed_type; // edict type
string_t classname; // edict classname
int soundindex; // looped ambient sound
// physics information
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t angles; // entity angles, not viewangles
vec3_t velocity; // player velocity
vec3_t old_origin; // for lerping animation
vec3_t infotarget; // portal camera, etc
model_state_t model; // general entity model
solid_t solidtype; // entity solidtype
movetype_t movetype; // entity movetype
int gravity; // gravity multiplier
int aiment; // attahced entity (not a physic attach, only rendering)
int solid; // using for symmetric bboxes
vec3_t mins; // not symmetric entity bbox
vec3_t maxs;
// render information
uint effects; // effect flags like q1 and hl1
int renderfx; // render effects same as hl1
float renderamt; // alpha value or like somewhat
vec3_t rendercolor; // hl1 legacy stuff, working, but not needed
int rendermode; // hl1 legacy stuff, working, but not needed
// client specific
int pm_type; // client movetype
int pm_flags; // ducked, jump_held, etc
int pm_time; // each unit = 8 ms
vec3_t delta_angles; // add to command angles to get view direction
vec3_t punch_angles; // add to view direction to get render angles
vec3_t viewangles; // already calculated view angles on server-side
vec3_t viewoffset; // viewoffset over ground
int maxspeed; // sv_maxspeed will be duplicate on all clients
float health; // client health (other parms can be send by custom messages)
float fov; // horizontal field of view
model_state_t pmodel; // weaponmodel info
} entity_state_t;
// usercmd_t communication
typedef struct usercmd_s
int msec;
int angles[3];
int forwardmove;
int sidemove;
int upmove;
int buttons;
int impulse;
int lightlevel;
} usercmd_t;
internal physic data
hold linear and angular velocity, current position stored too
typedef struct physdata_s
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t angles;
vec3_t velocity;
vec3_t avelocity; // "omega" in newton
vec3_t mins; // for calculate size
vec3_t maxs; // and setup offset matrix
int movetype; // moving type
int hulltype; // solid type
physbody_t *body; // ptr to physic body
} physdata_t;
// euler angle order
#define PITCH 0
#define YAW 1
#define ROLL 2
// engine constnat limits, touching networking protocol modify with cation
#define MAX_DLIGHTS 128 // dynamic lights (per one frame)
#define MAX_LIGHTSTYLES 256 // can be blindly increased
#define MAX_CLASSNAMES 512 // maxcount of various edicts classnames
#define MAX_SOUNDS 512 // openal software limit
#define MAX_MODELS 4096 // total count of brush & studio various models per one map
#define MAX_PARTICLES 32768 // pre one frame
#define MAX_EDICTS 65535 // absolute limit that never be reached, (do not edit!)
// FIXME: player_state_t->renderfx
#define RDF_NOWORLDMODEL (1<<0) // used for player configuration screen
#define RDF_IRGOGGLES (1<<1)
#define RDF_PAIN (1<<2)
// encoded bmodel mask
#define SOLID_BMODEL 0xffffff
#define PLANE_X 0 // 0 - 2 are axial planes
#define PLANE_Y 1 // 3 needs alternate calc
#define PLANE_Z 2
typedef struct cplane_s
vec3_t normal;
float dist;
byte type; // for fast side tests
byte signbits; // signx + (signy<<1) + (signz<<1)
byte pad[2];
} cplane_t;
typedef struct cmesh_s
vec3_t *verts;
int *indices;
uint numverts;
uint numtris;
} cmesh_t;
typedef struct cmodel_s
string name; // model name
byte *mempool; // personal mempool
int registration_sequence;
vec3_t mins, maxs; // model boundbox
int type; // model type
int firstface; // used to create collision tree
int numfaces;
int firstbrush; // used to create collision brush
int numbrushes;
int numframes; // sprite framecount
int numbodies; // physmesh numbody
cmesh_t *col[256]; // max bodies
byte *extradata; // server studio uses this
// g-cont: stupid pushmodel stuff
vec3_t normalmins; // bounding box at angles '0 0 0'
vec3_t normalmaxs;
vec3_t yawmins; // bounding box if yaw angle is not 0, but pitch and roll are
vec3_t yawmaxs;
vec3_t rotatedmins; // bounding box if pitch or roll are used
vec3_t rotatedmaxs;
// custom traces for various model types
void (*TraceBox)( const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, struct cmodel_s *model, struct trace_s *trace, int brushsmask );
int (*PointContents)( const vec3_t point, struct cmodel_s *model );
} cmodel_t;
typedef struct csurface_s
string name;
int surfaceflags;
int contentflags;
int value;
vec3_t mins;
vec3_t maxs;
// patches support
int numtriangles;
int numvertices;
int *indices;
float *vertices;
int markframe;
} csurface_t;
typedef struct trace_s
bool allsolid; // if true, plane is not valid
bool startsolid; // if true, the initial point was in a solid area
bool startstuck; // trace started from solid entity
float fraction; // time completed, 1.0 = didn't hit anything
float realfraction; // like fraction but is not nudged away from the surface
vec3_t endpos; // final position
cplane_t plane; // surface normal at impact
csurface_t *surface; // surface hit
int contents; // contents on other side of surface hit
int startcontents;
int contentsmask;
int surfaceflags;
int hitgroup; // hit a studiomodel hitgroup #
int flags; // misc trace flags
edict_t *ent; // not set by CM_*() functions
} trace_t;
// pmove_state_t is the information necessary for client side movement
#define PM_NORMAL 0 // can accelerate and turn
#define PM_SPECTATOR 1
#define PM_DEAD 2 // no acceleration or turning
#define PM_GIB 3 // different bounding box
#define PM_FREEZE 4
#define PM_NOCLIP 6
// pmove->pm_flags
#define PMF_DUCKED 1
#define PMF_JUMP_HELD 2
#define PMF_ON_GROUND 4
#define PMF_TIME_WATERJUMP 8 // pm_time is waterjump
#define PMF_TIME_LAND 16 // pm_time is time before rejump
#define PMF_TIME_TELEPORT 32 // pm_time is non-moving time
#define PMF_NO_PREDICTION 64 // temporarily disables prediction (used for grappling hook)
// button bits
#define BUTTON_ATTACK2 2
#define BUTTON_USE 4
#define BUTTON_ANY 128 // any key whatsoever
#define PM_MAXTOUCH 32
// sound channels
#define CHAN_AUTO 0
#define CHAN_WEAPON 1
#define CHAN_VOICE 2
#define CHAN_ITEM 3
#define CHAN_BODY 4
#define CHAN_ANNOUNCER 5 // announcer
// flags
#define CHAN_NO_PHS_ADD 8 // Send to all clients, not just ones in PHS (ATTN 0 will also do this)
#define CHAN_RELIABLE 16 // Send by reliable message, not datagram
// Sound attenuation values
#define ATTN_NONE 0 // Full volume the entire level
#define ATTN_NORM 1
#define ATTN_IDLE 2
#define ATTN_STATIC 3 // Diminish very rapidly with distance
typedef struct vrect_s
int x, y;
int width;
int height;
} vrect_t;
typedef struct
vrect_t rect; // screen rectangle
float fov_x; // field of view by vertical
float fov_y; // field of view by horizontal
vec3_t vieworg; // client origin + viewoffset
vec3_t viewangles; // client angles
float time; // time is used to shaders auto animate
float oldtime; // oldtime using for lerping studio models
uint rdflags; // client view effects: RDF_UNDERWATER, RDF_MOTIONBLUR, etc
byte *areabits; // if not NULL, only areas with set bits will be drawn
} refdef_t;
typedef struct pmove_s
entity_state_t ps; // state (in / out)
// command (in)
usercmd_t cmd;
physbody_t *body; // pointer to physobject
// results (out)
int numtouch;
edict_t *touchents[PM_MAXTOUCH]; // max touch
edict_t *groundentity;
vec3_t mins, maxs; // bounding box size
int watertype;
int waterlevel;
float xyspeed; // avoid to compute it twice
// callbacks to test the world
void (*trace)( vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, trace_t *tr );
int (*pointcontents)( vec3_t point );
} pmove_t;
typedef struct launch_exp_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(launch_api_t)
void ( *Init ) ( int argc, char **argv ); // init host
void ( *Main ) ( void ); // host frame
void ( *Free ) ( void ); // close host
void (*CPrint) ( const char *msg ); // host print
void (*MSG_Init)( sizebuf_t *buf, byte *data, size_t len ); // MSG init network buffer
} launch_exp_t;
typedef struct render_exp_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(render_exp_t)
// initialize
bool (*Init)( void ); // init all render systems
void (*Shutdown)( void ); // shutdown all render systems
void (*BeginRegistration)( const char *map );
bool (*RegisterModel)( const char *name, int sv_index );
bool (*RegisterImage)( const char *name, int sv_index );
bool (*PrecacheImage)( const char *name );
void (*SetSky) (char *name, float rotate, vec3_t axis);
void (*EndRegistration)( void );
// prepare frame to rendering
bool (*AddRefEntity)( entity_state_t *s1, entity_state_t *s2, float lerp );
bool (*AddDynLight)( vec3_t org, vec3_t color, float intensity );
bool (*AddParticle)( vec3_t org, float alpha, int color );
bool (*AddLightStyle)( int stylenum, vec3_t color );
void (*ClearScene)( void );
void (*BeginFrame)( void );
void (*RenderFrame)( refdef_t *fd );
void (*EndFrame)( void );
void (*SetColor)( const float *rgba );
bool (*ScrShot)( const char *filename, int shot_type ); // write screenshot with same name
void (*DrawFill)(float x, float y, float w, float h );
void (*DrawStretchRaw)( int x, int y, int w, int h, int cols, int rows, byte *data, bool redraw );
void (*DrawStretchPic)( float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, const char *name );
void (*DrawGetPicSize)( int *w, int *h, const char *name );
} render_exp_t;
typedef struct render_imp_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(render_imp_t)
// client fundamental callbacks
void (*StudioEvent)( dstudioevent_t *event, entity_state_t *ent );
void (*ShowCollision)( cmdraw_t callback ); // debug
long (*WndProc)( void *hWnd, uint uMsg, uint wParam, long lParam );
entity_state_t *(*GetClientEdict)( int index );
entity_state_t *(*GetLocalPlayer)( void );
int (*GetMaxClients)( void );
} render_imp_t;
typedef struct physic_exp_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(physic_exp_t)
// initialize
bool (*Init)( void ); // init all physic systems
void (*Shutdown)( void ); // shutdown all render systems
void (*LoadBSP)( const void *buf ); // load bspdata ( bsplib use this )
void (*FreeBSP)( void ); // free bspdata
void (*WriteCollisionLump)( file_t *f, cmsave_t callback ); // write collision data into LUMP_COLLISION
void (*DrawCollision)( cmdraw_t callback ); // debug draw world
void (*Frame)( float time ); // physics frame
cmodel_t *(*BeginRegistration)( const char *name, bool clientload, uint *checksum );
cmodel_t *(*RegisterModel)( const char *name );
void (*EndRegistration)( void );
void (*SetAreaPortals)( byte *portals, size_t size );
void (*GetAreaPortals)( byte **portals, size_t *size );
void (*SetAreaPortalState)( int area, int otherarea, bool open );
int (*NumClusters)( void );
int (*NumTextures)( void );
int (*NumBmodels )( void );
const char *(*GetEntityString)( void );
const char *(*GetTextureName)( int index );
byte *(*ClusterPVS)( int cluster );
byte *(*ClusterPHS)( int cluster );
int (*PointLeafnum)( vec3_t p );
int (*BoxLeafnums)( vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, int *list, int listsize, int *lastleaf );
int (*LeafCluster)( int leafnum );
int (*LeafArea)( int leafnum );
bool (*AreasConnected)( int area1, int area2 );
int (*WriteAreaBits)( byte *buffer, int area );
void (*ClipToGenericEntity)( trace_t *trace, cmodel_t *model, const vec3_t bodymins, const vec3_t bodymaxs, int bodysupercontents, matrix4x4 matrix, matrix4x4 inversematrix, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int contentsmask );
void (*ClipToWorld)( trace_t *trace, cmodel_t *model, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int contentsmask );
void (*CombineTraces)( trace_t *cliptrace, const trace_t *trace, edict_t *touch, bool is_bmodel );
// player movement code
void (*PlayerMove)( pmove_t *pmove, bool clientmove );
// simple objects
physbody_t *(*CreateBody)( sv_edict_t *ed, cmodel_t *mod, matrix4x3 transform, int solid );
physbody_t *(*CreatePlayer)( sv_edict_t *ed, cmodel_t *mod, matrix4x3 transform );
void (*SetOrigin)( physbody_t *body, vec3_t origin );
void (*SetParameters)( physbody_t *body, cmodel_t *mod, int material, float mass );
bool (*GetForce)(physbody_t *body, vec3_t vel, vec3_t avel, vec3_t force, vec3_t torque );
void (*SetForce)(physbody_t *body, vec3_t vel, vec3_t avel, vec3_t force, vec3_t torque );
bool (*GetMassCentre)( physbody_t *body, matrix3x3 mass );
void (*SetMassCentre)( physbody_t *body, matrix3x3 mass );
void (*RemoveBody)( physbody_t *body );
} physic_exp_t;
typedef struct physic_imp_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(physic_imp_t)
void (*ClientMove)( sv_edict_t *ed );
void (*Transform)( sv_edict_t *ed, matrix4x3 transform );
void (*PlaySound)( sv_edict_t *ed, float volume, const char *sample );
float *(*GetModelVerts)( sv_edict_t *ent, int *numvertices );
} physic_imp_t;
// prog flags
#define PRVM_OP_STATE 1
#define PRVM_FE_CHAIN 4
PRVM_MAXPROGS, // must be last
typedef void (*prvm_builtin_t)( void );
typedef struct edict_state_s
bool free;
float freetime;
} vm_edict_t;
struct edict_s
// engine-private fields (stored in dynamically resized array)
void *vp; // generic edict
vm_edict_t *ed; // vm edict state
sv_edict_t *sv; // sv edict state
cl_edict_t *cl; // cl edict state
vm_edict_t *ui; // ui edict state
} priv;
// QuakeC prog fields (stored in dynamically resized array)
void *vp; // generic entvars
sv_entvars_t *sv; // server entvars
cl_entvars_t *cl; // client entvars
ui_entvars_t *ui; // uimenu entvars
} progs;
typedef struct mfunction_s
int first_statement; // negative numbers are builtins
int parm_start;
int locals; // total ints of parms + locals
// these are doubles so that they can count up to 54bits or so rather than 32bit
double profile; // runtime
double builtinsprofile; // cost of builtin functions called by this function
double callcount; // times the functions has been called since the last profile call
int s_name;
int s_file; // source file defined in
int numparms;
byte parm_size[MAX_PARMS];
} mfunction_t;
typedef struct prvm_stack_s
int s;
mfunction_t *f;
} prvm_stack_t;
typedef struct prvm_prog_s
dprograms_t *progs;
mfunction_t *functions;
char *strings;
int stringssize;
ddef_t *fielddefs;
ddef_t *globaldefs;
dstatement_t *statements;
dsource_t *sources; // debug version include packed source files
int *linenums; // debug versions only
void *types; // (type_t *)
int edict_size; // in bytes
int edictareasize; // in bytes (for bound checking)
int pev_save; // used by PRVM_PUSH_GLOBALS\PRVM_POP_GLOBALS
int other_save; // used by PRVM_PUSH_GLOBALS\PRVM_POP_GLOBALS
int *statement_linenums;// NULL if not available
double *statement_profile; // only incremented if prvm_statementprofiling is on
float *gp;
sv_globalvars_t *sv;
cl_globalvars_t *cl;
ui_globalvars_t *ui;
} globals;
int maxknownstrings;
int numknownstrings;
int firstfreeknownstring;
const char **knownstrings;
byte *knownstrings_freeable;
const char ***stringshash;
byte *progs_mempool;
prvm_builtin_t *builtins;
int numbuiltins;
int argc;
int trace;
mfunction_t *xfunction;
int xstatement;
prvm_stack_t stack[PRVM_MAX_STACK_DEPTH + 1];
int depth;
int localstack[PRVM_LOCALSTACK_SIZE];
int localstack_used;
word filecrc;
int intsize;
vfile_t *file[PRVM_MAX_OPENFILES];
script_t *script;
search_t *search;
int num_edicts;
int max_edicts;
int limit_edicts;
int reserved_edicts;
edict_t *edicts;
void *edictsfields;
void *edictprivate;
int edictprivate_size;
float *time;
float _time;
bool protect_world;
bool loadintoworld;
bool loaded;
char *name;
int flag;
ddef_t *pev; // if pev != 0 then there is a global pev
// function pointers
void (*begin_increase_edicts)(void);
void (*end_increase_edicts)(void);
void (*init_edict)(edict_t *edict);
void (*free_edict)(edict_t *ed);
void (*count_edicts)(void);
bool (*load_edict)(edict_t *ent); // initialize edict for first loading
void (*restore_edict)(edict_t *ent); // restore edict from savegame or changelevel
void (*init_cmd)(void);
void (*reset_cmd)(void);
void (*error_cmd)(const char *format, ...);
} prvm_prog_t;
typedef struct vprogs_exp_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(vprogs_api_t)
void ( *Init ) ( int argc, char **argv ); // init host
void ( *Free ) ( void ); // close host
// compiler functions
void ( *PrepareDAT )( const char *dir, const char *name );
void ( *CompileDAT )( void );
void ( *Update )( dword time ); // refreshing compile, exec some programs e.t.c
// edict operations
edict_t *(*AllocEdict)( void );
void (*FreeEdict)( edict_t *ed );
void (*PrintEdict)( edict_t *ed );
// savegame stuff
void (*WriteGlobals)( void *buffer, void *ptr, setpair_t callback );
void (*ReadGlobals)( int s_table, dkeyvalue_t *globals, int count );
void (*WriteEdict)( edict_t *ed, void *buffer, void *ptr, setpair_t callback );
void (*ReadEdict)( int s_table, int ednum, dkeyvalue_t *fields, int numpairs );
// load ents description
void (*LoadFromFile)( const char *data );
// string manipulations
const char *(*GetString)( int num );
int (*SetEngineString)( const char *s );
int (*SetTempString)( const char *s );
void (*InitProg)( int prognr );
void (*SetProg)( int prognr );
bool (*ProgLoaded)( int prognr );
void (*LoadProgs)( const char *filename );
void (*ResetProg)( void );
// abstract layer for searching globals and locals
func_t (*FindFunctionOffset)( const char *function );
int (*FindGlobalOffset)( const char *global );
int (*FindFieldOffset)( const char *field );
mfunction_t *(*FindFunction)( const char *name );
ddef_t *(*FindGlobal)( const char *name );
ddef_t *(*FindField)( const char *name );
void (*StackTrace)( void );
void (*Warning)( const char *fmt, ... );
void (*Error)( const char *fmt, ... );
void (*ExecuteProgram)( func_t fnum, const char *name, const char *file, const int line );
void (*Crash)( void ); // crash virtual machine
prvm_prog_t *prog; // virtual machine current state
} vprogs_exp_t;
typedef struct vsound_exp_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(vprogs_api_t)
void (*Init)( void *hInst ); // init host
void (*Shutdown)( void ); // close host
// sound manager
void (*BeginRegistration)( void );
sound_t (*RegisterSound)( const char *name );
void (*EndRegistration)( void );
void (*StartSound)( const vec3_t pos, int entnum, int channel, sound_t sfx, float vol, float attn, bool use_loop );
void (*StreamRawSamples)( int samples, int rate, int width, int channels, const byte *data );
bool (*AddLoopingSound)( int entnum, sound_t handle, float volume, float attn );
bool (*StartLocalSound)( const char *name );
void (*StartBackgroundTrack)( const char *introTrack, const char *loopTrack );
void (*StopBackgroundTrack)( void );
void (*StartStreaming)( void );
void (*StopStreaming)( void );
void (*Frame)( int entnum, const vec3_t pos, const vec3_t vel, const vec3_t at, const vec3_t up );
void (*StopAllSounds)( void );
void (*FreeSounds)( void );
void (*Activate)( bool active );
} vsound_exp_t;
typedef struct vsound_imp_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(vsound_imp_t)
void (*GetSoundSpatialization)( int entnum, vec3_t origin, vec3_t velocity );
int (*PointContents)( vec3_t point );
void (*AddLoopingSounds)( void );
} vsound_imp_t;
// this is the only function actually exported at the linker level
typedef void *(*launch_t)( stdlib_api_t*, void* );
typedef struct { size_t api_size; } generic_api_t;