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189 KiB

// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// pr_comp.c - progs compiler base
#include "vprogs.h"
#define TOP_PRIORITY 7
#define NOT_PRIORITY 5
bool autoprototype; // take two passes over the source code. First time round doesn't enter and functions or initialise variables.
bool pr_subscopedlocals; // causes locals to be valid ONLY within thier statement block. (they simply can't be referenced by name outside of it)
bool opt_laxcasts; // Allow lax casting. This'll produce loadsa warnings of course. But allows compilation of certain dodgy code.
bool opt_ifstring; // makes if (blah) equivelent to if (blah != "") which resolves some issues in multiprogs situations.
bool opt_overlaptemps; // reduce numpr_globals by reuse of temps. When they are not needed they are freed for reuse. The way this is implemented is better than frikqcc's. (This is the single most important optimisation)
bool opt_assignments; // STORE_F isn't used if an operation wrote to a temp.
bool opt_shortenifnots; // if(!var) is made an IF rather than NOT IFNOT
bool opt_noduplicatestrings; // brute force string check. time consuming but more effective than the equivelent in frikqcc.
bool opt_constantarithmatic; // 3*5 appears as 15 instead of the extra statement.
bool opt_nonvec_parms; // store_f instead of store_v on function calls, where possible.
bool opt_constant_names; // take out the defs and name strings of constants.
bool opt_constant_names_strings;//removes the defs of strings too. plays havok with multiprogs.
bool opt_precache_file; // remove the call, the parameters, everything.
bool opt_filenames; // strip filenames. hinders older decompilers.
bool opt_unreferenced; // strip defs that are not referenced.
bool opt_function_names; // strip out the names of builtin functions.
bool opt_locals; // strip out the names of locals and immediates.
bool opt_dupconstdefs; // float X = 5; and float Y = 5; occupy the same global with this.
bool opt_return_only; // RETURN; DONE; at the end of a function strips out the done statement if there is no way to get to it.
bool opt_compound_jumps; // jumps to jump statements jump to the final point.
bool opt_stripfunctions; // if a functions is only ever called directly or by exe, don't emit the def.
bool opt_locals_marshalling; // make the local vars of all functions occupy the same globals.
bool opt_logicops; // don't make conditions enter functions if the return value will be discarded due to a previous value. (C style if statements)
bool opt_vectorcalls; // vectors can be packed into 3 floats, which can yield lower numpr_globals, but cost two more statements per call (only works for q1 calling conventions).
bool opt_simplifiedifs; // if (f != 0) -> if (f). if (f == 0) -> ifnot (f)
bool opt_writelinenums; // write debug info version 7 (line of numbers)
bool opt_writetypes; // write debug info version 7 (types)
bool opt_writesources; // write compressed sources into progs.dat for easy decompile and extended debug
bool opt_compstrings; // compress all strings into produced file
bool opt_compfunctions; // compress all functions and statements
bool opt_compress_other; // compress all parts of progs
bool simplestore;
bool pr_setevarsname = false;
file_t *asmfile;
pr_info_t pr;
freeoffset_t *freeofs;
int conditional;
int basictypefield[ev_union + 1];
char *progs_src;
char *saved_progs_src;
char pevname[32]; // support custom "self" pointer names
char opevname[32]; // class self name
char sourcefilename[MAX_SYSPATH];
char *basictypenames[] =
def_t *pr_scope; // the function being parsed, or NULL
type_t *pr_classtype;
string_t s_file, s_file2; // filename for function definition
uint locals_start; // for tracking local variables vs temps
uint locals_end; // for tracking local variables vs temps
jmp_buf pr_parse_abort; // longjump with this on parse error
jmp_buf pr_int_error; // longjump with internal error
void PR_ParseDefs (char *classname);
bool qcc_usefulstatement;
int max_breaks;
int max_continues;
int max_cases;
int num_continues;
int num_breaks;
int num_cases;
int *pr_breaks;
int *pr_continues;
int *pr_cases;
def_t **pr_casesdef;
def_t **pr_casesdef2;
typedef struct
int statementno;
int lineno;
char name[256];
} gotooperator_t;
int max_labels;
int max_gotos;
gotooperator_t *pr_labels;
gotooperator_t *pr_gotos;
int num_gotos;
int num_labels;
temp_t *functemps; // floats/strings/funcs/ents...
def_t *extra_parms[MAX_PARMS_EXTRA];
// FIXME: modifiy list so most common GROUPS are first
// use look up table for value of first char and sort by first char and most common...?
// if true, effectivly { b = a; return a; }
opcode_t pr_opcodes[] =
{"<DONE>", "DONE", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_void, &type_void, &type_void},
{"*", "MUL_F", 3, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"*", "MUL_V", 3, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_vector, &type_vector, &type_float},
{"*", "MUL_FV", 3, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_vector, &type_vector},
{"*", "MUL_VF", 3, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_vector, &type_float, &type_vector},
{"/", "DIV_F", 3, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"+", "ADD_F", 4, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"+", "ADD_V", 4, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_vector, &type_vector, &type_vector},
{"-", "SUB_F", 4, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"-", "SUB_V", 4, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_vector, &type_vector, &type_vector},
{"==", "EQ_F", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"==", "EQ_V", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_vector, &type_vector, &type_float},
{"==", "EQ_S", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_string, &type_string, &type_float},
{"==", "EQ_E", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_entity, &type_entity, &type_float},
{"==", "EQ_FNC", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_function, &type_function, &type_float},
{"!=", "NE_F", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"!=", "NE_V", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_vector, &type_vector, &type_float},
{"!=", "NE_S", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_string, &type_string, &type_float},
{"!=", "NE_E", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_entity, &type_entity, &type_float},
{"!=", "NE_FNC", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_function, &type_function, &type_float},
{"<=", "LE", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{">=", "GE", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"<", "LT", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{">", "GT", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{".", "INDIRECT_F", 1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_entity, &type_field, &type_float},
{".", "INDIRECT_V", 1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_entity, &type_field, &type_vector},
{".", "INDIRECT_S", 1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_entity, &type_field, &type_string},
{".", "INDIRECT_E", 1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_entity, &type_field, &type_entity},
{".", "INDIRECT_FI", 1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_entity, &type_field, &type_field},
{".", "INDIRECT_FU", 1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_entity, &type_field, &type_function},
{".", "ADDRESS", 1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_entity, &type_field, &type_pointer},
{"=", "STORE_F", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"=", "STORE_V", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_vector, &type_vector, &type_vector},
{"=", "STORE_S", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_string, &type_string, &type_string},
{"=", "STORE_ENT", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_entity, &type_entity, &type_entity},
{"=", "STORE_FLD", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_field, &type_field, &type_field},
{"=", "STORE_FNC", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_function, &type_function, &type_function},
{"=", "STOREP_F", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_float, &type_float},
{"=", "STOREP_V", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_vector, &type_vector},
{"=", "STOREP_S", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_string, &type_string},
{"=", "STOREP_ENT", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_entity, &type_entity},
{"=", "STOREP_FLD", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_field, &type_field},
{"=", "STOREP_FNC", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_function, &type_function},
{"<RETURN>", "RETURN", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_void, &type_void},
{"!", "NOT_F", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_void, &type_float},
{"!", "NOT_V", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_vector, &type_void, &type_float},
{"!", "NOT_S", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_vector, &type_void, &type_float},
{"!", "NOT_ENT", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_entity, &type_void, &type_float},
{"!", "NOT_FNC", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_function, &type_void, &type_float},
{"<IF>", "IF", -1, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_float, NULL, &type_void},
{"<IFNOT>", "IFNOT", -1, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_float, NULL, &type_void},
{"<CALL0>", "CALL0", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_function, &type_void, &type_void},
{"<CALL1>", "CALL1", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_function, &type_void, &type_void},
{"<CALL2>", "CALL2", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_function, &type_void, &type_void},
{"<CALL3>", "CALL3", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_function, &type_void, &type_void},
{"<CALL4>", "CALL4", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_function, &type_void, &type_void},
{"<CALL5>", "CALL5", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_function, &type_void, &type_void},
{"<CALL6>", "CALL6", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_function, &type_void, &type_void},
{"<CALL7>", "CALL7", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_function, &type_void, &type_void},
{"<CALL8>", "CALL8", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_function, &type_void, &type_void},
{"<STATE>", "STATE", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_void},
{"<GOTO>", "GOTO", -1, ASSOC_RIGHT,NULL, &type_void, &type_void},
{"&&", "AND", 7, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"||", "OR", 7, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"&", "BITAND", 3, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"|", "BITOR", 3, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"*=", "MULSTORE_F", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"*=", "MULSTORE_V", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_vector, &type_float, &type_vector},
{"*=", "MULSTOREP_F", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_float, &type_float},
{"*=", "MULSTOREP_V", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_float, &type_vector},
{"/=", "DIVSTORE_F", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"/=", "DIVSTOREP_F", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_float, &type_float},
{"+=", "ADDSTORE_F", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"+=", "ADDSTORE_V", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_vector, &type_vector, &type_vector},
{"+=", "ADDSTOREP_F", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_float, &type_float},
{"+=", "ADDSTOREP_V", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_vector, &type_vector},
{"-=", "SUBSTORE_F", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"-=", "SUBSTORE_V", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_vector, &type_vector, &type_vector},
{"-=", "SUBSTOREP_F", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_float, &type_float},
{"-=", "SUBSTOREP_V", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_vector, &type_vector},
{"<FETCH_GBL_F>", "FETCH_GBL_F", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"<FETCH_GBL_V>", "FETCH_GBL_V", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_vector, &type_float, &type_vector},
{"<FETCH_GBL_S>", "FETCH_GBL_S", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_string, &type_float, &type_string},
{"<FETCH_GBL_E>", "FETCH_GBL_E", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_entity, &type_float, &type_entity},
{"<FETCH_G_FNC>", "FETCH_G_FNC", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_function, &type_float, &type_function},
{"<CSTATE>", "CSTATE", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_void},
{"<CWSTATE>", "CWSTATE", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_void},
{"<THINKTIME>", "THINKTIME", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_entity, &type_float, &type_void},
{"|=", "BITSET_F", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"|=", "BITSETP_F", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_float, &type_float},
{"(-)", "BITCLR_F", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"(-)", "BITCLRP_F", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_float, &type_float},
{"<RAND0>", "RAND0", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_void, &type_void, &type_float},
{"<RAND1>", "RAND1", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_void, &type_float},
{"<RAND2>", "RAND2", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"<RANDV0>", "RANDV0", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_void, &type_void, &type_vector},
{"<RANDV1>", "RANDV1", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_vector, &type_void, &type_vector},
{"<RANDV2>", "RANDV2", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_vector, &type_vector, &type_vector},
{"<SWITCH_F>", "SWITCH_F", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_void, NULL, &type_void},
{"<SWITCH_V>", "SWITCH_V", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_void, NULL, &type_void},
{"<SWITCH_S>", "SWITCH_S", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_void, NULL, &type_void},
{"<SWITCH_E>", "SWITCH_E", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_void, NULL, &type_void},
{"<SWITCH_FNC>", "SWITCH_FNC", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_void, NULL, &type_void},
{"<CASE>", "CASE", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_void, NULL, &type_void},
{"<CASERANGE>", "CASERANGE", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_void, &type_void, NULL},
{"=", "STORE_I", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"=", "STORE_IF", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_integer, &type_float, &type_integer},
{"=", "STORE_FI", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_float, &type_integer, &type_float},
{"+", "ADD_I", 4, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"+", "ADD_FI", 4, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_integer, &type_float},
{"+", "ADD_IF", 4, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_float, &type_float},
{"-", "SUB_I", 4, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"-", "SUB_FI", 4, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_integer, &type_float},
{"-", "SUB_IF", 4, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_float, &type_float},
{"<CIF>", "C_ITOF", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_void, &type_float},
{"<CFI>", "C_FTOI", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_void, &type_integer},
{"<CPIF>", "CP_ITOF", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_float},
{"<CPFI>", "CP_FTOI", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_pointer, &type_float, &type_integer},
{".", "INDIRECT", 1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_entity, &type_field, &type_integer},
{"=", "STOREP_I", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"=", "STOREP_IF", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_float, &type_integer},
{"=", "STOREP_FI", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_float},
{"&", "BITAND_I", 3, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"|", "BITOR_I", 3, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"*", "MUL_I", 3, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"/", "DIV_I", 3, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"==", "EQ_I", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"!=", "NE_I", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"<IFNOTS>", "IFNOTS", -1, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_string, NULL, &type_void},
{"<IFS>", "IFS", -1, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_string, NULL, &type_void},
{"!", "NOT_I", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_void, &type_integer},
{"/", "DIV_VF", 3, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_vector, &type_float, &type_float},
{"^", "POWER_I", 3, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{">>", "RSHIFT_I", 3, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"<<", "LSHIFT_I", 3, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"<ARRAY>", "GET_POINTER", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_integer, &type_pointer},
{"<ARRAY>", "ARRAY_OFS", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_pointer},
{"=", "LOADA_F", 6, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_integer, &type_float},
{"=", "LOADA_V", 6, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_vector, &type_integer, &type_vector},
{"=", "LOADA_S", 6, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_string, &type_integer, &type_string},
{"=", "LOADA_ENT", 6, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_entity, &type_integer, &type_entity},
{"=", "LOADA_FLD", 6, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_field, &type_integer, &type_field},
{"=", "LOADA_FNC", 6, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_function, &type_integer, &type_function},
{"=", "LOADA_I", 6, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"=", "STORE_P", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_pointer, &type_void},
{".", "INDIRECT_P", 1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_entity, &type_field, &type_pointer},
{"=", "LOADP_F", 6, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_float},
{"=", "LOADP_V", 6, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_vector},
{"=", "LOADP_S", 6, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_string},
{"=", "LOADP_ENT", 6, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_entity},
{"=", "LOADP_FLD", 6, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_field},
{"=", "LOADP_FNC", 6, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_function},
{"=", "LOADP_I", 6, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"<=", "LE_I", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{">=", "GE_I", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"<", "LT_I", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{">", "GT_I", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"<=", "LE_IF", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_float, &type_integer},
{">=", "GE_IF", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_float, &type_integer},
{"<", "LT_IF", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_float, &type_integer},
{">", "GT_IF", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_float, &type_integer},
{"<=", "LE_FI", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{">=", "GE_FI", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"<", "LT_FI", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{">", "GT_FI", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"==", "EQ_IF", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_float, &type_integer},
{"==", "EQ_FI", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_integer, &type_float},
{"+", "ADD_SF", 4, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_string, &type_float, &type_string},
{"-", "SUB_S", 4, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_string, &type_string, &type_float},
{"<STOREP_C>", "STOREP_C", 1, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_string, &type_float, &type_float},
{"<LOADP_C>", "LOADP_C", 1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_string, &type_void, &type_float},
{"*", "MUL_IF", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_float, &type_integer},
{"*", "MUL_FI", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_integer, &type_float},
{"*", "MUL_VI", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_vector, &type_integer, &type_vector},
{"*", "MUL_IV", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_vector, &type_vector},
{"/", "DIV_IF", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_float, &type_integer},
{"/", "DIV_FI", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_integer, &type_float},
{"&", "BITAND_IF", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_float, &type_integer},
{"|", "BITOR_IF", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_float, &type_integer},
{"&", "BITAND_FI", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_integer, &type_float},
{"|", "BITOR_FI", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_integer, &type_float},
{"&&", "AND_I", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"||", "OR_I", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"&&", "AND_IF", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_float, &type_integer},
{"||", "OR_IF", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_float, &type_integer},
{"&&", "AND_FI", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"||", "OR_FI", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_integer},
{"!=", "NE_IF", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_float, &type_integer},
{"!=", "NE_FI", 5, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_integer, &type_float, &type_integer},
{"<>", "GSTOREP_I", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"<>", "GSTOREP_F", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"<>", "GSTOREP_ENT", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"<>", "GSTOREP_FLD", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"<>", "GSTOREP_S", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"<>", "GSTORE_PFNC", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"<>", "GSTOREP_V", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"<>", "GADDRESS", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"<>", "GLOAD_I", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"<>", "GLOAD_F", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_float},
{"<>", "GLOAD_FLD", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_field},
{"<>", "GLOAD_ENT", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_entity},
{"<>", "GLOAD_S", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_string},
{"<>", "GLOAD_FNC", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_function},
{"<>", "GLOAD_V", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_vector},
{"<>", "BOUNDCHECK", -1, ASSOC_LEFT, &type_float, &type_float, &type_float},
{"=", "STOREP_P", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_pointer, &type_void},
{"<PUSH>", "PUSH", -1, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_float, &type_void, &type_pointer},
{"<POP>", "POP", -1, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_float, &type_void, &type_void},
{"|=", "BITSET_I", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"|=", "BITSETP_I", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"*=", "MULSTORE_I", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"*=", "MULSTOREP_I", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_vector},
{"/=", "DIVSTORE_I", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"/=", "DIVSTOREP_I", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_vector},
{"+=", "ADDSTORE_I", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"+=", "ADDSTOREP_I", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"-=", "SUBSTORE_I", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_integer, &type_integer, &type_integer},
{"-=", "SUBSTOREP_I", 6, ASSOC_RIGHT,&type_pointer, &type_vector, &type_vector},
keyword_t pr_keywords[] =
{KEYWORD_DO, "do", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_IF, "if", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_VOID, "void", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_ELSE, "else", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_LOCAL, "local", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_WHILE, "while", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_ENTITY, "entity", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_FLOAT, "float", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_STRING, "string", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_VECTOR, "vector", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_RETURN, "return", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_BREAK, "break", "", ev_function},
{KEYWORD_FOR, "for", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_CONTINUE, "continue", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_CONST, "const", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_ENUM, "enum", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_ENUMFLAGS, "enumflags", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_CASE, "case", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_DEFAULT, "default", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_GOTO, "goto", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_INT, "int", "integer",0 },
{KEYWORD_STATE, "state", "", ev_field},
{KEYWORD_CLASS, "class", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_STRUCT, "struct", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_SWITCH, "switch", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_TYPEDEF, "typedef", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_EXTERN, "extern", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_VAR, "var", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_UNION, "union", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_THINKTIME, "thinktime", "", 0 },
{KEYWORD_BOOL, "bool", "BOOL", 0 },
{KEYWORD_ASM, "asm", "_asm", 0 },
{KEYWORD_SHARED, "shared", "_export",0 }, // multiprogs stuff
{KEYWORD_NOSAVE, "nosave", "", 0 },
{NUM_KEYWORDS, "", "", 0 },
// this system cuts out 10/120
// these evaluate as top first.
opcode_t *opcodeprioritized[TOP_PRIORITY+1][64] =
{ // don't use
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4
// 5
// 6
// 7
char *PR_NameFromType( etype_t type )
static char typeinfo[32];
Mem_Set( typeinfo, 0, 32 );
switch( type )
case ev_float: com.strncpy(typeinfo, "float", 32 ); break;
case ev_string: com.strncpy(typeinfo, "string", 32 ); break;
case ev_vector: com.strncpy(typeinfo, "vector", 32 ); break;
case ev_entity: com.strncpy(typeinfo, "entity", 32 ); break;
case ev_integer: com.strncpy(typeinfo, "int", 32 ); break;
case ev_variant: com.strncpy(typeinfo, "var", 32 ); break;
case ev_struct: com.strncpy(typeinfo, "struct", 32 ); break;
case ev_union: com.strncpy(typeinfo, "union", 32 ); break;
case ev_void: com.strncpy(typeinfo, "void", 32 ); break;
return typeinfo;
void PR_KeyWordValid( char *name, type_t *type )
int i;
char *typeinfo;
switch( type->type )
case ev_float:
case ev_string:
case ev_vector:
case ev_entity:
case ev_integer:
case ev_variant:
case ev_struct:
case ev_union:
typeinfo = PR_NameFromType( type->type );
case ev_field:
typeinfo = PR_NameFromType( type->aux_type->type );
for(i = 0; i < NUM_KEYWORDS; i++ )
// resereved keyword valid only for new versions
if(pr_keywords[i].ignoretype == type->type) continue;
if(!STRCMP(name, pr_keywords[i].name))
// MSVC 6.0 style
PR_ParseWarning(ERR_ILLEGALNAME, "'%s' followed by '%s' is illegal", typeinfo, name );
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_IGNOREDONLEFT, "' ' : ignored on left of '%s ' when no variable is declared", typeinfo );
void PR_GetEntvarsName( void )
def_t *d;
// for emit class constructor we need before
// get name of global entvars pointer (default "self")
if(pr_setevarsname) return;
for (d =; d; d = d->next)
if (!com.strcmp (d->name, "end_sys_globals")) break;
if (d->ofs < RESERVED_OFS) continue;
if (d->type->type == ev_entity)
com.strncpy(pevname, d->name, 32 );
com.strncpy(opevname, va("o%s", pevname), 32 );
pr_setevarsname = true;
Emits a primitive statement, returning the var it places it's value in
_inline int PR_ShouldConvert(def_t *var, etype_t wanted)
if (var->type->type == ev_integer && wanted == ev_function)
return 0;
if (var->type->type == ev_pointer && var->type->aux_type)
if (var->type->aux_type->type == ev_float && wanted == ev_integer)
return OP_CP_FTOI;
if (var->type->aux_type->type == ev_integer && wanted == ev_float)
return OP_CP_ITOF;
if (var->type->type == ev_float && wanted == ev_integer)
return OP_CONV_FTOI;
if (var->type->type == ev_integer && wanted == ev_float)
return OP_CONV_ITOF;
return -1;
def_t *PR_SupplyConversion(def_t *var, etype_t wanted)
int o;
if (pr_classtype && var->type->type == ev_field && wanted != ev_field)
if (pr_classtype)
// load pevname.var into a temp
def_t *pev;
pev = PR_GetDef(type_entity, pevname, NULL, true, 1);
case ev_float:
return PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_LOAD_F, pev, var, NULL);
case ev_string:
return PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_LOAD_S, pev, var, NULL);
case ev_function:
return PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_LOAD_FNC, pev, var, NULL);
case ev_vector:
return PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_LOAD_V, pev, var, NULL);
case ev_entity:
return PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_LOAD_ENT, pev, var, NULL);
PR_ParseError(ERR_INTERNAL, "Inexplicit field load failed, try explicit");
o = PR_ShouldConvert(var, wanted);
if (o <= 0) return var;// no conversion
return PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[o], var, NULL, NULL); //conversion return value
// assistant functions. This can safly be bipassed with the old method for more complex things.
gofs_t PR_GetFreeOffsetSpace(uint size)
int ofs;
if (opt_locals_marshalling)
freeoffset_t *fofs, *prev;
for (fofs = freeofs, prev = NULL; fofs; fofs=fofs->next)
if (fofs->size == size)
if (prev) prev->next = fofs->next;
else freeofs = fofs->next;
return fofs->ofs;
prev = fofs;
for (fofs = freeofs, prev = NULL; fofs; fofs=fofs->next)
if (fofs->size > size)
fofs->size -= size;
fofs->ofs += size;
return fofs->ofs-size;
prev = fofs;
ofs = numpr_globals;
numpr_globals += size;
if (numpr_globals >= MAX_REGS)
if (!opt_overlaptemps || !opt_locals_marshalling)
PR_ParseError(ERR_INTERNAL, "numpr_globals exceeded MAX_REGS - you'll need to use more optimisations");
else PR_ParseError(ERR_INTERNAL, "numpr_globals exceeded MAX_REGS");
return ofs;
void PR_FreeOffset(gofs_t ofs, uint size)
freeoffset_t *fofs;
if (ofs + size == numpr_globals)
// FIXME: is this a bug?
numpr_globals -= size;
for (fofs = freeofs; fofs; fofs = fofs->next)
// FIXME: if this means the last block becomes free, free them all.
if (fofs->ofs == ofs + size)
fofs->ofs -= size;
fofs->size += size;
if (fofs->ofs+fofs->size == ofs)
fofs->size += size;
fofs = Qalloc(sizeof(freeoffset_t));
fofs->next = freeofs;
fofs->ofs = ofs;
fofs->size = size;
freeofs = fofs;
static def_t *PR_GetTemp(type_t *type)
def_t *var_c;
temp_t *t;
var_c = (void *)Qalloc(sizeof(def_t));
var_c->type = type;
var_c->name = "temp";
// don't exceed. This lets us allocate a huge block, and still be able to compile smegging big funcs.
if (opt_overlaptemps)
for (t = functemps; t; t = t->next)
if (!t->used && t->size == type->size)
if (t && t->scope && t->scope != pr_scope)
PR_ParseError(ERR_INTERNAL, "temp has scope not equal to current scope");
if (!t)
// allocate a new one
t = Qalloc(sizeof(temp_t));
t->size = type->size;
t->next = functemps;
functemps = t;
t->ofs = PR_GetFreeOffsetSpace(t->size);
numtemps += t->size;
// use a previous one.
var_c->ofs = t->ofs;
var_c->temp = t;
t->lastfunc = pr_scope;
else if (opt_locals_marshalling)
// allocate a new one
t = Qalloc(sizeof(temp_t));
t->size = type->size;
t->next = functemps;
functemps = t;
t->ofs = PR_GetFreeOffsetSpace(t->size);
numtemps += t->size;
var_c->ofs = t->ofs;
var_c->temp = t;
t->lastfunc = pr_scope;
// we're not going to reallocate any temps so allocate permanently
var_c->ofs = PR_GetFreeOffsetSpace(type->size);
var_c->s_file = s_file;
var_c->s_line = pr_source_line;
if (var_c->temp) var_c->temp->used = true;
return var_c;
// nothing else references this temp.
static void PR_FreeTemp(def_t *t)
if (t && t->temp) t->temp->used = false;
static void PR_UnFreeTemp(def_t *t)
if (t->temp) t->temp->used = true;
// We've just parsed a statement.
// We can gaurentee that any used temps are now not used.
#ifdef _DEBUG
static void PR_FreeTemps( void )
temp_t *t;
t = functemps;
if (t->used && !pr_error_count) // don't print this after an error jump out.
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_DEBUGGING, "Temp was used in %s", pr_scope->name);
t->used = false;
t = t->next;
#define PR_FreeTemps()
// temps that are still in use over a function call can be considered dodgy.
// we need to remap these to locally defined temps, on return from the function so we know we got them all.
static void PR_LockActiveTemps(void)
temp_t *t;
t = functemps;
if (t->used) t->scope = pr_scope;
t = t->next;
static void PR_RemapLockedTemp(temp_t *t, int firststatement, int laststatement)
char buffer[128];
def_t *def;
int newofs = 0;
dstatement_t *st;
int i;
for (i = firststatement, st = &statements[i]; i < laststatement; i++, st++)
if (pr_opcodes[st->op].type_a && st->a == t->ofs)
if (!newofs)
newofs = PR_GetFreeOffsetSpace(t->size);
def = PR_DummyDef(type_float, NULL, pr_scope, t->size, newofs, false);
def->nextlocal = pr.localvars;
def->constant = false;
com.sprintf(buffer, "locked_%i", t->ofs);
def->name = copystring( buffer );
pr.localvars = def;
st->a = newofs;
if (pr_opcodes[st->op].type_b && st->b == t->ofs)
if (!newofs)
newofs = PR_GetFreeOffsetSpace(t->size);
def = PR_DummyDef(type_float, NULL, pr_scope, t->size, newofs, false);
def->nextlocal = pr.localvars;
def->constant = false;
com.sprintf(buffer, "locked_%i", t->ofs);
def->name = copystring( buffer );
pr.localvars = def;
st->b = newofs;
if (pr_opcodes[st->op].type_c && st->c == t->ofs)
if (!newofs)
newofs = PR_GetFreeOffsetSpace(t->size);
def = PR_DummyDef(type_float, NULL, pr_scope, t->size, newofs, false);
def->nextlocal = pr.localvars;
def->constant = false;
com.sprintf(buffer, "locked_%i", t->ofs);
def->name = copystring( buffer );
pr.localvars = def;
st->c = newofs;
static void PR_RemapLockedTemps(int firststatement, int laststatement)
temp_t *t;
t = functemps;
if (t->scope || opt_locals_marshalling)
PR_RemapLockedTemp(t, firststatement, laststatement);
t->scope = NULL;
t->lastfunc = NULL;
t = t->next;
static void PR_fprintfLocals(file_t *f, gofs_t paramstart, gofs_t paramend)
def_t *var;
temp_t *t;
int i;
for (var = pr.localvars; var; var = var->nextlocal)
if (var->ofs >= paramstart && var->ofs < paramend)
FS_Printf(f, "local %s %s;\n", TypeName(var->type), var->name);
for (t = functemps, i = 0; t; t = t->next, i++)
if (t->lastfunc == pr_scope)
FS_Printf(f, "local %s temp_%i;\n", (t->size == 1)?"float":"vector", i);
static const char *PR_VarAtOffset(uint ofs, uint size)
static char message[1024];
def_t *var;
temp_t *t;
int i;
for (t = functemps, i = 0; t; t = t->next, i++)
if (ofs >= t->ofs && ofs < t->ofs + t->size)
if (size < t->size) com.sprintf(message, "temp_%i_%c", i, 'x' + (ofs-t->ofs)%3);
else com.sprintf(message, "temp_%i", i);
return message;
for (var = pr.localvars; var; var = var->nextlocal)
if (var->scope && var->scope != pr_scope)
continue; // this should be an error
if (ofs >= var->ofs && ofs < var->ofs + var->type->size)
if (*var->name)
// continue, don't get bogged down by multiple bits of code
if (!STRCMP(var->name, "IMMEDIATE")) continue;
if (size < var->type->size) com.sprintf(message, "%s_%c", var->name, 'x' + (ofs-var->ofs)%3);
else com.sprintf(message, "%s", var->name);
return message;
for (var =; var; var = var->next)
if (var->scope && var->scope != pr_scope)
if (ofs >= var->ofs && ofs < var->ofs + var->type->size)
if (*var->name)
if (!STRCMP(var->name, "IMMEDIATE"))
case ev_string:
com.sprintf(message, "\"%.1020s\"", &strings[((int *)pr_globals)[var->ofs]]);
return message;
case ev_integer:
com.sprintf(message, "%i", ((int *)pr_globals)[var->ofs]);
return message;
case ev_float:
com.sprintf(message, "%f", pr_globals[var->ofs]);
return message;
case ev_vector:
com.sprintf(message, "'%f %f %f'", pr_globals[var->ofs], pr_globals[var->ofs+1], pr_globals[var->ofs+2]);
return message;
com.sprintf(message, "IMMEDIATE");
return message;
if (size < var->type->size) com.sprintf(message, "%s_%c", var->name, 'x' + (ofs-var->ofs)%3);
else com.sprintf(message, "%s", var->name);
return message;
if (size >= 3)
if (ofs >= OFS_RETURN && ofs < OFS_PARM0) com.sprintf(message, "return");
else if (ofs >= OFS_PARM0 && ofs < RESERVED_OFS) com.sprintf(message, "parm%i", (ofs-OFS_PARM0)/3);
else com.sprintf(message, "offset_%i", ofs);
if (ofs >= OFS_RETURN && ofs < OFS_PARM0) com.sprintf(message, "return_%c", 'x' + ofs-OFS_RETURN);
else if (ofs >= OFS_PARM0 && ofs < RESERVED_OFS) com.sprintf(message, "parm%i_%c", (ofs-OFS_PARM0)/3, 'x' + (ofs-OFS_PARM0)%3);
else com.sprintf(message, "offset_%i", ofs);
return message;
def_t *PR_Statement ( opcode_t *op, def_t *var_a, def_t *var_b, dstatement_t **outstatement)
dstatement_t *statement;
def_t *var_c = NULL, *temp = NULL;
if (outstatement == (dstatement_t **)0xffffffff) outstatement = NULL;
else if (op->priority != -1)
if (op->associative != ASSOC_LEFT)
if (op->type_a == &type_pointer) var_b = PR_SupplyConversion(var_b, (*op->type_b)->type);
else var_b = PR_SupplyConversion(var_b, (*op->type_a)->type);
if (var_a) var_a = PR_SupplyConversion(var_a, (*op->type_a)->type);
if (var_b) var_b = PR_SupplyConversion(var_b, (*op->type_b)->type);
if (var_a)
if (var_b)
if (PR_KeywordEnabled(KEYWORD_CLASS) && var_a && var_b)
if (var_a->type->type == ev_entity && var_b->type->type == ev_entity)
if (var_a->type != var_b->type)
if (com.strcmp(var_a->type->name, var_b->type->name))
PR_ParseWarning(0, "Inexplict cast");
// maths operators
if (opt_constantarithmatic && (var_a && var_a->constant) && (var_b && var_b->constant))
switch (op - pr_opcodes)// improve some of the maths.
case OP_BITOR:
return PR_MakeFloatDef((float)((int)G_FLOAT(var_a->ofs) | (int)G_FLOAT(var_b->ofs)));
return PR_MakeFloatDef((float)((int)G_FLOAT(var_a->ofs) & (int)G_FLOAT(var_b->ofs)));
case OP_MUL_F:
return PR_MakeFloatDef(G_FLOAT(var_a->ofs) * G_FLOAT(var_b->ofs));
case OP_DIV_F:
return PR_MakeFloatDef(G_FLOAT(var_a->ofs) / G_FLOAT(var_b->ofs));
case OP_ADD_F:
return PR_MakeFloatDef(G_FLOAT(var_a->ofs) + G_FLOAT(var_b->ofs));
case OP_SUB_F:
return PR_MakeFloatDef(G_FLOAT(var_a->ofs) - G_FLOAT(var_b->ofs));
case OP_BITOR_I:
return PR_MakeIntDef(G_INT(var_a->ofs) | G_INT(var_b->ofs));
return PR_MakeIntDef(G_INT(var_a->ofs) & G_INT(var_b->ofs));
case OP_MUL_I:
return PR_MakeIntDef(G_INT(var_a->ofs) * G_INT(var_b->ofs));
case OP_DIV_I:
return PR_MakeIntDef(G_INT(var_a->ofs) / G_INT(var_b->ofs));
case OP_ADD_I:
return PR_MakeIntDef(G_INT(var_a->ofs) + G_INT(var_b->ofs));
case OP_SUB_I:
return PR_MakeIntDef(G_INT(var_a->ofs) - G_INT(var_b->ofs));
switch (op - pr_opcodes)
case OP_AND:
if (var_a->ofs == var_b->ofs)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_CONSTANTCOMPARISON, "Parameter offsets for && are the same");
if (var_a->constant || var_b->constant)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_CONSTANTCOMPARISON, "Result of comparison is constant");
case OP_OR:
if (var_a->ofs == var_b->ofs)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_CONSTANTCOMPARISON, "Parameters for || are the same");
if (var_a->constant || var_b->constant)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_CONSTANTCOMPARISON, "Result of comparison is constant");
case OP_EQ_F:
case OP_EQ_S:
case OP_EQ_E:
case OP_EQ_FNC:
case OP_EQ_V:
case OP_NE_F:
case OP_NE_V:
case OP_NE_S:
case OP_NE_E:
case OP_NE_FNC:
case OP_LE:
case OP_GE:
case OP_LT:
case OP_GT:
if ((var_a->constant && var_b->constant && !var_a->temp && !var_b->temp) || var_a->ofs == var_b->ofs)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_CONSTANTCOMPARISON, "Result of comparison is constant");
case OP_IFS:
case OP_IF:
case OP_IFNOT:
if (var_a->constant && !var_a->temp)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_CONSTANTCOMPARISON, "Result of comparison is constant");
if (numstatements)
// optimise based on last statement.
if (op - pr_opcodes == OP_IFNOT)
if (opt_shortenifnots && var_a && (statements[numstatements-1].op == OP_NOT_F || statements[numstatements-1].op == OP_NOT_FNC || statements[numstatements-1].op == OP_NOT_ENT))
if (statements[numstatements-1].c == var_a->ofs)
static def_t nvara;
op = &pr_opcodes[OP_IF];
Mem_Copy(&nvara, var_a, sizeof(nvara));
nvara.ofs = statements[numstatements].a;
var_a = &nvara;
else if (op - pr_opcodes == OP_IFNOTS)
if (opt_shortenifnots && var_a && statements[numstatements-1].op == OP_NOT_S)
if (statements[numstatements-1].c == var_a->ofs)
static def_t nvara;
op = &pr_opcodes[OP_IFS];
Mem_Copy(&nvara, var_a, sizeof(nvara));
nvara.ofs = statements[numstatements].a;
var_a = &nvara;
else if (((uint) ((op - pr_opcodes) - OP_STORE_F) < 6))
if (opt_assignments && var_a && var_a->ofs == statements[numstatements-1].c)
if (var_a->type->type == var_b->type->type)
if (var_a->temp)
statement = &statements[numstatements-1];
statement->c = var_b->ofs;
if (var_a->type->type != var_b->type->type)
PR_ParseWarning(0, "store type mismatch");
simplestore = true;
return var_b;
simplestore = false;
statement = &statements[numstatements];
if( outstatement ) *outstatement = statement;
statement_linenums[statement-statements] = pr_source_line;
statement->op = op - pr_opcodes;
statement->a = var_a ? var_a->ofs : 0;
statement->b = var_b ? var_b->ofs : 0;
if (var_c != NULL)
statement->c = var_c->ofs;
else if (op->type_c == &type_void || op->associative == ASSOC_RIGHT || op->type_c == NULL)
var_c = NULL;
statement->c = 0; // ifs, gotos, and assignments don't need vars allocated
{ // allocate result space
var_c = PR_GetTemp(*op->type_c);
statement->c = var_c->ofs;
if( op->type_b == &type_field )
var_c->name = var_b->name;
var_c->s_file = var_b->s_file;
var_c->s_line = var_b->s_line;
if ((op - pr_opcodes >= OP_LOAD_F && op - pr_opcodes <= OP_LOAD_FNC) || op - pr_opcodes == OP_LOAD_I)
if (var_b->constant == 2) var_c->constant = true;
if (!var_c)
if (var_a) PR_UnFreeTemp(var_a);
return var_a;
return var_c;
Emits a primitive statement, returning the var it places it's value in
dstatement_t *PR_SimpleStatement( int op, int var_a, int var_b, int var_c, int force )
dstatement_t *statement;
statement_linenums[numstatements] = pr_source_line;
statement = &statements[numstatements];
statement->op = op;
statement->a = var_a;
statement->b = var_b;
statement->c = var_c;
return statement;
void PR_Statement3( opcode_t *op, def_t *var_a, def_t *var_b, def_t *var_c, int force)
dstatement_t *statement;
statement = &statements[numstatements];
statement_linenums[statement-statements] = pr_source_line;
statement->op = op - pr_opcodes;
statement->a = var_a ? var_a->ofs : 0;
statement->b = var_b ? var_b->ofs : 0;
statement->c = var_c ? var_c->ofs : 0;
Looks for a preexisting constant
def_t *PR_ParseImmediate (void)
def_t *cn;
if (pr_immediate_type == type_float)
cn = PR_MakeFloatDef(pr_immediate._float);
return cn;
if (pr_immediate_type == type_integer)
cn = PR_MakeIntDef(pr_immediate._int);
return cn;
if (pr_immediate_type == type_string)
cn = PR_MakeStringDef(pr_immediate_string);
return cn;
// check for a constant with the same value
for (cn =; cn; cn = cn->next)// FIXME - hashtable.
if (!cn->initialized) continue;
if (!cn->constant) continue;
if (cn->type != pr_immediate_type) continue;
if (pr_immediate_type == type_string)
if (!STRCMP(G_STRING(cn->ofs), pr_immediate_string) )
return cn;
else if (pr_immediate_type == type_float)
if ( G_FLOAT(cn->ofs) == pr_immediate._float )
return cn;
else if (pr_immediate_type == type_integer)
if ( G_INT(cn->ofs) == pr_immediate._int )
PR_Lex ();
return cn;
else if (pr_immediate_type == type_vector)
if (( G_FLOAT(cn->ofs) == pr_immediate.vector[0] )
&& (G_FLOAT(cn->ofs+1) == pr_immediate.vector[1] )
&& (G_FLOAT(cn->ofs+2) == pr_immediate.vector[2]))
return cn;
else PR_ParseError (ERR_BADIMMEDIATETYPE, "weird immediate type");
// allocate a new one
cn = (void *)Qalloc (sizeof(def_t));
cn->next = NULL;
pr.def_tail->next = cn;
pr.def_tail = cn;
cn->type = pr_immediate_type;
cn->name = "IMMEDIATE";
cn->constant = true;
cn->initialized = 1;
cn->scope = NULL; // always share immediates
// copy the immediate to the global area
cn->ofs = PR_GetFreeOffsetSpace(type_size[pr_immediate_type->type]);
if (pr_immediate_type == type_string)
pr_immediate.string = PR_CopyString (pr_immediate_string, opt_noduplicatestrings );
Mem_Copy(pr_globals + cn->ofs, &pr_immediate, 4*type_size[pr_immediate_type->type]);
PR_Lex ();
return cn;
warning, the func could have no name set if it's a field call.
def_t *PR_ParseFunctionCall (def_t *func)
def_t *e, *d, *old, *opev;
int arg = 0, i, np;
type_t *t, *p;
dstatement_t *st;
int extraparms = false;
int laststatement = numstatements;
t = func->type;
if(t && t->type == ev_variant) t->aux_type = type_variant;
if(t && t->type != ev_function && t->type != ev_variant)
PR_ParseErrorPrintDef (ERR_NOTAFUNCTION, func, "not a function");
if (!t->num_parms && t->type != ev_variant)
// intrinsics. These base functions have variable arguments. I would check for (...) args too,
// but that might be used for extended builtin functionality. (this code wouldn't compile otherwise)
if (!com.strcmp(func->name, "spawn"))
type_t *rettype;
if (PR_CheckToken(")"))
rettype = type_entity;
rettype = TypeForName(PR_ParseName());
if (!rettype || rettype->type != ev_entity)
PR_ParseError(ERR_NOTANAME, "Spawn operator with undefined class");
if (def_ret.temp->used)
PR_ParseWarning(0, "Return value conflict - output is likly to be invalid");
def_ret.temp->used = true;
if (rettype != type_entity)
char genfunc[2048];
com.sprintf(genfunc, "Class*%s", rettype->name);
func = PR_GetDef(type_function, genfunc, NULL, true, 1);
PR_SimpleStatement(OP_CALL0, func->ofs, 0, 0, false);
def_ret.type = rettype;
return &def_ret;
else if (!com.strcmp(func->name, "entnum") && !PR_CheckToken(")"))
// t = (a/%1) / (nextent(world)/%1)
// a/%1 does a (int)entity to float conversion type thing
e = PR_Expression(TOP_PRIORITY, false);
e = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_DIV_F], e, PR_MakeIntDef(1), (dstatement_t **)0xffffffff);
d = PR_GetDef(NULL, "nextent", NULL, false, 0);
if (!d) PR_ParseError(0, "the nextent builtin is not defined");
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_F], e, &def_parms[0], (dstatement_t **)0xffffffff));
d = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_CALL0], d, NULL, NULL);
d = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_DIV_F], d, PR_MakeIntDef(1), (dstatement_t **)0xffffffff);
e = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_DIV_F], e, d, (dstatement_t **)0xffffffff);
return e;
} // so it's not an intrinsic.
if (opt_precache_file)
// should we strip out all precache_file calls?
if (!com.strncmp(func->name,"precache_file", 13))
if (pr_token_type == tt_immediate && pr_immediate_type->type == ev_string)
def_ret.type = type_void;
return &def_ret;
PR_LockActiveTemps(); // any temps before are likly to be used with the return value.
// any temps referenced to build the parameters don't need to be locked.
// copy the arguments to the global parameter variables
if (t->type == ev_variant)
extraparms = true;
np = 0;
else if (t->num_parms < 0)
extraparms = true;
np = (t->num_parms * -1) - 1;
else np = t->num_parms;
if (opt_vectorcalls && (t->num_parms == 1 && t->param->type == ev_vector))
// if we're using vectorcalls
// if it's a function, takes a vector
// vectorcalls is an evil hack
// it'll make your mod bigger and less efficient.
// however, it'll cut down on numpr_globals, so your mod can become a much greater size.
vec3_t arg;
if (pr_token_type == tt_immediate && pr_immediate_type == type_vector)
Mem_Copy(arg, pr_immediate.vector, sizeof(arg));
while(*pr_file_p == ' ' || *pr_file_p == '\t' || *pr_file_p == '\n') pr_file_p++;
if (*pr_file_p == ')')
// woot
def_parms[0].ofs = OFS_PARM0 + 0;
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_F], PR_MakeFloatDef(arg[0]), &def_parms[0], (dstatement_t **)0xffffffff));
def_parms[0].ofs = OFS_PARM0 + 1;
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_F], PR_MakeFloatDef(arg[1]), &def_parms[0], (dstatement_t **)0xffffffff));
def_parms[0].ofs = OFS_PARM0 + 2;
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_F], PR_MakeFloatDef(arg[2]), &def_parms[0], (dstatement_t **)0xffffffff));
def_parms[0].ofs = OFS_PARM0;
{ // bum
e = PR_Expression (TOP_PRIORITY, false);
if (e->type->type != ev_vector)
if (opt_laxcasts)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_LAXCAST, "type mismatch on parm %i - (%s should be %s)", 1, TypeName(e->type), TypeName(type_vector));
PR_ParsePrintDef(WARN_LAXCAST, func);
else PR_ParseErrorPrintDef (ERR_TYPEMISMATCHPARM, func, "type mismatch on parm %i - (%s should be %s)", 1, TypeName(e->type), TypeName(type_vector));
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_V], e, &def_parms[0], (dstatement_t **)0xffffffff));
{ // bother
e = PR_Expression (TOP_PRIORITY, false);
if (e->type->type != ev_vector)
if (opt_laxcasts)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_LAXCAST, "type mismatch on parm %i - (%s should be %s)", 1, TypeName(e->type), TypeName(type_vector));
PR_ParsePrintDef(WARN_LAXCAST, func);
else PR_ParseErrorPrintDef (ERR_TYPEMISMATCHPARM, func, "type mismatch on parm %i - (%s should be %s)", 1, TypeName(e->type), TypeName(type_vector));
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_V], e, &def_parms[0], (dstatement_t **)0xffffffff));
if (!PR_CheckToken(")"))
p = t->param;
if (extraparms && arg >= MAX_PARMS)
PR_ParseErrorPrintDef (ERR_TOOMANYPARAMETERSVARARGS, func, "More than %i parameters on varargs function", MAX_PARMS);
else if (arg >= MAX_PARMS+MAX_PARMS_EXTRA)
PR_ParseErrorPrintDef (ERR_TOOMANYTOTALPARAMETERS, func, "More than %i parameters", MAX_PARMS+MAX_PARMS_EXTRA);
if (!extraparms && arg >= t->num_parms)
PR_ParseWarning (WARN_TOOMANYPARAMETERSFORFUNC, "too many parameters");
e = PR_Expression (TOP_PRIORITY, false);
if (arg >= MAX_PARMS)
if (!extra_parms[arg - MAX_PARMS])
d = (def_t *) Qalloc (sizeof(def_t));
d->name = "extra parm";
d->ofs = PR_GetFreeOffsetSpace (3);
extra_parms[arg - MAX_PARMS] = d;
d = extra_parms[arg - MAX_PARMS];
else d = &def_parms[arg];
if (pr_classtype && e->type->type == ev_field && p->type != ev_field)
// convert.
opev = PR_GetDef(type_entity, pevname, NULL, true, 1);
case ev_string:
e = PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_LOAD_S, opev, e, NULL);
case ev_integer:
e = PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_LOAD_I, opev, e, NULL);
case ev_float:
e = PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_LOAD_F, opev, e, NULL);
case ev_function:
e = PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_LOAD_FNC, opev, e, NULL);
case ev_vector:
e = PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_LOAD_V, opev, e, NULL);
case ev_entity:
e = PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_LOAD_ENT, opev, e, NULL);
PR_ParseError(ERR_INTERNAL, "Bad member type. Try forced expansion");
if (p)
if (typecmp(e->type, p))
if (p->type == ev_integer && e->type->type == ev_float)
// convert float -> int... is this a constant?
e = PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_CONV_FTOI, e, NULL, NULL);
else if (p->type == ev_float && e->type->type == ev_integer)
// convert float -> int... is this a constant?
e = PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_CONV_ITOF, e, NULL, NULL);
else if (p->type == ev_function && e->type->type == ev_integer && e->constant && !((int*)pr_globals)[e->ofs])
// you're allowed to use int 0 to pass a null function pointer
// this is basically because __NULL__ is defined as ~0 (int 0)
else if (p->type != ev_variant)
// can cast to variant whatever happens
if (opt_laxcasts || (p->type == ev_function && e->type->type == ev_function))
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_LAXCAST, "type mismatch on parm %i - (%s should be %s)", arg+1, TypeName(e->type), TypeName(p));
PR_ParsePrintDef(WARN_LAXCAST, func);
else PR_ParseErrorPrintDef (ERR_TYPEMISMATCHPARM, func, "type mismatch on parm %i - (%s should be %s)", arg+1, TypeName(e->type), TypeName(p));
d->type = p;
p = p->next;
else d->type = type_void; // a vector copy will copy everything
param[arg] = e;
} while (PR_CheckToken (","));
if (t->num_parms != -1 && arg < np)
PR_ParseWarning (WARN_TOOFEWPARAMS, "too few parameters on call to %s", func->name);
PR_Expect (")");
else if (np)
PR_ParseWarning (WARN_TOOFEWPARAMS, "%s: Too few parameters", func->name);
PR_ParsePrintDef (WARN_TOOFEWPARAMS, func);
for (i = 0; i < arg; i++)
if (i >= MAX_PARMS) d = extra_parms[i - MAX_PARMS];
else d = &def_parms[i];
if (param[i]->type->size>1 || !opt_nonvec_parms)
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_V], param[i], d, (dstatement_t **)0xffffffff));
d->type = param[i]->type;
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_F], param[i], d, (dstatement_t **)0xffffffff));
if (def_ret.temp->used)
old = PR_GetTemp(def_ret.type);
if (def_ret.type->size == 3) PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_V], &def_ret, old, NULL));
else PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_F], &def_ret, old, NULL));
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_FIXEDRETURNVALUECONFLICT, "Return value conflict - output is inefficient");
else old = NULL;
if( com.strchr(func->name, ':') && laststatement && statements[laststatement-1].op == OP_LOAD_FNC && statements[laststatement-1].c == func->ofs)
// we're entering C++ code with a different pevname.
// FIXME: problems could occur with hexen2 calling conventions when parm0/1 is 'pev' or 'self'
// thiscall. copy the right ent into 'pev' or 'self' (if it's not the same offset)
d = PR_GetDef(type_entity, pevname, NULL, true, 1);
if (statements[laststatement-1].a != d->ofs)
opev = PR_GetTemp(type_entity);
PR_SimpleStatement(OP_STORE_ENT, d->ofs, opev->ofs, 0, false);
PR_SimpleStatement(OP_STORE_ENT, statements[laststatement-1].a, d->ofs, 0, false);
opev = NULL;
d = NULL;
opev = NULL;
d = NULL;
if (arg>MAX_PARMS) PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CALL1-1+MAX_PARMS], func, 0, (dstatement_t **)&st));
else if (arg) PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CALL1-1+arg], func, 0, (dstatement_t **)&st));
else PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CALL0], func, 0, (dstatement_t **)&st));
if (opev) PR_SimpleStatement(OP_STORE_ENT, opev->ofs, d->ofs, 0, false);
for(; arg; arg--)
if (old)
if (t->type == ev_variant)
d = PR_GetTemp(type_variant);
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_STORE_F, &def_ret, d, NULL));
d = PR_GetTemp(t->aux_type);
if (t->aux_type->size == 3) PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_STORE_V, &def_ret, d, NULL));
else PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_STORE_F, &def_ret, d, NULL));
if (def_ret.type->size == 3) PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_STORE_V, old, &def_ret, NULL));
else PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_STORE_F, old, &def_ret, NULL));
return d;
if (t->type == ev_variant) def_ret.type = type_variant;
else def_ret.type = t->aux_type;
if (def_ret.temp->used) PR_ParseWarning(WARN_FIXEDRETURNVALUECONFLICT, "Return value conflict - output is inefficient");
def_ret.temp->used = true;
return &def_ret;
def_t *PR_MakeIntDef(int value)
def_t *cn;
cn = Hash_GetKey(&intconstdefstable, value );
if (cn) return cn;
// allocate a new one
cn = (void *)Qalloc (sizeof(def_t));
cn->next = NULL;
pr.def_tail->next = cn;
pr.def_tail = cn;
cn->type = type_integer;
cn->name = "IMMEDIATE";
cn->constant = true;
cn->initialized = 1;
cn->scope = NULL; // always share immediates
cn->arraysize = 1;
// copy the immediate to the global area
cn->ofs = PR_GetFreeOffsetSpace (type_size[type_integer->type]);
Hash_AddKey(&intconstdefstable, value, cn, Qalloc(sizeof(bucket_t)));
G_INT(cn->ofs) = value;
return cn;
def_t *PR_MakeFloatDef(float value)
def_t *cn;
union { float f; int i; } fi;
fi.f = value;
cn = Hash_GetKey(&floatconstdefstable, fi.i);
if (cn) return cn;
// allocate a new one
cn = (void *)Qalloc(sizeof(def_t));
cn->next = NULL;
pr.def_tail->next = cn;
pr.def_tail = cn;
cn->type = type_float;
cn->name = "IMMEDIATE";
cn->constant = true;
cn->initialized = 1;
cn->scope = NULL; // always share immediates
cn->arraysize = 1;
// copy the immediate to the global area
cn->ofs = PR_GetFreeOffsetSpace (type_size[type_integer->type]);
Hash_AddKey(&floatconstdefstable, fi.i, cn, Qalloc(sizeof(bucket_t)));
G_FLOAT(cn->ofs) = value;
return cn;
def_t *PR_MakeStringDef(char *value)
def_t *cn;
int string;
cn = Hash_Get(&stringconstdefstable, value);
if (cn) return cn;
// allocate a new one
cn = (void *)Qalloc (sizeof(def_t));
cn->next = NULL;
pr.def_tail->next = cn;
pr.def_tail = cn;
cn->type = type_string;
cn->name = "IMMEDIATE";
cn->constant = true;
cn->initialized = 1;
cn->scope = NULL; // always share immediates
cn->arraysize = 1;
// copy the immediate to the global area
cn->ofs = PR_GetFreeOffsetSpace (type_size[type_integer->type]);
string = PR_CopyString (value, opt_noduplicatestrings );
Hash_Add(&stringconstdefstable, strings+string, cn, Qalloc(sizeof(bucket_t)));
G_INT(cn->ofs) = string;
return cn;
type_t *PR_PointerTypeTo(type_t *type)
type_t *newtype;
newtype = PR_NewType("POINTER TYPE", ev_pointer);
newtype->aux_type = type;
return newtype;
def_t *PR_MemberInParentClass(char *name, type_t *class)
// if a member exists, return the member field (rather than mapped-to field)
type_t *mt;
def_t *def;
int p, np;
char membername[2048];
if (!class)
def = PR_GetDef(NULL, name, NULL, 0, 0);
if (def && def->type->type == ev_field)
return def; // the member existed as a normal entity field.
return NULL;
np = class->num_parms;
for (p = 0, mt = class->param; p < np; p++, mt = mt->next)
if (com.strcmp(mt->name, name))
// the parent has it.
com.sprintf(membername, "%s::"MEMBERFIELDNAME, class->name, mt->name);
def = PR_GetDef(NULL, membername, NULL, false, 0);
return def;
return PR_MemberInParentClass(name, class->parentclass);
create fields for the types, instanciate the members to the fields.
we retouch the parents each time to guarentee polymorphism works.
FIXME: virtual methods will not work properly. Need to trace down to see if a parent already defined it
void PR_EmitFieldsForMembers(type_t *class)
char membername[2048];
int p, np, a;
uint o;
type_t *mt, *ft;
def_t *f, *m;
// we created fields for each class when we defined the actual classes.
// we need to go through each member and match it to the offset of it's parent class,
// if overloaded, or create a new field if not..
// basictypefield is cleared before we do this
// we emit the parent's fields first (every time),
// thus ensuring that we don't reuse parent fields on a child class.
if (class->parentclass != type_entity)
// parents MUST have all thier fields set or inheritance would go crazy.
np = class->num_parms;
mt = class->param;
for (p = 0; p < np; p++, mt = mt->next)
com.sprintf(membername, "%s::"MEMBERFIELDNAME, class->name, mt->name);
m = PR_GetDef(NULL, membername, NULL, false, 0);
f = PR_MemberInParentClass(mt->name, class->parentclass);
if (m->arraysize > 1) PR_ParseError(ERR_INTERNAL, "QCCLIB does not support overloaded arrays of members");
a = 0;
for (o = 0; o < m->type->size; o++)
((int *)pr_globals)[o+a*mt->size+m->ofs] = ((int *)pr_globals)[o+f->ofs];
for (a = 0; a < m->arraysize; a++)
// we need the type in here so saved games can still work
// without saving ints as floats. (would be evil)
ft = PR_NewType(basictypenames[mt->type], ev_field);
ft->aux_type = PR_NewType(basictypenames[mt->type], mt->type);
ft->aux_type->aux_type = type_void;
ft->size = ft->aux_type->size;
ft = PR_FindType(ft);
com.sprintf(membername, "__f_%s_%i", ft->name, ++basictypefield[mt->type]);
f = PR_GetDef(ft, membername, NULL, true, 1);
for (o = 0; o < m->type->size; o++)
((int *)pr_globals)[o+a*mt->size+m->ofs] = ((int *)pr_globals)[o+f->ofs];
go through clas, do the virtual thing only if the child class does not override.
void PR_EmitClassFunctionTable(type_t *class, type_t *childclass, def_t *ed, def_t **constructor)
char membername[2048];
type_t *type, *oc;
def_t *point, *member, *virt;
int p;
if (class->parentclass)
PR_EmitClassFunctionTable(class->parentclass, childclass, ed, constructor);
type = class->param;
for (p = 0; p < class->num_parms; p++, type = type->next)
for (oc = childclass; oc != class; oc = oc->parentclass)
com.sprintf(membername, "%s::"MEMBERFIELDNAME, oc->name, type->name);
if (PR_GetDef(NULL, membername, NULL, false, 0))
break; // a child class overrides.
if (oc != class) continue;
if (type->type == ev_function)
// FIXME: inheritance will not install all the member functions.
com.sprintf(membername, "%s::"MEMBERFIELDNAME, class->name, type->name);
member = PR_GetDef(NULL, membername, NULL, false, 1);
if (!member)
PR_Warning(0, NULL, 0, "Member function %s was not defined", membername);
if (!com.strcmp(type->name, class->name))
*constructor = member;
point = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_ADDRESS], ed, member, NULL);
com.sprintf(membername, "%s::%s", class->name, type->name);
virt = PR_GetDef(type, membername, NULL, false, 1);
PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_STOREP_FNC], virt, point, NULL);
take all functions in the type, and parent types, and make sure the links all work properly.
void PR_EmitClassFromFunction(def_t *scope, char *tname)
type_t *basetype;
dfunction_t *df;
def_t *virt;
def_t *ed, *opev, *pev;
def_t *constructor = NULL;
basetype = TypeForName(tname);
if (!basetype) PR_ParseError(ERR_INTERNAL, "Type %s was not defined...", tname);
pr_scope = NULL;
Mem_Set(basictypefield, 0, sizeof(basictypefield));
pr_scope = scope;
df = &functions[numfunctions];
df->s_file = 0;
df->s_name = 0;
df->first_statement = numstatements;
df->parm_size[0] = 1;
df->numparms = 0;
df->parm_start = numpr_globals;
G_FUNCTION(scope->ofs) = df - functions;
// locals here...
ed = PR_GetDef(type_entity, "ent", pr_scope, true, 1);
virt = PR_GetDef(type_function, "spawn", NULL, false, 0);
if (!virt) PR_ParseError(ERR_INTERNAL, "spawn function was not defined\n");
PR_SimpleStatement(OP_CALL0, virt->ofs, 0, 0, false); // calling convention doesn't come into it.
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_ENT], &def_ret, ed, NULL));
ed->references = 1; //there may be no functions.
PR_EmitClassFunctionTable(basetype, basetype, ed, &constructor);
if (constructor)
pev = PR_GetDef(type_entity, pevname, NULL, false, 0);
opev = PR_GetDef(type_entity, opevname, scope, true, 1);
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_ENT], pev, opev, NULL));
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_ENT], ed, pev, NULL));// return to our old pev. boom boom.
PR_SimpleStatement(OP_CALL0, constructor->ofs, 0, 0, false);
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_ENT], opev, pev, NULL));
// apparently we do actually have to return something. *sigh*...
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_RETURN], ed, NULL, NULL));
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_DONE], NULL, NULL, NULL));
PR_WriteAsmFunction(scope, df->first_statement, df->parm_start);
locals_end = numpr_globals + basetype->size;
df->locals = locals_end - df->parm_start;
pr.localvars = NULL;
Returns the global ofs for the current token
def_t *PR_ParseValue (type_t *assumeclass)
def_t *ao = NULL;// arrayoffset
def_t *d, *nd, *od;
char *name, membername[2048];
int i;
// if the token is an immediate, allocate a constant for it
if (pr_token_type == tt_immediate) return PR_ParseImmediate();
if (PR_CheckToken("[")) // vector array acess
// looks like a funky vector. :)
vec3_t v;
pr_immediate_type = type_vector;
v[0] = pr_immediate._float;
v[1] = pr_immediate._float;
v[2] = pr_immediate._float;
pr_immediate.vector[0] = v[0];
pr_immediate.vector[1] = v[1];
pr_immediate.vector[2] = v[2];
pr_immediate_type = type_vector;
d = PR_ParseImmediate();
return d;
name = PR_ParseName ();
if (assumeclass && assumeclass->parentclass)
// 'testvar' becomes 'pev::testvar'
type_t *type = assumeclass;
d = NULL;
// try getting a member.
while(type != type_entity && type)
com.sprintf(membername, "%s::"MEMBERFIELDNAME, type->name, name);
od = d = PR_GetDef (NULL, membername, pr_scope, false, 0);
if (d) break;
type = type->parentclass;
if (!d) od = d = PR_GetDef (NULL, name, pr_scope, false, 0);
else od = d = PR_GetDef (NULL, name, pr_scope, false, 0); // look through the defs
if (!d)
// intrinsics, any old function with no args will do.
if ((!com.strcmp(name, "spawn")) || (!com.strcmp(name, "entnum")))
od = d = PR_GetDef (type_function, name, NULL, true, 1);
else if (PR_KeywordEnabled(KEYWORD_CLASS) && !com.strcmp(name, "this"))
if (!pr_classtype) PR_ParseError(ERR_NOTANAME, "Cannot use 'this' outside of an OO function\n");
od = PR_GetDef(NULL, pevname, NULL, true, 1);
od = d = PR_DummyDef(pr_classtype, "this", pr_scope, 1, od->ofs, true);
else if (PR_KeywordEnabled(KEYWORD_CLASS) && !com.strcmp(name, "super"))
if (!pr_classtype) PR_ParseError(ERR_NOTANAME, "Cannot use 'super' outside of an OO function\n");
od = PR_GetDef(NULL, pevname, NULL, true, 1);
od = d = PR_DummyDef(pr_classtype, "super", pr_scope, 1, od->ofs, true);
od = d = PR_GetDef (type_variant, name, pr_scope, true, 1);
if (!d) PR_ParseError (ERR_UNKNOWNVALUE, "Unknown value \"%s\"", name);
else PR_ParseWarning (ERR_UNKNOWNVALUE, "Unknown value \"%s\".", name);
// FIXME: Make this work with double arrays/2nd level structures.
// Should they just jump back to here?
if (PR_CheckToken("["))
type_t *newtype;
if (ao)
numstatements--; // remove the last statement
nd = PR_Expression (TOP_PRIORITY, true);
if (d->type->size != 1) // we need to multiply it to find the offset.
if (ao->type->type == ev_integer) nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_MUL_I], nd, PR_MakeIntDef(d->type->size), NULL); // get add part
else if (ao->type->type == ev_float) nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_MUL_F], nd, PR_MakeFloatDef((float)d->type->size), NULL); // get add part
PR_ParseError(ERR_BADARRAYINDEXTYPE, "Array offset is not of integer or float type");
nd = NULL;
if (nd->type->type == ao->type->type)
if (ao->type->type == ev_integer) ao = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_ADD_I], ao, nd, NULL); // get add part
else if (ao->type->type == ev_float) ao = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_ADD_F], ao, nd, NULL); // get add part
PR_ParseError(ERR_BADARRAYINDEXTYPE, "Array offset is not of integer or float type");
nd = NULL;
if (nd->type->type == ev_float) nd = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CONV_FTOI], nd, 0, NULL);
ao = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_ADD_I], ao, nd, NULL); // get add part
newtype = d->type;
d = od;
ao = PR_Expression (TOP_PRIORITY, true);
if( d->type->size != 1 ) // we need to multiply it to find the offset.
if (ao->type->type == ev_integer) ao = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_MUL_I], ao, PR_MakeIntDef(d->type->size), NULL); // get add part
else if (ao->type->type == ev_float) ao = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_MUL_F], ao, PR_MakeFloatDef((float)d->type->size), NULL); // get add part
nd = NULL;
PR_ParseError(ERR_BADARRAYINDEXTYPE, "Array offset is not of integer or float type");
newtype = d->type;
if (ao->type->type == ev_integer)
case ev_float:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_F], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
case ev_string:
if (d->arraysize <= 1)
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_C], d, PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CONV_ITOF], ao, 0, NULL), NULL); //get pointer to precise def.
newtype = nd->type; //don't be fooled
else nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_S], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
case ev_vector:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_V], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
case ev_entity:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_ENT], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
case ev_field:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_FLD], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
case ev_function:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_FNC], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
nd->type = d->type;
case ev_integer:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_I], d, ao, NULL);// get pointer to precise def.
case ev_struct:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_I], d, ao, NULL);// get pointer to precise def.
nd->type = d->type;
PR_ParseError(ERR_NOVALIDOPCODES, "No op available. Try assembler");
nd = NULL;
d = nd;
else if (ao->type->type == ev_float)
case ev_pointer:
if (d->arraysize>1) // use the array
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_I], d, PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CONV_FTOI], ao, 0, NULL), NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
nd->type = d->type->aux_type;
// dereference the pointer.
case ev_pointer:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_I], d, PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CONV_FTOI], ao, 0, NULL), NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
nd->type = d->type->aux_type;
case ev_float:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_F], d, PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CONV_FTOI], ao, 0, NULL), NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
nd->type = d->type->aux_type;
case ev_integer:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_I], d, PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CONV_FTOI], ao, 0, NULL), NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
nd->type = d->type->aux_type;
PR_ParseError(ERR_NOVALIDOPCODES, "No op available. Try assembler");
nd = NULL;
case ev_float:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_F], d, PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CONV_FTOI], ao, 0, NULL), NULL);// get pointer to precise def.
case ev_string:
if (d->arraysize <= 1)
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_C], d, ao, NULL); //get pointer to precise def.
newtype = nd->type;//don't be fooled
else nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_S], d, PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CONV_FTOI], ao, 0, NULL), NULL);// get pointer to precise def.
case ev_vector:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_V], d, PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CONV_FTOI], ao, 0, NULL), NULL);// get pointer to precise def.
case ev_entity:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_ENT], d, PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CONV_FTOI], ao, 0, NULL), NULL);// get pointer to precise def.
case ev_field:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_FLD], d, PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CONV_FTOI], ao, 0, NULL), NULL);// get pointer to precise def.
case ev_function:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_FNC], d, PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CONV_FTOI], ao, 0, NULL), NULL);// get pointer to precise def.
nd->type = d->type;
case ev_integer:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_I], d, PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CONV_FTOI], ao, 0, NULL), NULL);// get pointer to precise def.
case ev_struct:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_I], d, PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CONV_FTOI], ao, 0, NULL), NULL);// get pointer to precise def.
nd->type = d->type;
PR_ParseError(ERR_NOVALIDOPCODES, "No op available. Try assembler");
nd = NULL;
d = nd;
d->type = newtype;
goto reloop;
i = d->type->type;
if (i == ev_pointer)
int j;
type_t *type;
if (PR_CheckToken(".") || PR_CheckToken("->"))
for (i = d->type->num_parms, type = d->type+1; i; i--, type++)
if (PR_CheckName(type->name))
// give result
if (ao)
numstatements--; //remove the last statement
d = od;
nd = PR_MakeIntDef(type->ofs);
ao = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_ADD_I], ao, nd, NULL);// get add part
// so that we may offset it and readd it.
else ao = PR_MakeIntDef(type->ofs);
switch (type->type)
case ev_float:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_F], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
case ev_string:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_S], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
case ev_vector:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_V], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
case ev_entity:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_ENT], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
case ev_field:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_FLD], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
case ev_function:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_FNC], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
nd->type = type;
case ev_integer:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_I], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
PR_ParseError(ERR_NOVALIDOPCODES, "No op available. Try assembler");
nd = NULL;
d = nd;
if (type->num_parms) for (j = type->num_parms; j; j--) type++;
if (!i) PR_ParseError (ERR_MEMBERNOTVALID, "\"%s\" is not a member of \"%s\"", pr_token, od->type->name);
goto reloop;
else if (i == ev_struct || i == ev_union)
int j;
type_t *type;
if (PR_CheckToken(".") || PR_CheckToken("->"))
for (i = d->type->num_parms, type = d->type+1; i; i--, type++)
if (PR_CheckName(type->name))
// give result
if (ao)
numstatements--; // remove the last statement
d = od;
nd = PR_MakeIntDef(type->ofs);
ao = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_ADD_I], ao, nd, NULL); // get add part
// so that we may offset it and readd it.
else ao = PR_MakeIntDef(type->ofs);
switch (type->type)
case ev_float:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_F], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
case ev_string:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_S], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
case ev_vector:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_V], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
case ev_entity:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_ENT], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
case ev_field:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_FLD], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
case ev_function:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_FNC], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
nd->type = type;
case ev_integer:
nd = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADA_I], d, ao, NULL); // get pointer to precise def.
PR_ParseError(ERR_NOVALIDOPCODES, "No op available. Try assembler");
nd = NULL;
d = nd;
if (type->num_parms) for (j = type->num_parms; j;j--) type++;
if (!i) PR_ParseError (ERR_MEMBERNOTVALID, "\"%s\" is not a member of \"%s\"", pr_token, od->type->name);
goto reloop;
if (!PR_KeywordEnabled(KEYWORD_CLASS)) return d;
if (d->type->parentclass || d->type->type == ev_entity) // class
if (PR_CheckToken(".") || PR_CheckToken("->"))
def_t *field;
if (PR_CheckToken("("))
field = PR_Expression(TOP_PRIORITY, true);
else field = PR_ParseValue(d->type);
if (field->type->type == ev_field)
if (!field->type->aux_type)
PR_ParseWarning(ERR_INTERNAL, "Field with null aux_type");
return PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOAD_FLD], d, field, NULL);
case ev_integer:
return PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOAD_I], d, field, NULL);
case ev_field:
d = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOAD_FLD], d, field, NULL);
nd = (void *)Qalloc (sizeof(def_t));
nd->type = field->type->aux_type;
nd->ofs = d->ofs;
nd->temp = d->temp;
nd->constant = false;
nd->name = d->name;
return nd;
case ev_float:
return PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOAD_F], d, field, NULL);
case ev_string:
return PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOAD_S], d, field, NULL);
case ev_vector:
return PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOAD_V], d, field, NULL);
case ev_function:
// complicated for a typecast
d = PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOAD_FNC], d, field, NULL);
nd = (void *)Qalloc (sizeof(def_t));
nd->type = field->type->aux_type;
nd->ofs = d->ofs;
nd->temp = d->temp;
nd->constant = false;
nd->name = d->name;
return nd;
case ev_entity:
return PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_LOAD_ENT], d, field, NULL);
PR_ParseError(ERR_INTERNAL, "Bad field type");
return d;
else PR_IncludeChunk(".", false, NULL);
return d;
def_t *PR_Term( void )
def_t *e, *e2;
etype_t t;
if (pr_token_type == tt_punct) // a little extra speed...
if (PR_CheckToken("++"))
qcc_usefulstatement = true;
e = PR_Term ();
if (e->constant) PR_ParseWarning(WARN_ASSIGNMENTTOCONSTANT, "Assignment to constant %s", e->name);
if (e->temp) PR_ParseWarning(WARN_ASSIGNMENTTOCONSTANT, "Hey! That's a temp! ++ operators cannot work on temps!");
switch (e->type->type)
case ev_integer:
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_ADD_I], e, PR_MakeIntDef(1), e, false);
case ev_float:
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_ADD_F], e, PR_MakeFloatDef(1), e, false);
PR_ParseError(ERR_BADPLUSPLUSOPERATOR, "++ operator on unsupported type");
return e;
else if (PR_CheckToken("--"))
qcc_usefulstatement = true;
e = PR_Term ();
if (e->constant) PR_ParseWarning(WARN_ASSIGNMENTTOCONSTANT, "Assignment to constant %s", e->name);
if (e->temp) PR_ParseWarning(WARN_ASSIGNMENTTOCONSTANT, "Hey! That's a temp! -- operators cannot work on temps!");
switch (e->type->type)
case ev_integer:
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_SUB_I], e, PR_MakeIntDef(1), e, false);
case ev_float:
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_SUB_F], e, PR_MakeFloatDef(1), e, false);
PR_ParseError(ERR_BADPLUSPLUSOPERATOR, "-- operator on unsupported type");
return e;
if (PR_CheckToken ("!"))
e = PR_Expression (NOT_PRIORITY, false);
t = e->type->type;
case ev_float:
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_NOT_F], e, 0, NULL);
case ev_string:
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_NOT_S], e, 0, NULL);
case ev_entity:
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_NOT_ENT], e, 0, NULL);
case ev_vector:
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_NOT_V], e, 0, NULL);
case ev_function:
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_NOT_FNC], e, 0, NULL);
case ev_integer:
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_NOT_FNC], e, 0, NULL);
break; // functions are integer values too.
case ev_pointer:
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_NOT_FNC], e, 0, NULL);
break; // Pointers are too.
e2 = NULL; // shut up compiler warning;
PR_ParseError (ERR_BADNOTTYPE, "type mismatch for !");
return e2;
else if (PR_CheckToken ("&"))
int st = numstatements;
e = PR_Expression (NOT_PRIORITY, false);
t = e->type->type;
if (st != numstatements) // woo, something like ent.field?
if ((unsigned)(statements[numstatements-1].op - OP_LOAD_F) < 6 || statements[numstatements-1].op == OP_LOAD_I || statements[numstatements-1].op == OP_LOAD_P)
statements[numstatements-1].op = OP_ADDRESS;
PR_ParseWarning(0, "debug: &ent.field");
e->type = PR_PointerType(e->type);
return e;
else // this is a restriction that could be lifted, I just want to make sure that I got all the bits first.
PR_ParseError (ERR_BADNOTTYPE, "type mismatch for '&' Must be singular expression or field reference");
return e;
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_GLOBAL_ADD], e, 0, NULL);
e2->type = PR_PointerType(e->type);
return e2;
else if (PR_CheckToken ("*"))
e = PR_Expression (NOT_PRIORITY, false);
t = e->type->type;
if (t != ev_pointer) PR_ParseError (ERR_BADNOTTYPE, "type mismatch for *");
case ev_float:
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_F], e, 0, NULL);
case ev_string:
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_S], e, 0, NULL);
case ev_vector:
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_V], e, 0, NULL);
case ev_entity:
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_ENT], e, 0, NULL);
case ev_field:
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_FLD], e, 0, NULL);
case ev_function:
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_FLD], e, 0, NULL);
case ev_integer:
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_I], e, 0, NULL);
case ev_pointer:
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_LOADP_I], e, 0, NULL);
PR_ParseError (ERR_BADNOTTYPE, "type mismatch for * (unrecognized type)");
e2 = NULL;
e2->type = e->type->aux_type;
return e2;
else if (PR_CheckToken ("-"))
e = PR_Expression (NOT_PRIORITY, false);
case ev_float:
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_SUB_F], PR_MakeFloatDef(0), e, NULL);
case ev_integer:
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_SUB_I], PR_MakeIntDef(0), e, NULL);
PR_ParseError (ERR_BADNOTTYPE, "type mismatch for -");
e2 = NULL;
return e2;
else if (PR_CheckToken ("+"))
e = PR_Expression (NOT_PRIORITY, false);
case ev_float:
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_ADD_F], PR_MakeFloatDef(0), e, NULL);
case ev_integer:
e2 = PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_ADD_I], PR_MakeIntDef(0), e, NULL);
PR_ParseError (ERR_BADNOTTYPE, "type mismatch for +");
e2 = NULL;
return e2;
if (PR_CheckToken ("("))
// float is always enabled
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_FLOAT )) // check for type casts
PR_Expect (")");
e = PR_Term();
if (e->type->type == ev_float) return e;
else if (e->type->type == ev_integer)
return PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CONV_ITOF], e, 0, NULL);
else if (e->type->type == ev_function) return e;
PR_ParseWarning (0, "Not all vars make sence as floats");
e2 = (void *)Qalloc (sizeof(def_t));
e2->type = type_float;
e2->ofs = e->ofs;
e2->constant = true;
e2->temp = e->temp;
return e2;
else if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_CLASS ))
type_t *classtype = TypeForName(PR_ParseName());
if (!classtype) PR_ParseError(ERR_NOTANAME, "Class not defined for cast");
PR_Expect (")");
e = PR_Term();
e2 = (void *)Qalloc (sizeof(def_t));
e2->type = classtype;
e2->ofs = e->ofs;
e2->constant = true;
e2->temp = e->temp;
return e2;
else if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_INT )) // check for type casts
PR_Expect (")");
e = PR_Term();
if (e->type->type == ev_integer) return e;
else if (e->type->type == ev_float)
return PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CONV_FTOI], e, 0, NULL);
else PR_ParseError (ERR_BADTYPECAST, "invalid typecast");
bool oldcond = conditional;
conditional = conditional ? 2:0;
e = PR_Expression (TOP_PRIORITY, false);
PR_Expect (")");
conditional = oldcond;
return e;
return PR_ParseValue (pr_classtype);
int PR_canConv(def_t *from, etype_t to)
if (from->type->type == to) return 0;
if (from->type->type == ev_vector && to == ev_float) return 4;
if (pr_classtype)
if (from->type->type == ev_field)
if (from->type->aux_type->type == to)
return 1;
if (from->type->type == ev_integer && to == ev_function)
return 1;
return -100;
def_t *PR_Expression (int priority, bool allowcomma)
dstatement_t *st;
def_t *e, *e2;
opcode_t *op, *oldop, *bestop;
int opnum, numconversions, c;
etype_t type_a, type_b, type_c;
if (priority == 0) return PR_Term();
e = PR_Expression(priority - 1, allowcomma);
while (1)
if (priority == 1)
if (PR_CheckToken ("(") )
qcc_usefulstatement = true;
return PR_ParseFunctionCall(e);
if (PR_CheckToken ("?"))
dstatement_t *fromj, *elsej;
PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_IFNOT], e, NULL, &fromj);
e = PR_Expression(TOP_PRIORITY, true);
e2 = PR_GetTemp(e->type);
PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[(e2->type->size>=3)?OP_STORE_V:OP_STORE_F], e, e2, NULL);
PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_GOTO], NULL, NULL, &elsej);
fromj->b = &statements[numstatements] - fromj;
e = PR_Expression(TOP_PRIORITY, true);
if (typecmp(e->type, e2->type) != 0) PR_ParseError(0, "Ternary operator with mismatching types\n");
PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[(e2->type->size>=3)?OP_STORE_V:OP_STORE_F], e, e2, NULL);
elsej->a = &statements[numstatements] - elsej;
return e2;
if (allowcomma && PR_CheckToken (","))
return PR_Expression(TOP_PRIORITY, true);
opnum = 0;
if (pr_token_type == tt_immediate)
if (pr_immediate_type->type == ev_float)
if (pr_immediate._float < 0)
// hehehe... was a minus all along...
PR_IncludeChunk(pr_token, true, NULL);
com.strcpy(pr_token, "+"); // two negatives would make a positive.
pr_token_type = tt_punct;
if (pr_token_type != tt_punct)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_UNEXPECTEDPUNCT, "Expected punctuation");
// go straight for the correct priority.
for (op = opcodeprioritized[priority][opnum]; op; op = opcodeprioritized[priority][++opnum])
if (!PR_CheckToken (op->name)) continue;
st = NULL;
if ( op->associative != ASSOC_LEFT )
// if last statement is an indirect, change it to an address of
if (!simplestore && ((uint)(statements[numstatements-1].op - OP_LOAD_F) < 6 || statements[numstatements-1].op == OP_LOAD_I || statements[numstatements-1].op == OP_LOAD_P) && statements[numstatements-1].c == e->ofs)
statements[numstatements-1].op = OP_ADDRESS;
type_pointer->aux_type->type = e->type->type;
e->type = type_pointer;
// if last statement retrieved a value, switch it to retrieve a usable pointer.
if ( !simplestore && (unsigned)(statements[numstatements-1].op - OP_LOADA_F) < 7)// || statements[numstatements-1].op == OP_LOADA_C)
statements[numstatements-1].op = OP_GLOBAL_ADD;
type_pointer->aux_type->type = e->type->type;
e->type = type_pointer;
if ( !simplestore && (unsigned)(statements[numstatements-1].op - OP_LOADP_F) < 7)
statements[numstatements-1].op = OP_ADD_I;
if ( !simplestore && statements[numstatements-1].op == OP_LOADP_C && e->ofs == statements[numstatements-1].c)
statements[numstatements-1].op = OP_ADD_SF;
e->type = type_string;
// now we want to make sure that string = float can't work without it being a dereferenced pointer. (we don't want to allow storep_c without dereferece)
e2 = PR_Expression (priority, allowcomma);
if (e2->type->type == ev_float) op = &pr_opcodes[OP_STOREP_C];
else e2 = PR_Expression (priority, allowcomma);
if (op->priority == 7 && opt_logicops)
st = &statements[numstatements];
if (*op->name == '&') // statement 3 because we don't want to optimise this into if from not ifnot
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_IFNOT], e, NULL, NULL, false);
else PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_IF], e, NULL, NULL, false);
e2 = PR_Expression (priority-1, allowcomma);
// type check
type_a = e->type->type;
type_b = e2->type->type;
if (op->name[0] == '.')
// field access gets type from field
if (e2->type->aux_type) type_c = e2->type->aux_type->type;
else type_c = -1; // not a field
else type_c = ev_void;
oldop = op;
bestop = NULL;
numconversions = 32767;
while (op)
if (!(type_c != ev_void && type_c != (*op->type_c)->type))
if(!STRCMP (op->name , oldop->name)) // matches
// return values are never converted - what to?
if (op->associative!=ASSOC_LEFT)
// assignment
if (op->type_a == &type_pointer) // ent var
if (e->type->type != ev_pointer) c = -200; // don't cast to a pointer.
else if ((*op->type_c)->type == ev_void && op->type_b == &type_pointer && e2->type->type == ev_pointer)
c = 0; // generic pointer... FIXME: is this safe? make sure both sides are equivelent
else if (e->type->aux_type->type != (*op->type_b)->type) // if e isn't a pointer to a type_b
c = -200; // don't let the conversion work
else c = PR_canConv(e2, (*op->type_c)->type);
c = PR_canConv(e2, (*op->type_b)->type);
if (type_a != (*op->type_a)->type) // in this case, a is the final assigned value
c = -300; // don't use this op, as we must not change var b's type
if (op->type_a == &type_pointer) // ent var
// if e isn't a pointer to a type_b
if (e2->type->type != ev_pointer || e2->type->aux_type->type != (*op->type_b)->type)
c = -200; // don't let the conversion work
else c = 0;
c = PR_canConv(e, (*op->type_a)->type);
c += PR_canConv(e2, (*op->type_b)->type);
if (c >= 0 && c < numconversions)
bestop = op;
numconversions = c;
if (c == 0) break; // can't get less conversions than 0...
else break;
op = opcodeprioritized[priority][++opnum];
if (bestop == NULL)
if (oldop->priority == TOP_PRIORITY) op = oldop;
if (opt_laxcasts)
op = oldop;
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_LAXCAST, "type mismatch for %s (%s and %s)", oldop->name, e->type->name, e2->type->name);
else PR_ParseError (ERR_TYPEMISMATCH, "type mismatch for %s (%s and %s)", oldop->name, e->type->name, e2->type->name);
if (numconversions>3) PR_ParseWarning(WARN_IMPLICITCONVERSION, "Implicit conversion");
op = bestop;
if (st) st->b = &statements[numstatements] - st;
if (op->associative != ASSOC_LEFT)
qcc_usefulstatement = true;
if (e->constant || e->ofs < OFS_PARM0)
if (e->type->type == ev_function)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_ASSIGNMENTTOCONSTANTFUNC, "Assignment to function %s", e->name);
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_ASSIGNMENTTOCONSTANT, "Assignment to constant %s", e->name);
if (conditional & 1) PR_ParseWarning(WARN_ASSIGNMENTINCONDITIONAL, "Assignment in conditional");
e = PR_Statement (op, e2, e, NULL);
else e = PR_Statement (op, e, e2, NULL);
// field access gets type from field
if (type_c != ev_void) e->type = e2->type->aux_type;
if (!op)
if (e == NULL) PR_ParseError(ERR_INTERNAL, "e == null");
if (!STRCMP(pr_token, "++"))
// if the last statement was an ent.float (or something)
if (((uint)(statements[numstatements-1].op - OP_LOAD_F) < 6 || statements[numstatements-1].op == OP_LOAD_I) && statements[numstatements-1].c == e->ofs)
def_t *e3; // we have our load.
// the only inefficiency here is with an extra temp (we can't reuse the original)
// this is not a problem, as the optimise temps or locals marshalling can clean these up for us
// 1. load
// 2. add to temp
// 3. store temp to offset
// 4. return original loaded (which is not at the same offset as the pointer we store to)
qcc_usefulstatement = true;
e2 = PR_GetTemp(type_float);
e3 = PR_GetTemp(type_pointer);
PR_SimpleStatement(OP_ADDRESS, statements[numstatements-1].a, statements[numstatements-1].b, e3->ofs, false);
if (e->type->type == ev_float)
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_ADD_F], e, PR_MakeFloatDef(1), e2, false);
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_STOREP_F], e2, e3, NULL, false);
else if (e->type->type == ev_integer)
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_ADD_I], e, PR_MakeIntDef(1), e2, false);
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_STOREP_I], e2, e3, NULL, false);
PR_ParseError(ERR_PARSEERRORS, "-- suffix operator results in nonstandard behaviour. Use -=1 or prefix form instead");
PR_IncludeChunk("-=1", false, NULL);
else if (e->type->type == ev_float)
// 1. copy to temp
// 2. add to original
// 3. return temp (which == original)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_INEFFICIENTPLUSPLUS, "++ suffix operator results in inefficient behaviour. Use += 1 or prefix form instead");
e2 = PR_GetTemp(type_float);
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_F], e, e2, NULL, false);
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_ADD_F], e, PR_MakeFloatDef(1), e, false);
e = e2;
else if (e->type->type == ev_integer)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_INEFFICIENTPLUSPLUS, "++ suffix operator results in inefficient behaviour. Use +=1 or prefix form instead");
e2 = PR_GetTemp(type_integer);
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_I], e, e2, NULL, false);
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_ADD_I], e, PR_MakeIntDef(1), e, false);
e = e2;
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_NOTSTANDARDBEHAVIOUR, "++ suffix operator results in nonstandard behaviour. Use +=1 or prefix form instead");
PR_IncludeChunk("+=1", false, NULL);
else if (!STRCMP(pr_token, "--"))
if (((uint)(statements[numstatements-1].op - OP_LOAD_F) < 6 || statements[numstatements-1].op == OP_LOAD_I) && statements[numstatements-1].c == e->ofs)
def_t *e3; // we have our load.
// 1. load
// 2. add to temp
// 3. store temp to offset
// 4. return original loaded (which is not at the same offset as the pointer we store to)
e2 = PR_GetTemp(type_float);
e3 = PR_GetTemp(type_pointer);
PR_SimpleStatement(OP_ADDRESS, statements[numstatements-1].a, statements[numstatements-1].b, e3->ofs, false);
if (e->type->type == ev_float)
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_SUB_F], e, PR_MakeFloatDef(1), e2, false);
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_STOREP_F], e2, e3, NULL, false);
else if (e->type->type == ev_integer)
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_SUB_I], e, PR_MakeIntDef(1), e2, false);
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_STOREP_I], e2, e3, NULL, false);
PR_ParseError(ERR_PARSEERRORS, "-- suffix operator results in nonstandard behaviour. Use -=1 or prefix form instead");
PR_IncludeChunk("-=1", false, NULL);
else if (e->type->type == ev_float)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_INEFFICIENTPLUSPLUS, "-- suffix operator results in inefficient behaviour. Use -= 1 or prefix form instead");
e2 = PR_GetTemp(type_float);
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_F], e, e2, NULL, false);
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_SUB_F], e, PR_MakeFloatDef(1), e, false);
e = e2;
else if (e->type->type == ev_integer)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_INEFFICIENTPLUSPLUS, "-- suffix operator results in inefficient behaviour. Use -= 1 or prefix form instead");
e2 = PR_GetTemp(type_integer);
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_I], e, e2, NULL, false);
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[OP_SUB_I], e, PR_MakeIntDef(1), e, false);
e = e2;
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_NOTSTANDARDBEHAVIOUR, "-- suffix operator results in nonstandard behaviour. Use -= 1 or prefix form instead");
PR_IncludeChunk("-=1", false, NULL);
break; // next token isn't at this priority level
if (e == NULL) PR_ParseError(ERR_INTERNAL, "e == null");
return e;
void PR_GotoStatement (dstatement_t *patch2, char *labelname)
if (num_gotos >= max_gotos)
max_gotos += 8;
// realloc also used for first allocate
pr_gotos = Qrealloc(pr_gotos, sizeof(*pr_gotos)*max_gotos);
com.strncpy(pr_gotos[num_gotos].name, labelname, sizeof(pr_gotos[num_gotos].name) -1);
pr_gotos[num_gotos].lineno = pr_source_line;
pr_gotos[num_gotos].statementno = patch2 - statements;
bool PR_StatementBlocksMatch(dstatement_t *p1, int p1count, dstatement_t *p2, int p2count)
if (p1count != p2count) return false;
while(p1count > 0)
if (p1->op != p2->op) return false;
if (p1->a != p2->a) return false;
if (p1->b != p2->b) return false;
if (p1->c != p2->c) return false;
p1++, p2++, p1count--;
return true;
void PR_ParseStatement (void)
int continues;
int breaks;
int cases;
int i;
def_t *e, *e2;
dstatement_t *patch1, *patch2, *patch3;
int statementstart = pr_source_line;
if (PR_CheckToken ("{"))
e = pr.localvars;
while (!PR_CheckToken("}")) PR_ParseStatement ();
if (pr_subscopedlocals)
for (e2 = pr.localvars; e2 != e; e2 = e2->nextlocal)
Hash_RemoveData(&localstable, e2->name, e2);
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_RETURN ))
if (PR_CheckToken (";"))
if (pr_scope->type->aux_type->type != ev_void)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_MISSINGRETURNVALUE, "\'%s\' should return %s", pr_scope->name, pr_scope->type->aux_type->name);
if (opt_return_only) PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_DONE], 0, 0, NULL));
else PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_RETURN], 0, 0, NULL));
e = PR_Expression (TOP_PRIORITY, true);
PR_Expect (";");
if (pr_scope->type->aux_type->type != e->type->type)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_WRONGRETURNTYPE, "\'%s\' returned %s, expected %s", pr_scope->name, e->type->name, pr_scope->type->aux_type->name);
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_RETURN], e, 0, NULL));
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_WHILE ))
continues = num_continues;
breaks = num_breaks;
PR_Expect ("(");
patch2 = &statements[numstatements];
conditional = 1;
e = PR_Expression (TOP_PRIORITY, true);
conditional = 0;
if (((e->constant && !e->temp) || !STRCMP(e->name, "IMMEDIATE")) && opt_compound_jumps)
if (!G_INT(e->ofs))
PR_ParseWarning(0, "while(0)?");
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_GOTO], 0, 0, &patch1));
else patch1 = NULL;
if (e->constant && !e->temp)
if (!G_FLOAT(e->ofs))
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_GOTO], 0, 0, &patch1));
else patch1 = NULL;
else if (!typecmp( e->type, type_string) && opt_ifstring)
// special case, as strings are now pointers, not offsets from string table
PR_ParseWarning(0, "while (string) can result in bizzare behaviour");
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_IFNOTS], e, 0, &patch1));
else PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_IFNOT], e, 0, &patch1));
PR_Expect (")"); // after the line number is noted..
PR_ParseStatement ();
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_GOTO], NULL, 0, &patch3));
patch3->a = patch2 - patch3;
if (patch1)
if (patch1->op == OP_GOTO) patch1->a = &statements[numstatements] - patch1;
else patch1->b = &statements[numstatements] - patch1;
if (breaks != num_breaks)
for(i = breaks; i < num_breaks; i++)
patch1 = &statements[pr_breaks[i]]; // jump to after the return-to-top goto
statements[pr_breaks[i]].a = &statements[numstatements] - patch1;
num_breaks = breaks;
if (continues != num_continues)
for(i = continues; i < num_continues; i++)
patch1 = &statements[pr_continues[i]];
statements[pr_continues[i]].a = patch2 - patch1; // jump back to top
num_continues = continues;
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_FOR ))
int old_numstatements;
int numtemp, i;
int linenum[32];
dstatement_t temp[sizeof(linenum)/sizeof(linenum[0])];
continues = num_continues;
breaks = num_breaks;
if (!PR_CheckToken(";"))
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Expression(TOP_PRIORITY, true));
patch2 = &statements[numstatements];
if (!PR_CheckToken(";"))
conditional = 1;
e = PR_Expression(TOP_PRIORITY, true);
conditional = 0;
else e = NULL;
if (!PR_CheckToken(")"))
old_numstatements = numstatements;
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Expression(TOP_PRIORITY, true));
numtemp = numstatements - old_numstatements;
if (numtemp > sizeof(linenum)/sizeof(linenum[0]))
PR_ParseError(ERR_TOOCOMPLEX, "Update expression too large");
numstatements = old_numstatements;
for (i = 0 ; i < numtemp ; i++)
linenum[i] = statement_linenums[numstatements + i];
temp[i] = statements[numstatements + i];
else numtemp = 0;
if (e) PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(&pr_opcodes[OP_IFNOT], e, 0, &patch1));
else patch1 = NULL;
if (!PR_CheckToken(";")) PR_ParseStatement(); // don't give the hanging ';' warning.
patch3 = &statements[numstatements];
for (i = 0; i < numtemp; i++)
statement_linenums[numstatements] = linenum[i];
statements[numstatements++] = temp[i];
PR_SimpleStatement(OP_GOTO, patch2 - &statements[numstatements], 0, 0, false);
if (patch1) patch1->b = &statements[numstatements] - patch1;
if (breaks != num_breaks)
for(i = breaks; i < num_breaks; i++)
patch1 = &statements[pr_breaks[i]];
statements[pr_breaks[i]].a = &statements[numstatements] - patch1;
num_breaks = breaks;
if (continues != num_continues)
for(i = continues; i < num_continues; i++)
patch1 = &statements[pr_continues[i]];
statements[pr_continues[i]].a = patch3 - patch1;
num_continues = continues;
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_DO ))
continues = num_continues;
breaks = num_breaks;
patch1 = &statements[numstatements];
PR_ParseStatement ();
PR_Expect ("while");
PR_Expect ("(");
conditional = 1;
e = PR_Expression (TOP_PRIORITY, true);
conditional = 0;
if (e->constant && !e->temp)
if (G_FLOAT(e->ofs))
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_GOTO], NULL, 0, &patch2));
patch2->a = patch1 - patch2;
if (!typecmp( e->type, type_string) && opt_ifstring)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_IFSTRING_USED, "do {} while(string) can result in bizzare behaviour");
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_IFS], e, NULL, &patch2));
else PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_IF], e, NULL, &patch2));
patch2->b = patch1 - patch2;
PR_Expect (")");
PR_Expect (";");
if (breaks != num_breaks)
for(i = breaks; i < num_breaks; i++)
patch2 = &statements[pr_breaks[i]];
statements[pr_breaks[i]].a = &statements[numstatements] - patch2;
num_breaks = breaks;
if (continues != num_continues)
for(i = continues; i < num_continues; i++)
patch2 = &statements[pr_continues[i]];
statements[pr_continues[i]].a = patch1 - patch2;
num_continues = continues;
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_LOCAL ))
type_t *functionsclasstype = pr_classtype;
PR_ParseDefs( NULL );
pr_classtype = functionsclasstype;
locals_end = numpr_globals;
if (pr_token_type == tt_name)
bool result = false;
if (PR_MatchKeyword(KEYWORD_VAR)) result = true;
else if (PR_MatchKeyword(KEYWORD_STRING)) result = true;
else if (PR_MatchKeyword(KEYWORD_FLOAT)) result = true;
else if (PR_MatchKeyword(KEYWORD_ENTITY)) result = true;
else if (PR_MatchKeyword(KEYWORD_VECTOR)) result = true;
else if (PR_MatchKeyword(KEYWORD_INT)) result = true;
else if (PR_MatchKeyword(KEYWORD_CLASS)) result = true;
else if (PR_MatchKeyword(KEYWORD_CONST)) result = true;
else result = false;
PR_ParseDefs (NULL);
locals_end = numpr_globals;
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_STATE ))
if (PR_CheckToken("#"))
char *name;
float frame = pr_immediate._float;
name = PR_ParseName();
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_STATE], PR_MakeFloatDef(frame), PR_GetDef(type_function, name, NULL, false, 0), NULL));
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_IF ))
PR_Expect ("(");
conditional = 1;
e = PR_Expression (TOP_PRIORITY, true);
conditional = 0;
if (!typecmp( e->type, type_string) && opt_ifstring)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_IFSTRING_USED, "if (string) can result in bizzare behaviour");
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_IFNOTS], e, 0, &patch1));
else PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_IFNOT], e, 0, &patch1));
PR_Expect (")"); // close bracket is after we save the statement to mem (so debugger does not show the if statement as being on the line after
PR_ParseStatement ();
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_ELSE ))
int lastwasreturn;
lastwasreturn = statements[numstatements-1].op == OP_RETURN || statements[numstatements-1].op == OP_DONE;
// the last statement of the if was a return, so we don't need the goto at the end
if (lastwasreturn && opt_compound_jumps && !PR_AStatementJumpsTo(numstatements, patch1-statements, numstatements))
patch1->b = &statements[numstatements] - patch1;
PR_ParseStatement ();
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_GOTO], 0, 0, &patch2));
patch1->b = &statements[numstatements] - patch1;
PR_ParseStatement ();
patch2->a = &statements[numstatements] - patch2;
if (PR_StatementBlocksMatch(patch1+1, patch2-patch1, patch2+1, &statements[numstatements] - patch2))
PR_ParseWarning(0, "Two identical blocks each side of an else");
else patch1->b = &statements[numstatements] - patch1;
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_SWITCH ))
int op;
int defaultcase = -1;
temp_t *et;
int oldst;
breaks = num_breaks;
cases = num_cases;
PR_Expect ("(");
conditional = 1;
e = PR_Expression (TOP_PRIORITY, true);
conditional = 0;
if (e == &def_ret) et = NULL;
et = e->temp;
e->temp = NULL; // so noone frees it until we finish this loop
expands from:
switch (CONDITION)
case 1:
case 2:
x = CONDITION, goto start
goto end
goto end
goto end P1
if (x == 1) goto l1;
if (x == 2) goto l2;
goto def
// x is emitted in an opcode, stored as a register that we cannot access later.
// it should be possible to nest these.
case ev_float:
case ev_entity: // whu???
case ev_vector:
case ev_string:
case ev_function:
default: // err hmm.
op = 0;
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[op], e, 0, &patch1));
PR_Expect (")"); // close bracket is after we save the statement to mem (so debugger does not show the if statement as being on the line after
oldst = numstatements;
PR_ParseStatement ();
// this is so that a missing goto at the end of your switch doesn't end up in the jumptable again
if (oldst == numstatements || !PR_StatementIsAJump(numstatements-1, numstatements-1))
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_GOTO], 0, 0, &patch2)); // the P1 statement/the theyforgotthebreak statement.
else patch2 = NULL;
patch1->b = &statements[numstatements] - patch1; // the goto start part
for (i = cases; i < num_cases; i++)
if (!pr_casesdef[i])
if (defaultcase >= 0) PR_ParseError(ERR_MULTIPLEDEFAULTS, "Duplicated default case");
defaultcase = i;
if (pr_casesdef[i]->type->type != e->type->type)
if (e->type->type == ev_integer && pr_casesdef[i]->type->type == ev_float)
pr_casesdef[i] = PR_MakeIntDef((int)pr_globals[pr_casesdef[i]->ofs]);
else PR_ParseWarning(WARN_SWITCHTYPEMISMATCH, "switch case type mismatch");
if (pr_casesdef2[i])
if (pr_casesdef2[i]->type->type != e->type->type)
if (e->type->type == ev_integer && pr_casesdef[i]->type->type == ev_float)
pr_casesdef2[i] = PR_MakeIntDef((int)pr_globals[pr_casesdef2[i]->ofs]);
else PR_ParseWarning(WARN_SWITCHTYPEMISMATCH, "switch caserange type mismatch");
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CASERANGE], pr_casesdef[i], pr_casesdef2[i], &patch3));
patch3->c = &statements[pr_cases[i]] - patch3;
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CASE], pr_casesdef[i], 0, &patch3));
patch3->b = &statements[pr_cases[i]] - patch3;
if( defaultcase >= 0 )
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_GOTO], 0, 0, &patch3));
patch3->a = &statements[pr_cases[defaultcase]] - patch3;
num_cases = cases;
patch3 = &statements[numstatements];
if (patch2) patch2->a = patch3 - patch2; // set P1 jump
if (breaks != num_breaks)
for(i = breaks; i < num_breaks; i++)
patch2 = &statements[pr_breaks[i]];
patch2->a = patch3 - patch2;
num_breaks = breaks;
if (et)
e->temp = et;
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_ASM ))
if (PR_CheckToken("{"))
while (!PR_CheckToken("}"))
PR_ParseAsm ();
else PR_ParseAsm();
if (PR_CheckToken(":"))
if (pr_token_type != tt_name)
PR_ParseError(ERR_BADLABELNAME, "invalid label name \"%s\"", pr_token);
for (i = 0; i < num_labels; i++)
if (!STRNCMP(pr_labels[i].name, pr_token, sizeof(pr_labels[num_labels].name) -1))
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_DUPLICATELABEL, "Duplicate label %s", pr_token);
if (num_labels >= max_labels)
max_labels += 8;
pr_labels = Qrealloc(pr_labels, sizeof(*pr_labels)*max_labels);
com.strncpy(pr_labels[num_labels].name, pr_token, sizeof(pr_labels[num_labels].name) -1);
pr_labels[num_labels].lineno = pr_source_line;
pr_labels[num_labels].statementno = numstatements;
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_GOTO ))
if (pr_token_type != tt_name)
PR_ParseError(ERR_NOLABEL, "invalid label name \"%s\"", pr_token);
PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_GOTO], 0, 0, &patch2);
PR_GotoStatement (patch2, pr_token);
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_BREAK ))
if (!STRCMP ("(", pr_token))
// make sure it wasn't a call to the break function.
PR_IncludeChunk("break(", true, NULL);
PR_Lex(); //so it sees the break.
if (num_breaks >= max_breaks)
max_breaks += 8;
pr_breaks = Qrealloc(pr_breaks, sizeof(*pr_breaks) * max_breaks);
pr_breaks[num_breaks] = numstatements;
PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_GOTO], 0, 0, NULL);
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_CONTINUE ))
if (num_continues >= max_continues)
max_continues += 8;
pr_continues = Qrealloc(pr_continues, sizeof(*pr_continues)*max_continues);
pr_continues[num_continues] = numstatements;
PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_GOTO], 0, 0, NULL);
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_CASE ))
if (num_cases >= max_cases)
max_cases += 8;
pr_cases = Qrealloc(pr_cases, sizeof(*pr_cases)*max_cases);
pr_casesdef = Qrealloc(pr_casesdef, sizeof(*pr_casesdef)*max_cases);
pr_casesdef2 = Qrealloc(pr_casesdef2, sizeof(*pr_casesdef2)*max_cases);
pr_cases[num_cases] = numstatements;
pr_casesdef[num_cases] = PR_Expression (TOP_PRIORITY, false);
if (PR_CheckToken(".."))
pr_casesdef2[num_cases] = PR_Expression (TOP_PRIORITY, false);
if (pr_casesdef[num_cases]->constant && pr_casesdef2[num_cases]->constant && !pr_casesdef[num_cases]->temp && !pr_casesdef2[num_cases]->temp)
if (G_FLOAT(pr_casesdef[num_cases]->ofs) >= G_FLOAT(pr_casesdef2[num_cases]->ofs))
PR_ParseError(ERR_CASENOTIMMEDIATE, "Caserange statement uses backwards range\n");
else pr_casesdef2[num_cases] = NULL;
if (numstatements != pr_cases[num_cases]) PR_ParseError(ERR_CASENOTIMMEDIATE, "Case statements may not use formulas\n");
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_DEFAULT ))
if (num_cases >= max_cases)
max_cases += 8;
pr_cases = Qrealloc(pr_cases, sizeof(*pr_cases)*max_cases);
pr_casesdef = Qrealloc(pr_casesdef, sizeof(*pr_casesdef)*max_cases);
pr_casesdef2 = Qrealloc(pr_casesdef2, sizeof(*pr_casesdef2)*max_cases);
pr_cases[num_cases] = numstatements;
pr_casesdef[num_cases] = NULL;
pr_casesdef2[num_cases] = NULL;
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_THINKTIME ))
e = PR_Expression (TOP_PRIORITY, true);
e2 = PR_Expression (TOP_PRIORITY, true);
if (e->type->type != ev_entity || e2->type->type != ev_float)
PR_ParseError(ERR_THINKTIMETYPEMISMATCH, "thinktime type mismatch");
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_THINKTIME], e, e2, NULL));
if (PR_CheckToken(";"))
int osl = pr_source_line;
pr_source_line = statementstart;
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_POINTLESSSTATEMENT, "Hanging ';'");
pr_source_line = osl;
qcc_usefulstatement = false;
e = PR_Expression (TOP_PRIORITY, true);
PR_Expect (";");
if (e->type->type != ev_void && !qcc_usefulstatement)
int osl = pr_source_line;
pr_source_line = statementstart;
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_POINTLESSSTATEMENT, "Effectless statement");
pr_source_line = osl;
States are special functions made for convenience. They automatically
set frame, nextthink (implicitly), and think (allowing forward definitions).
// void() name = [framenum, nextthink] { code }
// expands to:
// function void name ()
// {
// pev.frame = framenum;
// pev.nextthink = time + 0.1;
// pev.think = nextthink
// <code>
// };
void PR_ParseState( void )
char *name;
def_t *s1, *def, *sc = pr_scope;
char f;
f = *pr_token;
if (PR_CheckToken("++") || PR_CheckToken("--"))
s1 = PR_ParseImmediate ();
def = PR_ParseImmediate ();
PR_Expect ("]");
if (s1->type->type != ev_float || def->type->type != ev_float)
PR_ParseError(ERR_STATETYPEMISMATCH, "state type mismatch");
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_CSTATE], s1, def, NULL));
if (pr_token_type != tt_immediate || pr_immediate_type != type_float)
PR_ParseError (ERR_STATETYPEMISMATCH, "state frame must be a number");
s1 = PR_ParseImmediate ();
PR_CheckToken (",");
name = PR_ParseName ();
pr_scope = NULL;
def = PR_GetDef (type_function, name, NULL, true, 1);
pr_scope = sc;
PR_Expect ("]");
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_STATE], s1, def, NULL));
void PR_ParseAsm(void)
dstatement_t *patch1;
int op, p;
def_t *a, *b, *c;
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_LOCAL ))
PR_ParseDefs (NULL);
locals_end = numpr_globals;
for (op = 0; op < OP_NUMOPS; op++)
if (!STRCMP(pr_token, pr_opcodes[op].opname))
if (pr_opcodes[op].priority == -1 && pr_opcodes[op].associative != ASSOC_LEFT)
if (pr_opcodes[op].type_a==NULL)
patch1 = &statements[numstatements];
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[op], NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
if (pr_token_type == tt_name)
PR_GotoStatement(patch1, PR_ParseName());
p = (int)pr_immediate._float;
patch1->a = (int)p;
else if (pr_opcodes[op].type_b==NULL)
patch1 = &statements[numstatements];
a = PR_ParseValue(pr_classtype);
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[op], a, NULL, NULL, true);
if (pr_token_type == tt_name)
PR_GotoStatement(patch1, PR_ParseName());
p = (int)pr_immediate._float;
patch1->b = (int)p;
patch1 = &statements[numstatements];
a = PR_ParseValue(pr_classtype);
b = PR_ParseValue(pr_classtype);
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[op], a, b, NULL, true);
if (pr_token_type == tt_name)
PR_GotoStatement(patch1, PR_ParseName());
p = (int)pr_immediate._float;
patch1->c = (int)p;
if (pr_opcodes[op].type_a != &type_void)
a = PR_ParseValue(pr_classtype);
else a = NULL;
if (pr_opcodes[op].type_b != &type_void)
b = PR_ParseValue(pr_classtype);
else b = NULL;
if (pr_opcodes[op].associative==ASSOC_LEFT && pr_opcodes[op].type_c != &type_void)
c = PR_ParseValue(pr_classtype);
else c = NULL;
PR_Statement3(&pr_opcodes[op], a, b, c, true);
PR_ParseError(ERR_BADOPCODE, "Bad op code name %s", pr_token);
bool PR_FuncJumpsTo(int first, int last, int statement)
int st;
for (st = first; st < last; st++)
if (pr_opcodes[statements[st].op].type_a == NULL)
if (st + (signed)statements[st].a == statement)
if (st != first)
if (statements[st-1].op == OP_RETURN) continue;
if (statements[st-1].op == OP_DONE) continue;
return true;
if (pr_opcodes[statements[st].op].type_b == NULL)
if (st + (signed)statements[st].b == statement)
if (st != first)
if (statements[st-1].op == OP_RETURN) continue;
if (statements[st-1].op == OP_DONE) continue;
return true;
if (pr_opcodes[statements[st].op].type_c == NULL)
if (st + (signed)statements[st].c == statement)
if (st != first)
if (statements[st-1].op == OP_RETURN) continue;
if (statements[st-1].op == OP_DONE) continue;
return true;
return false;
bool PR_FuncJumpsToRange(int first, int last, int firstr, int lastr)
int st;
for (st = first; st < last; st++)
if (pr_opcodes[statements[st].op].type_a == NULL)
if (st + (signed)statements[st].a >= firstr && st + (signed)statements[st].a <= lastr)
if (st != first)
if (statements[st-1].op == OP_RETURN) continue;
if (statements[st-1].op == OP_DONE) continue;
return true;
if (pr_opcodes[statements[st].op].type_b == NULL)
if (st + (signed)statements[st].b >= firstr && st + (signed)statements[st].b <= lastr)
if (st != first)
if (statements[st-1].op == OP_RETURN) continue;
if (statements[st-1].op == OP_DONE) continue;
return true;
if (pr_opcodes[statements[st].op].type_c == NULL)
if (st + (signed)statements[st].c >= firstr && st + (signed)statements[st].c <= lastr)
if (st != first)
if (statements[st-1].op == OP_RETURN) continue;
if (statements[st-1].op == OP_DONE) continue;
return true;
return false;
jumps to jumps are reordered so they become jumps to the final target.
void PR_CompoundJumps(int first, int last)
int statement;
int st;
int infloop;
for (st = first; st < last; st++)
if (pr_opcodes[statements[st].op].type_a == NULL)
statement = st + (signed)statements[st].a;
if (statements[statement].op == OP_RETURN || statements[statement].op == OP_DONE)
// goto leads to return. Copy the command out to remove the goto.
statements[st].op = statements[statement].op;
statements[st].a = statements[statement].a;
statements[st].b = statements[statement].b;
statements[st].c = statements[statement].c;
infloop = 1000;
while (statements[statement].op == OP_GOTO)
if (!infloop--)
PR_ParseWarning(0, "Infinate loop detected");
statements[st].a = (statement+statements[statement].a - st);
statement = st + (signed)statements[st].a;
if (pr_opcodes[statements[st].op].type_b == NULL)
statement = st + (signed)statements[st].b;
infloop = 1000;
while (statements[statement].op == OP_GOTO)
if (!infloop--)
PR_ParseWarning(0, "Infinate loop detected");
statements[st].b = (statement+statements[statement].a - st);
statement = st + (signed)statements[st].b;
if (pr_opcodes[statements[st].op].type_c == NULL)
statement = st + (signed)statements[st].c;
infloop = 1000;
while (statements[statement].op == OP_GOTO)
if (!infloop--)
PR_ParseWarning(0, "Infinate loop detected");
statements[st].c = (statement+statements[statement].a - st);
statement = st + (signed)statements[st].c;
void PR_CheckForDeadAndMissingReturns(int first, int last, int rettype)
int st, st2;
if (statements[last-1].op == OP_DONE) last--; // don't want the done
if (rettype != ev_void)
if (statements[last-1].op != OP_RETURN)
if (statements[last-1].op != OP_GOTO || (signed)statements[last-1].a > 0)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_MISSINGRETURN, "%s: not all control paths return a value", pr_scope->name );
for (st = first; st < last; st++)
if (statements[st].op == OP_RETURN || statements[st].op == OP_GOTO)
if (st == last) continue; // erm... end of function doesn't count as unreachable.
if (!opt_compound_jumps)
// we can ignore single statements like these without compound jumps (compound jumps correctly removes all).
if (statements[st].op == OP_GOTO) continue; // inefficient compiler, we can ignore this.
if (statements[st].op == OP_DONE) continue; // inefficient compiler, we can ignore this.
if (statements[st].op == OP_RETURN) continue;// inefficient compiler, we can ignore this.
//make sure something goes to just after this return.
for (st2 = first; st2 < last; st2++)
if (pr_opcodes[statements[st2].op].type_a == NULL)
if (st2 + (signed)statements[st2].a == st)
if (pr_opcodes[statements[st2].op].type_b == NULL)
if (st2 + (signed)statements[st2].b == st)
if (pr_opcodes[statements[st2].op].type_c == NULL)
if (st2 + (signed)statements[st2].c == st)
if (st2 == last) PR_ParseWarning(WARN_UNREACHABLECODE, "%s: contains unreachable code", pr_scope->name );
if (rettype != ev_void)
if (pr_opcodes[statements[st].op].type_a == NULL)
if (st + (signed)statements[st].a == last)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_MISSINGRETURN, "%s: not all control paths return a value", pr_scope->name );
if (pr_opcodes[statements[st].op].type_b == NULL)
if (st + (signed)statements[st].b == last)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_MISSINGRETURN, "%s: not all control paths return a value", pr_scope->name );
if (pr_opcodes[statements[st].op].type_c == NULL)
if (st + (signed)statements[st].c == last)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_MISSINGRETURN, "%s: not all control paths return a value", pr_scope->name );
bool PR_StatementIsAJump(int stnum, int notifdest)
if (statements[stnum].op == OP_RETURN) return true;
if (statements[stnum].op == OP_DONE) return true;
if (statements[stnum].op == OP_GOTO)
if ((int)statements[stnum].a != notifdest)
return true;
return false;
int PR_AStatementJumpsTo(int targ, int first, int last)
int st;
for (st = first; st < last; st++)
if (pr_opcodes[statements[st].op].type_a == NULL)
if (st + (signed)statements[st].a == targ && statements[st].a)
return true;
if (pr_opcodes[statements[st].op].type_b == NULL)
if (st + (signed)statements[st].b == targ)
return true;
if (pr_opcodes[statements[st].op].type_c == NULL)
if (st + (signed)statements[st].c == targ)
return true;
for (st = 0; st < num_labels; st++) // assume it's used.
if (pr_labels[st].statementno == targ)
return true;
return false;
void PR_RemapOffsets(uint firststatement, uint laststatement, uint min, uint max, uint newmin)
dstatement_t *st;
uint i;
for (i = firststatement, st = &statements[i]; i < laststatement; i++, st++)
if (pr_opcodes[st->op].type_a && st->a >= min && st->a < max)
st->a = st->a - min + newmin;
if (pr_opcodes[st->op].type_b && st->b >= min && st->b < max)
st->b = st->b - min + newmin;
if (pr_opcodes[st->op].type_c && st->c >= min && st->c < max)
st->c = st->c - min + newmin;
void PR_Marshal_Locals(int first, int laststatement)
def_t *local;
uint newofs;
if (!pr.localvars) //nothing to marshal
locals_start = numpr_globals;
locals_end = numpr_globals;
if (!opt_locals_marshalling)
pr.localvars = NULL;
// initial backwards bounds.
locals_start = MAX_REGS;
locals_end = 0;
newofs = MAX_REGS; // this is a handy place to put it. :)
// the params need to be in the order that they were allocated
// so we allocate in a backwards order.
for (local = pr.localvars; local; local = local->nextlocal)
if (local->constant) continue;
newofs += local->type->size*local->arraysize;
if (local->arraysize > 1) newofs++;
locals_start = MAX_REGS;
locals_end = newofs;
for (local = pr.localvars; local; local = local->nextlocal)
if (local->constant) continue;
if (((int*)pr_globals)[local->ofs]) PR_ParseError(ERR_INTERNAL, "Marshall of a set value");
newofs -= local->type->size*local->arraysize;
if (local->arraysize > 1) newofs--;
PR_RemapOffsets(first, laststatement, local->ofs, local->ofs+local->type->size*local->arraysize, newofs);
PR_FreeOffset(local->ofs, local->type->size*local->arraysize);
local->ofs = newofs;
pr.localvars = NULL;
void PR_WriteAsmFunction(def_t *sc, uint firststatement, gofs_t firstparm)
uint i;
uint p;
gofs_t o;
type_t *type;
def_t *param;
if (!asmfile) return;
type = sc->type;
FS_Printf(asmfile, "%s(", TypeName(type->aux_type));
p = type->num_parms;
for (o = firstparm, i = 0, type = type->param; i < p; i++, type = type->next)
if (i) FS_Printf(asmfile, ", ");
for (param = pr.localvars; param; param = param->nextlocal)
if (param->ofs == o) break;
if (param) FS_Printf(asmfile, "%s %s", TypeName(type), param->name);
else FS_Printf(asmfile, "%s", TypeName(type));
o += type->size;
FS_Printf(asmfile, ") %s = asm\n{\n", sc->name);
PR_fprintfLocals(asmfile, firstparm, o);
for (i = firststatement; i < (uint)numstatements; i++)
FS_Printf(asmfile, "\t%s", pr_opcodes[statements[i].op].opname);
if (pr_opcodes[statements[i].op].type_a != &type_void)
if (com.strlen(pr_opcodes[statements[i].op].opname) < 6)
FS_Printf(asmfile, "\t");
if (pr_opcodes[statements[i].op].type_a)
FS_Printf(asmfile, "\t%s", PR_VarAtOffset(statements[i].a, (*pr_opcodes[statements[i].op].type_a)->size));
else FS_Printf(asmfile, "\t%i", statements[i].a);
if (pr_opcodes[statements[i].op].type_b != &type_void)
if (pr_opcodes[statements[i].op].type_b)
FS_Printf(asmfile, ",\t%s", PR_VarAtOffset(statements[i].b, (*pr_opcodes[statements[i].op].type_b)->size));
else FS_Printf(asmfile, ",\t%i", statements[i].b);
if (pr_opcodes[statements[i].op].type_c != &type_void && pr_opcodes[statements[i].op].associative == ASSOC_LEFT)
if (pr_opcodes[statements[i].op].type_c)
FS_Printf(asmfile, ",\t%s", PR_VarAtOffset(statements[i].c, (*pr_opcodes[statements[i].op].type_c)->size));
else FS_Printf(asmfile, ",\t%i", statements[i].c);
if (pr_opcodes[statements[i].op].type_c != &type_void)
if (pr_opcodes[statements[i].op].type_c)
FS_Printf(asmfile, ",\t%s", PR_VarAtOffset(statements[i].c, (*pr_opcodes[statements[i].op].type_c)->size));
else FS_Printf(asmfile, ",\t%i", statements[i].c);
FS_Printf(asmfile, ";\n");
FS_Printf(asmfile, "}\n\n");
Parse a function body
function_t *PR_ParseImmediateStatements (type_t *type)
int i;
function_t *f;
def_t *defs[MAX_PARMS+MAX_PARMS_EXTRA], *e2;
type_t *parm;
bool needsdone = false;
freeoffset_t *oldfofs;
conditional = 0;
f = (void *)Qalloc (sizeof(function_t));
// check for builtin function definition #1, #2, etc
if (PR_CheckToken ("#"))
if (pr_token_type != tt_immediate || pr_immediate_type != type_float || pr_immediate._float != (int)pr_immediate._float)
PR_ParseError (ERR_BADBUILTINIMMEDIATE, "Bad builtin immediate");
f->builtin = (int)pr_immediate._float;
PR_Lex ();
locals_start = locals_end = OFS_PARM0; // hmm...
return f;
if (type->num_parms < 0) PR_ParseError (ERR_FUNCTIONWITHVARGS, "QC function with variable arguments and function body");
f->builtin = 0;
// define the parms
locals_start = locals_end = numpr_globals;
oldfofs = freeofs;
freeofs = NULL;
parm = type->param;
for (i = 0; i < type->num_parms; i++)
if (!*pr_parm_names[i]) PR_ParseError(ERR_PARAMWITHNONAME, "Parameter is not named");
defs[i] = PR_GetDef (parm, pr_parm_names[i], pr_scope, true, 1);
if (i < MAX_PARMS)
f->parm_ofs[i] = defs[i]->ofs;
if (i > 0 && f->parm_ofs[i] < f->parm_ofs[i-1]) PR_ParseError(ERR_INTERNAL, "bad parm order");
if (i > 0 && f->parm_ofs[i] != f->parm_ofs[i-1]+defs[i-1]->type->size)
PR_ParseError(ERR_INTERNAL, "parms not packed");
parm = parm->next;
if (type->num_parms) locals_start = locals_end = defs[0]->ofs;
freeofs = oldfofs;
f->code = numstatements;
if (type->num_parms > MAX_PARMS)
for (i = MAX_PARMS; i < type->num_parms; i++)
if (!extra_parms[i - MAX_PARMS])
e2 = (def_t *) Qalloc (sizeof(def_t));
e2->name = "extra parm";
e2->ofs = PR_GetFreeOffsetSpace(3);
extra_parms[i - MAX_PARMS] = e2;
extra_parms[i - MAX_PARMS]->type = defs[i]->type;
if (defs[i]->type->type != ev_vector)
PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_F], extra_parms[i - MAX_PARMS], defs[i], NULL);
else PR_Statement (&pr_opcodes[OP_STORE_V], extra_parms[i - MAX_PARMS], defs[i], NULL);
PR_RemapLockedTemps(-1, -1);
// check for a state opcode
if (PR_CheckToken ("[")) PR_ParseState ();
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_ASM ))
PR_Expect ("{");
while (!PR_CheckToken("}")) PR_ParseAsm ();
PR_Expect ("{");
// parse regular statements
while (!PR_CheckToken("}"))
PR_ParseStatement ();
if (f->code == numstatements) needsdone = true;
else if (statements[numstatements - 1].op != OP_RETURN && statements[numstatements - 1].op != OP_DONE)
needsdone = true;
if (num_gotos)
int j;
for (i = 0; i < num_gotos; i++)
for (j = 0; j < num_labels; j++)
if (!com.strcmp(pr_gotos[i].name, pr_labels[j].name))
if (!pr_opcodes[statements[pr_gotos[i].statementno].op].type_a)
statements[pr_gotos[i].statementno].a += pr_labels[j].statementno - pr_gotos[i].statementno;
else if (!pr_opcodes[statements[pr_gotos[i].statementno].op].type_b)
statements[pr_gotos[i].statementno].b += pr_labels[j].statementno - pr_gotos[i].statementno;
else statements[pr_gotos[i].statementno].c += pr_labels[j].statementno - pr_gotos[i].statementno;
if (j == num_labels)
num_gotos = 0;
PR_ParseError(ERR_NOLABEL, "Goto statement with no matching label \"%s\"", pr_gotos[i].name);
num_gotos = 0;
if (opt_return_only && !needsdone) needsdone = PR_FuncJumpsTo(f->code, numstatements, numstatements);
// emit an end of statements opcode
if (!opt_return_only || needsdone) PR_Statement (pr_opcodes, 0,0, NULL);
PR_CheckForDeadAndMissingReturns(f->code, numstatements, type->aux_type->type);
if (opt_compound_jumps) PR_CompoundJumps(f->code, numstatements);
PR_RemapLockedTemps(f->code, numstatements);
locals_end = numpr_globals;
PR_WriteAsmFunction(pr_scope, f->code, locals_start);
PR_Marshal_Locals(f->code, numstatements);
if (num_labels) num_labels = 0;
if (num_continues)
num_continues = 0;
PR_ParseError(ERR_ILLEGALCONTINUES, "%s: function contains illegal continues\n", pr_scope->name);
if (num_breaks)
num_breaks = 0;
PR_ParseError(ERR_ILLEGALBREAKS, "%s: function contains illegal breaks\n", pr_scope->name);
if (num_cases)
num_cases = 0;
PR_ParseError(ERR_ILLEGALCASES, "%s: function contains illegal cases\n", pr_scope->name);
return f;
void PR_ArrayRecurseDivideRegular(def_t *array, def_t *index, int min, int max, bool usingvectors)
dstatement_t *st;
def_t *eq;
if (min == max || min+1 == max)
eq = PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_LT, index, PR_MakeFloatDef(min+0.5f), NULL);
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_IFNOT, eq, 0, &st));
st->b = 2;
PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_RETURN, 0, 0, &st);
if(usingvectors) st->a = array->ofs + min * 3;
else st->a = array->ofs + min * array->type->size;
int mid = min + (max-min)/2;
if (max-min > 4)
eq = PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_LT, index, PR_MakeFloatDef(mid+0.5f), NULL);
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_IFNOT, eq, 0, &st));
else st = NULL;
PR_ArrayRecurseDivideRegular(array, index, min, mid, usingvectors );
if (st) st->b = numstatements - (st-statements);
PR_ArrayRecurseDivideRegular(array, index, mid, max, usingvectors );
returns a vector overlapping the result needed.
def_t *PR_EmitArrayGetVector(def_t *array)
dfunction_t *df;
def_t *temp, *index, *func;
func = PR_GetDef(type_function, va("ArrayGetVec*%s", array->name), NULL, true, 1);
pr_scope = func;
df = &functions[numfunctions];
df->s_file = 0;
df->s_name = PR_CopyString(func->name, opt_noduplicatestrings );
df->first_statement = numstatements;
df->parm_size[0] = 1;
df->numparms = 1;
df->parm_start = numpr_globals;
index = PR_GetDef(type_float, "index___", func, true, 1);
temp = PR_GetDef(type_float, "div3___", func, true, 1);
locals_end = numpr_globals;
df->locals = locals_end - df->parm_start;
PR_Statement3(pr_opcodes+OP_DIV_F, index, PR_MakeFloatDef(3), temp, false);
PR_Statement3(pr_opcodes+OP_BITAND, temp, temp, temp, false); // round down to int
PR_ArrayRecurseDivideRegular(array, temp, 0, (array->arraysize + 2)/3, true); // round up
PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_RETURN, PR_MakeFloatDef(0), 0, NULL); // err... we didn't find it, give up.
PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_DONE, 0, 0, NULL); // err... we didn't find it, give up.
G_FUNCTION(func->ofs) = df - functions;
func->initialized = 1;
return func;
void PR_EmitArrayGetFunction(def_t *scope, char *arrayname)
def_t *vectortrick;
dfunction_t *df;
dstatement_t *st;
def_t *eq, *def, *index;
def = PR_GetDef(NULL, arrayname, NULL, false, 0);
if (def->arraysize >= 15 && def->type->size == 1) vectortrick = PR_EmitArrayGetVector(def);
else vectortrick = NULL;
pr_scope = scope;
df = &functions[numfunctions];
df->s_file = 0;
df->s_name = PR_CopyString(scope->name, opt_noduplicatestrings );
df->first_statement = numstatements;
df->parm_size[0] = 1;
df->numparms = 1;
df->parm_start = numpr_globals;
index = PR_GetDef(type_float, "indexg___", def, true, 1);
G_FUNCTION(scope->ofs) = df - functions;
if (vectortrick)
def_t *div3, *intdiv3, *ret;
// okay, we've got a function to retrieve the var as part of a vector.
// we need to work out which part, x/y/z that it's stored in.
// 0, 1, 2 = i - ((int)i/3 *) 3;
div3 = PR_GetDef(type_float, "div3___", def, true, 1);
intdiv3 = PR_GetDef(type_float, "intdiv3___", def, true, 1);
// escape clause - should call some sort of error function instead.. that'd rule!
eq = PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_GE, index, PR_MakeFloatDef((float)def->arraysize), NULL);
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_IFNOT, eq, 0, &st));
st->b = 2;
PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_RETURN, PR_MakeFloatDef(0), 0, &st);
PR_Statement3(pr_opcodes+OP_BITAND, index, index, index, false);
PR_Statement3(pr_opcodes+OP_DIV_F, index, PR_MakeFloatDef(3), div3, false);
PR_Statement3(pr_opcodes+OP_BITAND, div3, div3, intdiv3, false);
PR_Statement3(pr_opcodes+OP_STORE_F, index, &def_parms[0], NULL, false);
PR_Statement3(pr_opcodes+OP_CALL1, vectortrick, NULL, NULL, false);
ret = PR_GetDef(type_vector, "vec__", pr_scope, true, 1);
ret->references += 4;
PR_Statement3(pr_opcodes+OP_STORE_V, &def_ret, ret, NULL, false);
div3 = PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_MUL_F, intdiv3, PR_MakeFloatDef(3), NULL);
PR_Statement3(pr_opcodes+OP_SUB_F, index, div3, index, false);
eq = PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_LT, index, PR_MakeFloatDef(0+0.5f), NULL);
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_IFNOT, eq, 0, &st));
st->b = 2;
PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_RETURN, 0, 0, &st);
st->a = ret->ofs + 0;
eq = PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_LT, index, PR_MakeFloatDef(1+0.5f), NULL);
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_IFNOT, eq, 0, &st));
st->b = 2;
PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_RETURN, 0, 0, &st);
st->a = ret->ofs + 1;
eq = PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_LT, index, PR_MakeFloatDef(2+0.5), NULL);
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_IFNOT, eq, 0, &st));
st->b = 2;
PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_RETURN, 0, 0, &st);
st->a = ret->ofs + 2;
PR_Statement3(pr_opcodes+OP_BITAND, index, index, index, false);
PR_ArrayRecurseDivideRegular(def, index, 0, def->arraysize, false );
PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_RETURN, PR_MakeFloatDef(0), 0, NULL);
PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_DONE, 0, 0, NULL);
locals_end = numpr_globals;
df->locals = locals_end - df->parm_start;
PR_WriteAsmFunction(pr_scope, df->first_statement, df->parm_start);
void PR_ArraySetRecurseDivide(def_t *array, def_t *index, def_t *value, int min, int max)
dstatement_t *st;
def_t *eq;
if (min == max || min+1 == max)
eq = PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_EQ_F, index, PR_MakeFloatDef((float)min), NULL);
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_IFNOT, eq, 0, &st));
st->b = 3;
if (array->type->size == 3) PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_STORE_V, value, array, &st);
else PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_STORE_F, value, array, &st);
st->b = array->ofs + min*array->type->size;
PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_RETURN, 0, 0, &st);
int mid = min + (max-min)/2;
if (max-min>4)
eq = PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_LT, index, PR_MakeFloatDef((float)mid), NULL);
PR_FreeTemp(PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_IFNOT, eq, 0, &st));
else st = NULL;
PR_ArraySetRecurseDivide(array, index, value, min, mid);
if (st) st->b = numstatements - (st-statements);
PR_ArraySetRecurseDivide(array, index, value, mid, max);
void PR_EmitArraySetFunction(def_t *scope, char *arrayname)
dfunction_t *df;
def_t *def, *index, *value;
def = PR_GetDef(NULL, arrayname, NULL, false, 0);
pr_scope = scope;
df = &functions[numfunctions];
df->s_file = 0;
df->s_name = PR_CopyString(scope->name, opt_noduplicatestrings );
df->first_statement = numstatements;
df->parm_size[0] = 1;
df->parm_size[1] = def->type->size;
df->numparms = 2;
df->parm_start = numpr_globals;
index = PR_GetDef(type_float, "indexs___", def, true, 1);
value = PR_GetDef(def->type, "value___", def, true, 1);
locals_end = numpr_globals;
df->locals = locals_end - df->parm_start;
G_FUNCTION(scope->ofs) = df - functions;
PR_Statement3(pr_opcodes+OP_BITAND, index, index, index, false);
PR_ArraySetRecurseDivide(def, index, value, 0, def->arraysize);
PR_Statement(pr_opcodes+OP_DONE, 0, 0, NULL);
PR_WriteAsmFunction(pr_scope, df->first_statement, df->parm_start);
register a def, and all of it's sub parts.
only the main def is of use to the compiler.
the subparts are emitted to the compiler and allow correct saving/loading
be careful with fields, this doesn't allocated space, so will it allocate fields.
It only creates defs at specified offsets.
def_t *PR_DummyDef(type_t *type, char *name, def_t *scope, int arraysize, uint ofs, int referable)
char array[64];
char newname[256];
int a;
def_t *def, *first=NULL;
// check for macthing with keywords
if (name) PR_KeyWordValid( name, type );
for (a = 0; a < arraysize; a++)
if (a == 0) *array = '\0';
else com.sprintf(array, "[%i]", a);
if (name) com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s", name, array);
else *newname = *"";
// allocate a new def
def = (void *)Qalloc (sizeof(def_t));
def->next = NULL;
def->arraysize = arraysize;
if (name)
pr.def_tail->next = def;
pr.def_tail = def;
if (a > 0) def->references++;
def->s_line = pr_source_line;
def->s_file = s_file;
def->name = copystring( newname );
def->type = type;
def->scope = scope;
def->constant = true;
if (ofs + type->size*a >= MAX_REGS) PR_ParseError(ERR_INTERNAL, "MAX_REGS is too small");
def->ofs = ofs + type->size*a;
if (!first) first = def;
if (type->type == ev_struct)
int partnum;
type_t *parttype = type->param;
for (partnum = 0; partnum < type->num_parms; partnum++)
switch (parttype->type)
case ev_vector:
com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s.%s", name, array, parttype->name);
PR_DummyDef(parttype, newname, scope, 1, ofs + type->size*a + parttype->ofs, false);
com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s.%s_x", name, array, parttype->name);
PR_DummyDef(type_float, newname, scope, 1, ofs + type->size*a + parttype->ofs, false);
com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s.%s_y", name, array, parttype->name);
PR_DummyDef(type_float, newname, scope, 1, ofs + type->size*a + parttype->ofs+1, false);
com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s.%s_z", name, array, parttype->name);
PR_DummyDef(type_float, newname, scope, 1, ofs + type->size*a + parttype->ofs+2, false);
case ev_float:
case ev_string:
case ev_entity:
case ev_field:
case ev_pointer:
case ev_integer:
case ev_struct:
case ev_union:
case ev_variant: // for lack of any better alternative
com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s.%s", name, array, parttype->name);
PR_DummyDef(parttype, newname, scope, 1, ofs + type->size*a + parttype->ofs, false);
case ev_function:
com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s.%s", name, array, parttype->name);
PR_DummyDef(parttype, newname, scope, 1, ofs + type->size*a +parttype->ofs, false)->initialized = true;
case ev_void:
parttype = parttype->next;
else if (type->type == ev_vector)
// do the vector thing.
com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s_x", name, array);
PR_DummyDef(type_float, newname, scope, 1, ofs + type->size*a+0, referable);
com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s_y", name, array);
PR_DummyDef(type_float, newname, scope, 1, ofs + type->size*a+1, referable);
com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s_z", name, array);
PR_DummyDef(type_float, newname, scope, 1, ofs + type->size*a+2, referable);
else if (type->type == ev_field)
if (type->aux_type->type == ev_vector)
// do the vector thing.
com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s_x", name, array);
PR_DummyDef(type_floatfield, newname, scope, 1, ofs + type->size*a+0, referable);
com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s_y", name, array);
PR_DummyDef(type_floatfield, newname, scope, 1, ofs + type->size*a+1, referable);
com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s_z", name, array);
PR_DummyDef(type_floatfield, newname, scope, 1, ofs + type->size*a+2, referable);
if (referable)
// anything above needs to be left in, and so warning about not using it is just going to pee people off.
if (!Hash_Get(&globalstable, "end_sys_fields")) first->references++;
if (arraysize <= 1) first->constant = false;
if (scope) Hash_Add(&localstable, first->name, first, Qalloc(sizeof(bucket_t)));
else Hash_Add(&globalstable, first->name, first, Qalloc(sizeof(bucket_t)));
if (!scope && asmfile) FS_Printf(asmfile, "%s %s;\n", TypeName(first->type), first->name);
return first;
If type is NULL, it will match any type
If allocate is true, a new def will be allocated if it can't be found
def_t *PR_GetDef (type_t *type, char *name, def_t *scope, bool allocate, int arraysize)
int ofs;
def_t *def;
uint i;
if (scope)
def = Hash_Get(&localstable, name);
if ( def->scope && def->scope != scope)
def = Hash_GetNext(&localstable, name, def);
continue; // in a different function
if (type && typecmp(def->type, type)) PR_ParseError (ERR_TYPEMISMATCHREDEC, "Type mismatch on redeclaration of %s. %s, should be %s",name, TypeName(type), TypeName(def->type));
if (def->arraysize != arraysize && arraysize)
PR_ParseError (ERR_TYPEMISMATCHARRAYSIZE, "Array sizes for redecleration of %s do not match",name);
if (allocate && scope)
PR_ParseWarning (WARN_DUPLICATEDEFINITION, "%s duplicate, second definition ignored", name);
return def;
def = Hash_Get(&globalstable, name);
if ( def->scope && def->scope != scope)
def = Hash_GetNext(&globalstable, name, def);
continue; // in a different function
if (type && typecmp(def->type, type))
if (!pr_scope) PR_ParseError (ERR_TYPEMISMATCHREDEC, "Type mismatch on redeclaration of %s. %s, should be %s",name, TypeName(type), TypeName(def->type));
if (def->arraysize != arraysize && arraysize)
PR_ParseError (ERR_TYPEMISMATCHARRAYSIZE, "Array sizes for redecleration of %s do not match",name);
if (allocate && scope)
if (pr_scope)
// warn? or would that be pointless?
def = Hash_GetNext(&globalstable, name, def);
continue; // in a different function
PR_ParseWarning (WARN_DUPLICATEDEFINITION, "%s duplicate, second definition ignored", name);
return def;
if (Hash_Get != &Hash_Get && !allocate) // do we want to try case insensative too?
if (scope)
def = Hash_Get(&localstable, name);
if ( def->scope && def->scope != scope)
def = Hash_GetNext(&localstable, name, def);
continue; // in a different function
if (type && typecmp(def->type, type))
PR_ParseError (ERR_TYPEMISMATCHREDEC, "Type mismatch on redeclaration of %s. %s, should be %s",name, TypeName(type), TypeName(def->type));
if (def->arraysize != arraysize && arraysize)
PR_ParseError (ERR_TYPEMISMATCHARRAYSIZE, "Array sizes for redecleration of %s do not match",name);
if (allocate && scope)
PR_ParseWarning (WARN_DUPLICATEDEFINITION, "%s duplicate, second definition ignored", name);
return def;
def = Hash_Get(&globalstable, name);
if ( def->scope && def->scope != scope)
def = Hash_GetNext(&globalstable, name, def);
continue; // in a different function
if (type && typecmp(def->type, type))
if (!pr_scope) PR_ParseError (ERR_TYPEMISMATCHREDEC, "Type mismatch on redeclaration of %s. %s, should be %s",name, TypeName(type), TypeName(def->type));
if (def->arraysize != arraysize && arraysize)
PR_ParseError (ERR_TYPEMISMATCHARRAYSIZE, "Array sizes for redecleration of %s do not match",name);
if (allocate && scope)
if (pr_scope)
// warn? or would that be pointless?
def = Hash_GetNext(&globalstable, name, def);
continue; // in a different function
PR_ParseWarning (WARN_DUPLICATEDEFINITION, "%s duplicate, second definition ignored", name);
return def;
// quake1 compatiable opcode don't create new type and cause to exception
if (!allocate || !type) return NULL;
if (arraysize < 1) PR_ParseError (ERR_ARRAYNEEDSSIZE, "First declaration of array %s with no size",name);
/*if (scope && PR_GetDef(type, name, NULL, false, arraysize))
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_SAMENAMEASGLOBAL, "Local \"%s\" defined with name of a global", name);
ofs = numpr_globals;
if (arraysize > 1)
// write the array size
ofs = PR_GetFreeOffsetSpace(1 + (type->size * arraysize));
// An array needs the size written first. This is a hexen2 opcode thing.
((int *)pr_globals)[ofs] = arraysize - 1;
else ofs = PR_GetFreeOffsetSpace(type->size * arraysize);
def = PR_DummyDef(type, name, scope, arraysize, ofs, true);
// fix up fields.
if (type->type == ev_field && allocate != 2)
for (i = 0; i < type->size*arraysize; i++) // make arrays of fields work.
*(int *)&pr_globals[def->ofs+i] = pr.size_fields+i;
pr.size_fields += i;
if (scope)
def->nextlocal = pr.localvars;
pr.localvars = def;
def->local = true;
return def;
def_t *PR_DummyFieldDef(type_t *type, char *name, def_t *scope, int arraysize, uint *fieldofs)
char array[64];
char newname[256];
int a, parms;
def_t *def, *first=NULL;
uint startfield = *fieldofs;
uint maxfield = startfield;
type_t *ftype;
bool isunion;
for (a = 0; a < arraysize; a++)
if (a == 0) *array = '\0';
else com.sprintf(array, "[%i]", a);
if (*name)
com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s", name, array);
// allocate a new def
def = (void *)Qalloc (sizeof(def_t));
def->next = NULL;
def->arraysize = arraysize;
pr.def_tail->next = def;
pr.def_tail = def;
def->s_line = pr_source_line;
def->s_file = s_file;
def->name = copystring( newname );
def->type = type;
def->scope = scope;
def->ofs = PR_GetFreeOffsetSpace(1);
((int *)pr_globals)[def->ofs] = *fieldofs;
if (!first) first = def;
else def = NULL;
if ((type)->type == ev_struct || (type)->type == ev_union)
int partnum;
type_t *parttype;
if (def) def->references++;
parttype = (type)->param;
isunion = ((type)->type == ev_union);
for (partnum = 0, parms = (type)->num_parms; partnum < parms; partnum++)
switch (parttype->type)
case ev_union:
case ev_struct:
if (*name) com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s.%s", name, array, parttype->name);
else com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s", parttype->name, array);
def = PR_DummyFieldDef(parttype, newname, scope, 1, fieldofs);
case ev_float:
case ev_string:
case ev_vector:
case ev_entity:
case ev_field:
case ev_pointer:
case ev_integer:
case ev_variant:
if (*name) com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s.%s", name, array, parttype->name);
else com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s", parttype->name, array);
ftype = PR_NewType("FIELD TYPE", ev_field);
ftype->aux_type = parttype;
// vector fields create a _y and _z too, so we need this still.
if (parttype->type == ev_vector) ftype->size = parttype->size;
def = PR_GetDef(NULL, newname, scope, false, 1);
if (!def) def = PR_GetDef(ftype, newname, scope, true, 1);
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_CONFLICTINGUNIONMEMBER, "conflicting offsets for union/struct expansion of %s. Ignoring new def.", newname);
case ev_function:
if (*name) com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s.%s", name, array, parttype->name);
else com.sprintf(newname, "%s%s", parttype->name, array);
ftype = PR_NewType("FIELD TYPE", ev_field);
ftype->aux_type = parttype;
def = PR_GetDef(ftype, newname, scope, true, 1);
def->initialized = true;
((int *)pr_globals)[def->ofs] = *fieldofs;
*fieldofs += parttype->size;
case ev_void:
if (*fieldofs > maxfield) maxfield = *fieldofs;
if (isunion) *fieldofs = startfield;
type = parttype;
parttype = parttype->next;
*fieldofs = maxfield; // final size of the union.
return first;
void PR_ExpandUnionToFields(type_t *type, int *fields)
type_t *pass = type->aux_type;
PR_DummyFieldDef(pass, "", pr_scope, 1, fields);
Called at the outer layer and when a local statement is hit
void PR_ParseDefs (char *classname)
char *name;
type_t *type, *parm;
def_t *def, *d;
function_t *f;
dfunction_t *df;
int i;
bool shared = false;
bool externfnc = false;
bool isconstant = false;
bool isvar = false;
bool nosave = false;
bool allocatenew = true;
int ispointer;
gofs_t oldglobals;
int arraysize;
if(PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_ENUM ))
float v = 0;
i = 0;
d = NULL;
name = PR_ParseName();
if (PR_CheckToken("="))
if (pr_token_type != tt_immediate && pr_immediate_type->type != ev_float)
def = PR_GetDef(NULL, PR_ParseName(), NULL, false, 0);
if (def)
if (!def->constant) PR_ParseError(ERR_NOTANUMBER, "enum - %s is not a constant", def->name);
else v = G_FLOAT(def->ofs);
else PR_ParseError(ERR_NOTANUMBER, "enum - not a number");
v = pr_immediate._float;
def = PR_MakeFloatDef(v);
Hash_Add(&globalstable, name, def, Qalloc(sizeof(bucket_t)));
if (PR_CheckToken("}")) break;
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_ENUMFLAGS ))
float v = 1;
int bits;
i = 0;
d = NULL;
name = PR_ParseName();
if (PR_CheckToken("="))
if (pr_token_type != tt_immediate && pr_immediate_type->type != ev_float)
def = PR_GetDef(NULL, PR_ParseName(), NULL, false, 0);
if (def)
if (!def->constant)
PR_ParseError(ERR_NOTANUMBER, "enumflags - %s is not a constant", def->name);
else v = G_FLOAT(def->ofs);
else PR_ParseError(ERR_NOTANUMBER, "enumflags - not a number");
v = pr_immediate._float;
bits = 0;
i = (int)v;
if (i != v) PR_ParseWarning(WARN_ENUMFLAGS_NOTINTEGER, "enumflags - %f not an integer", v);
if (((i>>1)<<1) != i) bits++;
if (bits != 1) PR_ParseWarning(WARN_ENUMFLAGS_NOTBINARY, "enumflags - value %i not a single bit", (int)v);
def = PR_MakeFloatDef(v);
Hash_Add(&globalstable, name, def, Qalloc(sizeof(bucket_t)));
v *= 2;
if (PR_CheckToken("}")) break;
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_TYPEDEF ))
type = PR_ParseType( true );
if (!type) PR_ParseError(ERR_NOTANAME, "typedef found unexpected tokens");
type->name = PR_CopyString(pr_token, opt_noduplicatestrings ) + strings;
if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_EXTERN )) externfnc = true;
else if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_SHARED ))
shared = true;
if (pr_scope) PR_ParseError (ERR_NOSHAREDLOCALS, "Cannot have shared locals");
else if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_CONST )) isconstant = true;
else if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_VAR )) isvar = true;
else if (PR_CheckForKeyword( KEYWORD_NOSAVE )) nosave = true;
else break;
type = PR_ParseType (false);
if (type == NULL) return;
if (externfnc && type->type != ev_function)
PR_Message("Only functions may be defined as external (yet)\n");
externfnc = false;
if (PR_CheckToken ("*"))
ispointer = 1;
while(PR_CheckToken ("*")) ispointer++;
name = PR_ParseName ();
else if (PR_CheckToken (";"))
if (type->type == ev_field && (type->aux_type->type == ev_union || type->aux_type->type == ev_struct))
PR_ExpandUnionToFields(type, &pr.size_fields);
PR_ParseError (ERR_TYPEWITHNONAME, "type with no name");
name = NULL;
ispointer = false;
name = PR_ParseName ();
ispointer = false;
if (PR_CheckToken("::") && !classname)
classname = name;
name = PR_ParseName();
// check for an array
if ( PR_CheckToken ("[") )
char *oldprfile = pr_file_p;
arraysize = 0;
if (PR_CheckToken("]"))
if(pr_token_type == tt_eof) break;
if (PR_CheckToken(",")) arraysize++;
if (PR_CheckToken("}")) break;
pr_file_p = oldprfile;
def = PR_Expression(TOP_PRIORITY, true);
if (!def->constant) PR_ParseError(ERR_BADARRAYSIZE, "Array size is not a constant value");
else if (def->type->type == ev_integer) arraysize = G_INT(def->ofs);
else if (def->type->type == ev_float)
arraysize = (int)G_FLOAT(def->ofs);
if ((float)arraysize != G_FLOAT(def->ofs))
PR_ParseError(ERR_BADARRAYSIZE, "Array size is not a constant value");
else PR_ParseError(ERR_BADARRAYSIZE, "Array size must be of int value");
if (arraysize < 1)
PR_ParseError (ERR_BADARRAYSIZE, "Definition of array (%s) size is not of a numerical value", name);
arraysize = 0; // grrr...
else arraysize = 1;
if (PR_CheckToken("(")) type = PR_ParseFunctionType(false, type);
if (classname)
char *membername = name;
name = Qalloc(com.strlen(classname) + com.strlen(name) + 3);
com.sprintf(name, "%s::"MEMBERFIELDNAME, classname, membername);
if (!PR_GetDef(NULL, name, NULL, false, 0))
PR_ParseError(ERR_NOTANAME, "%s %s is not a member of class %s\n", TypeName(type), membername, classname);
com.sprintf(name, "%s::%s", classname, membername);
pr_classtype = TypeForName(classname);
if (!pr_classtype || !pr_classtype->parentclass)
PR_ParseError(ERR_NOTANAME, "%s is not a class\n", classname);
else pr_classtype = NULL;
oldglobals = numpr_globals;
if (ispointer)
parm = type;
parm = PR_PointerTypeTo(parm);
def = PR_GetDef (parm, name, pr_scope, allocatenew, arraysize);
else def = PR_GetDef (type, name, pr_scope, allocatenew, arraysize);
if (!def) PR_ParseError(ERR_NOTANAME, "%s is not part of class %s", name, classname);
if (nosave) def->saved = false;
else def->saved = true;
// shared count as initiialized
if (!def->initialized && shared)
def->shared = shared;
def->initialized = true;
if (externfnc) def->initialized = 2;
// check for an initialization
if (type->type == ev_function && (pr_scope))
if ( PR_CheckToken ("=") )
PR_ParseError (ERR_INITIALISEDLOCALFUNCTION, "local functions may not be initialised");
arraysize = def->arraysize;
d = def; //apply to ALL elements
d->initialized = 1; //fake function
G_FUNCTION(d->ofs) = 0;
d = d->next;
// this is an initialisation (or a function)
if ( PR_CheckToken ("=") || ((type->type == ev_function) && (pr_token[0] == '{' || pr_token[0] == '[' || pr_token[0] == ':')))
if (def->shared)
PR_ParseError (ERR_SHAREDINITIALISED, "shared values may not be assigned an initial value", name);
if (def->initialized == 1)
if (def->type->type == ev_function)
i = G_FUNCTION(def->ofs);
df = &functions[i];
PR_ParseErrorPrintDef (ERR_REDECLARATION, def, "%s redeclared, prev instance is in %s", name, strings+df->s_file);
else PR_ParseErrorPrintDef(ERR_REDECLARATION, def, "%s redeclared", name);
if (autoprototype)
// ignore the code and stuff
if (PR_CheckToken("["))
while (!PR_CheckToken("]"))
if (pr_token_type == tt_eof) break;
if (PR_CheckToken("{"))
int blev = 1;
// balance out the { and }
if (pr_token_type == tt_eof) break;
if (PR_CheckToken("{")) blev++;
else if (PR_CheckToken("}")) blev--;
else PR_Lex(); // ignore it.
if (pr_token_type == tt_name)
uint i;
if (def->arraysize>1)
PR_ParseError(ERR_ARRAYNEEDSBRACES, "Array initialisation requires curly braces");
d = PR_GetDef(NULL, pr_token, pr_scope, false, 0);
if (!d) PR_ParseError(ERR_NOTDEFINED, "%s was not defined\n", name);
if (typecmp(def->type, d->type))
PR_ParseError (ERR_BADIMMEDIATETYPE, "wrong immediate type for %s", name);
for (i = 0; i < d->type->size; i++) G_INT(def->ofs) = G_INT(d->ofs);
if (type->type == ev_function)
def->initialized = 1;
def->constant = !isvar;
else if (type->type == ev_function)
if (isvar) def->constant = false;
else def->constant = true;
if (PR_CheckToken("0"))
// fake function
def->constant = 0;
def->initialized = 1;
G_FUNCTION(def->ofs) = 0;
if (!def->constant && arraysize == 1)
// fake function
def->constant = 0;
def->initialized = 1;
name = PR_ParseName ();
d = PR_GetDef (NULL, name, pr_scope, false, 0);
if (!d) PR_ParseError(ERR_NOTDEFINED, "%s was not previously defined", name);
G_FUNCTION(def->ofs+i) = G_FUNCTION(d->ofs);
if (arraysize > 1)
int i;
// fake function
def->initialized = 1;
PR_Expect ("{");
i = 0;
if (PR_CheckToken("0")) G_FUNCTION(def->ofs+i) = 0;
name = PR_ParseName ();
d = PR_GetDef (NULL, name, pr_scope, false, 0);
if (!d) PR_ParseError(ERR_NOTDEFINED, "%s was not defined", name);
if (!d->initialized)
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_NOTDEFINED, "initialisation of function arrays must be placed after the body of all functions used (%s)", name);
G_FUNCTION(def->ofs+i) = G_FUNCTION(d->ofs);
} while(PR_CheckToken(","));
arraysize = def->arraysize;
d = def; // apply to ALL elements
d->initialized = 1; //fake function
d = d->next;
if (i > def->arraysize) PR_ParseError(ERR_TOOMANYINITIALISERS, "Too many initializers");
if (!def->constant) PR_ParseError(0, "Initialised functions must be constant");
pr_scope = def;
f = PR_ParseImmediateStatements (type);
pr_scope = NULL;
def->initialized = 1;
G_FUNCTION(def->ofs) = numfunctions;
f->def = def;
// fill in the dfunction
df = &functions[numfunctions];
if (f->builtin) df->first_statement = -f->builtin;
else df->first_statement = f->code;
if (f->builtin && opt_function_names);
else df->s_name = PR_CopyString (f->def->name, opt_noduplicatestrings );
df->s_file = s_file2;
df->numparms = f->def->type->num_parms;
df->locals = locals_end - locals_start;
df->parm_start = locals_start;
for (i=0,parm = type->param ; i<df->numparms ; i++, parm = parm->next)
df->parm_size[i] = parm->size;
else if (type->type == ev_struct)
int arraypart, partnum;
type_t *parttype;
def->initialized = 1;
if (isvar) def->constant = true;
else def->constant = false;
// FIXME: should do this recursivly
for (arraypart = 0; arraypart < arraysize; arraypart++)
parttype = type->param;
for (partnum = 0; partnum < type->num_parms; partnum++)
switch (parttype->type)
case ev_float:
case ev_integer:
case ev_vector:
if (pr_token_type == tt_punct)
if (PR_CheckToken("{")) PR_Expect("}");
else PR_ParseError(ERR_UNEXPECTEDPUNCTUATION, "Unexpected punctuation");
else if (pr_token_type == tt_immediate)
if (pr_immediate_type->type == ev_float && parttype->type == ev_integer)
G_INT(def->ofs + arraypart*type->size + parttype->ofs) = (int)pr_immediate._float;
else if (pr_immediate_type->type != parttype->type)
PR_ParseError (ERR_BADIMMEDIATETYPE, "wrong immediate subtype for %s.%s", def->name, parttype->name);
else Mem_Copy (pr_globals + def->ofs + arraypart*type->size + parttype->ofs, &pr_immediate, 4*type_size[pr_immediate_type->type]);
else if (pr_token_type == tt_name)
d = PR_GetDef(NULL, pr_token, pr_scope, false, 0);
if (!d) PR_ParseError(ERR_NOTDEFINED, "%s was not defined\n", pr_token);
else if (d->type->type != parttype->type)
PR_ParseError (ERR_WRONGSUBTYPE, "wrong subtype for %s.%s", def->name, parttype->name);
else if (!d->constant) PR_ParseError(ERR_NOTACONSTANT, "%s isn't a constant\n", pr_token);
Mem_Copy (pr_globals + def->ofs + arraypart*type->size + parttype->ofs, pr_globals + d->ofs, 4*d->type->size);
else PR_ParseError (ERR_BADIMMEDIATETYPE, "wrong immediate subtype for %s.%s", def->name, parttype->name);
PR_Lex ();
case ev_string:
if (pr_token_type == tt_punct)
if (PR_CheckToken("{"))
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < parttype->size; i++)
G_INT(def->ofs+arraypart*type->size+parttype->ofs+i) = PR_CopyString(pr_immediate_string, opt_noduplicatestrings );
PR_Lex ();
if (!PR_CheckToken(","))
for (; i < parttype->size; i++)
G_INT(def->ofs+arraypart*type->size+parttype->ofs+i) = 0;
PR_ParseError(ERR_UNEXPECTEDPUNCTUATION, "Unexpected punctuation");
G_INT(def->ofs+arraypart*type->size+parttype->ofs) = PR_CopyString(pr_immediate_string, opt_noduplicatestrings );
PR_Lex ();
case ev_function:
if (pr_token_type == tt_immediate)
if (pr_immediate._int != 0)
PR_ParseError(ERR_NOTFUNCTIONTYPE, "Expected function name or NULL");
G_FUNCTION(def->ofs+arraypart*type->size+parttype->ofs) = 0;
name = PR_ParseName ();
d = PR_GetDef (NULL, name, pr_scope, false, 0);
if (!d) PR_ParseError(ERR_NOTDEFINED, "%s was not defined\n", name);
else G_FUNCTION(def->ofs+arraypart*type->size+parttype->ofs) = G_FUNCTION(d->ofs);
PR_ParseError(ERR_TYPEINVALIDINSTRUCT, "type %i not valid in a struct", parttype->type);
if (!PR_CheckToken(",")) break;
parttype = parttype->next;
if (!PR_CheckToken(",")) break;
else if (type->type == ev_integer)
// handle these differently, because they may need conversions
if (isvar) def->constant = false;
else def->constant = true;
def->initialized = 1;
Mem_Copy (pr_globals + def->ofs, &pr_immediate, 4*type_size[pr_immediate_type->type]);
if (pr_immediate_type->type == ev_float) G_INT(def->ofs) = (int)pr_immediate._float;
else if (pr_immediate_type->type != ev_integer)
PR_ParseError (ERR_BADIMMEDIATETYPE, "wrong immediate type for %s", name);
else if (type->type == ev_string)
if (arraysize>=1 && PR_CheckToken("{"))
int i;
for (i = 0; i < arraysize; i++)
// the executor defines strings as true c strings, but reads in index from string table.
// structures can hide these strings.
if (i != 0) // not for the first entry - already a string def for that
d = (void *)Qalloc (sizeof(def_t));
d->next = NULL;
pr.def_tail->next = d;
pr.def_tail = d;
d->type = type_string;
d->name = "IMMEDIATE";
if (isvar) d->constant = false;
else d->constant = true;
d->initialized = 1;
d->scope = NULL;
d->ofs = def->ofs+i;
if (d->ofs >= MAX_REGS) PR_ParseError(ERR_INTERNAL, "MAX_REGS is too small");
(((int *)pr_globals)[def->ofs+i]) = PR_CopyString(pr_immediate_string, opt_noduplicatestrings );
PR_Lex ();
if (!PR_CheckToken(",")) break;
else if (arraysize<=1)
if (isvar) def->constant = false;
else def->constant = true;
def->initialized = 1;
(((int *)pr_globals)[def->ofs]) = PR_CopyString(pr_immediate_string, opt_noduplicatestrings );
if (pr_immediate_type->type == ev_float) G_INT(def->ofs) = (int)pr_immediate._float;
else if (pr_immediate_type->type != ev_string)
PR_ParseError (ERR_BADIMMEDIATETYPE, "wrong immediate type for %s", name);
else PR_ParseError(ERR_ARRAYNEEDSBRACES, "Array initialization needs curly braces");
else if (type->type == ev_float)
if (arraysize >=1 && PR_CheckToken("{"))
int i;
for (i = 0; i < arraysize; i++)
if (pr_immediate_type->type != ev_float)
PR_ParseError (ERR_BADIMMEDIATETYPE, "wrong immediate type for %s", name);
(((float *)pr_globals)[def->ofs+i]) = pr_immediate._float;
PR_Lex ();
if (!PR_CheckToken(",")) break;
else if (arraysize<=1)
if (isvar) def->constant = false;
else def->constant = true;
def->initialized = 1;
if (pr_immediate_type->type != ev_float)
PR_ParseError (ERR_BADIMMEDIATETYPE, "wrong immediate type for %s", name);
if (def->constant && opt_dupconstdefs)
if (def->ofs == oldglobals)
Hash_GetKey(&floatconstdefstable, *(int*)&pr_immediate._float);
PR_FreeOffset(def->ofs, def->type->size);
d = PR_MakeFloatDef(pr_immediate._float);
def->ofs = d->ofs;
(((float *)pr_globals)[def->ofs]) = pr_immediate._float;
PR_Lex ();
else PR_ParseError(ERR_ARRAYNEEDSBRACES, "Array initialisation requires curly brasces");
else if (type->type == ev_vector)
if (arraysize >= 1 && PR_CheckToken("{"))
int i;
for (i = 0; i < arraysize; i++)
if (pr_immediate_type->type != ev_vector)
PR_ParseError (ERR_BADIMMEDIATETYPE, "wrong immediate type for %s", name);
(((float *)pr_globals)[def->ofs+i*3+0]) = pr_immediate.vector[0];
(((float *)pr_globals)[def->ofs+i*3+1]) = pr_immediate.vector[1];
(((float *)pr_globals)[def->ofs+i*3+2]) = pr_immediate.vector[2];
PR_Lex ();
if (!PR_CheckToken(",")) break;
else if (arraysize<=1)
if (isvar) def->constant = false;
else def->constant = true;
def->initialized = 1;
(((float *)pr_globals)[def->ofs+0]) = pr_immediate.vector[0];
(((float *)pr_globals)[def->ofs+1]) = pr_immediate.vector[1];
(((float *)pr_globals)[def->ofs+2]) = pr_immediate.vector[2];
PR_Lex ();
if (pr_immediate_type->type != ev_vector)
PR_ParseError (ERR_BADIMMEDIATETYPE, "wrong immediate type for %s", name);
else PR_ParseError(ERR_ARRAYNEEDSBRACES, "Array initialization needs curly braces");
else if (pr_token_type == tt_name)
d = PR_GetDef (NULL, pr_token, pr_scope, false, 0);
if (!d) PR_ParseError (ERR_NOTDEFINED, "initialisation name not defined : %s", pr_token);
if (!d->constant)
PR_ParseWarning (WARN_NOTCONSTANT, "initialisation name not a constant : %s", pr_token);
Mem_Copy(def, d, sizeof(*d));
def->name = name;
def->initialized = true;
else if (pr_token_type != tt_immediate)
PR_ParseError (ERR_BADIMMEDIATETYPE, "not an immediate for %s - %s", name, pr_token);
else if (pr_immediate_type->type != type->type)
PR_ParseError (ERR_BADIMMEDIATETYPE, "wrong immediate type for %s - %s", name, pr_token);
else Mem_Copy (pr_globals + def->ofs, &pr_immediate, 4*type_size[pr_immediate_type->type]);
if (isvar) def->constant = false;
else def->constant = true;
def->initialized = true;
PR_Lex ();
if (type->type == ev_function && isvar)
isconstant = !isvar;
def->initialized = 1;
// special flag on fields, 2, makes the pointer obtained from them also constant.
if (isconstant && type->type == ev_field)
def->constant = 2;
else def->constant = isconstant;
} while (PR_CheckToken (","));
if (type->type == ev_function) PR_CheckToken (";");
if (!PR_CheckToken (";"))
PR_ParseWarning(WARN_UNDESIRABLECONVENTION, "Missing semicolon at end of definition");
compiles the 0 terminated text, adding defintions to the pr structure
void PR_CompileFile( char *string, char *filename )
jmp_buf abort_parse;
pr_error_count = 0; // reset counter for new file
PR_ClearGrabMacros();// clear the frame macros
compilingfile = filename;
if( opt_filenames )
pr_file_p = copystring( filename );
s_file = pr_file_p - strings;
s_file2 = 0;
else s_file = s_file2 = PR_CopyString( filename, opt_noduplicatestrings );
pr_file_p = string;
pr_source_line = 0;
PR_NewLine( false );
PR_Lex(); // read first token
// save state
Mem_Copy(&abort_parse, &pr_parse_abort, sizeof(abort_parse));
while( pr_token_type != tt_eof )
if (setjmp(pr_parse_abort))
pr_total_error_count++; // increase total err counter
pr_error_count++; //increase local err counter
if (pr_error_count > MAX_ERRORS)
PR_ParseWarning(ERR_EXCEEDERRCOUNT, "error count exceeds %i; stopping compilation\n", MAX_ERRORS);
Mem_Copy(&pr_parse_abort, &abort_parse, sizeof(abort_parse));
if (pr_token_type == tt_eof)
Mem_Copy(&pr_parse_abort, &abort_parse, sizeof(abort_parse));
// outside all functions
pr_scope = NULL;
PR_ParseDefs( NULL );
PR_GetEntvarsName(); // set entavrs default name e.g. "self"
// restore state
Mem_Copy(&pr_parse_abort, &abort_parse, sizeof(abort_parse));
called after all files are compiled to check for errors
Returns false if errors were detected.
void PR_FinishCompilation( void )
def_t *d;
int errors = pr_total_error_count;
currentchunk = NULL;
// check to make sure all functions prototyped have code
for( d =; d; d = d->next )
if (d->type->type == ev_function && !d->scope)// function parms are ok
if (d->initialized == 0)
if (!com.strncmp(d->name, "ArrayGet*", 9))
PR_EmitArrayGetFunction(d, d->name + 9);
pr_scope = NULL;
else if (!com.strncmp(d->name, "ArraySet*", 9))
PR_EmitArraySetFunction(d, d->name + 9);
pr_scope = NULL;
else if (!com.strncmp(d->name, "Class*", 6))
PR_EmitClassFromFunction(d, d->name + 6);
pr_scope = NULL;
PR_Warning(WARN_NOTDEFINED, strings + d->s_file, d->s_line, "function %s was not defined",d->name);
bodylessfuncs = true;
else if (d->initialized == 2) bodylessfuncs = true;
pr_scope = NULL;
// compilation failed ?
if( errors )
string errormsg;
com.sprintf( errormsg, "%s - %i error(s), %i warning(s)\n", progsoutname, pr_total_error_count, pr_warning_count );
if( host_instance == HOST_NORMAL || host_instance == HOST_DEDICATED )
PR_Message( errormsg );
prvm_state = comp_error; // abort compilation
longjmp( pr_int_error, 1 );
else Sys_Break( errormsg );
PR_Message( "‘ª®¯¨à®¢ ­® ä ©«®¢: 1.\n\n");// enigma from M$ :)
PR_Message( "%s - %i error(s), %i warning(s)\n", progsoutname, pr_total_error_count, pr_warning_count );
it will return false, when compilation is finished
called between exe frames - won't loose net connection (is the theory)...
bool PR_ContinueCompile( void )
char *qc_file;
if( !progs_src ) return false;
currentchunk = NULL;
PR_ParseToken( &progs_src, true );
if (autoprototype)
progs_src = saved_progs_src;
autoprototype = false;
return true;
return false; // end of compile
PR_Message( "%s\n", pr_token );
qc_file = QCC_LoadFile( pr_token, true );
if( prvm_state == comp_error )
return false;
PR_CompileFile( qc_file, pr_token );
return true;
called before compiling a batch of files, clears the pr struct
void PR_BeginCompilation ( void )
string compilename;
pr.def_tail = &pr.def_head;
pr_scope = NULL;
type_void = PR_NewType("void", ev_void);
type_string = PR_NewType("string", ev_string);
type_float = PR_NewType("float", ev_float);
type_vector = PR_NewType("vector", ev_vector);
type_entity = PR_NewType("entity", ev_entity);
type_field = PR_NewType("field", ev_field);
type_function = PR_NewType("function", ev_function);
type_pointer = PR_NewType("pointer", ev_pointer);
type_integer = PR_NewType("__integer", ev_integer);
type_variant = PR_NewType("__variant", ev_variant);
type_floatfield = PR_NewType("fieldfloat", ev_field);
type_pointer->aux_type = PR_NewType("pointeraux", ev_float);
if (PR_KeywordEnabled(KEYWORD_INT)) PR_NewType("int", ev_integer);
type_floatfield->aux_type = type_float;
type_function->aux_type = type_void;
pr.types = NULL;
pr_error_count = 0;
pr_total_error_count = 0;
pr_warning_count = 0;
recursivefunctiontype = 0;
numpr_globals = RESERVED_OFS; // default
freeofs = NULL;
progs_src = QCC_LoadFile( "progs.src", false );// loading progs.src
if(!progs_src) progs_src = PR_CreateProgsSRC(); // virtual list
while(*progs_src && *progs_src < ' ') progs_src++;
pr_file_p = PR_ParseToken( &progs_src, true );
com.strcpy( progsoutname, pr_token );
// this progs.src was written by qcclib without sorting
if(!com.stricmp(progsoutname, "unknown.dat" ))
// ready to compile any version
autoprototype = true;
FS_FileBase( pr_token, compilename );
if (FS_CheckParm("-asm")) asmfile = FS_Open(va("%s.asm", pr_token), "wb" );
// msvc6.0 style message
PR_Message("------------Configuration: %s - Vm32 %s------------\n", compilename, opt_writelinenums ? "Debug" : "Release" );
currentchunk = NULL;
saved_progs_src = progs_src; // save it for prototyping
if (autoprototype) PR_Message ("Prototyping...\n");
else PR_Message("Compiling...\n");