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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// net_msg.h - message io functions
#ifndef NET_MSG_H
#define NET_MSG_H
enum net_types_e
NET_BAD = 0,
typedef struct net_desc_s
int type; // pixelformat
char name[8]; // used for debug
int min_range;
int max_range;
} net_desc_t;
// communication state description
typedef struct net_field_s
char *name;
int offset;
int bits;
bool force; // will be send for newentity
} net_field_t;
// server to client
enum svc_ops_e
// user messages
svc_bad = 0,
svc_sound, // <see code>
svc_temp_entity, // client effects
svc_print, // [byte] id [string] null terminated string
svc_centerprint, // [string] to put in center of the screen
// engine messages
svc_nop = 201, // end of user messages
svc_disconnect, // kick client from server
svc_reconnect, // reconnecting server request
svc_stufftext, // [string] stuffed into client's console buffer, should be \n terminated
svc_serverdata, // [long] protocol ...
svc_configstring, // [short] [string]
svc_spawnbaseline, // valid only at spawn
svc_download, // [short] size [size bytes]
svc_playerinfo, // [...]
svc_packetentities, // [...]
svc_deltapacketentities, // [...]
svc_frame, // server frame
svc_setangle, // [short short short] set the view angle to this absolute value
// client to server
enum clc_ops_e
clc_bad = 0,
// engine messages
clc_nop = 201,
clc_move, // [[usercmd_t]
clc_userinfo, // [[userinfo string]
clc_stringcmd, // [string] message
typedef enum
MSG_ONE = 0, // never send by QC-code (just not declared)
MSG_ONE_R, // reliable messages
} msgtype_t;
static const net_desc_t NWDesc[] =
{ NET_BAD, "none", 0, 0 }, // full range
{ NET_CHAR, "Char", -128, 127 },
{ NET_BYTE, "Byte", 0, 255 },
{ NET_SHORT, "Short", -32767, 32767 },
{ NET_WORD, "Word", 0, 65535 },
{ NET_LONG, "Long", 0, 0 }, // can't overflow
{ NET_FLOAT, "Float", 0, 0 }, // can't overflow
{ NET_ANGLE, "Angle", -360, 360 },
{ NET_SCALE, "Scale", 0, 255 },
{ NET_COORD, "Coord", -262140, 262140 },
{ NET_COLOR, "Color", 0, 255 },
// per-level limits
#define ES_FIELD(x) #x,(int)&((entity_state_t*)0)->x
#define CM_FIELD(x) #x,(int)&((usercmd_t*)0)->x
// config strings are a general means of communication from
// the server to all connected clients.
// each config string can be at most CS_SIZE characters.
#define CS_SIZE 64 // size of one config string
#define CS_NAME 0 // map name
#define CS_MAPCHECKSUM 1 // level checksum (for catching cheater maps)
#define CS_SKYNAME 2 // skybox shader name
#define CS_MAXCLIENTS 3 // server maxclients value (0-255)
#define CS_BACKGROUND_TRACK 4 // basename of background track
// reserved config strings
#define CS_MODELS 16 // configstrings starts here
#define CS_SOUNDS (CS_MODELS+MAX_MODELS) // sound names
#define CS_CLASSNAMES (CS_SOUNDS+MAX_SOUNDS) // edicts classnames
#define CS_LIGHTSTYLES (CS_CLASSNAMES+MAX_CLASSNAMES) // lightstyle patterns
// sound flags (get rid of this)
#define SND_VOL (1<<0) // a scaled byte
#define SND_ATTN (1<<1) // a byte
#define SND_POS (1<<2) // three coordinates
#define SND_ENT (1<<3) // a short 0 - 2: channel, 3 - 12: entity
Handles byte ordering and avoids alignment errors
void MSG_Init( sizebuf_t *buf, byte *data, size_t length );
void MSG_Clear( sizebuf_t *buf );
void MSG_Print( sizebuf_t *msg, const char *data );
void MSG_Bitstream( sizebuf_t *buf, bool state );
void _MSG_WriteBits( sizebuf_t *msg, int value, const char *name, int bits, const char *filename, const int fileline );
long _MSG_ReadBits( sizebuf_t *msg, int bits, const char *filename, const int fileline );
void _MSG_Begin( int dest, const char *filename, int fileline );
void _MSG_WriteString( sizebuf_t *sb, const char *s, const char *filename, int fileline );
void _MSG_WriteFloat( sizebuf_t *sb, float f, const char *filename, int fileline );
void _MSG_WritePos( sizebuf_t *sb, vec3_t pos, const char *filename, int fileline );
void _MSG_WriteData( sizebuf_t *sb, const void *data, size_t length, const char *filename, int fileline );
void _MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd( sizebuf_t *sb, struct usercmd_s *from, struct usercmd_s *cmd, const char *filename, const int fileline );
void _MSG_WriteDeltaEntity( struct entity_state_s *from, struct entity_state_s *to, sizebuf_t *msg, bool force, bool newentity, const char *filename, int fileline );
void _MSG_Send( msgtype_t to, vec3_t origin, edict_t *ent, const char *filename, int fileline );
#define MSG_Begin( x ) _MSG_Begin( x, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define MSG_WriteChar(x,y) _MSG_WriteBits (x, y, NULL, NET_CHAR, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define MSG_WriteByte(x,y) _MSG_WriteBits (x, y, NULL, NET_BYTE, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define MSG_WriteShort(x,y) _MSG_WriteBits(x, y, NULL, NET_SHORT,__FILE__, __LINE__)
#define MSG_WriteWord(x,y) _MSG_WriteBits (x, y, NULL, NET_WORD, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define MSG_WriteLong(x,y) _MSG_WriteBits (x, y, NULL, NET_LONG, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define MSG_WriteFloat(x,y) _MSG_WriteFloat(x, y, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define MSG_WriteString(x,y) _MSG_WriteString (x, y, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define MSG_WriteCoord16(x, y) _MSG_WriteBits(x, y, NULL, NET_COORD, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define MSG_WriteCoord32(x, y) _MSG_WriteBits(x, y, NULL, NET_FLOAT, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define MSG_WriteAngle16(x, y) _MSG_WriteBits(x, y, NULL, NET_ANGLE, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define MSG_WriteAngle32(x, y) _MSG_WriteBits(x, y, NULL, NET_FLOAT, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define MSG_WritePos(x, y) _MSG_WritePos( x, y, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define MSG_WriteData(x,y,z) _MSG_WriteData (x, y, z, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd(x, y, z) _MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd (x, y, z, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define MSG_WriteDeltaEntity(from, to, msg, force, new ) _MSG_WriteDeltaEntity (from, to, msg, force, new, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define MSG_WriteBits( buf, value, name, bits ) _MSG_WriteBits( buf, value, name, bits, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define MSG_ReadBits( buf, bits ) _MSG_ReadBits( buf, bits, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define MSG_Send(x, y, z) _MSG_Send(x, y, z, __FILE__, __LINE__)
void MSG_BeginReading (sizebuf_t *sb);
#define MSG_ReadChar( x ) _MSG_ReadBits( x, NET_CHAR, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define MSG_ReadByte( x ) _MSG_ReadBits( x, NET_BYTE, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define MSG_ReadShort( x) _MSG_ReadBits( x, NET_SHORT, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define MSG_ReadWord( x ) _MSG_ReadBits( x, NET_WORD, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define MSG_ReadLong( x ) _MSG_ReadBits( x, NET_LONG, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define MSG_ReadAngle16( x ) _MSG_ReadBits( x, NET_ANGLE, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define MSG_ReadAngle32( x ) _MSG_ReadBits( x, NET_FLOAT, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
float MSG_ReadFloat( sizebuf_t *msg );
char *MSG_ReadString( sizebuf_t *sb );
char *MSG_ReadStringLine( sizebuf_t *sb );
void MSG_ReadPos( sizebuf_t *sb, vec3_t pos );
void MSG_ReadData( sizebuf_t *sb, void *buffer, size_t size );
void MSG_ReadDeltaUsercmd( sizebuf_t *sb, usercmd_t *from, usercmd_t *cmd );
void MSG_ReadDeltaEntity( sizebuf_t *sb, entity_state_t *from, entity_state_t *to, int number );
entity_state_t MSG_ParseDeltaPlayer( entity_state_t *from, entity_state_t *to );
void MSG_WriteDeltaPlayerstate( entity_state_t *from, entity_state_t *to, sizebuf_t *msg );
void MSG_ReadDeltaPlayerstate( sizebuf_t *msg, entity_state_t *from, entity_state_t *to );
// huffman compression
void Huff_Init( void );
void Huff_CompressPacket( sizebuf_t *msg, int offset );
void Huff_DecompressPacket( sizebuf_t *msg, int offset );
bool NET_GetLoopPacket( netsrc_t sock, netadr_t *from, sizebuf_t *msg );
void NET_SendPacket( netsrc_t sock, int length, void *data, netadr_t to );
bool NET_StringToAdr( const char *s, netadr_t *a );
bool NET_CompareBaseAdr( netadr_t a, netadr_t b );
bool NET_CompareAdr( netadr_t a, netadr_t b );
bool NET_IsLocalAddress( netadr_t adr );
void NET_Sleep( int msec );
typedef struct netchan_s
bool fatal_error;
netsrc_t sock;
int dropped; // between last packet and previous
bool compress; // enable huffman compression
int last_received; // for timeouts
int last_sent; // for retransmits
netadr_t remote_address;
int qport; // qport value to write when transmitting
// sequencing variables
int incoming_sequence;
int incoming_acknowledged;
int incoming_reliable_acknowledged; // single bit
int incoming_reliable_sequence; // single bit, maintained local
int outgoing_sequence;
int reliable_sequence; // single bit
int last_reliable_sequence; // sequence number of last send
// reliable staging and holding areas
sizebuf_t message; // writing buffer to send to server
byte message_buf[MAX_MSGLEN-16]; // leave space for header
// message is copied to this buffer when it is first transfered
int reliable_length;
byte reliable_buf[MAX_MSGLEN-16]; // unacked reliable message
} netchan_t;
#define PORT_MASTER 27900
#define PORT_CLIENT 27901
#define PORT_SERVER 27910
#define UPDATE_BACKUP 32 // copies of entity_state_t to keep buffered, must be power of two
void Netchan_Init( void );
void Netchan_Setup( netsrc_t sock, netchan_t *chan, netadr_t adr, int qport );
bool Netchan_NeedReliable( netchan_t *chan );
void Netchan_Transmit( netchan_t *chan, int length, byte *data );
void Netchan_OutOfBand( int net_socket, netadr_t adr, int length, byte *data );
void Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( int net_socket, netadr_t adr, char *format, ... );
bool Netchan_Process( netchan_t *chan, sizebuf_t *msg );
bool Netchan_CanReliable( netchan_t *chan );