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2022-06-27 01:14:55 +03:00

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Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// ui_qmenu.c -- Quake menu framework
#include "common.h"
#include "ui_local.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "client.h"
void UI_ScrollList_Init( menuScrollList_s *sl )
if( !sl-> ) sl-> = "";
if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_BIGFONT )
sl->generic.charWidth = UI_BIG_CHAR_WIDTH;
sl->generic.charHeight = UI_BIG_CHAR_HEIGHT;
else if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_SMALLFONT )
sl->generic.charWidth = UI_SMALL_CHAR_WIDTH;
sl->generic.charHeight = UI_SMALL_CHAR_HEIGHT;
if( sl->generic.charWidth < 1 ) sl->generic.charWidth = UI_MED_CHAR_WIDTH;
if( sl->generic.charHeight < 1 ) sl->generic.charHeight = UI_MED_CHAR_HEIGHT;
UI_ScaleCoords( NULL, NULL, &sl->generic.charWidth, &sl->generic.charHeight );
sl->generic.flags |= QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY;
if( !sl->generic.color ) sl->generic.color = uiPromptTextColor;
if( !sl->generic.focusColor ) sl->generic.focusColor = uiPromptFocusColor;
if( !sl->upArrow ) sl->upArrow = UI_UPARROW;
if( !sl->upArrowFocus ) sl->upArrowFocus = UI_UPARROWFOCUS;
if( !sl->downArrow ) sl->downArrow = UI_DOWNARROW;
if( !sl->downArrowFocus ) sl->downArrowFocus = UI_DOWNARROWFOCUS;
// sl->curItem = 0;
sl->topItem = 0;
sl->numItems = 0;
// count number of items
while( sl->itemNames[sl->numItems] )
// scale the center box
sl->generic.x2 = sl->generic.x;
sl->generic.y2 = sl->generic.y;
sl->generic.width2 = sl->generic.width;
sl->generic.height2 = sl->generic.height;
UI_ScaleCoords( &sl->generic.x2, &sl->generic.y2, &sl->generic.width2, &sl->generic.height2 );
// calculate number of visible rows
sl->numRows = (sl->generic.height2 / sl->generic.charHeight) - 2;
if( sl->numRows > sl->numItems ) sl->numRows = sl->numItems;
// extend the height so it has room for the arrows
sl->generic.height += (sl->generic.width / 4);
// calculate new Y for the control
sl->generic.y -= (sl->generic.width / 8);
UI_ScaleCoords( &sl->generic.x, &sl->generic.y, &sl->generic.width, &sl->generic.height );
const char *UI_ScrollList_Key( menuScrollList_s *sl, int key, bool down )
const char *sound = 0;
int arrowWidth, arrowHeight, upX, upY, downX, downY;
int i, y;
if( !down ) return uiSoundNull;
switch( key )
case K_MOUSE1:
if(!( sl->generic.flags & QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS ))
// use fixed size for arrows
arrowWidth = 24;
arrowHeight = 24;
UI_ScaleCoords( NULL, NULL, &arrowWidth, &arrowHeight );
// glue with right top and right bottom corners
upX = sl->generic.x2 + sl->generic.width2 - arrowWidth;
upY = sl->generic.y2 + UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH;
downX = sl->generic.x2 + sl->generic.width2 - arrowWidth;
downY = sl->generic.y2 + (sl->generic.height2 - arrowHeight) - UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH;
// Now see if either up or down has focus
if( UI_CursorInRect( upX, upY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight ))
if( sl->curItem != 0 )
sound = uiSoundMove;
else sound = uiSoundBuzz;
else if( UI_CursorInRect( downX, downY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight ))
if( sl->curItem != sl->numItems - 1 )
sound = uiSoundMove;
else sound = uiSoundBuzz;
// see if an item has been selected
y = sl->generic.y2 + sl->generic.charHeight;
for( i = sl->topItem; i < sl->topItem + sl->numRows; i++, y += sl->generic.charHeight )
if( !sl->itemNames[i] )
break; // done
if( UI_CursorInRect( sl->generic.x, y, sl->generic.width, sl->generic.charHeight ))
sl->curItem = i;
sound = uiSoundNull;
case K_HOME:
case K_KP_HOME:
if( sl->curItem != 0 )
sl->curItem = 0;
sound = uiSoundMove;
else sound = uiSoundBuzz;
case K_END:
case K_KP_END:
if( sl->curItem != sl->numItems - 1 )
sl->curItem = sl->numItems - 1;
sound = uiSoundMove;
else sound = uiSoundBuzz;
case K_PGUP:
case K_KP_PGUP:
if( sl->curItem != 0 )
sl->curItem -= 2;
if( sl->curItem < 0 )
sl->curItem = 0;
sound = uiSoundMove;
else sound = uiSoundBuzz;
case K_PGDN:
case K_KP_PGDN:
if( sl->curItem != sl->numItems - 1 )
sl->curItem += 2;
if( sl->curItem > sl->numItems - 1 )
sl->curItem = sl->numItems - 1;
sound = uiSoundMove;
else sound = uiSoundBuzz;
if( sl->curItem != 0 )
sound = uiSoundMove;
else sound = uiSoundBuzz;
if( sl->curItem != sl->numItems - 1 )
sound = uiSoundMove;
else sound = uiSoundBuzz;
sl->topItem = sl->curItem - sl->numRows + 1;
if( sl->topItem < 0 ) sl->topItem = 0;
if( sl->topItem > sl->numItems - sl->numRows )
sl->topItem = sl->numItems - sl->numRows;
if( sound && ( sl->generic.flags & QMF_SILENT ))
sound = uiSoundNull;
if( sound && sl->generic.callback )
if( sound != uiSoundBuzz )
sl->generic.callback( sl, QM_CHANGED );
return sound;
void UI_ScrollList_Draw( menuScrollList_s *sl )
int justify;
bool shadow;
int i, x, y, w, h;
rgba_t selColor = { 80, 56, 24, 255};
int arrowWidth, arrowHeight, upX, upY, downX, downY;
bool upFocus, downFocus;
if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY )
justify = 0;
else if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_CENTER_JUSTIFY )
justify = 1;
else if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_RIGHT_JUSTIFY )
justify = 2;
shadow = (sl->generic.flags & QMF_DROPSHADOW);
// use fixed size for arrows
arrowWidth = 24;
arrowHeight = 24;
UI_ScaleCoords( NULL, NULL, &arrowWidth, &arrowHeight );
x = sl->generic.x2;
y = sl->generic.y2;
w = sl->generic.width2;
h = sl->generic.height2;
if( !sl->background )
// draw the opaque outlinebox first
UI_FillRect( x, y, w, h, uiColorBlack );
// hightlight the selected item
if( !( sl->generic.flags & QMF_GRAYED ))
y = sl->generic.y2 + sl->generic.charHeight;
for( i = sl->topItem; i < sl->topItem + sl->numRows; i++, y += sl->generic.charHeight )
if( !sl->itemNames[i] )
break; // Done
if( i == sl->curItem )
UI_FillRect( sl->generic.x, y, sl->generic.width - arrowWidth, sl->generic.charHeight, selColor );
if( sl->background )
// get size and position for the center box
UI_DrawPic( x, y, w, h, uiColorWhite, sl->background );
x = sl->generic.x2 - UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH;
y = sl->generic.y2;
h = sl->generic.height2;
// draw left
UI_FillRect( x, y, w, h, uiInputFgColor );
x = sl->generic.x2 + sl->generic.width2;
y = sl->generic.y2;
h = sl->generic.height2;
// draw right
UI_FillRect( x, y, w, h, uiInputFgColor );
x = sl->generic.x2;
y = sl->generic.y2;
w = sl->generic.width2 + UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH;
// draw top
UI_FillRect( x, y, w, h, uiInputFgColor );
// draw bottom
x = sl->generic.x2;
y = sl->generic.y2 + sl->generic.height2 - UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH;
w = sl->generic.width2 + UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH;
UI_FillRect( x, y, w, h, uiInputFgColor );
// glue with right top and right bottom corners
upX = sl->generic.x2 + sl->generic.width2 - arrowWidth;
upY = sl->generic.y2 + UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH;
downX = sl->generic.x2 + sl->generic.width2 - arrowWidth;
downY = sl->generic.y2 + (sl->generic.height2 - arrowHeight) - UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH;
// draw the arrows base
UI_FillRect( upX, upY + arrowHeight, arrowWidth, downY - upY - arrowHeight, uiInputFgColor );
// draw the arrows
if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_GRAYED )
UI_DrawPic( upX, upY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, uiColorDkGrey, sl->upArrow );
UI_DrawPic( downX, downY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, uiColorDkGrey, sl->downArrow );
if((menuCommon_s *)sl != (menuCommon_s *)UI_ItemAtCursor(sl->generic.parent))
UI_DrawPic( upX, upY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, sl->generic.color, sl->upArrow );
UI_DrawPic( downX, downY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, sl->generic.color, sl->downArrow );
// see which arrow has the mouse focus
upFocus = UI_CursorInRect( upX, upY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight );
downFocus = UI_CursorInRect( downX, downY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight );
if(!( sl->generic.flags & QMF_FOCUSBEHIND ))
UI_DrawPic( upX, upY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, sl->generic.color, sl->upArrow );
UI_DrawPic( downX, downY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, sl->generic.color, sl->downArrow );
if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_HIGHLIGHTIFFOCUS )
UI_DrawPic( upX, upY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, (upFocus) ? sl->generic.focusColor : sl->generic.color, (upFocus) ? sl->upArrowFocus : sl->upArrow );
UI_DrawPic( downX, downY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, (downFocus) ? sl->generic.focusColor : sl->generic.color, (downFocus) ? sl->downArrowFocus : sl->downArrow );
else if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS )
rgba_t color;
*(uint *)color = *(uint *)sl->generic.color;
color[3] = 255 * (0.5 + 0.5 * com.sin( uiStatic.realTime / UI_PULSE_DIVISOR ));
UI_DrawPic( upX, upY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, (upFocus) ? color : sl->generic.color, (upFocus) ? sl->upArrowFocus : sl->upArrow );
UI_DrawPic( downX, downY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, (downFocus) ? color : sl->generic.color, (downFocus) ? sl->downArrowFocus : sl->downArrow );
else if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_BLINKIFFOCUS )
if(( uiStatic.realTime & UI_BLINK_MASK ) < UI_BLINK_TIME )
UI_DrawPic( upX, upY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, (upFocus) ? sl->generic.focusColor : sl->generic.color, (upFocus) ? sl->upArrowFocus : sl->upArrow );
UI_DrawPic( downX, downY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, (downFocus) ? sl->generic.focusColor : sl->generic.color, (downFocus) ? sl->downArrowFocus : sl->downArrow );
if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_FOCUSBEHIND )
UI_DrawPic( upX, upY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, sl->generic.color, sl->upArrow );
UI_DrawPic( downX, downY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, sl->generic.color, sl->downArrow );
// Draw the list
x = sl->generic.x2;
w = sl->generic.width2;
h = sl->generic.charHeight;
y = sl->generic.y2 + sl->generic.charHeight;
for( i = sl->topItem; i < sl->topItem + sl->numRows; i++, y += sl->generic.charHeight )
if( !sl->itemNames[i] )
break; // done
if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_GRAYED )
UI_DrawStringExt( x, y, w, h, sl->itemNames[i], uiColorDkGrey, true, sl->generic.charWidth, sl->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
continue; // grayed
if( i != sl->curItem )
UI_DrawStringExt( x, y, w, h, sl->itemNames[i], sl->generic.color, false, sl->generic.charWidth, sl->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
continue; // no focus
if(!( sl->generic.flags & QMF_FOCUSBEHIND ))
UI_DrawStringExt( x, y, w, h, sl->itemNames[i], sl->generic.color, false, sl->generic.charWidth, sl->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_HIGHLIGHTIFFOCUS )
UI_DrawStringExt( x, y, w, h, sl->itemNames[i], sl->generic.focusColor, false, sl->generic.charWidth, sl->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
else if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS )
rgba_t color;
*(uint *)color = *(uint *)sl->generic.color;
color[3] = 255 * (0.5 + 0.5 * com.sin( uiStatic.realTime / UI_PULSE_DIVISOR ));
UI_DrawStringExt( x, y, w, h, sl->itemNames[i], color, false, sl->generic.charWidth, sl->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
else if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_BLINKIFFOCUS )
if(( uiStatic.realTime & UI_BLINK_MASK ) < UI_BLINK_TIME )
UI_DrawStringExt( x, y, w, h, sl->itemNames[i], sl->generic.focusColor, false, sl->generic.charWidth, sl->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_FOCUSBEHIND )
UI_DrawStringExt( x, y, w, h, sl->itemNames[i], sl->generic.color, false, sl->generic.charWidth, sl->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
void UI_SpinControl_Init( menuSpinControl_s *sc )
if( !sc-> ) sc-> = ""; // this is also the text displayed
if( sc->generic.flags & QMF_BIGFONT )
sc->generic.charWidth = UI_BIG_CHAR_WIDTH;
sc->generic.charHeight = UI_BIG_CHAR_HEIGHT;
else if( sc->generic.flags & QMF_SMALLFONT )
sc->generic.charWidth = UI_SMALL_CHAR_WIDTH;
sc->generic.charHeight = UI_SMALL_CHAR_HEIGHT;
if( sc->generic.charWidth < 1 ) sc->generic.charWidth = UI_MED_CHAR_WIDTH;
if( sc->generic.charHeight < 1 ) sc->generic.charHeight = UI_MED_CHAR_HEIGHT;
UI_ScaleCoords( NULL, NULL, &sc->generic.charWidth, &sc->generic.charHeight );
sc->generic.flags |= QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY;
if( !sc->generic.color ) sc->generic.color = uiColorHelp;
if( !sc->generic.focusColor ) sc->generic.focusColor = uiPromptTextColor;
if( !sc->leftArrow ) sc->leftArrow = UI_LEFTARROW;
if( !sc->leftArrowFocus ) sc->leftArrowFocus = UI_LEFTARROWFOCUS;
if( !sc->rightArrow ) sc->rightArrow = UI_RIGHTARROW;
if( !sc->rightArrowFocus ) sc->rightArrowFocus = UI_RIGHTARROWFOCUS;
// scale the center box
sc->generic.x2 = sc->generic.x;
sc->generic.y2 = sc->generic.y;
sc->generic.width2 = sc->generic.width;
sc->generic.height2 = sc->generic.height;
UI_ScaleCoords( &sc->generic.x2, &sc->generic.y2, &sc->generic.width2, &sc->generic.height2 );
// extend the width so it has room for the arrows
sc->generic.width += (sc->generic.height * 3);
// calculate new X for the control
sc->generic.x -= (sc->generic.height + (sc->generic.height/2));
UI_ScaleCoords( &sc->generic.x, &sc->generic.y, &sc->generic.width, &sc->generic.height );
const char *UI_SpinControl_Key( menuSpinControl_s *sc, int key, bool down )
const char *sound = 0;
int arrowWidth, arrowHeight, leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY;
if( !down ) return uiSoundNull;
switch( key )
case K_MOUSE1:
case K_MOUSE2:
if( !( sc->generic.flags & QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS ))
// calculate size and position for the arrows
arrowWidth = sc->generic.height + (UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH * 2);
arrowHeight = sc->generic.height + (UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH * 2);
leftX = sc->generic.x + UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH;
leftY = sc->generic.y - UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH;
rightX = sc->generic.x + (sc->generic.width - arrowWidth) - UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH;
rightY = sc->generic.y - UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH;
// now see if either left or right arrow has focus
if( UI_CursorInRect( leftX, leftY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight ))
if( sc->curValue > sc->minValue )
sc->curValue -= sc->range;
if( sc->curValue < sc->minValue )
sc->curValue = sc->minValue;
sound = uiSoundMove;
else sound = uiSoundBuzz;
else if( UI_CursorInRect( rightX, rightY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight ))
if( sc->curValue < sc->maxValue )
sc->curValue += sc->range;
if( sc->curValue > sc->maxValue )
sc->curValue = sc->maxValue;
sound = uiSoundMove;
else sound = uiSoundBuzz;
if( sc->generic.flags & QMF_MOUSEONLY )
if( sc->curValue > sc->minValue )
sc->curValue -= sc->range;
if( sc->curValue < sc->minValue )
sc->curValue = sc->minValue;
sound = uiSoundMove;
else sound = uiSoundBuzz;
if( sc->generic.flags & QMF_MOUSEONLY )
if( sc->curValue < sc->maxValue )
sc->curValue += sc->range;
if( sc->curValue > sc->maxValue )
sc->curValue = sc->maxValue;
sound = uiSoundMove;
else sound = uiSoundBuzz;
if( sound && ( sc->generic.flags & QMF_SILENT ))
sound = uiSoundNull;
if( sound && sc->generic.callback )
if( sound != uiSoundBuzz )
sc->generic.callback( sc, QM_CHANGED );
return sound;
void UI_SpinControl_Draw( menuSpinControl_s *sc )
int justify;
bool shadow;
int x, y, w, h;
int arrowWidth, arrowHeight, leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY;
bool leftFocus, rightFocus;
if( sc->generic.flags & QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY )
justify = 0;
else if( sc->generic.flags & QMF_CENTER_JUSTIFY )
justify = 1;
else if( sc->generic.flags & QMF_RIGHT_JUSTIFY )
justify = 2;
shadow = (sc->generic.flags & QMF_DROPSHADOW);
// calculate size and position for the arrows
arrowWidth = sc->generic.height + (UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH * 2);
arrowHeight = sc->generic.height + (UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH * 2);
leftX = sc->generic.x + UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH;
leftY = sc->generic.y - UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH;
rightX = sc->generic.x + (sc->generic.width - arrowWidth) - UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH;
rightY = sc->generic.y - UI_OUTLINE_WIDTH;
// get size and position for the center box
w = sc->generic.width2;
h = sc->generic.height2;
x = sc->generic.x2;
y = sc->generic.y2;
if( sc->background )
UI_DrawPic( x, y, w, h, uiColorWhite, sc->background );
// draw the background
UI_FillRect( x, y, w, h, uiColorBlack );
// draw the rectangle
UI_DrawRectangle( x, y, w, h, uiInputFgColor );
if( sc->generic.flags & QMF_GRAYED )
UI_DrawStringExt( x, y, w, h, sc->, uiColorDkGrey, true, sc->generic.charWidth, sc->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
UI_DrawPic( leftX, leftY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, uiColorDkGrey, sc->leftArrow );
UI_DrawPic( rightX, rightY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, uiColorDkGrey, sc->rightArrow );
return; // grayed
if((menuCommon_s *)sc != (menuCommon_s *)UI_ItemAtCursor(sc->generic.parent ))
UI_DrawStringExt(x, y, w, h, sc->, sc->generic.color, false, sc->generic.charWidth, sc->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
UI_DrawPic(leftX, leftY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, sc->generic.color, sc->leftArrow);
UI_DrawPic(rightX, rightY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, sc->generic.color, sc->rightArrow);
return; // No focus
// see which arrow has the mouse focus
leftFocus = UI_CursorInRect( leftX, leftY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight );
rightFocus = UI_CursorInRect( rightX, rightY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight );
if( !( sc->generic.flags & QMF_FOCUSBEHIND ))
UI_DrawStringExt( x, y, w, h, sc->, sc->generic.color, false, sc->generic.charWidth, sc->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
UI_DrawPic( leftX, leftY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, sc->generic.color, sc->leftArrow );
UI_DrawPic( rightX, rightY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, sc->generic.color, sc->rightArrow );
if( sc->generic.flags & QMF_HIGHLIGHTIFFOCUS )
UI_DrawStringExt( x, y, w, h, sc->, sc->generic.focusColor, false, sc->generic.charWidth, sc->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
UI_DrawPic( leftX, leftY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, (leftFocus) ? sc->generic.focusColor : sc->generic.color, (leftFocus) ? sc->leftArrowFocus : sc->leftArrow );
UI_DrawPic( rightX, rightY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, (rightFocus) ? sc->generic.focusColor : sc->generic.color, (rightFocus) ? sc->rightArrowFocus : sc->rightArrow );
else if( sc->generic.flags & QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS )
rgba_t color;
*(uint *)color = *(uint *)sc->generic.color;
color[3] = 255 * (0.5 + 0.5 * sin( uiStatic.realTime / UI_PULSE_DIVISOR ));
UI_DrawStringExt( x, y, w, h, sc->, color, false, sc->generic.charWidth, sc->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
UI_DrawPic( leftX, leftY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, (leftFocus) ? color : sc->generic.color, (leftFocus) ? sc->leftArrowFocus : sc->leftArrow );
UI_DrawPic( rightX, rightY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, (rightFocus) ? color : sc->generic.color, (rightFocus) ? sc->rightArrowFocus : sc->rightArrow );
else if( sc->generic.flags & QMF_BLINKIFFOCUS )
if(( uiStatic.realTime & UI_BLINK_MASK ) < UI_BLINK_TIME )
UI_DrawStringExt( x, y, w, h, sc->, sc->generic.focusColor, false, sc->generic.charWidth, sc->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
UI_DrawPic( leftX, leftY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, (leftFocus) ? sc->generic.focusColor : sc->generic.color, (leftFocus) ? sc->leftArrowFocus : sc->leftArrow );
UI_DrawPic( rightX, rightY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, (rightFocus) ? sc->generic.focusColor : sc->generic.color, (rightFocus) ? sc->rightArrowFocus : sc->rightArrow );
if( sc->generic.flags & QMF_FOCUSBEHIND )
UI_DrawStringExt( x, y, w, h, sc->, sc->generic.color, false, sc->generic.charWidth, sc->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
UI_DrawPic( leftX, leftY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, sc->generic.color, sc->leftArrow );
UI_DrawPic( rightX, rightY, arrowWidth, arrowHeight, sc->generic.color, sc->rightArrow );
void UI_Slider_Init( menuSlider_s *sl )
if( !sl-> ) sl-> = ""; // this is also the text displayed
if( !sl->generic.width ) sl->generic.width = 200;
if( !sl->generic.height) sl->generic.height = 4;
if( !sl->generic.color ) sl->generic.color = uiColorWhite;
if( !sl->generic.focusColor ) sl->generic.focusColor = uiColorWhite;
if( !sl->range ) sl->range = 1.0f;
if( sl->range < 0.05f ) sl->range = 0.05f;
if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_BIGFONT )
sl->generic.charWidth = UI_BIG_CHAR_WIDTH;
sl->generic.charHeight = UI_BIG_CHAR_HEIGHT;
else if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_SMALLFONT )
sl->generic.charWidth = UI_SMALL_CHAR_WIDTH;
sl->generic.charHeight = UI_SMALL_CHAR_HEIGHT;
if( sl->generic.charWidth < 1 ) sl->generic.charWidth = 12;
if( sl->generic.charHeight < 1 ) sl->generic.charHeight = 24;
UI_ScaleCoords( NULL, NULL, &sl->generic.charWidth, &sl->generic.charHeight );
sl->generic.flags |= QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY;
// scale the center box
sl->generic.x2 = sl->generic.x;
sl->generic.y2 = sl->generic.y;
sl->generic.width2 = sl->generic.width / 5;
sl->generic.height2 = 4;
UI_ScaleCoords( &sl->generic.x2, &sl->generic.y2, &sl->generic.width2, &sl->generic.height2 );
UI_ScaleCoords( &sl->generic.x, &sl->generic.y, &sl->generic.width, &sl->generic.height );
sl->generic.y -= uiStatic.sliderWidth;
sl->generic.height += uiStatic.sliderWidth * 2;
sl->generic.y2 -= uiStatic.sliderWidth;
sl->drawStep = (sl->generic.width - sl->generic.width2) / ((sl->maxValue - sl->minValue) / sl->range);
sl->numSteps = ((sl->maxValue - sl->minValue) / sl->range) + 1;
const char *UI_Slider_Key( menuSlider_s *sl, int key, bool down )
int sliderX;
if( !down )
if( sl->keepSlider )
// tell menu about changes
if( sl->generic.callback )
sl->generic.callback( sl, QM_CHANGED );
sl->keepSlider = false; // button released
return uiSoundNull;
switch( key )
case K_MOUSE1:
if(!( sl->generic.flags & QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS ))
return uiSoundNull;
// find the current slider position
sliderX = sl->generic.x2 + (sl->drawStep * (sl->curValue * sl->numSteps));
if( UI_CursorInRect( sliderX, sl->generic.y2, sl->generic.width2, sl->generic.height ))
sl->keepSlider = true;
int dist, numSteps;
// immediately move slider into specified place
dist = uiStatic.cursorX - sl->generic.x2 - (sl->generic.width2>>2);
numSteps = dist / (int)sl->drawStep;
sl->curValue = bound( sl->minValue, numSteps * sl->range, sl->maxValue );
// tell menu about changes
if( sl->generic.callback )
sl->generic.callback( sl, QM_CHANGED );
return uiSoundNull;
void UI_Slider_Draw( menuSlider_s *sl )
int justify;
bool shadow;
int textHeight, sliderX;
if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY )
justify = 0;
else if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_CENTER_JUSTIFY )
justify = 1;
else if( sl->generic.flags & QMF_RIGHT_JUSTIFY )
justify = 2;
shadow = (sl->generic.flags & QMF_DROPSHADOW);
if( sl->keepSlider )
int dist, numSteps;
// move slider with holded mouse button
dist = uiStatic.cursorX - sl->generic.x2 - (sl->generic.width2>>2);
numSteps = dist / (int)sl->drawStep;
sl->curValue = bound( sl->minValue, numSteps * sl->range, sl->maxValue );
// tell menu about changes
if( sl->generic.callback ) sl->generic.callback( sl, QM_CHANGED );
// calc slider position
sliderX = sl->generic.x2 + (sl->drawStep * (sl->curValue * sl->numSteps));
UI_DrawRectangleExt( sl->generic.x, sl->generic.y + uiStatic.sliderWidth, sl->generic.width, sl->generic.height2, uiInputBgColor, uiStatic.sliderWidth );
UI_DrawPic( sliderX, sl->generic.y2, sl->generic.width2, sl->generic.height, uiColorWhite, UI_SLIDER_MAIN );
textHeight = sl->generic.y - (sl->generic.charHeight * 1.5f);
UI_DrawStringExt( sl->generic.x, textHeight, sl->generic.width, sl->generic.charHeight, sl->, uiColorHelp, true, sl->generic.charWidth, sl->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
void UI_CheckBox_Init( menuCheckBox_s *cb )
if( !cb-> ) cb-> = "";
if( cb->generic.flags & QMF_BIGFONT )
cb->generic.charWidth = UI_BIG_CHAR_WIDTH;
cb->generic.charHeight = UI_BIG_CHAR_HEIGHT;
else if( cb->generic.flags & QMF_SMALLFONT )
cb->generic.charWidth = UI_SMALL_CHAR_WIDTH;
cb->generic.charHeight = UI_SMALL_CHAR_HEIGHT;
if( cb->generic.charWidth < 1 ) cb->generic.charWidth = 12;
if( cb->generic.charHeight < 1 ) cb->generic.charHeight = 24;
UI_ScaleCoords( NULL, NULL, &cb->generic.charWidth, &cb->generic.charHeight );
cb->generic.flags |= QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY;
if( !cb->emptyPic ) cb->emptyPic = UI_CHECKBOX_EMPTY;
if( !cb->focusPic ) cb->focusPic = UI_CHECKBOX_FOCUS;
if( !cb->checkPic ) cb->checkPic = UI_CHECKBOX_ENABLED;
if( !cb->grayedPic ) cb->grayedPic = UI_CHECKBOX_GRAYED;
if( !cb->generic.color ) cb->generic.color = uiColorWhite;
if( !cb->generic.focusColor ) cb->generic.focusColor = uiColorWhite;
if( !cb->generic.width ) cb->generic.width = 32;
if( !cb->generic.height ) cb->generic.height = 32;
UI_ScaleCoords( &cb->generic.x, &cb->generic.y, &cb->generic.width, &cb->generic.height );
const char *UI_CheckBox_Key( menuCheckBox_s *cb, int key, bool down )
const char *sound = 0;
switch( key )
case K_MOUSE1:
if(!( cb->generic.flags & QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS ))
sound = uiSoundGlow;
case K_ENTER:
case K_KP_ENTER:
if( cb->generic.flags & QMF_MOUSEONLY )
sound = uiSoundGlow;
if( sound && ( cb->generic.flags & QMF_SILENT ))
sound = uiSoundNull;
if( cb->generic.flags & QMF_ACT_ONRELEASE )
if( sound && cb->generic.callback )
int event;
if( down ) event = QM_PRESSED;
else event = QM_CHANGED;
if( !down ) cb->enabled = !cb->enabled; // apply on release
cb->generic.callback( cb, event );
else if( down )
if( sound && cb->generic.callback )
cb->enabled = !cb->enabled;
cb->generic.callback( cb, QM_CHANGED );
return sound;
void UI_CheckBox_Draw( menuCheckBox_s *cb )
int justify;
bool shadow;
int textOffset, y;
if( cb->generic.flags & QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY )
justify = 0;
else if( cb->generic.flags & QMF_CENTER_JUSTIFY )
justify = 1;
else if( cb->generic.flags & QMF_RIGHT_JUSTIFY )
justify = 2;
shadow = (cb->generic.flags & QMF_DROPSHADOW);
y = cb->generic.y + (cb->generic.height>>2);
textOffset = cb->generic.x + (cb->generic.width * 1.7f);
UI_DrawStringExt( textOffset, y, com.strlen( cb-> ) * cb->generic.charWidth, cb->generic.charHeight, cb->, uiColorHelp, true, cb->generic.charWidth, cb->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
if( cb->generic.statusText && cb->generic.flags & QMF_NOTIFY )
int charW, charH;
int x, w;
UI_ScaleCoords( NULL, NULL, &charW, &charH );
x = 250;
w = UI_SMALL_CHAR_WIDTH * com.strlen( cb->generic.statusText );
UI_ScaleCoords( &x, NULL, &w, NULL );
x += cb->generic.x;
UI_DrawStringExt( x, cb->generic.y, w, cb->generic.height, cb->generic.statusText, uiColorHelp, true, charW, charH, 0, true, cls.consoleFont );
if( cb->generic.flags & QMF_GRAYED )
UI_DrawPic( cb->generic.x, cb->generic.y, cb->generic.width, cb->generic.height, uiColorWhite, cb->grayedPic );
return; // grayed
if(( cb->generic.flags & QMF_MOUSEONLY ) && !( cb->generic.flags & QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS ))
if( !cb->enabled )
UI_DrawPic( cb->generic.x, cb->generic.y, cb->generic.width, cb->generic.height, cb->generic.color, cb->emptyPic );
else UI_DrawPic( cb->generic.x, cb->generic.y, cb->generic.width, cb->generic.height, cb->generic.color, cb->checkPic );
return; // no focus
if((menuCommon_s *)cb != (menuCommon_s *)UI_ItemAtCursor( cb->generic.parent ))
if( !cb->enabled )
UI_DrawPic( cb->generic.x, cb->generic.y, cb->generic.width, cb->generic.height, cb->generic.color, cb->emptyPic );
else UI_DrawPic( cb->generic.x, cb->generic.y, cb->generic.width, cb->generic.height, cb->generic.color, cb->checkPic );
return; // no focus
if( cb->generic.flags & QMF_HIGHLIGHTIFFOCUS && !cb->enabled )
UI_DrawPic( cb->generic.x, cb->generic.y, cb->generic.width, cb->generic.height, cb->generic.focusColor, cb->focusPic );
if( !cb->enabled )
UI_DrawPic( cb->generic.x, cb->generic.y, cb->generic.width, cb->generic.height, cb->generic.color, cb->emptyPic );
else UI_DrawPic( cb->generic.x, cb->generic.y, cb->generic.width, cb->generic.height, cb->generic.color, cb->checkPic );
void UI_Field_Init( menuField_s *f )
if( !f-> ) f-> = "";
if( f->generic.flags & QMF_BIGFONT )
f->generic.charWidth = UI_BIG_CHAR_WIDTH;
f->generic.charHeight = UI_BIG_CHAR_HEIGHT;
else if( f->generic.flags & QMF_SMALLFONT )
f->generic.charWidth = UI_SMALL_CHAR_WIDTH;
f->generic.charHeight = UI_SMALL_CHAR_HEIGHT;
if( f->generic.charWidth < 1 ) f->generic.charWidth = UI_MED_CHAR_WIDTH;
if( f->generic.charHeight < 1 ) f->generic.charHeight = UI_MED_CHAR_HEIGHT;
UI_ScaleCoords( NULL, NULL, &f->generic.charWidth, &f->generic.charHeight );
f->generic.flags |= QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY;
if( !f->generic.color ) f->generic.color = uiInputTextColor;
if( !f->generic.focusColor ) f->generic.focusColor = uiInputTextColor;
if( f->maxLenght <= 1 || f->maxLenght >= UI_MAX_FIELD_LINE )
f->maxLenght = UI_MAX_FIELD_LINE - 1;
UI_ScaleCoords( &f->generic.x, &f->generic.y, &f->generic.width, &f->generic.height );
// calculate number of visible characters
f->visibleLength = (f->generic.width / f->generic.charWidth) - 2;
f->length = com.strlen( f->buffer );
f->cursor = f->length;
const char *UI_Field_Key( menuField_s *f, int key, bool down )
char *str, *s;
int i;
if( !down ) return 0;
switch( key )
case K_KP_SLASH:
key = '/';
case K_KP_STAR:
key = '*';
case K_KP_MINUS:
key = '-';
case K_KP_PLUS:
key = '+';
case K_KP_HOME:
key = '7';
key = '8';
case K_KP_PGUP:
key = '9';
key = '4';
case K_KP_5:
key = '5';
key = '6';
case K_KP_END:
key = '1';
key = '2';
case K_KP_PGDN:
key = '3';
case K_KP_INS:
key = '0';
case K_KP_DEL:
key = '.';
case K_KP_ENTER:
key = K_ENTER;
// clipboard paste
if(( key == K_INS && Key_IsDown( K_SHIFT )) || ( key == 'v' && Key_IsDown( K_CTRL )))
str = Sys_GetClipboardData();
if( !str ) return 0;
// insert at the current position
s = str;
while( *s )
if( f->length + 1 == f->maxLenght )
break; // all full
if( *s < 32 || *s > 126 )
if( f->generic.flags & QMF_NUMBERSONLY )
if( *s < '0' || *s > '9' )
for( i = f->length + 1; i > f->cursor; i-- )
f->buffer[i] = f->buffer[i-1];
if( f->generic.flags & QMF_LOWERCASE )
f->buffer[f->cursor++] = com.tolower( *s++ );
else if( f->generic.flags & QMF_UPPERCASE )
f->buffer[f->cursor++] = com.toupper( *s++ );
else f->buffer[f->cursor++] = *s++;
Mem_Free( str );
if( f->generic.callback )
f->generic.callback( f, QM_CHANGED );
return 0;
// previous character
if( key == K_LEFTARROW )
if( f->cursor )
return 0;
// Next character
if( key == K_RIGHTARROW )
if( f->cursor < f->length )
return 0;
// first character
if( key == K_HOME )
f->cursor = 0;
return 0;
// last character
if( key == K_END )
f->cursor = f->length;
return 0;
if( key == K_BACKSPACE )
// delete previous character
if( !f->cursor )
return 0;
for( i = f->cursor; i <= f->length; i++ )
f->buffer[i] = f->buffer[i+1];
f->buffer[f->length--] = 0;
else if( key == K_DEL )
// delete next character
if( f->cursor == f->length )
return 0;
for( i = f->cursor; i <= f->length; i++ )
f->buffer[i] = f->buffer[i+1];
f->buffer[f->length--] = 0;
// normal typing
if( key < 32 || key > 126 )
return 0; // non printable
if( f->length + 1 == f->maxLenght )
return 0; // all full
if( f->generic.flags & QMF_NUMBERSONLY )
if( key < '0' || key > '9' )
return 0;
if( f->generic.flags & QMF_LOWERCASE )
key = com.tolower( key );
else if( f->generic.flags & QMF_UPPERCASE )
key = com.toupper( key );
for( i = f->length + 1; i < f->cursor; i-- )
f->buffer[i] = f->buffer[i-1];
f->buffer[f->cursor++] = key;
if( f->generic.callback )
f->generic.callback( f, QM_CHANGED );
return 0;
void UI_Field_Draw( menuField_s *f )
int justify;
bool shadow;
char *text = f->buffer;
int scroll = 0, width = f->visibleLength - 2;
int cursor, x, textHeight;
if( f->generic.flags & QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY )
justify = 0;
else if( f->generic.flags & QMF_CENTER_JUSTIFY )
justify = 1;
else if( f->generic.flags & QMF_RIGHT_JUSTIFY )
justify = 2;
shadow = (f->generic.flags & QMF_DROPSHADOW);
// prestep if horizontally scrolling
while(com.cstrlen( text+scroll ) + 2 > f->visibleLength )
text += scroll;
// find cursor position
if( scroll ) cursor = width - (com.cstrlen( f->buffer ) - f->cursor );
else cursor = f->cursor;
cursor -= (com.strlen( f->buffer ) - com.cstrlen( f->buffer ));
if( cursor > width ) cursor = width;
if( cursor < 0 ) cursor = 0;
if( justify == 0 ) x = f->generic.x;
else if( justify == 1 ) x = f->generic.x + ((f->generic.width - (com.cstrlen( text ) * f->generic.charWidth)) / 2);
else if( justify == 2 ) x = f->generic.x + (f->generic.width - (com.cstrlen( text ) * f->generic.charWidth));
if( f->background )
UI_DrawPic( f->generic.x, f->generic.y, f->generic.width, f->generic.height, uiColorWhite, f->background );
// draw the background
UI_FillRect( f->generic.x, f->generic.y, f->generic.width, f->generic.height, uiInputBgColor );
// draw the rectangle
UI_DrawRectangle( f->generic.x, f->generic.y, f->generic.width, f->generic.height, uiInputFgColor );
textHeight = f->generic.y - (f->generic.charHeight * 1.5f);
UI_DrawStringExt( f->generic.x, textHeight, f->generic.width, f->generic.charHeight, f->, uiColorHelp, true, f->generic.charWidth, f->generic.charHeight, 0, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
if( f->generic.flags & QMF_GRAYED )
UI_DrawStringExt( f->generic.x, f->generic.y, f->generic.width, f->generic.height, text, uiColorDkGrey, true, f->generic.charWidth, f->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
return; // grayed
if((menuCommon_s *)f != (menuCommon_s *)UI_ItemAtCursor( f->generic.parent ))
UI_DrawStringExt( f->generic.x, f->generic.y, f->generic.width, f->generic.height, text, f->generic.color, false, f->generic.charWidth, f->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
return; // no focus
if( !( f->generic.flags & QMF_FOCUSBEHIND ))
UI_DrawStringExt( f->generic.x, f->generic.y, f->generic.width, f->generic.height, text, f->generic.color, false, f->generic.charWidth, f->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
if(( uiStatic.realTime & 499 ) < 250 )
UI_DrawStringExt( x + (cursor*f->generic.charWidth), f->generic.y, f->generic.charWidth, f->generic.height, "_", f->generic.color, true, f->generic.charWidth, f->generic.charHeight, 0, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
if( f->generic.flags & QMF_HIGHLIGHTIFFOCUS )
UI_DrawStringExt( f->generic.x, f->generic.y, f->generic.width, f->generic.height, text, f->generic.focusColor, false, f->generic.charWidth, f->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
if(( uiStatic.realTime & 499 ) < 250 )
UI_DrawStringExt( x + (cursor*f->generic.charWidth), f->generic.y, f->generic.charWidth, f->generic.height, "_", f->generic.focusColor, true, f->generic.charWidth, f->generic.charHeight, 0, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
else if( f->generic.flags & QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS )
rgba_t color;
*(uint *)color = *(uint *)f->generic.color;
color[3] = 255 * (0.5f + 0.5f * com.sin( uiStatic.realTime / UI_PULSE_DIVISOR ));
UI_DrawStringExt( f->generic.x, f->generic.y, f->generic.width, f->generic.height, text, color, false, f->generic.charWidth, f->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
if(( uiStatic.realTime & 499 ) < 250 )
UI_DrawStringExt( x + (cursor*f->generic.charWidth), f->generic.y, f->generic.charWidth, f->generic.height, "_", color, true, f->generic.charWidth, f->generic.charHeight, 0, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
else if( f->generic.flags & QMF_BLINKIFFOCUS )
if(( uiStatic.realTime & UI_BLINK_MASK ) < UI_BLINK_TIME )
UI_DrawStringExt( f->generic.x, f->generic.y, f->generic.width, f->generic.height, text, f->generic.focusColor, false, f->generic.charWidth, f->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
if(( uiStatic.realTime & 499 ) < 250 )
UI_DrawStringExt( x + (cursor*f->generic.charWidth), f->generic.y, f->generic.charWidth, f->generic.height, "_", f->generic.focusColor, true, f->generic.charWidth, f->generic.charHeight, 0, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
if( f->generic.flags & QMF_FOCUSBEHIND )
UI_DrawStringExt( f->generic.x, f->generic.y, f->generic.width, f->generic.height, text, f->generic.color, false, f->generic.charWidth, f->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
if(( uiStatic.realTime & 499 ) < 250 )
UI_DrawStringExt( x + (cursor*f->generic.charWidth), f->generic.y, f->generic.charWidth, f->generic.height, "_", f->generic.color, true, f->generic.charWidth, f->generic.charHeight, 0, shadow, uiStatic.nameFont );
void UI_Action_Init( menuAction_s *a )
if( !a-> ) a-> = ""; // this is also the text displayed
if( a->generic.flags & QMF_BIGFONT )
a->generic.charWidth = UI_BIG_CHAR_WIDTH;
a->generic.charHeight = UI_BIG_CHAR_HEIGHT;
else if( a->generic.flags & QMF_SMALLFONT )
a->generic.charWidth = UI_SMALL_CHAR_WIDTH;
a->generic.charHeight = UI_SMALL_CHAR_HEIGHT;
if( a->generic.charWidth < 1 ) a->generic.charWidth = UI_MED_CHAR_WIDTH;
if( a->generic.charHeight < 1 ) a->generic.charHeight = UI_MED_CHAR_HEIGHT;
a->generic.flags |= QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY;
if( !a->generic.color ) a->generic.color = uiPromptTextColor;
if( !a->generic.focusColor ) a->generic.focusColor = uiPromptFocusColor;
if( a->generic.width < 1 || a->generic.height < 1 )
if( a->background )
shader_t handle = re->RegisterShader( a->background, SHADER_NOMIP );
re->GetParms( &a->generic.width, &a->generic.height, NULL, 0, handle );
if( a->generic.width < 1 )
a->generic.width = a->generic.charWidth * com.strlen( a-> );
if( a->generic.height < 1 )
a->generic.height = a->generic.charHeight * 1.5;
UI_ScaleCoords( NULL, NULL, &a->generic.charWidth, &a->generic.charHeight );
UI_ScaleCoords( &a->generic.x, &a->generic.y, &a->generic.width, &a->generic.height );
const char *UI_Action_Key( menuAction_s *a, int key, bool down )
const char *sound = 0;
switch( key )
case K_MOUSE1:
if(!( a->generic.flags & QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS ))
sound = uiSoundMove;
case K_ENTER:
case K_KP_ENTER:
if( a->generic.flags & QMF_MOUSEONLY )
sound = uiSoundMove;
if( sound && ( a->generic.flags & QMF_SILENT ))
sound = uiSoundNull;
if( a->generic.flags & QMF_ACT_ONRELEASE )
if( sound && a->generic.callback )
int event;
if( down ) event = QM_PRESSED;
else event = QM_ACTIVATED;
a->generic.callback( a, event );
else if( down )
if( sound && a->generic.callback )
a->generic.callback( a, QM_ACTIVATED );
return sound;
void UI_Action_Draw( menuAction_s *a )
shader_t font;
int justify;
bool shadow;
if( a->generic.flags & QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY )
justify = 0;
else if( a->generic.flags & QMF_CENTER_JUSTIFY )
justify = 1;
else if( a->generic.flags & QMF_RIGHT_JUSTIFY )
justify = 2;
shadow = (a->generic.flags & QMF_DROPSHADOW);
if( a->generic.flags & QMF_SMALLFONT )
font = uiStatic.nameFont;
else font = uiStatic.menuFont;
if( a->background )
UI_DrawPic( a->generic.x, a->generic.y, a->generic.width, a->generic.height, uiColorWhite, a->background );
if( a->generic.statusText && a->generic.flags & QMF_NOTIFY )
int charW, charH;
int x, w;
UI_ScaleCoords( NULL, NULL, &charW, &charH );
x = 290;
w = UI_SMALL_CHAR_WIDTH * com.strlen( a->generic.statusText );
UI_ScaleCoords( &x, NULL, &w, NULL );
x += a->generic.x;
UI_DrawStringExt( x, a->generic.y, w, a->generic.height, a->generic.statusText, uiColorHelp, true, charW, charH, 0, true, cls.consoleFont );
if( a->generic.flags & QMF_GRAYED )
UI_DrawStringExt( a->generic.x, a->generic.y, a->generic.width, a->generic.height, a->, uiColorDkGrey, true, a->generic.charWidth, a->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, font );
return; // grayed
if((menuCommon_s *)a != (menuCommon_s *)UI_ItemAtCursor( a->generic.parent ))
UI_DrawStringExt( a->generic.x, a->generic.y, a->generic.width, a->generic.height, a->, a->generic.color, false, a->generic.charWidth, a->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, font );
return; // no focus
if(!( a->generic.flags & QMF_FOCUSBEHIND ))
UI_DrawStringExt( a->generic.x, a->generic.y, a->generic.width, a->generic.height, a->, a->generic.color, false, a->generic.charWidth, a->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, font );
if( a->generic.flags & QMF_HIGHLIGHTIFFOCUS )
UI_DrawStringExt( a->generic.x, a->generic.y, a->generic.width, a->generic.height, a->, a->generic.focusColor, false, a->generic.charWidth, a->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, font );
else if( a->generic.flags & QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS )
rgba_t color;
*(uint *)color = *(uint *)a->generic.color;
color[3] = 255 * (0.5 + 0.5 * com.sin( uiStatic.realTime / UI_PULSE_DIVISOR ));
UI_DrawStringExt( a->generic.x, a->generic.y, a->generic.width, a->generic.height, a->, color, false, a->generic.charWidth, a->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, font );
else if( a->generic.flags & QMF_BLINKIFFOCUS )
if(( uiStatic.realTime & UI_BLINK_MASK ) < UI_BLINK_TIME )
UI_DrawStringExt( a->generic.x, a->generic.y, a->generic.width, a->generic.height, a->, a->generic.focusColor, false, a->generic.charWidth, a->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, font );
if( a->generic.flags & QMF_FOCUSBEHIND )
UI_DrawStringExt( a->generic.x, a->generic.y, a->generic.width, a->generic.height, a->, a->generic.color, false, a->generic.charWidth, a->generic.charHeight, justify, shadow, font );
void UI_Bitmap_Init( menuBitmap_s *b )
if( !b-> ) b-> = "";
if( !b->focusPic ) b->focusPic = b->pic;
if( !b->generic.color ) b->generic.color = uiColorWhite;
if( !b->generic.focusColor ) b->generic.focusColor = uiColorHelp;
UI_ScaleCoords( &b->generic.x, &b->generic.y, &b->generic.width, &b->generic.height );
const char *UI_Bitmap_Key( menuBitmap_s *b, int key, bool down )
const char *sound = 0;
switch( key )
case K_MOUSE1:
if(!( b->generic.flags & QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS ))
sound = uiSoundMove;
case K_ENTER:
case K_KP_ENTER:
if( b->generic.flags & QMF_MOUSEONLY )
sound = uiSoundMove;
if( sound && ( b->generic.flags & QMF_SILENT ))
sound = uiSoundNull;
if( b->generic.flags & QMF_ACT_ONRELEASE )
if( sound && b->generic.callback )
int event;
if( down ) event = QM_PRESSED;
else event = QM_ACTIVATED;
b->generic.callback( b, event );
else if( down )
if( sound && b->generic.callback )
b->generic.callback( b, QM_ACTIVATED );
return sound;
void UI_Bitmap_Draw( menuBitmap_s *b )
if( b->generic.flags & QMF_GRAYED )
UI_DrawPic( b->generic.x, b->generic.y, b->generic.width, b->generic.height, uiColorDkGrey, b->pic );
return; // grayed
if(( b->generic.flags & QMF_MOUSEONLY ) && !( b->generic.flags & QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS ))
UI_DrawPic( b->generic.x, b->generic.y, b->generic.width, b->generic.height, b->generic.color, b->pic );
return; // no focus
if((menuCommon_s *)b != (menuCommon_s *)UI_ItemAtCursor( b->generic.parent ))
UI_DrawPic( b->generic.x, b->generic.y, b->generic.width, b->generic.height, b->generic.color, b->pic );
return; // no focus
if(!( b->generic.flags & QMF_FOCUSBEHIND ))
UI_DrawPic( b->generic.x, b->generic.y, b->generic.width, b->generic.height, b->generic.color, b->pic );
if( b->generic.flags & QMF_HIGHLIGHTIFFOCUS )
UI_DrawPic( b->generic.x, b->generic.y, b->generic.width, b->generic.height, b->generic.focusColor, b->focusPic );
else if( b->generic.flags & QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS )
rgba_t color;
*(uint *)color = *(uint *)b->generic.color;
color[3] = 255 * (0.5 + 0.5 * com.sin( uiStatic.realTime / UI_PULSE_DIVISOR));
UI_DrawPic( b->generic.x, b->generic.y, b->generic.width, b->generic.height, color, b->focusPic );
else if( b->generic.flags & QMF_BLINKIFFOCUS )
if(( uiStatic.realTime & UI_BLINK_MASK ) < UI_BLINK_TIME )
UI_DrawPic( b->generic.x, b->generic.y, b->generic.width, b->generic.height, b->generic.focusColor, b->focusPic );
if( b->generic.flags & QMF_FOCUSBEHIND )
UI_DrawPic( b->generic.x, b->generic.y, b->generic.width, b->generic.height, b->generic.color, b->pic );