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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// qcc_utils.c - qcc common tools
#include "qcclib.h"
#include "zip32.h"
void Hash_InitTable(hashtable_t *table, int numbucks, void *mem)
table->numbuckets = numbucks;
table->bucket = (bucket_t **)mem;
int Hash_Key(char *name, int modulus)
//fixme: optimize.
uint key;
for (key = 0; *name; name++)
key += ((key<<3) + (key>>28) + *name);
return (int)(key%modulus);
int Hash_KeyInsensative(char *name, int modulus)
//fixme: optimize.
uint key;
for (key = 0; *name; name++)
if (*name >= 'A' && *name <= 'Z')
key += ((key<<3) + (key>>28) + (*name-'A'+'a'));
else key += ((key<<3) + (key>>28) + *name);
return (int)(key%modulus);
void *Hash_Get(hashtable_t *table, char *name)
int bucknum = Hash_Key(name, table->numbuckets);
bucket_t *buck;
buck = table->bucket[bucknum];
if (!STRCMP(name, buck->keystring))
return buck->data;
buck = buck->next;
return NULL;
void *Hash_GetInsensative(hashtable_t *table, char *name)
int bucknum = Hash_KeyInsensative(name, table->numbuckets);
bucket_t *buck;
buck = table->bucket[bucknum];
if (!stricmp(name, buck->keystring))
return buck->data;
buck = buck->next;
return NULL;
void *Hash_GetKey(hashtable_t *table, int key)
int bucknum = key%table->numbuckets;
bucket_t *buck;
buck = table->bucket[bucknum];
if ((int)buck->keystring == key)
return buck->data;
buck = buck->next;
return NULL;
void *Hash_GetNext(hashtable_t *table, char *name, void *old)
int bucknum = Hash_Key(name, table->numbuckets);
bucket_t *buck;
buck = table->bucket[bucknum];
if (!STRCMP(name, buck->keystring))
if (buck->data == old)//found the old one
buck = buck->next;
if (!buck) return NULL;
buck = buck->next;//don't return old
if (!STRCMP(name, buck->keystring))
return buck->data;
buck = buck->next;
return NULL;
void *Hash_GetNextInsensative(hashtable_t *table, char *name, void *old)
int bucknum = Hash_KeyInsensative(name, table->numbuckets);
bucket_t *buck;
buck = table->bucket[bucknum];
if (!STRCMP(name, buck->keystring))
if (buck->data == old)//found the old one
buck = buck->next;
if (!buck)return NULL;
buck = buck->next;//don't return old
if (!STRCMP(name, buck->keystring))
return buck->data;
buck = buck->next;
return NULL;
void *Hash_Add(hashtable_t *table, char *name, void *data, bucket_t *buck)
int bucknum = Hash_Key(name, table->numbuckets);
buck->data = data;
buck->keystring = name;
buck->next = table->bucket[bucknum];
table->bucket[bucknum] = buck;
return buck;
void *Hash_AddInsensative(hashtable_t *table, char *name, void *data, bucket_t *buck)
int bucknum = Hash_KeyInsensative(name, table->numbuckets);
buck->data = data;
buck->keystring = name;
buck->next = table->bucket[bucknum];
table->bucket[bucknum] = buck;
return buck;
void *Hash_AddKey(hashtable_t *table, int key, void *data, bucket_t *buck)
int bucknum = key%table->numbuckets;
buck->data = data;
buck->keystring = (char*)key;
buck->next = table->bucket[bucknum];
table->bucket[bucknum] = buck;
return buck;
void Hash_Remove(hashtable_t *table, char *name)
int bucknum = Hash_Key(name, table->numbuckets);
bucket_t *buck;
buck = table->bucket[bucknum];
if (!STRCMP(name, buck->keystring))
table->bucket[bucknum] = buck->next;
if (!STRCMP(name, buck->next->keystring))
buck->next = buck->next->next;
buck = buck->next;
void Hash_RemoveData(hashtable_t *table, char *name, void *data)
int bucknum = Hash_Key(name, table->numbuckets);
bucket_t *buck;
buck = table->bucket[bucknum];
if (buck->data == data)
if (!STRCMP(name, buck->keystring))
table->bucket[bucknum] = buck->next;
if (buck->next->data == data)
if (!STRCMP(name, buck->next->keystring))
buck->next = buck->next->next;
buck = buck->next;
void Hash_RemoveKey(hashtable_t *table, int key)
int bucknum = key%table->numbuckets;
bucket_t *buck;
buck = table->bucket[bucknum];
if ((int)buck->keystring == key)
table->bucket[bucknum] = buck->next;
if ((int)buck->next->keystring == key)
buck->next = buck->next->next;
buck = buck->next;
char *PR_decode(int complen, int len, int method, char *info, char *buffer)
int i;
if (method == 0) // copy
if (complen != len) Sys_Error("lengths do not match");
memcpy(buffer, info, len);
else if (method == 1)// encryption
if (complen != len) Sys_Error("lengths do not match");
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) buffer[i] = info[i] ^ 0xA5;
else if (method == 2)// compression (ZLIB)
z_stream strm = {info, complen, 0, buffer, len, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Z_BINARY, 0, 0 };
inflateInit( &strm );
// decompress it in one go.
if (Z_STREAM_END != inflate( &strm, Z_FINISH ))
Sys_Error("Failed block decompression\n");
inflateEnd( &strm );
else Sys_Error("PR_decode: Bad file encryption routine\n");
return buffer;
int PR_encode(int len, int method, char *in, vfile_t *handle)
int i = 0;
if (method == 0) // copy
VFS_Write(handle, in, len);
return len;
else if (method == 1)// encryption
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) in[i] = in[i] ^ 0xA5;
VFS_Write(handle, in, len);
return len;
else if (method == 2)// compression (ZLIB)
char out[8192];
z_stream strm = {in, len, 0, out, sizeof(out), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Z_BINARY, 0, 0 };
deflateInit( &strm, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION);
while(deflate( &strm, Z_FINISH) == Z_OK)
// compress in chunks of 8192. Saves having to allocate a huge-mega-big buffer
VFS_Write( handle, out, sizeof(out) - strm.avail_out);
i += sizeof(out) - strm.avail_out;
Msg("Zlib statuc %s\n", strm.msg );
strm.next_out = out;
strm.avail_out = sizeof(out);
VFS_Write( handle, out, sizeof(out) - strm.avail_out );
i += sizeof(out) - strm.avail_out;
deflateEnd( &strm );
return i;
Sys_Error("PR_encode: Bad encryption method\n");
return 0;
byte *PR_LoadFile(char *filename, fs_offset_t *filesizeptr, int type )
char *mem;
int len = FS_FileSize(filename);
if (!len) Sys_Error("Couldn't open file %s", filename);
mem = Qalloc(sizeof(cachedsourcefile_t) + len );
((cachedsourcefile_t*)mem)->next = sourcefile;
sourcefile = (cachedsourcefile_t*)mem;
sourcefile->size = len;
mem += sizeof(cachedsourcefile_t);
strcpy(sourcefile->filename, filename);
sourcefile->file = mem;
sourcefile->type = type;
mem = FS_LoadFile( filename, filesizeptr );
return mem;