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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// cm_portals.c - server visibility
#include "cm_local.h"
static byte fatpvs[MAX_MAP_LEAFS/8];
static byte fatphs[MAX_MAP_LEAFS/8];
void CM_CalcPHS( void )
int i, j, k, l, index;
int rowbytes, rowwords;
int bitbyte;
uint *dest, *src;
byte *scan;
int count, vcount;
if( !cm.pvs ) return;
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "Building PHS...\n" );
cm.phs = Mem_Alloc( cms.mempool, cm.visdata_size );
cm.phs->rowsize = cm.pvs->rowsize;
cm.phs->numclusters = cm.pvs->numclusters;
rowbytes = cm.pvs->rowsize;
rowwords = rowbytes / sizeof( int );
for( vcount = i = 0; i < cm.pvs->numclusters; i++ )
scan = CM_ClusterPVS( i );
for( j = 0; j < cm.pvs->numclusters; j++ )
if( scan[j>>3] & (1<<(j & 7)))
count = 0;
scan = (byte *)cm.pvs->data;
dest = (uint *)((byte *)cm.phs->data);
for( i = 0; i < cm.phs->numclusters; i++, dest += rowwords, scan += rowbytes )
Mem_Copy( dest, scan, rowbytes );
for( j = 0; j < rowbytes; j++ )
bitbyte = scan[j];
if( !bitbyte ) continue;
for( k = 0; k < 8; k++ )
if(!( bitbyte & ( 1<<k )))
// OR this pvs row into the phs
index = (j << 3) + k;
if( index >= cm.phs->numclusters )
Host_Error( "CM_CalcPHS: Bad bit in PVS\n" ); // pad bits should be 0
src = (uint *)((byte * )cm.pvs->data) + index * rowwords;
for( l = 0; l < rowwords; l++ ) dest[l] |= src[l];
for( j = 0; j < cm.phs->numclusters; j++ )
if( ((byte *)dest)[j>>3] & (1<<(j & 7)))
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "Average clusters visible / hearable / total: %i / %i / %i\n",
vcount/cm.phs->numclusters, count/cm.phs->numclusters, cm.phs->numclusters );
byte *CM_ClusterPVS( int cluster )
if( cluster < 0 || cluster >= cm.numclusters || !cm.pvs )
return cms.nullrow;
return (byte *)cm.pvs->data + cluster * cm.pvs->rowsize;
byte *CM_ClusterPHS( int cluster )
if( cluster < 0 || cluster >= cm.numclusters || !cm.phs )
return cms.nullrow;
return (byte *)cm.phs->data + cluster * cm.phs->rowsize;
int CM_ClusterSize( void )
return cm.pvs ? cm.pvs->rowsize : (MAX_MAP_LEAFS / 8);
The client will interpolate the view position,
so we can't use a single PVS point
byte *CM_FatPVS( const vec3_t org, bool portal )
int leafs[128];
int i, j, count;
int longs;
byte *src;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
int snap = portal ? 1 : 8;
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
mins[i] = org[i] - snap;
maxs[i] = org[i] + snap;
count = CM_BoxLeafnums( mins, maxs, leafs, sizeof( leafs ) / sizeof( int ), NULL );
if( count < 1 ) Host_Error( "CM_FatPVS: invalid leafnum count\n" );
longs = CM_ClusterSize() / sizeof( int );
// convert leafs to clusters
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) leafs[i] = CM_LeafCluster( leafs[i] );
if( !portal ) Mem_Copy( fatpvs, CM_ClusterPVS( leafs[0] ), CM_ClusterSize());
// or in all the other leaf bits
for( i = portal ? 0 : 1; i < count; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < i; j++ )
if( leafs[i] == leafs[j] )
if( j != i ) continue; // already have the cluster we want
src = CM_ClusterPVS( leafs[i] );
for( j = 0; j < longs; j++ ) ((long *)fatpvs)[j] |= ((long *)src)[j];
return fatpvs;
The client will interpolate the hear position,
so we can't use a single PHS point
byte *CM_FatPHS( int cluster, bool portal )
if( portal )
byte *src;
int i, longs;
longs = CM_ClusterSize() / sizeof( int );
// or in all the other leaf bits
src = CM_ClusterPHS( cluster );
for( i = 0; i < longs; i++ )
((int *)fatphs)[i] |= ((int *)src)[i];
else Mem_Copy( fatphs, CM_ClusterPHS( cluster ), CM_ClusterSize());
return fatphs;
bool CM_AddAreaPortal( int portalnum, int area, int otherarea )
carea_t *a;
careaportal_t *ap;
if( portalnum >= MAX_MAP_AREAPORTALS )
return false;
if( !area || area > cm.numareas || !otherarea || otherarea > cm.numareas )
return false;
ap = &cm.areaportals[portalnum];
ap->area = area;
ap->otherarea = otherarea;
a = &cm.areas[area];
a->areaportals[a->numareaportals++] = portalnum;
a = &cm.areas[otherarea];
a->areaportals[a->numareaportals++] = portalnum;
return true;
static void CM_FloodArea_r( int areanum, int floodnum )
int i;
carea_t *area;
careaportal_t *p;
if( areanum < 0 || areanum >= cm.numareas )
area = &cm.areas[areanum];
if( area->floodvalid == cm.floodvalid )
if( area->floodnum == floodnum ) return;
Host_Error( "FloodArea_r: reflooded\n" );
area->floodnum = floodnum;
area->floodvalid = cm.floodvalid;
for( i = 0; i < area->numareaportals; i++ )
p = &cm.areaportals[area->areaportals[i]];
if( !p->open ) continue;
if( p->area == areanum ) CM_FloodArea_r( p->otherarea, floodnum );
else if( p->otherarea == areanum ) CM_FloodArea_r( p->area, floodnum );
void CM_FloodAreaConnections( void )
int i, floodnum = 0;
// all current floods are now invalid
// area 0 is not used
for( i = 1; i < cm.numareas; i++ )
if( cm.areas[i].floodvalid == cm.floodvalid )
continue; // already flooded into
CM_FloodArea_r( i, floodnum );
void CM_SetAreaPortals( byte *portals, size_t size )
int i, j;
vfile_t *f;
f = VFS_Create( portals, size );
VFS_Read( f, &cm.numareaportals, sizeof( int ));
for( i = 1; i < cm.numareaportals; i++ )
VFS_Read( f, &j, sizeof( int ));
VFS_Read( f, &cm.areaportals[j], sizeof( cm.areaportals[0] ));
VFS_Read( f, &cm.numareas, sizeof( int ));
cm.areas = Mem_Realloc( cms.mempool, cm.areas, cm.numareas * sizeof( *cm.areas ));
for( i = 1; i < cm.numareas; i++ )
VFS_Read( f, &cm.areas[i].numareaportals, sizeof( int ));
for( j = 0; j < cm.areas[i].numareaportals; j++ )
VFS_Read( f, &cm.areas[i].areaportals[j], sizeof( int ));
CM_FloodAreaConnections ();
VFS_Close( f );
void CM_GetAreaPortals( byte **portals, size_t *size )
int i, j;
vfile_t *f;
byte *prt;
f = VFS_Open( NULL, "w" );
VFS_Write( f, &cm.numareaportals, sizeof( int ));
for( i = 1; i < MAX_MAP_AREAPORTALS; i++ )
if( cm.areaportals[i].area )
VFS_Write( f, &i, sizeof( int ));
VFS_Write( f, &cm.areaportals[i], sizeof( cm.areaportals[0] ));
VFS_Write( f, &cm.numareas, sizeof( int ));
for( i = 1; i < cm.numareas; i++ )
VFS_Write( f, &cm.areas[i].numareaportals, sizeof( int ));
for( j = 0; j < cm.areas[i].numareaportals; j++ )
VFS_Write( f, &cm.areas[i].areaportals[j], sizeof( int ));
// copy portals out
prt = Mem_Alloc( cms.mempool, VFS_Tell( f ));
Mem_Copy( prt, VFS_GetBuffer( f ), VFS_Tell( f ));
if( size ) *size = VFS_Tell( f );
*portals = prt;
VFS_Close( f );
void CM_SetAreaPortalState( int portalnum, int area, int otherarea, bool open )
if( portalnum >= MAX_MAP_AREAPORTALS )
Host_Error( "CM_SetAreaPortalState: areaportal > cm.numareaportals\n" );
if( !cm.areaportals[portalnum].area )
// add new areaportal if it doesn't exist
if( !CM_AddAreaPortal( portalnum, area, otherarea ))
cm.areaportals[portalnum].open = open;
bool CM_AreasConnected( int area, int otherarea )
if( cm_noareas->integer ) return true;
if( area > cm.numareas || otherarea > cm.numareas )
Host_Error( "CM_AreasConnected: area >= cm.numareas\n" );
if( !area || !otherarea ) return false;
if( area == otherarea ) return true; // quick test
if( cm.areas[area].floodnum == cm.areas[otherarea].floodnum )
return true;
return false;
Writes a length byte followed by a bit vector of all the areas
that area in the same flood as the area parameter
This is used by the client refreshes to cull visibility
int CM_WriteAreaBits( byte *buffer, int area, bool portal )
int i, size;
size = (cm.numareas + 7)>>3;
if( cm_noareas->integer )
if( !portal ) Mem_Set( buffer, 0xFF, size );
if( !portal ) Mem_Set( buffer, 0x00, size );
for( i = 1; i < cm.numareas; i++ )
if( !area || CM_AreasConnected( i, area ))
if( !portal ) buffer[i>>3] |= 1 << (i & 7);
else buffer[i>>3] |= 1 << (i & 7);
return size;