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// Copyright XashXT Group 2009 ©
// pm_defs.h - pmove general structs
#ifndef PM_DEFS_H
#define PM_DEFS_H
#define MAX_PHYSENTS 128 // max touchentities
#define MAX_LADDERS 128
#define PM_NORMAL 0 // normal trace
#define PM_NOMONSTERS 1 // Ignore monsters (studiomodels)
#define PM_WORLD_ONLY 2 // Only trace against the world
#define PM_GLASS_IGNORE 3 // Ignore entities with non-normal rendermode
#include "event_api.h"
#include "entity_def.h"
#include "trace_def.h"
#include "usercmd.h"
typedef struct playermove_s
// Global Input Values
BOOL server; // for debugging, are we running physics code on server side?
BOOL multiplayer; // 1 == multiplayer server
float realtime; // realtime on host, for reckoning duck timing
float frametime; // Duration of this frame
BOOL runfuncs; // run functions for this frame?
movevars_t *movevars; // shared movement variables
char physinfo[512]; // Physics info string
int serverflags; // shared serverflags
// constants (came from gameinfo.txt)
vec3_t player_mins[PM_MAXHULLS];
vec3_t player_maxs[PM_MAXHULLS];
float player_view[PM_MAXHULLS];
// just a list of ladders
edict_t *ladders[MAX_LADDERS]; // filled by engine
int numladders;
// (Input) to run through physics.
usercmd_t cmd;
// (Input\Output) player state
edict_t *player; // pev = &pmove->player->v;
// (Output) Trace results for objects we collided with.
edict_t *touchents[MAX_PHYSENTS];
vec3_t touchvels[MAX_PHYSENTS]; // touch velocities for ents
int numtouch;
// Local values
vec3_t forward; // Vectors for angles
vec3_t right;
vec3_t up;
// player state
vec3_t origin; // Movement origin.
vec3_t angles; // Movement view angles.
vec3_t oldangles; // Angles before movement view angles were looked at.
vec3_t velocity; // current movement direction.
vec3_t movedir; // for waterjumping, a forced forward velocity so we can fly over
// lip of ledge.
vec3_t basevelocity; // velocity of the conveyor we are standing, e.g.
BOOL dead; // Are we a dead player?
BOOL bInDuck; // In process of ducking or ducked already?
float maxspeed; // current maxspeed
float clientmaxspeed; // current client maxspeed
int oldwaterlevel; // holds the last waterlevel
float flWaterJumpTime; // holds in teleport_time
char szTextureName[256]; // current texname
char chTextureType; // current textype
edict_t *onground; // groundentity
int usehull; // 0 = regular player hull, 1 = ducked player hull, 2 = point hull
// common api functions
const char *(*PM_Info_ValueForKey)( const char *s, const char *key );
edict_t *(*PM_TestPlayerPosition)( const float *pos, TraceResult *trace );
void (*ClientPrintf)( int idx, char *fmt, ... );
void (*AlertMessage)( ALERT_TYPE level, char *fmt, ... );
const char *(*PM_GetString)( string_t iString ); // used for reading string_t edict fields
int (*PM_PointContents)( const float *p );
TraceResult (*PM_PlayerTrace)( const float *start, const float *end, int trace_type );
const char *(*PM_TraceTexture)( edict_t *pTextureEntity, const float *v1, const float *v2 );
edict_t *(*PM_GetEntityByIndex)( int entIndex ); // use VIEWENT_INDEX to get weapon entity
void (*AngleVectors)( const float *rgflVector, float *forward, float *right, float *up );
long (*RandomLong)( long lLow, long lHigh );
float (*RandomFloat)( float flLow, float flHigh );
int (*PM_GetModelType)( model_t handle );
void (*PM_GetModelBounds)( model_t handle, float *mins, float *maxs );
void *(*PM_ModExtradata)( model_t handle );
TraceResult (*PM_TraceModel)( edict_t *pEnt, const float *start, const float *end );
byte *(*COM_LoadFile)( const char *filepath, int *pLength );
char *(*COM_ParseToken)( const char **data_p );
void (*COM_FreeFile)( void *buffer );
char *(*memfgets)( byte *pMemFile, int fileSize, int *pFilePos, char *pBuffer, int bufSize );
void (*PM_PlaySound)( int chan, const char *sample, float vol, float attn, int pitch );
} playermove_t;