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// Copyright XashXT Group 2008 ©
// render_api.h - xash renderer api
#ifndef RENDER_API_H
#define RENDER_API_H
#include "ref_params.h"
// shader types used for shader loading
#define SHADER_SKY 1 // sky box shader
#define SHADER_FONT 2 // special case for displayed fonts
#define SHADER_NOMIP 3 // 2d images
#define SHADER_GENERIC 4 // generic shader
// screenshot types
#define VID_MINISHOT 2
// render supported extensions
#define R_DOT3_ARB_EXT 7
#define R_SHADER_GLSL100_EXT 12
typedef struct
int numverts;
vec3_t *verts;
vec2_t *stcoords;
rgba_t *colors;
struct ref_shader_s *shader;
shader_t shadernum;
int fognum;
vec3_t normal;
} poly_t;
typedef struct
int firstvert;
int numverts; // can't exceed MAX_POLY_VERTS
int fognum; // -1 - do not bother adding fog later at rendering stage
// 0 - determine fog later
// >0 - valid fog volume number returned by R_GetClippedFragments
vec3_t normal;
} fragment_t;
// hold values that needs for right studio lerping
typedef struct
float frame;
float animtime;
int sequence;
float sequencetime;
vec3_t gaitorigin; // client oldorigin used to calc velocity
float gaitframe; // client->frame + yaw
float gaityaw; // local value
// EF_ANIMATE stuff
int m_fSequenceLoops; // sequence is looped
int m_fSequenceFinished; // sequence is finished
float m_flFrameRate; // looped sequence framerate
float m_flGroundSpeed; // looped sequence ground speed (movement)
float m_flLastEventCheck; // last time when event is checked
float curanimtime; // HACKHACK current animtime
float curframe; // HACKHACK current frame
int cursequence; // HACKHACK current sequence
byte curblending[16]; // HACKHACK current blending
byte curcontroller[16]; // HACKHACL current blending
byte blending[16]; // previous blending values
byte controller[16]; // previous controller values
byte seqblending[16]; // blending between sequence when it's changed
} studioframe_t;
typedef struct
char *name;
byte *mempool;
droqchunk_t chunk;
dcell_t cells[256];
dquadcell_t qcells[256];
byte *vid_buffer;
byte *vid_pic[2];
byte *pic;
byte *pic_pending;
bool new_frame;
int s_rate;
int s_width;
int s_channels;
int width;
int height;
file_t *file;
int headerlen;
uint time; // Sys_Milliseconds for first cinematic frame
uint frame;
} cinematics_t;
typedef struct render_exp_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(render_exp_t)
size_t com_size; // must matched with sizeof(stdlib_api_t)
// initialize
bool (*Init)( bool full ); // init all render systems
void (*Shutdown)( bool full ); // shutdown all render systems
void (*BeginRegistration)( const char *map, const dvis_t *visData );
bool (*RegisterModel)( const char *name, int cl_index ); // also build replacement index table
shader_t (*RegisterShader)( const char *name, int shaderType );
void (*EndRegistration)( const char *skyname );
void (*FreeShader)( const char *shadername );
// prepare frame to rendering
bool (*AddRefEntity)( edict_t *pRefEntity, int ed_type );
bool (*AddDynLight)( const void *dlight );
bool (*AddPolygon)( const poly_t *poly );
bool (*AddLightStyle)( int stylenum, vec3_t color );
void (*ClearScene)( void );
void (*BeginFrame)( bool clearScene );
void (*RenderFrame)( const ref_params_t *fd );
void (*EndFrame)( void );
// triapi implementation
void (*RenderMode)( const kRenderMode_t mode );
void (*Normal3f)( const float x, const float y, const float z );
void (*Vertex3f)( const float x, const float y, const float z );
void (*Color4ub)( const byte r, const byte g, const byte b, const byte a );
void (*Fog)( float flFogColor[3], float flStart, float flEnd, int bOn );
void (*TexCoord2f)( const float u, const float v );
void (*Bind)( shader_t shader, int frame );
void (*CullFace)( int mode );
void (*Enable)( int cap );
void (*Disable)( int cap );
void (*Begin)( int mode );
void (*End)( void );
// misc utilities
void (*SetColor)( const rgba_t color );
void (*SetParms)( shader_t handle, kRenderMode_t rendermode, int frame );
void (*GetParms)( int *w, int *h, int *frames, int frame, shader_t shader );
bool (*ScrShot)( const char *filename, int shot_type ); // write screenshot with same name
bool (*EnvShot)( const char *filename, uint size, bool skyshot ); // write envshot with same name
void (*LightForPoint)( const vec3_t point, vec3_t ambientLight );
void (*DrawStretchRaw)( int x, int y, int w, int h, int cols, int rows, byte *data, bool redraw );
void (*DrawStretchPic)( float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, shader_t shader );
int (*GetFragments)( const vec3_t org, float rad, vec3_t axis[3], int maxverts, vec3_t *verts, int maxfrags, fragment_t *frags );
int (*WorldToScreen)( const float *world, float *screen );
void (*ScreenToWorld)( const float *screen, float *world );
bool (*RSpeedsMessage)( char *out, size_t size );
bool (*Support)( int extension );
void (*RestoreGamma)( void );
} render_exp_t;
typedef struct render_imp_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(render_imp_t)
// client fundamental callbacks
void (*UpdateScreen)( void ); // update screen while loading
void (*StudioEvent)( dstudioevent_t *event, edict_t *ent );
void (*StudioFxTransform)( edict_t *ent, float matrix[4][4] );
void (*ShowCollision)( cmdraw_t callback ); // debug
long (*WndProc)( void *hWnd, uint uMsg, uint wParam, long lParam );
bool (*GetAttachment)( int entityIndex, int number, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles );
bool (*SetAttachment)( int entityIndex, int number, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles );
edict_t *(*GetClientEdict)( int index );
studioframe_t *(*GetStudioFrame)( int entityIndex );
byte (*GetMouthOpen)( int entityIndex );
edict_t *(*GetLocalPlayer)( void );
int (*GetMaxClients)( void );
float (*GetLerpFrac)( void );
void (*DrawTriangles)( int fTrans );
// RoQ decoder imports
void (*RoQ_ReadChunk)( cinematics_t *cin );
byte *(*RoQ_ReadNextFrame)( cinematics_t *cin, bool silent );
} render_imp_t;