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// Copyright XashXT Group 2009 ©
// s_main.c - sound engine
#include "sound.h"
#include "const.h"
// only begin attenuating sound volumes when outside the FULLVOLUME range
#define MAX_PLAYSOUNDS 128
dma_t dma;
static soundfade_t soundfade;
channel_t channels[MAX_CHANNELS];
bool sound_started = false;
vec3_t listener_origin;
vec3_t listener_velocity;
vec3_t listener_forward;
vec3_t listener_right;
vec3_t listener_up;
int listener_waterlevel;
int total_channels;
int s_framecount; // for autosounds checking
int s_clientnum; // cl.playernum + 1
int soundtime; // sample PAIRS
int paintedtime; // sample PAIRS
byte *sndpool;
playsound_t s_playsounds[MAX_PLAYSOUNDS];
playsound_t s_freeplays;
playsound_t s_pendingplays;
int s_beginofs;
cvar_t *host_sound;
cvar_t *s_check_errors;
cvar_t *s_volume;
cvar_t *s_musicvolume;
cvar_t *s_testsound;
cvar_t *s_loadas8bit;
cvar_t *s_khz;
cvar_t *s_show;
cvar_t *s_mixahead;
cvar_t *s_primary;
cvar_t *s_allowEAX;
cvar_t *s_allowA3D;
float S_GetMasterVolume( void )
float scale = 1.0f;
if( soundfade.percent != 0 )
scale = bound( 0.0f, soundfade.percent / 100.0f, 1.0f );
scale = 1.0f - scale;
return s_volume->value * scale;
void S_FadeClientVolume( float fadePercent, float fadeOutSeconds, float holdTime, float fadeInSeconds )
soundfade.starttime = si.GetServerTime() * 0.001f;
soundfade.initial_percent = fadePercent;
soundfade.fadeouttime = fadeOutSeconds;
soundfade.holdtime = holdTime;
soundfade.fadeintime = fadeInSeconds;
void S_UpdateSoundFade( void )
float f, totaltime, elapsed;
// determine current fade value.
// assume no fading remains
soundfade.percent = 0;
totaltime = soundfade.fadeouttime + soundfade.fadeintime + soundfade.holdtime;
elapsed = (si.GetServerTime() * 0.001f) - soundfade.starttime;
// clock wrapped or reset (BUG) or we've gone far enough
if( elapsed < 0.0f || elapsed >= totaltime || totaltime <= 0.0f )
// We are in the fade time, so determine amount of fade.
if( soundfade.fadeouttime > 0.0f && ( elapsed < soundfade.fadeouttime ))
// ramp up
f = elapsed / soundfade.fadeouttime;
else if( elapsed <= ( soundfade.fadeouttime + soundfade.holdtime )) // Inside the hold time
// stay
f = 1.0f;
// ramp down
f = ( elapsed - ( soundfade.fadeouttime + soundfade.holdtime ) ) / soundfade.fadeintime;
f = 1.0f - f; // backward interpolated...
// spline it.
f = SimpleSpline( f );
f = bound( 0.0f, f, 1.0f );
soundfade.percent = soundfade.initial_percent * f;
channel_t *S_PickChannel( int entnum, int channel )
int i;
int firstToDie = -1;
int oldestTime = 0x7fffffff;
channel_t *ch;
if( entnum < 0 || channel < 0 ) return NULL; // invalid channel or entnum
for( i = 0, ch = channels; i < total_channels; i++, ch++ )
// check if this channel is active
if( channel == CHAN_AUTO && !ch->sfx )
// free channel
firstToDie = i;
// channel 0 never overrides
if( channel != CHAN_AUTO && ( ch->entnum == entnum && ch->entchannel == channel ))
// always override sound from same entity
firstToDie = i;
// don't let monster sounds override player sounds
if( entnum != s_clientnum && ch->entnum == s_clientnum && ch->sfx )
// replace the oldest sound
if( ch->end - paintedtime < oldestTime )
oldestTime = ch->end - paintedtime;
firstToDie = i;
if( firstToDie == -1 )
return NULL;
ch = &channels[firstToDie];
Mem_Set( ch, 0, sizeof( *ch ));
return ch;
int S_AlterChannel( int entnum, int chan, sfx_t *sfx, int vol, int pitch, int flags )
int i;
channel_t *ch;
if( S_TestSoundChar( sfx->name, '!' ))
// This is a sentence name.
// For sentences: assume that the entity is only playing one sentence
// at a time, so we can just shut off
// any channel that has ch->isentence >= 0 and matches the
// soundsource.
for( i = 0, ch = channels; i < total_channels; i++ )
if( ch->entnum == entnum && ch->entchannel == chan && ch->sfx && ch->fsentence )
if( flags & SND_CHANGE_PITCH )
ch->basePitch = pitch;
if( flags & SND_CHANGE_VOL )
ch->master_vol = vol;
if( flags & SND_STOP )
Mem_Set( ch, 0, sizeof( channel_t ));
return true;
// channel not found
return false;
// regular sound or streaming sound
for( i = 0, ch = channels; i < total_channels; i++ )
if( ch->entnum == entnum && ch->entchannel == chan && ch->sfx )
Msg( "S_StartSound: vol %i, pitch %i\n", vol, pitch );
if( flags & SND_CHANGE_PITCH )
ch->basePitch = pitch;
if( flags & SND_CHANGE_VOL )
ch->master_vol = vol;
if( flags & SND_STOP )
Mem_Set( ch, 0, sizeof( channel_t ));
return true;
return false;
Used for spatializing channels and autosounds
void S_SpatializeOrigin( vec3_t pos, vec3_t vel, float master_vol, float dist_mult, int *left_vol, int *right_vol )
float dot;
float dist;
float lscale, rscale, scale;
vec3_t source_vec;
vec3_t source_vel;
// calculate stereo seperation and distance attenuation
VectorSubtract( pos, listener_origin, source_vec );
VectorCopy( vel, source_vel );
dist = VectorNormalizeLength( source_vec );
if( dist < 0 ) dist = 0; // close enough to be at full volume
dist *= dist_mult; // different attenuation levels
dot = DotProduct( listener_right, source_vec );
if( dma.channels == 1 || !dist_mult )
// no attenuation = no spatialization
rscale = 1.0f;
lscale = 1.0f;
rscale = 0.5f * (1.0f + dot);
lscale = 0.5f * (1.0f - dot);
// add in distance effect
scale = (1.0f - dist) * rscale;
*right_vol = (int)( master_vol * scale );
if( *right_vol < 0 ) *right_vol = 0;
scale = (1.0f - dist) * lscale;
*left_vol = (int)( master_vol * scale );
if( *left_vol < 0 ) *left_vol = 0;
void S_SpatializeChannel( channel_t *ch )
vec3_t position, velocity;
// anything coming from the view entity will always be full volume
if( ch->entnum == s_clientnum || !ch->dist_mult )
ch->leftvol = ch->master_vol;
ch->rightvol = ch->master_vol;
if( ch->fixed_origin )
VectorCopy( ch->origin, position );
VectorSet( velocity, 0, 0, 0 );
if( ch->autosound ) si.GetSoundSpatialization( ch->loopnum, position, velocity );
else si.GetSoundSpatialization( ch->entnum, position, velocity );
S_SpatializeOrigin( position, velocity, ch->master_vol, ch->dist_mult, &ch->leftvol, &ch->rightvol );
playsound_t *S_AllocPlaysound( void )
playsound_t *ps;
ps =;
if( ps == &s_freeplays )
return NULL; // no free playsounds
// unlink from freelist
ps->prev->next = ps->next;
ps->next->prev = ps->prev;
return ps;
void S_FreePlaysound( playsound_t *ps )
// unlink from channel
ps->prev->next = ps->next;
ps->next->prev = ps->prev;
// add to free list
ps->next =;>prev = ps;
ps->prev = &s_freeplays; = ps;
Take the next playsound and begin it on the channel
This is never called directly by S_Play*, but only
by the update loop.
void S_IssuePlaysound( playsound_t *ps )
channel_t *ch;
sfxcache_t *sc;
if( s_show->value ) MsgDev( D_INFO, "Issue %i\n", ps->begin );
// pick a channel to play on
ch = S_PickChannel( ps->entnum, ps->entchannel );
if( !ch )
if( ps->sfx->name[0] == '#' ) MsgDev( D_ERROR, "dropped sound %s\n", &ps->sfx->name[1] );
else MsgDev( D_ERROR, "dropped sound \"sound/%s\"\n", ps->sfx->name );
S_FreePlaysound( ps );
// spatialize
if( ps->attenuation == ATTN_STATIC )
ch->dist_mult = ps->attenuation * 0.001;
else ch->dist_mult = ps->attenuation * 0.0005;
ch->master_vol = ps->volume;
ch->entnum = ps->entnum;
ch->entchannel = ps->entchannel;
ch->sfx = ps->sfx;
ch->use_loop = ps->use_loop;
VectorCopy( ps->origin, ch->origin );
ch->fixed_origin = ps->fixed_origin;
S_SpatializeChannel( ch );
ch->pos = 0;
sc = S_LoadSound( ch->sfx );
ch->end = paintedtime + sc->length;
// free the playsound
S_FreePlaysound( ps );
// =======================================================================
// Start a sound effect
// =======================================================================
Validates the parms and ques the sound up
if pos is NULL, the sound will be dynamically sourced from the entity
Entchannel 0 will never override a playing sound
void S_StartSound( const vec3_t pos, int ent, int chan, sound_t handle, float fvol, float attn, float pitch, int flags )
sfxcache_t *sc;
int vol, start;
playsound_t *ps, *sort;
sfx_t *sfx = NULL;
float timeofs = 0; // FIXME: implement into network protocol
if( !sound_started )
sfx = S_GetSfxByHandle( handle );
if( !sfx ) return;
// make sure the sound is loaded
sc = S_LoadSound( sfx );
if( !sc ) return; // couldn't load the sound's data
vol = fvol * 255;
if( S_AlterChannel( ent, chan, sfx, vol, pitch, flags ))
Msg( "S_AlterChannel( %s, %i, %i )\n", sfx->name, ent, chan );
if( flags & SND_STOP ) return;
// fall through - if we're not trying to stop the sound,
// and we didn't find it (it's not playing), go ahead and start it up
if( pitch == 0 )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "S_StartSound: ( %s ) ignored, called with pitch 0\n", sfx->name );
// allocate the playsound_t
ps = S_AllocPlaysound();
if( !ps )
if( sfx->name[0] == '#' ) MsgDev( D_ERROR, "dropped sound %s\n", &sfx->name[1] );
else MsgDev( D_ERROR, "dropped sound \"sound/%s\"\n", sfx->name );
if( pos )
VectorCopy( pos, ps->origin );
ps->fixed_origin = true;
else ps->fixed_origin = false;
ps->entnum = ent;
ps->entchannel = chan;
ps->attenuation = attn;
ps->use_loop = (flags & SND_STOP_LOOPING) ? false : true;
ps->volume = vol;
ps->sfx = sfx;
// drift s_beginofs
start = si.GetServerTime() * 0.001 * dma.speed + s_beginofs;
if( start < paintedtime )
start = paintedtime;
s_beginofs = start - ( si.GetServerTime() * 0.001 * dma.speed );
else if( start > paintedtime + 0.3 * dma.speed )
start = paintedtime + 0.1 * dma.speed;
s_beginofs = start - ( si.GetServerTime() * 0.001 * dma.speed );
else s_beginofs -= 10;
if( !timeofs ) ps->begin = paintedtime;
else ps->begin = start + timeofs * dma.speed;
// sort into the pending sound list
for( sort =; sort != &s_pendingplays && sort->begin < ps->begin; sort = sort->next );
ps->next = sort;
ps->prev = sort->prev;
ps->next->prev = ps;
ps->prev->next = ps;
bool S_StartLocalSound( const char *name, float volume, float pitch, const float *origin )
sound_t sfxHandle;
if( !sound_started )
return false;
sfxHandle = S_RegisterSound( name );
S_StartSound( origin, s_clientnum, CHAN_AUTO, sfxHandle, volume, ATTN_NONE, pitch, SND_STOP_LOOPING );
return true;
void S_ClearBuffer( void )
int clear;
if( !sound_started )
s_rawend = 0;
if( dma.samplebits == 8 )
clear = 0x80;
else clear = 0;
SNDDMA_BeginPainting ();
if( dma.buffer ) Mem_Set( dma.buffer, clear, dma.samples * dma.samplebits / 8 );
SNDDMA_Submit ();
void S_StopAllSounds( void )
int i;
if( !sound_started )
// clear all the playsounds
Mem_Set( s_playsounds, 0, sizeof( s_playsounds )); = s_freeplays.prev = &s_freeplays; = s_pendingplays.prev = &s_pendingplays;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYSOUNDS; i++ )
s_playsounds[i].prev = &s_freeplays;
s_playsounds[i].next =;
s_playsounds[i].prev->next = &s_playsounds[i];
s_playsounds[i].next->prev = &s_playsounds[i];
total_channels = MAX_CHANNELS; // no statics
// clear any remaining soundfade
Mem_Set( &soundfade, 0, sizeof( soundfade ));
s_volume->modified = true; // rebuild scaletable
// clear all the channels
Mem_Set( channels, 0, sizeof( channels ));
S_ClearBuffer ();
s_framecount = 0;
Entities with a ->sound field will generated looped sounds
that are automatically started, stopped, and merged together
as the entities are sent to the client
bool S_AddLoopingSound( int entnum, sound_t handle, float volume, float attn )
channel_t *ch;
sfx_t *sfx = NULL;
int i;
if( !sound_started )
return false;
sfx = S_GetSfxByHandle( handle );
// default looped sound it's terrible :)
if( !sfx || sfx->default_sound || !sfx->cache )
return false;
// if this entity is already playing the same sound effect on an
// active channel, then simply update it
for( i = 0, ch = channels; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++, ch++ )
if( ch->sfx != sfx ) continue;
if( !ch->autosound ) continue;
if( ch->loopnum != entnum ) continue;
if( ch->loopframe + 1 != s_framecount )
ch->loopframe = s_framecount;
if( i != MAX_CHANNELS )
return false;
// otherwise pick a channel and start the sound effect
ch = S_PickChannel( 0, 0 );
if( !ch )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "dropped sound \"sound/%s\"\n", sfx->name );
return false;
ch->sfx = sfx;
ch->use_loop = true; // autosounds never comes from S_StartLocalSound
ch->autosound = true; // remove next frame
ch->loopnum = entnum;
ch->loopframe = s_framecount;
ch->fixed_origin = false;
ch->dist_mult = ATTN_NORM * 0.001;
ch->pos = paintedtime % sfx->cache->length;
ch->end = paintedtime + sfx->cache->length - ch->pos;
// now we can spatialize channel
S_SpatializeChannel( ch );
return true;
void GetSoundtime( void )
static int buffers, oldsamplepos;
int samplepos, fullsamples;
fullsamples = dma.samples / dma.channels;
// it is possible to miscount buffers
// if it has wrapped twice between
// calls to S_Update. Oh well.
samplepos = SNDDMA_GetDMAPos();
if( samplepos < oldsamplepos )
buffers++; // buffer wrapped
if( paintedtime > 0x40000000 )
// time to chop things off to avoid 32 bit limits
buffers = 0;
paintedtime = fullsamples;
oldsamplepos = samplepos;
soundtime = buffers * fullsamples + samplepos / dma.channels;
void S_UpdateChannels( void )
uint endtime;
int samps;
if( !sound_started )
if( !dma.buffer )
// updates DMA time
// check to make sure that we haven't overshot
if( paintedtime < soundtime ) paintedtime = soundtime;
// mix ahead of current position
endtime = soundtime + s_mixahead->value * dma.speed;
// mix to an even submission block size
endtime = (endtime + dma.submission_chunk - 1) & ~(dma.submission_chunk - 1);
samps = dma.samples >> (dma.channels - 1);
if( endtime - soundtime > samps ) endtime = soundtime + samps;
S_PaintChannels( endtime );
Called once each time through the main loop
void S_Update( ref_params_t *fd )
int i, total;
channel_t *ch, *combine = NULL;
if( !sound_started || !fd )
// bump frame count
// if the loading plaque is up, clear everything
// out to make sure we aren't looping a dirty
// dma buffer while loading
if( fd->paused )
// update any client side sound fade
// rebuild scale tables if volume is modified
if( s_volume->modified || soundfade.percent != 0 )
s_clientnum = fd->viewentity;
VectorCopy( fd->simorg, listener_origin );
VectorCopy( fd->simvel, listener_velocity );
VectorCopy( fd->forward, listener_forward );
VectorCopy( fd->right, listener_right );
VectorCopy( fd->up, listener_up );
listener_waterlevel = fd->waterlevel;
// Add looping sounds
// update spatialization for dynamic sounds
for( i = 0, ch = channels; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++, ch++ )
if( !ch->sfx ) continue;
if( ch->autosound )
if( ch->loopframe != s_framecount )
Mem_Set( ch, 0, sizeof( *ch )); // stopped
// respatialize channel
S_SpatializeChannel( ch );
if( !ch->leftvol && !ch->rightvol )
Mem_Set( ch, 0, sizeof( *ch )); // not audible
// debugging output
if( s_show->value )
for( i = total = 0, ch = channels; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++, ch++ )
if( ch->sfx && ( ch->leftvol || ch->rightvol ))
MsgDev( D_INFO, "%3i %3i %s\n", ch->leftvol, ch->rightvol, ch->sfx->name );
Msg( "----(%i)---- painted: %i\n", total, paintedtime );
// mix some sound
console functions
void S_Play_f( void )
if( Cmd_Argc() == 1 )
Msg( "Usage: playsound <soundfile>\n" );
S_StartLocalSound( Cmd_Argv( 1 ), 1.0f, PITCH_NORM, NULL );
void S_StopSound_f( void )
void S_ClearFade_f( void )
// clear any remaining soundfade
Mem_Set( &soundfade, 0, sizeof( soundfade ));
void S_SoundInfo_f( void )
if( !sound_started )
Msg( "sound system not started\n" );
Msg( "%5d channel(s)\n", dma.channels );
Msg( "%5d samples\n", dma.samples );
Msg( "%5d bits/sample\n", dma.samplebits );
Msg( "%5d bytes/sec\n", dma.speed );
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "%5d samplepos\n", dma.samplepos );
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "%5d submission_chunk\n", dma.submission_chunk );
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "0x%x dma buffer\n", dma.buffer );
bool S_Init( void *hInst )
Cmd_ExecuteString( "sndlatch\n" );
host_sound = Cvar_Get( "host_sound", "1", CVAR_SYSTEMINFO, "enable sound system" );
s_volume = Cvar_Get( "s_volume", "0.7", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "sound volume" );
s_musicvolume = Cvar_Get("s_musicvolume", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "background music volume" );
s_khz = Cvar_Get( "s_khz", "11", CVAR_LATCH_AUDIO|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "output sound frequency" );
s_loadas8bit = Cvar_Get( "s_loadas8bit", "1", CVAR_LATCH_AUDIO|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "resample all sounds to 8-bit" );
s_mixahead = Cvar_Get( "s_mixahead", "0.2", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "how much sound to mix ahead of time" );
s_show = Cvar_Get( "s_show", "0", 0, "show playing sounds" );
s_testsound = Cvar_Get( "s_testsound", "0", 0, "generate sine 1 khz wave to testing audio subsystem" );
s_primary = Cvar_Get( "s_primary", "0", CVAR_LATCH_AUDIO|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "use direct primary buffer" );
s_check_errors = Cvar_Get( "s_check_errors", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "ignore audio engine errors" );
s_allowEAX = Cvar_Get("s_allowEAX", "1", CVAR_LATCH_AUDIO|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "allow EAX 2.0 extension" );
s_allowA3D = Cvar_Get("s_allowA3D", "1", CVAR_LATCH_AUDIO|CVAR_ARCHIVE, "allow A3D 2.0 extension" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "playsound", S_Play_f, "playing a specified sound file" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "stopsound", S_StopSound_f, "stop all sounds" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "soundlist", S_SoundList_f, "display loaded sounds" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "s_clearfade", S_ClearFade_f, "clear any sound fade" );
Cmd_AddCommand( "s_info", S_SoundInfo_f, "print sound system information" );
if( !host_sound->integer )
MsgDev( D_INFO, "Audio: disabled\n" );
return false;
if( !SNDDMA_Init( hInst ))
MsgDev( D_INFO, "S_Init: sound system can't initialized\n" );
return false;
sndpool = Mem_AllocPool( "Sound Zone" );
sound_started = true;
soundtime = 0;
paintedtime = 0;
S_StopAllSounds ();
SX_Init ();
return true;
// =======================================================================
// Shutdown sound engine
// =======================================================================
void S_Shutdown( void )
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "playsound" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "stopsound" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "soundlist" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "s_clearfade" );
Cmd_RemoveCommand( "s_info" );
if( !sound_started ) return;
sound_started = false;
SX_Free ();
Mem_FreePool( &sndpool );