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525 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// conv_shader.c - analyze and write texture shader
#include "ripper.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "utils.h"
// q2 wal contents
#define CONTENTS_SOLID 0x00000001 // an eye is never valid in a solid
#define CONTENTS_WINDOW 0x00000002 // translucent, but not watery
#define CONTENTS_AUX 0x00000004
#define CONTENTS_LAVA 0x00000008
#define CONTENTS_SLIME 0x00000010
#define CONTENTS_WATER 0x00000020
#define CONTENTS_MIST 0x00000040
// remaining contents are non-visible, and don't eat brushes
#define CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL 0x00008000
#define CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP 0x00010000
#define CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP 0x00020000
// currents can be added to any other contents, and may be mixed
#define CONTENTS_CURRENT_0 0x00040000
#define CONTENTS_CURRENT_90 0x00080000
#define CONTENTS_CURRENT_180 0x00100000
#define CONTENTS_CURRENT_270 0x00200000
#define CONTENTS_CURRENT_UP 0x00400000
#define CONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN 0x00800000
#define CONTENTS_ORIGIN 0x01000000 // removed before BSP'ing an entity
#define CONTENTS_MONSTER 0x02000000 // should never be on a brush, only in game
#define CONTENTS_DEADMONSTER 0x04000000
#define CONTENTS_DETAIL 0x08000000 // brushes to be added after vis leafs
#define CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT 0x10000000 // auto set if any surface has trans
#define CONTENTS_LADDER 0x20000000
#define CONTENTS_TRIGGER 0x40000000 // trigger
#define SURF_LIGHT 0x00000001 // value will hold the light strength
#define SURF_SLICK 0x00000002 // effects game physics
#define SURF_SKY 0x00000004 // don't draw, but add to skybox
#define SURF_WARP 0x00000008 // turbulent water warp
#define SURF_TRANS33 0x00000010 // 33% opacity
#define SURF_TRANS66 0x00000020 // 66% opacity
#define SURF_FLOWING 0x00000040 // scroll towards angle
#define SURF_NODRAW 0x00000080 // don't bother referencing the texture
#define SURF_HINT 0x00000100 // make a primary bsp splitter
#define SURF_SKIP 0x00000200 // completely ignore, allowing non-closed brushes
// xash 0.45 surfaces replacement table
#define SURF_MIRROR 0x00010000 // mirror surface
#define SURF_PORTAL 0x00020000 // portal surface
#define SURF_ALPHATEST 0x00040000 // alpha surface
string animmap[256]; // should be enoguh
int animcount; // process counter
int num_anims; // shader total count
file_t *f;
bool Conv_WriteShader( const char *shaderpath, const char *imagepath, rgbdata_t *p, float *rad, float scale, int flags, int contents )
file_t *f = NULL;
string qcname, qcpath;
string temp, lumpname;
string wadname, shadername;
int i, lightmap_stage = false;
// write also wadlist.qc for xwad compiler
FS_ExtractFilePath( imagepath, temp );
FS_FileBase( imagepath, lumpname );
FS_FileBase( temp, qcname );
FS_FileBase( temp, wadname );
com.snprintf( shadername, MAX_STRING, "%s/%s", temp, lumpname );
FS_DefaultExtension( qcname, ".qc" );
FS_DefaultExtension( wadname, ".wad" ); // check for wad later
com.snprintf( qcpath, MAX_STRING, "%s/%s/$%s", gs_gamedir, temp, qcname );
if( write_qscsript )
if(FS_FileExists( qcpath ))
script_t *test;
token_t token;
// already exist, search for current name
test = Com_OpenScript( qcpath, NULL, 0 );
while( Com_ReadToken( test, SC_ALLOW_NEWLINES|SC_PARSE_GENERIC, &token ))
if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "$mipmap" ))
Com_ReadToken( test, SC_PARSE_GENERIC, &token );
if( !com.stricmp( token.string, lumpname ))
Com_CloseScript( test );
goto check_shader; // already exist
Com_SkipRestOfLine( test );
Com_CloseScript( test );
f = FS_Open( qcpath, "a" ); // append
FS_StripExtension( qcname ); // no need anymore
f = FS_Open( qcpath, "w" ); // new file
// write description
FS_Printf(f,"//\t\t\tCopyright XashXT Group %s ©\n", timestamp( TIME_YEAR_ONLY ));
FS_Print(f,"//\t\t\twritten by Xash Miptex Decompiler\n");
FS_Printf(f,"$wadname\t%s.wad\n\n", qcname );
if( f && p )
FS_Printf( f,"$mipmap\t%s\t0 0 %d %d\n", lumpname, p->width, p->height );
if( p->flags & IMAGE_HAS_LUMA ) // also add luma image if present
FS_Printf( f,"$mipmap\t%s_luma\t0 0 %d %d\n", lumpname, p->width, p->height );
FS_Close( f ); // all done
// invalid animation counter, kill it
if( num_anims == 1 ) animcount = num_anims = 0;
// nothing to write
if( !flags && !contents && !num_anims && !(p->flags & IMAGE_HAS_LUMA))
return false;
if(FS_FileExists( shaderpath ))
script_t *test;
token_t token;
// already exist, search for current shader
test = Com_OpenScript( shaderpath, NULL, 0 );
while( Com_ReadToken( test, SC_ALLOW_NEWLINES|SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES2, &token ))
if( !com.stricmp( token.string, shadername ))
Com_CloseScript( test );
return false; // already exist
Com_SkipRestOfLine( test );
Com_CloseScript( test );
f = FS_Open( shaderpath, "a" ); // append
f = FS_Open( shaderpath, "w" ); // new file
// write description
FS_Printf(f,"//\t\t\tCopyright XashXT Group %s ©\n", timestamp( TIME_YEAR_ONLY ));
FS_Print(f,"//\t\t\twritten by Xash Miptex Decompiler\n");
FS_Printf( f, "\n%s\n{\n", shadername ); // write shadername
if( contents & CONTENTS_CLIP && contents && CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP )
FS_Print( f, "\tsurfaceparm\tclip\n" );
else if( contents & CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP ) FS_Print( f, "\tsurfaceparm\tmonsterclip\n" );
else if( contents & CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP ) FS_Print( f, "\tsurfaceparm\tplayerclip\n" );
else if( contents & CONTENTS_WINDOW ) FS_Print( f, "\tsurfaceparm\twindow\n" );
else if( contents & CONTENTS_ORIGIN ) FS_Print( f, "\tsurfaceparm\torigin\n" );
else if( contents & CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT ) FS_Print( f, "\tsurfaceparm\ttrans\n" );
else if( contents & CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL ) FS_Print( f, "\tsurfaceparm\tareaportal\n" );
else if( contents & CONTENTS_TRIGGER ) FS_Print( f, "\tsurfaceparm\ttrigger\n" );
else if( contents & CONTENTS_DETAIL ) FS_Print( f, "\tsurfaceparm\tdetail\n" );
if( flags & SURF_LIGHT )
if(!VectorIsNull( rad )) FS_Printf(f, "\tq3map_lightRGB\t%g %g %g\n", rad[0], rad[1], rad[2] );
if( scale ) FS_Printf(f, "\tq3map_surfacelight\t%.f\n", scale );
if( !num_anims )
FS_Printf( f, "\t{\n\t\tmap\t%s\n\t}\n", shadername );
lightmap_stage = true;
if( flags & SURF_WARP )
FS_Print( f, "\tq3map_globaltexture\n" );
FS_Print( f, "\tsurfaceparm\tnoLightMap\n" );
FS_Print( f, "\ttessSize\t\t64\n\n" );
// server relevant contents
if(contents & CONTENTS_WATER)
FS_Print( f, "\tsurfaceparm\twater\n" );
else if(contents & CONTENTS_SLIME)
FS_Print( f, "\tsurfaceparm\tslime\n" );
else if(contents & CONTENTS_LAVA)
FS_Print( f, "\tsurfaceparm\tlava\n" );
else FS_Print( f, "\tsurfaceparm\twater\n" );
FS_Printf( f, "\t{\n\t\tmap\t%s\n", shadername ); // save basemap
if( flags & (SURF_TRANS33|SURF_TRANS66))
FS_Print( f, "\t\tblendFunc\tGL_SRC_ALPHA\tGL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA\n" );
FS_Print( f, "\t\tAlphaGen\t\tvertex\n" );
FS_Print( f, "\t\ttcGen\twarp\n\t}\n" ); // warp
lightmap_stage = false;
else if( flags & SURF_SKY ) FS_Print( f, "\tsurfaceparm\tsky\n" );
else if( flags & SURF_HINT ) FS_Print( f, "\tsurfaceparm\thint\n" );
else if( flags & SURF_SKIP ) FS_Print( f, "\tsurfaceparm\tskip\n" );
else if( flags & (SURF_TRANS33|SURF_TRANS66))
FS_Printf( f, "\t{\n\t\tmap\t%s\n\n", shadername ); // save basemap
FS_Print( f, "\t\tblendFunc\tGL_SRC_ALPHA\tGL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA\n" );
FS_Print( f, "\t\tAlphaGen\t\tentity\n\t}\n" );
lightmap_stage = true;
else if( flags & SURF_ALPHATEST )
FS_Printf( f, "\t{\n\t\tmap\t%s\n\n", shadername ); // save basemap
FS_Print( f, "\t\talphaFunc\tGL_GREATER 0.666f\t// id Software magic value\n" );
FS_Print( f, "\t\tAlphaGen\tidentity\n\t}\n" );
lightmap_stage = true;
else if( flags & SURF_NODRAW ) FS_Print( f, "\tsurfaceparm\tnodraw\n" );
if( num_anims )
FS_Printf( f, "\t{\n\t\tAnimFrequency\t%i\n", animcount ); // #frames per second
for( i = 0; i < num_anims; i++ )
FS_Printf( f, "\t\tmap\t\t%s\n", animmap[i] );
FS_Printf( f, "\t}\n" ); // close section
lightmap_stage = true;
else if( p->flags & IMAGE_HAS_LUMA && !( flags & SURF_WARP ))
FS_Printf( f, "\t{\n\t\tmap\t%s\n\t}\n", shadername );
lightmap_stage = true;
if( lightmap_stage )
FS_Print( f, "\t{\n\t\tmap\t$lightmap\n" ); // lightmap stage
FS_Print( f, "\t\tblendFunc\tfilter\n" );
FS_Print( f, "\t}\n" );
if( p->flags & IMAGE_HAS_LUMA )
if( num_anims )
FS_Printf( f, "\t{\n\t\tAnimFrequency\t%i\n", animcount ); // #frames per second
for( i = 0; i < num_anims; i++ )
FS_Printf( f, "\t\tmap\t\t%s_luma\n", animmap[i] ); // anim luma stage
FS_Printf( f, "\t\tblendFunc\t\tadd\n" );
FS_Printf( f, "\t}\n" ); // close section
animcount = num_anims = 0; // done
FS_Printf( f, "\t{\n\t\tmap\t%s_luma\n", shadername ); // save luma
FS_Printf( f, "\t\tblendFunc\tadd\n" );
if( flags & SURF_WARP ) FS_Print( f, "\t\ttcGen\twarp\n" );
FS_Printf( f, "\t}\n" ); // close section
FS_Print( f, "}\n" ); // close shader
FS_Close( f );
return true;
generic flags extractor
void Conv_ShaderGetFlags( const char *imagename, const char *shadername, const char *ext, int *flags, int *contents, const char *anim )
if( game_family == GAME_DOOM1 )
num_anims = animcount = 0; // valid onlt for current frame so reset it
if( !com.strnicmp( imagename, "sky", 3 )) *flags |= SURF_SKY;
if( com.stristr( imagename, "lit" )) *flags |= SURF_LIGHT;
if( !com.strnicmp( "sw", imagename, 2 ) || !com.strnicmp( "{sw", imagename, 3 ))
// wallbuttons anim support
string temp1;
char c1;
int i, j;
if( imagename[0] == '{' && imagename[4] == '_' )
c1 = imagename[5], j = 5;
else if( imagename[3] == 's' )
c1 = imagename[4], j = 4;
else if( imagename[4] == '_' )
c1 = imagename[5], j = 5;
if( c1 >= '0' && c1 <= '9' );
else return;
com.strncpy( temp1, imagename, MAX_STRING );
for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) // Doom1 anim: 0 - 9
if( !FS_FileExists( va( "%s/%s.flt", shadername, temp1 ))) break;
com.snprintf( animmap[animcount++], MAX_STRING, "%s/%s", shadername, temp1 );
temp1[j]++; // increase symbol
num_anims = animcount; // can be dump now
else if( game_family == GAME_QUAKE1 || game_family == GAME_HALFLIFE )
num_anims = animcount = 0; // valid onlt for current frame so reset it
if( com.stristr( imagename, "water" ))
*contents |= CONTENTS_WATER;
*flags |= SURF_WARP; // liquids
else if( com.stristr( imagename, "slime" ))
*contents |= CONTENTS_SLIME;
*flags |= SURF_WARP; // liquids
else if( com.stristr( imagename, "lava" ))
*contents |= CONTENTS_LAVA;
*flags |= SURF_WARP; // liquids
// search for keywords
if( !com.strnicmp( imagename, "sky", 3 )) *flags |= SURF_SKY;
else if( !com.strnicmp( imagename, "origin",6)) *contents |= CONTENTS_ORIGIN;
else if( !com.strnicmp( imagename, "clip", 4 )) *contents |= CONTENTS_CLIP;
else if( !com.strnicmp( imagename, "hint", 4 )) *flags |= SURF_HINT;
else if( !com.strnicmp( imagename, "skip", 4 )) *flags |= SURF_SKIP;
else if( !com.strnicmp( imagename, "null", 4 )) *flags |= SURF_NODRAW;
else if( !com.strnicmp( imagename, "translucent", 11 )) *contents |= CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT;
else if( !com.strnicmp( imagename, "glass", 5 )) *flags |= SURF_TRANS66;
else if( !com.strnicmp( imagename, "mirror", 6 )) *flags |= SURF_MIRROR;
else if( !com.strnicmp( imagename, "portal", 6 )) *flags |= SURF_PORTAL;
else if( com.stristr( imagename, "trigger" )) *contents |= CONTENTS_TRIGGER;
else if( com.stristr( imagename, "lite" )) *flags |= SURF_LIGHT;
// try to exctract contents and flags directly form mip-name
if( imagename[0] == '!' || imagename[0] == '*' ) *flags |= SURF_WARP; // liquids
else if( imagename[0] == '{' )
*flags |= SURF_ALPHATEST; // grates
else if( imagename[0] == '~' ) *flags |= SURF_LIGHT; // light definition
else if( imagename[0] == '+' )
char c1 = imagename[1];
string temp1;
int i;
// HL: first map is off second map is on
if( c1 != '0' && c1 != 'a' && c1 != 'A' )
com.strncpy( temp1, imagename, MAX_STRING );
for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) // Quake anim: 0 - 9
if( !MipExist( va("%s/%s.mip", shadername, temp1 ))) break;
com.snprintf( animmap[animcount++], MAX_STRING, "%s/%s", shadername, temp1 );
temp1[1]++; // increase symbol
if( i > 1 )
num_anims = animcount; // can be dump now
if( c1 == 'a' || c1 == 'A' ) temp1[1] = '0';
else if( c1 == '0' ) temp1[1] = 'A';
for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) // Quake anim A - K
if( !MipExist( va("%s/%s.mip", shadername, temp1 ))) break;
com.snprintf( animmap[animcount++], MAX_STRING, "%s/%s", shadername, temp1 );
temp1[1]++; // increase symbol
num_anims = animcount; // can be dump now
else if( game_family == GAME_QUAKE2 )
// this code it's totally wrong, disabled for now
if( animcount && !com.strlen( anim ))
// end of chain, dump now
num_anims = animcount;
if( anim && com.strlen( anim ))
int i;
if( animcount == 0 ) // add himself first
com.snprintf( animmap[animcount++], MAX_STRING, "%s/%s", shadername, imagename );
for( i = 0; i < animcount; i++ )
if( !com.stricmp( animmap[i], anim ))
// chain is looped, dump now
num_anims = animcount;
// add next frame
if( animcount == i ) com.strncpy( animmap[animcount++], anim, MAX_STRING );
// UNDONE: remove some flags
bool Conv_CreateShader( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pic, const char *ext, const char *anim, int surf, int cnt )
string shadername, imagename;
string shaderpath, imagepath;
vec3_t radiocity = {0,0,0};
float intencity = 0;
int flags = 0, contents = 0;
// extract fodler name from path
FS_ExtractFilePath( name, shadername );
FS_FileBase( shadername, shadername ); // remove "textures" from path
FS_FileBase( name, imagename );
com.snprintf( shaderpath, MAX_STRING, "%s/scripts/%s.shader", gs_gamedir, shadername );
com.strncpy( imagepath, name, MAX_STRING ); // full path
flags |= surf; // .wal can transmit flags here
contents |= cnt;
Conv_ShaderGetFlags( imagename, shadername, ext, &flags, &contents, anim );
if( animcount >= 256 ) Sys_Break( "Conv_CreateShader: too many animations in shader\n" );
if( pic->flags & IMAGE_HAS_LUMA )
// write luma image silently
Image_Process( &pic, 0, 0, IMAGE_MAKE_LUMA );
FS_SaveImage( va("%s/%s_luma.%s", gs_gamedir, name, ext ), pic );
if( flags & SURF_LIGHT )
int j, texels;
byte *pal, *fin;
float scale;
texels = pic->width * pic->height;
fin = pic->buffer;
pal = pic->palette;
switch( pic->type )
case PF_RGBA_32:
for( j = 0; j < texels; j++, fin += 4 )
radiocity[0] += fin[0];
radiocity[1] += fin[1];
radiocity[2] += fin[2];
texels *= 4;
case PF_BGRA_32:
case PF_ABGR_64:
for( j = 0; j < texels; j++, fin += 4 )
radiocity[0] += fin[2];
radiocity[1] += fin[1];
radiocity[2] += fin[0];
texels *= 4;
case PF_RGB_24:
for( j = 0; j < texels; j++, fin += 3 )
radiocity[0] += fin[0];
radiocity[1] += fin[1];
radiocity[2] += fin[2];
texels *= 3;
case PF_INDEXED_24:
case PF_INDEXED_32:
for( j = 0; j < texels; j++ )
radiocity[0] += pal[fin[j]+0];
radiocity[1] += pal[fin[j]+1];
radiocity[2] += pal[fin[j]+2];
MsgDev( D_WARN, "Conv_CreateShader: %s can't calculate reflectivity\n", name );
return Conv_WriteShader( shaderpath, imagepath, pic, vec3_origin, 0.0f, flags, contents );
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
radiocity[j] /= texels;
scale = ColorNormalize( radiocity, radiocity );
if( scale < 0.5f )
scale *= 2.0f;
VectorScale( radiocity, scale, radiocity );
intencity = texels * 255.0 / scale; // basic intensity value
return Conv_WriteShader( shaderpath, imagepath, pic, radiocity, intencity, flags, contents );