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Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Victor Luchits
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// r_model.c -- model loading and caching
#include "stdio.h" // sscanf
#include "r_local.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "matrix_lib.h"
#include "byteorder.h"
#include "bmodel_ref.h"
#define Mod_CopyString( m, str ) com.stralloc( (m)->mempool, str, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define MAX_SIDE_VERTS 256 // per one polygon
typedef struct
char name[32];
ref_shader_t *shader;
int width;
int height;
} cachedimage_t;
// intermediate cached data
static struct
string modelname; // mapname without path, extension etc
vec3_t *vertexes; // intermediate data comes here
int numvertexes;
dedge_t *edges;
int numedges;
dsurfedge_t *surfedges;
int numsurfedges;
cachedimage_t *textures;
int numtextures;
} cached;
static ref_model_t *loadmodel;
static byte *cached_mempool;
void Mod_SpriteLoadModel( ref_model_t *mod, const void *buffer );
void Mod_StudioLoadModel( ref_model_t *mod, const void *buffer );
void Mod_BrushLoadModel( ref_model_t *mod, const void *buffer );
ref_model_t *Mod_LoadModel( ref_model_t *mod, bool crash );
static ref_model_t *r_inlinemodels = NULL;
static byte mod_novis[MAX_MAP_LEAFS/8];
static ref_model_t r_models[MAX_MODELS];
static int r_nummodels;
static byte *Mod_DecompressVis( const byte *in, mbrushmodel_t *model )
static byte decompressed[MAX_MAP_LEAFS/8];
int c, row;
byte *out;
if( !model )
Host_Error( "Mod_DecompressVis: no worldmodel\n" );
return NULL;
row = (model->numleafs + 7)>>3;
out = decompressed;
if( !in )
// no vis info, so make all visible
while( row )
*out++ = 0xff;
return decompressed;
if( *in )
*out++ = *in++;
c = in[1];
in += 2;
while( c )
*out++ = 0;
} while( out - decompressed < row );
return decompressed;
mleaf_t *Mod_PointInLeaf( const vec3_t p, ref_model_t *model )
mnode_t *node;
cplane_t *plane;
mbrushmodel_t *bmodel;
if( !model || !( bmodel = ( mbrushmodel_t *)model->extradata ) || !bmodel->nodes )
Host_Error( "Mod_PointInLeaf: bad model\n" );
return NULL;
node = bmodel->nodes;
plane = node->plane;
node = node->children[PlaneDiff( p, plane ) < 0];
} while( node->plane != NULL );
return (mleaf_t *)node;
byte *Mod_LeafPVS( mleaf_t *leaf, ref_model_t *model )
mbrushmodel_t *bmodel = (mbrushmodel_t *)model->extradata;
if( !model || !bmodel || !leaf || leaf == bmodel->leafs || !bmodel->visdata )
return mod_novis;
return Mod_DecompressVis( leaf->compressed_vis, bmodel );
void Mod_Modellist_f( void )
int i, nummodels;
ref_model_t *mod;
Msg( "\n" );
Msg( "-----------------------------------\n" );
for( i = nummodels = 0, mod = r_models; i < r_nummodels; i++, mod++ )
if( !mod->name ) continue; // free slot
Msg( "%s%s\n", mod->name, (mod->type == mod_bad) ? " (DEFAULTED)" : "" );
Msg( "-----------------------------------\n" );
Msg( "%i total models\n", nummodels );
Msg( "\n" );
void Mod_FreeModel( ref_model_t *mod )
if( !mod || !mod->mempool ) return;
if( mod == r_worldmodel ) R_FreeSky();
Mem_FreePool( &mod->mempool );
Mem_Set( mod, 0, sizeof( *mod ));
void Mod_FreeAll( void )
int i;
if( r_inlinemodels )
Mem_Free( r_inlinemodels );
r_inlinemodels = NULL;
for( i = 0; i < r_nummodels; i++ )
Mod_FreeModel( &r_models[i] );
void R_InitModels( void )
Mem_Set( mod_novis, 0xff, sizeof( mod_novis ));
cached_mempool = Mem_AllocPool( "Mod cache" );
r_nummodels = 0;
void R_ShutdownModels( void )
if( !cached_mempool ) return;
r_worldmodel = NULL;
r_worldbrushmodel = NULL;
r_nummodels = 0;
Mem_Set( r_models, 0, sizeof( r_models ));
Mem_FreePool( &cached_mempool );
static ref_model_t *Mod_FindSlot( const char *name )
ref_model_t *mod;
int i;
// find a free model slot spot
for( i = 0, mod = r_models; i < r_nummodels; i++, mod++ )
if( !mod->name ) break; // free spot
if( i == r_nummodels )
if( r_nummodels == MAX_MODELS )
Host_Error( "Mod_ForName: MAX_MODELS limit exceeded\n" );
return mod;
uint Mod_Handle( ref_model_t *mod )
return mod - r_models;
ref_model_t *Mod_ForHandle( uint handle )
return r_models + handle;
update shader and associated textures
static void Mod_UpdateShaders( ref_model_t *mod )
ref_shader_t *shader;
int i;
if( !mod || !mod->name )
for( i = 0; i < mod->numshaders; i++ )
shader = mod->shaders[i];
if( !shader || !shader->name ) continue;
Shader_TouchImages( shader, false );
if( mod == r_worldmodel && tr.currentSkyShader )
Shader_TouchImages( tr.currentSkyShader, false );
Loads in a model for the given name
ref_model_t *Mod_ForName( const char *name, bool crash )
ref_model_t *mod;
uint *buf;
int i;
if( !name[0] ) Host_Error( "Mod_ForName: NULL name\n" );
// inline models are grabbed only from worldmodel
if( name[0] == '*' )
i = com.atoi( name + 1 );
if( i < 1 || !r_worldmodel || i >= r_worldbrushmodel->numsubmodels )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "bad inline model number %i\n", i );
return NULL;
return &r_inlinemodels[i];
// search the currently loaded models
for( i = 0, mod = r_models; i < r_nummodels; i++, mod++ )
if( !mod->name ) continue;
if( !com.strcmp( mod->name, name ))
// prolonge registration
mod->touchFrame = tr.registration_sequence;
return mod;
mod = Mod_FindSlot( name );
Com_Assert( mod == NULL );
// load the file
buf = (uint *)FS_LoadFile( name, NULL );
if( !buf )
if( crash ) Host_Error( "Mod_ForName: %s not found\n", name );
return NULL; // return the NULL model
loadmodel = mod;
Mem_EmptyPool( cached_mempool );
Mem_Set( &cached, 0, sizeof( cached ));
mod->type = mod_bad;
mod->mempool = Mem_AllocPool( va( "cl: ^1%s^7", name ));
mod->name = Mod_CopyString( mod, name );
FS_FileBase( mod->name, cached.modelname );
// call the apropriate loader
switch( LittleLong( *(uint *)buf ))
Mod_StudioLoadModel( mod, buf );
Mod_SpriteLoadModel( mod, buf );
Mod_BrushLoadModel( mod, buf );
Mem_Free( buf );
if( mod->type == mod_bad )
// check for loading problems
if( crash ) Host_Error( "Mod_ForName: %s unknown format\n", name );
else MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Mod_ForName: %s unknown format\n", name );
Mod_FreeModel( mod );
return NULL;
return mod;
static byte *mod_base;
static mbrushmodel_t *loadbmodel;
static void Mod_CheckDeluxemaps( const dlump_t *l, byte *lmData )
if( !r_lighting_deluxemapping->integer )
// deluxemapping temporare disabled
// FIXME: re-enable it again
mapConfig.pow2MapOvrbr = 0;
mapConfig.deluxeMaps = false;
// if( GL_Support( R_SHADER_GLSL100_EXT ))
mapConfig.deluxeMappingEnabled = false;
static void Mod_SetNodeParent( mnode_t *node, mnode_t *parent )
node->parent = parent;
if( node->contents < 0 ) return; // it's a leaf
Mod_SetNodeParent( node->children[0], node );
Mod_SetNodeParent( node->children[1], node );
fills in surf->mins and surf->maxs
static void Mod_CalcSurfaceBounds( msurface_t *surf )
int i, e;
float *v;
ClearBounds( surf->mins, surf->maxs );
for( i = 0; i < surf->numedges; i++ )
e = cached.surfedges[surf->firstedge + i];
if( e >= 0 ) v = (float *)&cached.vertexes[cached.edges[e].v[0]];
else v = (float *)&cached.vertexes[cached.edges[-e].v[1]];
AddPointToBounds( v, surf->mins, surf->maxs );
Fills in surf->textureMins and surf->extents
static void Mod_CalcSurfaceExtents( msurface_t *surf )
float mins[2], maxs[2], val;
int bmins[2], bmaxs[2];
int i, j, e;
float *v;
mins[0] = mins[1] = 999999;
maxs[0] = maxs[1] = -999999;
for( i = 0; i < surf->numedges; i++ )
e = cached.surfedges[surf->firstedge + i];
if( e >= 0 ) v = (float *)&cached.vertexes[cached.edges[e].v[0]];
else v = (float *)&cached.vertexes[cached.edges[-e].v[1]];
for( j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
val = DotProduct( v, surf->texinfo->vecs[j] ) + surf->texinfo->vecs[j][3];
if( val < mins[j] ) mins[j] = val;
if( val > maxs[j] ) maxs[j] = val;
for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
bmins[i] = floor( mins[i] / LM_SAMPLE_SIZE );
bmaxs[i] = ceil( maxs[i] / LM_SAMPLE_SIZE );
surf->textureMins[i] = bmins[i] * LM_SAMPLE_SIZE;
surf->extents[i] = (bmaxs[i] - bmins[i]) * LM_SAMPLE_SIZE;
static void Mod_BuildPolygon( msurface_t *surf, int numVerts, const float *verts )
float s, t;
uint index, bufSize;
mtexinfo_t *texinfo = surf->texinfo;
bool createSTverts = false;
int i, numElems;
byte *buffer;
vec3_t normal;
mesh_t *mesh;
// allocate mesh
numElems = (numVerts - 2) * 3;
if( mapConfig.deluxeMappingEnabled || ( surf->shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL_CAPTURE2 ))
createSTverts = true;
// mesh + ( align vertex, align normal, (st + lmst) + elem * numElems) * numVerts;
bufSize = sizeof( mesh_t ) + numVerts * ( sizeof( vec4_t ) + sizeof( vec4_t ) + sizeof( vec4_t )) + numElems * sizeof( elem_t );
if( createSTverts ) bufSize += numVerts * sizeof( vec4_t );
buffer = Mod_Malloc( loadmodel, bufSize );
mesh = (mesh_t *)buffer;
buffer += sizeof( mesh_t );
mesh->numVerts = numVerts;
mesh->numElems = numElems;
// setup pointers
mesh->vertexArray = (vec4_t *)buffer;
buffer += numVerts * sizeof( vec4_t );
mesh->normalsArray = (vec4_t *)buffer;
buffer += numVerts * sizeof( vec4_t );
mesh->stCoordArray = (vec2_t *)buffer;
buffer += numVerts * sizeof( vec2_t );
mesh->lmCoordArray = (vec2_t *)buffer;
buffer += numVerts * sizeof( vec2_t );
mesh->elems = (elem_t *)buffer;
buffer += numElems * sizeof( elem_t );
mesh->next = surf->mesh;
surf->mesh = mesh;
// create indices
for( i = 0, index = 2; i < mesh->numElems; i += 3, index++ )
mesh->elems[i+0] = 0;
mesh->elems[i+1] = index - 1;
mesh->elems[i+2] = index;
// setup normal
if( surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK )
VectorNegate( surf->plane->normal, normal );
else VectorCopy( surf->plane->normal, normal );
VectorNormalize( normal );
// create vertices
mesh->numVerts = numVerts;
for( i = 0; i < numVerts; i++, verts += 3 )
// vertex
VectorCopy( verts, mesh->vertexArray[i] );
VectorCopy( normal, mesh->normalsArray[i] );
mesh->vertexArray[i][3] = 1.0f;
mesh->normalsArray[i][3] = 1.0f;
// texture coordinates
s = DotProduct( verts, texinfo->vecs[0] ) + texinfo->vecs[0][3];
if( texinfo->width != -1 ) s /= texinfo->width;
else s /= surf->shader->stages[0].textures[0]->width;
t = DotProduct( verts, texinfo->vecs[1] ) + texinfo->vecs[1][3];
if( texinfo->height != -1 ) t /= texinfo->height;
else t /= surf->shader->stages[0].textures[0]->height;
mesh->stCoordArray[i][0] = s;
mesh->stCoordArray[i][1] = t;
// lightmap texture coordinates
s = DotProduct( verts, texinfo->vecs[0] ) + texinfo->vecs[0][3] - surf->textureMins[0];
s += surf->lmS * LM_SAMPLE_SIZE;
s += LM_SAMPLE_SIZE >> 1;
t = DotProduct( verts, texinfo->vecs[1] ) + texinfo->vecs[1][3] - surf->textureMins[1];
t += surf->lmT * LM_SAMPLE_SIZE;
t += LM_SAMPLE_SIZE >> 1;
mesh->lmCoordArray[i][0] = s;
mesh->lmCoordArray[i][1] = t;
if( createSTverts )
mesh->sVectorsArray = (vec4_t *)buffer;
buffer += numVerts * sizeof( vec4_t );
R_BuildTangentVectors( mesh->numVerts, mesh->vertexArray, mesh->normalsArray, mesh->stCoordArray, mesh->numElems / 3, mesh->elems, mesh->sVectorsArray );
static void Mod_SubdividePolygon( msurface_t *surf, int numVerts, float *verts )
int i, j, f, b, subdivideSize;
vec3_t vTotal, nTotal, mins, maxs;
mtexinfo_t *texinfo = surf->texinfo;
vec3_t front[MAX_SIDE_VERTS], back[MAX_SIDE_VERTS];
float *v, m, oneDivVerts, dist, dists[MAX_SIDE_VERTS];
bool createSTverts = false;
vec2_t totalST, totalLM;
uint bufSize;
byte *buffer;
float s, t;
mesh_t *mesh;
subdivideSize = surf->shader->tessSize;
ClearBounds( mins, maxs );
for( i = 0, v = verts; i < numVerts; i++, v += 3 )
AddPointToBounds( v, mins, maxs );
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
m = subdivideSize * floor((( mins[i] + maxs[i] ) * 0.5f ) / subdivideSize + 0.5f );
if( maxs[i] - m < 8 ) continue;
if( m - mins[i] < 8 ) continue;
// cut it
v = verts + i;
for( j = 0; j < numVerts; j++, v += 3 )
dists[j] = *v - m;
// wrap cases
dists[j] = dists[0];
v -= i;
VectorCopy( verts, v );
for( f = j = b = 0, v = verts; j < numVerts; j++, v += 3 )
if( dists[j] >= 0 )
VectorCopy( v, front[f] );
if( dists[j] <= 0 )
VectorCopy( v, back[b] );
if( dists[j] == 0 || dists[j+1] == 0 )
if((dists[j] > 0) != (dists[j+1] > 0))
// clip point
dist = dists[j] / (dists[j] - dists[j+1]);
front[f][0] = back[b][0] = v[0] + (v[3] - v[0]) * dist;
front[f][1] = back[b][1] = v[1] + (v[4] - v[1]) * dist;
front[f][2] = back[b][2] = v[2] + (v[5] - v[2]) * dist;
Mod_SubdividePolygon( surf, f, front[0] );
Mod_SubdividePolygon( surf, b, back[0] );
if( mapConfig.deluxeMappingEnabled || ( surf->shader->flags & SHADER_PORTAL_CAPTURE2 ))
createSTverts = true;
// allocate mesh
bufSize = sizeof( mesh_t ) + ((numVerts + 2) * sizeof( rgba_t )) + ((numVerts + 2) * sizeof( vec4_t ) * 2) + ((numVerts + 2) * sizeof( vec2_t ) * 2);
if( createSTverts ) bufSize += (numVerts + 2) * sizeof( vec4_t );
buffer = Mod_Malloc( loadmodel, bufSize );
mesh = (mesh_t *)buffer;
buffer += sizeof( mesh_t );
// create vertices
mesh->numVerts = numVerts + 2;
mesh->numElems = numVerts * 3;
// setup pointers
mesh->colorsArray = (rgba_t *)buffer;
buffer += mesh->numVerts * sizeof( rgba_t );
mesh->vertexArray = (vec4_t *)buffer;
buffer += mesh->numVerts * sizeof( vec4_t );
mesh->normalsArray = (vec4_t *)buffer;
buffer += mesh->numVerts * sizeof( vec4_t );
mesh->stCoordArray = (vec2_t *)buffer;
buffer += mesh->numVerts * sizeof( vec2_t );
mesh->lmCoordArray = (vec2_t *)buffer;
buffer += mesh->numVerts * sizeof( vec2_t );
VectorClear( vTotal );
VectorClear( nTotal );
totalST[0] = totalST[1] = 0;
totalLM[0] = totalLM[1] = 0;
for( i = 0; i < numVerts; i++, verts += 3 )
// colors
Vector4Set( mesh->colorsArray[i+1], 255, 255, 255, 255 );
// vertex
VectorCopy( verts, mesh->vertexArray[i+1] );
// setup normal
if( surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK )
VectorNegate( surf->plane->normal, mesh->normalsArray[i+1] );
else VectorCopy( surf->plane->normal, mesh->normalsArray[i+1] );
mesh->vertexArray[i+1][3] = 1.0f;
mesh->normalsArray[i+1][3] = 1.0f;
VectorAdd( vTotal, verts, vTotal );
VectorAdd( nTotal, surf->plane->normal, nTotal );
// texture coordinates
s = DotProduct( verts, texinfo->vecs[0] ) + texinfo->vecs[0][3];
if( texinfo->width != -1 ) s /= texinfo->width;
else s /= surf->shader->stages[0].textures[0]->width;
t = DotProduct( verts, texinfo->vecs[1] ) + texinfo->vecs[1][3];
if( texinfo->height != -1 ) t /= texinfo->height;
else t /= surf->shader->stages[0].textures[0]->height;
mesh->stCoordArray[i+1][0] = s;
mesh->stCoordArray[i+1][1] = t;
totalST[0] += s;
totalST[1] += t;
// lightmap texture coordinates
s = DotProduct( verts, texinfo->vecs[0] ) + texinfo->vecs[0][3] - surf->textureMins[0];
s += surf->lmS * LM_SAMPLE_SIZE;
s += LM_SAMPLE_SIZE >> 1;
t = DotProduct( verts, texinfo->vecs[1] ) + texinfo->vecs[1][3] - surf->textureMins[1];
t += surf->lmT * LM_SAMPLE_SIZE;
t += LM_SAMPLE_SIZE >> 1;
mesh->lmCoordArray[i+1][0] = s;
mesh->lmCoordArray[i+1][1] = t;
totalLM[0] += s;
totalLM[1] += t;
// vertex
oneDivVerts = ( 1.0f / (float)numVerts );
Vector4Set( mesh->colorsArray[0], 255, 255, 255, 255 );
VectorScale( vTotal, oneDivVerts, mesh->vertexArray[0] );
VectorScale( nTotal, oneDivVerts, mesh->normalsArray[0] );
VectorNormalize( mesh->normalsArray[0] );
// texture coordinates
mesh->stCoordArray[0][0] = totalST[0] * oneDivVerts;
mesh->stCoordArray[0][1] = totalST[1] * oneDivVerts;
// lightmap texture coordinates
mesh->lmCoordArray[0][0] = totalLM[0] * oneDivVerts;
mesh->lmCoordArray[0][1] = totalLM[1] * oneDivVerts;
// copy first vertex to last
Vector4Set( mesh->colorsArray[i+1], 255, 255, 255, 255 );
VectorCopy( mesh->vertexArray[1], mesh->vertexArray[i+1] );
VectorCopy( mesh->normalsArray[1], mesh->normalsArray[i+1] );
Vector2Copy( mesh->stCoordArray[1], mesh->stCoordArray[i+1] );
Vector2Copy( mesh->lmCoordArray[1], mesh->lmCoordArray[i+1] );
if( createSTverts )
mesh->sVectorsArray = (vec4_t *)buffer;
buffer += (numVerts + 2) * sizeof( vec4_t );
R_BuildTangentVectors( mesh->numVerts, mesh->vertexArray, mesh->normalsArray, mesh->stCoordArray, mesh->numElems / 3, mesh->elems, mesh->sVectorsArray );
mesh->next = surf->mesh;
surf->mesh = mesh;
static void Mod_ConvertSurface( msurface_t *surf )
byte *buffer;
mesh_t *poly, *next;
uint totalIndexes;
uint totalVerts;
byte *outColors;
float *outCoords;
elem_t *outIndexes;
float *outLMCoords;
mesh_t *outMesh;
float *outNormals;
float *outVerts;
int i;
// find the total vertex count and index count
totalIndexes = 0;
totalVerts = 0;
for( poly = surf->mesh; poly; poly = poly->next )
totalIndexes += ( poly->numVerts - 2 ) * 3;
totalVerts += poly->numVerts;
// allocate space
if( surf->flags & (SURF_DRAWSKY|SURF_DRAWTURB))
buffer = Mod_Malloc( loadmodel, sizeof( mesh_t )
+ (totalVerts * sizeof( vec4_t ) * 2 )
+ (totalIndexes * sizeof( elem_t ))
+ (totalVerts * sizeof( vec2_t ))
+ (totalVerts * sizeof( rgba_t )));
buffer = Mod_Malloc( loadmodel, sizeof( mesh_t )
+ (totalVerts * sizeof( vec4_t ) * 2 )
+ (totalIndexes * sizeof( elem_t ))
+ (totalVerts * sizeof( vec2_t ) * 2 )
+ (totalVerts * sizeof( rgba_t )));
outMesh = (mesh_t *)buffer;
outMesh->numElems = totalIndexes;
outMesh->numVerts = totalVerts;
buffer += sizeof( mesh_t );
outVerts = (float *)buffer;
buffer += sizeof( vec4_t ) * totalVerts;
outNormals = (float *)buffer;
buffer += sizeof( vec4_t ) * totalVerts;
outIndexes = (elem_t *)buffer;
buffer += sizeof( elem_t ) * totalIndexes;
outCoords = (float *)buffer;
if( surf->flags & (SURF_DRAWSKY|SURF_DRAWTURB))
outLMCoords = NULL;
buffer += sizeof( vec2_t ) * totalVerts;
outLMCoords = (float *)buffer;
buffer += sizeof( vec2_t ) * totalVerts;
outColors = (byte *)buffer;
outMesh->colorsArray = (rgba_t *)outColors;
outMesh->stCoordArray = (vec2_t *)outCoords;
outMesh->elems = (elem_t *)outIndexes;
outMesh->lmCoordArray = (vec2_t *)outLMCoords;
outMesh->normalsArray = (vec4_t *)outNormals;
outMesh->vertexArray = (vec4_t *)outVerts;
outMesh->sVectorsArray = NULL;
outMesh->tVectorsArray = NULL;
// check mesh validity
if( R_InvalidMesh( outMesh ))
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Mod_ConvertSurface: surface mesh is invalid!\n" );
Mem_Free( buffer );
// store vertex data
totalIndexes = 0;
totalVerts = 0;
for( poly = surf->mesh; poly; poly = poly->next )
// indexes
outIndexes = outMesh->elems + totalIndexes;
totalIndexes += (poly->numVerts - 2) * 3;
for( i = 2; i < poly->numVerts; i++ )
outIndexes[0] = totalVerts;
outIndexes[1] = totalVerts + i - 1;
outIndexes[2] = totalVerts + i;
outIndexes += 3;
for( i = 0; i < poly->numVerts; i++ )
// vertices
outVerts[0] = poly->vertexArray[i][0];
outVerts[1] = poly->vertexArray[i][1];
outVerts[2] = poly->vertexArray[i][2];
outVerts[3] = 1.0f;
// Normals
outNormals[0] = poly->normalsArray[i][0];
outNormals[1] = poly->normalsArray[i][1];
outNormals[2] = poly->normalsArray[i][2];
outNormals[3] = 1.0f;
// colors
outColors[0] = 255;
outColors[1] = 255;
outColors[2] = 255;
outColors[3] = 255;
// coords
outCoords[0] = poly->stCoordArray[i][0];
outCoords[1] = poly->stCoordArray[i][1];
outVerts += 4;
outNormals += 4;
outColors += 4;
outCoords += 2;
totalVerts += poly->numVerts;
// lightmap coords
if(!( surf->flags & (SURF_DRAWSKY|SURF_DRAWTURB )))
for( poly = surf->mesh; poly; poly = poly->next )
for( i = 0; i < poly->numVerts; i++ )
outLMCoords[0] = poly->lmCoordArray[i][0];
outLMCoords[1] = poly->lmCoordArray[i][1];
outLMCoords += 2;
// release the old q2_polys crap
for( poly = surf->mesh; poly; poly = next )
next = poly->next;
Mem_Free( poly );
surf->mesh = outMesh;
static void Mod_BuildSurfacePolygons( msurface_t *surf )
float *v;
int i, e;
vec3_t verts[MAX_SIDE_VERTS];
vec3_t ebbox = { 0, 0, 0 };
// convert edges back to a normal polygon
for( i = 0; i < surf->numedges; i++ )
if( i == 256 ) break; // too big polygon ?
e = cached.surfedges[surf->firstedge + i];
if( e >= 0 ) v = cached.vertexes[cached.edges[e].v[0]];
else v = cached.vertexes[cached.edges[-e].v[1]];
VectorCopy( v, verts[i] );
R_DeformvBBoxForShader( surf->shader, ebbox );
if( surf->shader->tessSize != 0.0f )
Mod_SubdividePolygon( surf, surf->numedges, verts[0] );
Mod_ConvertSurface( surf );
else Mod_BuildPolygon( surf, surf->numedges, verts[0] );
if( !surf->mesh ) return;
ClearBounds( surf->mins, surf->maxs );
for( i = 0, v = surf->mesh->vertexArray[0]; i < surf->mesh->numVerts; i++, v += 4 )
AddPointToBounds( v, surf->mins, surf->maxs );
VectorSubtract( surf->mins, ebbox, surf->mins );
VectorAdd( surf->maxs, ebbox, surf->maxs );
static ref_shader_t *Mod_LoadMiptex( char *shadername, mip_t *mt, int version )
texture_t *miptex;
int size;
if( R_ShaderCheckCache( shadername ))
goto load_shader; // external shader found
// determine shader parms by texturename
if( mt->offsets[0] > 0 )
// NOTE: imagelib detect miptex version by size
// 770 additional bytes is indicated custom palette
size = (int)sizeof( mip_t ) + ((mt->width * mt->height * 85)>>6);
if( version == HLBSP_VERSION ) size += sizeof( short ) + 768;
// build the unique shadername because we don't want keep this for other maps
com.snprintf( shadername, 32, "%s/%s", cached.modelname, mt->name );
// loading internal texture if present
miptex = R_FindTexture( va( "\"#%s.mip\"", mt->name ), (byte *)mt, size, 0 );
if( !miptex ) miptex = tr.defaultTexture;
R_ShaderAddStageTexture( miptex ); // add internal texture
return R_LoadShader( shadername, SHADER_TEXTURE, false, 0, SHADER_INVALID );
static void Mod_LoadLighting( const dlump_t *l, int version )
byte d, *in, *out;
int i;
if( !l->filelen ) return;
Mod_CheckDeluxemaps( l, mod_base + l->fileofs );
switch( version )
// expand the white lighting data
loadbmodel->lightdata = Mod_Malloc( loadmodel, l->filelen * 3 );
in = loadbmodel->lightdata + l->filelen * 2;
out = loadbmodel->lightdata;
Mem_Copy( in, (mod_base + l->fileofs), l->filelen );
for( i = 0; i < l->filelen; i++ )
d = *in++;
*out++ = d;
*out++ = d;
*out++ = d;
// load colored lighting
loadbmodel->lightdata = Mod_Malloc( loadmodel, l->filelen );
Mem_Copy( loadbmodel->lightdata, (mod_base + l->fileofs), l->filelen );
static void Mod_LoadVertexes( const dlump_t *l )
dvertex_t *in;
float *out;
int i, j, count;
in = (void *)( mod_base + l->fileofs );
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in ) )
Host_Error( "Mod_LoadVertexes: funny lump size in %s\n", loadmodel->name );
count = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
cached.numvertexes = count;
out = (float *)cached.vertexes = Mem_Alloc( cached_mempool, count * sizeof( vec3_t ));
for( i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out += 3 )
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
out[j] = LittleFloat( in->point[j] );
static void Mod_LoadSubmodels( const dlump_t *l )
int i, j, count;
dmodel_t *in;
mmodel_t *out;
mbrushmodel_t *bmodel;
in = ( void * )( mod_base + l->fileofs );
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in ) )
Host_Error( "Mod_LoadSubmodels: funny lump size in %s\n", loadmodel->name );
count = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
out = Mod_Malloc( loadmodel, count * sizeof( *out ));
r_inlinemodels = Mod_Malloc( loadmodel, count * ( sizeof( *r_inlinemodels ) + sizeof( *bmodel )));
loadmodel->extradata = bmodel = (mbrushmodel_t *)((byte*)r_inlinemodels + count * sizeof( *r_inlinemodels ));
loadbmodel = bmodel;
loadbmodel->submodels = out;
loadbmodel->numsubmodels = count;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++ )
r_inlinemodels[i].extradata = bmodel + i;
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
// spread the mins / maxs by a pixel
out->mins[j] = LittleFloat( in->mins[j] ) - 1;
out->maxs[j] = LittleFloat( in->maxs[j] ) + 1;
out->origin[j] = LittleFloat( in->origin[j] );
out->radius = RadiusFromBounds( out->mins, out->maxs );
out->firstnode = LittleLong( in->headnode[0] ); // drawing hull #0
out->firstface = LittleLong( in->firstface );
out->numfaces = LittleLong( in->numfaces );
out->visleafs = LittleLong( in->visleafs );
static void Mod_LoadTextures( const dlump_t *l, int version )
int i, count;
dmiptexlump_t *in;
cachedimage_t *out;
cvar_t *scr_loading = Cvar_Get( "scr_loading", "0", 0, "loading bar progress" );
mip_t *mt;
if( !l->filelen )
loadmodel->numshaders = 0;
in = (void *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
count = LittleLong( in->nummiptex );
out = Mem_Alloc( cached_mempool, count * sizeof( *out ));
loadmodel->shaders = Mod_Malloc( loadmodel, count * sizeof( ref_shader_t* ));
loadmodel->numshaders = count;
cached.textures = out;
cached.numtextures = count;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++, out++ )
in->dataofs[i] = LittleLong( in->dataofs[i] );
if( in->dataofs[i] == -1 )
loadmodel->shaders[i] = tr.defaultShader;
out->width = out->height = -1;
continue; // texture is completely missing
mt = (mip_t *)((byte *)in + in->dataofs[i] );
if( !mt->name[0] )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "unnamed texture in %s\n", loadmodel->name );
com.snprintf( mt->name, sizeof( mt->name ), "*MIPTEX%i", i );
com.strnlwr( mt->name, mt->name, sizeof( mt->name )); // make normal name with terminator
com.snprintf( out->name, sizeof( out->name ), "textures/%s", mt->name );
// out->contents = Mod_ContentsFromShader( out->name ); // FIXME: implement
loadmodel->shaders[i] = out->shader = Mod_LoadMiptex( out->name, mt, version );
// original dimensions for adjust lightmap on a face
out->width = LittleLong( mt->width );
out->height = LittleLong( mt->height );
Cvar_SetValue( "scr_loading", scr_loading->value + 50.0f / count );
if( ri.UpdateScreen ) ri.UpdateScreen();
static void Mod_LoadTexInfo( const dlump_t *l )
dtexinfo_t *in;
mtexinfo_t *out;
int miptex;
int i, j, count;
uint surfaceParm = 0;
in = (void *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in ))
Host_Error( "Mod_LoadTexInfo: funny lump size in %s\n", loadmodel->name );
count = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
out = Mod_Malloc( loadmodel, count * sizeof( *out ));
loadbmodel->texinfo = out;
loadbmodel->numtexinfo = count;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++ )
for( j = 0; j < 8; j++ )
out->vecs[0][j] = LittleFloat( in->vecs[0][j] );
miptex = LittleLong( in->miptex );
if( miptex < 0 || miptex > loadmodel->numshaders )
Host_Error( "Mod_LoadTexInfo: bad shader number in '%s'\n", loadmodel->name );
out->texturenum = miptex;
// also copy additional info from cachedinfo
out->width = cached.textures[miptex].width;
out->height = cached.textures[miptex].height;
static void Mod_LoadSurfaces( const dlump_t *l )
dface_t *in;
msurface_t *out;
cachedimage_t *texture;
size_t lightofs;
int i, texnum, count;
in = (void *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
if( l->filelen % sizeof( dface_t ))
Host_Error( "R_LoadFaces: funny lump size in '%s'\n", loadmodel->name );
count = l->filelen / sizeof( dface_t );
loadbmodel->numsurfaces = count;
loadbmodel->surfaces = Mod_Malloc( loadmodel, count * sizeof( msurface_t ));
out = loadbmodel->surfaces;
// R_BeginBuildingLightmaps();
for( i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++ )
out->firstedge = LittleLong( in->firstedge );
out->numedges = LittleLong( in->numedges );
if( LittleShort( in->side )) out->flags |= SURF_PLANEBACK;
out->plane = loadbmodel->planes + LittleLong( in->planenum );
out->texinfo = loadbmodel->texinfo + LittleLong( in->texinfo );
texnum = out->texinfo->texturenum;
if( texnum < 0 || texnum > cached.numtextures )
Host_Error( "Mod_LoadFaces: bad texture number in '%s'\n", loadmodel->name );
texture = &cached.textures[texnum];
out->shader = texture->shader;
out->fog = NULL; // FIXME: build conception of realtime fogs
Mod_CalcSurfaceBounds( out );
Mod_CalcSurfaceExtents( out );
// lighting info
out->lmWidth = (out->extents[0] >> 4) + 1;
out->lmHeight = (out->extents[1] >> 4) + 1;
if( !com.strncmp( texture->name, "sky", 3 ))
if( texture->name[0] == '*' || texture->name[0] == '!' )
if( out->flags & SURF_DRAWTILED ) lightofs = -1;
else lightofs = LittleLong( in->lightofs );
if( loadbmodel->lightdata && lightofs != -1 )
out->samples = loadbmodel->lightdata + lightofs;
while( out->numstyles < MAX_LIGHTSTYLES && in->styles[out->numstyles] != 255 )
out->styles[out->numstyles] = in->styles[out->numstyles];
if( !tr.currentSkyShader && (out->flags & SURF_DRAWSKY || out->shader->flags & SHADER_SKYPARMS ))
// because sky shader may missing skyParms, but always has surfaceparm 'sky'
tr.currentSkyShader = out->shader;
// create lightmap
// R_BuildSurfaceLightmap( out );
// create polygons
Mod_BuildSurfacePolygons( out );
// R_EndBuildingLightmaps();
static void Mod_LoadMarkFaces( const dlump_t *l )
dmarkface_t *in;
int i, j, count;
in = (void *)( mod_base + l->fileofs );
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in ))
Host_Error( "Mod_LoadMarkFaces: funny lump size in %s\n", loadmodel->name );
count = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
loadbmodel->marksurfaces = Mod_Malloc( loadmodel, count * sizeof( msurface_t* ));
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
j = LittleLong( in[i] );
if( j < 0 || j >= count )
Host_Error( "Mod_LoadMarkFaces: bad surface number in '%s'\n", loadmodel->name );
loadbmodel->marksurfaces[i] = loadbmodel->surfaces + j;
static void Mod_LoadNodes( const dlump_t *l )
int i, j, count, p;
dnode_t *in;
mnode_t *out;
in = (void *)( mod_base + l->fileofs );
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in ) )
Host_Error( "Mod_LoadNodes: funny lump size in %s\n", loadmodel->name );
count = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
out = Mod_Malloc( loadmodel, count * sizeof( *out ));
loadbmodel->nodes = out;
loadbmodel->numnodes = count;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++ )
bool badBounds = false;
out->plane = loadbmodel->planes + LittleLong( in->planenum );
out->firstface = loadbmodel->surfaces + LittleLong( in->firstface );
out->numfaces = LittleLong( in->numfaces );
out->contents = CONTENTS_NODE;
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
out->mins[j] = (float)LittleShort( in->mins[j] );
out->maxs[j] = (float)LittleShort( in->maxs[j] );
if( out->mins[j] > out->maxs[j] ) badBounds = true;
if( !badBounds && VectorCompare( out->mins, out->maxs ))
badBounds = true;
if( badBounds )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "bad node %i bounds:\n", i );
MsgDev( D_WARN, "mins: %i %i %i\n", Q_rint( out->mins[0] ), Q_rint( out->mins[1] ), Q_rint( out->mins[2] ));
MsgDev( D_WARN, "maxs: %i %i %i\n", Q_rint( out->maxs[0] ), Q_rint( out->maxs[1] ), Q_rint( out->maxs[2] ));
for( j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
p = LittleShort( in->children[j] );
if( p >= 0 ) out->children[j] = loadbmodel->nodes + p;
else out->children[j] = (mnode_t *)(loadbmodel->leafs + ( -1 - p ));
Mod_SetNodeParent( loadbmodel->nodes, NULL );
static void Mod_LoadLeafs( const dlump_t *l )
dleaf_t *in;
mleaf_t *out;
int i, j, p, count;
in = (void *)( mod_base + l->fileofs );
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in ))
Host_Error( "Mod_LoadLeafs: funny lump size in %s\n", loadmodel->name );
count = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
out = Mod_Malloc( loadmodel, count * sizeof( *out ));
loadbmodel->numleafs = count;
loadbmodel->leafs = out;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++ )
bool badBounds = false;
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
out->mins[j] = (float)LittleShort( in->mins[j] );
out->maxs[j] = (float)LittleShort( in->maxs[j] );
if( out->mins[j] > out->maxs[j] ) badBounds = true;
if( !badBounds && VectorCompare( out->mins, out->maxs ))
badBounds = true;
if(( i > 0 ) && badBounds )
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "bad leaf %i bounds:\n", i );
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "mins: %i %i %i\n", Q_rint( out->mins[0] ), Q_rint( out->mins[1] ), Q_rint( out->mins[2] ));
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "maxs: %i %i %i\n", Q_rint( out->maxs[0] ), Q_rint( out->maxs[1] ), Q_rint( out->maxs[2] ));
out->plane = NULL; // to differentiate from nodes
out->contents = LittleLong( in->contents );
p = LittleLong( in->visofs );
out->compressed_vis = (p == -1) ? NULL : loadbmodel->visdata + p;
out->firstMarkSurface = loadbmodel->marksurfaces + LittleShort( in->firstmarksurface );
out->numMarkSurfaces = LittleShort( in->nummarksurfaces );
static void Mod_LoadEdges( const dlump_t *l )
dedge_t *in, *out;
int i, count;
in = (void *)( mod_base + l->fileofs );
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in ))
Host_Error( "Mod_LoadEdges: funny lump size in %s\n", loadmodel->name );
count = l->filelen / sizeof( dedge_t );
cached.edges = out = Mem_Alloc( cached_mempool, count * sizeof( dedge_t ));
cached.numedges = count;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++ )
out->v[0] = (word)LittleShort( in->v[0] );
out->v[1] = (word)LittleShort( in->v[1] );
static void Mod_LoadSurfEdges( const dlump_t *l )
dsurfedge_t *in, *out;
int i, count;
in = (void *)( mod_base + l->fileofs );
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in ))
Host_Error( "Mod_LoadSurfEdges: funny lump size in %s\n", loadmodel->name );
count = l->filelen / sizeof( dsurfedge_t );
cached.surfedges = out = Mem_Alloc( cached_mempool, count * sizeof( dsurfedge_t ));
cached.numsurfedges = count;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
out[i] = LittleLong( in[i] );
static void Mod_LoadPlanes( const dlump_t *l )
cplane_t *out;
dplane_t *in;
int i, count;
in = (void *)( mod_base + l->fileofs );
if( l->filelen % sizeof( *in ))
Host_Error( "Mod_LoadPlanes: funny lump size in %s\n", loadmodel->name );
count = l->filelen / sizeof( *in );
out = Mod_Malloc( loadmodel, count*sizeof( *out ));
loadbmodel->planes = out;
loadbmodel->numplanes = count;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++ )
out->normal[0] = LittleFloat( in->normal[0] );
out->normal[1] = LittleFloat( in->normal[1] );
out->normal[2] = LittleFloat( in->normal[2] );
out->signbits = SignbitsForPlane( out->normal );
out->dist = LittleFloat( in->dist );
out->type = LittleLong( in->type );
void Mod_LoadVisibility( dlump_t *l )
if( !l->filelen )
loadbmodel->visdata = NULL;
loadbmodel->visdata = Mod_Malloc( loadmodel, l->filelen );
Mem_Copy( loadbmodel->visdata, (void *)(mod_base + l->fileofs), l->filelen );
static void Mod_LoadEntities( const dlump_t *l, vec3_t gridSize, vec3_t ambient, vec3_t outline )
char key[MAX_KEY], value[MAX_VALUE];
float celcolorf[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
float gridsizef[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
float colorf[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
float ambientf = 0.0f;
bool isworld;
token_t token;
script_t *ents;
int n;
VectorClear( gridSize );
VectorClear( ambient );
VectorClear( outline );
ents = Com_OpenScript( LUMP_ENTITIES, (char *)mod_base + l->fileofs, l->filelen );
if( !ents ) return;
while( Com_ReadToken( ents, SC_ALLOW_NEWLINES, &token ))
isworld = false;
while( 1 )
// parse key
if( !Com_ReadToken( ents, SC_ALLOW_NEWLINES, &token ))
Host_Error( "R_LoadEntities: EOF without closing brace\n" );
if( token.string[0] == '}' ) break; // end of desc
com.strncpy( key, token.string, sizeof( key ) - 1 );
// parse value
if( !Com_ReadToken( ents, SC_ALLOW_PATHNAMES2, &token ))
Host_Error( "R_LoadEntities: EOF without closing brace\n" );
com.strncpy( value, token.string, sizeof( value ) - 1 );
if( token.string[0] == '}' )
Host_Error( "R_LoadEntities: closing brace without data\n" );
// now that we have the key pair worked out...
if( !com.strcmp( key, "classname" ) )
if( !com.strcmp( value, "worldspawn" ) )
isworld = true;
else if( !com.strcmp( key, "gridsize" ))
n = sscanf( value, "%f %f %f", &gridsizef[0], &gridsizef[1], &gridsizef[2] );
if( n != 3 )
int gridsizei[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
sscanf( value, "%i %i %i", &gridsizei[0], &gridsizei[1], &gridsizei[2] );
VectorCopy( gridsizei, gridsizef );
else if( !com.strcmp( key, "_ambient" ) || ( !com.strcmp( key, "ambient" ) && ambientf == 0.0f ))
sscanf( value, "%f", &ambientf );
if( !ambientf )
int ia = 0;
sscanf( value, "%i", &ia );
ambientf = ia;
else if( !com.strcmp( key, "_color" ))
n = sscanf( value, "%f %f %f", &colorf[0], &colorf[1], &colorf[2] );
if( n != 3 )
int colori[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
sscanf( value, "%i %i %i", &colori[0], &colori[1], &colori[2] );
VectorCopy( colori, colorf );
else if( !com.strcmp( key, "_outlinecolor" ) )
n = sscanf( value, "%f %f %f", &celcolorf[0], &celcolorf[1], &celcolorf[2] );
if( n != 3 )
int celcolori[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
sscanf( value, "%i %i %i", &celcolori[0], &celcolori[1], &celcolori[2] );
VectorCopy( celcolori, celcolorf );
if( isworld )
VectorCopy( gridsizef, gridSize );
if( VectorCompare( colorf, vec3_origin ))
VectorSet( colorf, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
VectorScale( colorf, ambientf, ambient );
if( max( celcolorf[0], max( celcolorf[1], celcolorf[2] )) > 1.0f )
VectorScale( celcolorf, 1.0f / 255.0f, celcolorf ); // [0..1] RGB -> [0..255] RGB
VectorCopy( celcolorf, outline );
Com_CloseScript( ents );
static void Mod_Finish( const dlump_t *faces, const dlump_t *light, vec3_t gridSize, vec3_t ambient, vec3_t outline )
int i, j;
// set up lightgrid
if( gridSize[0] < 1 || gridSize[1] < 1 || gridSize[2] < 1 )
VectorSet( loadbmodel->gridSize, 64, 64, 128 );
else VectorCopy( gridSize, loadbmodel->gridSize );
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
vec3_t maxs;
loadbmodel->gridMins[j] = loadbmodel->gridSize[j] *ceil( ( loadbmodel->submodels[0].mins[j] + 1 ) / loadbmodel->gridSize[j] );
maxs[j] = loadbmodel->gridSize[j] *floor(( loadbmodel->submodels[0].maxs[j] - 1 ) / loadbmodel->gridSize[j] );
loadbmodel->gridBounds[j] = ( maxs[j] - loadbmodel->gridMins[j] )/loadbmodel->gridSize[j] + 1;
loadbmodel->gridBounds[3] = loadbmodel->gridBounds[1] * loadbmodel->gridBounds[0];
// ambient lighting
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
mapConfig.ambient[i] = bound( 0, ambient[i] * (( float )( 1<<mapConfig.pow2MapOvrbr )/255.0f ), 1 );
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
mapConfig.outlineColor[i] = (byte)(bound( 0, outline[i]*255.0f, 255 ));
mapConfig.outlineColor[3] = 255;
Mem_EmptyPool( cached_mempool );
void Mod_BrushLoadModel( ref_model_t *mod, const void *buffer )
int i, version;
dheader_t *header;
mmodel_t *bm;
vec3_t gridSize, ambient, outline;
header = (dheader_t *)buffer;
version = LittleLong( header->version );
switch( version )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Mod_BrushModel: %s has wrong version number (%i should be %i)", loadmodel->name, version, HLBSP_VERSION );
mod->type = mod_brush;
mod_base = (byte *)header;
// swap all the lumps
for( i = 0; i < sizeof( dheader_t )/4; i++ )
((int *)header )[i] = LittleLong( ((int *)header )[i] );
// load into heap
Mod_LoadSubmodels( &header->lumps[LUMP_MODELS] );
Mod_LoadEntities( &header->lumps[LUMP_ENTITIES], gridSize, ambient, outline );
Mod_LoadVertexes( &header->lumps[LUMP_VERTEXES] );
Mod_LoadEdges( &header->lumps[LUMP_EDGES] );
Mod_LoadSurfEdges( &header->lumps[LUMP_SURFEDGES] );
Mod_LoadTextures( &header->lumps[LUMP_TEXTURES], version );
Mod_LoadLighting( &header->lumps[LUMP_LIGHTING], version );
Mod_LoadVisibility( &header->lumps[LUMP_VISIBILITY] );
Mod_LoadPlanes( &header->lumps[LUMP_PLANES] );
Mod_LoadTexInfo( &header->lumps[LUMP_TEXINFO] );
Mod_LoadSurfaces( &header->lumps[LUMP_FACES] );
Mod_LoadMarkFaces( &header->lumps[LUMP_MARKSURFACES] );
Mod_LoadLeafs( &header->lumps[LUMP_LEAFS] );
Mod_LoadNodes( &header->lumps[LUMP_NODES] );
Mod_Finish( &header->lumps[LUMP_FACES], &header->lumps[LUMP_LIGHTING], gridSize, ambient, outline );
mod->touchFrame = tr.registration_sequence; // register model
// set up the submodels
for( i = 0; i < loadbmodel->numsubmodels; i++ )
ref_model_t *starmod;
mbrushmodel_t *bmodel;
bm = &loadbmodel->submodels[i];
starmod = &r_inlinemodels[i];
bmodel = (mbrushmodel_t *)starmod->extradata;
Mem_Copy( starmod, mod, sizeof( ref_model_t ));
Mem_Copy( bmodel, mod->extradata, sizeof( mbrushmodel_t ));
bmodel->firstmodelsurface = bmodel->surfaces + bm->firstface;
bmodel->firstmodelnode = bmodel->nodes + bm->firstnode;
bmodel->nummodelsurfaces = bm->numfaces;
bmodel->numleafs = bm->visleafs + 1; // include solid leaf
starmod->extradata = bmodel;
VectorCopy( bm->maxs, starmod->maxs );
VectorCopy( bm->mins, starmod->mins );
starmod->radius = bm->radius;
if( i == 0 ) *mod = *starmod;
else bmodel->numsubmodels = 0;
Specifies the model that will be used as the world
void R_BeginRegistration( const char *mapname )
string fullname;
mapConfig.pow2MapOvrbr = 0;
mapConfig.lightmapsPacking = false;
mapConfig.deluxeMaps = false;
mapConfig.deluxeMappingEnabled = false;
VectorClear( mapConfig.ambient );
VectorClear( mapConfig.outlineColor );
com.strncpy( fullname, mapname, MAX_STRING );
// now replacement table is invalidate
Mem_Set( cl_models, 0, sizeof( cl_models ));
// explicitly free the old map if different
if( com.strcmp( r_models[0].name, fullname ))
Mod_FreeModel( &r_models[0] );
// update progress bar
Cvar_SetValue( "scr_loading", 50.0f );
if( ri.UpdateScreen ) ri.UpdateScreen();
R_NewMap ();
if( r_lighting_packlightmaps->integer )
string lightmapsPath;
char *p;
mapConfig.lightmapsPacking = true;
com.strncpy( lightmapsPath, fullname, sizeof( lightmapsPath ));
p = com.strrchr( lightmapsPath, '.' );
if( p )
*p = 0;
com.strncat( lightmapsPath, "/lm_0000.tga", sizeof( lightmapsPath ) );
if( FS_FileExists( lightmapsPath ))
MsgDev( D_INFO, "External lightmap stage: lightmaps packing is disabled\n" );
mapConfig.lightmapsPacking = false;
r_farclip_min = Z_NEAR; // sky shaders will most likely modify this value
r_environment_color->modified = true;
r_worldmodel = Mod_ForName( fullname, true );
r_worldbrushmodel = (mbrushmodel_t *)r_worldmodel->extradata;
r_worldmodel->type = mod_world;
r_worldent->scale = 1.0f;
r_worldent->model = r_worldmodel;
r_worldent->rtype = RT_MODEL;
r_worldent->ent_type = ED_NORMAL;
r_worldent->renderamt = 255; // i'm hope we don't want to see semisolid world :)
Matrix3x3_LoadIdentity( r_worldent->axis );
Mod_UpdateShaders( r_worldmodel );
r_framecount = r_framecount2 = 1;
r_oldviewleaf = r_viewleaf = NULL; // force markleafs
void R_EndRegistration( const char *skyname )
int i;
ref_model_t *mod;
if( skyname && com.strncmp( skyname, "<skybox>", 8 ))
// half-life or quake2 skybox-style
R_SetupSky( skyname );
for( i = 0, mod = r_models; i < r_nummodels; i++, mod++ )
if( !mod->name ) continue;
if( mod->touchFrame != tr.registration_sequence )
Mod_FreeModel( mod );
ref_model_t *R_RegisterModel( const char *name )
ref_model_t *mod;
mod = Mod_ForName( name, false );
Mod_UpdateShaders( mod );
return mod;
void R_ModelBounds( const ref_model_t *model, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs )
if( model )
VectorCopy( model->mins, mins );
VectorCopy( model->maxs, maxs );
else if( r_worldmodel )
VectorCopy( r_worldmodel->mins, mins );
VectorCopy( r_worldmodel->maxs, maxs );