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// Copyright XashXT Group 2010 ©
// r_tempents.h - tempentities management
#ifndef R_TEMPENTS_H
#define R_TEMPENTS_H
#include "r_efx.h"
// Purpose: implementation for temp entities
typedef struct tent_s TENT;
struct tent_s
int flags;
float die;
float frameMax; // this is also animtime for studiomodels
float x, y, z; // probably z isn't used
float fadeSpeed;
float bounceFactor;
int hitSound;
void (*hitcallback)( struct tent_s *ent, struct pmtrace_s *ptr );
void (*callback)( struct tent_s *ent, float frametime, float currenttime );
TENT *next;
int priority; // 0 - low, 1 - high
short clientIndex; // if attached, this is the index of the client to stick to
// if COLLIDEALL, this is the index of the client to ignore
// TENTS with FTENT_PLYRATTACHMENT MUST set the clientindex!
vec3_t tentOffset; // if attached, client origin + tentOffset = tent origin.
cl_entity_t entity;
// baseline.origin - velocity
// baseline.renderamt - starting fadeout intensity
// baseline.angles - angle velocity
#define TENT_WIND_ACCEL 50
#define SHARD_VOLUME 12.0 // on shard ever n^3 units
class CTempEnts
CTempEnts( void );
virtual ~CTempEnts( void );
void Update( void );
void Clear( void );
void TE_Prepare( TENT *pTemp, int modelIndex );
int TE_Active( TENT *pTemp );
int TE_Update( TENT *pTemp, float frametime ); // return false for instantly die
void BloodSprite( const Vector &org, int colorIndex, int modelIndex, int modelIndex2, float size );
void RicochetSprite( const Vector &pos, int modelIndex, float scale );
void MuzzleFlash( cl_entity_t *pEnt, int iAttachment, int type );
TENT *TempModel( const Vector &pos, const Vector &dir, const Vector &ang, float life, int modelIndex, int soundtype );
void BreakModel( const Vector &pos, const Vector &size, const Vector &dir, float random, float life, int count, int modelIndex, char flags );
void Bubbles( const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, float height, int modelIndex, int count, float speed );
void BubbleTrail( const Vector &start, const Vector &end, float height, int modelIndex, int count, float speed );
void Sprite_Explode( TENT *pTemp, float scale, int flags );
void FizzEffect( cl_entity_t *pent, int modelIndex, int density );
TENT *DefaultSprite( const Vector &pos, int spriteIndex, float framerate );
void Sprite_Smoke( TENT *pTemp, float scale );
TENT *TempSprite( const Vector &pos, const Vector &dir, float scale, int modelIndex, int rendermode, int renderfx, float a, float life, int flags );
void AttachTentToPlayer( int client, int modelIndex, float zoffset, float life );
void KillAttachedTents( int client );
void Sprite_Spray( const Vector &pos, const Vector &dir, int modelIndex, int count, int speed, int iRand, int renderMode = kRenderTransAlpha );
void Sprite_Trail( int type, const Vector &vecStart, const Vector &vecEnd, int modelIndex, int nCount, float flLife, float flSize, float flAmplitude, int nRenderamt, float flSpeed );
void RocketFlare( const Vector& pos );
void PlaySound( TENT *pTemp, float damp );
void TracerEffect( const Vector &start, const Vector &end );
void WeaponFlash( cl_entity_t *pEnt, int iAttachment );
void PlaceDecal( Vector pos, int entityIndex, int decalIndex );
void PlaceDecal( Vector pos, int entityIndex, const char *decalname );
void AllocDLight( Vector pos, byte r, byte g, byte b, float radius, float time, float decay = 0.0f );
void AllocDLight( Vector pos, float radius, float time, float decay = 0.0f );
void RocketTrail( Vector start, Vector end, int type );
void Large_Funnel( Vector pos, int spriteIndex, int flags );
void SparkShower( const Vector& pos );
void SparkEffect( const Vector& pos, int count, int velocityMin, int velocityMax );
void StreakSplash( const Vector &pos, const Vector &dir, int color, int count, int speed, int velMin, int velMax );
// Data
float m_flTime; // the current client time
float m_fOldTime; // the time at which the HUD was last redrawn
int m_iTempEntFrame; // used for keyed dlights only
// Global temp entity pool
// Free and active temp entity lists
TENT *m_pFreeTempEnts;
TENT *m_pActiveTempEnts;
// muzzle flash sprites
int m_iMuzzleFlash[MAX_MUZZLEFLASH];
void TempEntFree( TENT *pTemp, TENT *pPrev );
bool FreeLowPriorityTempEnt( void );
TENT *TempEntAllocNoModel( const Vector& org );
TENT *TempEntAlloc( const Vector& org, int modelindex );
TENT *TempEntAllocHigh( const Vector& org, int modelIndex );
TENT *TempEntAllocCustom( const Vector& org, int modelIndex, int high, void ( *callback )( struct tent_s *ent, float frametime, float currenttime ));
// misc utility shaders
HSPRITE hSprGlowShell; // glowshell shader
extern CTempEnts *g_pTempEnts;