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// Copyright XashXT Group 2009 ©
// effects_api.h - client temp entities
// temporary entity array
#define FTENT_NONE 0
#define FTENT_SINEWAVE (1<<0)
#define FTENT_GRAVITY (1<<1)
#define FTENT_ROTATE (1<<2)
#define FTENT_SLOWGRAVITY (1<<3)
#define FTENT_SMOKETRAIL (1<<4)
#define FTENT_FLICKER (1<<6)
#define FTENT_FADEOUT (1<<7)
#define FTENT_SPRANIMATE (1<<8)
#define FTENT_HITSOUND (1<<9)
#define FTENT_SPIRAL (1<<10)
#define FTENT_SPRCYCLE (1<<11)
#define FTENT_COLLIDEALL (1<<12) // will collide with world and slideboxes
#define FTENT_PERSIST (1<<13) // tent is not removed when unable to draw
#define FTENT_COLLIDEKILL (1<<14) // tent is removed upon collision with anything
#define FTENT_PLYRATTACHMENT (1<<15) // tent is attached to a player (owner)
#define FTENT_SPRANIMATELOOP (1<<16) // animating sprite doesn't die when last frame is displayed
#define FTENT_SCALE (1<<17) // an experiment
#define FTENT_SPARKSHOWER (1<<18)
#define FTENT_NOMODEL (1<<19) // doesn't have a model, never draw (it just triggers other things)
#define FTENT_CLIENTCUSTOM (1<<20) // Must specify callback. Callback function is responsible
// for killing tempent and updating fields
// ( unless other flags specify how to do things )
#define FTENT_WINDBLOWN (1<<21) // This is set when the temp entity is blown by the wind
#define FTENT_NEVERDIE (1<<22) // Don't die as long as die != 0
#define FTENT_BEOCCLUDED (1<<23) // Don't draw if my specified normal's facing away from the view
struct tempent_s
int flags;
float die;
float m_flFrameMax;
float x, y;
vec3_t m_vecVelocity; // tent velocity
vec3_t m_vecAvelocity; // tent avelocity
vec3_t oldorigin; // attachment offset, beam endpoint etc
vec3_t tentOffset; // if attached, client origin + tentOffset = tent origin.
float fadeSpeed;
float bounceFactor;
int startAlpha; // starting fadeout intensity
sound_t hitSound;
byte priority; // 0 - low, 1 - high
short clientIndex; // if attached, this is the index of the client to stick to
// if COLLIDEALL, this is the index of the client to ignore
// TENTS with FTENT_PLYRATTACHMENT MUST set the clientindex!
void *pvEngineData; // private data that alloced, freed and used by engine only
HITCALLBACK hitcallback;
// render-dependent fields
model_t modelindex; // index of precached model
vec3_t origin; // tent position
vec3_t angles; // tent angles
float m_flFrameRate; // studio, sprite framerate
float m_flFrame; // studio, sprite current frame
float m_flSpriteScale; // and model scale too
int m_nFlickerFrame; // for keyed dlights
int m_iAttachment; // sprite attachment
int m_iSequence; // studiomodel sequence
vec3_t renderColor; // tempentity rendercolor
byte renderAmt; // actual lpha value
byte renderMode; // fast method to set various effects
byte renderFX; // matched with entity renderfx
byte skin; // studiomodel skin
byte body; // studiomodel body
struct cparticle_s
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t velocity;
vec3_t accel;
vec3_t color;
vec3_t colorVelocity;
float alpha;
float alphaVelocity;
float radius;
float radiusVelocity;
float length;
float lengthVelocity;
float rotation;
float bounceFactor;
typedef struct efxapi_s
size_t api_size; // must match with sizeof( efxapi_t );
int (*R_AllocParticle)( cparticle_t *src, HSPRITE shader, int flags );
void (*R_BloodSprite)( float *org, int colorIndex, int modelIndex, float size );
void (*R_BreakModel)( float *pos, float *size, float *dir, float random, float life, int count, int modelIndex, char flags );
void (*R_MuzzleFlash)( int modelIndex, int entityIndex, int iAttachment, int type );
void (*R_Sprite_Explode)( TEMPENTITY *pTemp, float scale, int flags );
void (*R_Sprite_Smoke)( TEMPENTITY *pTemp, float scale );
void (*R_Sprite_Spray)( float *pos, float *dir, int modelIndex, int count, int speed, int iRand );
void (*R_TracerEffect)( float *start, float *end );
TEMPENTITY *(*R_TempModel)( float *pos, float *dir, float *ang, float life, int modelIndex, int soundtype );
TEMPENTITY *(*R_DefaultSprite)( float *pos, int spriteIndex, float framerate );
TEMPENTITY *(*R_TempSprite)( float *pos, float *dir, float scale, int modelIndex, int rendermode, int renderfx, float a, float life, int flags );
int (*CL_DecalIndex)( int id );
int (*CL_DecalIndexFromName)( const char *szDecalName );
void (*R_SetDecal)( float *org, float *dir, float *rgba, float rot, float rad, HSPRITE hSpr, int flags );
void (*CL_AllocDLight)( const float *org, float *rgb, float rad, float time, int flags, int key );
TEMPENTITY *(*CL_TempEntAlloc)( float *org, int modelIndex );
TEMPENTITY *(*CL_TempEntAllocNoModel)( float *org );
TEMPENTITY *(*CL_TempEntAllocHigh)( float *org, int modelIndex );
TEMPENTITY *(*CL_TentEntAllocCustom)( float *org, int modelIndex, int high, ENTCALLBACK pfnCallback );
void (*CL_FindExplosionPlane)( const float *origin, float radius, float *result );
void (*R_LightForPoint)( const float *rgflOrigin, float *lightValue );
int (*CL_IsBoxVisible)( const float *mins, const float *maxs );
int (*R_CullBox)( const float *mins, const float *maxs );
} efxapi_t;