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world.c - common worldtrace routines
Copyright (C) 2009 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "common.h"
#include "world.h"
#include "pm_defs.h"
#include "mod_local.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "studio.h"
// just for debug
const char *et_name[] =
ClearLink is used for new headnodes
void ClearLink( link_t *l )
l->prev = l->next = l;
remove link from chain
void RemoveLink( link_t *l )
l->next->prev = l->prev;
l->prev->next = l->next;
kept trigger and solid entities seperate
void InsertLinkBefore( link_t *l, link_t *before )
l->next = before;
l->prev = before->prev;
l->prev->next = l;
l->next->prev = l;
void World_MoveBounds( const vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, vec3_t boxmins, vec3_t boxmaxs )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if( end[i] > start[i] )
boxmins[i] = start[i] + mins[i] - 1.0f;
boxmaxs[i] = end[i] + maxs[i] + 1.0f;
boxmins[i] = end[i] + mins[i] - 1.0f;
boxmaxs[i] = start[i] + maxs[i] + 1.0f;
trace_t World_CombineTraces( trace_t *cliptrace, trace_t *trace, edict_t *touch )
if( trace->allsolid || trace->startsolid || trace->fraction < cliptrace->fraction )
trace->ent = touch;
if( cliptrace->startsolid )
*cliptrace = *trace;
cliptrace->startsolid = true;
else *cliptrace = *trace;
return *cliptrace;
void World_TransformAABB( matrix4x4 transform, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, vec3_t outmins, vec3_t outmaxs )
vec3_t p1, p2;
matrix4x4 itransform;
int i;
if( !outmins || !outmaxs ) return;
Matrix4x4_Invert_Simple( itransform, transform );
ClearBounds( outmins, outmaxs );
// compute a full bounding box
for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
p1[0] = ( i & 1 ) ? mins[0] : maxs[0];
p1[1] = ( i & 2 ) ? mins[1] : maxs[1];
p1[2] = ( i & 4 ) ? mins[2] : maxs[2];
p2[0] = DotProduct( p1, itransform[0] );
p2[1] = DotProduct( p1, itransform[1] );
p2[2] = DotProduct( p1, itransform[2] );
if( p2[0] < outmins[0] ) outmins[0] = p2[0];
if( p2[0] > outmaxs[0] ) outmaxs[0] = p2[0];
if( p2[1] < outmins[1] ) outmins[1] = p2[1];
if( p2[1] > outmaxs[1] ) outmaxs[1] = p2[1];
if( p2[2] < outmins[2] ) outmins[2] = p2[2];
if( p2[2] > outmaxs[2] ) outmaxs[2] = p2[2];
// sanity check
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if( outmins[i] > outmaxs[i] )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "World_TransformAABB: backwards mins/maxs\n" );
VectorClear( outmins );
VectorClear( outmaxs );
a portal is flush with a world surface behind it. this causes problems. namely that we can't pass through the portal plane
if the bsp behind it prevents out origin from getting through. so if the trace was clipped and ended infront of the portal,
continue the trace to the edges of the portal cutout instead.
void World_PortalCSG( edict_t *portal, const vec3_t trace_mins, const vec3_t trace_maxs, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, trace_t *trace )
vec4_t planes[6]; //far, near, right, left, up, down
int plane, k;
vec3_t worldpos;
float bestfrac;
int hitplane;
model_t *model;
float portalradius;
// only run this code if we impacted on the portal's parent.
if( trace->fraction == 1.0f && !trace->startsolid )
// decide which clipping hull to use, based on the size
model = Mod_Handle( portal->v.modelindex );
if( !model || model->type != mod_brush )
// make sure we use a sane valid position.
if( trace->startsolid ) VectorCopy( start, worldpos );
else VectorCopy( trace->endpos, worldpos );
// determine the csg area. normals should be facing in
AngleVectors( portal->v.angles, planes[1], planes[3], planes[5] );
VectorNegate(planes[1], planes[0]);
VectorNegate(planes[3], planes[2]);
VectorNegate(planes[5], planes[4]);
portalradius = model->radius * 0.5f;
planes[0][3] = DotProduct( portal->v.origin, planes[0] ) - (4.0f / 32.0f);
planes[1][3] = DotProduct( portal->v.origin, planes[1] ) - (4.0f / 32.0f); //an epsilon beyond the portal
planes[2][3] = DotProduct( portal->v.origin, planes[2] ) - portalradius;
planes[3][3] = DotProduct( portal->v.origin, planes[3] ) - portalradius;
planes[4][3] = DotProduct( portal->v.origin, planes[4] ) - portalradius;
planes[5][3] = DotProduct( portal->v.origin, planes[5] ) - portalradius;
// if we're actually inside the csg region
for( plane = 0; plane < 6; plane++ )
float d = DotProduct( worldpos, planes[plane] );
vec3_t nearest;
for( k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
nearest[k] = (planes[plane][k]>=0) ? trace_maxs[k] : trace_mins[k];
// front plane gets further away with side
if( !plane )
planes[plane][3] -= DotProduct( nearest, planes[plane] );
else if( plane > 1 )
// side planes get nearer with size
planes[plane][3] += 24; // DotProduct( nearest, planes[plane] );
if( d - planes[plane][3] >= 0 )
continue; // endpos is inside
else return; // end is already outside
// yup, we're inside, the trace shouldn't end where it actually did
bestfrac = 1;
hitplane = -1;
for( plane = 0; plane < 6; plane++ )
float ds = DotProduct( start, planes[plane] ) - planes[plane][3];
float de = DotProduct( end, planes[plane] ) - planes[plane][3];
float frac;
if( ds >= 0 && de < 0 )
frac = (ds) / (ds - de);
if( frac < bestfrac )
if( frac < 0 )
frac = 0;
bestfrac = frac;
hitplane = plane;
trace->startsolid = trace->allsolid = false;
// if we cross the front of the portal, don't shorten the trace,
// that will artificially clip us
if( hitplane == 0 && trace->fraction > bestfrac )
// okay, elongate to clip to the portal hole properly.
VectorLerp( start, bestfrac, end, trace->endpos );
trace->fraction = bestfrac;
if( hitplane >= 0 )
VectorCopy( planes[hitplane], trace->plane.normal );
trace->plane.dist = planes[hitplane][3];
if( hitplane == 1 ) trace->ent = portal;
Used for determine contents priority
int RankForContents( int contents )
switch( contents )
case CONTENTS_EMPTY: return 0;
case CONTENTS_WATER: return 1;
case CONTENTS_CURRENT_0: return 3;
case CONTENTS_CURRENT_90: return 4;
case CONTENTS_CURRENT_180: return 5;
case CONTENTS_CURRENT_270: return 6;
case CONTENTS_CURRENT_UP: return 7;
case CONTENTS_SLIME: return 9;
case CONTENTS_LAVA: return 10;
case CONTENTS_SKY: return 11;
case CONTENTS_SOLID: return 12;
default: return 13; // any user contents has more priority than default
Returns 1, 2, or 1 + 2
int BoxOnPlaneSide( const vec3_t emins, const vec3_t emaxs, const mplane_t *p )
float dist1, dist2;
int sides = 0;
// general case
switch( p->signbits )
case 0:
dist1 = p->normal[0]*emaxs[0] + p->normal[1]*emaxs[1] + p->normal[2]*emaxs[2];
dist2 = p->normal[0]*emins[0] + p->normal[1]*emins[1] + p->normal[2]*emins[2];
case 1:
dist1 = p->normal[0]*emins[0] + p->normal[1]*emaxs[1] + p->normal[2]*emaxs[2];
dist2 = p->normal[0]*emaxs[0] + p->normal[1]*emins[1] + p->normal[2]*emins[2];
case 2:
dist1 = p->normal[0]*emaxs[0] + p->normal[1]*emins[1] + p->normal[2]*emaxs[2];
dist2 = p->normal[0]*emins[0] + p->normal[1]*emaxs[1] + p->normal[2]*emins[2];
case 3:
dist1 = p->normal[0]*emins[0] + p->normal[1]*emins[1] + p->normal[2]*emaxs[2];
dist2 = p->normal[0]*emaxs[0] + p->normal[1]*emaxs[1] + p->normal[2]*emins[2];
case 4:
dist1 = p->normal[0]*emaxs[0] + p->normal[1]*emaxs[1] + p->normal[2]*emins[2];
dist2 = p->normal[0]*emins[0] + p->normal[1]*emins[1] + p->normal[2]*emaxs[2];
case 5:
dist1 = p->normal[0]*emins[0] + p->normal[1]*emaxs[1] + p->normal[2]*emins[2];
dist2 = p->normal[0]*emaxs[0] + p->normal[1]*emins[1] + p->normal[2]*emaxs[2];
case 6:
dist1 = p->normal[0]*emaxs[0] + p->normal[1]*emins[1] + p->normal[2]*emins[2];
dist2 = p->normal[0]*emins[0] + p->normal[1]*emaxs[1] + p->normal[2]*emaxs[2];
case 7:
dist1 = p->normal[0]*emins[0] + p->normal[1]*emins[1] + p->normal[2]*emins[2];
dist2 = p->normal[0]*emaxs[0] + p->normal[1]*emaxs[1] + p->normal[2]*emaxs[2];
// shut up compiler
dist1 = dist2 = 0;
if( dist1 >= p->dist )
sides = 1;
if( dist2 < p->dist )
sides |= 2;
return sides;