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// Copyright XashXT Group 2009 ©
// cl_world.c - world query functions
#include "common.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "const.h"
#include "pm_defs.h"
areanode_t cl_areanodes[AREA_NODES];
int cl_numareanodes;
builds a uniformly subdivided tree for the given world size
areanode_t *CL_CreateAreaNode( int depth, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs )
areanode_t *anode;
vec3_t size;
vec3_t mins1, maxs1;
vec3_t mins2, maxs2;
anode = &cl_areanodes[cl_numareanodes++];
ClearLink( &anode->trigger_edicts );
ClearLink( &anode->solid_edicts );
ClearLink( &anode->water_edicts );
if( depth == AREA_DEPTH )
anode->axis = -1;
anode->children[0] = anode->children[1] = NULL;
return anode;
VectorSubtract( maxs, mins, size );
if( size[0] > size[1] )
anode->axis = 0;
else anode->axis = 1;
anode->dist = 0.5f * (maxs[anode->axis] + mins[anode->axis]);
VectorCopy( mins, mins1 );
VectorCopy( mins, mins2 );
VectorCopy( maxs, maxs1 );
VectorCopy( maxs, maxs2 );
maxs1[anode->axis] = mins2[anode->axis] = anode->dist;
anode->children[0] = CL_CreateAreaNode( depth+1, mins2, maxs2 );
anode->children[1] = CL_CreateAreaNode( depth+1, mins1, maxs1 );
return anode;
void CL_ClearWorld( void )
vec3_t mins, maxs;
int worldIndex = 1;
cl_numareanodes = 0;
Mod_GetBounds( worldIndex, mins, maxs );
Mem_Set( cl_areanodes, 0, sizeof( cl_areanodes ));
CL_CreateAreaNode( 0, mins, maxs );
void CL_UnlinkEdict( cl_entity_t *ent )
// not linked in anywhere
if( !ent->area.prev )
RemoveLink( &ent->area );
ent->area.prev = NULL;
ent-> = NULL;
void CL_SetAbsBbox( cl_entity_t *ent )
if (( ent->curstate.solid == SOLID_BSP ) && !VectorIsNull( ent->angles ))
// expand for rotation
float max = 0, v;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
v = fabs( ent->curstate.mins[i] );
if ( v > max ) max = v;
v = fabs( ent->curstate.maxs[i] );
if ( v > max ) max = v;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
ent->absmin[i] = ent->origin[i] - max;
ent->absmax[i] = ent->origin[i] + max;
VectorAdd( ent->origin, ent->curstate.mins, ent->absmin );
VectorAdd( ent->origin, ent->curstate.maxs, ent->absmax );
ent->absmin[0] -= 1;
ent->absmin[1] -= 1;
ent->absmin[2] -= 1;
ent->absmax[0] += 1;
ent->absmax[1] += 1;
ent->absmax[2] += 1;
void CL_LinkEdict( cl_entity_t *ent )
areanode_t *node;
if( !ent ) return;
if( ent->area.prev ) CL_UnlinkEdict( ent ); // unlink from old position
if( ent->index <= 0 ) return;
// set the abs box
CL_SetAbsBbox( ent );
// ignore not solid bodies
if( ent->curstate.solid == SOLID_NOT && ent-> == CONTENTS_NONE )
// find the first node that the ent's box crosses
node = cl_areanodes;
while( 1 )
if( node->axis == -1 ) break;
if( ent->absmin[node->axis] > node->dist )
node = node->children[0];
else if( ent->absmax[node->axis] < node->dist )
node = node->children[1];
else break; // crosses the node
// link it in
if( ent->curstate.solid == SOLID_TRIGGER )
InsertLinkBefore( &ent->area, &node->trigger_edicts, ent->index );
else if( ent->curstate.solid == SOLID_NOT && ent-> != CONTENTS_NONE )
InsertLinkBefore (&ent->area, &node->water_edicts, ent->index );
else InsertLinkBefore (&ent->area, &node->solid_edicts, ent->index );
Fills in a list of all entities who's absmin / absmax intersects the given
bounds. This does NOT mean that they actually touch in the case of bmodels.
void CL_AreaEdicts_r( areanode_t *node, area_t *ap )
link_t *l, *next, *start;
cl_entity_t *check;
int count = 0;
// touch linked edicts
if( ap->type == AREA_SOLID )
start = &node->solid_edicts;
else if( ap->type == AREA_TRIGGERS )
start = &node->trigger_edicts;
else start = &node->water_edicts;
for( l = start->next; l != start; l = next )
next = l->next;
check = EDICT_FROM_AREA( l );
if( check->curstate.solid == SOLID_NOT && check-> == CONTENTS_NONE )
continue; // deactivated
if( !BoundsIntersect( check->absmin, check->absmax, ap->mins, ap->maxs ))
continue; // not touching
if( ap->count == ap->maxcount )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "CL_AreaEdicts: maxcount hit\n" );
ap->list[ap->count] = check;
if( node->axis == -1 ) return; // terminal node
// recurse down both sides
if( ap->maxs[node->axis] > node->dist ) CL_AreaEdicts_r( node->children[0], ap );
if( ap->mins[node->axis] < node->dist ) CL_AreaEdicts_r( node->children[1], ap );
int CL_AreaEdicts( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, cl_entity_t **list, int maxcount, int areatype )
area_t ap;
ap.mins = mins;
ap.maxs = maxs;
ap.list = list;
ap.count = 0;
ap.maxcount = maxcount;
ap.type = areatype;
CL_AreaEdicts_r( cl_areanodes, &ap );
return ap.count;
int CL_TruePointContents( const vec3_t p )
int i, num, contents;
cl_entity_t *hit, *touch[MAX_EDICTS];
// sanity check
if( !p ) return CONTENTS_NONE;
// get base contents from world
contents = CM_PointContents( p );
if( contents != CONTENTS_EMPTY )
return contents; // have some world contents
// check contents from all the solid entities
num = CL_AreaEdicts( p, p, touch, MAX_EDICTS, AREA_SOLID );
for( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
hit = touch[i];
if( hit->curstate.solid != SOLID_BSP )
continue; // monsters, players
// solid entity found
// check contents from all the custom entities
num = CL_AreaEdicts( p, p, touch, MAX_EDICTS, AREA_CUSTOM );
for( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
hit = touch[i];
if( hit->curstate.solid != SOLID_NOT || hit-> == CONTENTS_NONE )
continue; // invalid water ?
// custom contents found
return hit->;
return contents;
int CL_PointContents( const vec3_t p )
int cont = CL_TruePointContents( p );
return cont;