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// Copyright XashXT Group 2009 ©
// client.h -- primary header for client
#ifndef CLIENT_H
#define CLIENT_H
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "cdll_int.h"
#include "gameui_api.h"
#include "cl_entity.h"
#include "com_model.h"
#include "cm_local.h"
#include "pm_defs.h"
#include "pm_movevars.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "netchan.h"
#include "world.h"
#define MAX_DEMOS 32
#define MAX_MOVIES 8
#define EDICT_FROM_AREA( l ) STRUCT_FROM_LINK( l, cl_entity_t, area )
#define NUM_FOR_EDICT(e) ((int)((cl_entity_t *)(e) - clgame.entities))
#define EDICT_NUM( num ) CL_EDICT_NUM( num, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define cl_time() ( cl.time )
#define sv_time() ( cl.mtime[0] )
typedef struct frame_s
// received from server
double receivedtime; // time message was received, or -1
double latency;
double time; // server timestamp
clientdata_t clientdata; // message received that reflects performing
weapon_data_t weapondata[32];
int num_entities;
int first_entity; // into the circular cl_packet_entities[]
int delta_sequence; // last valid sequence
qboolean valid; // cleared if delta parsing was invalid
} frame_t;
#define CMD_BACKUP MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP // allow a lot of command backups for very fast systems
#define CMD_MASK (CMD_BACKUP - 1)
extern int CL_UPDATE_BACKUP;
// the client_t structure is wiped completely at every
// server map change
typedef struct
int timeoutcount;
int servercount; // server identification for prespawns
int validsequence; // this is the sequence number of the last good
// world snapshot/update we got. If this is 0, we can't
// render a frame yet
int parsecount; // server message counter
int parsecountmod; // modulo with network window
double parsecounttime; // timestamp of parse
qboolean video_prepped; // false if on new level or new ref dll
qboolean audio_prepped; // false if on new level or new snd dll
qboolean force_refdef; // vid has changed, so we can't use a paused refdef
int delta_sequence; // acknowledged sequence number
double mtime[2]; // the timestamp of the last two messages
int last_incoming_sequence;
qboolean force_send_usercmd;
frame_t frame; // received from server
int surpressCount; // number of messages rate supressed
frame_t frames[MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP]; // alloced on svc_serverdata
usercmd_t cmds[MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP]; // each mesage will send several old cmds
double time; // this is the time value that the client
// is rendering at. always <= cls.realtime
// a lerp point for other data
double oldtime; // previous cl.time, time-oldtime is used
// to decay light values and smooth step ups
int render_flags; // clearing at end of frame
float lerpFrac; // interpolation value
ref_params_t refdef; // shared refdef
char serverinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
player_info_t players[MAX_CLIENTS];
event_state_t events;
// predicting stuff
uint random_seed; // for predictable random values
vec3_t predicted_origins[CMD_BACKUP]; // for debug comparing against server
vec3_t predicted_origin; // generated by CL_PredictMovement
vec3_t predicted_viewofs;
vec3_t predicted_angles;
vec3_t predicted_velocity;
vec3_t prediction_error;
// server state information
int playernum;
int maxclients;
int movemessages;
char configstrings[MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS][CS_SIZE];
char model_precache[MAX_MODELS][CS_SIZE];
char sound_precache[MAX_SOUNDS][CS_SIZE];
char event_precache[MAX_EVENTS][CS_SIZE];
lightstyle_t lightstyles[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES];
sound_t sound_index[MAX_SOUNDS];
shader_t decal_index[MAX_DECALS];
model_t *worldmodel; // pointer to world
} client_t;
the client_static_t structure is persistant through an arbitrary number
of server connections
typedef enum
ca_uninitialized = 0,
ca_disconnected, // not talking to a server
ca_connecting, // sending request packets to the server
ca_connected, // netchan_t established, waiting for svc_serverdata
ca_active, // game views should be displayed
ca_cinematic, // playing a cinematic, not connected to a server
} connstate_t;
typedef enum
key_console = 0,
} keydest_t;
typedef enum
} dltype_t; // download type
typedef enum
scrshot_plaque, // levelshot
scrshot_savegame, // saveshot
scrshot_demoshot, // for demos preview
scrshot_envshot, // cubemap view
scrshot_skyshot // skybox view
} scrshot_t;
// client screen state
typedef enum
CL_LOADING = 1, // draw loading progress-bar
CL_ACTIVE, // draw normal hud
CL_PAUSED, // pause when active
CL_CHANGELEVEL, // draw 'loading' during changelevel
} scrstate_t;
typedef struct
char name[32];
int number; // svc_ number
int size; // if size == -1, size come from first byte after svcnum
pfnUserMsgHook func; // user-defined function
} cl_user_message_t;
typedef void (*pfnEventHook)( event_args_t *args );
typedef struct
char name[CS_SIZE];
word index; // event index
pfnEventHook func; // user-defined function
} user_event_t;
typedef struct
HSPRITE hFontTexture; // handle to texture shader
wrect_t fontRc[256]; // rectangles
qboolean valid; // rectangles are valid
} cl_font_t;
typedef struct
// temp handle
HSPRITE hSprite;
// scissor test
int scissor_x;
int scissor_y;
int scissor_width;
int scissor_height;
qboolean scissor_test;
// holds text color
rgba_t textColor;
// crosshair members
HSPRITE hCrosshair;
wrect_t rcCrosshair;
rgba_t rgbaCrosshair;
byte gammaTable[256];
} draw_stuff_t;
typedef struct
// centerprint stuff
int lines;
int y, time;
char message[2048];
int totalWidth;
int totalHeight;
} center_print_t;
typedef struct
void *hInstance; // pointer to client.dll
HUD_FUNCTIONS dllFuncs; // dll exported funcs
byte *mempool; // client edicts pool
string mapname; // map name
string maptitle; // display map title
string itemspath; // path to items description for auto-complete func
cl_entity_t *entities; // dynamically allocated entity array
int numEntities; // actual ents count
int maxEntities;
// movement values from server
movevars_t movevars;
movevars_t oldmovevars;
playermove_t *pmove; // pmove state
int trace_hull; // used by PM_SetTraceHull
int oldcount; // used by PM_Push\Pop state
vec3_t player_mins[4]; // 4 hulls allowed
vec3_t player_maxs[4]; // 4 hulls allowed
cl_user_message_t msg[MAX_USER_MESSAGES]; // keep static to avoid fragment memory
user_event_t *events[MAX_EVENTS];
draw_stuff_t ds; // draw2d stuff (hud, weaponmenu etc)
center_print_t centerPrint; // centerprint variables
SCREENINFO scrInfo; // actual screen info
rgb_t palette[256]; // Quake1 palette used for particle colors
client_textmessage_t *titles; // title messages, not network messages
int numTitles;
cl_entity_t viewent; // viewmodel
} clgame_static_t;
typedef struct
void *hInstance; // pointer to client.dll
UI_FUNCTIONS dllFuncs; // dll exported funcs
byte *mempool; // client edicts pool
cl_entity_t playermodel; // uiPlayerSetup drawing model
draw_stuff_t ds; // draw2d stuff (hud, weaponmenu etc)
GAMEINFO gameInfo; // current gameInfo
GAMEINFO *modsInfo[MAX_MODS]; // simplified gameInfo for GameUI
ui_globalvars_t *globals;
qboolean drawLogo; // set to TRUE if logo.avi missed or corrupted
long logo_xres;
long logo_yres;
} gameui_static_t;
typedef struct
connstate_t state;
qboolean initialized;
qboolean changelevel; // during changelevel
keydest_t key_dest;
byte *mempool; // client premamnent pool: edicts etc
int framecount;
int quakePort; // a 16 bit value that allows quake servers
// to work around address translating routers
// connection information
string servername; // name of server from original connect
int connect_time; // for connection retransmits
netchan_t netchan;
int serverProtocol; // in case we are doing some kind of version hack
int challenge; // from the server to use for connecting
float packet_loss;
double packet_loss_recalc_time;
float nextcmdtime; // when can we send the next command packet?
int lastoutgoingcommand; // sequence number of last outgoing command
// internal shaders
shader_t fillShader; // used for emulate FillRGBA to avoid wrong draw-sort
shader_t pauseIcon; // draw 'paused' when game in-pause
shader_t loadingBar; // 'loading' progress bar
cl_font_t creditsFont; // shared creditsfont
int num_client_entities; // cl.maxclients * CL_UPDATE_BACKUP * MAX_PACKET_ENTITIES
int next_client_entities; // next client_entity to use
entity_state_t *packet_entities; // [num_client_entities]
file_t *download; // file transfer from server
string downloadname;
string downloadtempname;
int downloadnumber;
dltype_t downloadtype;
scrshot_t scrshot_request; // request for screen shot
scrshot_t scrshot_action; // in-action
const float *envshot_vieworg; // envshot position
string shotname;
// demo loop control
int demonum; // -1 = don't play demos
string demos[MAX_DEMOS]; // when not playing
// movie playlist
int movienum;
string movies[MAX_MOVIES];
// demo recording info must be here, so it isn't clearing on level change
qboolean demorecording;
qboolean demoplayback;
qboolean demowaiting; // don't record until a non-delta message is received
string demoname; // for demo looping
file_t *demofile;
} client_static_t;
extern client_t cl;
extern client_static_t cls;
extern clgame_static_t clgame;
extern gameui_static_t gameui;
extern render_exp_t *re;
// cvars
extern convar_t *cl_predict;
extern convar_t *cl_smooth;
extern convar_t *cl_showfps;
extern convar_t *cl_envshot_size;
extern convar_t *cl_nodelta;
extern convar_t *cl_crosshair;
extern convar_t *cl_showmiss;
extern convar_t *cl_testlights;
extern convar_t *cl_solid_players;
extern convar_t *cl_idealpitchscale;
extern convar_t *cl_allow_levelshots;
extern convar_t *cl_levelshot_name;
extern convar_t *scr_centertime;
extern convar_t *scr_download;
extern convar_t *scr_loading;
extern convar_t *userinfo;
qboolean CL_CheckOrDownloadFile( const char *filename );
void CL_ParseConfigString( sizebuf_t *msg );
void CL_SetLightstyle( int style, const char* s );
void CL_RunLightStyles( void );
void CL_AddEntities( void );
void CL_AddDLights( void );
void CL_AddLightStyles( void );
void CL_PrepVideo( void );
void CL_PrepSound( void );
// cl_cmds.c
void CL_Quit_f( void );
void CL_ScreenShot_f( void );
void CL_EnvShot_f( void );
void CL_SkyShot_f( void );
void CL_SaveShot_f( void );
void CL_DemoShot_f( void );
void CL_LevelShot_f( void );
void CL_SetSky_f( void );
void SCR_Viewpos_f( void );
void SCR_TimeRefresh_f( void );
// cl_main
void CL_Init( void );
void CL_SendCommand( void );
void CL_Disconnect_f( void );
void CL_GetChallengePacket( void );
void CL_PingServers_f( void );
void CL_RequestNextDownload( void );
void CL_ClearState( void );
// cl_demo.c
void CL_DrawDemoRecording( void );
void CL_WriteDemoMessage( sizebuf_t *msg, int head_size );
void CL_ReadDemoMessage( void );
void CL_StopPlayback( void );
void CL_StopRecord( void );
void CL_PlayDemo_f( void );
void CL_StartDemos_f( void );
void CL_Demos_f( void );
void CL_DeleteDemo_f( void );
void CL_Record_f( void );
void CL_Stop_f( void );
// cl_game.c
void CL_UnloadProgs( void );
qboolean CL_LoadProgs( const char *name );
void CL_ParseUserMessage( sizebuf_t *msg, int svc_num );
void CL_LinkUserMessage( char *pszName, const int svc_num, int iSize );
void CL_DrawHUD( int state );
void CL_InitEdicts( void );
void CL_FreeEdicts( void );
void CL_InitWorld( void );
void CL_InitEntity( cl_entity_t *pEdict );
void CL_FreeEntity( cl_entity_t *pEdict );
void CL_CenterPrint( const char *text, float y );
void CL_SetEventIndex( const char *szEvName, int ev_index );
void CL_TextMessageParse( byte *pMemFile, int fileSize );
int pfnDecalIndexFromName( const char *szDecalName );
void *VGui_GetPanel( void );
void VGui_ViewportPaintBackground( int extents[4] );
_inline cl_entity_t *CL_EDICT_NUM( int n, const char *file, const int line )
if(( n >= 0 ) && ( n < clgame.maxEntities ))
return clgame.entities + n;
Host_Error( "CL_EDICT_NUM: bad number %i (called at %s:%i)\n", n, file, line );
return NULL;
// cl_parse.c
extern const char *svc_strings[256];
void CL_ParseServerMessage( sizebuf_t *msg );
void CL_RunBackgroundTrack( void );
void CL_Download_f( void );
// cl_scrn.c
void SCR_RegisterShaders( void );
void SCR_MakeScreenShot( void );
void SCR_MakeLevelShot( void );
void SCR_NetSpeeds( void );
void SCR_RSpeeds( void );
void SCR_DrawFPS( void );
// cl_view.c
void V_Init (void);
void V_Shutdown( void );
void V_ClearScene( void );
qboolean V_PreRender( void );
void V_PostRender( void );
void V_RenderView( void );
// cl_pmove.c
void CL_SetSolidEntities( void );
void CL_SetSolidPlayers( int playernum );
void CL_InitClientMove( void );
void CL_PredictMovement( void );
void CL_CheckPredictionError( void );
qboolean CL_IsPredicted( void );
// cl_frame.c
void CL_ParsePacketEntities( sizebuf_t *msg, qboolean delta );
void CL_UpdateStudioVars( cl_entity_t *ent, entity_state_t *newstate );
qboolean CL_GetEntitySpatialization( int ent, vec3_t origin, vec3_t velocity );
qboolean CL_IsPlayerIndex( int idx );
// cl_tent.c
int CL_AddEntity( int entityType, cl_entity_t *pEnt, shader_t customShader );
void CL_WeaponAnim( int iAnim, int body );
void CL_ClearEffects( void );
void CL_TestLights( void );
struct dlight_s *CL_AllocDlight( int key );
struct dlight_s *CL_AllocElight( int key );
void CL_LightForPoint( const vec3_t point, vec3_t ambientLight );
void CL_DecalShoot( HSPRITE hDecal, int entityIndex, int modelIndex, float *pos, int flags );
void CL_PlayerDecal( HSPRITE hDecal, int entityIndex, float *pos, byte *color );
void CL_QueueEvent( int flags, int index, float delay, event_args_t *args );
void CL_PlaybackEvent( int flags, const edict_t *pInvoker, word eventindex, float delay, float *origin,
float *angles, float fparam1, float fparam2, int iparam1, int iparam2, int bparam1, int bparam2 );
word CL_EventIndex( const char *name );
void CL_ResetEvent( event_info_t *ei );
void CL_FireEvents( void );
// console.c
qboolean Con_Visible( void );
void Con_Init( void );
void Con_VidInit( void );
void Con_ToggleConsole_f( void );
void Con_ClearNotify( void );
void Con_RunConsole( void );
void Con_DrawConsole( void );
void Con_DrawStringLen( const char *pText, int *length, int *height );
int Con_DrawString( int x, int y, const char *string, rgba_t setColor );
void Con_DefaultColor( int r, int g, int b );
void Con_CharEvent( int key );
void Key_Console( int key );
void Con_Close( void );
// cl_menu.c
void UI_UnloadProgs( void );
qboolean UI_LoadProgs( const char *name );
void UI_UpdateMenu( float realtime );
void UI_KeyEvent( int key, qboolean down );
void UI_MouseMove( int x, int y );
void UI_SetActiveMenu( qboolean fActive );
void UI_AddServerToList( netadr_t adr, const char *info );
void UI_GetCursorPos( int *pos_x, int *pos_y );
void UI_SetCursorPos( int pos_x, int pos_y );
void UI_ShowCursor( qboolean show );
qboolean UI_CreditsActive( void );
void UI_CharEvent( int key );
qboolean UI_MouseInRect( void );
qboolean UI_IsVisible( void );
// cl_video.c
void SCR_InitCinematic( void );
void SCR_FreeCinematic( void );
qboolean SCR_PlayCinematic( const char *name );
qboolean SCR_DrawCinematic( void );
void SCR_RunCinematic( void );
void SCR_StopCinematic( void );
void CL_PlayVideo_f( void );
// cl_world.c
extern areanode_t cl_areanodes[];
void CL_ClearWorld( void );
void CL_UnlinkEdict( cl_entity_t *ent );
void CL_LinkEdict( cl_entity_t *ent );
int CL_AreaEdicts( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, cl_entity_t **list, int maxcount, int areatype );
int CL_TruePointContents( const vec3_t p );
int CL_PointContents( const vec3_t p );