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// csg4.c
#include "bsplib.h"
char outbase[32];
int block_xl = -8, block_xh = 7, block_yl = -8, block_yh = 7;
int entity_num;
bool onlyents;
char path[MAX_SYSPATH];
node_t *block_nodes[10][10];
bool full_compile = false;
bool onlyents = false;
bool onlyvis = false;
bool onlyrad = false;
node_t *BlockTree (int xl, int yl, int xh, int yh)
node_t *node;
vec3_t normal;
float dist;
int mid;
if (xl == xh && yl == yh)
node = block_nodes[xl+5][yl+5];
if (!node)
{ // return an empty leaf
node = AllocNode ();
node->planenum = PLANENUM_LEAF;
node->contents = 0; //CONTENTS_SOLID;
return node;
return node;
// create a seperator along the largest axis
node = AllocNode ();
if (xh - xl > yh - yl)
{ // split x axis
mid = xl + (xh-xl)/2 + 1;
normal[0] = 1;
normal[1] = 0;
normal[2] = 0;
dist = mid*1024;
node->planenum = FindFloatPlane (normal, dist);
node->children[0] = BlockTree ( mid, yl, xh, yh);
node->children[1] = BlockTree ( xl, yl, mid-1, yh);
mid = yl + (yh-yl)/2 + 1;
normal[0] = 0;
normal[1] = 1;
normal[2] = 0;
dist = mid*1024;
node->planenum = FindFloatPlane (normal, dist);
node->children[0] = BlockTree ( xl, mid, xh, yh);
node->children[1] = BlockTree ( xl, yl, xh, mid-1);
return node;
int brush_start, brush_end;
void ProcessBlock_Thread (int blocknum)
int xblock, yblock;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
bspbrush_t *brushes;
tree_t *tree;
node_t *node;
yblock = block_yl + blocknum / (block_xh-block_xl+1);
xblock = block_xl + blocknum % (block_xh-block_xl+1);
mins[0] = xblock*1024;
mins[1] = yblock*1024;
mins[2] = -4096;
maxs[0] = (xblock+1)*1024;
maxs[1] = (yblock+1)*1024;
maxs[2] = 4096;
// the makelist and chopbrushes could be cached between the passes...
brushes = MakeBspBrushList (brush_start, brush_end, mins, maxs);
if (!brushes)
node = AllocNode ();
node->planenum = PLANENUM_LEAF;
node->contents = CONTENTS_SOLID;
block_nodes[xblock+5][yblock+5] = node;
brushes = ChopBrushes (brushes);
tree = BrushBSP (brushes, mins, maxs);
block_nodes[xblock+5][yblock+5] = tree->headnode;
void ProcessWorldModel (void)
bsp_entity_t *e;
tree_t *tree;
bool leaked;
bool optimize;
e = &entities[entity_num];
brush_start = e->firstbrush;
brush_end = brush_start + e->numbrushes;
leaked = false;
// perform per-block operations
if (block_xh * 1024 > map_maxs[0])
block_xh = floor(map_maxs[0]/1024.0);
if ( (block_xl+1) * 1024 < map_mins[0])
block_xl = floor(map_mins[0]/1024.0);
if (block_yh * 1024 > map_maxs[1])
block_yh = floor(map_maxs[1]/1024.0);
if ( (block_yl+1) * 1024 < map_mins[1])
block_yl = floor(map_mins[1]/1024.0);
if (block_xl <-4) block_xl = -4;
if (block_yl <-4) block_yl = -4;
if (block_xh > 3) block_xh = 3;
if (block_yh > 3) block_yh = 3;
for (optimize = false ; optimize <= true ; optimize++)
RunThreadsOnIndividual ((block_xh-block_xl+1)*(block_yh-block_yl+1), true, ProcessBlock_Thread);
// build the division tree
// oversizing the blocks guarantees that all the boundaries
// will also get nodes.
tree = AllocTree ();
tree->headnode = BlockTree (block_xl-1, block_yl-1, block_xh+1, block_yh+1);
tree->mins[0] = (block_xl)*1024;
tree->mins[1] = (block_yl)*1024;
tree->mins[2] = map_mins[2] - 8;
tree->maxs[0] = (block_xh+1)*1024;
tree->maxs[1] = (block_yh+1)*1024;
tree->maxs[2] = map_maxs[2] + 8;
// perform the global operations
MakeTreePortals (tree);
if (FloodEntities (tree))
FillOutside (tree->headnode);
Msg("**** leaked ****\n");
leaked = true;
LeakFile (tree);
MarkVisibleSides (tree, brush_start, brush_end);
if (leaked) break;
if (!optimize)
FreeTree (tree);
FloodAreas (tree);
MakeFaces (tree->headnode);
FixTjuncs (tree->headnode);
PruneNodes (tree->headnode);
WriteBSP (tree->headnode);
if (!leaked)
WritePortalFile (tree);
FreeTree (tree);
void ProcessSubModel (void)
bsp_entity_t *e;
int start, end;
tree_t *tree;
bspbrush_t *list;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
e = &entities[entity_num];
start = e->firstbrush;
end = start + e->numbrushes;
mins[0] = mins[1] = mins[2] = -4096;
maxs[0] = maxs[1] = maxs[2] = 4096;
list = MakeBspBrushList (start, end, mins, maxs);
list = ChopBrushes (list);
tree = BrushBSP (list, mins, maxs);
MakeTreePortals (tree);
MarkVisibleSides (tree, start, end);
MakeFaces (tree->headnode);
FixTjuncs (tree->headnode);
WriteBSP (tree->headnode);
FreeTree (tree);
void ProcessModels (void)
BeginBSPFile ();
for (entity_num = 0; entity_num < num_entities; entity_num++)
if (!entities[entity_num].numbrushes)
BeginModel ();
if (entity_num == 0) ProcessWorldModel ();
else ProcessSubModel ();
EndModel ();
EndBSPFile ();
void WbspMain ( bool option )
onlyents = option;
Msg("---- CSG ---- [%s]\n", onlyents ? "onlyents" : "normal" );
// delete portal and line files
com.sprintf (path, "%s/maps/%s.prt", com.GameInfo->gamedir, gs_mapname);
com.sprintf (path, "%s/maps/%s.lin", com.GameInfo->gamedir, gs_mapname);
// if onlyents, just grab the entites and resave
if (onlyents)
num_entities = 0;
// start from scratch
LoadMapFile ();
SetModelNumbers ();
SetLightStyles ();
ProcessModels ();
bool PrepareBSPModel ( const char *dir, const char *name, byte params )
int numshaders;
if( dir ) com.strncpy(gs_basedir, dir, sizeof(gs_basedir));
if( name ) com.strncpy(gs_mapname, name, sizeof(gs_mapname));
//copy state
onlyents = (params & BSP_ONLYENTS) ? true : false;
onlyvis = (params & BSP_ONLYVIS) ? true : false ;
onlyrad = (params & BSP_ONLYRAD) ? true : false;
full_compile = (params & BSP_FULLCOMPILE) ? true : false;
// don't worry about that
numshaders = LoadShaderInfo();
Msg( "%5i shaderInfo\n", numshaders );
return true;
bool CompileBSPModel ( void )
// must be first!
if( onlyents ) WbspMain( true );
else if( onlyvis && !onlyrad ) WvisMain ( full_compile );
else if( onlyrad && !onlyvis ) WradMain( full_compile );
else if( onlyrad && onlyvis )
WbspMain( false );
WvisMain( full_compile );
WradMain( full_compile );
else WbspMain( false ); //just create bsp
if( onlyrad && onlyvis && full_compile )
// delete all temporary files after final compile
com.sprintf(path, "%s/maps/%s.prt", com.GameInfo->gamedir, gs_mapname);
com.sprintf(path, "%s/maps/%s.lin", com.GameInfo->gamedir, gs_mapname);
com.sprintf(path, "%s/maps/%s.log", com.GameInfo->gamedir, gs_mapname);
return true;