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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// studio_utils.c - common compiler funcs
#include "mdllib.h"
int used[MAXSTUDIOTRIANGLES]; // the command list holds counts and s/t values
short commands[MAXSTUDIOTRIANGLES * 13]; //that are valid for every frame
int stripverts[MAXSTUDIOTRIANGLES+2];
int striptris[MAXSTUDIOTRIANGLES+2];
int neighbortri[MAXSTUDIOTRIANGLES][3];
int neighboredge[MAXSTUDIOTRIANGLES][3];
s_trianglevert_t (*triangles)[3];
void OptimizeAnimations( void )
int i, j;
int n, m;
int type;
int q;
int iError = 0;
// optimize animations
for (i = 0; i < numseq; i++)
sequence[i].numframes = sequence[i].panim[0]->endframe - sequence[i].panim[0]->startframe + 1;
// force looping animations to be looping
if (sequence[i].flags & STUDIO_LOOPING)
for (j = 0; j < sequence[i].panim[0]->numbones; j++)
for (q = 0; q < sequence[i].numblends; q++)
vec3_t *ppos = sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[j];
vec3_t *prot = sequence[i].panim[q]->rot[j];
n = 0; // sequence[i].panim[q]->startframe;
m = sequence[i].numframes - 1;
type = sequence[i].motiontype;
if (!(type & STUDIO_LX)) ppos[m][0] = ppos[n][0];
if (!(type & STUDIO_LY)) ppos[m][1] = ppos[n][1];
if (!(type & STUDIO_LZ)) ppos[m][2] = ppos[n][2];
prot[m][0] = prot[n][0];
prot[m][1] = prot[n][1];
prot[m][2] = prot[n][2];
for (j = 0; j < sequence[i].numevents; j++)
if (sequence[i].event[j].frame < sequence[i].panim[0]->startframe)
Msg( "sequence %s has event (%d) before first frame (%d)\n", sequence[i].name, sequence[i].event[j].frame, sequence[i].panim[0]->startframe );
sequence[i].event[j].frame = sequence[i].panim[0]->startframe;
if (sequence[i].event[j].frame > sequence[i].panim[0]->endframe)
Msg( "sequence %s has event (%d) after last frame (%d)\n", sequence[i].name, sequence[i].event[j].frame, sequence[i].panim[0]->endframe );
sequence[i].event[j].frame = sequence[i].panim[0]->endframe;
sequence[i].frameoffset = sequence[i].panim[0]->startframe;
void FindNeighbor (int starttri, int startv)
s_trianglevert_t m1, m2;
s_trianglevert_t *last, *check;
int j, k;
// used[starttri] |= (1 << startv);
last = &triangles[starttri][0];
m1 = last[(startv+1)%3];
m2 = last[(startv+0)%3];
for (j = starttri + 1, check = &triangles[starttri + 1][0]; j < pmesh->numtris; j++, check += 3)
if (used[j] == 7) continue;
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
if (memcmp(&check[k],&m1,sizeof(m1))) continue;
if (memcmp(&check[ (k+1)%3 ],&m2,sizeof(m2))) continue;
neighbortri[starttri][startv] = j;
neighboredge[starttri][startv] = k;
neighbortri[j][k] = starttri;
neighboredge[j][k] = startv;
used[starttri] |= (1 << startv);
used[j] |= (1 << k);
int StripLength (int starttri, int startv)
int j, k;
used[starttri] = 2;
stripverts[0] = (startv)%3;
stripverts[1] = (startv+1)%3;
stripverts[2] = (startv+2)%3;
striptris[0] = starttri;
striptris[1] = starttri;
striptris[2] = starttri;
stripcount = 3;
while( 1 )
if (stripcount & 1)
j = neighbortri[starttri][(startv+1)%3];
k = neighboredge[starttri][(startv+1)%3];
j = neighbortri[starttri][(startv+2)%3];
k = neighboredge[starttri][(startv+2)%3];
if (j == -1 || used[j]) goto done;
stripverts[stripcount] = (k+2)%3;
striptris[stripcount] = j;
used[j] = 2;
starttri = j;
startv = k;
// clear the temp used flags
for (j = 0; j < pmesh->numtris; j++)
if (used[j] == 2) used[j] = 0;
return stripcount;
int FanLength (int starttri, int startv)
int j, k;
used[starttri] = 2;
stripverts[0] = (startv)%3;
stripverts[1] = (startv+1)%3;
stripverts[2] = (startv+2)%3;
striptris[0] = starttri;
striptris[1] = starttri;
striptris[2] = starttri;
stripcount = 3;
while( 1 )
j = neighbortri[starttri][(startv+2)%3];
k = neighboredge[starttri][(startv+2)%3];
if (j == -1 || used[j]) goto done;
stripverts[stripcount] = (k+2)%3;
striptris[stripcount] = j;
used[j] = 2;
starttri = j;
startv = k;
// clear the temp used flags
for (j=0 ; j<pmesh->numtris ; j++)
if (used[j] == 2) used[j] = 0;
return stripcount;
int BuildTris (s_trianglevert_t (*x)[3], s_mesh_t *y, byte **ppdata )
int i, j, k, m;
int startv;
int len, bestlen, besttype;
int type;
int total = 0;
long t;
int maxlen;
triangles = x;
pmesh = y;
t = time( NULL );
for (i = 0; i < pmesh->numtris; i++)
neighbortri[i][0] = neighbortri[i][1] = neighbortri[i][2] = -1;
used[i] = 0;
peak[i] = pmesh->numtris;
for (i = 0; i < pmesh->numtris; i++)
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
if (used[i] & (1 << k)) continue;
FindNeighbor( i, k );
// build tristrips
numcommandnodes = 0;
numcommands = 0;
memset (used, 0, sizeof(used));
for (i=0 ; i<pmesh->numtris ;)
// pick an unused triangle and start the trifan
if (used[i])
maxlen = 9999;
bestlen = 0;
m = 0;
for (k = i; k < pmesh->numtris && bestlen < 127; k++)
int localpeak = 0;
if (used[k]) continue;
if (peak[k] <= bestlen) continue;
for (type = 0 ; type < 2 ; type++)
for (startv =0 ; startv < 3 ; startv++)
if (type == 1) len = FanLength (k, startv);
else len = StripLength (k, startv);
if (len > 127)
// skip these, they are too long to encode
else if (len > bestlen)
besttype = type;
bestlen = len;
for (j = 0; j < bestlen; j++)
besttris[j] = striptris[j];
bestverts[j] = stripverts[j];
if (len > localpeak) localpeak = len;
peak[k] = localpeak;
if (localpeak == maxlen) break;
total += (bestlen - 2);
maxlen = bestlen;
// mark the tris on the best strip as used
for (j = 0; j < bestlen; j++)
used[besttris[j]] = 1;
if (besttype == 1) commands[numcommands++] = -bestlen;
else commands[numcommands++] = bestlen;
for (j = 0; j < bestlen; j++)
s_trianglevert_t *tri;
tri = &triangles[besttris[j]][bestverts[j]];
commands[numcommands++] = tri->vertindex;
commands[numcommands++] = tri->normindex;
commands[numcommands++] = tri->s;
commands[numcommands++] = tri->t;
if (t != time(NULL))
Msg("%2d%%\r", (total * 100) / pmesh->numtris );
t = time(NULL);
commands[numcommands++] = 0;// end of list marker
*ppdata = (byte *)commands;
return numcommands * sizeof( short );
void ExtractMotion( void )
int i, j, k, q;
// extract linear motion
for (i = 0; i < numseq; i++)
if (sequence[i].numframes > 1)
// assume 0 for now.
int type;
vec3_t *ppos;
vec3_t motion = {0,0,0};
type = sequence[i].motiontype;
ppos = sequence[i].panim[0]->pos[0];
k = sequence[i].numframes - 1;
if (type & STUDIO_LX) motion[0] = ppos[k][0] - ppos[0][0];
if (type & STUDIO_LY) motion[1] = ppos[k][1] - ppos[0][1];
if (type & STUDIO_LZ) motion[2] = ppos[k][2] - ppos[0][2];
for (j = 0; j < sequence[i].numframes; j++)
vec3_t adj;
for (k = 0; k < sequence[i].panim[0]->numbones; k++)
if (sequence[i].panim[0]->node[k].parent == -1)
ppos = sequence[i].panim[0]->pos[k];
VectorScale( motion, j * 1.0 / (sequence[i].numframes - 1), adj );
for (q = 0; q < sequence[i].numblends; q++)
VectorSubtract( sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[k][j], adj, sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[k][j] );
VectorCopy( motion, sequence[i].linearmovement );
VectorSubtract( sequence[i].linearmovement, sequence[i].linearmovement, sequence[i].linearmovement );
// extract unused motion
for (i = 0; i < numseq; i++)
int type = sequence[i].motiontype;
for (k = 0; k < sequence[i].panim[0]->numbones; k++)
if (sequence[i].panim[0]->node[k].parent == -1)
for (q = 0; q < sequence[i].numblends; q++)
float motion[6];
motion[0] = sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[k][0][0];
motion[1] = sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[k][0][1];
motion[2] = sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[k][0][2];
motion[3] = sequence[i].panim[q]->rot[k][0][0];
motion[4] = sequence[i].panim[q]->rot[k][0][1];
motion[5] = sequence[i].panim[q]->rot[k][0][2];
for (j = 0; j < sequence[i].numframes; j++)
//if (type & STUDIO_X) sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[k][j][0] = motion[0];
//if (type & STUDIO_Y) sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[k][j][1] = motion[1];
//if (type & STUDIO_Z) sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[k][j][2] = motion[2];
if (type & STUDIO_XR) sequence[i].panim[q]->rot[k][j][0] = motion[3];
if (type & STUDIO_YR) sequence[i].panim[q]->rot[k][j][1] = motion[4];
if (type & STUDIO_ZR) sequence[i].panim[q]->rot[k][j][2] = motion[5];
// extract auto motion
for (i = 0; i < numseq; i++)
// assume 0 for now.
int type;
vec3_t *ppos;
vec3_t *prot;
vec3_t motion = {0,0,0};
vec3_t angles = {0,0,0};
type = sequence[i].motiontype;
for (j = 0; j < sequence[i].numframes; j++)
ppos = sequence[i].panim[0]->pos[0];
prot = sequence[i].panim[0]->rot[0];
if (type & STUDIO_AX) motion[0] = ppos[j][0] - ppos[0][0];
if (type & STUDIO_AY) motion[1] = ppos[j][1] - ppos[0][1];
if (type & STUDIO_AZ) motion[2] = ppos[j][2] - ppos[0][2];
if (type & STUDIO_AXR) angles[0] = prot[j][0] - prot[0][0];
if (type & STUDIO_AYR) angles[1] = prot[j][1] - prot[0][1];
if (type & STUDIO_AZR) angles[2] = prot[j][2] - prot[0][2];
VectorCopy( motion, sequence[i].automovepos[j] );
VectorCopy( angles, sequence[i].automoveangle[j] );
for (k = 0; k < sequence[i].panim[0]->numbones; k++)
if (sequence[i].panim[0]->node[k].parent == -1)
for (q = 0; q < sequence[i].numblends; q++)
// VectorSubtract( sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[k][j], motion, sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[k][j] );
// VectorSubtract( sequence[i].panim[q]->rot[k][j], angles, sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[k][j] );
int findNode( char *name )
int k;
for (k = 0; k < numbones; k++)
if (strcmp( bonetable[k].name, name ) == 0)
return k;
return -1;
void MakeTransitions( void )
int i, j, k;
int iHit;
// add in direct node transitions
for (i = 0; i < numseq; i++)
if (sequence[i].entrynode != sequence[i].exitnode)
xnode[sequence[i].entrynode-1][sequence[i].exitnode-1] = sequence[i].exitnode;
if (sequence[i].nodeflags)
xnode[sequence[i].exitnode-1][sequence[i].entrynode-1] = sequence[i].entrynode;
if (sequence[i].entrynode > numxnodes) numxnodes = sequence[i].entrynode;
// add multi-stage transitions
iHit = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= numxnodes; i++)
for (j = 1; j <= numxnodes; j++)
// if I can't go there directly
if (i != j && xnode[i-1][j-1] == 0)
for (k = 1; k < numxnodes; k++)
// but I found someone who knows how that I can get to
if (xnode[k-1][j-1] > 0 && xnode[i-1][k-1] > 0)
// then go to them
xnode[i-1][j-1] = -xnode[i-1][k-1];
iHit = 1;
// reset previous pass so the links can be used in the next pass
for (i = 1; i <= numxnodes; i++)
for (j = 1; j <= numxnodes; j++)
xnode[i-1][j-1] = abs( xnode[i-1][j-1] );
int lookup_texture( char *texturename )
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numtextures; i++)
if (stricmp( texture[i].name, texturename ) == 0)
return i;
strncpy( texture[i].name, texturename, sizeof(texture[i].name));
if(stristr( texturename, "chrome" ) != NULL)
else if(stristr( texturename, "bright" ) != NULL)
else texture[i].flags = 0;
return i;
s_mesh_t *lookup_mesh( s_model_t *pmodel, char *texturename )
int i, j;
j = lookup_texture( texturename );
for (i = 0; i < pmodel->nummesh; i++)
if (pmodel->pmesh[i]->skinref == j)
return pmodel->pmesh[i];
if (i >= MAXSTUDIOMESHES) Sys_Error( "too many meshes in model: \"%s\"\n", pmodel->name );
pmodel->nummesh = i + 1;
pmodel->pmesh[i] = Kalloc( sizeof( s_mesh_t ) );
pmodel->pmesh[i]->skinref = j;
return pmodel->pmesh[i];
s_trianglevert_t *lookup_triangle( s_mesh_t *pmesh, int index )
if (index >= pmesh->alloctris)
int start = pmesh->alloctris;
pmesh->alloctris = index + 256;
pmesh->triangle = Realloc( pmesh->triangle, pmesh->alloctris * sizeof( *pmesh->triangle ));
return pmesh->triangle[index];
int lookup_normal( s_model_t *pmodel, s_normal_t *pnormal )
int i;
for (i = 0; i < pmodel->numnorms; i++)
if (DotProduct( pmodel->normal[i].org, pnormal->org ) > normal_blend && pmodel->normal[i].bone == pnormal->bone && pmodel->normal[i].skinref == pnormal->skinref)
return i;
if (i >= MAXSTUDIOVERTS) Sys_Error( "too many normals in model: \"%s\"\n", pmodel->name);
VectorCopy( pnormal->org, pmodel->normal[i].org );
pmodel->normal[i].bone = pnormal->bone;
pmodel->normal[i].skinref = pnormal->skinref;
pmodel->numnorms = i + 1;
return i;
int lookup_vertex( s_model_t *pmodel, s_vertex_t *pv )
int i;
// assume 2 digits of accuracy
pv->org[0] = (int)(pv->org[0] * 100) / 100.0;
pv->org[1] = (int)(pv->org[1] * 100) / 100.0;
pv->org[2] = (int)(pv->org[2] * 100) / 100.0;
for (i = 0; i < pmodel->numverts; i++)
if (VectorCompare( pmodel->vert[i].org, pv->org ) && pmodel->vert[i].bone == pv->bone)
return i;
if (i >= MAXSTUDIOVERTS) Sys_Error( "too many vertices in model: \"%s\"\n", pmodel->name);
VectorCopy( pv->org, pmodel->vert[i].org );
pmodel->vert[i].bone = pv->bone;
pmodel->numverts = i + 1;
return i;
int lookupControl( char *string )
if (stricmp(string,"X")==0) return STUDIO_X;
if (stricmp(string,"Y")==0) return STUDIO_Y;
if (stricmp(string,"Z")==0) return STUDIO_Z;
if (stricmp(string,"XR")==0) return STUDIO_XR;
if (stricmp(string,"YR")==0) return STUDIO_YR;
if (stricmp(string,"ZR")==0) return STUDIO_ZR;
if (stricmp(string,"LX")==0) return STUDIO_LX;
if (stricmp(string,"LY")==0) return STUDIO_LY;
if (stricmp(string,"LZ")==0) return STUDIO_LZ;
if (stricmp(string,"AX")==0) return STUDIO_AX;
if (stricmp(string,"AY")==0) return STUDIO_AY;
if (stricmp(string,"AZ")==0) return STUDIO_AZ;
if (stricmp(string,"AXR")==0) return STUDIO_AXR;
if (stricmp(string,"AYR")==0) return STUDIO_AYR;
if (stricmp(string,"AZR")==0) return STUDIO_AZR;
return -1;
void adjust_vertex( float *org )
org[0] = (org[0] - adjust[0]);
org[1] = (org[1] - adjust[1]);
org[2] = (org[2] - adjust[2]);
void scale_vertex( float *org )
float tmp = org[0];
org[0] = org[0] * scale_up;
org[1] = org[1] * scale_up;
org[2] = org[2] * scale_up;
void clip_rotations( vec3_t rot )
int j;// clip everything to : -M_PI <= x < M_PI
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
while (rot[j] >= M_PI) rot[j] -= M_PI*2;
while (rot[j] < -M_PI) rot[j] += M_PI*2;
int lookupActivity( char *szActivity )
int i;
for (i = 0; activity_map[i].name; i++)
if (!stricmp( szActivity, activity_map[i].name ))
return activity_map[i].type;
// match ACT_#
if (!strnicmp( szActivity, "ACT_", 4 ))
return atoi( &szActivity[4] );
return 0;
void TextureCoordRanges( s_mesh_t *pmesh, s_texture_t *ptexture )
int i, j;
if (ptexture->flags & STUDIO_NF_CHROME)
ptexture->skintop = 0;
ptexture->skinleft = 0;
ptexture->skinwidth = (ptexture->srcwidth + 3) & ~3;
ptexture->skinheight = ptexture->srcheight;
for (i = 0; i < pmesh->numtris; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
pmesh->triangle[i][j].s = 0;
pmesh->triangle[i][j].t = 0;
ptexture->max_s = 63;
ptexture->min_s = 0;
ptexture->max_t = 63;
ptexture->min_t = 0;
for (i = 0; i < pmesh->numtris; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if (pmesh->triangle[i][j].u > 2.0) pmesh->triangle[i][j].u = 2.0;
if (pmesh->triangle[i][j].u < -1.0) pmesh->triangle[i][j].u = -1.0;
if (pmesh->triangle[i][j].v > 2.0) pmesh->triangle[i][j].v = 2.0;
if (pmesh->triangle[i][j].v < -1.0) pmesh->triangle[i][j].v = -1.0;
// pack texture coords
if (!clip_texcoords)
int k, n;
float min_u = 10;
float max_u = -10;
float k_max_u, n_min_u;
k = -1;
n = -1;
for (i = 0; i < pmesh->numtris; i++)
float local_min, local_max;
local_min = min( pmesh->triangle[i][0].u, min( pmesh->triangle[i][1].u, pmesh->triangle[i][2].u ));
local_max = max( pmesh->triangle[i][0].u, max( pmesh->triangle[i][1].u, pmesh->triangle[i][2].u ));
if (local_min < min_u) { min_u = local_min; k = i; k_max_u = local_max; }
if (local_max > max_u) { max_u = local_max; n = i; n_min_u = local_min; }
if (k_max_u + 1.0 < max_u)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) pmesh->triangle[k][j].u += 1.0;
else if (n_min_u - 1.0 > min_u)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) pmesh->triangle[n][j].u -= 1.0;
else break;
} while (1);
float min_v = 10;
float max_v = -10;
float k_max_v, n_min_v;
k = -1;
n = -1;
for (i = 0; i < pmesh->numtris ; i++)
float local_min, local_max;
local_min = min( pmesh->triangle[i][0].v, min( pmesh->triangle[i][1].v, pmesh->triangle[i][2].v ));
local_max = max( pmesh->triangle[i][0].v, max( pmesh->triangle[i][1].v, pmesh->triangle[i][2].v ));
if (local_min < min_v) { min_v = local_min; k = i; k_max_v = local_max; }
if (local_max > max_v) { max_v = local_max; n = i; n_min_v = local_min; }
if (k_max_v + 1.0 < max_v)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) pmesh->triangle[k][j].v += 1.0;
else if (n_min_v - 1.0 > min_v)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) pmesh->triangle[n][j].v -= 1.0;
else break;
} while (1);
for (i = 0; i < pmesh->numtris; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if (pmesh->triangle[i][j].u < 0) pmesh->triangle[i][j].u = 0;
if (pmesh->triangle[i][j].u > 1) pmesh->triangle[i][j].u = 1;
if (pmesh->triangle[i][j].v < 0) pmesh->triangle[i][j].v = 0;
if (pmesh->triangle[i][j].v > 1) pmesh->triangle[i][j].v = 1;
// convert to pixel coordinates
for (i = 0; i < pmesh->numtris ; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
// FIXME: losing texture coord resultion!
pmesh->triangle[i][j].s = pmesh->triangle[i][j].u * (ptexture->srcwidth - 1);
pmesh->triangle[i][j].t = pmesh->triangle[i][j].v * (ptexture->srcheight - 1);
// find the range
if (!clip_texcoords)
for (i = 0; i < pmesh->numtris; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
ptexture->max_s = max( pmesh->triangle[i][j].s, ptexture->max_s );
ptexture->min_s = min( pmesh->triangle[i][j].s, ptexture->min_s );
ptexture->max_t = max( pmesh->triangle[i][j].t, ptexture->max_t );
ptexture->min_t = min( pmesh->triangle[i][j].t, ptexture->min_t );
ptexture->max_s = ptexture->srcwidth-1;
ptexture->min_s = 0;
ptexture->max_t = ptexture->srcheight-1;
ptexture->min_t = 0;
void ResetTextureCoordRanges( s_mesh_t *pmesh, s_texture_t *ptexture )
int i, j;
// adjust top, left edge
for (i=0 ; i<pmesh->numtris ; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
pmesh->triangle[i][j].s -= ptexture->min_s;
pmesh->triangle[i][j].t = (ptexture->max_t - ptexture->min_t) - (pmesh->triangle[i][j].t - ptexture->min_t);
void ResizeTexture( s_texture_t *ptexture )
int i, j, s, t;
byte *pdest;
int srcadjwidth;
// make the width a multiple of 4; some hardware requires this, and it ensures
// dword alignment for each scan
ptexture->skintop = ptexture->min_t;
ptexture->skinleft = ptexture->min_s;
ptexture->skinwidth = (int)((ptexture->max_s - ptexture->min_s) + 1 + 3) & ~3;
ptexture->skinheight = (int)(ptexture->max_t - ptexture->min_t) + 1;
ptexture->size = ptexture->skinwidth * ptexture->skinheight + 256 * 3;
Msg("BMP %s [%d %d] (%.0f%%) %6d bytes\n", ptexture->name, ptexture->skinwidth, ptexture->skinheight, ((ptexture->skinwidth * ptexture->skinheight) / (float)(ptexture->srcwidth * ptexture->srcheight)) * 100.0f, ptexture->size );
if (ptexture->size > 1024 * 1024)
Msg("%g %g %g %g\n", ptexture->min_s, ptexture->max_s, ptexture->min_t, ptexture->max_t );
Sys_Error("texture too large\n");
pdest = Kalloc( ptexture->size );
ptexture->pdata = pdest;
// data is saved as a multiple of 4
srcadjwidth = (ptexture->srcwidth + 3) & ~3;
// move the picture data to the model area, replicating missing data, deleting unused data.
for (i = 0, t = ptexture->srcheight - ptexture->skinheight - ptexture->skintop + 10 * ptexture->srcheight; i < ptexture->skinheight; i++, t++)
while (t >= ptexture->srcheight) t -= ptexture->srcheight;
while (t < 0) t += ptexture->srcheight;
for (j = 0, s = ptexture->skinleft + 10 * ptexture->srcwidth; j < ptexture->skinwidth; j++, s++)
while (s >= ptexture->srcwidth) s -= ptexture->srcwidth;
*(pdest++) = *(ptexture->ppicture + s + t * srcadjwidth);
// TODO: process the texture and flag it if fullbright or transparent are used.
// TODO: only save as many palette entries as are actually used.
if (gamma != 1.8)
// gamma correct the monster textures to a gamma of 1.8
float g;
byte *psrc = (byte *)ptexture->ppal;
g = gamma / 1.8;
for (i = 0; i < 768; i++) pdest[i] = pow( psrc[i] / 255.0, g ) * 255;
else memcpy( pdest, ptexture->ppal, 256 * sizeof( rgb_t ) );
Free( ptexture->ppicture );
Free( ptexture->ppal );