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// Copyright XashXT Group 2010 Š
// r_particle.h - another particle manager (come from q2e 0.40)
#ifndef R_PARTICLE_H
#define R_PARTICLE_H
#define MAX_PARTICLES 4096
#define SIMSHIFT 10
typedef enum
pt_clientcustom // Must have callback function specified
} ptype_t;
class CBaseParticle
CBaseParticle *m_pNext; // linked list
HSPRITE m_hSprite; // custom texture
float m_flLifetime;
byte m_Color[4]; // RGBA - not all effects need to use this.
ptype_t m_Type;
Vector m_Pos;
Vector m_Velocity;
word m_Ramp;
byte context; // for deathfunc etc
// tracer stuff
float m_flWidth;
float m_flLength;
// Color and alpha values are 0 - 1
void SetColor( int pcolor );
void SetColor( float r, float g, float b ); // 0 - 1
void SetColor( int color[3] ); // 0 - 255
void SetAlpha( float a );
void SetType( ptype_t ptype ) { m_Type = ptype; }
ptype_t GetType( void ) { return m_Type; };
void SetLifetime( float life ) { m_flLifetime = gpGlobals->time + life; }
float GetLifetime( void ) { return m_flLifetime; }
void SetTexture( HSPRITE hSpr ) { m_hSprite = hSpr; }
void (*pfnCallback)( CBaseParticle *pPart, float frametime ); // for pt_clientcustom
void (*pfnDeathFunc)( CBaseParticle *pPart );
inline void CBaseParticle :: SetColor( int pcolor )
float entry[3];
CL_GetPaletteColor( pcolor, entry );
m_Color[0] = (byte)entry[0];
m_Color[1] = (byte)entry[1];
m_Color[2] = (byte)entry[2];
m_Color[3] = 0xFF; // no alpha
inline void CBaseParticle :: SetColor( int color[3] )
m_Color[0] = color[0];
m_Color[1] = color[1];
m_Color[2] = color[2];
m_Color[3] = 0xFF; // no alpha
inline void CBaseParticle :: SetColor( float r, float g, float b )
m_Color[0] = (byte)(r * 255.9f);
m_Color[1] = (byte)(g * 255.9f);
m_Color[2] = (byte)(b * 255.9f);
inline void CBaseParticle :: SetAlpha( float a )
m_Color[3] = (byte)(a * 255.9f);
class CParticleSystem
CBaseParticle *m_pActiveParticles;
CBaseParticle *m_pFreeParticles;
CBaseParticle m_pParticles[MAX_PARTICLES]; // particle pool
Vector m_vecAvertexNormals[NUMVERTEXNORMALS];
Vector m_vecAvelocities[NUMVERTEXNORMALS];
// this is a cached local copy of Q1 palette (comed from engine)
byte m_uchPalette[256][3];
// private partsystem shaders
HSPRITE m_hDefaultParticle;
CParticleSystem( void );
virtual ~CParticleSystem( void );
void Clear( void );
void Update( void );
void SimulateAndRender( CBaseParticle *pCur );
void FreeParticle( CBaseParticle *pCur );
CBaseParticle *AllocParticle( HSPRITE m_hSpr = 0 );
float GetTimeDelta( void ) { return gpGlobals->frametime; }
// draw methods
void DrawParticle( HSPRITE hSpr, const Vector &pos, const byte color[4], float size );
// begin user effects here
void EntityParticles( cl_entity_t *ent );
void ParticleEffect( const Vector org, const Vector dir, int color, int count );
void ParticleExplosion( const Vector org );
void ParticleExplosion2( const Vector org, int colorStart, int colorLength );
void BlobExplosion( const Vector org );
void LavaSplash( const Vector org );
void TeleportSplash( const Vector org );
void RocketTrail( const Vector org, const Vector end, int type );
void SparkleTracer( const Vector& pos, const Vector& dir );
void BulletTracer( const Vector& pos, const Vector& end );
void StreakTracer( const Vector& pos, const Vector& velocity, int color );
extern CParticleSystem *g_pParticles;
extern ref_params_t *gpViewParams;