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// Copyright XashXT Group 2010 ©
// r_tempents.cpp - tempentity management
#include "extdll.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "studio_event.h"
#include "triangle_api.h"
#include "effects_api.h"
#include "entity_types.h"
#include "pm_movevars.h"
#include "r_particle.h"
#include "r_tempents.h"
#include "pm_defs.h"
#include "ev_hldm.h"
#include "r_beams.h"
#include "hud.h"
extern TEMPENTITY *m_pEndFlare;
extern TEMPENTITY *m_pLaserSpot;
CTempEnts *g_pTempEnts;
// Purpose:
CTempEnts::CTempEnts( void )
memset( m_TempEnts, 0, sizeof( TEMPENTITY ) * MAX_TEMP_ENTITIES );
m_pFreeTempEnts = m_TempEnts;
m_pActiveTempEnts = NULL;
// Purpose:
CTempEnts::~CTempEnts( void )
// free pvEngineData pointers
void CTempEnts::TE_Prepare( TEMPENTITY *pTemp, int modelIndex )
int frameCount;
// Use these to set per-frame and termination conditions / actions
pTemp->flags = FTENT_NONE;
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time + 0.75f;
frameCount = GetModelFrames( modelIndex );
pTemp->entity.curstate.modelindex = modelIndex;
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderNormal;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderfx = kRenderFxNone;
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendercolor.r = 255;
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendercolor.g = 255;
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendercolor.b = 255;
pTemp->frameMax = max( 0, frameCount - 1 );
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderamt = 255;
pTemp->entity.curstate.body = 0;
pTemp-> = 0;
pTemp->fadeSpeed = 0.5f;
pTemp->hitSound = 0;
pTemp->clientIndex = 0;
pTemp->bounceFactor = 1;
pTemp->entity.baseline.scale = 1.0f;
int CTempEnts::TE_Active( TEMPENTITY *pTemp )
bool active = true;
float life;
if( !pTemp ) return false;
life = pTemp->die - gpGlobals->time;
if( life < 0.0f )
if( pTemp->flags & FTENT_FADEOUT )
int alpha;
if( pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode == kRenderNormal )
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderTransTexture;
alpha = pTemp->entity.baseline.renderamt * ( 1.0f + life * pTemp->fadeSpeed );
if( alpha <= 0 )
active = false;
alpha = 0;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderamt = alpha;
active = false;
// never die tempents only die when their die is cleared
if( pTemp->flags & FTENT_NEVERDIE )
active = (pTemp->die != 0.0f);
return active;
int CTempEnts::TE_Update( TEMPENTITY *pTemp )
// before first frame when movevars not initialized
if( !gpMovevars )
Con_Printf( "ERROR: TempEntUpdate: no movevars!!!\n" );
return true;
float gravity, gravitySlow, fastFreq;
float frametime = gpGlobals->frametime;
fastFreq = gpGlobals->time * 5.5;
gravity = -frametime * gpMovevars->gravity;
gravitySlow = gravity * 0.5;
// in order to have tents collide with players, we have to run the player prediction code so
// that the client has the player list. We run this code once when we detect any COLLIDEALL
// tent, then set this BOOL to true so the code doesn't get run again if there's more than
// one COLLIDEALL ent for this update. (often are).
g_engfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetUpPlayerPrediction( false, true );
// Store off the old count
// Now add in all of the players.
g_engfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetSolidPlayers ( -1 );
// save oldorigin
pTemp->entity.prevstate.origin = pTemp->entity.origin;
if( pTemp->flags & FTENT_SPARKSHOWER )
// adjust speed if it's time
// scale is next think time
if( gpGlobals->time > pTemp->entity.baseline.scale )
// show Sparks
DoSparks( pTemp->entity.origin );
// reduce life
pTemp->entity.baseline.framerate -= 0.1f;
if( pTemp->entity.baseline.framerate <= 0.0f )
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time;
// so it will die no matter what
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time + 0.5f;
// next think
pTemp->entity.baseline.scale = gpGlobals->time + 0.1f;
else if( pTemp->flags & FTENT_PLYRATTACHMENT )
cl_entity_t *pClient = GetEntityByIndex( pTemp->clientIndex );
if( pClient )
pTemp->entity.origin = pClient->origin + pTemp->tentOffset;
else if( pTemp->flags & FTENT_SINEWAVE )
pTemp->x += pTemp->entity.baseline.origin.x * frametime;
pTemp->y += pTemp->entity.baseline.origin.y * frametime;
pTemp->entity.origin.x = pTemp->x + sin( pTemp->entity.baseline.origin.z + gpGlobals->time ) * ( 10 * pTemp->entity.baseline.scale );
pTemp->entity.origin.y = pTemp->y + sin( pTemp->entity.baseline.origin.z + fastFreq + 0.7f ) * ( 8 * pTemp->entity.baseline.scale);
pTemp->entity.origin.z = pTemp->entity.origin.z + pTemp->entity.baseline.origin[2] * frametime;
else if( pTemp->flags & FTENT_SPIRAL )
float s, c;
s = sin( pTemp->entity.baseline.origin.z + fastFreq );
c = cos( pTemp->entity.baseline.origin.z + fastFreq );
pTemp->entity.origin.x = pTemp->entity.origin.x + pTemp->entity.baseline.origin.x * frametime + 8 * sin( gpGlobals->time * 20 );
pTemp->entity.origin.y = pTemp->entity.origin.y + pTemp->entity.baseline.origin.y * frametime + 4 * sin( gpGlobals->time * 30 );
pTemp->entity.origin.z = pTemp->entity.origin.z + pTemp->entity.baseline.origin.z * frametime;
// just add linear velocity
pTemp->entity.origin = pTemp->entity.origin + pTemp->entity.baseline.origin * frametime;
if( pTemp->flags & FTENT_SPRANIMATE )
pTemp->entity.curstate.frame += frametime * pTemp->entity.baseline.framerate;
if( pTemp->entity.curstate.frame >= pTemp->frameMax )
pTemp->entity.curstate.frame = pTemp->entity.curstate.frame - (int)(pTemp->entity.curstate.frame);
if(!( pTemp->flags & FTENT_SPRANIMATELOOP ))
// this animating sprite isn't set to loop, so destroy it.
pTemp->die = 0.0f;
// restore state info
return false;
else if( pTemp->flags & FTENT_SPRCYCLE )
pTemp->entity.curstate.frame += frametime * 10;
if( pTemp->entity.curstate.frame >= pTemp->frameMax )
pTemp->entity.curstate.frame = pTemp->entity.curstate.frame - (int)(pTemp->entity.curstate.frame);
if( pTemp->flags & FTENT_SCALE )
// this only used for Egon effect
pTemp->entity.baseline.scale += frametime * 10;
if( pTemp->flags & FTENT_ROTATE )
// just add angular velocity
pTemp->entity.angles += pTemp->entity.baseline.angles * frametime;
Vector traceNormal;
float traceFraction = 1.0f;
if( pTemp->flags & FTENT_COLLIDEALL )
pmtrace_t pmtrace;
physent_t *pe;
g_engfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetTraceHull( 2 );
g_engfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PlayerTrace( pTemp->entity.prevstate.origin, pTemp->entity.origin, PM_STUDIO_BOX, -1, &pmtrace );
if ( pmtrace.fraction != 1 )
pe = g_engfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_GetPhysent( pmtrace.ent );
if( !pmtrace.ent || ( pe->info != pTemp->clientIndex ))
traceFraction = pmtrace.fraction;
traceNormal = pmtrace.plane.normal;
if ( pTemp->hitcallback )
(*pTemp->hitcallback)( pTemp, &pmtrace );
else if( pTemp->flags & FTENT_COLLIDEWORLD )
pmtrace_t pmtrace;
g_engfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetTraceHull( 2 );
g_engfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PlayerTrace( pTemp->entity.prevstate.origin, pTemp->entity.origin, PM_STUDIO_BOX|PM_WORLD_ONLY, -1, &pmtrace );
if( pmtrace.fraction != 1.0f )
traceFraction = pmtrace.fraction;
traceNormal = pmtrace.plane.normal;
if ( pTemp->flags & FTENT_SPARKSHOWER )
// chop spark speeds a bit more
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin *= 0.6f;
if( pTemp->entity.baseline.origin.Length() < 10.0f )
pTemp->entity.baseline.framerate = 0.0f;
if( pTemp->hitcallback )
(*pTemp->hitcallback)( pTemp, &pmtrace );
if( traceFraction != 1.0f ) // Decent collision now, and damping works
float proj, damp;
// Place at contact point
pTemp->entity.origin = pTemp->entity.prevstate.origin + (traceFraction * frametime) * pTemp->entity.baseline.origin;
// Damp velocity
damp = pTemp->bounceFactor;
damp *= 0.5f;
if( traceNormal[2] > 0.9f ) // Hit floor?
if( pTemp->entity.baseline.origin[2] <= 0 && pTemp->entity.baseline.origin[2] >= gravity * 3 )
pTemp->entity.angles.x = pTemp->entity.angles.z = 0;
damp = 0; // stop
if( pTemp->hitSound )
PlaySound( pTemp, damp );
if( pTemp->flags & FTENT_COLLIDEKILL )
// die on impact
pTemp->flags &= ~FTENT_FADEOUT;
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time;
// reflect velocity
if( damp != 0 )
proj = DotProduct( pTemp->entity.baseline.origin, traceNormal );
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin += (-proj * 2) * traceNormal;
// reflect rotation (fake)
pTemp->entity.angles.y = -pTemp->entity.angles.y;
if( damp != 1.0f )
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin *= damp;
pTemp->entity.angles *= 0.9f;
// FIXME: this code is right ???
if(( pTemp->flags & FTENT_FLICKER ) && m_iTempEntFrame == pTemp->entity.curstate.effects )
dlight_t *dl = g_engfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_AllocDLight( 0 );
dl->origin = pTemp->entity.origin;
dl->radius = 60;
dl->color[0] = 255;
dl->color[1]= 120;
dl->color[2] = 0;
dl->die = gpGlobals->time + 0.01f;
if( pTemp->flags & FTENT_SMOKETRAIL )
g_pParticles->RocketTrail( pTemp->entity.prevstate.origin, pTemp->entity.origin, 1 );
if( pTemp->flags & FTENT_GRAVITY )
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin.z += gravity;
else if( pTemp->flags & FTENT_SLOWGRAVITY )
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin.z += gravitySlow;
if( pTemp->flags & FTENT_CLIENTCUSTOM )
if( pTemp->callback )
(*pTemp->callback)( pTemp );
if( pTemp->flags & FTENT_WINDBLOWN )
Vector vecWind = gHUD.m_vecWindVelocity;
for( int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
if( pTemp->entity.baseline.origin[i] < vecWind[i] )
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin[i] += ( frametime * TENT_WIND_ACCEL );
// clamp
if( pTemp->entity.baseline.origin[i] > vecWind[i] )
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin[i] = vecWind[i];
else if( pTemp->entity.baseline.origin[i] > vecWind[i] )
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin[i] -= ( frametime * TENT_WIND_ACCEL );
// clamp
if( pTemp->entity.baseline.origin[i] < vecWind[i] )
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin[i] = vecWind[i];
// restore state info
return true;
void CTempEnts :: Update( void )
TEMPENTITY *current, *pnext, *pprev;
if ( !m_pActiveTempEnts )
// !!!BUGBUG -- This needs to be time based
// g-cont. it's used only for flickering dlights, what difference ?
m_iTempEntFrame = ( m_iTempEntFrame + 1 ) & 31;
current = m_pActiveTempEnts;
// !!! Don't simulate while paused.... This is sort of a hack, revisit.
if( IN_GAME() == 0 )
while( current )
CL_AddEntity( &current->entity, ET_TEMPENTITY, -1 );
current = current->next;
pprev = NULL;
while( current )
bool fTempEntFreed = false;
pnext = current->next;
// Kill it
if( !TE_Active( current ) || !TE_Update( current ))
TempEntFree( current, pprev );
fTempEntFreed = true;
// renderer rejected entity for some reasons...
if( !CL_AddEntity( &current->entity, ET_TEMPENTITY, -1 ))
if(!( current->flags & FTENT_PERSIST ))
// If we can't draw it this frame, just dump it.
current->die = gpGlobals->time;
// don't fade out, just die
current->flags &= ~FTENT_FADEOUT;
TempEntFree( current, pprev );
fTempEntFreed = true;
if( !fTempEntFreed )
pprev = current;
current = pnext;
// Purpose: Clear existing temp entities
void CTempEnts::Clear( void )
m_iTempEntFrame = 0;
// update muzzleflash indexes
m_iMuzzleFlash[0] = g_engfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_FindModelIndex( "sprites/muzzleflash1.spr" );
m_iMuzzleFlash[1] = g_engfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_FindModelIndex( "sprites/muzzleflash2.spr" );
m_iMuzzleFlash[2] = g_engfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_FindModelIndex( "sprites/muzzleflash3.spr" );
m_iMuzzleFlash[3] = g_engfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_FindModelIndex( "sprites/muzzleflash.spr" );
hSprGlowShell = TEX_Load( "renderfx/glowshell" );
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_TEMP_ENTITIES-1; i++ )
m_TempEnts[i].next = &m_TempEnts[i+1];
m_TempEnts[MAX_TEMP_ENTITIES-1].next = NULL;
m_pFreeTempEnts = m_TempEnts;
m_pActiveTempEnts = NULL;
// clearing user pointers
m_pLaserSpot = NULL;
m_pEndFlare = NULL;
void CTempEnts::TempEntFree( TEMPENTITY *pTemp, TEMPENTITY *pPrev )
// Remove from the active list.
if( pPrev )
pPrev->next = pTemp->next;
m_pActiveTempEnts = pTemp->next;
memset( pTemp, 0, sizeof( TEMPENTITY ));
// Add to the free list.
pTemp->next = m_pFreeTempEnts;
m_pFreeTempEnts = pTemp;
// free the first low priority tempent it finds.
bool CTempEnts::FreeLowPriorityTempEnt( void )
TEMPENTITY *pActive = m_pActiveTempEnts;
while( pActive )
if( pActive->priority == TENTPRIORITY_LOW )
TempEntFree( pActive, pPrev );
return true;
pPrev = pActive;
pActive = pActive->next;
return false;
// Purpose: Allocate temp entity ( normal/low priority )
// Input : *org -
// *model -
// Output : C_LocalTempEntity
TEMPENTITY *CTempEnts::TempEntAlloc( const Vector& org, int modelIndex )
if ( !m_pFreeTempEnts )
Con_Printf( "Overflow %d temporary ents!\n", MAX_TEMP_ENTITIES );
return NULL;
pTemp = m_pFreeTempEnts;
m_pFreeTempEnts = pTemp->next;
TE_Prepare( pTemp, modelIndex );
pTemp->priority = TENTPRIORITY_LOW;
if( org ) pTemp->entity.origin = org;
pTemp->next = m_pActiveTempEnts;
m_pActiveTempEnts = pTemp;
return pTemp;
// Purpose: Allocate a temp entity, if there are no slots, kick out a low priority
// one if possible
// Input : *org -
// *model -
// Output : C_LocalTempEntity
TEMPENTITY *CTempEnts::TempEntAllocHigh( const Vector& org, int modelIndex )
if ( !m_pFreeTempEnts )
// no temporary ents free, so find the first active low-priority temp ent
// and overwrite it.
if ( !m_pFreeTempEnts )
// didn't find anything? The tent list is either full of high-priority tents
// or all tents in the list are still due to live for > 10 seconds.
Con_Printf( "Couldn't alloc a high priority TENT!\n" );
return NULL;
// Move out of the free list and into the active list.
pTemp = m_pFreeTempEnts;
m_pFreeTempEnts = pTemp->next;
pTemp->next = m_pActiveTempEnts;
m_pActiveTempEnts = pTemp;
TE_Prepare( pTemp, modelIndex );
pTemp->priority = TENTPRIORITY_HIGH;
if( org ) pTemp->entity.origin = org;
return pTemp;
TEMPENTITY *CTempEnts::TempEntAllocNoModel( const Vector& org )
return TempEntAlloc( org, 0 );
TEMPENTITY *CTempEnts::TempEntAllocCustom( const Vector& org, int modelIndex, int high, ENTCALLBACK pfnCallback )
if( high )
pTemp = TempEntAllocHigh( org, modelIndex );
pTemp = TempEntAlloc( org, modelIndex );
if( pTemp && pfnCallback )
pTemp->callback = pfnCallback;
return pTemp;
// Purpose: Create a fizz effect
// Input : *pent -
// modelIndex -
// density -
void CTempEnts::FizzEffect( cl_entity_t *pent, int modelIndex, int density )
int i, width, depth, count, frameCount;
float angle, maxHeight, speed, xspeed, yspeed;
Vector origin;
Vector mins, maxs;
if( !pent || GetModelType( modelIndex ) == mod_bad )
count = density + 1;
density = count * 3 + 6;
GetModelBounds( pent->curstate.modelindex, mins, maxs );
maxHeight = maxs[2] - mins[2];
width = maxs[0] - mins[0];
depth = maxs[1] - mins[1];
speed = ( pent->curstate.rendercolor.r<<8 | pent->curstate.rendercolor.g );
if( pent->curstate.rendercolor.b ) speed = -speed;
if( speed == 0.0f ) speed = 100.0f; // apply default value
if( pent->angles[YAW] != 0.0f )
angle = pent->angles[YAW] * M_PI / 180;
yspeed = sin( angle );
xspeed = cos( angle );
xspeed *= speed;
yspeed *= speed;
else xspeed = yspeed = 0.0f; // zonly
frameCount = GetModelFrames( modelIndex );
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
origin[0] = mins[0] + RANDOM_LONG( 0, width - 1 );
origin[1] = mins[1] + RANDOM_LONG( 0, depth - 1 );
origin[2] = mins[2];
pTemp = TempEntAlloc( origin, modelIndex );
if ( !pTemp ) return;
pTemp->flags |= FTENT_SINEWAVE;
pTemp->x = origin[0];
pTemp->y = origin[1];
float zspeed = RANDOM_LONG( 80, 140 );
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin = Vector( xspeed, yspeed, zspeed );
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time + ( maxHeight / zspeed ) - 0.1f;
pTemp->entity.curstate.frame = RANDOM_LONG( 0, frameCount - 1 );
// Set sprite scale
pTemp->entity.baseline.scale = 1.0f / RANDOM_FLOAT( 2, 5 );
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderTransAlpha;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderamt = pTemp->entity.baseline.renderamt = 255;
// Purpose: Create bubbles
// Input : *mins -
// *maxs -
// height -
// modelIndex -
// count -
// speed -
void CTempEnts::Bubbles( const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, float height, int modelIndex, int count, float speed )
int i, frameCount;
float sine, cosine;
Vector origin;
if( GetModelType( modelIndex ) == mod_bad )
frameCount = GetModelFrames( modelIndex );
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
origin[0] = RANDOM_LONG( mins[0], maxs[0] );
origin[1] = RANDOM_LONG( mins[1], maxs[1] );
origin[2] = RANDOM_LONG( mins[2], maxs[2] );
pTemp = TempEntAlloc( origin, modelIndex );
if ( !pTemp ) return;
pTemp->flags |= FTENT_SINEWAVE;
pTemp->x = origin[0];
pTemp->y = origin[1];
float angle = RANDOM_LONG( -M_PI, M_PI );
sine = sin( angle );
cosine = cos( angle );
float zspeed = RANDOM_LONG( 80, 140 );
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin = Vector( speed * cosine, speed * sine, zspeed );
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time + ((height - (origin[2] - mins[2])) / zspeed) - 0.1f;
pTemp->entity.curstate.frame = RANDOM_LONG( 0, frameCount - 1 );
// Set sprite scale
pTemp->entity.baseline.scale = 1.0 / RANDOM_FLOAT( 4, 16 );
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderTransAlpha;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderamt = pTemp->entity.baseline.renderamt = 192; // g-cont. why difference with FizzEffect ???
// Purpose: Create bubble trail
// Input : *start -
// *end -
// height -
// modelIndex -
// count -
// speed -
void CTempEnts::BubbleTrail( const Vector &start, const Vector &end, float flWaterZ, int modelIndex, int count, float speed )
int i, frameCount;
float dist, angle;
Vector origin;
if( GetModelType( modelIndex ) == mod_bad )
frameCount = GetModelFrames( modelIndex );
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
dist = RANDOM_FLOAT( 0, 1.0 ); // g-cont. hmm may be use GetLerpFrac instead ?
origin = LerpPoint( start, end, dist );
pTemp = TempEntAlloc( origin, modelIndex );
if ( !pTemp ) return;
pTemp->flags |= FTENT_SINEWAVE;
pTemp->x = origin[0];
pTemp->y = origin[1];
angle = RANDOM_LONG( -M_PI, M_PI );
float zspeed = RANDOM_LONG( 80, 140 );
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin = Vector( speed * cos( angle ), speed * sin( angle ), zspeed );
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time + (( flWaterZ - origin[2]) / zspeed ) - 0.1f;
pTemp->entity.curstate.frame = RANDOM_LONG( 0, frameCount - 1 );
// Set sprite scale
pTemp->entity.baseline.scale = 1.0 / RANDOM_FLOAT( 4, 8 );
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderTransAlpha;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderamt = pTemp->entity.baseline.renderamt = 192;
// Purpose: Attaches entity to player
// Input : client -
// modelIndex -
// zoffset -
// life -
void CTempEnts::AttachTentToPlayer( int client, int modelIndex, float zoffset, float life )
Vector position;
int frameCount;
if ( client <= 0 || client > gpGlobals->maxClients )
Con_Printf( "Bad client in AttachTentToPlayer()!\n" );
cl_entity_t *pClient = GetEntityByIndex( client );
if ( !pClient )
Con_Printf( "Couldn't get ClientEntity for %i\n", client );
if( GetModelType( modelIndex ) == mod_bad )
Con_Printf( "No model %d!\n", modelIndex );
position = pClient->origin;
position[2] += zoffset;
pTemp = TempEntAllocHigh( position, modelIndex );
if ( !pTemp )
Con_Printf( "No temp ent.\n" );
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderNormal;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderamt = pTemp->entity.baseline.renderamt = 192;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderfx = kRenderFxNoDissipation;
pTemp->clientIndex = client;
pTemp->tentOffset[0] = 0;
pTemp->tentOffset[1] = 0;
pTemp->tentOffset[2] = zoffset;
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time + life;
// is the model a sprite?
if ( GetModelType( pTemp->entity.curstate.modelindex ) == mod_sprite )
frameCount = GetModelFrames( pTemp->entity.curstate.modelindex );
pTemp->frameMax = frameCount - 1;
pTemp->entity.baseline.framerate = 10;
// no animation support for attached clientside studio models.
pTemp->frameMax = 0;
pTemp->entity.curstate.frame = 0;
#define FOR_EACH_LL( listName, iteratorName ) \
for( int iteratorName=listName.Head(); iteratorName != listName.InvalidIndex(); iteratorName = listName.Next( iteratorName ) )
// Purpose: Detach entity from player
void CTempEnts::KillAttachedTents( int client )
if ( client <= 0 || client > gpGlobals->maxClients )
Con_Printf( "Bad client in KillAttachedTents()!\n" );
for( int i = 0; i < MAX_TEMP_ENTITIES; i++ )
TEMPENTITY *pTemp = &m_TempEnts[i];
if ( pTemp->flags & FTENT_PLYRATTACHMENT )
// this TENT is player attached.
// if it is attached to this client, set it to die instantly.
if ( pTemp->clientIndex == client )
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time; // good enough, it will die on next tent update.
// Purpose: Create ricochet sprite
// Input : *pos -
// *pmodel -
// duration -
// scale -
void CTempEnts::RicochetSprite( const Vector &pos, int modelIndex, float scale )
pTemp = TempEntAlloc( pos, modelIndex );
if (!pTemp)
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderGlow;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderamt = pTemp->entity.baseline.renderamt = 200;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderfx = kRenderFxNoDissipation;
pTemp->entity.baseline.scale = scale;
pTemp->flags = FTENT_FADEOUT;
pTemp->fadeSpeed = 8;
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time;
pTemp->entity.curstate.frame = 0;
pTemp->entity.angles[ROLL] = 45 * RANDOM_LONG( 0, 7 );
void CTempEnts::PlaySound( TEMPENTITY *pTemp, float damp )
float fvol;
char soundname[32];
bool isshellcasing = false;
int zvel;
switch ( pTemp->hitSound )
return; // null sound
sprintf( soundname, "debris/glass%i.wav", RANDOM_LONG( 1, 4 ));
sprintf( soundname, "debris/metal%i.wav", RANDOM_LONG( 1, 6 ));
sprintf( soundname, "debris/flesh%i.wav", RANDOM_LONG( 1, 7 ));
sprintf( soundname, "debris/wood%i.wav", RANDOM_LONG( 1, 4 ));
sprintf( soundname, "weapons/ric%i.wav", RANDOM_LONG( 1, 5 ));
sprintf( soundname, "weapons/sshell%i.wav", RANDOM_LONG( 1, 3 ));
isshellcasing = true; // shell casings have different playback parameters
sprintf( soundname, "player/pl_shell%i.wav", RANDOM_LONG( 1, 3 ));
isshellcasing = true; // shell casings have different playback parameters
sprintf( soundname, "debris/concrete%i.wav", RANDOM_LONG( 1, 3 ));
zvel = abs( pTemp->entity.baseline.origin[2] );
// only play one out of every n
if ( isshellcasing )
// play first bounce, then 1 out of 3
if ( zvel < 200 && RANDOM_LONG( 0, 3 ))
if ( RANDOM_LONG( 0, 5 ))
fvol = 1.0f;
if ( damp > 0.0 )
int pitch;
if ( isshellcasing )
fvol *= min ( 1.0f, ((float)zvel) / 350.0 );
fvol *= min ( 1.0f, ((float)zvel) / 450.0 );
if ( !RANDOM_LONG( 0, 3 ) && !isshellcasing )
pitch = RANDOM_LONG( 95, 105 );
pitch = 100; // FIXME
CL_PlaySound( soundname, fvol, pTemp->entity.origin, pitch );
void CTempEnts::RocketFlare( const Vector& pos )
int modelIndex;
int nframeCount;
modelIndex = g_engfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_FindModelIndex( "sprites/animglow01.spr" );
if( !modelIndex ) return;
nframeCount = GetModelFrames( modelIndex );
pTemp = TempEntAlloc( pos, modelIndex );
if ( !pTemp ) return;
pTemp->frameMax = nframeCount - 1;
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderGlow;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderfx = kRenderFxNoDissipation;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderamt = 200;
pTemp->entity.baseline.framerate = 1.0;
pTemp->entity.curstate.frame = RANDOM_LONG( 0, nframeCount - 1 );
pTemp->entity.baseline.scale = 1.0;
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time + 0.01f; // when 100 fps die at next frame
pTemp->flags |= FTENT_SPRANIMATE;
void CTempEnts::MuzzleFlash( cl_entity_t *pEnt, int iAttachment, int type )
Vector pos;
int index, modelIndex, frameCount;
float scale;
index = bound( 0, type % 10, MAX_MUZZLEFLASH - 1 );
scale = (type / 10) * 0.1f;
if( scale == 0.0f ) scale = 0.5f;
modelIndex = m_iMuzzleFlash[index];
if( !modelIndex ) return;
frameCount = GetModelFrames( modelIndex );
pos = pEnt->origin;
if( iAttachment > 0 )
pos += pEnt->attachment_origin[iAttachment - 1];
if( pos == pEnt->origin )
Con_Printf( "Invalid muzzleflash entity!\n" );
// must set position for right culling on render
pTemp = TempEntAlloc( pos, modelIndex );
if( !pTemp ) return;
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderTransAdd;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderamt = 255;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderfx = 0;
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time + 0.05; // die at next frame
pTemp->entity.curstate.frame = RANDOM_LONG( 0, frameCount - 1 );
pTemp->frameMax = frameCount - 1;
pTemp->clientIndex = pEnt->index;
if( index == 0 )
// Rifle flash
pTemp->entity.baseline.scale = scale * RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.5f, 0.6f );
pTemp->entity.angles[2] = 90 * RANDOM_LONG( 0, 3 );
pTemp->entity.baseline.scale = scale;
pTemp->entity.angles[2] = RANDOM_LONG( 0, 359 );
// render now (guranteed that muzzleflash will be draw)
CL_AddEntity( &pTemp->entity, ET_TEMPENTITY, -1 );
void CTempEnts::BloodSprite( const Vector &org, int colorIndex, int modelIndex, int modelIndex2, float size )
if( GetModelType( modelIndex ) == mod_bad )
// Large, single blood sprite is a high-priority tent
if( pTemp = TempEntAllocHigh( org, modelIndex ))
int frameCount;
Vector color;
frameCount = GetModelFrames( modelIndex );
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderTransTexture;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderfx = kRenderFxClampMinScale;
pTemp->entity.baseline.scale = RANDOM_FLOAT(( size / 25.0f), ( size / 35.0f ));
pTemp->flags = FTENT_SPRANIMATE;
CL_GetPaletteColor( colorIndex, color );
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendercolor.r = color[0];
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendercolor.g = color[1];
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendercolor.b = color[2];
pTemp->entity.baseline.framerate = frameCount * 4; // Finish in 0.250 seconds
// play the whole thing once
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time + (frameCount / pTemp->entity.baseline.framerate);
pTemp->entity.angles[2] = RANDOM_LONG( 0, 360 );
pTemp->bounceFactor = 0;
void CTempEnts::BreakModel( const Vector &pos, const Vector &size, const Vector &dir, float random, float life, int count, int modelIndex, char flags )
int i, frameCount;
char type;
if ( !modelIndex ) return;
type = flags & BREAK_TYPEMASK;
if ( GetModelType( modelIndex ) == mod_bad )
frameCount = GetModelFrames( modelIndex );
if ( count == 0 )
// assume surface (not volume)
count = (size[0] * size[1] + size[1] * size[2] + size[2] * size[0]) / (3 * SHARD_VOLUME * SHARD_VOLUME);
// limit to 100 pieces
if ( count > 100 ) count = 100;
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
vec3_t vecSpot;
// fill up the box with stuff
vecSpot[0] = pos[0] + RANDOM_FLOAT( -0.5f, 0.5f ) * size[0];
vecSpot[1] = pos[1] + RANDOM_FLOAT( -0.5f, 0.5f ) * size[1];
vecSpot[2] = pos[2] + RANDOM_FLOAT( -0.5f, 0.5f ) * size[2];
pTemp = TempEntAlloc( vecSpot, modelIndex );
if( !pTemp ) return;
// keep track of break_type, so we know how to play sound on collision
pTemp->hitSound = type;
if( GetModelType( modelIndex ) == mod_sprite )
pTemp->entity.curstate.frame = RANDOM_LONG( 0, frameCount - 1 );
else if( GetModelType( modelIndex ) == mod_studio )
pTemp->entity.curstate.body = RANDOM_LONG( 0, frameCount - 1 );
if ( RANDOM_LONG( 0, 255 ) < 200 )
pTemp->flags |= FTENT_ROTATE;
pTemp->entity.baseline.angles[0] = RANDOM_FLOAT( -256, 255 );
pTemp->entity.baseline.angles[1] = RANDOM_FLOAT( -256, 255 );
pTemp->entity.baseline.angles[2] = RANDOM_FLOAT( -256, 255 );
if (( RANDOM_LONG( 0, 255 ) < 100 ) && ( flags & BREAK_SMOKE ))
pTemp->flags |= FTENT_SMOKETRAIL;
if (( type == BREAK_GLASS ) || ( flags & BREAK_TRANS ))
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderTransTexture;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderamt = pTemp->entity.baseline.renderamt = 128;
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderNormal;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderamt = pTemp->entity.baseline.renderamt = 255; // set this for fadeout
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin[0] = dir[0] + RANDOM_FLOAT( -random, random );
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin[1] = dir[1] + RANDOM_FLOAT( -random, random );
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin[2] = dir[2] + RANDOM_FLOAT( 0, random );
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time + life + RANDOM_FLOAT( 0, 1 ); // Add an extra 0-1 secs of life
void CTempEnts::TempModel( const Vector &pos, const Vector &dir, const Vector &ang, float life, int modelIndex, int soundtype )
// alloc a new tempent
TEMPENTITY *pTemp = TempEntAlloc( pos, modelIndex );
if( !pTemp ) return;
// keep track of shell type
switch( soundtype )
case TE_BOUNCE_SHELL: pTemp->hitSound = BOUNCE_SHELL; break;
case TE_BOUNCE_SHOTSHELL: pTemp->hitSound = BOUNCE_SHOTSHELL; break;
pTemp->entity.origin = pos;
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin = dir;
pTemp->entity.angles = ang;
pTemp->entity.curstate.body = 0;
pTemp->entity.baseline.angles[0] = RANDOM_FLOAT( -255, 255 );
pTemp->entity.baseline.angles[1] = RANDOM_FLOAT( -255, 255 );
pTemp->entity.baseline.angles[2] = RANDOM_FLOAT( -255, 255 );
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderNormal;
pTemp->entity.baseline.renderamt = 255;
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time + life;
TEMPENTITY *CTempEnts::DefaultSprite( const Vector &pos, int spriteIndex, float framerate )
int frameCount;
if( !spriteIndex || GetModelType( spriteIndex ) != mod_sprite )
Con_Printf( "No Sprite %d!\n", spriteIndex );
return NULL;
frameCount = GetModelFrames( spriteIndex );
pTemp = TempEntAlloc( pos, spriteIndex );
if( !pTemp ) return NULL;
pTemp->frameMax = frameCount - 1;
pTemp->entity.baseline.scale = 1.0f;
pTemp->flags |= FTENT_SPRANIMATE;
if( framerate == 0 ) framerate = 10;
pTemp->entity.baseline.framerate = framerate;
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time + (float)frameCount / framerate;
pTemp->entity.curstate.frame = 0;
return pTemp;
TEMPENTITY *CTempEnts::TempSprite( const Vector &pos, const Vector &dir, float scale, int modelIndex, int rendermode, int renderfx, float a, float life, int flags )
int frameCount;
if( !modelIndex )
return NULL;
if( GetModelType( modelIndex ) == mod_bad )
Con_Printf( "No model %d!\n", modelIndex );
return NULL;
frameCount = GetModelFrames( modelIndex );
pTemp = TempEntAlloc( pos, modelIndex );
if( !pTemp ) return NULL;
pTemp->frameMax = frameCount - 1;
pTemp->entity.baseline.framerate = 10;
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = rendermode;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderfx = renderfx;
pTemp->entity.baseline.scale = scale;
pTemp->entity.baseline.renderamt = a * 255;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderamt = a * 255;
pTemp->flags |= flags;
pTemp->entity.origin = pos;
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin = dir;
if( life ) pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time + life;
else pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time + (frameCount * 0.1f) + 1.0f;
pTemp->entity.curstate.frame = 0;
return pTemp;
void CTempEnts::Sprite_Explode( TEMPENTITY *pTemp, float scale, int flags )
if( !pTemp ) return;
// NOTE: Xash3D doesn't needs this stuff, because sprites
// have right rendermodes already at loading point
// but i'm leave it for backward compatibility
// solid sprite
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderNormal;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderamt = 255;
else if( flags & TE_EXPLFLAG_DRAWALPHA )
// alpha sprite
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderTransAlpha;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderamt = 180;
// additive sprite
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderTransAdd;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderamt = 120;
if( flags & TE_EXPLFLAG_ROTATE )
pTemp->entity.angles[2] = RANDOM_LONG( 0, 360 );
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderfx = kRenderFxNone;
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin[2] = 8;
pTemp->entity.origin[2] += 10;
pTemp->entity.baseline.scale = scale;
void CTempEnts::Sprite_Smoke( TEMPENTITY *pTemp, float scale )
int iColor;
if( !pTemp ) return;
iColor = RANDOM_LONG( 20, 35 );
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderTransAlpha;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderfx = kRenderFxNone;
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin[2] = 30;
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendercolor.r = iColor;
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendercolor.g = iColor;
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendercolor.g = iColor;
pTemp->entity.origin[2] += 20;
pTemp->entity.baseline.scale = scale;
pTemp->flags |= FTENT_WINDBLOWN;
void CTempEnts::Sprite_Spray( const Vector &pos, const Vector &dir, int modelIndex, int count, int speed, int iRand, int renderMode )
float noise;
float znoise;
int i, frameCount;
noise = (float)iRand / 100;
// more vertical displacement
znoise = noise * 1.5f;
if( znoise > 1 ) znoise = 1;
if( GetModelType( modelIndex ) == mod_bad )
Con_Printf( "No model %d!\n", modelIndex );
frameCount = GetModelFrames( modelIndex );
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
vec3_t velocity;
float scale;
pTemp = TempEntAlloc( pos, modelIndex );
if( !pTemp ) return;
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = renderMode;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderfx = kRenderFxNoDissipation;
pTemp->entity.baseline.scale = 0.5f;
pTemp->fadeSpeed = 2.0f;
// make the spittle fly the direction indicated, but mix in some noise.
velocity[0] = dir[0] + RANDOM_FLOAT( -noise, noise );
velocity[1] = dir[1] + RANDOM_FLOAT( -noise, noise );
velocity[2] = dir[2] + RANDOM_FLOAT( 0, znoise );
scale = RANDOM_FLOAT(( speed * 0.8f ), ( speed * 1.2f ));
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin = velocity * scale;
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time + 0.35f;
pTemp->entity.curstate.frame = RANDOM_LONG( 0, frameCount - 1 );
void CTempEnts::Sprite_Trail( int type, const Vector &vecStart, const Vector &vecEnd, int modelIndex, int nCount, float flLife, float flSize, float flAmplitude, int nRenderamt, float flSpeed )
vec3_t vecDelta, vecDir;
int i, flFrameCount;
if( GetModelType( modelIndex ) == mod_bad )
Con_Printf( "No model %d!\n", modelIndex );
flFrameCount = GetModelFrames( modelIndex );
vecDelta = vecEnd - vecStart;
vecDir = vecDelta.Normalize();
flAmplitude /= 256.0;
for ( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )
Vector vecPos, vecVel;
// Be careful of divide by 0 when using 'count' here...
if ( i == 0 )
vecPos = vecStart;
vecPos = vecStart + vecDelta * ( i / ( nCount - 1.0f ));
pTemp = TempEntAlloc( vecPos, modelIndex );
if( !pTemp ) return;
vecVel = vecDir * flSpeed;
vecVel[0] += RANDOM_FLOAT( -127, 128 ) * flAmplitude;
vecVel[1] += RANDOM_FLOAT( -127, 128 ) * flAmplitude;
vecVel[2] += RANDOM_FLOAT( -127, 128 ) * flAmplitude;
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin = vecVel;
pTemp->entity.origin = vecPos;
pTemp->entity.baseline.scale = flSize;
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderGlow;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderfx = kRenderFxNoDissipation;
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderamt = pTemp->entity.baseline.renderamt = nRenderamt;
pTemp->entity.curstate.frame = RANDOM_LONG( 0, flFrameCount - 1 );
pTemp->frameMax = flFrameCount - 1;
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time + flLife + RANDOM_FLOAT( 0, 4 );
void CTempEnts::Large_Funnel( Vector pos, int spriteIndex, int flags )
CBaseParticle *pPart = NULL;
float vel;
Vector dir;
Vector dest;
Vector m_vecPos;
float flDist;
for ( int i = -256 ; i <= 256 ; i += 32 )
for ( int j = -256 ; j <= 256 ; j += 32 )
if( pTemp )
pPart = g_pParticles->AllocParticle ();
pTemp = NULL;
pTemp = TempEntAlloc( pos, spriteIndex );
pPart = NULL;
if( pTemp || pPart )
if ( flags & 1 )
m_vecPos = pos;
dest[0] = pos[0] + i;
dest[1] = pos[1] + j;
dest[2] = pos[2] + RANDOM_FLOAT( 100, 800 );
// send particle heading to dest at a random speed
dir = dest - m_vecPos;
vel = dest[2] / 8;// velocity based on how far particle has to travel away from org
m_vecPos[0] = pos[0] + i;
m_vecPos[1] = pos[1] + j;
m_vecPos[2] = pos[2] + RANDOM_FLOAT( 100, 800 );
// send particle heading to org at a random speed
dir = pos - m_vecPos;
vel = m_vecPos[2] / 8;// velocity based on how far particle starts from org
flDist = dir.Length(); // save the distance
dir = dir.Normalize();
if ( vel < 64 )
vel = 64;
vel += RANDOM_FLOAT( 64, 128 );
float life = (flDist / vel);
if( pTemp )
pTemp->entity.origin = m_vecPos;
pTemp->entity.baseline.origin = dir * vel;
pTemp->entity.curstate.rendermode = kRenderTransAdd;
pTemp->flags |= FTENT_FADEOUT;
pTemp->fadeSpeed = 2.0f;
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->time + RANDOM_FLOAT( life * 0.5, life );
pTemp->entity.curstate.renderamt = pTemp->entity.baseline.renderamt = 255;
if( pPart )
pPart->m_Pos = m_vecPos;
pPart->SetColor( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
pPart->SetType( pt_static );
pPart->SetAlpha( 1.0f );
pPart->m_Velocity = dir * vel;
// die right when you get there
pPart->SetLifetime( RANDOM_FLOAT( life * 0.5, life ));
void CTempEnts::DoSparks( const Vector& pos )
Vector m_vecPos, m_vecDir;
// randomize position
m_vecPos.x = pos.x + RANDOM_FLOAT( -2, 2 );
m_vecPos.y = pos.y + RANDOM_FLOAT( -2, 2 );
m_vecPos.z = pos.z + RANDOM_FLOAT( -2, 2 );
int modelIndex = g_engfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_FindModelIndex( "sprites/richo1.spr" );
RicochetSprite( m_vecPos, modelIndex, RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.4, 0.6f ));
// create a 8 random spakle tracers
for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
m_vecDir.x = RANDOM_FLOAT( -1.0f, 1.0f );
m_vecDir.y = RANDOM_FLOAT( -1.0f, 1.0f );
m_vecDir.z = RANDOM_FLOAT( -1.0f, 1.0f );
g_pParticles->SparkleTracer( m_vecPos, m_vecDir );
void CTempEnts::TracerEffect( const Vector &start, const Vector &end )
g_pParticles->BulletTracer( start, end );
void CTempEnts::StreakSplash( const Vector &pos, const Vector &dir, int color, int count, int speed, int velMin, int velMax )
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
Vector vel;
vel.x = (dir.x * speed) + RANDOM_FLOAT( velMin, velMax );
vel.y = (dir.y * speed) + RANDOM_FLOAT( velMin, velMax );
vel.z = (dir.z * speed) + RANDOM_FLOAT( velMin, velMax );
g_pParticles->StreakTracer( pos, vel, color );
void CTempEnts::WeaponFlash( cl_entity_t *pEnt, int iAttachment )
Vector pos = pEnt->origin;
if( iAttachment > 0 )
pos += pEnt->attachment_origin[iAttachment - 1];
if( pos == pEnt->origin ) return; // missing attachment
AllocDLight( pos, 255, 180, 64, 100, 0.05f );
void CTempEnts::PlaceDecal( Vector pos, int entityIndex, int decalIndex )
cl_entity_t *pEnt;
int modelIndex = 0;
pEnt = GetEntityByIndex( entityIndex );
if( pEnt ) modelIndex = pEnt->curstate.modelindex;
hDecal = g_engfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_DecalIndex( decalIndex );
g_engfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_DecalShoot( hDecal, entityIndex, modelIndex, pos, 0 );
void CTempEnts::PlaceDecal( Vector pos, int entityIndex, const char *decalname )
cl_entity_t *pEnt;
int modelIndex = 0;
pEnt = GetEntityByIndex( entityIndex );
if( pEnt ) modelIndex = pEnt->curstate.modelindex;
hDecal = g_engfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_DecalIndexFromName( decalname );
g_engfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_DecalShoot( hDecal, entityIndex, modelIndex, pos, 0 );
void CTempEnts::AllocDLight( Vector pos, byte r, byte g, byte b, float radius, float time, float decay )
if( radius <= 0 ) return;
dlight_t *dl;
dl = g_engfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_AllocDLight( 0 );
dl->origin = pos;
dl->die = gpGlobals->time + time;
dl->color[0] = r;
dl->color[1] = g;
dl->color[2] = b;
dl->radius = radius;
dl->decay = decay;
void CTempEnts::AllocDLight( Vector pos, float radius, float time, float decay )
AllocDLight( pos, 255, 255, 255, radius, time, decay );
void CTempEnts::RocketTrail( Vector start, Vector end, int type )
g_pParticles->RocketTrail( start, end, type );