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sv_init.c - server initialize operations
Copyright (C) 2009 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "common.h"
#include "server.h"
server_static_t svs; // persistant server info
svgame_static_t svgame; // persistant game info
server_t sv; // local server
int SV_ModelIndex( const char *filename )
char name[64];
int i;
if( !filename || !filename[0] )
return 0;
if( *filename == '!' ) filename++;
Q_strncpy( name, filename, sizeof( name ));
COM_FixSlashes( name );
for( i = 1; i < MAX_MODELS && sv.model_precache[i][0]; i++ )
if( !Q_stricmp( sv.model_precache[i], name ))
return i;
if( i == MAX_MODELS )
Host_Error( "SV_ModelIndex: MAX_MODELS limit exceeded\n" );
return 0;
// register new model
Q_strncpy( sv.model_precache[i], name, sizeof( sv.model_precache[i] ));
if( sv.state != ss_loading )
// send the update to everyone
BF_WriteByte( &sv.reliable_datagram, svc_modelindex );
BF_WriteUBitLong( &sv.reliable_datagram, i, MAX_MODEL_BITS );
BF_WriteString( &sv.reliable_datagram, name );
return i;
int SV_SoundIndex( const char *filename )
char name[64];
int i;
// don't precache sentence names!
if( !filename || !filename[0] || filename[0] == '!' )
return 0;
Q_strncpy( name, filename, sizeof( name ));
COM_FixSlashes( name );
for( i = 1; i < MAX_SOUNDS && sv.sound_precache[i][0]; i++ )
if( !Q_stricmp( sv.sound_precache[i], name ))
return i;
if( i == MAX_SOUNDS )
Host_Error( "SV_SoundIndex: MAX_SOUNDS limit exceeded\n" );
return 0;
// register new sound
Q_strncpy( sv.sound_precache[i], name, sizeof( sv.sound_precache[i] ));
if( sv.state != ss_loading )
// send the update to everyone
BF_WriteByte( &sv.reliable_datagram, svc_soundindex );
BF_WriteUBitLong( &sv.reliable_datagram, i, MAX_SOUND_BITS );
BF_WriteString( &sv.reliable_datagram, name );
return i;
int SV_EventIndex( const char *filename )
char name[64];
int i;
if( !filename || !filename[0] )
return 0;
Q_strncpy( name, filename, sizeof( name ));
COM_FixSlashes( name );
for( i = 1; i < MAX_EVENTS && sv.event_precache[i][0]; i++ )
if( !Q_stricmp( sv.event_precache[i], name ))
return i;
if( i == MAX_EVENTS )
Host_Error( "SV_EventIndex: MAX_EVENTS limit exceeded\n" );
return 0;
// register new event
Q_strncpy( sv.event_precache[i], name, sizeof( sv.event_precache[i] ));
if( sv.state != ss_loading )
// send the update to everyone
BF_WriteByte( &sv.reliable_datagram, svc_eventindex );
BF_WriteUBitLong( &sv.reliable_datagram, i, MAX_EVENT_BITS );
BF_WriteString( &sv.reliable_datagram, name );
return i;
int SV_GenericIndex( const char *filename )
char name[64];
int i;
if( !filename || !filename[0] )
return 0;
Q_strncpy( name, filename, sizeof( name ));
COM_FixSlashes( name );
for( i = 1; i < MAX_CUSTOM && sv.files_precache[i][0]; i++ )
if( !Q_stricmp( sv.files_precache[i], name ))
return i;
if( i == MAX_CUSTOM )
Host_Error( "SV_GenericIndex: MAX_RESOURCES limit exceeded\n" );
return 0;
if( sv.state != ss_loading )
// g-cont. can we downloading resources in-game ? need testing
Host_Error( "SV_PrecacheGeneric: ( %s ). Precache can only be done in spawn functions.", name );
return 0;
// register new generic resource
Q_strncpy( sv.files_precache[i], name, sizeof( sv.files_precache[i] ));
return i;
get entity script for current map
char *SV_EntityScript( void )
string entfilename;
char *ents;
size_t ft1, ft2;
if( !sv.worldmodel )
return NULL;
// check for entfile too
Q_strncpy( entfilename, sv.worldmodel->name, sizeof( entfilename ));
FS_StripExtension( entfilename );
FS_DefaultExtension( entfilename, ".ent" );
// make sure what entity patch is never than bsp
ft1 = FS_FileTime( sv.worldmodel->name, false );
ft2 = FS_FileTime( entfilename, true );
if( ft2 != -1 )
if( ft1 > ft2 )
MsgDev( D_INFO, "^1Entity patch is older than bsp. Ignored.\n", entfilename );
else if(( ents = FS_LoadFile( entfilename, NULL, true )) != NULL )
MsgDev( D_INFO, "^2Read entity patch:^7 %s\n", entfilename );
return ents;
// use internal entities
return sv.worldmodel->entities;
Entity baselines are used to compress the update messages
to the clients -- only the fields that differ from the
baseline will be transmitted
void SV_CreateBaseline( void )
edict_t *pEdict;
int e;
for( e = 0; e < svgame.numEntities; e++ )
pEdict = EDICT_NUM( e );
if( !SV_IsValidEdict( pEdict )) continue;
SV_BaselineForEntity( pEdict );
// create the instanced baselines
remove immediate entities
void SV_FreeOldEntities( void )
edict_t *ent;
int i;
// at end of frame kill all entities which supposed to it
for( i = svgame.globals->maxClients + 1; i < svgame.numEntities; i++ )
ent = EDICT_NUM( i );
if( ent->free ) continue;
if( ent->v.flags & FL_KILLME )
SV_FreeEdict( ent );
// decrement svgame.numEntities if the highest number entities died
for( ; EDICT_NUM( svgame.numEntities - 1 )->free; svgame.numEntities-- );
activate server on changed map, run physics
void SV_ActivateServer( void )
int i, numFrames;
if( !svs.initialized )
// custom muzzleflashes
pfnPrecacheModel( "sprites/muzzleflash.spr" );
pfnPrecacheModel( "sprites/muzzleflash1.spr" );
pfnPrecacheModel( "sprites/muzzleflash2.spr" );
pfnPrecacheModel( "sprites/muzzleflash3.spr" );
// rocket flare
pfnPrecacheModel( "sprites/animglow01.spr" );
// ricochet sprite
pfnPrecacheModel( "sprites/richo1.spr" );
// Activate the DLL server code
svgame.dllFuncs.pfnServerActivate( svgame.edicts, svgame.numEntities, svgame.globals->maxClients );
// create a baseline for more efficient communications
// send serverinfo to all connected clients
for( i = 0; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++ )
if( svs.clients[i].state >= cs_connected )
Netchan_Clear( &svs.clients[i].netchan );
svs.clients[i].delta_sequence = -1;
numFrames = (sv.loadgame) ? 1 : 2;
if( !sv.loadgame || svgame.globals->changelevel )
host.frametime = 0.1f;
// GoldSrc rules
// NOTE: this stuff is break sound from func_rotating in multiplayer
// e.g. ambience\boomer.wav on snark_pit.bsp
numFrames *= sv_maxclients->integer;
// run some frames to allow everything to settle
for( i = 0; i < numFrames; i++ )
// invoke to refresh all movevars
Q_memset( &svgame.oldmovevars, 0, sizeof( movevars_t ));
svgame.globals->changelevel = false; // changelevel ends here
// setup hostflags
sv.hostflags = 0;
// tell what kind of server has been started.
if( svgame.globals->maxClients > 1 )
MsgDev( D_INFO, "%i player server started\n", svgame.globals->maxClients );
MsgDev( D_INFO, "Game started\n" );
if( host.type == HOST_DEDICATED )
Mod_FreeUnused ();
sv.state = ss_active;
physinfo->modified = true;
sv.paused = false;
Host_SetServerState( sv.state );
if( sv_maxclients->integer > 1 && public_server->integer )
MsgDev( D_INFO, "Add your server, to master server list\n" );
Master_Add( );
deactivate server, free edicts, strings etc
void SV_DeactivateServer( void )
int i;
if( !svs.initialized ) return;
if( sv.state == ss_dead ) return;
sv.state = ss_dead;
SV_FreeEdicts ();
SV_ClearPhysEnts ();
Mem_EmptyPool( svgame.stringspool );
for( i = 0; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++ )
// release client frames
if( svs.clients[i].frames )
Mem_Free( svs.clients[i].frames );
svs.clients[i].frames = NULL;
svgame.globals->maxEntities = GI->max_edicts;
svgame.globals->maxClients = sv_maxclients->integer;
svgame.numEntities = svgame.globals->maxClients + 1; // clients + world
svgame.globals->startspot = 0;
svgame.globals->mapname = 0;
Spawn all entities
void SV_LevelInit( const char *pMapName, char const *pOldLevel, char const *pLandmarkName, qboolean loadGame )
if( !svs.initialized )
if( loadGame )
if( !SV_LoadGameState( pMapName, 1 ))
SV_SpawnEntities( pMapName, SV_EntityScript( ));
if( pOldLevel )
SV_LoadAdjacentEnts( pOldLevel, pLandmarkName );
if( sv_newunit->integer )
SV_SpawnEntities( pMapName, SV_EntityScript( ));
svgame.globals->frametime = 0.0f;
// always clearing newunit variable
Cvar_SetFloat( "sv_newunit", 0 );
// call before sending baselines into the client
SV_FreeOldEntities ();
Change the server to a new map, taking all connected
clients along with it.
qboolean SV_SpawnServer( const char *mapname, const char *startspot )
int i, current_skill;
qboolean loadgame, paused;
qboolean background;
Cmd_ExecuteString( "latch\n", src_command );
// save state
loadgame = sv.loadgame;
background = sv.background;
paused = sv.paused;
if( sv.state == ss_dead )
SV_InitGame(); // the game is just starting
if( !svs.initialized )
return false;
svgame.globals->changelevel = false; // will be restored later if needed
svs.timestart = Sys_DoubleTime();
svs.spawncount++; // any partially connected client will be restarted
if( startspot )
MsgDev( D_INFO, "Spawn Server: %s [%s]\n", mapname, startspot );
MsgDev( D_INFO, "Spawn Server: %s\n", mapname );
sv.state = ss_dead;
Host_SetServerState( sv.state );
Q_memset( &sv, 0, sizeof( sv )); // wipe the entire per-level structure
// restore state
sv.paused = paused;
sv.loadgame = loadgame;
sv.background = background;
sv.time = 1.0f; // server spawn time it's always 1.0 second
svgame.globals->time = sv.time;
// initialize buffers
BF_Init( &sv.datagram, "Datagram", sv.datagram_buf, sizeof( sv.datagram_buf ));
BF_Init( &sv.reliable_datagram, "Datagram R", sv.reliable_datagram_buf, sizeof( sv.reliable_datagram_buf ));
BF_Init( &sv.multicast, "Multicast", sv.multicast_buf, sizeof( sv.multicast_buf ));
BF_Init( &sv.signon, "Signon", sv.signon_buf, sizeof( sv.signon_buf ));
BF_Init( &sv.spectator_datagram, "Spectator Datagram", sv.spectator_buf, sizeof( sv.spectator_buf ));
// leave slots at start for clients only
for( i = 0; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++ )
// needs to reconnect
if( svs.clients[i].state > cs_connected )
svs.clients[i].state = cs_connected;
// make cvars consistant
if( Cvar_VariableInteger( "coop" )) Cvar_SetFloat( "deathmatch", 0 );
current_skill = (int)(Cvar_VariableValue( "skill" ) + 0.5f);
current_skill = bound( 0, current_skill, 3 );
Cvar_SetFloat( "skill", (float)current_skill );
if( sv.background )
Cvar_FullSet( "sv_background", "1", CVAR_READ_ONLY );
else Cvar_FullSet( "sv_background", "0", CVAR_READ_ONLY );
// make sure what server name doesn't contain path and extension
FS_FileBase( mapname, );
if( startspot )
Q_strncpy( sv.startspot, startspot, sizeof( sv.startspot ));
else sv.startspot[0] = '\0';
Q_snprintf( sv.model_precache[1], sizeof( sv.model_precache[0] ), "maps/%s.bsp", );
Mod_LoadWorld( sv.model_precache[1], &sv.checksum, false );
sv.worldmodel = Mod_Handle( 1 ); // get world pointer
for( i = 1; i < sv.worldmodel->numsubmodels; i++ )
Q_sprintf( sv.model_precache[i+1], "*%i", i );
Mod_RegisterModel( sv.model_precache[i+1], i+1 );
// precache and static commands can be issued during map initialization
sv.state = ss_loading;
Host_SetServerState( sv.state );
// clear physics interaction links
// tell dlls about new level started
return true;
A brand new game has been started
void SV_InitGame( void )
edict_t *ent;
int i;
if( svs.initialized )
// cause any connected clients to reconnect
Q_strncpy( host.finalmsg, "Server restarted", MAX_STRING );
SV_Shutdown( true );
// init game after host error
if( !svgame.hInstance )
if( !SV_LoadProgs( GI->game_dll ))
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "SV_InitGame: can't initialize %s\n", GI->game_dll );
return; // can't loading
// make sure the client is down
if( Cvar_VariableValue( "coop" ) && Cvar_VariableValue ( "deathmatch" ) && Cvar_VariableValue( "teamplay" ))
MsgDev( D_WARN, "Deathmatch, Teamplay and Coop set, defaulting to Deathmatch\n");
Cvar_FullSet( "coop", "0", CVAR_LATCH );
Cvar_FullSet( "teamplay", "0", CVAR_LATCH );
// dedicated servers are can't be single player and are usually DM
// so unless they explicity set coop, force it to deathmatch
if( host.type == HOST_DEDICATED )
if(!Cvar_VariableValue( "coop" ) && !Cvar_VariableValue( "teamplay" ))
Cvar_FullSet( "deathmatch", "1", CVAR_LATCH );
// init clients
if( Cvar_VariableValue( "deathmatch" ) || Cvar_VariableValue( "teamplay" ))
if( sv_maxclients->integer <= 1 )
Cvar_FullSet( "maxplayers", "8", CVAR_LATCH );
else if( sv_maxclients->integer > MAX_CLIENTS )
Cvar_FullSet( "maxplayers", "32", CVAR_LATCH );
else if( Cvar_VariableValue( "coop" ))
if( sv_maxclients->integer <= 1 || sv_maxclients->integer > 4 )
Cvar_FullSet( "maxplayers", "4", CVAR_LATCH );
// non-deathmatch, non-coop is one player
Cvar_FullSet( "maxplayers", "1", CVAR_LATCH );
svgame.globals->maxClients = sv_maxclients->integer;
svs.spawncount = Com_RandomLong( 0, 65535 );
svs.clients = Z_Malloc( sizeof( sv_client_t ) * sv_maxclients->integer );
svs.num_client_entities = sv_maxclients->integer * SV_UPDATE_BACKUP * 64;
svs.packet_entities = Z_Malloc( sizeof( entity_state_t ) * svs.num_client_entities );
svs.baselines = Z_Malloc( sizeof( entity_state_t ) * GI->max_edicts );
// client frames will be allocated in SV_DirectConnect
// init network stuff
NET_Config(( sv_maxclients->integer > 1 ));
// copy gamemode into svgame.globals
svgame.globals->deathmatch = Cvar_VariableInteger( "deathmatch" );
svgame.globals->teamplay = Cvar_VariableInteger( "teamplay" );
svgame.globals->coop = Cvar_VariableInteger( "coop" );
// heartbeats will always be sent to the id master
svs.last_heartbeat = MAX_HEARTBEAT; // send immediately
// set client fields on player ents
for( i = 0; i < svgame.globals->maxClients; i++ )
// setup all the clients
ent = EDICT_NUM( i + 1 );
SV_InitEdict( ent );
svs.clients[i].edict = ent;
// get actual movevars
SV_UpdateMovevars( true );
svgame.numEntities = svgame.globals->maxClients + 1; // clients + world
svs.initialized = true;
qboolean SV_Active( void )
return svs.initialized;
void SV_ForceError( void )
// this is only for singleplayer testing
if( sv_maxclients->integer != 1 ) return;
sv.write_bad_message = true;
void SV_InitGameProgs( void )
if( svgame.hInstance ) return; // already loaded
// just try to initialize
SV_LoadProgs( GI->game_dll );
void SV_FreeGameProgs( void )
if( svs.initialized ) return; // server is active
// unload progs (free cvars and commands)
qboolean SV_NewGame( const char *mapName, qboolean loadGame )
if( !loadGame )
if( !SV_MapIsValid( mapName, GI->sp_entity, NULL ))
return false;
SV_ClearSaveDir ();
S_StopAllSounds ();
SV_DeactivateServer ();
sv.loadgame = loadGame;
sv.background = false;
if( !SV_SpawnServer( mapName, NULL ))
return false;
SV_LevelInit( mapName, NULL, NULL, loadGame );
sv.loadgame = loadGame;
if( sv.state != ss_active )
return false;
return true;