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2576 lines
65 KiB

// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// studio.c - half-life model compiler
#include "mdllib.h"
bool cdset;
byte *studiopool;
byte *pData;
byte *pStart;
char modeloutname[MAX_SYSPATH];
int numrep;
int flip_triangles;
int dump_hboxes;
int gflags;
int cdtextureset;
int clip_texcoords;
int numseq;
int nummirrored;
int numani;
int numxnodes;
int numrenamedbones;
int totalframes = 0;
int xnode[100][100];
int numbones;
int numhitboxes;
int numhitgroups;
int numattachments;
int numtextures;
int numskinref;
int numskinfamilies;
int numbonecontrollers;
int skinref[256][MAXSTUDIOSKINS]; // [skin][skinref], returns texture index
int striptris[MAXSTUDIOTRIANGLES+2];
int stripverts[MAXSTUDIOTRIANGLES+2];
short commands[MAXSTUDIOTRIANGLES * 13];
int neighbortri[MAXSTUDIOTRIANGLES][3];
int neighboredge[MAXSTUDIOTRIANGLES][3];
int numtexturegroups;
int numtexturelayers[32];
int numtexturereps[32];
int texturegroup[32][32][32];
int numcommandnodes;
int nummodels;
int numbodyparts;
int stripcount;
int numcommands;
int linecount;
int allverts;
int alltris;
float totalseconds = 0;
float default_scale;
float scale_up;
float defaultzrotation;
float normal_blend;
float zrotation;
float gamma;
vec3_t adjust;
vec3_t bbox[2];
vec3_t cbox[2];
vec3_t eyeposition;
vec3_t defaultadjust;
char filename[MAX_SYSPATH];
char line[MAX_SYSPATH];
char pivotname[32][256]; // names of the pivot points
char defaulttexture[16][256];
char sourcetexture[16][256];
char mirrored[MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES][64];
s_mesh_t *pmesh;
studiohdr_t *phdr;
studioseqhdr_t *pseqhdr;
s_sequencegroup_t sequencegroup;
s_trianglevert_t (*triangles)[3];
s_model_t *model[MAXSTUDIOMODELS];
s_bbox_t hitbox[MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES];
s_texture_t texture[MAXSTUDIOSKINS];
s_hitgroup_t hitgroup[MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES];
s_sequence_t sequence[MAXSTUDIOSEQUENCES];
s_bodypart_t bodypart[MAXSTUDIOBODYPARTS];
s_bonefixup_t bonefixup[MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES];
s_bonetable_t bonetable[MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES];
s_attachment_t attachment[MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES];
s_renamebone_t renamedbone[MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES];
s_animation_t *panimation[MAXSTUDIOANIMATIONS];
s_bonecontroller_t bonecontroller[MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES];
void WriteBoneInfo( void )
int i, j;
mstudiobone_t *pbone;
mstudiobonecontroller_t *pbonecontroller;
mstudioattachment_t *pattachment;
mstudiobbox_t *pbbox;
// save bone info
pbone = (mstudiobone_t *)pData;
phdr->numbones = numbones;
phdr->boneindex = (pData - pStart);
for (i = 0; i < numbones; i++)
strcpy( pbone[i].name, bonetable[i].name );
pbone[i].parent = bonetable[i].parent;
pbone[i].flags = bonetable[i].flags;
pbone[i].value[0] = bonetable[i].pos[0];
pbone[i].value[1] = bonetable[i].pos[1];
pbone[i].value[2] = bonetable[i].pos[2];
pbone[i].value[3] = bonetable[i].rot[0];
pbone[i].value[4] = bonetable[i].rot[1];
pbone[i].value[5] = bonetable[i].rot[2];
pbone[i].scale[0] = bonetable[i].posscale[0];
pbone[i].scale[1] = bonetable[i].posscale[1];
pbone[i].scale[2] = bonetable[i].posscale[2];
pbone[i].scale[3] = bonetable[i].rotscale[0];
pbone[i].scale[4] = bonetable[i].rotscale[1];
pbone[i].scale[5] = bonetable[i].rotscale[2];
pData += numbones * sizeof( mstudiobone_t );
ALIGN( pData );
// map bonecontroller to bones
for (i = 0; i < numbones; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
pbone[i].bonecontroller[j] = -1;
for (i = 0; i < numbonecontrollers; i++)
j = bonecontroller[i].bone;
switch( bonecontroller[i].type & STUDIO_TYPES )
case STUDIO_X:
pbone[j].bonecontroller[0] = i;
case STUDIO_Y:
pbone[j].bonecontroller[1] = i;
case STUDIO_Z:
pbone[j].bonecontroller[2] = i;
pbone[j].bonecontroller[3] = i;
pbone[j].bonecontroller[4] = i;
pbone[j].bonecontroller[5] = i;
Msg("Warning: unknown bonecontroller type %i\n", bonecontroller[i].type );
pbone[j].bonecontroller[0] = i; //default
// save bonecontroller info
pbonecontroller = (mstudiobonecontroller_t *)pData;
phdr->numbonecontrollers = numbonecontrollers;
phdr->bonecontrollerindex = (pData - pStart);
for (i = 0; i < numbonecontrollers; i++)
pbonecontroller[i].bone = bonecontroller[i].bone;
pbonecontroller[i].index = bonecontroller[i].index;
pbonecontroller[i].type = bonecontroller[i].type;
pbonecontroller[i].start = bonecontroller[i].start;
pbonecontroller[i].end = bonecontroller[i].end;
pData += numbonecontrollers * sizeof( mstudiobonecontroller_t );
ALIGN( pData );
// save attachment info
pattachment = (mstudioattachment_t *)pData;
phdr->numattachments = numattachments;
phdr->attachmentindex = (pData - pStart);
for (i = 0; i < numattachments; i++)
pattachment[i].bone = attachment[i].bone;
VectorCopy( attachment[i].org, pattachment[i].org );
pData += numattachments * sizeof( mstudioattachment_t );
ALIGN( pData );
// save bbox info
pbbox = (mstudiobbox_t *)pData;
phdr->numhitboxes = numhitboxes;
phdr->hitboxindex = (pData - pStart);
for (i = 0; i < numhitboxes; i++)
pbbox[i].bone = hitbox[i].bone;
pbbox[i].group = hitbox[i].group;
VectorCopy( hitbox[i].bmin, pbbox[i].bbmin );
VectorCopy( hitbox[i].bmax, pbbox[i].bbmax );
pData += numhitboxes * sizeof( mstudiobbox_t );
ALIGN( pData );
void WriteSequenceInfo( void )
int i, j;
mstudioseqgroup_t *pseqgroup;
mstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc;
mstudioseqdesc_t *pbaseseqdesc;
mstudioevent_t *pevent;
mstudiopivot_t *ppivot;
byte *ptransition;
// save sequence info
pseqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)pData;
pbaseseqdesc = pseqdesc;
phdr->numseq = numseq;
phdr->seqindex = (pData - pStart);
pData += numseq * sizeof( mstudioseqdesc_t );
for (i = 0; i < numseq; i++, pseqdesc++)
strcpy( pseqdesc->label, sequence[i].name );
pseqdesc->numframes = sequence[i].numframes;
pseqdesc->fps = sequence[i].fps;
pseqdesc->flags = sequence[i].flags;
pseqdesc->numblends = sequence[i].numblends;
pseqdesc->blendtype[0] = sequence[i].blendtype[0];
pseqdesc->blendtype[1] = sequence[i].blendtype[1];
pseqdesc->blendstart[0] = sequence[i].blendstart[0];
pseqdesc->blendend[0] = sequence[i].blendend[0];
pseqdesc->blendstart[1] = sequence[i].blendstart[1];
pseqdesc->blendend[1] = sequence[i].blendend[1];
pseqdesc->motiontype = sequence[i].motiontype;
pseqdesc->motionbone = 0;
VectorCopy( sequence[i].linearmovement, pseqdesc->linearmovement );
pseqdesc->seqgroup = sequence[i].seqgroup;
pseqdesc->animindex = sequence[i].animindex;
pseqdesc->activity = sequence[i].activity;
pseqdesc->actweight = sequence[i].actweight;
VectorCopy( sequence[i].bmin, pseqdesc->bbmin );
VectorCopy( sequence[i].bmax, pseqdesc->bbmax );
pseqdesc->entrynode = sequence[i].entrynode;
pseqdesc->exitnode = sequence[i].exitnode;
pseqdesc->nodeflags = sequence[i].nodeflags;
totalframes += sequence[i].numframes;
totalseconds += sequence[i].numframes / sequence[i].fps;
// save events
pevent = (mstudioevent_t *)pData;
pseqdesc->numevents = sequence[i].numevents;
pseqdesc->eventindex = (pData - pStart);
pData += pseqdesc->numevents * sizeof( mstudioevent_t );
for (j = 0; j < sequence[i].numevents; j++)
pevent[j].frame = sequence[i].event[j].frame - sequence[i].frameoffset;
pevent[j].event = sequence[i].event[j].event;
memcpy( pevent[j].options, sequence[i].event[j].options, sizeof( pevent[j].options ));
ALIGN( pData );
// save pivots
ppivot = (mstudiopivot_t *)pData;
pseqdesc->numpivots = sequence[i].numpivots;
pseqdesc->pivotindex = (pData - pStart);
pData += pseqdesc->numpivots * sizeof( mstudiopivot_t );
for (j = 0; j < sequence[i].numpivots; j++)
VectorCopy( sequence[i].pivot[j].org, ppivot[j].org );
ppivot[j].start = sequence[i].pivot[j].start - sequence[i].frameoffset;
ppivot[j].end = sequence[i].pivot[j].end - sequence[i].frameoffset;
ALIGN( pData );
// save sequence group info
pseqgroup = (mstudioseqgroup_t *)pData;
phdr->numseqgroups = 1;
phdr->seqgroupindex = (pData - pStart);
pData += sizeof( mstudioseqgroup_t );
ALIGN( pData );
strcpy( pseqgroup->label, sequencegroup.label );
strcpy( pseqgroup->name, );
// save transition graph
ptransition = (byte *)pData;
phdr->numtransitions = numxnodes;
phdr->transitionindex = (pData - pStart);
pData += numxnodes * numxnodes * sizeof( byte );
ALIGN( pData );
for (i = 0; i < numxnodes; i++)
for(j = 0; j < numxnodes; j++)
*ptransition++ = xnode[i][j];
byte *WriteAnimations( byte *pData, byte *pStart, int group )
int i, j, k, q, n;
mstudioanim_t *panim;
mstudioanimvalue_t *panimvalue;
for (i = 0; i < numseq; i++)
if (sequence[i].seqgroup == group)
// save animations
panim = (mstudioanim_t *)pData;
sequence[i].animindex = (pData - pStart);
pData += sequence[i].numblends * numbones * sizeof( mstudioanim_t );
ALIGN( pData );
panimvalue = (mstudioanimvalue_t *)pData;
for (q = 0; q < sequence[i].numblends; q++)
// save animation value info
for (j = 0; j < numbones; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 6; k++)
if (sequence[i].panim[q]->numanim[j][k] == 0)
panim->offset[k] = 0;
panim->offset[k] = ((byte *)panimvalue - (byte *)panim);
for (n = 0; n < sequence[i].panim[q]->numanim[j][k]; n++)
panimvalue->value = sequence[i].panim[q]->anim[j][k][n].value;
if (((byte *)panimvalue - (byte *)panim) > 0xffff)
Sys_Error("sequence \"%s\" is greater than 64K\n", sequence[i].name );
pData = (byte *)panimvalue;
ALIGN( pData );
return pData;
void WriteTextures( void )
mstudiotexture_t *ptexture;
short *pref;
int i, j;
// save bone info
ptexture = (mstudiotexture_t *)pData;
phdr->numtextures = numtextures;
phdr->textureindex = (pData - pStart);
pData += numtextures * sizeof( mstudiotexture_t );
ALIGN( pData );
phdr->skinindex = (pData - pStart);
phdr->numskinref = numskinref;
phdr->numskinfamilies = numskinfamilies;
pref = (short *)pData;
for (i = 0; i < phdr->numskinfamilies; i++)
for (j = 0; j < phdr->numskinref; j++)
*pref = skinref[i][j];
pData = (byte *)pref;
ALIGN( pData );
phdr->texturedataindex = (pData - pStart); // must be the end of the file!
for (i = 0; i < numtextures; i++)
strcpy( ptexture[i].name, texture[i].name );
ptexture[i].flags = texture[i].flags;
ptexture[i].width = texture[i].skinwidth;
ptexture[i].height = texture[i].skinheight;
ptexture[i].index = (pData - pStart);
memcpy( pData, texture[i].pdata, texture[i].size );
pData += texture[i].size;
ALIGN( pData );
void WriteModel( void )
mstudiobodyparts_t *pbodypart;
mstudiomodel_t *pmodel;
byte *pbone;
vec3_t *pvert;
vec3_t *pnorm;
mstudiomesh_t *pmesh;
s_trianglevert_t *psrctri;
int i, j, k, cur;
int total_tris = 0;
int total_strips = 0;
pbodypart = (mstudiobodyparts_t *)pData;
phdr->numbodyparts = numbodyparts;
phdr->bodypartindex = (pData - pStart);
pData += numbodyparts * sizeof( mstudiobodyparts_t );
pmodel = (mstudiomodel_t *)pData;
pData += nummodels * sizeof( mstudiomodel_t );
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < numbodyparts; i++)
strcpy( pbodypart[i].name, bodypart[i].name );
pbodypart[i].nummodels = bodypart[i].nummodels;
pbodypart[i].base = bodypart[i].base;
pbodypart[i].modelindex = ((byte *)&pmodel[j]) - pStart;
j += bodypart[i].nummodels;
ALIGN( pData );
cur = (int)pData;
for (i = 0; i < nummodels; i++)
int normmap[MAXSTUDIOVERTS];
int normimap[MAXSTUDIOVERTS];
int n = 0;
strcpy( pmodel[i].name, model[i]->name );
// remap normals to be sorted by skin reference
for (j = 0; j < model[i]->nummesh; j++)
for (k = 0; k < model[i]->numnorms; k++)
if (model[i]->normal[k].skinref == model[i]->pmesh[j]->skinref)
normmap[k] = n;
normimap[n] = k;
// save vertice bones
pbone = pData;
pmodel[i].numverts = model[i]->numverts;
pmodel[i].vertinfoindex = (pData - pStart);
for (j = 0; j < pmodel[i].numverts; j++) *pbone++ = model[i]->vert[j].bone;
ALIGN( pbone );
// save normal bones
pmodel[i].numnorms = model[i]->numnorms;
pmodel[i].norminfoindex = ((byte *)pbone - pStart);
for (j = 0; j < pmodel[i].numnorms; j++) *pbone++ = model[i]->normal[normimap[j]].bone;
ALIGN( pbone );
pData = pbone;
// save group info
pvert = (vec3_t *)pData;
pData += model[i]->numverts * sizeof( vec3_t );
pmodel[i].vertindex = ((byte *)pvert - pStart);
ALIGN( pData );
pnorm = (vec3_t *)pData;
pData += model[i]->numnorms * sizeof( vec3_t );
pmodel[i].normindex = ((byte *)pnorm - pStart);
ALIGN( pData );
for (j = 0; j < model[i]->numverts; j++)
VectorCopy( model[i]->vert[j].org, pvert[j] );
for (j = 0; j < model[i]->numnorms; j++)
VectorCopy( model[i]->normal[normimap[j]].org, pnorm[j] );
Msg("vertices %6d bytes (%d vertices, %d normals)\n", pData - cur, model[i]->numverts, model[i]->numnorms);
cur = (int)pData;
// save mesh info
pmesh = (mstudiomesh_t *)pData;
pmodel[i].nummesh = model[i]->nummesh;
pmodel[i].meshindex = (pData - pStart);
pData += pmodel[i].nummesh * sizeof( mstudiomesh_t );
ALIGN( pData );
total_tris = 0;
total_strips = 0;
for (j = 0; j < model[i]->nummesh; j++)
int numCmdBytes;
byte *pCmdSrc;
pmesh[j].numtris = model[i]->pmesh[j]->numtris;
pmesh[j].skinref = model[i]->pmesh[j]->skinref;
pmesh[j].numnorms = model[i]->pmesh[j]->numnorms;
psrctri = (s_trianglevert_t *)(model[i]->pmesh[j]->triangle);
for (k = 0; k < pmesh[j].numtris * 3; k++)
psrctri->normindex = normmap[psrctri->normindex];
numCmdBytes = BuildTris( model[i]->pmesh[j]->triangle, model[i]->pmesh[j], &pCmdSrc );
pmesh[j].triindex = (pData - pStart);
memcpy( pData, pCmdSrc, numCmdBytes );
pData += numCmdBytes;
ALIGN( pData );
total_tris += pmesh[j].numtris;
total_strips += numcommandnodes;
Msg("mesh %6d bytes (%d tris, %d strips)\n", pData - cur, total_tris, total_strips);
cur = (int)pData;
void WriteMDLFile (void)
int total = 0;
pStart = Kalloc( FILEBUFFER );
FS_StripExtension( modeloutname );
// write the model output file
FS_DefaultExtension( modeloutname, ".mdl" );
Msg ("---------------------\n");
Msg ("writing %s:\n", modeloutname);
phdr = (studiohdr_t *)pStart;
phdr->version = STUDIO_VERSION;
strcpy( phdr->name, modeloutname );
VectorCopy( eyeposition, phdr->eyeposition );
VectorCopy( bbox[0], phdr->min );
VectorCopy( bbox[1], phdr->max );
VectorCopy( cbox[0], phdr->bbmin );
VectorCopy( cbox[1], phdr->bbmax );
phdr->flags = gflags;
pData = (byte *)phdr + sizeof( studiohdr_t );
Msg("bones %6d bytes (%d)\n", pData - pStart - total, numbones );
total = pData - pStart;
pData = WriteAnimations( pData, pStart, 0 );
WriteSequenceInfo( );
Msg("sequences %6d bytes (%d frames) [%d:%02d]\n", pData - pStart - total, totalframes, (int)totalseconds / 60, (int)totalseconds % 60 );
total = pData - pStart;
Msg("models %6d bytes\n", pData - pStart - total );
total = pData - pStart;
Msg("textures %6d bytes\n", pData - pStart - total );
phdr->length = pData - pStart;
FS_WriteFile( modeloutname, pStart, phdr->length );
Msg("total %6d\n", phdr->length );
void SimplifyModel (void)
int i, j, k;
int n, m, q;
vec3_t *defaultpos[MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES];
vec3_t *defaultrot[MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES];
int iError = 0;
// find used bones
for (i = 0; i < nummodels; i++)
for (k = 0; k < MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES; k++) model[i]->boneref[k] = 0;
for (j = 0; j < model[i]->numverts; j++) model[i]->boneref[model[i]->vert[j].bone] = 1;
for (k = 0; k < MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES; k++)
// tag parent bones as used if child has been used
if (model[i]->boneref[k])
n = model[i]->node[k].parent;
while (n != -1 && !model[i]->boneref[n])
model[i]->boneref[n] = 1;
n = model[i]->node[n].parent;
// rename model bones if needed
for (i = 0; i < nummodels; i++)
for (j = 0; j < model[i]->numbones; j++)
for (k = 0; k < numrenamedbones; k++)
if (!strcmp( model[i]->node[j].name, renamedbone[k].from))
strcpy( model[i]->node[j].name, renamedbone[k].to );
// union of all used bones
numbones = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nummodels; i++)
for (k = 0; k < MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES; k++) model[i]->boneimap[k] = -1;
for (j = 0; j < model[i]->numbones; j++)
if (model[i]->boneref[j])
k = findNode( model[i]->node[j].name );
if (k == -1)
// create new bone
k = numbones;
strncpy( bonetable[k].name, model[i]->node[j].name, sizeof(bonetable[k].name));
if ((n = model[i]->node[j].parent) != -1)
bonetable[k].parent = findNode( model[i]->node[n].name );
else bonetable[k].parent = -1;
bonetable[k].bonecontroller = 0;
bonetable[k].flags = 0;
// set defaults
defaultpos[k] = Kalloc( MAXSTUDIOANIMATIONS * sizeof( vec3_t ));
defaultrot[k] = Kalloc( MAXSTUDIOANIMATIONS * sizeof( vec3_t ));
for (n = 0; n < MAXSTUDIOANIMATIONS; n++)
VectorCopy( model[i]->skeleton[j].pos, defaultpos[k][n] );
VectorCopy( model[i]->skeleton[j].rot, defaultrot[k][n] );
VectorCopy( model[i]->skeleton[j].pos, bonetable[k].pos );
VectorCopy( model[i]->skeleton[j].rot, bonetable[k].rot );
// double check parent assignments
n = model[i]->node[j].parent;
if (n != -1) n = findNode( model[i]->node[n].name );
m = bonetable[k].parent;
if (n != m)
MsgWarn("SimplifyModel: illegal parent bone replacement in model \"%s\"\n\t\"%s\" has \"%s\", previously was \"%s\"\n", model[i]->name, model[i]->node[j].name, (n != -1) ? bonetable[n].name : "ROOT", (m != -1) ? bonetable[m].name : "ROOT" );
model[i]->bonemap[j] = k;
model[i]->boneimap[k] = j;
//handle errors
if (iError && !(host_debug)) Sys_Error("Unexpected errors, stop compilation\nRun with parm \"-debug\" to avoid this");
if (numbones >= MAXSTUDIOBONES) Sys_Error( "Too many bones in model: used %d, max %d\n", numbones, MAXSTUDIOBONES );
// rename sequence bones if needed
for (i = 0; i < numseq; i++)
for (j = 0; j < sequence[i].panim[0]->numbones; j++)
for (k = 0; k < numrenamedbones; k++)
if (!strcmp( sequence[i].panim[0]->node[j].name, renamedbone[k].from))
strcpy( sequence[i].panim[0]->node[j].name, renamedbone[k].to );
// map each sequences bone list to master list
for (i = 0; i < numseq; i++)
for (k = 0; k < MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES; k++) sequence[i].panim[0]->boneimap[k] = -1;
for (j = 0; j < sequence[i].panim[0]->numbones; j++)
k = findNode( sequence[i].panim[0]->node[j].name );
if (k == -1) sequence[i].panim[0]->bonemap[j] = -1;
char *szAnim = "ROOT";
char *szNode = "ROOT";
// whoa, check parent connections!
if (sequence[i].panim[0]->node[j].parent != -1) szAnim = sequence[i].panim[0]->node[sequence[i].panim[0]->node[j].parent].name;
if (bonetable[k].parent != -1) szNode = bonetable[bonetable[k].parent].name;
if (strcmp(szAnim, szNode))
MsgWarn("SimplifyModel: illegal parent bone replacement in sequence \"%s\"\n\t\"%s\" has \"%s\", reference has \"%s\"\n", sequence[i].name, sequence[i].panim[0]->node[j].name, szAnim, szNode );
sequence[i].panim[0]->bonemap[j] = k;
sequence[i].panim[0]->boneimap[k] = j;
//handle errors
if (iError && !(host_debug)) Sys_Error("unexpected errors, stop compilation\nRun with parm \"-debug\" to avoid this");
// link bonecontrollers
for (i = 0; i < numbonecontrollers; i++)
for (j = 0; j < numbones; j++)
if (stricmp( bonecontroller[i].name, bonetable[j].name) == 0)
if (j >= numbones)
MsgWarn("SimplifyModel: unknown bonecontroller link '%s'\n", bonecontroller[i].name );
j = numbones - 1;
bonecontroller[i].bone = j;
// link attachments
for (i = 0; i < numattachments; i++)
for (j = 0; j < numbones; j++)
if (stricmp( attachment[i].bonename, bonetable[j].name) == 0)
if (j >= numbones)
MsgWarn("SimplifyModel: unknown attachment link '%s'\n", attachment[i].bonename );
j = numbones - 1;
attachment[i].bone = j;
// relink model
for (i = 0; i < nummodels; i++)
for (j = 0; j < model[i]->numverts; j++) model[i]->vert[j].bone = model[i]->bonemap[model[i]->vert[j].bone];
for (j = 0; j < model[i]->numnorms; j++) model[i]->normal[j].bone = model[i]->bonemap[model[i]->normal[j].bone];
// set hitgroups
for (k = 0; k < numbones; k++) bonetable[k].group = -9999;
for (j = 0; j < numhitgroups; j++)
for (k = 0; k < numbones; k++)
if (strcmpi( bonetable[k].name, hitgroup[j].name) == 0)
bonetable[k].group = hitgroup[j].group;
if (k >= numbones)
MsgWarn( "SimplifyModel: cannot find bone %s for hitgroup %d\n", hitgroup[j].name, hitgroup[j].group );
for (k = 0; k < numbones; k++)
if (bonetable[k].group == -9999)
if (bonetable[k].parent != -1)
bonetable[k].group = bonetable[bonetable[k].parent].group;
else bonetable[k].group = 0;
if (numhitboxes == 0)
// find intersection box volume for each bone
for (k = 0; k < numbones; k++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
bonetable[k].bmin[j] = 0.0;
bonetable[k].bmax[j] = 0.0;
// try all the connect vertices
for (i = 0; i < nummodels; i++)
vec3_t p;
for (j = 0; j < model[i]->numverts; j++)
VectorCopy( model[i]->vert[j].org, p );
k = model[i]->vert[j].bone;
if (p[0] < bonetable[k].bmin[0]) bonetable[k].bmin[0] = p[0];
if (p[1] < bonetable[k].bmin[1]) bonetable[k].bmin[1] = p[1];
if (p[2] < bonetable[k].bmin[2]) bonetable[k].bmin[2] = p[2];
if (p[0] > bonetable[k].bmax[0]) bonetable[k].bmax[0] = p[0];
if (p[1] > bonetable[k].bmax[1]) bonetable[k].bmax[1] = p[1];
if (p[2] > bonetable[k].bmax[2]) bonetable[k].bmax[2] = p[2];
// add in all your children as well
for (k = 0; k < numbones; k++)
if ((j = bonetable[k].parent) != -1)
if (bonetable[k].pos[0] < bonetable[j].bmin[0]) bonetable[j].bmin[0] = bonetable[k].pos[0];
if (bonetable[k].pos[1] < bonetable[j].bmin[1]) bonetable[j].bmin[1] = bonetable[k].pos[1];
if (bonetable[k].pos[2] < bonetable[j].bmin[2]) bonetable[j].bmin[2] = bonetable[k].pos[2];
if (bonetable[k].pos[0] > bonetable[j].bmax[0]) bonetable[j].bmax[0] = bonetable[k].pos[0];
if (bonetable[k].pos[1] > bonetable[j].bmax[1]) bonetable[j].bmax[1] = bonetable[k].pos[1];
if (bonetable[k].pos[2] > bonetable[j].bmax[2]) bonetable[j].bmax[2] = bonetable[k].pos[2];
for (k = 0; k < numbones; k++)
if (bonetable[k].bmin[0] < bonetable[k].bmax[0] - 1 && bonetable[k].bmin[1] < bonetable[k].bmax[1] - 1 && bonetable[k].bmin[2] < bonetable[k].bmax[2] - 1)
hitbox[numhitboxes].bone = k;
hitbox[numhitboxes].group = bonetable[k].group;
VectorCopy( bonetable[k].bmin, hitbox[numhitboxes].bmin );
VectorCopy( bonetable[k].bmax, hitbox[numhitboxes].bmax );
if (dump_hboxes)//remove this??
Msg("$hbox %d \"%s\" %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", hitbox[numhitboxes].group, bonetable[hitbox[numhitboxes].bone].name, hitbox[numhitboxes].bmin[0], hitbox[numhitboxes].bmin[1], hitbox[numhitboxes].bmin[2], hitbox[numhitboxes].bmax[0], hitbox[numhitboxes].bmax[1], hitbox[numhitboxes].bmax[2] );
for (j = 0; j < numhitboxes; j++)
for (k = 0; k < numbones; k++)
if (strcmpi( bonetable[k].name, hitbox[j].name) == 0)
hitbox[j].bone = k;
if (k >= numbones)
MsgWarn("SimplifyModel: cannot find bone %s for bbox\n", hitbox[j].name );
// relink animations
for (i = 0; i < numseq; i++)
vec3_t *origpos[MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES];
vec3_t *origrot[MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES];
for (q = 0; q < sequence[i].numblends; q++)
// save pointers to original animations
for (j = 0; j < sequence[i].panim[q]->numbones; j++)
origpos[j] = sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[j];
origrot[j] = sequence[i].panim[q]->rot[j];
for (j = 0; j < numbones; j++)
if ((k = sequence[i].panim[0]->boneimap[j]) >= 0)
// link to original animations
sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[j] = origpos[k];
sequence[i].panim[q]->rot[j] = origrot[k];
// link to dummy animations
sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[j] = defaultpos[j];
sequence[i].panim[q]->rot[j] = defaultrot[j];
// find scales for all bones
for (j = 0; j < numbones; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 6; k++)
float minv, maxv, scale;
if (k < 3)
minv = -128.0;
maxv = 128.0;
minv = -M_PI / 8.0;
maxv = M_PI / 8.0;
for (i = 0; i < numseq; i++)
for (q = 0; q < sequence[i].numblends; q++)
for (n = 0; n < sequence[i].numframes; n++)
float v;
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
v = ( sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[j][n][k] - bonetable[j].pos[k] );
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
v = ( sequence[i].panim[q]->rot[j][n][k-3] - bonetable[j].rot[k-3] );
if (v >= M_PI) v -= M_PI * 2;
if (v < -M_PI) v += M_PI * 2;
if (v < minv) minv = v;
if (v > maxv) maxv = v;
if (minv < maxv)
if (-minv> maxv) scale = minv / -32768.0;
else scale = maxv / 32767;
else scale = 1.0 / 32.0;
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
bonetable[j].posscale[k] = scale;
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
bonetable[j].rotscale[k-3] = scale;
// find bounding box for each sequence
for (i = 0; i < numseq; i++)
vec3_t bmin, bmax;
// find intersection box volume for each bone
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
bmin[j] = 9999.0;
bmax[j] = -9999.0;
for (q = 0; q < sequence[i].numblends; q++)
for (n = 0; n < sequence[i].numframes; n++)
matrix3x4 bonetransform[MAXSTUDIOBONES];// bone transformation matrix
matrix3x4 bonematrix; // local transformation matrix
vec3_t pos;
for (j = 0; j < numbones; j++)
vec3_t angle;
// convert to degrees
angle[0] = sequence[i].panim[q]->rot[j][n][0] * (180.0 / M_PI);
angle[1] = sequence[i].panim[q]->rot[j][n][1] * (180.0 / M_PI);
angle[2] = sequence[i].panim[q]->rot[j][n][2] * (180.0 / M_PI);
AngleMatrix( angle, bonematrix );
bonematrix[0][3] = sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[j][n][0];
bonematrix[1][3] = sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[j][n][1];
bonematrix[2][3] = sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[j][n][2];
if (bonetable[j].parent == -1) MatrixCopy( bonematrix, bonetransform[j] );
else R_ConcatTransforms (bonetransform[bonetable[j].parent], bonematrix, bonetransform[j]);
for (k = 0; k < nummodels; k++)
for (j = 0; j < model[k]->numverts; j++)
VectorTransform( model[k]->vert[j].org, bonetransform[model[k]->vert[j].bone], pos );
if (pos[0] < bmin[0]) bmin[0] = pos[0];
if (pos[1] < bmin[1]) bmin[1] = pos[1];
if (pos[2] < bmin[2]) bmin[2] = pos[2];
if (pos[0] > bmax[0]) bmax[0] = pos[0];
if (pos[1] > bmax[1]) bmax[1] = pos[1];
if (pos[2] > bmax[2]) bmax[2] = pos[2];
VectorCopy( bmin, sequence[i].bmin );
VectorCopy( bmax, sequence[i].bmax );
// reduce animations
int total = 0;
int changes = 0;
int p;
for (i = 0; i < numseq; i++)
for (q = 0; q < sequence[i].numblends; q++)
for (j = 0; j < numbones; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 6; k++)
mstudioanimvalue_t *pcount, *pvalue;
mstudioanimvalue_t data[MAXSTUDIOANIMATIONS];
float v;
for (n = 0; n < sequence[i].numframes; n++)
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
value[n] = ( sequence[i].panim[q]->pos[j][n][k] - bonetable[j].pos[k] ) / bonetable[j].posscale[k];
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
v = ( sequence[i].panim[q]->rot[j][n][k-3] - bonetable[j].rot[k-3] );
if (v >= M_PI) v -= M_PI * 2;
if (v < -M_PI) v += M_PI * 2;
value[n] = v / bonetable[j].rotscale[k-3];
if (n == 0) Sys_Error("no animation frames: \"%s\"\n", sequence[i].name );
sequence[i].panim[q]->numanim[j][k] = 0;
memset( data, 0, sizeof( data ) );
pcount = data;
pvalue = pcount + 1;
pcount->num.valid = 1;
pcount-> = 1;
pvalue->value = value[0];
for (m = 1, p = 0; m < n; m++)
if (abs(value[p] - value[m]) > 1600)
p = m;
// this compression algorithm needs work
for (m = 1; m < n; m++)
if (pcount-> == 255)
// too many, force a new entry
pcount = pvalue;
pvalue = pcount + 1;
pvalue->value = value[m];
// insert value if they're not equal,
// or if we're not on a run and the run is less than 3 units
else if ((value[m] != value[m-1]) || ((pcount-> == pcount->num.valid) && ((m < n - 1) && value[m] != value[m+1])))
if (pcount-> != pcount->num.valid)
pcount = pvalue;
pvalue = pcount + 1;
pvalue->value = value[m];
sequence[i].panim[q]->numanim[j][k] = pvalue - data;
if (sequence[i].panim[q]->numanim[j][k] == 2 && value[0] == 0)
sequence[i].panim[q]->numanim[j][k] = 0;
sequence[i].panim[q]->anim[j][k] = Kalloc( (pvalue - data) * sizeof( mstudioanimvalue_t ));
memmove( sequence[i].panim[q]->anim[j][k], data, (pvalue - data) * sizeof( mstudioanimvalue_t ));
void Grab_Skin ( s_texture_t *ptexture )
char filename[MAX_SYSPATH];
strcpy (filename, ptexture->name);
FS_DefaultExtension( filename, ".bmp" );
ptexture->ppicture = ReadBMP ( filename, (byte **)&ptexture->ppal, &ptexture->srcwidth, &ptexture->srcheight);
if (!ptexture->ppicture) Sys_Error("unable to load %s\n", filename );
void SetSkinValues( void )
int i, j;
int index;
for (i = 0; i < numtextures; i++)
Grab_Skin ( &texture[i] );
texture[i].max_s = -9999999;
texture[i].min_s = 9999999;
texture[i].max_t = -9999999;
texture[i].min_t = 9999999;
for (i = 0; i < nummodels; i++)
for (j = 0; j < model[i]->nummesh; j++)
TextureCoordRanges( model[i]->pmesh[j], &texture[model[i]->pmesh[j]->skinref] );
for (i = 0; i < numtextures; i++)
if (texture[i].max_s < texture[i].min_s )
// must be a replacement texture
if (texture[i].flags & STUDIO_NF_CHROME)
texture[i].max_s = 63;
texture[i].min_s = 0;
texture[i].max_t = 63;
texture[i].min_t = 0;
texture[i].max_s = texture[texture[i].parent].max_s;
texture[i].min_s = texture[texture[i].parent].min_s;
texture[i].max_t = texture[texture[i].parent].max_t;
texture[i].min_t = texture[texture[i].parent].min_t;
ResizeTexture( &texture[i] );
for (i = 0; i < nummodels; i++)
for (j = 0; j < model[i]->nummesh; j++)
ResetTextureCoordRanges( model[i]->pmesh[j], &texture[model[i]->pmesh[j]->skinref] );
// build texture groups
for (i = 0; i < MAXSTUDIOSKINS; i++) for (j = 0; j < MAXSTUDIOSKINS; j++) skinref[i][j] = j;
index = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numtexturelayers[0]; i++)
for (j = 0; j < numtexturereps[0]; j++)
skinref[i][texturegroup[0][0][j]] = texturegroup[0][i][j];
if (i != 0) numskinfamilies = i;
numskinfamilies = 1;
numskinref = numtextures;
void Build_Reference( s_model_t *pmodel)
int i, parent;
float angle[3];
for (i = 0; i < pmodel->numbones; i++)
float m[3][4];
vec3_t p;
// convert to degrees
angle[0] = pmodel->skeleton[i].rot[0] * (180.0 / M_PI);
angle[1] = pmodel->skeleton[i].rot[1] * (180.0 / M_PI);
angle[2] = pmodel->skeleton[i].rot[2] * (180.0 / M_PI);
parent = pmodel->node[i].parent;
if (parent == -1)
// scale the done pos.
// calc rotational matrices
AngleMatrix( angle, bonefixup[i].m );
AngleIMatrix( angle, bonefixup[i].im );
VectorCopy( pmodel->skeleton[i].pos, bonefixup[i].worldorg );
// calc compound rotational matrices
// FIXME : Hey, it's orthogical so inv(A) == transpose(A)
AngleMatrix( angle, m );
R_ConcatTransforms( bonefixup[parent].m, m, bonefixup[i].m );
AngleIMatrix( angle, m );
R_ConcatTransforms( m, bonefixup[parent].im, bonefixup[i].im );
// calc true world coord.
VectorTransform(pmodel->skeleton[i].pos, bonefixup[parent].m, p );
VectorAdd( p, bonefixup[parent].worldorg, bonefixup[i].worldorg );
void Grab_Triangles( s_model_t *pmodel )
int i, j;
int tcount = 0;
vec3_t vmin, vmax;
vmin[0] = vmin[1] = vmin[2] = 99999;
vmax[0] = vmax[1] = vmax[2] = -99999;
Build_Reference( pmodel );
// load the base triangles
while ( 1 )
s_mesh_t *pmesh;
char texturename[64];
s_trianglevert_t *ptriv;
int bone;
vec3_t vert[3];
vec3_t norm[3];
if(!Com_GetToken( true )) break;
if(Com_MatchToken( "end" )) break;//triangles end
else if(!stricmp( ".bmp", &com_token[strlen(com_token)-4]))
//probably is texture name
strcpy( texturename, com_token);
// funky texture overrides
for (i = 0; i < numrep; i++)
if (sourcetexture[i][0] == '\0')
strcpy( texturename, defaulttexture[i] );
if (stricmp( texturename, sourcetexture[i]) == 0)
strcpy( texturename, defaulttexture[i] );
if (strlen(texturename) < 5)//invalid name
// weird model problem, skip them
MsgWarn("Grab_Triangles: triangle with invalid texname\n");
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if(!Com_GetToken( true ))
Sys_Error( "Unexpected EOF %s at line %d\n", filename, linecount );
else //triangles description
pmesh = lookup_mesh( pmodel, texturename );
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
s_vertex_t p;
vec3_t tmp;
s_normal_t normal;
if (flip_triangles) ptriv = lookup_triangle( pmesh, pmesh->numtris ) + 2 - j;
else ptriv = lookup_triangle( pmesh, pmesh->numtris ) + j;
//grab triangle info
bone = atoi(com_token);[0] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));[1] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));[2] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));[0] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));[1] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));[2] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));
ptriv->u = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));
ptriv->v = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));
// skip MilkShape additional info
//translate triangles
if (bone < 0 || bone >= pmodel->numbones)
Sys_Error("bogus bone index %d \n%s line %d", bone, filename, linecount );
VectorCopy(, vert[j] );
VectorCopy(, norm[j] );
p.bone = bone;
normal.bone = bone;
normal.skinref = pmesh->skinref;
if ([2] < vmin[2]) vmin[2] =[2];
adjust_vertex( );
scale_vertex( );
// move vertex position to object space.
VectorSubtract(, bonefixup[p.bone].worldorg, tmp );
VectorTransform(tmp, bonefixup[p.bone].im, );
// move normal to object space.
VectorCopy(, tmp );
VectorTransform(tmp, bonefixup[p.bone].im, );
VectorNormalize( );
ptriv->normindex = lookup_normal( pmodel, &normal );
ptriv->vertindex = lookup_vertex( pmodel, &p );
// tag bone as being used
// pmodel->bone[bone].ref = 1;
if(j < 2)
Com_GetToken( true );
pmodel->trimesh[tcount] = pmesh;
pmodel->trimap[tcount] = pmesh->numtris++;
if (vmin[2] != 0.0) MsgWarn("Grab_Triangles: lowest vector at %f\n", vmin[2] );
void Grab_Skeleton( s_node_t *pnodes, s_bone_t *pbones )
int index;
int time = 0;
while ( 1 )
if(!Com_GetToken( true )) break;
if(Com_MatchToken( "end" )) return;//skeleton end
else if(Com_MatchToken( "time" ))
//check time
time += atoi(Com_GetToken( false ));
if(time > 0) MsgWarn("Grab_Skeleton: Warning! An animation file is probably used as a reference\n");
//grab skeleton info
index = atoi( com_token);
pbones[index].pos[0] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));
pbones[index].pos[1] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));
pbones[index].pos[2] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));
scale_vertex( pbones[index].pos );
if (pnodes[index].mirrored) VectorScale( pbones[index].pos, -1.0, pbones[index].pos );
pbones[index].rot[0] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));
pbones[index].rot[1] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));
pbones[index].rot[2] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));
clip_rotations( pbones[index].rot );
Sys_Error( "Unexpected EOF %s at line %d\n", filename, linecount );
int Grab_Nodes( s_node_t *pnodes )
int index;
char name[MAX_SYSPATH];
int parent;
int numbones = 0;
int i;
while( 1 )
if(!Com_GetToken( true )) break;
//end of nodes description
if(Com_MatchToken( "end" )) return numbones + 1;
index = atoi(com_token); //read bone index (we already have filled token)
strcpy( name, Com_GetToken( false ));
parent = atoi(Com_GetToken( false )); //read bone parent
strncpy( pnodes[index].name, name, sizeof(pnodes[index].name));
pnodes[index].parent = parent;
numbones = index;
// check for mirrored bones;
for (i = 0; i < nummirrored; i++) if (strcmp( name, mirrored[i] ) == 0) pnodes[index].mirrored = 1;
if ((! pnodes[index].mirrored) && parent != -1)
pnodes[index].mirrored = pnodes[pnodes[index].parent].mirrored;
Sys_Error( "Unexpected EOF %s at line %d\n", filename, linecount );
return 0;
void Grab_Studio ( s_model_t *pmodel )
bool load;
strncpy (filename, pmodel->name, sizeof(filename));
FS_DefaultExtension(filename, ".smd" );
load = Com_IncludeScript( filename, NULL, 0 );
if(!load) Sys_Error("unable to open %s\n", filename );
Msg("grabbing %s\n", filename);
linecount = 0;
while ( 1 )
if(!Com_GetToken( true )) break;
if (Com_MatchToken( "version" ))
int option = atoi(Com_GetToken( false ));
if (option != 1) MsgWarn("Grab_Studio: %s bad version file\n", filename );
else if (Com_MatchToken( "nodes" ))
pmodel->numbones = Grab_Nodes( pmodel->node );
else if (Com_MatchToken( "skeleton" ))
Grab_Skeleton( pmodel->node, pmodel->skeleton );
else if (Com_MatchToken( "triangles" ))
Grab_Triangles( pmodel );
else MsgWarn("Grab_Studio: unknown studio command %s at line %d\n", com_token, linecount );
syntax: $eyeposition <x> <y> <z>
void Cmd_Eyeposition (void)
// rotate points into frame of reference so model points down the positive x axis
eyeposition[1] = atof (Com_GetToken (false));
eyeposition[0] = -atof (Com_GetToken (false));
eyeposition[2] = atof (Com_GetToken (false));
syntax: $modelname "outname"
void Cmd_Modelname (void)
strcpy (modeloutname, Com_GetToken (false));
void Option_Studio( void )
if(!Com_GetToken (false)) return;
model[nummodels] = Kalloc( sizeof( s_model_t ));
bodypart[numbodyparts].pmodel[bodypart[numbodyparts].nummodels] = model[nummodels];
strncpy( model[nummodels]->name, com_token, sizeof(model[nummodels]->name));
flip_triangles = 1;
scale_up = default_scale;
if (Com_MatchToken( "reverse" ))
flip_triangles = 0;
else if (Com_MatchToken( "scale" ))
scale_up = atof( Com_GetToken(false));
Grab_Studio( model[nummodels] );
scale_up = default_scale;
int Option_Blank( void )
model[nummodels] = Kalloc( sizeof( s_model_t ));
bodypart[numbodyparts].pmodel[bodypart[numbodyparts].nummodels] = model[nummodels];
strncpy( model[nummodels]->name, "blank", sizeof(model[nummodels]->name));
return 0;
syntax: $bodygroup "name"
studio "bodyref.smd"
void Cmd_Bodygroup( void )
int is_started = 0;
if(!Com_TryToken()) return;
if (numbodyparts == 0) bodypart[numbodyparts].base = 1;
else bodypart[numbodyparts].base = bodypart[numbodyparts-1].base * bodypart[numbodyparts-1].nummodels;
strncpy( bodypart[numbodyparts].name, com_token, sizeof(bodypart[numbodyparts].name));
while( 1 )
if(!Com_GetToken(true)) return;
if(Com_MatchToken( "{" )) is_started = 1;
else if (Com_MatchToken( "}" )) break;
else if (Com_MatchToken("studio" )) Option_Studio();
else if (Com_MatchToken("blank" )) Option_Blank();
syntax: $body "name" "mainref.smd"
void Cmd_Body( void )
int is_started = 0;
if (!Com_GetToken(false)) return;
if (numbodyparts == 0) bodypart[numbodyparts].base = 1;
else bodypart[numbodyparts].base = bodypart[numbodyparts-1].base * bodypart[numbodyparts-1].nummodels;
strncpy(bodypart[numbodyparts].name, com_token, sizeof(bodypart[numbodyparts].name));
void Grab_Animation( s_animation_t *panim)
vec3_t pos;
vec3_t rot;
int index;
int t = -99999999;
float cz, sz;
int start = 99999;
int end = 0;
for (index = 0; index < panim->numbones; index++)
panim->pos[index] = Kalloc( MAXSTUDIOANIMATIONS * sizeof( vec3_t ));
panim->rot[index] = Kalloc( MAXSTUDIOANIMATIONS * sizeof( vec3_t ));
cz = cos( zrotation );
sz = sin( zrotation );
while ( 1 )
if(!Com_GetToken( true )) break;
if(Com_MatchToken( "end" ))
panim->startframe = start;
panim->endframe = end;
else if(Com_MatchToken( "time" ))
t = atoi(Com_GetToken(false));
index = atoi(com_token);
pos[0] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));
pos[1] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));
pos[2] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));
rot[0] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));
rot[1] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));
rot[2] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));
if (t >= panim->startframe && t <= panim->endframe)
if (panim->node[index].parent == -1)
adjust_vertex( pos );
panim->pos[index][t][0] = cz * pos[0] - sz * pos[1];
panim->pos[index][t][1] = sz * pos[0] + cz * pos[1];
panim->pos[index][t][2] = pos[2];
rot[2] += zrotation; // rotate model
VectorCopy( pos, panim->pos[index][t] );
if (t > end) end = t;
if (t < start) start = t;
if (panim->node[index].mirrored)
VectorScale( panim->pos[index][t], -1.0, panim->pos[index][t] );
scale_vertex( panim->pos[index][t] );
clip_rotations( rot );
VectorCopy( rot, panim->rot[index][t] );
Sys_Error( "unexpected EOF: %s\n", panim->name );
void Shift_Animation( s_animation_t *panim)
int j, size;
size = (panim->endframe - panim->startframe + 1) * sizeof( vec3_t );
// shift
for (j = 0; j < panim->numbones; j++)
vec3_t *ppos;
vec3_t *prot;
ppos = Kalloc( size );
prot = Kalloc( size );
Mem_Move( studiopool, (void *)&ppos, &panim->pos[j][panim->startframe], size );
Mem_Move( studiopool, (void *)&prot, &panim->rot[j][panim->startframe], size );
panim->pos[j] = ppos;
panim->rot[j] = prot;
void Option_Animation ( char *name, s_animation_t *panim )
bool load;
strncpy( panim->name, name, sizeof(panim->name));
strncpy( filename, panim->name, sizeof(filename));
FS_DefaultExtension(filename, ".smd" );
load = Com_IncludeScript( filename, NULL, 0 );
if(!load) Sys_Error("unable to open %s\n", filename );
Msg("grabbing %s\n", filename);
linecount = 0;
while ( 1 )
if(!Com_GetToken( true )) break;
if(Com_MatchToken( "end" )) break;
else if (Com_MatchToken( "version" ))
int option = atoi(Com_GetToken( false ));
if (option != 1) Msg("Warning: %s bad version file\n", filename );
else if (Com_MatchToken( "nodes" ))
panim->numbones = Grab_Nodes( panim->node );
else if (Com_MatchToken( "skeleton" ))
Grab_Animation( panim );
Shift_Animation( panim );
MsgWarn("Option_Animation: unknown studio command : %s\n", com_token );
while(Com_TryToken());//skip other tokens at line
int Option_Motion ( s_sequence_t *psequence )
while (Com_TryToken()) psequence->motiontype |= lookupControl( com_token);
return 0;
int Option_Event ( s_sequence_t *psequence )
if (psequence->numevents + 1 >= MAXSTUDIOEVENTS)
MsgWarn("Option_Event: MAXSTUDIOEVENTS limit excedeed.\n");
return 0;
psequence->event[psequence->numevents].event = atoi( Com_GetToken (false));
psequence->event[psequence->numevents].frame = atoi(Com_GetToken (false));
// option token
if (Com_TryToken())
if (Com_MatchToken( "}" )) return 1; // opps, hit the end
strcpy( psequence->event[psequence->numevents-1].options, com_token);// found an option
return 0;
int Option_Fps ( s_sequence_t *psequence )
psequence->fps = atof(Com_GetToken (false));
return 0;
int Option_AddPivot ( s_sequence_t *psequence )
if (psequence->numpivots + 1 >= MAXSTUDIOPIVOTS)
Msg("Warning: MAXSTUDIOPIVOTS limit excedeed.\n");
return 0;
psequence->pivot[psequence->numpivots].index = atoi(Com_GetToken (false));
psequence->pivot[psequence->numpivots].start = atoi(Com_GetToken (false));
psequence->pivot[psequence->numpivots].end = atoi(Com_GetToken (false));
return 0;
syntax: $origin <x> <y> <z> (z rotate)
void Cmd_Origin (void)
defaultadjust[0] = atof (Com_GetToken (false));
defaultadjust[1] = atof (Com_GetToken (false));
defaultadjust[2] = atof (Com_GetToken (false));
if (Com_TryToken()) defaultzrotation = (atof( com_token) + 90) * (M_PI / 180.0);
void Option_Origin (void)
adjust[0] = atof (Com_GetToken (false));
adjust[1] = atof (Com_GetToken (false));
adjust[2] = atof (Com_GetToken (false));
void Option_Rotate(void )
zrotation = (atof(Com_GetToken (false)) + 90) * (M_PI / 180.0);
syntax: $scale <value>
void Cmd_ScaleUp (void)
default_scale = scale_up = atof (Com_GetToken (false));
syntax: $rotate <value>
void Cmd_Rotate(void)
if (!Com_GetToken(false)) return;
zrotation = (atof(com_token) + 90) * (M_PI / 180.0);
void Option_ScaleUp (void)
scale_up = atof (Com_GetToken (false));
syntax: $sequence "seqname"
(animation) "blend1.smd" "blend2.smd" // blendings (one smdfile - normal animation)
event { <event> <frame> ("option") } // event num, frame num, option string (optionally, heh...)
pivot <x> <y> <z> // xyz pivot point
fps <framerate> // 30.0 frames per second is default value
origin <x> <y> <z> // xyz anim offset
rotate <value> // z-axis rotation value 0 - 360 deg
scale <value> // 1.0 is default size
loop // loop this animation (flag)
frame <start> <end> // use range(start, end) from smd file
blend "type" <min> <max> // blend description types: XR, YR e.t.c and range(min-max)
node <number> // link animation with node
transition <startnode> <endnode> // move from start to end node
rtransition <startnode> <endnode> // rotate from start to end node
LX // movement flag (may be X, Y, Z, LX, LY, LZ, XR, YR, e.t.c.)
ACT_WALK | ACT_32 (actweight) // act name or act number and actweight (optionally)
int Cmd_Sequence( void )
int i, depth = 0;
char smdfilename[4][1024];
int numblends = 0;
int start = 0;
if(!Com_GetToken(false)) return 0;
strncpy( sequence[numseq].name, com_token, sizeof(sequence[numseq].name));
VectorCopy( defaultadjust, adjust );
scale_up = default_scale;
//set default values
zrotation = defaultzrotation;
sequence[numseq].fps = 30.0;
sequence[numseq].seqgroup = 0;
sequence[numseq].blendstart[0] = 0.0;
sequence[numseq].blendend[0] = 1.0;
while( 1 )
if (depth > 0)
if(!Com_GetToken(true)) break;
else if(!Com_TryToken()) break;
if (Com_MatchToken( "{" )) depth++;
else if (Com_MatchToken( "}" )) depth--;
else if (Com_MatchToken( "event" )) depth -= Option_Event( &sequence[numseq] );
else if (Com_MatchToken( "pivot" )) Option_AddPivot( &sequence[numseq] );
else if (Com_MatchToken( "fps" )) Option_Fps( &sequence[numseq] );
else if (Com_MatchToken( "origin" )) Option_Origin();
else if (Com_MatchToken( "rotate" )) Option_Rotate();
else if (Com_MatchToken( "scale" )) Option_ScaleUp();
else if (Com_MatchToken( "loop" )) sequence[numseq].flags |= STUDIO_LOOPING;
else if (Com_MatchToken( "frame" ))
start = atoi(Com_GetToken( false ));
end = atoi(Com_GetToken( false ));
else if (Com_MatchToken( "blend" ))
sequence[numseq].blendtype[0] = lookupControl(Com_GetToken( false ));
sequence[numseq].blendstart[0] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));
sequence[numseq].blendend[0] = atof(Com_GetToken( false ));
else if (Com_MatchToken( "node" ))
sequence[numseq].entrynode = sequence[numseq].exitnode = atoi(Com_GetToken( false ));
else if (Com_MatchToken( "transition" ))
sequence[numseq].entrynode = atoi(Com_GetToken( false ));
sequence[numseq].exitnode = atoi(Com_GetToken( false ));
else if (Com_MatchToken( "rtransition" ))
sequence[numseq].entrynode = atoi(Com_GetToken( false ));
sequence[numseq].exitnode = atoi(Com_GetToken( false ));
sequence[numseq].nodeflags |= 1;
else if (lookupControl( com_token) != -1)
sequence[numseq].motiontype |= lookupControl( com_token);
else if (Com_MatchToken( "animation" ))
strncpy( smdfilename[numblends], Com_GetToken( false ), sizeof(smdfilename[numblends]));
else if (i = lookupActivity( com_token))
sequence[numseq].activity = i;
sequence[numseq].actweight = 1;//default weight
// make sure what is really actweight
if(!Com_MatchToken("{") && !Com_MatchToken("}") && strlen(com_token) < 3 && atoi(com_token) <= 100)
sequence[numseq].actweight = atoi(com_token);
else Com_FreeToken(); // release token
strncpy( smdfilename[numblends], com_token, sizeof(smdfilename[numblends]));
if (numblends == 0)
MsgWarn("Cmd_Sequence: \"%s\" has no animations. skipped...\n", sequence[numseq].name);
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < numblends; i++)
panimation[numani] = Kalloc( sizeof( s_animation_t ));
sequence[numseq].panim[i] = panimation[numani];
sequence[numseq].panim[i]->startframe = start;
sequence[numseq].panim[i]->endframe = end;
sequence[numseq].panim[i]->flags = 0;
Option_Animation( smdfilename[i], panimation[numani] );
sequence[numseq].numblends = numblends;
return 1;
syntax: $root "pivotname"
int Cmd_Root (void)
if (Com_GetToken(false))
strncpy( pivotname[0], com_token, sizeof(pivotname));
return 0;
return 1;
syntax: $pivot (<index>) ("pivotname")
int Cmd_Pivot (void)
if (Com_GetToken (false))
int index = atoi(com_token);
if (Com_GetToken(false))
strncpy( pivotname[index], com_token, sizeof(pivotname[index]));
return 0;
return 1;
syntax: $controller "mouth"|<number> ("name") <type> <start> <end>
int Cmd_Controller (void)
if (Com_GetToken (false))
//mouth is hardcoded at four controller
if (Com_MatchToken( "mouth" )) bonecontroller[numbonecontrollers].index = 4;
else bonecontroller[numbonecontrollers].index = atoi(com_token);
if (Com_GetToken(false))
strncpy( bonecontroller[numbonecontrollers].name, com_token, sizeof(bonecontroller[numbonecontrollers].name));
if ((bonecontroller[numbonecontrollers].type = lookupControl(com_token)) == -1)
MsgWarn("Cmd_Controller: unknown bonecontroller type '%s'\n", com_token );
return 0;
bonecontroller[numbonecontrollers].start = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
bonecontroller[numbonecontrollers].end = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
if (bonecontroller[numbonecontrollers].type & (STUDIO_XR | STUDIO_YR | STUDIO_ZR))
if (((int)(bonecontroller[numbonecontrollers].start + 360) % 360) == ((int)(bonecontroller[numbonecontrollers].end + 360) % 360))
bonecontroller[numbonecontrollers].type |= STUDIO_RLOOP;
return 1;
syntax: $bbox <mins0> <mins1> <mins2> <maxs0> <maxs1> <maxs2>
void Cmd_BBox (void)
bbox[0][0] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
bbox[0][1] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
bbox[0][2] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
bbox[1][0] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
bbox[1][1] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
bbox[1][2] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
syntax: $cbox <mins0> <mins1> <mins2> <maxs0> <maxs1> <maxs2>
void Cmd_CBox (void)
cbox[0][0] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
cbox[0][1] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
cbox[0][2] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
cbox[1][0] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
cbox[1][1] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
cbox[1][2] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
syntax: $mirrorbone "name"
void Cmd_Mirror ( void )
strncpy( mirrored[nummirrored], Com_GetToken(false), sizeof(mirrored[nummirrored]));
syntax: $gamma <value>
void Cmd_Gamma ( void )
gamma = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
syntax: $texturegroup
{ texture1.bmp }
{ texture2.bmp }
{ texture3.bmp }
int Cmd_TextureGroup( void )
int i;
int depth = 0;
int index = 0;
int group = 0;
if (numtextures == 0)
MsgWarn("Cmd_TextureGroup: texturegroups must follow model loading\n");
return 0;
if (!Com_GetToken(false)) return 0;
if (numskinref == 0) numskinref = numtextures;
while (1)
if (depth)MsgWarn("missing }\n");
if (Com_MatchToken( "{" )) depth++;
else if (Com_MatchToken( "}" ))
if (depth == 0) break;
index = 0;
else if (depth == 2)
i = lookup_texture( com_token);
texturegroup[numtexturegroups][group][index] = i;
if (group != 0) texture[i].parent = texturegroup[numtexturegroups][0][index];
numtexturereps[numtexturegroups] = index;
numtexturelayers[numtexturegroups] = group + 1;
return 0;
syntax: $hitgroup <index> <name>
int Cmd_Hitgroup( void )
hitgroup[numhitgroups].group = atoi(Com_GetToken(false));
strncpy( hitgroup[numhitgroups].name, Com_GetToken(false), sizeof(hitgroup[numhitgroups].name));
return 0;
syntax: $hbox <index> <name> <mins0> <mins1> <mins2> <maxs0> <maxs1> <maxs2>
int Cmd_Hitbox( void )
hitbox[numhitboxes].group = atoi(Com_GetToken(false));
strncpy( hitbox[numhitboxes].name, Com_GetToken(false), sizeof(hitbox[numhitboxes].name));
hitbox[numhitboxes].bmin[0] = atof( Com_GetToken(false));
hitbox[numhitboxes].bmin[1] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
hitbox[numhitboxes].bmin[2] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
hitbox[numhitboxes].bmax[0] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
hitbox[numhitboxes].bmax[1] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
hitbox[numhitboxes].bmax[2] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
return 0;
syntax: $attachment <index> <bonename> <x> <y> <z> (old stuff)
int Cmd_Attachment( void )
// index
attachment[numattachments].index = atoi(Com_GetToken(false));
// bone name
strncpy( attachment[numattachments].bonename, Com_GetToken(false), sizeof(attachment[numattachments].bonename));
// position
attachment[numattachments].org[0] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
attachment[numattachments].org[1] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
attachment[numattachments].org[2] = atof(Com_GetToken(false));
//skip old stuff
return 0;
syntax: $renamebone <oldname> <newname>
void Cmd_Renamebone( void )
strcpy( renamedbone[numrenamedbones].from, Com_GetToken(false));
strcpy( renamedbone[numrenamedbones].to, Com_GetToken(false));
syntax: $texrendermode "texture.bmp" "rendermode"
void Cmd_TexRenderMode( void )
char tex_name[64];
strcpy(tex_name, Com_GetToken(false));
if(Com_MatchToken( "additive" ))
texture[lookup_texture(tex_name)].flags |= STUDIO_NF_ADDITIVE;
else if(Com_MatchToken( "masked" ))
texture[lookup_texture(tex_name)].flags |= STUDIO_NF_TRANSPARENT;
else if(Com_MatchToken( "blended" ))
texture[lookup_texture(tex_name)].flags |= STUDIO_NF_BLENDED;
else MsgWarn("Cmd_TexRenderMode: texture '%s' have unknown render mode '%s'!\n", tex_name, com_token);
syntax: $replacetexture "oldname.bmp" "newname.bmp"
void Cmd_Replace( void )
strcpy ( sourcetexture[numrep], Com_GetToken(false));
strcpy ( defaulttexture[numrep], Com_GetToken(false));
syntax: $cd "path"
void Cmd_CdSet( void )
cdset = true;
FS_AddGameHierarchy(Com_GetToken (false));
else Msg("Warning: $cd already set\n");
syntax: $cdtexture "path"
void Cmd_CdTextureSet( void )
if(cdtextureset < 16)
FS_AddGameHierarchy( Com_GetToken (false));
else Msg("Warning: $cdtexture already set\n");
void ResetModelInfo( void )
default_scale = 1.0;
defaultzrotation = M_PI / 2;
numrep = 0;
gamma = 1.8;
flip_triangles = 1;
normal_blend = cos( 2.0 * (M_PI / 180.0));
//make an option
dump_hboxes = 0;
strcpy( sequencegroup.label, "default" );
FS_ClearSearchPath();//clear all $cd and $cdtexture
//set default model parms
FS_FileBase(gs_mapname, modeloutname );//kill path and ext
FS_DefaultExtension( modeloutname, ".mdl" );//set new ext
syntax: "blabla"
void Cmd_StudioUnknown( void )
MsgWarn("Cmd_StudioUnknown: skip command \"%s\"\n", com_token);
bool ParseModelScript (void)
while (1)
if(!Com_GetToken (true)) break;
if (Com_MatchToken("$modelname")) Cmd_Modelname ();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$cd")) Cmd_CdSet();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$cdtexture")) Cmd_CdTextureSet();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$scale")) Cmd_ScaleUp ();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$rotate")) Cmd_Rotate();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$root")) Cmd_Root ();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$pivot")) Cmd_Pivot ();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$controller")) Cmd_Controller ();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$body")) Cmd_Body();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$bodygroup")) Cmd_Bodygroup();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$sequence")) Cmd_Sequence ();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$eyeposition")) Cmd_Eyeposition ();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$origin")) Cmd_Origin ();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$bbox")) Cmd_BBox ();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$cbox")) Cmd_CBox ();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$mirrorbone")) Cmd_Mirror ();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$gamma")) Cmd_Gamma ();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$texturegroup")) Cmd_TextureGroup ();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$hgroup")) Cmd_Hitgroup ();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$hbox")) Cmd_Hitbox ();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$attachment")) Cmd_Attachment ();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$cliptotextures")) clip_texcoords = 1;
else if (Com_MatchToken("$renamebone")) Cmd_Renamebone ();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$texrendermode")) Cmd_TexRenderMode();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$replacetexture")) Cmd_Replace();
else if (Com_MatchToken("$spritename"))
Msg("%s probably spritegen qc.script, skipping...\n", gs_mapname );
return false;
else if (Com_MatchToken("$frame"))
Msg("%s probably spritegen qc.script, skipping...\n", gs_mapname );
return false;
else Cmd_StudioUnknown();
//process model
return true;
void ClearModel( void )
cdset = false;
cdtextureset = 0;
numrep = gflags = numseq = nummirrored = 0;
numxnodes = numrenamedbones = totalframes = numbones = numhitboxes = 0;
numhitgroups = numattachments = numtextures = numskinref = numskinfamilies = 0;
numbonecontrollers = numtexturegroups = numcommandnodes = numbodyparts = 0;
stripcount = numcommands = linecount = allverts = alltris = totalseconds = 0;
nummodels = numani = 0;
memset(numtexturelayers, 0, sizeof(int) * 32);
memset(numtexturereps, 0, sizeof(int) * 32);
memset(bodypart, 0, sizeof(s_bodypart_t) * MAXSTUDIOBODYPARTS);
Mem_EmptyPool( studiopool ); //free all memory
bool CompileCurrentModel( const char *name )
bool load = false;
cdset = false;
cdtextureset = 0;
if(name) strcpy( gs_mapname, name );
FS_DefaultExtension( gs_mapname, ".qc" );
load = Com_LoadScript( gs_mapname, NULL, 0 );
return false;
return true;
Msg("%s not found\n", gs_mapname );
return false;
bool CompileStudioModel ( byte *mempool, const char *name, byte parms )
if(mempool) studiopool = mempool;
Msg("Studiomdl: can't allocate memory pool.\nAbort compilation\n");
return false;
return CompileCurrentModel( name );