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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// utils.c - platform utils
#include "platform.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "bsplib.h"
#include "mdllib.h"
#include "qcclib.h"
#include "blankframe.h"
int com_argc;
char **com_argv;
char gs_basedir[ MAX_SYSPATH ]; // initial dir before loading gameinfo.txt (used for compilers too)
char gs_mapname[ MAX_QPATH ]; // used for compilers only
unsigned __int64 __g_ProfilerStart;
unsigned __int64 __g_ProfilerEnd;
unsigned __int64 __g_ProfilerEnd2;
unsigned __int64 __g_ProfilerSpare;
unsigned __int64 __g_ProfilerTotalTicks;
double __g_ProfilerTotalMsec;
void Profile_Store( void )
if (std.GameInfo->rdtsc)
__g_ProfilerSpare = __g_ProfilerEnd - __g_ProfilerStart - (__g_ProfilerEnd2 - __g_ProfilerEnd);
void Profile_RatioResults( void )
if (std.GameInfo->rdtsc)
unsigned __int64 total = __g_ProfilerEnd - __g_ProfilerStart - (__g_ProfilerEnd2 - __g_ProfilerEnd);
double ratio;
if (total >= __g_ProfilerSpare)
ratio = (double)(total-__g_ProfilerSpare)/total;
Msg("First code is %.2f%% faster\n", ratio * 100);
ratio = (double)(__g_ProfilerSpare-total)/__g_ProfilerSpare;
Msg("Second code is %.2f%% faster\n", ratio * 100);
else MsgWarn("--- Profiler not supported ---\n");
void _Profile_Results( const char *function )
if (std.GameInfo->rdtsc)
unsigned __int64 total = __g_ProfilerEnd - __g_ProfilerStart - (__g_ProfilerEnd2 - __g_ProfilerEnd);
double msec = (double)total / std.GameInfo->tickcount;
Msg("Profiling stats for %s()\n", function );
Msg("----- ticks: %I64d -----\n", total);
Msg("----- secs %f ----- \n", msec );
__g_ProfilerTotalTicks += total;
__g_ProfilerTotalMsec += msec;
else MsgWarn("--- Profiler not supported ---\n");
void Profile_Time( void )
if (std.GameInfo->rdtsc)
Msg("Profiling results:\n");
Msg("----- total ticks: %I64d -----\n", __g_ProfilerTotalTicks);
Msg("----- total secs %f ----- \n", __g_ProfilerTotalMsec );
else MsgWarn("--- Profiler not supported ---\n");
.BMP image format
typedef struct
char id[2]; //bmfh.bfType
dword fileSize; //bmfh.bfSize
dword reserved0; //bmfh.bfReserved1 + bmfh.bfReserved2
dword bitmapDataOffset; //bmfh.bfOffBits
dword bitmapHeaderSize; //bmih.biSize
dword width; //bmih.biWidth
dword height; //bmih.biHeight
word planes; //bmih.biPlanes
word bitsPerPixel; //bmih.biBitCount
dword compression; //bmih.biCompression
dword bitmapDataSize; //bmih.biSizeImage
dword hRes; //bmih.biXPelsPerMeter
dword vRes; //bmih.biYPelsPerMeter
dword colors; //bmih.biClrUsed
dword importantColors; //bmih.biClrImportant
byte palette[256][4]; //RGBQUAD palette
} bmp_t;
used for make sprites and models (old stuff)
byte *ReadBMP (char *filename, byte **palette, int *width, int *height)
byte *buf_p, *pbBmpBits;
byte *buf, *pb, *pbPal = NULL;
int i, filesize, columns, rows;
dword cbBmpBits;
dword cbPalBytes;
dword biTrueWidth;
bmp_t bhdr;
RGBQUAD rgrgbPalette[256];
// File exists?
buf = buf_p = FS_LoadFile( filename, &filesize );
buf_p = (char *)blank_frame;
filesize = sizeof(blank_frame);
MsgWarn("ReadBMP: couldn't load %s, use blank image\n", filename );
}[0] = *buf_p++;[1] = *buf_p++; //move pointer
bhdr.fileSize = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.reserved0 = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.bitmapDataOffset = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.bitmapHeaderSize = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.width = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.height = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.planes = LittleShort(*(short *)buf_p); buf_p += 2;
bhdr.bitsPerPixel = LittleShort(*(short *)buf_p); buf_p += 2;
bhdr.compression = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.bitmapDataSize = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.hRes = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.vRes = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.colors = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.importantColors = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
memcpy( bhdr.palette, buf_p, sizeof( bhdr.palette ));
// Bogus file header check
if (bhdr.reserved0 != 0) return NULL;
if (memcmp(, "BM", 2))
MsgWarn("ReadBMP: only Windows-style BMP files supported (%s)\n", filename );
return NULL;
// Bogus info header check
if (bhdr.fileSize != filesize)
MsgWarn("ReadBMP: incorrect file size %i should be %i\n", filesize, bhdr.fileSize);
return NULL;
// Bogus bit depth? Only 8-bit supported.
if (bhdr.bitsPerPixel != 8)
MsgWarn("ReadBMP: %d not a 8 bit image\n", bhdr.bitsPerPixel );
return NULL;
// Bogus compression? Only non-compressed supported.
if (bhdr.compression != BI_RGB)
Msg("ReadBMP: it's compressed file\n");
return NULL;
// Figure out how many entires are actually in the table
if (bhdr.colors == 0)
bhdr.colors = 256;
cbPalBytes = (1 << bhdr.bitsPerPixel) * sizeof( RGBQUAD );
else cbPalBytes = bhdr.colors * sizeof( RGBQUAD );
memcpy(rgrgbPalette, &bhdr.palette, cbPalBytes ); // Read palette (bmih.biClrUsed entries)
// convert to a packed 768 byte palette
pbPal = Malloc(768);
pb = pbPal;
// Copy over used entries
for (i = 0; i < (int)bhdr.colors; i++)
*pb++ = rgrgbPalette[i].rgbRed;
*pb++ = rgrgbPalette[i].rgbGreen;
*pb++ = rgrgbPalette[i].rgbBlue;
// Fill in unused entires will 0,0,0
for (i = bhdr.colors; i < 256; i++)
*pb++ = 0;
*pb++ = 0;
*pb++ = 0;
// Read bitmap bits (remainder of file)
columns = bhdr.width, rows = bhdr.height;
if ( rows < 0 ) rows = -rows;
cbBmpBits = columns * rows;
buf_p += 1024;//move pointer
pb = buf_p;
pbBmpBits = Malloc(cbBmpBits);
// data is actually stored with the width being rounded up to a multiple of 4
biTrueWidth = (bhdr.width + 3) & ~3;
// reverse the order of the data.
pb += (bhdr.height - 1) * biTrueWidth;
for(i = 0; i < bhdr.height; i++)
memmove(&pbBmpBits[biTrueWidth * i], pb, biTrueWidth);
pb -= biTrueWidth;
pb += biTrueWidth;
*width = bhdr.width;
*height = bhdr.height;
// Set output parameters
*palette = pbPal;
//release buffer if need
if( buf ) Free( buf );
return pbBmpBits;