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|This file handles movers in BaseQC.
|What each void() does;
This is a unified door_button function...
FUNC_MOVER(); This is the spawning function for movers;
FUNC_MOVER_TOUCH(); Called when our mover is touched by something;
Works out whether a player is touching it.
Then sets up next think function to happen in 0.1 secs;
Makes mover un touchable;
FUNC_MOVER_THINK(); Decides whether mover is open or closed;
Then moves mover appropiately;
FUNC_MOVER_MOVE(); Called upon our mover wishing to move;
Works out maths of moving mover to destination;
Sets a think for when journey is completed;
FUNC_MOVER_STOP(); Called when our mover wishes to stop;
Especially if i want to return;
This one just stops it dead with no return;
FUNC_MOVER_USE(); Called when our mover is targeted by IEM_usetargets;
Basically does the same as touch function but fakes it;
FUNC_MOVER_BLOCKED(): Called when our mover is blocked by an entity;
Hurts whatever is blocking it and goes back to where it was coming from;
FUNC_MOVER_DIE(); Called upon our movers death(when health is zero);
Toggles mover upon death;
FUNC_MOVER_FIRE(); allows me to have a target that is triggered after movers delay..
void() func_mover_think; //from movers.QC
.vector dest;
.string target_dest;
//Floats below this line are used in the mapping .fgd file and inputted by the mapper. (FLAGS)
float MOVER_DONT_LINK = 4;
float MOVER_GOLD_KEY = 8;
float MOVER_SILVER_KEY = 16;
float MOVER_TOGGLE = 32;
void() func_mover_stop_general =
pev->velocity = '0 0 0'; //Stop me!
pev->touched = FALSE; //Touch me!
sound (pev, CHAN_VOICE, pev->noise1, 1, ATTN_NORM); //make a sound!
setorigin(pev, pev->dest); //set my origin exactly to dest.
void() func_mover_stop =
if(pev->wait >= 0) //Return upon wait over!
pev->think = func_mover_think;
pev->nextthink = pev->ltime + pev->wait;
void() func_mover_stop_dead =
entity t;
// lookup all areaportals
t = find(world, targetname, pev->target);
if(t->classname == "func_areaportal")
areaportal_state( t->style, FALSE );
t = find(t, targetname, pev->target);
void() func_mover_blocked =
T_Damage (other, pev, pev, pev->dmg); //Do my damage;
func_mover_think(); //Return;
void(vector destination, float movespeed, void() dest_func) func_mover_move =
local vector path;
local float pathlength, traveltime;
//Calculate movement vector
path = destination - pev->origin;
//Calculate length of movement vector;
pathlength = veclength(path);
//Divide length of movement vector by desired movespeed to get travel time.
traveltime = (pathlength) / (movespeed);
// scale the destdelta vector by the time spent traveling to get velocity
pev->velocity = path * (1/traveltime);
if(traveltime < 0.1 || pev->origin == destination)
pev->think = dest_func;
pev->nextthink = pev->ltime + 0.1;
pev->dest = destination;
pev->think = dest_func;
pev->nextthink = pev->ltime + traveltime;
pev->dest = destination;
void() func_mover_think =
local vector a;
local void() b;
if(pev->state == STATE_OPEN) //Am i open?
pev->state = STATE_CLOSED; //Now im closing!
a = pev->pos1; //My first position!
b = func_mover_stop_dead; //Stopping func to use!
else if (pev->state == STATE_CLOSED)
pev->state = STATE_OPEN;
a = pev->pos2;
if(pev->spawnflags & MOVER_TOGGLE) //Am i toggable?
b = func_mover_stop_dead; //if yes.. stop me dead.
b = func_mover_stop; //if no.. return me;
func_mover_move(a, pev->speed, b); //Loaded move function;
sound (pev, CHAN_VOICE, pev->noise2, 1, ATTN_NORM);
void() func_mover_fire =
IEM_usetarget(); //Use my targets;
func_mover_think(); //Run think function straight away!
void() func_mover_touch =
if(other.classname != "player") //Are you a player?
if(other == world) //Are you the world?
if(pev->touched == FALSE)
pev->triggerer = other;
pev->touched = TRUE; //stop touching me!
pev->think = func_mover_fire; //set me next think
pev->nextthink = pev->ltime + pev->delay; //set it so it happens in 0.1 secs from now.
void() func_mover_use =
centerprint(pev->triggerer, pev->message);
pev->touched = TRUE; //Fake touch!
pev->think = func_mover_fire; //set me next think!
pev->nextthink = pev->ltime + pev->delay; //in delay
void() func_mover_die =
pev->health = pev->max_health; //reset health on death;
pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; //These two are set to no and null in killed function;
pev->touch = func_mover_touch; //[Damage.QC]
void() func_mover =
func_setup(); //Sets up some basic func properties;[funcs.qc]
pev->classname = "mover";
pev->max_health = pev->health;
pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
pev->blocked = func_mover_blocked;
pev->use = func_mover_use;
pev->th_die = func_mover_die;
if(!pev->targetname) pev->touch = func_mover_touch;
//func_mover; DEFAULTS;
if (!pev->speed)
pev->speed = 100;
if (!pev->wait)
pev->wait = 3;
if (!pev->lip)
pev->lip = 8;
if (!pev->dmg)
pev->dmg = 2;
pev->delay = 0.1; //stuff with 0 delay dont move! (or work ;) )
//func_mover; positions; .pos1 == closed; .pos2 == open;
pev->pos1 = pev->origin;
pev->pos2 = pev->pos1 + pev->movedir*(fabs(pev->movedir*pev->size) - pev->lip);
if(pev->spawnflags & MOVER_START_OPEN)
pev->state = STATE_OPEN;
setorigin(pev, pev->pos2);
pev->state = STATE_CLOSED;