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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// utils.h - vm builtin functions
#define MSG_BROADCAST 1 // unreliable to all
#define MSG_PHS 2 // unreliable to potential hearable set
#define MSG_PVS 3 // unreliable to potential visible set
#define MSG_ONE 4 // relaible to one
#define MSG_ALL 5 // relaible to all
// network messaging
void MsgBegin (float dest) = #1; // message type (see SVC_ for details)
void WriteByte (float f) = #2; // write unsigned char
void WriteChar (float f) = #3; // write signed char
void WriteShort (float f) = #4; // write signed short
void WriteLong (float f) = #5; // write signed long
void WriteFloat (float f) = #6; // write float
void WriteAngle (float f) = #7; // wirte angle in range 0 - 360 degrees
void WriteCoord (float f) = #8; // write coord with step 1/8 or 1/32 (see network.txt)
void WriteString (string s) = #9; // write string with random length
void WriteEntity (entity s) = #10; // write entity or tempentity to client
void MsgEnd(float to, vector pos, entity e) = #11; // end of message
// mathlib
float min(float a, float b ) = #12; // returned min value
float max(float a, float b ) = #13; // returned max value
float bound(float min, float val, float max) = #14; // bound value beetwen min and max
float pow(float a, float b) = #15; //
float sin(float f) = #16;
float cos(float f) = #17;
float sqrt(float f) = #18;
float rint (float v) = #19;
float floor(float v) = #20;
float ceil (float v) = #21;
float fabs (float f) = #22;
float random_long( float min, float max ) = #23;
float random_float( float min, float max ) = #24;
// vector mathlib
vector normalize(vector v) = #31; // normalize vector
float veclength(vector v) = #32; // return vector length (scalar)
float vectoyaw(vector v) = #33; // convert vec to yaw
vector vectoangles(vector v) = #34; // convert vec to pitch and yaw, not roll
vector randomvec( void ) = #35; // return a random vector
void vectorvectors(vector dir) = #36; // vectorvectors with global up,right,forward
void makevectors(vector dir) = #37; // make right-handed coord
void makevectors2(vector dir) = #38; // make left-handed coord. probably not used, just in case
// stdlib functions
float atof(string s) = #41; // convert string to float
string ftoa(float s) = #42; // convert float to string
string vtoa(vector v) = #43; // convert vector to string
vector atov(string s) = #44; // convert string to vector
void Msg( ... ) = #45; // message into console
void MsgWarn( ... ) = #46; // warning message into console
void Error( ... ) = #47; // error message and abort current level
void bprint( ... ) = #48; // broadcast printing
void sprint(entity client, string s) = #49; // send text message for current client
void centerprint(entity client, string s) = #50; // printing into center of screen for current client
float cvar(string s) = #51; // get cvar value (it will be create if not exist)
void cvar_set(string var, string val) = #52; // set new cvar value (it will be create if not exist)
string AllocString(string s) = #53; // same as ALLOC_STRING in Half-Life, probably not used
void FreeString(string s) = #54; // freeing alloced string
float strlen(string s) = #55; // return symbol count for current string
string strcat(string s1, string s2) = #56; // append "b" string at end string "a"
string argv( float parm ) = #57; // return current cmd args
// internal debugger
void break( void ) = #61; // abort current level
void crash( void ) = #62; // invoke crash
void coredump( void ) = #63; // dump prvm core info
void stackdump( void ) = #64; // dump contain of localstack
void trace_on( void ) = #65; // enable PRVM trace
void trace_off( void ) = #66; // disable PRVM trace
void dump_edict(entity e) = #67; // dump info about current edict
entity nextent(entity e) = #68; // move to next edict in chain
// engine functions (like half-life enginefuncs_s)
float precache_model(string s) = #71;
float precache_sound(string s) = #72;
float setmodel(entity e, string m) = #73;
float model_index(string s) = #74;
float decal_index(string s) = #75;
float image_index(string s) = #76;
void setsize(entity e, vector min, vector max) = #77;
void changelevel(string mapname, string spotname) = #78;
void ChangeYaw( void ) = #79;
void ChangePitch( void ) = #80;
entity find(entity st, .string fld, string key) = #81;
float getEntityIllum( entity e ) = #82;
entity FindInSphere(vector org, float rad) = #83;
float InPVS( vector v1, vector v2 ) = #84;
float InPHS( vector v1, vector v2 ) = #85;
entity create( string class, string model, vector org ) = #86;
void remove( entity e ) = #87;
float droptofloor( void ) = #88;
float walkmove(float yaw, float dist) = #89;
void setorigin(entity e, vector org) = #90;
void sound(entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float attn) = #91;
void ambientsound(entity e, string samp) = #92;
void traceline(vector v1, vector v2, float mask, entity ignore) = #93;
void tracetoss (entity e, entity ignore) = #94;
void tracebox (vector v1, vector mins, vector maxs, vector v2, float mask, entity ignore) = #95
float checkbottom(entity e) = #96;
void lightstyle(float style, string value) = #97;
float pointcontents(vector v) = #98;
vector aim(entity e, float speed) = #99;
void server_command( string command ) = #100;
void client_command( entity e, string s) = #101;
void particle(vector o, vector d, float color, float count) = #102;
void areaportal_state( float num, float state ) = #103;
void setstats(entity e, float f, string stats) = #104;
void configstring(float num, string s) = #105;
void makestatic(entity e) = #106;
float model_frames(float modelindex) = #107;
void set_effect( entity e, float effect ) = #108;
void phys_createbox( entity e ) = #109;