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// common cmd
// AK FIXME: Create perhaps a special builtin file for the common cmds
void checkextension(string ext) = #1;
// error cmds
void error(string err,...) = #2;
void objerror(string err,...) = #3;
// print
void print(string text,...) = #4;
void bprint(string text,...) = #5;
void sprint(float clientnum, string text,...) = #6;
void centerprint(string text,...) = #7;
// vector stuff
vector normalize(vector v) = #8;
float vlen(vector v) = #9;
float vectoyaw(vector v) = #10;
vector vectoangles(vector v) = #11;
float random(void) = #12;
void cmd(string command) = #13;
// cvar cmds
float cvar(string name) = #14;
const string str_cvar(string name) = #71;
void cvar_set(string name, string value) = #15;
void dprint(string text,...) = #16;
// conversion functions
string ftos(float f) = #17;
float fabs(float f) = #18;
string vtos(vector v) = #19;
string etos(entity e) = #20;
float stof(string val,...) = #21;
entity spawn(void) = #22;
void remove(entity e) = #23;
entity findstring(entity start, .string field, string match) = #24;
entity findfloat(entity start, .float field, float match) = #25;
entity findentity(entity start, .entity field, entity match) = #25;
entity findchainstring(.string field, string match) = #26;
entity findchainfloat(.float field, float match) = #27;
entity findchainentity(.entity field, entity match) = #27;
string precache_file(string file) = #28;
string precache_sound(string sample) = #29;
void crash(void) = #72;
void coredump(void) = #30;
void stackdump(void) = #73;
void traceon(void) = #31;
void traceoff(void) = #32;
void eprint(entity e) = #33;
float rint(float f) = #34;
float floor(float f) = #35;
float ceil(float f) = #36;
entity nextent(entity e) = #37;
float sin(float f) = #38;
float cos(float f) = #39;
float sqrt(float f) = #40;
vector randomvec(void) = #41;
float registercvar(string name, string value, float flags) = #42; // returns 1 if success
float min(float f,...) = #43;
float max(float f,...) = #44;
float bound(float min,float value, float max) = #45;
float pow(float a, float b) = #46;
void copyentity(entity src, entity dst) = #47;
float fopen(string filename, float mode) = #48;
void fclose(float fhandle) = #49;
string fgets(float fhandle) = #50;
void fputs(float fhandle, string s) = #51;
float strlen(string s) = #52;
string strcat(string s1,string s2,...) = #53;
string substring(string s, float start, float length) = #54;
vector stov(string s) = #55;
string strzone(string s) = #56;
void strunzone(string s) = #57;
float tokenize(string s) = #58
string argv(float n) = #59;
float isserver(void) = #60;
float clientcount(void) = #61;
float clientstate(void) = #62;
void clientcommand(float client, string s) = #63;
void changelevel(string map) = #64;
void localsound(string sample) = #65;
vector getmousepos(void) = #66;
float gettime(void) = #67;
void loadfromdata(string data) = #68;
float loadfromfile(string file) = #69;
float mod(float val, float m) = #70;
float search_begin(string pattern, float caseinsensitive, float quiet) = #74;
void search_end(float handle) = #75;
float search_getsize(float handle) = #76;
string search_getfilename(float handle, float num) = #77;
string chr(float ascii) = #78;
// Write* Functions
void WriteByte(float data, float dest, float desto) = #401;
void WriteChar(float data, float dest, float desto) = #402;
void WriteShort(float data, float dest, float desto) = #403;
void WriteLong(float data, float dest, float desto) = #404;
void WriteAngle(float data, float dest, float desto) = #405;
void WriteCoord(float data, float dest, float desto) = #406;
void WriteString(string data, float dest, float desto)= #407;
void WriteEntity(entity data, float dest, float desto) = #408;
// Draw funtions
float iscachedpic(string name) = #451;
string precache_pic(string name) = #452;
void freepic(string name) = #453;
float drawcharacter(vector position, float character, vector scale, vector rgb, float scale ) = #454;
float drawstring(vector position, string text, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #455;
float drawpic(vector position, string pic, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha ) = #456;
float drawfill(vector position, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #457;
void drawsetcliparea(float x, float y, float width, float height) = #458;
void drawresetcliparea(void) = #459;
vector drawgetimagesize(string pic) = #460;
// Menu functions
void setkeydest(float dest) = #601;
float getkeydest(void) = #602;
void setmousetarget(float trg) = #603;
float getmousetarget(void) = #604;
float isfunction(string function_name) = #607;
void callfunction(...) = #605;
void writetofile(float fhandle, entity ent) = #606;
vector getresolution(float number) = #608;
string keynumtostring(float keynum) = #609;
string findkeysforcommand(string command) = #610;
float gethostcachevalue(float type) = #611;
string gethostcachestring(float type, float hostnr) = #612;