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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// ref_system.h - generic shared interfaces
#ifndef REF_SYSTEM_H
#define REF_SYSTEM_H
#include "ref_format.h"
#include "version.h"
#define ENTITY_FLAGS 68
#define EF_TELEPORTER (1<<0) // particle fountain
#define EF_ROTATE (1<<1) // rotate (bonus items)
// shared client/renderer flags
#define RF_MINLIGHT 1 // allways have some light (viewmodel)
#define RF_VIEWERMODEL 2 // don't draw through eyes, only mirrors
#define RF_WEAPONMODEL 4 // only draw through eyes
#define RF_FULLBRIGHT 8 // allways draw full intensity
#define RF_DEPTHHACK 16 // for view weapon Z crunching
#define RF_FRAMELERP 64
#define RF_BEAM 128
#define RF_IR_VISIBLE 256 // skin is an index in image_precache
#define RF_GLOW 512 // pulse lighting for bonus items
// render private flags
#define RDF_NOWORLDMODEL 1 // used for player configuration screen
#define RDF_PAIN 4
// phys movetype
#define MOVETYPE_NONE 0 // never moves
#define MOVETYPE_NOCLIP 1 // origin and angles change with no interaction
#define MOVETYPE_PUSH 2 // no clip to world, push on box contact
#define MOVETYPE_WALK 3 // gravity
#define MOVETYPE_STEP 4 // gravity, special edge handling
#define MOVETYPE_FLY 5
#define MOVETYPE_TOSS 6 // gravity
#define MOVETYPE_FOLLOW 8 // attached models
// opengl mask
#define GL_COLOR_INDEX 0x1900
#define GL_STENCIL_INDEX 0x1901
#define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT 0x1902
#define GL_RED 0x1903
#define GL_GREEN 0x1904
#define GL_BLUE 0x1905
#define GL_ALPHA 0x1906
#define GL_RGB 0x1907
#define GL_RGBA 0x1908
#define GL_LUMINANCE 0x1909
#define GL_BGR 0x80E0
#define GL_BGRA 0x80E1
// gl data type
#define GL_BYTE 0x1400
#define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE 0x1401
#define GL_SHORT 0x1402
#define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT 0x1403
#define GL_INT 0x1404
#define GL_UNSIGNED_INT 0x1405
#define GL_FLOAT 0x1406
#define GL_2_BYTES 0x1407
#define GL_3_BYTES 0x1408
#define GL_4_BYTES 0x1409
#define GL_DOUBLE 0x140A
// description flags
#define IMAGE_CUBEMAP 0x00000001
#define IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA 0x00000002
#define IMAGE_PREMULT 0x00000004 // indices who need in additional premultiply
#define IMAGE_GEN_MIPS 0x00000008 // must generate mips
#define IMAGE_CUBEMAP_FLIP 0x00000010 // it's a cubemap with flipped sides( dds pack )
enum comp_format
PF_INDEXED_24, // studio model skins
PF_INDEXED_32, // sprite 32-bit palette
PF_RGBA_32, // already prepared ".bmp", ".tga" or ".jpg" image
PF_ARGB_32, // uncompressed dds image
PF_RGB_24, // uncompressed dds or another 24-bit image
PF_RGB_24_FLIP, // flip image for screenshots
PF_DXT1, // nvidia DXT1 format
PF_DXT2, // nvidia DXT2 format
PF_DXT3, // nvidia DXT3 format
PF_DXT4, // nvidia DXT4 format
PF_DXT5, // nvidia DXT5 format
PF_ATI1N, // ati 1N texture
PF_ATI2N, // ati 2N texture
PF_LUMINANCE, // b&w dds image
PF_LUMINANCE_16, // b&w hi-res image
PF_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, // b&w dds image with alpha channel
PF_RXGB, // doom3 normal maps
PF_ABGR_64, // uint image
PF_RGBA_GN, // internal generated texture
PF_TOTALCOUNT, // must be last
// format info table
typedef struct bpc_desc_s
int format; // pixelformat
char name[8]; // used for debug
uint glmask; // RGBA mask
uint gltype; // open gl datatype
int bpp; // channels (e.g. rgb = 3, rgba = 4)
int bpc; // sizebytes (byte, short, float)
int block; // blocksize < 0 needs alternate calc
} bpc_desc_t;
static const bpc_desc_t PFDesc[] =
{PF_INDEXED_24, "pal 24", GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 3, 1, 0 },// expand data to RGBA buffer
{PF_INDEXED_32, "pal 32", GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 4, 1, 0 },
{PF_RGBA_32, "RGBA 32",GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 4, 1, -4 },
{PF_ARGB_32, "ARGB 32",GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 4, 1, -4 },
{PF_RGB_24, "RGB 24", GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 3, 1, -3 },
{PF_RGB_24_FLIP, "RGB 24", GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 3, 1, -3 },
{PF_DXT2, "DXT2", GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 4, 1, 16 },
{PF_DXT3, "DXT3", GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 4, 1, 16 },
{PF_DXT4, "DXT4", GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 4, 1, 16 },
{PF_DXT5, "DXT5", GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 4, 1, 16 },
{PF_ATI2N, "3DC", GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 3, 1, 16 },
{PF_ABGR_64, "ABGR 64",GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 4, 2, -8 },
{PF_RGBA_GN, "system", GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 4, 1, -4 },
typedef struct rgbdata_s
word width; // image width
word height; // image height
byte numLayers; // multi-layer volume
byte numMips; // mipmap count
byte bitsCount; // RGB bits count
uint type; // compression type
uint flags; // misc image flags
byte *palette; // palette if present
byte *buffer; // image buffer
uint size; // for bounds checking
typedef struct physdata_s
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t angles;
vec3_t velocity;
vec3_t avelocity; // "omega" in newton
vec3_t mins; // for calculate size
vec3_t maxs; // and setup offset matrix
NewtonCollision *collision;
NewtonBody *physbody; // ptr to physic body
} physdata_t;
typedef struct gameinfo_s
//filesystem info
char basedir[128];
char gamedir[128];
char title[128];
float version;
int viewmode;
int gamemode;
// system info
int cpunum;
int64 tickcount;
float cpufreq;
bool rdtsc;
char key[16];
} gameinfo_t;
typedef struct dll_info_s
// generic interface
const char *name; // library name
const dllfunc_t *fcts; // list of dll exports
const char *entry; // entrypoint name (internal libs only)
void *link; // hinstance of loading library
// xash dlls entrypoint
void *(*main)( void*, void* );
bool crash; // crash if dll not found
// xash dlls validator
size_t api_size; // generic interface size
} dll_info_t;
typedef struct cvar_s
char *name;
char *string; // normal string
float value; // atof( string )
int integer; // atoi( string )
char *reset_string; // cvar_restart will reset to this value
char *latched_string; // for CVAR_LATCH vars
char *description; // variable descrition info
uint flags; // state flags
bool modified; // set each time the cvar is changed
uint modificationCount; // incremented each time the cvar is changed
struct cvar_s *next;
struct cvar_s *hash;
} cvar_t;
typedef struct dlight_s
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t color;
float intensity;
} dlight_t;
typedef struct particle_s
vec3_t origin;
int color;
float alpha;
} particle_t;
typedef struct lightstyle_s
float rgb[3]; // 0.0 - 2.0
float white; // highest of rgb
} lightstyle_t;
typedef struct latchedvars_s
float animtime;
float sequencetime;
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t angles;
int sequence;
float frame;
byte blending[MAXSTUDIOBLENDS];
byte seqblending[MAXSTUDIOBLENDS];
} latchedvars_t;
// client entity
typedef struct entity_s
model_t *model; // opaque type outside refresh
model_t *weaponmodel; // opaque type outside refresh
latchedvars_t prev; //previous frame values for lerping
vec3_t angles;
vec3_t origin; // also used as RF_BEAM's "from"
float oldorigin[3]; // also used as RF_BEAM's "to"
float animtime;
float frame; // also used as RF_BEAM's diameter
float framerate;
int body;
int skin;
byte blending[MAXSTUDIOBLENDS];
byte mouth; //TODO: move to struct
int movetype; //entity moving type
int sequence;
float scale;
vec3_t attachment[MAXSTUDIOATTACHMENTS];
// misc
float backlerp; // 0.0 = current, 1.0 = old
int skinnum; // also used as RF_BEAM's palette index
int lightstyle; // for flashing entities
float alpha; // ignore if RF_TRANSLUCENT isn't set
image_t *image; // NULL for inline skin
int flags;
} entity_t;
typedef struct
int x, y, width, height;// in virtual screen coordinates
float fov_x, fov_y;
float vieworg[3];
float viewangles[3];
float blend[4]; // rgba 0-1 full screen blend
float time; // time is used to auto animate
int rdflags; // RDF_UNDERWATER, etc
byte *areabits; // if not NULL, only areas with set bits will be drawn
lightstyle_t *lightstyles; // [MAX_LIGHTSTYLES]
int num_entities;
entity_t *entities;
int num_dlights;
dlight_t *dlights;
int num_particles;
particle_t *particles;
} refdef_t;
typedef struct stdilib_api_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(stdlib_api_t)
// base events
void (*print)( const char *msg ); // basic text message
void (*printf)( const char *msg, ... ); // formatted text message
void (*dprintf)( int level, const char *msg, ...);// developer text message
void (*wprintf)( const char *msg, ... ); // warning text message
void (*error)( const char *msg, ... ); // abnormal termination with message
void (*abort)( const char *msg, ... ); // normal tremination with message
void (*exit)( void ); // normal silent termination
char *(*input)( void ); // system console input
void (*sleep)( int msec ); // sleep for some msec
char *(*clipboard)( void ); // get clipboard data
uint (*keyevents)( void ); // peek windows message
// crclib.c funcs
void (*crc_init)(word *crcvalue); // set initial crc value
word (*crc_block)(byte *start, int count); // calculate crc block
void (*crc_process)(word *crcvalue, byte data); // process crc byte
byte (*crc_sequence)(byte *base, int length, int sequence); // calculate crc for sequence
uint (*crc_blockchecksum)(void *buffer, int length); // map checksum
uint (*crc_blockchecksumkey)(void *buf, int len, int key); // process key checksum
// memlib.c funcs
void (*memcpy)(void *dest, void *src, size_t size, const char *file, int line);
void (*memset)(void *dest, int set, size_t size, const char *file, int line);
void *(*realloc)(byte *pool, void *mem, size_t size, const char *file, int line);
void (*move)(byte *pool, void **dest, void *src, size_t size, const char *file, int line); // not a memmove
void *(*malloc)(byte *pool, size_t size, const char *file, int line);
void (*free)(void *data, const char *file, int line);
// xash memlib extension - memory pools
byte *(*mallocpool)(const char *name, const char *file, int line);
void (*freepool)(byte **poolptr, const char *file, int line);
void (*clearpool)(byte *poolptr, const char *file, int line);
void (*memcheck)(const char *file, int line); // check memory pools for consistensy
// common functions
void (*Com_InitRootDir)( char *path ); // init custom rootdir
void (*Com_LoadGameInfo)( const char *filename ); // gate game info from script file
void (*Com_AddGameHierarchy)(const char *dir); // add base directory in search list
int (*Com_CheckParm)( const char *parm ); // check parm in cmdline
bool (*Com_GetParm)( char *parm, char *out ); // get parm from cmdline
void (*Com_FileBase)(char *in, char *out); // get filename without path & ext
bool (*Com_FileExists)(const char *filename); // return true if file exist
long (*Com_FileSize)(const char *filename); // same as Com_FileExists but return filesize
const char *(*Com_FileExtension)(const char *in); // return extension of file
const char *(*Com_RemovePath)(const char *in); // return file without path
void (*Com_StripExtension)(char *path); // remove extension if present
void (*Com_StripFilePath)(const char* const src, char* dst);// get file path without filename.ext
void (*Com_DefaultExtension)(char *path, const char *ext ); // append extension if not present
void (*Com_ClearSearchPath)( void ); // delete all search pathes
void (*Com_CreateThread)(int, bool, void(*fn)(int)); // run individual thread
void (*Com_ThreadLock)( void ); // lock current thread
void (*Com_ThreadUnlock)( void ); // unlock numthreads
int (*Com_NumThreads)( void ); // returns count of active threads
bool (*Com_LoadScript)(const char *name,char *buf,int size);// load script into stack from file or bufer
bool (*Com_AddScript)(const char *name,char *buf, int size);// include script from file or buffer
void (*Com_ResetScript)( void ); // reset current script state
char *(*Com_ReadToken)( bool newline ); // get next token on a line or newline
bool (*Com_TryToken)( void ); // return 1 if have token on a line
void (*Com_FreeToken)( void ); // free current token to may get it again
void (*Com_SkipToken)( void ); // skip current token and jump into newline
bool (*Com_MatchToken)( const char *match ); // compare current token with user keyword
char *(*Com_ParseToken)(const char **data ); // parse token from char buffer
char *(*Com_ParseWord)( const char **data ); // parse word from char buffer
search_t *(*Com_Search)(const char *pattern, int casecmp ); // returned list of found files
bool (*Com_Filter)(char *filter, char *name, int casecmp ); // compare keyword by mask with filter
char *com_token; // contains current token
// console variables
cvar_t *(*Cvar_Get)(const char *name, const char *value, int flags, const char *desc);
void (*Cvar_CommandCompletion)( void(*callback)(const char *s, const char *m));
void (*Cvar_SetString)( const char *name, const char *value );
void (*Cvar_SetLatched)( const char *name, const char *value);
void (*Cvar_FullSet)( char *name, char *value, int flags );
void (*Cvar_SetValue )( const char *name, float value);
float (*Cvar_GetValue )(const char *name);
char *(*Cvar_GetString)(const char *name);
cvar_t *(*Cvar_FindVar)(const char *name);
bool userinfo_modified; // tell to client about userinfo modified
cvar_t **cvar_vars; // ptr to hash-table
// console commands
void (*Cmd_Exec)(int exec_when, const char *text);// process cmd buffer
uint (*Cmd_Argc)( void );
char *(*Cmd_Args)( void );
char *(*Cmd_Argv)( uint arg );
void (*Cmd_CommandCompletion)( void(*callback)(const char *s, const char *m));
void (*Cmd_AddCommand)(const char *name, xcommand_t function, const char *desc);
void (*Cmd_TokenizeString)(const char *text_in);
void (*Cmd_DelCommand)(const char *name);
void (*Cmd_ForwardToServer)( void ); // engine callback
// real filesystem
file_t *(*fopen)(const char* path, const char* mode); // same as fopen
int (*fclose)(file_t* file); // same as fclose
long (*fwrite)(file_t* file, const void* data, size_t datasize); // same as fwrite
long (*fread)(file_t* file, void* buffer, size_t buffersize); // same as fread, can see trough pakfile
int (*fprint)(file_t* file, const char *msg); // printed message into file
int (*fprintf)(file_t* file, const char* format, ...); // same as fprintf
int (*fgets)(file_t* file, byte *string, size_t bufsize ); // like a fgets, but can return EOF
int (*fseek)(file_t* file, fs_offset_t offset, int whence); // fseek, can seek in packfiles too
long (*ftell)(file_t* file); // like a ftell
// virtual filesystem
vfile_t *(*vfcreate)(byte *buffer, size_t buffsize); // create virtual stream
vfile_t *(*vfopen)(file_t *handle, const char* mode); // virtual fopen
file_t *(*vfclose)(vfile_t* file); // free buffer or write dump
long (*vfwrite)(vfile_t* file, const void* buf, size_t datasize); // write into buffer
long (*vfread)(vfile_t* file, void* buffer, size_t buffersize); // read from buffer
int (*vfgets)(vfile_t* file, byte *string, size_t bufsize ); // read text line
int (*vfprint)(vfile_t* file, const char *msg); // write message
int (*vfprintf)(vfile_t* file, const char* format, ...); // write formatted message
int (*vfseek)(vfile_t* file, fs_offset_t offset, int whence); // fseek, can seek in packfiles too
bool (*vfunpack)( void* comp, size_t size1, void **buf, size_t size2);// deflate zipped buffer
long (*vftell)(vfile_t* file); // like a ftell
// filesystem simply user interface
byte *(*Com_LoadFile)(const char *path, long *filesize ); // load file into heap
bool (*Com_WriteFile)(const char *path, void *data, long len); // write file into disk
rgbdata_t *(*Com_LoadImage)(const char *path, char *data, int size ); // extract image into rgba buffer
void (*Com_SaveImage)(const char *filename, rgbdata_t *buffer ); // save image into specified format
bool (*Com_ProcessImage)( const char *name, rgbdata_t **pix ); // convert and resample image
void (*Com_FreeImage)( rgbdata_t *pack ); // free image buffer
bool (*Com_LoadLibrary)( dll_info_t *dll ); // load library
bool (*Com_FreeLibrary)( dll_info_t *dll ); // free library
void*(*Com_GetProcAddress)( dll_info_t *dll, const char* name ); // gpa
double (*Com_DoubleTime)( void ); // hi-res timer
// stdlib.c funcs
void (*strnupr)(const char *in, char *out, size_t size_out);// convert string to upper case
void (*strnlwr)(const char *in, char *out, size_t size_out);// convert string to lower case
void (*strupr)(const char *in, char *out); // convert string to upper case
void (*strlwr)(const char *in, char *out); // convert string to lower case
int (*strlen)( const char *string ); // returns string real length
int (*cstrlen)( const char *string ); // return string length without color prefixes
char (*toupper)(const char in ); // convert one charcster to upper case
char (*tolower)(const char in ); // convert one charcster to lower case
size_t (*strncat)(char *dst, const char *src, size_t n); // add new string at end of buffer
size_t (*strcat)(char *dst, const char *src); // add new string at end of buffer
size_t (*strncpy)(char *dst, const char *src, size_t n); // copy string to existing buffer
size_t (*strcpy)(char *dst, const char *src); // copy string to existing buffer
char *(*stralloc)(const char *in,const char *file,int line);// create buffer and copy string here
int (*atoi)(const char *str); // convert string to integer
float (*atof)(const char *str); // convert string to float
void (*atov)( float *dst, const char *src, size_t n ); // convert string to vector
char *(*strchr)(const char *s, char c); // find charcster in string at left side
char *(*strrchr)(const char *s, char c); // find charcster in string at right side
int (*strnicmp)(const char *s1, const char *s2, int n); // compare strings with case insensative
int (*stricmp)(const char *s1, const char *s2); // compare strings with case insensative
int (*strncmp)(const char *s1, const char *s2, int n); // compare strings with case sensative
int (*strcmp)(const char *s1, const char *s2); // compare strings with case sensative
char *(*stristr)( const char *s1, const char *s2 ); // find s2 in s1 with case insensative
char *(*strstr)( const char *s1, const char *s2 ); // find s2 in s1 with case sensative
size_t (*strpack)( byte *buf, size_t pos, char *s1, int n );// include string into buffer (same as strncat)
size_t (*strunpack)( byte *buf, size_t pos, char *s1 ); // extract string from buffer
int (*vsprintf)(char *buf, const char *fmt, va_list args); // format message
int (*sprintf)(char *buffer, const char *format, ...); // print into buffer
char *(*va)(const char *format, ...); // print into temp buffer
int (*vsnprintf)(char *buf, size_t size, const char *fmt, va_list args); // format message
int (*snprintf)(char *buffer, size_t buffersize, const char *format, ...); // print into buffer
const char* (*timestamp)( int format ); // returns current time stamp
// misc utils
gameinfo_t *GameInfo; // user game info (filled by engine)
char com_TXcommand; // quark command (get rid of this)
} stdlib_api_t;
#ifndef LAUNCH_DLL
don't add aliases for launch.dll so it will be conflicted width real names
memory manager funcs
#define Mem_Alloc(pool, size) std.malloc(pool, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Realloc(pool, ptr, size) std.realloc(pool, ptr, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Move(pool, ptr, data, size) std.move(pool, ptr, data, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Free(mem), __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_AllocPool(name) std.mallocpool(name, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_FreePool(pool) std.freepool(pool, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_EmptyPool(pool) std.clearpool(pool, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Copy(dest, src, size ) std.memcpy(dest, src, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Set(dest, src, size ) std.memset(dest, src, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Check() std.memcheck(__FILE__, __LINE__)
parsing manager funcs
#define Com_ParseToken std.Com_ParseToken
#define Com_ParseWord std.Com_ParseWord
#define Com_Filter std.Com_Filter
#define Com_LoadScript std.Com_LoadScript
#define Com_IncludeScript std.Com_AddScript
#define Com_ResetScript std.Com_ResetScript
#define Com_GetToken std.Com_ReadToken
#define Com_TryToken std.Com_TryToken
#define Com_FreeToken std.Com_FreeToken
#define Com_SkipToken std.Com_SkipToken
#define Com_MatchToken std.Com_MatchToken
#define com_token std.com_token
#define g_TXcommand std.com_TXcommand // get rid of this
filesystem manager
#define FS_AddGameHierarchy std.Com_AddGameHierarchy
#define FS_LoadGameInfo std.Com_LoadGameInfo
#define FS_InitRootDir std.Com_InitRootDir
#define FS_LoadFile(name, size) std.Com_LoadFile(name, size)
#define FS_Search std.Com_Search
#define FS_WriteFile(name, data, size) std.Com_WriteFile(name, data, size )
#define FS_Open( path, mode ) std.fopen( path, mode )
#define FS_Read( file, buffer, size ) std.fread( file, buffer, size )
#define FS_Write( file, buffer, size ) std.fwrite( file, buffer, size )
#define FS_StripExtension( path ) std.Com_StripExtension( path )
#define FS_DefaultExtension( path, ext ) std.Com_DefaultExtension( path, ext )
#define FS_FileExtension( ext ) std.Com_FileExtension( ext )
#define FS_FileExists( file ) std.Com_FileExists( file )
#define FS_Close( file ) std.fclose( file )
#define FS_FileBase( x, y ) std.Com_FileBase( x, y )
#define FS_Printf std.fprintf
#define FS_Print std.fprint
#define FS_Seek std.fseek
#define FS_Tell std.ftell
#define FS_Gets std.fgets
#define FS_Gamedir std.GameInfo->gamedir
#define FS_Title std.GameInfo->title
#define FS_ClearSearchPath std.Com_ClearSearchPath
#define FS_CheckParm std.Com_CheckParm
#define FS_GetParmFromCmdLine std.Com_GetParm
#define FS_LoadImage std.Com_LoadImage
#define FS_SaveImage std.Com_SaveImage
#define FS_FreeImage std.Com_FreeImage
console variables
#define Cvar_Get(name, value, flags) std.Cvar_Get(name, value, flags, "no description" ) //FIXME
#define Cvar_CommandCompletion std.Cvar_CommandCompletion
#define Cvar_Set std.Cvar_SetString
#define Cvar_FullSet std.Cvar_FullSet
#define Cvar_SetLatched std.Cvar_SetLatched
#define Cvar_SetValue std.Cvar_SetValue
#define Cvar_VariableValue std.Cvar_GetValue
#define Cvar_VariableString std.Cvar_GetString
#define Cvar_FindVar std.Cvar_FindVar
#define userinfo_modified std.userinfo_modified
#define cvar_vars *std.cvar_vars
console commands
#define Cbuf_ExecuteText std.Cmd_Exec
#define Cbuf_AddText( text ) std.Cmd_Exec( EXEC_APPEND, text )
#define Cmd_ExecuteString( text ) std.Cmd_Exec( EXEC_NOW, text )
#define Cbuf_InsertText( text ) std.Cmd_Exec( EXEC_INSERT, text )
#define Cbuf_Execute() std.Cmd_Exec( EXEC_NOW, NULL )
#define Cmd_Argc std.Cmd_Argc
#define Cmd_Args std.Cmd_Args
#define Cmd_Argv std.Cmd_Argv
#define Cmd_TokenizeString std.Cmd_TokenizeString
#define Cmd_CommandCompletion std.Cmd_CommandCompletion
#define Cmd_AddCommand std.Cmd_AddCommand
#define Cmd_RemoveCommand std.Cmd_DelCommand
virtual filesystem manager
#define VFS_Open std.vfopen
#define VFS_Write std.vfwrite
#define VFS_Read std.vfread
#define VFS_Print std.vfprint
#define VFS_Printf std.vfprintf
#define VFS_Gets std.vfgets
#define VFS_Seek std.vfseek
#define VFS_Tell std.vftell
#define VFS_Close std.vfclose
#define VFS_Unpack std.vfunpack
crclib manager
#define CRC_Init std.crc_init
#define CRC_Block std.crc_block
#define CRC_ProcessByte std.crc_process
#define CRC_Sequence std.crc_sequence
#define Com_BlockChecksum std.crc_blockchecksum
#define Com_BlockChecksumKey std.crc_blockchecksumkey
imagelib utils
#define Image_Processing std.Com_ProcessImage
misc utils
#define GI std.GameInfo
#define Sys_LoadLibrary std.Com_LoadLibrary
#define Sys_FreeLibrary std.Com_FreeLibrary
#define Sys_GetProcAddress std.Com_GetProcAddress
#define Sys_Sleep std.sleep
#define Sys_Print std.print
#define Sys_ConsoleInput std.input
#define Sys_GetKeyEvents std.keyevents
#define Sys_GetClipboardData std.clipboard
#define Sys_Quit std.exit
#define Sys_Break std.abort
#define Sys_ConsoleInput std.input
#define GetNumThreads std.Com_NumThreads
#define ThreadLock std.Com_ThreadLock
#define ThreadUnlock std.Com_ThreadUnlock
#define RunThreadsOnIndividual std.Com_CreateThread
misc utils
#define timestamp std.timestamp
#define copystring(str) std.stralloc(str, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define strcasecmp std.stricmp
#define strncasecmp std.strnicmp
#define va
typedef struct launch_exp_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(launch_api_t)
void ( *Init ) ( uint funcname, int argc, char **argv ); // init host
void ( *Main ) ( void ); // host frame
void ( *Free ) ( void ); // close host
} launch_exp_t;
typedef struct render_exp_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(render_exp_t)
// initialize
bool (*Init)( void *hInstance, void *WndProc ); // init all render systems
void (*Shutdown)( void ); // shutdown all render systems
void (*BeginRegistration) (char *map);
model_t *(*RegisterModel) (char *name);
image_t *(*RegisterSkin) (char *name);
image_t *(*RegisterPic) (char *name);
void (*SetSky) (char *name, float rotate, vec3_t axis);
void (*EndRegistration) (void);
void (*BeginFrame)( void );
void (*RenderFrame) (refdef_t *fd);
void (*EndFrame)( void );
void (*SetColor)( const float *rgba );
bool (*ScrShot)( const char *filename, bool force_gamma ); // write screenshot with same name
void (*DrawFill)(float x, float y, float w, float h );
void (*DrawStretchRaw) (int x, int y, int w, int h, int cols, int rows, byte *data, bool redraw );
void (*DrawStretchPic)(float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, char *name);
void (*DrawGetPicSize) (int *w, int *h, char *name); // get rid of this
} render_exp_t;
typedef struct render_imp_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(render_imp_t)
// client fundamental callbacks
void (*StudioEvent)( mstudioevent_t *event, entity_t *ent );
void (*ShowCollision)( void ); // debug
} render_imp_t;
typedef struct physic_exp_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(physic_exp_t)
// initialize
bool (*Init)( void ); // init all physic systems
void (*Shutdown)( void ); // shutdown all render systems
void (*LoadBSP)( uint *buf ); // generate tree collision
void (*FreeBSP)( void ); // release tree collision
void (*ShowCollision)( void );// debug
void (*Frame)( float time ); // physics frame
// simple objects
void (*CreateBOX)( sv_edict_t *ed, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t org, vec3_t ang, NewtonCollision **newcol, NewtonBody **newbody );
void (*RemoveBOX)( NewtonBody *body );
} physic_exp_t;
typedef struct physic_imp_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(physic_imp_t)
void (*Transform)( sv_edict_t *ed, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles );
} physic_imp_t;
// this is the only function actually exported at the linker level
typedef void *(*launch_t)( stdlib_api_t*, void* );