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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// utils.c - global system utils
#include "launch.h"
#include "wadfile.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "const.h"
static long idum = 0;
#define IA 16807
#define IM 2147483647
#define IQ 127773
#define IR 2836
#define NTAB 32
#define NDIV (1+(IM-1)/NTAB)
#define AM (1.0/IM)
#define EPS 1.2e-7
#define RNMX (1.0 - EPS)
void SeedRandomNumberGenerator( long lSeed )
if( lSeed ) idum = lSeed;
else idum = -time( NULL );
if( 1000 < idum ) idum = -idum;
else if( -1000 < idum ) idum -= 22261048;
long lran1( void )
int j;
long k;
static long iy = 0;
static long iv[NTAB];
if( idum <= 0 || !iy )
if(-(idum) < 1) idum=1;
else idum = -(idum);
for( j = NTAB + 7; j >= 0; j-- )
k = (idum) / IQ;
idum = IA * (idum - k * IQ) - IR * k;
if( idum < 0 ) idum += IM;
if( j < NTAB ) iv[j] = idum;
iy = iv[0];
k = (idum)/IQ;
idum = IA * (idum - k * IQ) - IR * k;
if( idum < 0 ) idum += IM;
j = iy / NDIV;
iy = iv[j];
iv[j] = idum;
return iy;
// fran1 -- return a random floating-point number on the interval [0,1)
float fran1( void )
float temp = (float)AM * lran1();
if( temp > RNMX ) return (float)RNMX;
else return temp;
float Com_RandomFloat( float flLow, float flHigh )
float fl;
if( idum == 0 ) SeedRandomNumberGenerator(0);
fl = fran1(); // float in [0, 1)
return (fl * (flHigh - flLow)) + flLow; // float in [low, high)
long Com_RandomLong( long lLow, long lHigh )
dword maxAcceptable;
dword n, x = lHigh-lLow + 1;
if( idum == 0 ) SeedRandomNumberGenerator(0);
if( x <= 0 || MAX_RANDOM_RANGE < x-1 )
return lLow;
// The following maps a uniform distribution on the interval [0, MAX_RANDOM_RANGE]
// to a smaller, client-specified range of [0,x-1] in a way that doesn't bias
// the uniform distribution unfavorably. Even for a worst case x, the loop is
// guaranteed to be taken no more than half the time, so for that worst case x,
// the average number of times through the loop is 2. For cases where x is
// much smaller than MAX_RANDOM_RANGE, the average number of times through the
// loop is very close to 1.
maxAcceptable = MAX_RANDOM_RANGE - ((MAX_RANDOM_RANGE+1) % x );
n = lran1();
} while( n > maxAcceptable );
return lLow + (n % x);
returns hash key for string
uint Com_HashKey( const char *string, uint hashSize )
uint i, hashKey = 0;
for( i = 0; string[i]; i++ )
hashKey = (hashKey + i) * 37 + com.tolower( string[i] );
return (hashKey % hashSize);
void SinCos( float radians, float *sine, float *cosine )
fld dword ptr [radians]
mov edx, dword ptr [cosine]
mov eax, dword ptr [sine]
fstp dword ptr [edx]
fstp dword ptr [eax]
float sse_sqrt( float x )
float root = 0.f;
sqrtss xmm0, x
movss root, xmm0
return root;
#define ST_STATIC_ALLOCATE // comment this to use realloc
// (all pointers to real strings will be invalid after another calling SetString, but it - memory economy mode )
typedef struct stringtable_s
string name; // system name (for debug purposes)
byte *mempool; // system mempool
char *data; // buffer with strings
size_t datasize; // current buffsize
size_t maxdatasize; // dynamically resized
int *table; // indexes at begining string
size_t numstrings; // current strings count
size_t maxstrings; // current system limit
} stringtable_t;
stringtable_t *dstring[MAX_STRING_TABLES];
bool StringTable_CheckHandle( int handle, bool silent )
if( handle < 0 || handle > MAX_STRING_TABLES )
if( !silent )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "StringTable_CheckHandle: invalid system handle %d\n", handle );
return false;
if( !dstring[handle] )
if( !silent )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "StringTable_CheckHandle: system with handle %d inactive\n", handle );
return false;
return true;
bool StringTable_CheckString( int handle, string_t str )
if(!StringTable_CheckHandle( handle, true ))
return false;
if( str < 0 || str >= dstring[handle]->numstrings )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "StringTable( %s ): invalid string index %i\n", dstring[handle]->name, str );
return false;
return true;
const char *StringTable_GetName( int handle )
if( !StringTable_CheckHandle( handle, true ))
return NULL;
return dstring[handle]->name;
int StringTable_CreateNewSystem( const char *name, size_t max_strings )
int i;
// fisrt, find free stringtable system
for( i = 0; i < MAX_STRING_TABLES; i++ )
if( !dstring[i] )
// found free slot
dstring[i] = Mem_Alloc( Sys.basepool, sizeof( stringtable_t ));
dstring[i]->mempool = Mem_AllocPool( va( "StringTable_%s", name ));
com.strncpy( dstring[i]->name, name, sizeof( dstring[i]->name ));
dstring[i]->maxdatasize = max_strings * 8;
dstring[i]->maxstrings = max_strings;
// create static arrays
dstring[i]->data = (char *)Mem_Alloc( dstring[i]->mempool, dstring[i]->maxdatasize );
dstring[i]->table = (int *)Mem_Alloc( dstring[i]->mempool, dstring[i]->maxstrings );
StringTable_SetString( i, "" ); // make iNullString
return i;
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "StringTable_CreateNewSystem: no free string systems\n" );
return -1;
void StringTable_DeleteSystem( int handle )
if( !StringTable_CheckHandle( handle, false ))
// now free stringtable
Mem_FreePool( &dstring[handle]->mempool );
Mem_Free( dstring[handle] ); // free himself
dstring[handle] = NULL;
void StringTable_ClearSystem( int handle )
if( !StringTable_CheckHandle( handle, false ))
Mem_EmptyPool( dstring[handle]->mempool );
dstring[handle]->datasize = dstring[handle]->numstrings = 0;
dstring[handle]->data = (char *)Mem_Alloc( dstring[handle]->mempool, dstring[handle]->maxdatasize );
dstring[handle]->table = (int *)Mem_Alloc( dstring[handle]->mempool, dstring[handle]->maxstrings );
dstring[handle]->table = NULL;
dstring[handle]->data = NULL;
StringTable_SetString( handle, "" ); // make iNullString
const char *StringTable_GetString( int handle, string_t index )
if(!StringTable_CheckString( handle, index )) return "";
return &dstring[handle]->data[dstring[handle]->table[index]];
string_t StringTable_SetString( int handle, const char *string )
int i, len, table_size, data_size;
if( !StringTable_CheckHandle( handle, false ))
return -1;
for( i = 0; i < dstring[handle]->numstrings; i++ )
if(!com.strcmp( string, StringTable_GetString( handle, i )))
return i; // already existing
// register new string
len = com.strlen( string );
table_size = sizeof(string_t) * (dstring[handle]->numstrings + 1);
data_size = dstring[handle]->datasize + len + 1;
if( table_size >= dstring[handle]->maxstrings || data_size >= dstring[handle]->maxdatasize )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "StringTable_SetString: string table %s limit exeeded\n", dstring[handle]->name );
return -1;
dstring[handle]->table = Mem_Realloc( dstring[handle]->mempool, dstring[handle]->table, table_size );
dstring[handle]->data = Mem_Realloc( dstring[handle]->mempool, dstring[handle]->data, data_size );
com.strcpy( &dstring[handle]->data[dstring[handle]->datasize], string );
dstring[handle]->table[dstring[handle]->numstrings] = dstring[handle]->datasize;
dstring[handle]->datasize += len + 1; // null terminator
return dstring[handle]->numstrings - 1; // current index
bool StringTable_SaveSystem( int h, wfile_t *wad )
int table_size;
if(!StringTable_CheckHandle( h, false ))
return false;
if(!W_SaveLump( wad, "stringdata", dstring[h]->data, dstring[h]->datasize, TYP_RAW, CMP_LZSS ))
return false;
table_size = dstring[h]->numstrings * sizeof( string_t );
if( !W_SaveLump( wad, "stringtable", dstring[h]->table, table_size, TYP_RAW, CMP_LZSS ))
return false;
return true;
int StringTable_LoadSystem( wfile_t *wad, const char *name )
int datasize, table_size;
int h = StringTable_CreateNewSystem( name, 0x10000 ); // 65535 unique strings
char *data = (char *)W_LoadLump( wad, "stringdata", &datasize, TYP_RAW );
int *table = (int *)W_LoadLump( wad, "stringtable", &table_size, TYP_RAW );
if(( datasize > dstring[h]->maxdatasize ) || ((table_size / sizeof( int )) > dstring[h]->maxstrings ))
Sys_Error( "Too small StringTable for loading\n" );
dstring[h]->data = Mem_Realloc( dstring[handle]->mempool, dstring[handle]->data, datasize );
dstring[h]->table = Mem_Realloc( dstring[handle]->mempool, dstring[handle]->table, table_size );
Mem_Copy( dstring[h]->data, data, datasize );
Mem_Copy( dstring[h]->table, table, table_size );
dstring[h]->datasize = datasize;
dstring[h]->numstrings = table_size / sizeof( int );
return h;
void StringTable_Info_f( void )
int i, j;
if( Cmd_Argc() != 2 )
Msg( "Usage: stringlist <name>\n" );
// print all strings in selected StringTable
for( i = 0; i < MAX_STRING_TABLES; i++ )
if( !dstring[i] ) continue;
if( !com.stricmp( dstring[i]->name, Cmd_Argv( 1 )))
Msg( "------------- %i strings -------------\n", dstring[i]->numstrings );
for( j = 0; j < dstring[i]->numstrings; j++ )
Msg( "%s ", StringTable_GetString( i, j ));
Msg( "\n ^3total %s used\n", com.pretifymem( dstring[i]->datasize, 3 ));
// this only needs 17 bytes (1+symbols*2) but is padded to a multiple of 8
#define HASHSIZE (4096)
typedef struct lzss_state_s
int hashindex[HASHSIZE]; // contains hash indexes
int hashnext[WINDOWBUFFERSIZE2]; // contains hash indexes
int packetbit;
int packetsize;
int windowstart;
int windowposition;
int windowend;
byte packetbytes[PACKETMAXBYTES];
} lzss_state_t;
void lzss_state_packetreset( lzss_state_t *state )
state->packetbit = 0x80; // current bit to set if encoding a reference
state->packetsize = 1; // size of packet
state->packetbytes[0] = 0; // command byte indicating contents of packet
void lzss_state_start( lzss_state_t *state )
int i;
lzss_state_packetreset( state );
state->windowstart = 0; // start of search window
state->windowposition = 0; // current position in search window
state->windowend = 0; // end of search window
for( i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++ )
state->hashindex[i] = -1;
// returns number of bytes needed to fill the buffer
uint lzss_state_wantbytes( lzss_state_t *state )
return WINDOWBUFFERSIZE - ( state->windowend - state->windowstart );
// appends supplied bytes to buffer
// do not feed more bytes than lzss_state_wantbytes returned! (less is fine)
void lzss_state_feedbytes( lzss_state_t *state, const byte *in, uint inlength )
int i, pos;
if( (int)inlength > WINDOWBUFFERSIZE - ( state->windowend - state->windowstart ))
return; // error!
while( inlength-- )
if( state->windowstart >= WINDOWBUFFERSIZE )
for( i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++ )
if( state->hashindex[i] >= state->windowstart )
state->hashindex[i] -= WINDOWBUFFERSIZE;
pos = state->hashindex[i];
state->hashnext[pos] = state->hashnext[pos + WINDOWBUFFERSIZE];
while( state->hashnext[pos] >= state->windowstart )
state->hashnext[pos] -= WINDOWBUFFERSIZE;
pos = state->hashnext[pos];
state->hashnext[pos] = state->hashnext[pos + WINDOWBUFFERSIZE];
state->hashnext[pos] = -1;
else state->hashindex[i] = -1;
for( i = state->windowstart; i < state->windowend; i++ )
state->window[i - WINDOWBUFFERSIZE] = state->window[i];
state->windowstart -= WINDOWBUFFERSIZE;
state->windowposition -= WINDOWBUFFERSIZE;
state->windowend -= WINDOWBUFFERSIZE;
state->window[state->windowend] = *in;
// compress some data if the buffer is sufficiently full or flush is true
void lzss_state_compress( lzss_state_t *state, int flush )
int w, l, maxl, bestl, bestcode, hash;
byte c, c1, c2;
while( state->packetbit && ( maxl = ( state->windowend - state->windowposition )) >= ( flush ? 1 : REFERENCEMAXSIZE ))
c = state->window[state->windowposition];
bestl = 1;
if( maxl >= 3 && state->windowposition > state->windowstart )
c1 = state->window[state->windowposition+1];
c2 = state->window[state->windowposition+2];
for( w = state->hashindex[(c + c1 * 16 + c2 * 256) % HASHSIZE]; w >= state->windowstart; w = state->hashnext[w] )
if( w < state->windowposition && state->window[w] == c && state->window[w+1] == c1 && state->window[w+2] == c2 )
for( l = 3; l < maxl && state->window[w+l] == state->window[state->windowposition+l]; l++ );
if( bestl < l )
bestl = l;
bestcode = ((bestl - 3) << 12) | ( state->windowposition - w - 1 );
if( bestl == maxl )
if( bestl >= 3 )
state->packetbytes[0] |= state->packetbit;
state->packetbytes[state->packetsize++] = (byte)(bestcode >> 8);
state->packetbytes[state->packetsize++] = (byte)bestcode;
else state->packetbytes[state->packetsize++] = c;
state->packetbit >>= 1;
while( bestl-- )
// add hash entry
if( state->windowposition + 3 <= state->windowend )
hash = (state->window[state->windowposition] + state->window[state->windowposition + 1] * 16 + state->window[state->windowposition + 2] * 256) % HASHSIZE;
state->hashnext[state->windowposition] = state->hashindex[hash];
state->hashindex[hash] = state->windowposition;
if( state->windowstart < state->windowposition - REFERENCEMAXDIST )
state->windowstart = state->windowposition - REFERENCEMAXDIST;
uint lzss_state_packetfull( lzss_state_t *state )
return !state->packetbit;
uint lzss_state_getpacketsize( lzss_state_t *state )
return state->packetsize >= 2 ? state->packetsize : 0;
void lzss_state_getpacketbytes( lzss_state_t *state, byte *out )
int i;
// copy the bytes to output
for( i = 0; i < state->packetsize; i++ )
out[i] = state->packetbytes[i];
// reset the packet
lzss_state_packetreset( state );
uint lzss_compress( const byte *in, const byte *inend, byte *out, byte *outend )
byte *outstart = out;
uint b;
lzss_state_t state;
lzss_state_start( &state );
// this code is a little complex because it implements the flush stage as
// just a few checks (otherwise it would take two copies of this code)
// while the buffer is not empty, or there is more input
while( state.windowposition != state.windowend || in != inend )
// keep compressing until it stops making new packets
// (this means the buffer is not full enough anymore)
// in == inend is setting the flush flag, which will finish the file,
// and a packet is written if the packet is full or flush is true
lzss_state_compress( &state, in == inend );
b = lzss_state_getpacketsize( &state );
if( in == inend ? b : lzss_state_packetfull( &state ))
// write a packet
if( out + b > outend )
return 0; // error: made file bigger
lzss_state_getpacketbytes( &state, out );
out += b;
// fill up buffer if needed
if( in < inend && ( b = lzss_state_wantbytes( &state )))
if( b > (uint)( inend - in ))
b = (uint)( inend - in );
lzss_state_feedbytes( &state, in, b );
in += b;
return out - outstart;
bool lzss_decompress( const byte *in, const byte *inend, byte *out, byte *outend )
int i, commandbyte, code;
const byte *copy;
byte *outcopyend, *outstart = out;
// input file should not end with a command byte so make sure there are
// at least two remaining bytes
while( in + 2 <= inend && out < outend )
commandbyte = *in++;
for( i = 0x80; i && in < inend && out < outend; i >>= 1 )
if( commandbyte & i )
code = (*in++) * 0x100;
if( in == inend )
return true; // corrupt
code += *in++;
outcopyend = out + ((code >> 12) & 15) + 3;
copy = out - ((code & 0xFFF) + 1);
if( out < outstart || outcopyend > outend )
return true; // corrupt
while( out < outcopyend )
*out++ = *copy++;
else *out++ = *in++;
// corrupt if non-zero
return in != inend || out != outend;