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// Copyright (C) XashXT Group 2006
#include "extdll.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "cbase.h"
//atoi(g_engfuncs.pfnInfoKeyValue(g_engfuncs.pfnGetInfoKeyBuffer(edict()), "skin"));
//use this for custom change speed
// path_corner - train node path.
TYPEDESCRIPTION CPathCorner::m_SaveData[] =
{ DEFINE_FIELD( CPathCorner, m_pNextPath1, FIELD_CLASSPTR ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CPathCorner, m_pNextPath2, FIELD_CLASSPTR ),
void CPathCorner :: KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd )
if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "altpath"))
pev->netname = ALLOC_STRING( pkvd->szValue );
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else CBaseLogic::KeyValue( pkvd );
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( path_corner, CPathCorner );
void CPathCorner :: Spawn( void )
m_iState = STATE_ON;
SetBits( pev->flags, FL_POINTENTITY );
void CPathCorner :: Link( void )
CBaseEntity *pTarget;
if ( FStringNull( pev->targetname ) ) return;
if ( !FStringNull(pev->target) )
pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( NULL, STRING(pev->target));
m_pNextPath1 = (CPathCorner*)pTarget;//valid path
m_pNextPath1->SetPrev( this );
else DevMsg( "Dead end link %s\n", STRING(pev->target) );
if ( !FStringNull(pev->netname) )
pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( NULL, STRING(pev->netname));
m_pNextPath2 = (CPathCorner*)pTarget;//valid path
m_pNextPath2->SetPrev( this );
else DevMsg( "Dead end link %s\n", STRING(pev->netname) );
void CPathCorner::UpdateTargets( void )
UTIL_FireTargets(pev->message, this, this, USE_TOGGLE );
if(pev->spawnflags & SF_CORNER_FIREONCE)
pev->message = iStringNull;
ClearBits( pev->spawnflags, SF_CORNER_FIREONCE );
CBaseEntity *CPathCorner::ValidPath( CBaseEntity *m_pPath )
ASSERTSZ( m_pPath != this, "ValidPath: self path!\n");
if(m_pPath && m_pPath->edict() && m_pPath != this && ((CPathCorner *)m_pPath)->m_iState == STATE_ON)
return m_pPath;
return this;
CBaseEntity *CPathCorner::GetNext( void )
if(pev->team) return ValidPath( m_pNextPath2 );
return ValidPath( m_pNextPath1 );
void CPathCorner :: Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
m_hActivator = pActivator;
if (useType == USE_TOGGLE)
if(m_iState == STATE_ON) useType = USE_OFF;
else useType = USE_ON;
if (useType == USE_ON) m_iState = STATE_ON;
else if(useType == USE_OFF) m_iState = STATE_OFF;
else if(useType == USE_SET) pev->team = !pev->team; //change path
else if (useType == USE_SHOWINFO)
ALERT(at_console, "======/Xash Debug System/======\n");
ALERT(at_console, "classname: %s\n", STRING(pev->classname));
ALERT(at_console, "State: %s, wait %g\n", GetStringForState( GetState()), m_flWait);
if(ValidPath(m_pPrevPath)) Msg("Prev path %s", STRING(m_pPrevPath->pev->targetname));
if(ValidPath(m_pNextPath1))Msg("Next path %s", STRING(m_pNextPath1->pev->targetname));
if(ValidPath(m_pNextPath2))Msg("Alt path %s", STRING(m_pNextPath2->pev->targetname));
// path_track - tracktrain node path.
TYPEDESCRIPTION CPathTrack::m_SaveData[] =
DEFINE_FIELD( CPathTrack, m_length, FIELD_FLOAT ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CPathTrack, m_paltpath, FIELD_CLASSPTR ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CPathTrack, m_pprevious, FIELD_CLASSPTR ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CPathTrack, m_altName, FIELD_STRING ),
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( path_track, CPathTrack );
// Cache user-entity-field values until spawn is called.
void CPathTrack :: KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd )
if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "altpath"))
m_altName = ALLOC_STRING(pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "turnspeed")) //LRC
if (pkvd->szValue[0]) // if the field is blank, don't set the spawnflag.
pev->spawnflags |= SF_PATH_AVELOCITY;
UTIL_StringToVector( (float*)pev->avelocity, pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
CBaseLogic::KeyValue( pkvd );
void CPathTrack :: Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
int on;
// Use toggles between two paths
if ( m_paltpath )
on = !FBitSet( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_ALTERNATE );
if (useType == USE_TOGGLE)
if(on) useType = USE_OFF;
else useType = USE_ON;
if (useType == USE_ON)ClearBits( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_ALTERNATE );
else if(useType == USE_OFF)SetBits( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_ALTERNATE );
else // Use toggles between enabled/disabled
on = !FBitSet( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_DISABLED );
if (useType == USE_TOGGLE)
if(on) useType = USE_OFF;
else useType = USE_ON;
if (useType == USE_ON)ClearBits( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_DISABLED );
else if(useType == USE_OFF)SetBits( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_DISABLED );
void CPathTrack :: Link( void )
CBaseEntity *pTarget;
if( !FStringNull( pev->target ))
pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( NULL, STRING(pev->target) );
if( pTarget )
m_pnext = (CPathTrack*)pTarget;
m_pnext->SetPrevious( this );
else ALERT( at_console, "Dead end link %s\n", STRING(pev->target) );
// Find "alternate" path
if ( m_altName )
pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( NULL, STRING(m_altName) );
if ( pTarget ) // If no next pointer, this is the end of a path
m_paltpath = (CPathTrack*)pTarget;
m_paltpath->SetPrevious( this );
void CPathTrack :: Spawn( void )
pev->solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
UTIL_SetSize(pev, Vector(-8, -8, -8), Vector(8, 8, 8));
m_pnext = NULL;
m_pprevious = NULL;
SetThink( Sparkle );
SetNextThink( 0.5 );
void CPathTrack::Activate( void )
if ( !FStringNull( pev->targetname ) ) // Link to next, and back-link
CBaseEntity *CPathTrack :: ValidPath( CBaseEntity *ppath, int testFlag )
if ( !ppath )
return NULL;
if ( testFlag && FBitSet( ppath->pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_DISABLED ) )
return NULL;
return ppath;
void CPathTrack :: Project( CBaseEntity *pstart, CBaseEntity *pend, Vector *origin, float dist )
if ( pstart && pend )
Vector dir = (pend->pev->origin - pstart->pev->origin);
dir = dir.Normalize();
*origin = pend->pev->origin + dir * dist;
CBaseEntity *CPathTrack::GetNext( void )
if ( m_paltpath && FBitSet( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_ALTERNATE ) && !FBitSet( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_ALTREVERSE ) )
return m_paltpath;
return m_pnext;
CBaseEntity *CPathTrack::GetPrev( void )
if ( m_paltpath && FBitSet( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_ALTERNATE ) && FBitSet( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_ALTREVERSE ) )
return m_paltpath;
return m_pprevious;
void CPathTrack::SetPrevious( CPathTrack *pprev )
// Only set previous if this isn't my alternate path
if ( pprev && !FStrEq( STRING(pprev->pev->targetname), STRING(m_altName) ) )
m_pprevious = pprev;
// Assumes this is ALWAYS enabled
CBaseEntity *CPathTrack :: LookAhead( Vector *origin, float dist, int move )
CBaseEntity *pcurrent;
float originalDist = dist;
pcurrent = this;
Vector currentPos = *origin;
if ( dist < 0 ) // Travelling backwards through path
dist = -dist;
while ( dist > 0 )
Vector dir = pcurrent->pev->origin - currentPos;
float length = dir.Length();
if ( !length )
if ( !ValidPath(pcurrent->GetPrev(), move) ) // If there is no previous node, or it's disabled, return now.
if ( !move )
Project( pcurrent->GetNext(), pcurrent, origin, dist );
return NULL;
pcurrent = pcurrent->GetPrev();
else if ( length > dist ) // enough left in this path to move
*origin = currentPos + (dir * (dist / length));
return pcurrent;
dist -= length;
currentPos = pcurrent->pev->origin;
*origin = currentPos;
if ( !ValidPath(pcurrent->GetPrev(), move) ) // If there is no previous node, or it's disabled, return now.
return NULL;
pcurrent = pcurrent->GetPrev();
*origin = currentPos;
return pcurrent;
while ( dist > 0 )
if ( !ValidPath(pcurrent->GetNext(), move) ) // If there is no next node, or it's disabled, return now.
if ( !move )
Project( pcurrent->GetPrev(), pcurrent, origin, dist );
return NULL;
Vector dir = pcurrent->GetNext()->pev->origin - currentPos;
float length = dir.Length();
if ( !length && !ValidPath( pcurrent->GetNext()->GetNext(), move ) )
if ( dist == originalDist ) // HACK -- up against a dead end
return NULL;
return pcurrent;
if ( length > dist ) // enough left in this path to move
*origin = currentPos + (dir * (dist / length));
return pcurrent;
dist -= length;
currentPos = pcurrent->GetNext()->pev->origin;
pcurrent = pcurrent->GetNext();
*origin = currentPos;
*origin = currentPos;
return pcurrent;
// Assumes this is ALWAYS enabled
CBaseEntity *CPathTrack :: Nearest( Vector origin )
int deadCount;
float minDist, dist;
Vector delta;
CBaseEntity *ppath, *pnearest;
delta = origin - pev->origin;
delta.z = 0;
minDist = delta.Length();
pnearest = this;
ppath = GetNext();
// Hey, I could use the old 2 racing pointers solution to this, but I'm lazy :)
deadCount = 0;
while ( ppath && ppath != this )
if ( deadCount > 9999 )
ALERT( at_error, "Bad sequence of path_tracks from %s", STRING(pev->targetname) );
return NULL;
delta = origin - ppath->pev->origin;
delta.z = 0;
dist = delta.Length();
if ( dist < minDist )
minDist = dist;
pnearest = ppath;
ppath = ppath->GetNext();
return pnearest;
CPathTrack *CPathTrack::Instance( edict_t *pent )
if ( FClassnameIs( pent, "path_track" ) )
return (CPathTrack *)GET_PRIVATE(pent);
return NULL;
void CPathTrack :: Sparkle( void )
SetNextThink( 0.2 );
if ( FBitSet( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_DISABLED ) )
UTIL_ParticleEffect(pev->origin, Vector(0,0,100), 210, 10);
UTIL_ParticleEffect(pev->origin, Vector(0,0,100), 84, 10);