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633 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// bspfile.c - read\save bsp file
#include <stdio.h> // sscanf support
#include "bsplib.h"
#include "byteorder.h"
#include "const.h"
wfile_t *handle;
file_t *wadfile;
dheader_t *header;
int num_entities;
bsp_entity_t entities[MAX_MAP_ENTITIES];
int nummodels;
dmodel_t dmodels[MAX_MAP_MODELS];
int visdatasize;
byte dvisdata[MAX_MAP_VISIBILITY];
dvis_t *dvis = (dvis_t *)dvisdata;
int lightdatasize;
byte dlightdata[MAX_MAP_LIGHTING];
int entdatasize;
char dentdata[MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING];
int numleafs;
dleaf_t dleafs[MAX_MAP_LEAFS];
int numplanes;
dplane_t dplanes[MAX_MAP_PLANES];
int numvertexes;
dvertex_t dvertexes[MAX_MAP_VERTS];
int numnodes;
dnode_t dnodes[MAX_MAP_NODES];
int numtexinfo;
dtexinfo_t texinfo[MAX_MAP_TEXINFO];
int numsurfaces;
dsurface_t dsurfaces[MAX_MAP_SURFACES];
int numedges;
dedge_t dedges[MAX_MAP_EDGES];
int numleafsurfaces;
dleafface_t dleafsurfaces[MAX_MAP_LEAFFACES];
int numleafbrushes;
dleafbrush_t dleafbrushes[MAX_MAP_LEAFBRUSHES];
int numsurfedges;
dsurfedge_t dsurfedges[MAX_MAP_SURFEDGES];
int numbrushes;
dbrush_t dbrushes[MAX_MAP_BRUSHES];
int numbrushsides;
dbrushside_t dbrushsides[MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES];
int numshaders;
dshader_t dshaders[MAX_MAP_SHADERS];
int numareas;
darea_t dareas[MAX_MAP_AREAS];
int numareaportals;
dareaportal_t dareaportals[MAX_MAP_AREAPORTALS];
byte dcollision[MAX_MAP_COLLISION];
int dcollisiondatasize;
int CompressVis( byte *vis, byte *dest )
int j;
int rep;
int visrow;
byte *dest_p;
dest_p = dest;
visrow = (dvis->numclusters + 7)>>3;
for (j=0 ; j<visrow ; j++)
*dest_p++ = vis[j];
if (vis[j])
rep = 1;
for ( j++; j<visrow ; j++)
if (vis[j] || rep == 255)
else rep++;
*dest_p++ = rep;
return dest_p - dest;
void DecompressVis( byte *in, byte *decompressed )
int c;
byte *out;
int row;
row = (dvis->numclusters+7)>>3;
out = decompressed;
if (*in)
*out++ = *in++;
c = in[1];
if (!c) Sys_Error("DecompressVis: 0 repeat");
in += 2;
while (c)
*out++ = 0;
} while (out - decompressed < row);
Byte swaps all data in a bsp file.
void SwapBSPFile( bool todisk )
int i, j;
// models
SwapBlock((int *)dmodels, nummodels * sizeof( dmodels[0] ));
// vertexes
SwapBlock( (int *)dvertexes, numvertexes * sizeof( dvertexes[0] ));
// planes
SwapBlock( (int *)dplanes, numplanes * sizeof( dplanes[0] ));
// texinfos
SwapBlock( (int *)texinfo, numtexinfo * sizeof( texinfo[0] ));
// nodes
SwapBlock( (int *)dnodes, numnodes * sizeof( dnodes[0] ));
// leafs
SwapBlock( (int *)dleafs, numleafs * sizeof( dleafs[0] ));
// leaffaces
SwapBlock( (int *)dleafsurfaces, numleafsurfaces * sizeof( dleafsurfaces[0] ));
// leafbrushes
SwapBlock( (int *)dleafbrushes, numleafbrushes * sizeof( dleafbrushes[0] ));
// surfedges
SwapBlock( (int *)dsurfedges, numsurfedges * sizeof( dsurfedges[0] ));
// edges
SwapBlock( (int *)dedges, numedges * sizeof( dedges[0] ));
// brushes
SwapBlock( (int *)dbrushes, numbrushes * sizeof( dbrushes[0] ));
// areas
SwapBlock( (int *)dareas, numareas * sizeof( dareas[0] ));
// areasportals
SwapBlock( (int *)dareaportals, numareaportals * sizeof( dareaportals[0] ));
// brushsides
SwapBlock( (int *)dbrushsides, numbrushsides * sizeof( dbrushsides[0] ));
// shaders
for( i = 0; i < numshaders; i++ )
dshaders[i].size[0] = LittleLong( dshaders[i].size[0] );
dshaders[i].size[1] = LittleLong( dshaders[i].size[1] );
dshaders[i].surfaceFlags = LittleLong( dshaders[i].surfaceFlags );
dshaders[i].contentFlags = LittleLong( dshaders[i].contentFlags );
// faces
for( i = 0; i < numsurfaces; i++ )
dsurfaces[i].planenum = LittleLong( dsurfaces[i].planenum );
dsurfaces[i].side = LittleLong (dsurfaces[i].side);
dsurfaces[i].firstedge = LittleLong( dsurfaces[i].firstedge );
dsurfaces[i].numedges = LittleLong( dsurfaces[i].numedges );
dsurfaces[i].texinfo = LittleLong( dsurfaces[i].texinfo );
dsurfaces[i].lightofs = LittleLong( dsurfaces[i].lightofs );
// visibility
if( todisk ) j = dvis->numclusters;
else j = LittleLong( dvis->numclusters );
dvis->numclusters = LittleLong( dvis->numclusters );
for( i = 0; i < j; i++ )
dvis->bitofs[i][0] = LittleLong( dvis->bitofs[i][0] );
dvis->bitofs[i][1] = LittleLong( dvis->bitofs[i][1] );
size_t CopyLump( const char *lumpname, void *dest, size_t block_size )
size_t length;
byte *in;
if( !handle ) return 0;
in = WAD_Read( handle, lumpname, &length, TYPE_BINDATA );
if( length % block_size ) Sys_Break( "LoadBSPFile: %s funny lump size\n", lumpname );
Mem_Copy( dest, in, length );
Mem_Free( in ); // no need more
return length / block_size;
void AddLump( const char *lumpname, const void *data, size_t length )
int compress = CMP_NONE;
if( !handle ) return;
if( length > 0xffff ) compress = CMP_ZLIB; // save hdd space
WAD_Write( handle, lumpname, data, length, TYPE_BINDATA, compress );
size_t CopyLump( const int lumpname, void *dest, size_t block_size )
size_t length, ofs;
length = header->lumps[lumpname].filelen;
ofs = header->lumps[lumpname].fileofs;
if( length % block_size) Sys_Break( "LoadBSPFile: %i funny lump size\n", lumpname );
Mem_Copy(dest, (byte *)header + ofs, length);
return length / block_size;
void AddLump( const int lumpname, const void *data, size_t length )
lump_t *lump;
lump = &header->lumps[lumpname];
lump->fileofs = LittleLong( FS_Tell( wadfile ));
lump->filelen = LittleLong( length );
FS_Write( wadfile, data, (length + 3) & ~3 );
bool LoadBSPFile( void )
byte *buffer;
buffer = (byte *)FS_LoadFile( va("maps/%s.bsp", gs_filename ), NULL );
if( !buffer ) return false;
header = (dheader_t *)buffer; // load the file header
if( pe ) pe->LoadBSP( buffer );
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "reading %s.bsp\n", gs_filename );
// swap the header
SwapBlock( (int *)header, sizeof( header ));
if( header->ident != IDBSPMODHEADER )
Sys_Break( "%s.bsp is not a IBSP file\n", gs_filename );
if( header->version != BSPMOD_VERSION )
Sys_Break( "%s.bsp is version %i, not %i\n", gs_filename, header->version, BSPMOD_VERSION );
entdatasize = CopyLump( LUMP_ENTITIES, dentdata, 1 );
numplanes = CopyLump( LUMP_PLANES, dplanes, sizeof( dplanes[0] ));
numvertexes = CopyLump( LUMP_VERTEXES, dvertexes, sizeof( dvertexes[0] ));
visdatasize = CopyLump( LUMP_VISIBILITY, dvisdata, 1 );
numnodes = CopyLump( LUMP_NODES, dnodes, sizeof( dnodes[0] ));
numtexinfo = CopyLump( LUMP_TEXINFO, texinfo, sizeof( texinfo[0] ));
numsurfaces = CopyLump( LUMP_SURFACES, dsurfaces, sizeof( dsurfaces[0] ));
lightdatasize = CopyLump( LUMP_LIGHTING, dlightdata, 1 );
numleafs = CopyLump( LUMP_LEAFS, dleafs, sizeof( dleafs[0] ));
numleafsurfaces = CopyLump( LUMP_LEAFFACES, dleafsurfaces, sizeof( dleafsurfaces[0] ));
numleafbrushes = CopyLump( LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES, dleafbrushes, sizeof( dleafbrushes[0] ));
numedges = CopyLump( LUMP_EDGES, dedges, sizeof( dedges[0] ));
numsurfedges = CopyLump( LUMP_SURFEDGES, dsurfedges, sizeof( dsurfedges[0] ));
nummodels = CopyLump( LUMP_MODELS, dmodels, sizeof( dmodels[0] ));
numbrushes = CopyLump( LUMP_BRUSHES, dbrushes, sizeof( dbrushes[0] ));
numbrushsides = CopyLump( LUMP_BRUSHSIDES, dbrushsides, sizeof( dbrushsides[0] ));
dcollisiondatasize = CopyLump( LUMP_COLLISION, dcollision, 1 );
numshaders = CopyLump( LUMP_SHADERS, dshaders, sizeof( dshaders[0] ));
numareas = CopyLump ( LUMP_AREAS, dareas, sizeof( dareas[0] ));
numareaportals = CopyLump( LUMP_AREAPORTALS, dareaportals, sizeof( dareaportals[0] ));
// swap everything
SwapBSPFile( false );
return true;
Swaps the bsp file in place, so it should not be referenced again
void WriteBSPFile( void )
static dheader_t outheader;
header = &outheader;
Mem_Set( header, 0, sizeof( dheader_t ));
SwapBSPFile( true );
header->ident = LittleLong( IDBSPMODHEADER );
header->version = LittleLong( BSPMOD_VERSION );
MsgDev( D_NOTE, "\n\nwriting %s.bsp\n", gs_filename );
if( pe ) pe->FreeBSP();
wadfile = FS_Open( va( "maps/%s.bsp", gs_filename ), "wb" );
FS_Write( wadfile, header, sizeof( dheader_t )); // overwritten later
Msg("add collision lump %i\n", dcollisiondatasize );
AddLump( LUMP_ENTITIES, dentdata, entdatasize );
AddLump( LUMP_PLANES, dplanes, numplanes * sizeof( dplanes[0] ));
AddLump( LUMP_VERTEXES, dvertexes, numvertexes * sizeof( dvertexes[0] ));
AddLump( LUMP_VISIBILITY, dvisdata, visdatasize );
AddLump( LUMP_NODES, dnodes, numnodes * sizeof( dnodes[0] ));
AddLump( LUMP_TEXINFO, texinfo, numtexinfo * sizeof( texinfo[0] ));
AddLump( LUMP_SURFACES, dsurfaces, numsurfaces * sizeof( dsurfaces[0] ));
AddLump( LUMP_LIGHTING, dlightdata, lightdatasize );
AddLump( LUMP_LEAFS, dleafs, numleafs * sizeof( dleafs[0] ));
AddLump( LUMP_LEAFFACES, dleafsurfaces, numleafsurfaces * sizeof( dleafsurfaces[0] ));
AddLump( LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES, dleafbrushes, numleafbrushes * sizeof( dleafbrushes[0] ));
AddLump( LUMP_EDGES, dedges, numedges * sizeof( dedges[0] ));
AddLump( LUMP_SURFEDGES, dsurfedges, numsurfedges * sizeof( dsurfedges[0] ));
AddLump( LUMP_MODELS, dmodels, nummodels * sizeof( dmodels[0] ));
AddLump( LUMP_BRUSHES, dbrushes, numbrushes * sizeof( dbrushes[0] ));
AddLump( LUMP_BRUSHSIDES, dbrushsides, numbrushsides * sizeof( dbrushsides[0] ));
AddLump( LUMP_COLLISION, dcollision, dcollisiondatasize );
AddLump( LUMP_SHADERS, dshaders, numshaders * sizeof( dshaders[0] ));
AddLump( LUMP_AREAS, dareas, numareas * sizeof( dareas[0] ));
AddLump( LUMP_AREAPORTALS, dareaportals, numareaportals * sizeof( dareaportals[0] ));
// merge header
FS_Seek( wadfile, 0, SEEK_SET );
FS_Write( wadfile, header, sizeof( dheader_t ));
FS_Close( wadfile );
// misc parse functions
void StripTrailing( char *e )
char *s;
s = e + com.strlen( e ) - 1;
while( s >= e && *s <= 32 )
*s = 0;
epair_t *ParseEpair( token_t *token )
epair_t *e;
e = Malloc( sizeof( epair_t ));
if( com.strlen( token->string ) >= MAX_KEY - 1 )
Sys_Break( "ParseEpair: token too long\n" );
e->key = copystring( token->string );
Com_ReadToken( mapfile, SC_PARSE_GENERIC, token );
if( com.strlen( token->string ) >= MAX_VALUE - 1 )
Sys_Break( "ParseEpair: token too long\n" );
e->value = copystring( token->string );
// strip trailing spaces
StripTrailing( e->key );
StripTrailing( e->value );
return e;
bool ParseEntity( void )
epair_t *e;
token_t token;
bsp_entity_t *mapent;
if( !Com_ReadToken( mapfile, SC_ALLOW_NEWLINES, &token ))
return false;
if( com.stricmp( token.string, "{" )) Sys_Break( "ParseEntity: '{' not found\n" );
if( num_entities == MAX_MAP_ENTITIES ) Sys_Break( "MAX_MAP_ENTITIES limit excceded\n" );
mapent = &entities[num_entities];
while( 1 )
if( !Com_ReadToken( mapfile, SC_ALLOW_NEWLINES|SC_PARSE_GENERIC, &token ))
Sys_Break( "ParseEntity: EOF without closing brace\n" );
if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "}" )) break;
e = ParseEpair( &token );
e->next = mapent->epairs;
mapent->epairs = e;
return true;
Parses the dentdata string into entities
void ParseEntities( void )
num_entities = 0;
mapfile = Com_OpenScript( "entities", dentdata, entdatasize );
if( mapfile ) while( ParseEntity( ));
Com_CloseScript( mapfile );
Generates the dentdata string from all the entities
void UnparseEntities( void )
epair_t *ep;
char *buf, *end;
char line[2048];
char key[MAX_KEY], value[MAX_VALUE];
const char *value2;
int i;
buf = dentdata;
end = buf;
*end = 0;
for( i = 0; i < num_entities; i++ )
ep = entities[i].epairs;
if( !ep ) continue; // ent got removed
// certain entities get stripped from bsp file */
value2 = ValueForKey( &entities[i], "classname" );
if(!com.stricmp( value2, "_decal" ) || !com.stricmp( value2, "_skybox" ))
com.strcat( end, "{\n" );
end += 2;
for( ep = entities[i].epairs; ep; ep = ep->next )
com.strncpy( key, ep->key, MAX_KEY );
StripTrailing( key );
com.strncpy( value, ep->value, MAX_VALUE );
StripTrailing( value );
com.snprintf( line, 2048, "\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", key, value );
com.strcat( end, line );
end += com.strlen( line );
com.strcat( end, "}\n" );
end += 2;
if( end > buf + MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING )
Sys_Break( "Entity text too long\n" );
entdatasize = end - buf + 1;
void SetKeyValue( bsp_entity_t *ent, const char *key, const char *value )
epair_t *ep;
for( ep = ent->epairs; ep; ep = ep->next )
if(!com.strcmp( ep->key, key ))
Mem_Free( ep->value );
ep->value = copystring( value );
ep = Malloc( sizeof( *ep ));
ep->next = ent->epairs;
ent->epairs = ep;
ep->key = copystring( key );
ep->value = copystring( value );
char *ValueForKey( const bsp_entity_t *ent, const char *key )
epair_t *ep;
if( !ent ) return "";
for( ep = ent->epairs; ep; ep = ep->next )
if(!com.strcmp( ep->key, key ))
return ep->value;
return "";
long IntForKey( const bsp_entity_t *ent, const char *key )
char *k;
k = ValueForKey( ent, key );
return com.atoi( k );
vec_t FloatForKey( const bsp_entity_t *ent, const char *key )
char *k;
k = ValueForKey( ent, key );
return com.atof( k );
void GetVectorForKey( const bsp_entity_t *ent, const char *key, vec3_t vec )
char *k;
double v1, v2, v3;
k = ValueForKey( ent, key );
// scanf into doubles, then assign, so it is vec_t size independent
v1 = v2 = v3 = 0;
sscanf( k, "%lf %lf %lf", &v1, &v2, &v3 );
VectorSet( vec, v1, v2, v3 );
finds an entity target
bsp_entity_t *FindTargetEntity( const char *target )
int i;
const char *n;
// walk entity list
for( i = 0; i < num_entities; i++ )
n = ValueForKey( &entities[i], "targetname" );
if( !com.strcmp( n, target ))
return &entities[i];
return NULL;
void Com_CheckToken( script_t *script, const char *match )
token_t token;
Com_ReadToken( script, SC_ALLOW_NEWLINES, &token );
if( com.stricmp( token.string, match ))
Sys_Break( "Com_CheckToken: \"%s\" not found\n", match );
void Com_Parse1DMatrix( script_t *script, int x, vec_t *m )
int i;
Com_CheckToken( script, "(" );
for( i = 0; i < x; i++ )
Com_ReadFloat( script, false, &m[i] );
Com_CheckToken( script, ")" );
void Com_Parse2DMatrix( script_t *script, int y, int x, vec_t *m )
int i;
Com_CheckToken( script, "(" );
for( i = 0; i < y; i++ )
Com_Parse1DMatrix( script, x, m+i*x );
Com_CheckToken( script, ")" );