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// Copyright (C) XashXT Group 2006
#include "extdll.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "sfx.h"
#include "cbase.h"
#include "basebeams.h"
#include "baseweapon.h"
#include "monsters.h"
#include "defaults.h"
#include "player.h"
// Tracktrain spawn flags
#define SF_TRACKTRAIN_NOYAW 0x0010 //LRC
#define SF_TRACKTRAIN_AVELOCITY 0x800000 //LRC - avelocity has been set manually, don't turn.
#define SF_TRACKTRAIN_AVEL_GEARS 0x400000 //LRC - avelocity should be scaled up/down when the train changes gear.
// Spawnflag for CPathTrack
#define SF_PATH_DISABLED 0x00000001
#define SF_PATH_FIREONCE 0x00000002
#define SF_PATH_ALTREVERSE 0x00000004
#define SF_PATH_DISABLE_TRAIN 0x00000008
#define SF_PATH_ALTERNATE 0x00008000
#define SF_PATH_AVELOCITY 0x00080000 //LRC
//LRC - values in 'armortype'
//#define PATH_SPARKLE_DEBUG 1 // This makes a particle effect around path_track entities for debugging
class CPathTrack : public CPointEntity
void Spawn( void );
void Activate( void );
void KeyValue( KeyValueData* pkvd);
void SetPrevious( CPathTrack *pprevious );
void Link( void );
void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
CBaseEntity *ValidPath( CBaseEntity *ppath, int testFlag ); // Returns ppath if enabled, NULL otherwise
void Project( CBaseEntity *pstart, CBaseEntity *pend, Vector *origin, float dist );
static CPathTrack *Instance( edict_t *pent );
CBaseEntity *LookAhead( Vector *origin, float dist, int move );
CBaseEntity *Nearest( Vector origin ); //notused
CBaseEntity *GetNext( void );
CBaseEntity *GetPrev( void );
virtual int Save( CSave &save );
virtual int Restore( CRestore &restore );
static TYPEDESCRIPTION m_SaveData[];
void EXPORT Sparkle(void);
float m_length;
string_t m_altName;
CPathTrack *m_pnext;
CPathTrack *m_pprevious;
CPathTrack *m_paltpath;
class CFuncTrackTrain : public CBaseMover
void Spawn( void );
void Precache( void );
void Blocked( CBaseEntity *pOther );
void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
void KeyValue( KeyValueData* pkvd );
void EXPORT DesiredAction( void ); //LRC - used to be called Next!
void PostActivate( void );
void ClearPointers( void );
// void EXPORT Next( void );
void EXPORT PostponeNext( void );
void EXPORT Find( void );
void EXPORT NearestPath( void );
void EXPORT DeadEnd( void );
void NextThink( float thinkTime, BOOL alwaysThink );
void SetTrack( CBaseEntity *track ) { pPath = ((CPathTrack *)track)->Nearest(pev->origin); }
void SetControls( entvars_t *pevControls );
BOOL OnControls( entvars_t *pev );
void StopSound ( void );
void UpdateSound ( void );
static CFuncTrackTrain *Instance( edict_t *pent )
if ( FClassnameIs( pent, "func_tracktrain" ) )
return (CFuncTrackTrain *)GET_PRIVATE(pent);
return NULL;
virtual int Save( CSave &save );
virtual int Restore( CRestore &restore );
static TYPEDESCRIPTION m_SaveData[];
virtual int ObjectCaps( void ) { return CBaseMover :: ObjectCaps() | FCAP_DIRECTIONAL_USE; }
virtual void OverrideReset( void );
CBaseEntity *pPath;
float m_length;
float m_height;
// I get it... this records the train's max speed (as set by the level designer), whereas
// pev->speed records the current speed (as set by the player). --LRC
// m_speed is also stored, as an int, in pev->impulse.
float m_speed;
float m_dir;
float m_startSpeed;
Vector m_controlMins;
Vector m_controlMaxs;
int m_soundPlaying;
float m_flBank;
float m_oldSpeed;
Vector m_vecBaseAvel; // LRC - the underlying avelocity, superceded by normal turning behaviour where applicable
TYPEDESCRIPTION CPathTrack::m_SaveData[] =
DEFINE_FIELD( CPathTrack, m_length, FIELD_FLOAT ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CPathTrack, m_paltpath, FIELD_CLASSPTR ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CPathTrack, m_pprevious, FIELD_CLASSPTR ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CPathTrack, m_altName, FIELD_STRING ),
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( path_track, CPathTrack );
// Cache user-entity-field values until spawn is called.
void CPathTrack :: KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd )
if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "altpath"))
m_altName = ALLOC_STRING(pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "turnspeed")) //LRC
if (pkvd->szValue[0]) // if the field is blank, don't set the spawnflag.
pev->spawnflags |= SF_PATH_AVELOCITY;
UTIL_StringToVector( (float*)pev->avelocity, pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
CPointEntity::KeyValue( pkvd );
void CPathTrack :: Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
int on;
// Use toggles between two paths
if ( m_paltpath )
on = !FBitSet( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_ALTERNATE );
if (useType == USE_TOGGLE)
if(on) useType = USE_OFF;
else useType = USE_ON;
if (useType == USE_ON)ClearBits( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_ALTERNATE );
else if(useType == USE_OFF)SetBits( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_ALTERNATE );
else // Use toggles between enabled/disabled
on = !FBitSet( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_DISABLED );
if (useType == USE_TOGGLE)
if(on) useType = USE_OFF;
else useType = USE_ON;
if (useType == USE_ON)ClearBits( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_DISABLED );
else if(useType == USE_OFF)SetBits( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_DISABLED );
void CPathTrack :: Link( void )
CBaseEntity *pTarget;
if ( !FStringNull(pev->target) )
pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( NULL, STRING(pev->target) );
if ( pTarget )
m_pnext = (CPathTrack*)pTarget;
m_pnext->SetPrevious( this );
ALERT( at_console, "Dead end link %s\n", STRING(pev->target) );
// Find "alternate" path
if ( m_altName )
pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( NULL, STRING(m_altName) );
if ( pTarget ) // If no next pointer, this is the end of a path
m_paltpath = (CPathTrack*)pTarget;
m_paltpath->SetPrevious( this );
void CPathTrack :: Spawn( void )
pev->solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
UTIL_SetSize(pev, Vector(-8, -8, -8), Vector(8, 8, 8));
m_pnext = NULL;
m_pprevious = NULL;
SetThink( Sparkle );
SetNextThink( 0.5 );
void CPathTrack::Activate( void )
if ( !FStringNull( pev->targetname ) ) // Link to next, and back-link
CBaseEntity *CPathTrack :: ValidPath( CBaseEntity *ppath, int testFlag )
if ( !ppath )
return NULL;
if ( testFlag && FBitSet( ppath->pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_DISABLED ) )
return NULL;
return ppath;
void CPathTrack :: Project( CBaseEntity *pstart, CBaseEntity *pend, Vector *origin, float dist )
if ( pstart && pend )
Vector dir = (pend->pev->origin - pstart->pev->origin);
dir = dir.Normalize();
*origin = pend->pev->origin + dir * dist;
CBaseEntity *CPathTrack::GetNext( void )
if ( m_paltpath && FBitSet( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_ALTERNATE ) && !FBitSet( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_ALTREVERSE ) )
return m_paltpath;
return m_pnext;
CBaseEntity *CPathTrack::GetPrev( void )
if ( m_paltpath && FBitSet( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_ALTERNATE ) && FBitSet( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_ALTREVERSE ) )
return m_paltpath;
return m_pprevious;
void CPathTrack::SetPrevious( CPathTrack *pprev )
// Only set previous if this isn't my alternate path
if ( pprev && !FStrEq( STRING(pprev->pev->targetname), STRING(m_altName) ) )
m_pprevious = pprev;
// Assumes this is ALWAYS enabled
CBaseEntity *CPathTrack :: LookAhead( Vector *origin, float dist, int move )
CBaseEntity *pcurrent;
float originalDist = dist;
pcurrent = this;
Vector currentPos = *origin;
if ( dist < 0 ) // Travelling backwards through path
dist = -dist;
while ( dist > 0 )
Vector dir = pcurrent->pev->origin - currentPos;
float length = dir.Length();
if ( !length )
if ( !ValidPath(pcurrent->GetPrev(), move) ) // If there is no previous node, or it's disabled, return now.
if ( !move )
Project( pcurrent->GetNext(), pcurrent, origin, dist );
return NULL;
pcurrent = pcurrent->GetPrev();
else if ( length > dist ) // enough left in this path to move
*origin = currentPos + (dir * (dist / length));
return pcurrent;
dist -= length;
currentPos = pcurrent->pev->origin;
*origin = currentPos;
if ( !ValidPath(pcurrent->GetPrev(), move) ) // If there is no previous node, or it's disabled, return now.
return NULL;
pcurrent = pcurrent->GetPrev();
*origin = currentPos;
return pcurrent;
while ( dist > 0 )
if ( !ValidPath(pcurrent->GetNext(), move) ) // If there is no next node, or it's disabled, return now.
if ( !move )
Project( pcurrent->GetPrev(), pcurrent, origin, dist );
return NULL;
Vector dir = pcurrent->GetNext()->pev->origin - currentPos;
float length = dir.Length();
if ( !length && !ValidPath( pcurrent->GetNext()->GetNext(), move ) )
if ( dist == originalDist ) // HACK -- up against a dead end
return NULL;
return pcurrent;
if ( length > dist ) // enough left in this path to move
*origin = currentPos + (dir * (dist / length));
return pcurrent;
dist -= length;
currentPos = pcurrent->GetNext()->pev->origin;
pcurrent = pcurrent->GetNext();
*origin = currentPos;
*origin = currentPos;
return pcurrent;
// Assumes this is ALWAYS enabled
CBaseEntity *CPathTrack :: Nearest( Vector origin )
int deadCount;
float minDist, dist;
Vector delta;
CBaseEntity *ppath, *pnearest;
delta = origin - pev->origin;
delta.z = 0;
minDist = delta.Length();
pnearest = this;
ppath = GetNext();
// Hey, I could use the old 2 racing pointers solution to this, but I'm lazy :)
deadCount = 0;
while ( ppath && ppath != this )
if ( deadCount > 9999 )
ALERT( at_error, "Bad sequence of path_tracks from %s", STRING(pev->targetname) );
return NULL;
delta = origin - ppath->pev->origin;
delta.z = 0;
dist = delta.Length();
if ( dist < minDist )
minDist = dist;
pnearest = ppath;
ppath = ppath->GetNext();
return pnearest;
CPathTrack *CPathTrack::Instance( edict_t *pent )
if ( FClassnameIs( pent, "path_track" ) )
return (CPathTrack *)GET_PRIVATE(pent);
return NULL;
void CPathTrack :: Sparkle( void )
SetNextThink( 0.2 );
if ( FBitSet( pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_DISABLED ) )
UTIL_ParticleEffect(pev->origin, Vector(0,0,100), 210, 10);
UTIL_ParticleEffect(pev->origin, Vector(0,0,100), 84, 10);
// func_tracktrain (controllable train)
void CFuncTrackTrain :: Precache( void )
CBaseBrush::Precache();//precache damage sound
int m_sounds = UTIL_LoadSoundPreset(m_iMoveSound);
switch (m_sounds)
case 1: pev->noise = UTIL_PrecacheSound("plats/ttrain1.wav");break;
case 2: pev->noise = UTIL_PrecacheSound("plats/ttrain2.wav");break;
case 3: pev->noise = UTIL_PrecacheSound("plats/ttrain3.wav");break;
case 4: pev->noise = UTIL_PrecacheSound("plats/ttrain4.wav");break;
case 5: pev->noise = UTIL_PrecacheSound("plats/ttrain6.wav");break;
case 6: pev->noise = UTIL_PrecacheSound("plats/ttrain7.wav");break;
default: pev->noise = UTIL_PrecacheSound(m_sounds); break;//custom sound or sentence
m_sounds = UTIL_LoadSoundPreset(m_iStopSound);
switch (m_sounds)
case 1: pev->noise1 = UTIL_PrecacheSound("plats/ttrain_brake1.wav");break;
default: pev->noise1 = UTIL_PrecacheSound(m_sounds); break;//custom sound or sentence
m_sounds = UTIL_LoadSoundPreset(m_iStartSound);
switch (m_sounds)
case 1: pev->noise2 = UTIL_PrecacheSound("plats/ttrain_start1.wav");break;
default: pev->noise2 = UTIL_PrecacheSound(m_sounds); break;//custom sound or sentence
void CFuncTrackTrain :: Spawn( void )
if ( pev->speed == 0 ) m_speed = 100;
else m_speed = pev->speed;
pev->speed = 0;
pev->velocity = g_vecZero;
m_vecBaseAvel = pev->avelocity; //LRC - save it for later
pev->avelocity = g_vecZero;
pev->impulse = m_speed;
m_dir = 1;
if ( FStringNull(pev->target) ) Msg("Warning: %s with no target!\n", STRING(pev->classname));
//if ( pev->spawnflags & SF_NOTSOLID ) pev->solid = SOLID_NOT;
if ( pev->spawnflags & 8 ) pev->solid = SOLID_NOT; //temp solution
else pev->solid = SOLID_BSP;
pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_PUSH;
SetBits (pFlags, PF_ANGULAR);
UTIL_SetModel( ENT(pev), pev->model );
UTIL_SetSize( pev, pev->mins, pev->maxs );
UTIL_SetOrigin( this, pev->origin );
pev->oldorigin = pev->origin; // Cache off placed origin for train controls
m_controlMins = pev->mins;
m_controlMaxs = pev->maxs;
m_controlMaxs.z += 72;
NextThink( 0.1, FALSE );
SetThink( Find );
void CFuncTrackTrain :: NextThink( float thinkTime, BOOL alwaysThink )
if ( alwaysThink ) pev->flags |= FL_ALWAYSTHINK;
else pev->flags &= ~FL_ALWAYSTHINK;
SetNextThink( thinkTime, TRUE );
void CFuncTrackTrain :: Blocked( CBaseEntity *pOther )
// Blocker is on-ground on the train
if ( FBitSet( pOther->pev->flags, FL_ONGROUND ) && VARS(pOther->pev->groundentity) == pev )
float deltaSpeed = fabs(pev->speed);
if ( deltaSpeed > 50 ) deltaSpeed = 50;
if ( !pOther->pev->velocity.z ) pOther->pev->velocity.z += deltaSpeed;
else pOther->pev->velocity = (pOther->pev->origin - pev->origin ).Normalize() * pev->dmg;
if ( pev->dmg <= 0 ) return;// we can't hurt this thing, so we're not concerned with it
pOther->TakeDamage( pev, pev, pev->dmg, DMG_CRUSH );
void CFuncTrackTrain::OverrideReset( void )
NextThink( 0.1, FALSE );
SetThink( NearestPath );
void CFuncTrackTrain :: Find( void )
pPath = (CPathTrack*)UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( NULL, STRING(pev->target) );
if ( !pPath ) return;
entvars_t *pevTarget = pPath->pev;
if ( !FClassnameIs( pevTarget, "path_track" ) )
ALERT( at_error, "func_track_train must be on a path of path_track\n" );
pPath = NULL;
Vector nextPos = pevTarget->origin;
nextPos.z += m_height;
Vector look = nextPos;
look.z -= m_height;
((CPathTrack *)pPath)->LookAhead( &look, m_length, 0 );
look.z += m_height;
Vector vTemp = UTIL_VecToAngles( look - nextPos );
vTemp.y += 180;
if ( pev->spawnflags & SF_TRACKTRAIN_NOPITCH )
vTemp.x = 0;
//pev->angles.x = 0;
UTIL_AssignAngles(this, vTemp);
UTIL_AssignOrigin ( this, nextPos );
NextThink( 0.1, FALSE );
SetThink( PostponeNext );
pev->speed = m_startSpeed;
TYPEDESCRIPTION CFuncTrackTrain::m_SaveData[] =
DEFINE_FIELD( CFuncTrackTrain, m_length, FIELD_FLOAT ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CFuncTrackTrain, m_height, FIELD_FLOAT ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CFuncTrackTrain, m_speed, FIELD_FLOAT ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CFuncTrackTrain, m_dir, FIELD_FLOAT ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CFuncTrackTrain, m_startSpeed, FIELD_FLOAT ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CFuncTrackTrain, m_controlMins, FIELD_VECTOR ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CFuncTrackTrain, m_controlMaxs, FIELD_VECTOR ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CFuncTrackTrain, m_flVolume, FIELD_FLOAT ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CFuncTrackTrain, m_flBank, FIELD_FLOAT ),
DEFINE_FIELD( CFuncTrackTrain, m_oldSpeed, FIELD_FLOAT ),
void CFuncTrackTrain :: KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd )
if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "wheels"))
m_length = atof(pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "height"))
m_height = atof(pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "startspeed"))
m_startSpeed = atof(pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "sounds"))
m_iMoveSound = ALLOC_STRING(pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "bank"))
m_flBank = atof(pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else CBaseMover::KeyValue( pkvd );
void CFuncTrackTrain :: Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
// ALERT(at_console, "TRAIN: use\n");
m_hActivator = pActivator; //AJH
if (useType == USE_TOGGLE)
if(pev->speed != 0) useType = USE_OFF;//temp solution
else useType = USE_ON;
if (useType == USE_ON)
pev->speed = m_speed * m_dir;
else if ( useType == USE_OFF )
pev->speed = 0;
UTIL_SetVelocity(this, g_vecZero); //LRC
UTIL_SetAvelocity(this, g_vecZero); //LRC
SetThink( NULL );
else if ( useType == USE_SET )
float delta = value;
delta = ((int)(pev->speed * 4) / (int)m_speed)*0.25 + 0.25 * delta;
if ( delta > 1 )
delta = 1;
else if ( delta < -1 )
delta = -1;
if ( pev->spawnflags & SF_TRACKTRAIN_FORWARDONLY )
if ( delta < 0 )delta = 0;
pev->speed = m_speed * delta;
if(pev->speed == 0)
UTIL_SetVelocity(this, g_vecZero);
UTIL_SetAvelocity(this, g_vecZero);
SetThink( NULL );
if(pPath == NULL)
delta = 0; //G-Cont. Set speed to 0, and don't controls, if tracktrain on trackchange
ALERT( at_aiconsole, "TRAIN(%s), speed to %.2f\n", STRING(pev->targetname), pev->speed );
#define TRAIN_MAXPITCH 200
#define TRAIN_MAXSPEED 1000 // approx max speed for sound pitch calculation
void CFuncTrackTrain :: StopSound( void )
// if sound playing, stop it
if (m_soundPlaying && pev->noise)
STOP_SOUND(ENT(pev), CHAN_STATIC, (char*)STRING(pev->noise));
EMIT_SOUND_DYN(ENT(pev), CHAN_ITEM, "plats/ttrain_brake1.wav", m_flVolume, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100);
m_soundPlaying = 0;
void CFuncTrackTrain :: UpdateSound( void )
float flpitch;
if (!pev->noise)
if (!m_soundPlaying)
// play startup sound for train
EMIT_SOUND_DYN(ENT(pev), CHAN_ITEM, "plats/ttrain_start1.wav", m_flVolume, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100);
EMIT_SOUND_DYN(ENT(pev), CHAN_STATIC, (char*)STRING(pev->noise), m_flVolume, ATTN_NORM, 0, (int) flpitch);
m_soundPlaying = 1;
// update pitch
EMIT_SOUND_DYN(ENT(pev), CHAN_STATIC, (char*)STRING(pev->noise), m_flVolume, ATTN_NORM, SND_CHANGE_PITCH, (int) flpitch);
void CFuncTrackTrain::ClearPointers( void )
pPath = NULL;
void CFuncTrackTrain :: PostActivate( void )
void CFuncTrackTrain :: PostponeNext( void )
UTIL_SetAction( this );
void CFuncTrackTrain :: DesiredAction( void ) // Next( void )
float time = 0.5;
if ( !pev->speed )
UTIL_SetVelocity(this, g_vecZero);
ALERT( at_aiconsole, "TRAIN(%s): Speed is 0\n", STRING(pev->targetname) );
if ( !pPath )
UTIL_SetVelocity(this, g_vecZero);
ALERT( at_aiconsole, "TRAIN(%s): Lost path\n", STRING(pev->targetname) );
Vector nextPos = pev->origin;
nextPos.z -= m_height;
CBaseEntity *pnext = ((CPathTrack *)pPath)->LookAhead( &nextPos, pev->speed * 0.1, 1 );
nextPos.z += m_height;
UTIL_SetVelocity( this, (nextPos - pev->origin) * 10 ); //LRC
Vector nextFront = pev->origin;
nextFront.z -= m_height;
if ( m_length > 0 )
((CPathTrack *)pPath)->LookAhead( &nextFront, m_length, 0 );
((CPathTrack *)pPath)->LookAhead( &nextFront, 100, 0 );
nextFront.z += m_height;
Vector delta = nextFront - pev->origin;
Vector angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( delta );
// The train actually points west
angles.y += 180; //LRC, FIXME: add a 'built facing' field.
if ( !pnext || (delta.x == 0 && delta.y == 0) ) angles = pev->angles;
float vy, vx, vz;
if ( !(pev->spawnflags & SF_TRACKTRAIN_NOPITCH) ) vx = 10*UTIL_AngleDistance( angles.x, pev->angles.x );
else vx = m_vecBaseAvel.x;
if ( !(pev->spawnflags & SF_TRACKTRAIN_NOYAW) ) vy = 10*UTIL_AngleDistance( angles.y, pev->angles.y );
else vy = m_vecBaseAvel.y;
if ( m_flBank != 0 )
if ( pev->avelocity.y < -5 ) vz = UTIL_AngleDistance( UTIL_ApproachAngle( -m_flBank, pev->angles.z, m_flBank*2 ), pev->angles.z);
else if ( pev->avelocity.y > 5 ) vz = UTIL_AngleDistance( UTIL_ApproachAngle( m_flBank, pev->angles.z, m_flBank*2 ), pev->angles.z);
else vz = UTIL_AngleDistance( UTIL_ApproachAngle( 0, pev->angles.z, m_flBank*4 ), pev->angles.z) * 4;
else vz = m_vecBaseAvel.z;
UTIL_SetAvelocity(this, Vector(vx, vy, vz));
if ( pnext )
if ( pnext != pPath )
CBaseEntity *pFire;
if ( pev->speed >= 0 ) // check whether we're going forwards or backwards
pFire = pnext;
pFire = pPath;
pPath = pnext;
// Fire the pass target if there is one
if ( pFire->pev->message )
UTIL_FireTargets( pFire->pev->message, this, this, USE_TOGGLE );
if ( FBitSet( pFire->pev->spawnflags, SF_PATH_FIREONCE ) )
pFire->pev->message = 0;
if ( pFire->pev->spawnflags & SF_PATH_DISABLE_TRAIN )
pev->spawnflags |= SF_TRACKTRAIN_NOCONTROL;
float setting = ((int)(pev->speed*4) / (int)m_speed) / 4.0; //LRC - one of { 1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0, ... -1 }
CBaseEntity* pDest; //LRC - the path_track we're heading for, after pFire.
if (pev->speed > 0)
pDest = pFire->GetNext();
pDest = pFire->GetPrev();
if ( pFire->pev->speed != 0)
//ALERT( at_console, "TrackTrain setting is %d / %d = %.2f\n", (int)(pev->speed*4), (int)m_speed, setting );
switch ( (int)(pFire->pev->armortype) )
// Don't override speed if under user control
if (pev->spawnflags & SF_TRACKTRAIN_NOCONTROL)
pev->speed = pFire->pev->speed;
ALERT( at_aiconsole, "TrackTrain %s speed set to %4.2f\n", STRING(pev->targetname), pev->speed );
m_speed = pFire->pev->speed;
pev->impulse = m_speed;
pev->speed = setting * m_speed;
ALERT( at_aiconsole, "TrackTrain %s master speed set to %4.2f\n", STRING(pev->targetname), pev->speed );
m_speed += pFire->pev->speed;
pev->impulse = m_speed;
pev->speed = setting * m_speed;
ALERT( at_aiconsole, "TrackTrain %s speed accel to %4.2f\n", STRING(pev->targetname), pev->speed );
float distance = (pev->origin - pDest->pev->origin).Length();
//ALERT(at_console, "pFire=%s, distance=%.2f, ospeed=%.2f, nspeed=%.2f\n", STRING(pFire->pev->targetname), distance, pev->speed, distance / pFire->pev->speed);
m_speed = distance / pFire->pev->speed;
pev->impulse = m_speed;
pev->speed = setting * m_speed;
ALERT( at_aiconsole, "TrackTrain %s speed to %4.2f (timed)\n", STRING(pev->targetname), pev->speed );
//LRC- FIXME: add support, here, for a Teleport flag.
SetThink( PostponeNext );
NextThink( time, TRUE );
else // end of path, stop
Vector vecTemp; //LRC
vecTemp = (nextPos - pev->origin); //LRC
UTIL_SetAvelocity(this, g_vecZero);
float distance = vecTemp.Length(); //LRC
m_oldSpeed = pev->speed;
pev->speed = 0;
// Move to the dead end
// Are we there yet?
if ( distance > 0 )
// no, how long to get there?
time = distance / m_oldSpeed;
UTIL_SetVelocity( this, vecTemp * (m_oldSpeed / distance) );
SetThink( DeadEnd );
NextThink( time, FALSE );
UTIL_SetVelocity( this, vecTemp );
void CFuncTrackTrain::DeadEnd( void )
// Fire the dead-end target if there is one
CBaseEntity *pTrack, *pNext;
pTrack = pPath;
ALERT( at_aiconsole, "TRAIN(%s): Dead end ", STRING(pev->targetname) );
// Find the dead end path node
// HACKHACK -- This is bugly, but the train can actually stop moving at a different node depending on it's speed
// so we have to traverse the list to it's end.
if ( pTrack )
if ( m_oldSpeed < 0 )
pNext = ((CPathTrack *)pTrack)->ValidPath( pTrack->GetPrev(), TRUE );
if ( pNext )
pTrack = pNext;
} while ( pNext );
pNext = ((CPathTrack *)pTrack)->ValidPath( pTrack->GetNext(), TRUE );
if ( pNext )
pTrack = pNext;
} while ( pNext );
UTIL_SetVelocity( this, g_vecZero );
UTIL_SetAvelocity(this, g_vecZero );
if ( pTrack )
ALERT( at_aiconsole, "at %s\n", STRING(pTrack->pev->targetname) );
if ( pTrack->pev->netname )
UTIL_FireTargets( pTrack->pev->netname, this, this, USE_TOGGLE );
void CFuncTrackTrain :: SetControls( entvars_t *pevControls )
Vector offset = pevControls->origin - pev->oldorigin;
m_controlMins = pevControls->mins + offset;
m_controlMaxs = pevControls->maxs + offset;
BOOL CFuncTrackTrain :: OnControls( entvars_t *pevTest )
Vector offset = pevTest->origin - pev->origin;
if ( pev->spawnflags & SF_TRACKTRAIN_NOCONTROL )
return FALSE;
// Transform offset into local coordinates
UTIL_MakeVectors( pev->angles );
Vector local;
local.x = DotProduct( offset, gpGlobals->v_forward );
local.y = -DotProduct( offset, gpGlobals->v_right );
local.z = DotProduct( offset, gpGlobals->v_up );
if ( local.x >= m_controlMins.x && local.y >= m_controlMins.y && local.z >= m_controlMins.z &&
local.x <= m_controlMaxs.x && local.y <= m_controlMaxs.y && local.z <= m_controlMaxs.z )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void CFuncTrackTrain :: NearestPath( void )
CBaseEntity *pTrack = NULL;
CBaseEntity *pNearest = NULL;
float dist, closest;
closest = 1024;
while ((pTrack = UTIL_FindEntityInSphere( pTrack, pev->origin, 1024 )) != NULL)
// filter out non-tracks
if ( !(pTrack->pev->flags & (FL_CLIENT|FL_MONSTER)) && FClassnameIs( pTrack->pev, "path_track" ) )
dist = (pev->origin - pTrack->pev->origin).Length();
if ( dist < closest )
closest = dist;
pNearest = pTrack;
if ( !pNearest )
ALERT( at_console, "Can't find a nearby track !!!\n" );
ALERT( at_aiconsole, "TRAIN: %s, Nearest track is %s\n", STRING(pev->targetname), STRING(pNearest->pev->targetname) );
// If I'm closer to the next path_track on this path, then it's my real path
pTrack = ((CPathTrack *)pNearest)->GetNext();
if ( pTrack )
if ( (pev->origin - pTrack->pev->origin).Length() < (pev->origin - pNearest->pev->origin).Length() )
pNearest = pTrack;
pPath = (CPathTrack *)pNearest;
if ( pev->speed != 0 )
NextThink( 0.1, FALSE );
SetThink( PostponeNext );
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( func_tracktrain, CFuncTrackTrain );
// volume of space that the player must stand in to control the train
class CFuncTrainControls : public CPointEntity
void Spawn( void );
void PostSpawn( void );
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( func_traincontrols, CFuncTrainControls );
void CFuncTrainControls :: PostSpawn( void )
CBaseEntity *pTarget = NULL;
pTarget = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( pTarget, STRING(pev->target) );
} while ( pTarget && !FClassnameIs(pTarget->pev, "func_tracktrain") );
if ( !pTarget )
ALERT( at_console, "TrackTrainControls: No train %s\n", STRING(pev->target) );
CFuncTrackTrain *ptrain = (CFuncTrackTrain*)pTarget;
ptrain->SetControls( pev );
UTIL_Remove( this );
void CFuncTrainControls :: Spawn( void )
pev->solid = SOLID_NOT;
pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
UTIL_SetModel( ENT(pev), pev->model );
UTIL_SetSize( pev, pev->mins, pev->maxs );
UTIL_SetOrigin( this, pev->origin );