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// Copyright (C) Shambler Team 2005
// dll_int.cpp - dll entry points
#include "extdll.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "cbase.h"
#include "saverestore.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "decals.h"
#include "gamerules.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "defaults.h"
#include "baseitem.h"
#include "baseweapon.h"
void EntvarsKeyvalue( entvars_t *pev, KeyValueData *pkvd );
BOOL gTouchDisabled = FALSE;
enginefuncs_t g_engfuncs;
globalvars_t *gpGlobals;
// Main DLL entry point
BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
return TRUE;
void DLLEXPORT GiveFnptrsToDll( enginefuncs_t* pengfuncsFromEngine, globalvars_t *pGlobals )
memcpy(&g_engfuncs, pengfuncsFromEngine, sizeof(enginefuncs_t));
gpGlobals = pGlobals;
static DLL_FUNCTIONS gFunctionTable =
GameDLLInit, // pfnGameInit
DispatchSpawn, // pfnSpawn
DispatchThink, // pfnThink
DispatchUse, // pfnUse
DispatchTouch, // pfnTouch
DispatchBlocked, // pfnBlocked
DispatchKeyValue, // pfnKeyValue
DispatchSave, // pfnSave
DispatchRestore, // pfnRestore
DispatchObjectCollsionBox, // pfnAbsBox
SaveWriteFields, // pfnSaveWriteFields
SaveReadFields, // pfnSaveReadFields
SaveGlobalState, // pfnSaveGlobalState
RestoreGlobalState, // pfnRestoreGlobalState
ResetGlobalState, // pfnResetGlobalState
ClientConnect, // pfnClientConnect
ClientDisconnect, // pfnClientDisconnect
ClientKill, // pfnClientKill
ClientPutInServer, // pfnClientPutInServer
ClientCommand, // pfnClientCommand
ClientUserInfoChanged, // pfnClientUserInfoChanged
ServerActivate, // pfnServerActivate
ServerDeactivate, // pfnServerDeactivate
PlayerPreThink, // pfnPlayerPreThink
PlayerPostThink, // pfnPlayerPostThink
StartFrame, // pfnStartFrame
DispatchCreate, // pfnCreate
BuildLevelList, // pfnParmsChangeLevel
GetGameDescription, //pfnGetGameDescription Returns string describing current .dll game.
DispatchFrame, // pfnPhysicsEntity
SpectatorConnect, // pfnSpectatorConnect
SpectatorDisconnect, // pfnSpectatorDisconnect
SpectatorThink, // pfnSpectatorThink
ServerClassifyEdict, // pfnClassifyEdict
PM_Move, // pfnPM_Move
PM_Init, // pfnPM_Init
PM_FindTextureType, // pfnPM_FindTextureType
SetupVisibility, // pfnSetupVisibility
UpdateClientData, // pfnUpdateClientData
AddToFullPack, // pfnAddtoFullPack
CreateBaseline, // fpnCreateBaseline
RegisterEncoders, // pfnRegisterEncoders Callbacks for network encoding
GetWeaponData, // pfnGetWeaponData
CmdStart, // pfnCmdStart
CmdEnd, // pfnCmdEnd
OnFreeEntPrivateData, // pfnOnFreeEntPrivateData
GameDLLShutdown, // pfnGameShutdown
ShouldCollide, // pfnShouldCollide
// General API entering point
int GetEntityAPI( DLL_FUNCTIONS *pFunctionTable, int interfaceVersion )
if ( !pFunctionTable || interfaceVersion != SV_INTERFACE_VERSION )
return FALSE;
memcpy( pFunctionTable, &gFunctionTable, sizeof( DLL_FUNCTIONS ) );
return TRUE;
// dispatch functions
int DispatchSpawn( edict_t *pent )
CBaseEntity *pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)GET_PRIVATE(pent);
if( pEntity )
// Initialize these or entities who don't link to the world won't have anything in here
pEntity->pev->absmin = pEntity->pev->origin - Vector( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
pEntity->pev->absmax = pEntity->pev->origin + Vector( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)GET_PRIVATE(pent);
if ( pEntity )
pEntity->pev->colormap = ENTINDEX(pent);
if ( g_pGameRules && !g_pGameRules->IsAllowedToSpawn( pEntity ) )
return -1; // return that this entity should be deleted
if ( pEntity->pev->flags & FL_KILLME )
return -1;
// Handle global stuff here
if ( pEntity && pEntity->pev->globalname )
const globalentity_t *pGlobal = gGlobalState.EntityFromTable( pEntity->pev->globalname );
if ( pGlobal )
// Already dead? delete
if ( pGlobal->state == GLOBAL_DEAD ) return -1;
else if ( !FStrEq( STRING(gpGlobals->mapname), pGlobal->levelName ) )
pEntity->MakeDormant();// Hasn't been moved to this level yet, wait but stay alive
// In this level & not dead, continue on as normal
else gGlobalState.EntityAdd( pEntity->pev->globalname, gpGlobals->mapname, GLOBAL_ON );
return 0;
int DispatchCreate( edict_t *pent, const char *szName )
if( FNullEnt( pent ) || FStringNull( szName ))
return -1;
int istr = ALLOC_STRING( szName );
// handle virtual entities here
if( !strncmp( szName, "weapon_", 7 ))
CBasePlayerWeapon *pWeapon = GetClassPtr((CBasePlayerWeapon *)VARS( pent ));
if( !pWeapon ) return -1;
pWeapon->pev->netname = istr;
return 0;
else if( !strncmp( szName, "item_", 5 ) || !strncmp( szName, "ammo_", 5 ))
CItem *pItem = GetClassPtr((CItem *)VARS( pent ));
if( !pItem ) return -1;
pItem->pev->netname = istr;
return 0;
return -1;
void DispatchKeyValue( edict_t *pentKeyvalue, KeyValueData *pkvd )
if ( !pkvd || !pentKeyvalue )return;
EntvarsKeyvalue( VARS(pentKeyvalue), pkvd );
// if the key was an entity variable, or there's no class set yet,
// don't look for the object, it may not exist yet.
if( pkvd->fHandled || pkvd->szClassName == NULL )
// Get the actualy entity object
CBaseEntity *pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)GET_PRIVATE(pentKeyvalue);
if( !pEntity ) return;
pEntity->KeyValue( pkvd );
this function can override any physics movement
and let user use custom physic.
e.g. you can replace MOVETYPE_PUSH for new movewith system
and many many other things.
int DispatchFrame( edict_t *pent )
return 0;
void DispatchTouch( edict_t *pentTouched, edict_t *pentOther )
if ( gTouchDisabled ) return;
CBaseEntity *pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)GET_PRIVATE(pentTouched);
CBaseEntity *pOther = (CBaseEntity *)GET_PRIVATE( pentOther );
if ( pEntity && pOther && ! ((pEntity->pev->flags | pOther->pev->flags) & FL_KILLME) )
pEntity->Touch( pOther );
void DispatchUse( edict_t *pentUsed, edict_t *pentOther )
CBaseEntity *pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)GET_PRIVATE(pentUsed);
CBaseEntity *pOther = (CBaseEntity *)GET_PRIVATE(pentOther);
if( pEntity && !( pEntity->pev->flags & FL_KILLME ))
pEntity->Use( pOther, pOther, USE_TOGGLE, 0 );
void DispatchThink( edict_t *pent )
CBaseEntity *pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)GET_PRIVATE(pent);
if( pEntity )
if( FBitSet( pEntity->pev->flags, FL_DORMANT ))
ALERT( at_error, "Dormant entity %s is thinking!\n", STRING( pEntity->pev->classname ));
void DispatchBlocked( edict_t *pentBlocked, edict_t *pentOther )
CBaseEntity *pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)GET_PRIVATE( pentBlocked );
CBaseEntity *pOther = (CBaseEntity *)GET_PRIVATE( pentOther );
if( pEntity ) pEntity->Blocked( pOther );
void DispatchSave( edict_t *pent, SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData )
CBaseEntity *pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)GET_PRIVATE(pent);
if( pEntity && pSaveData )
// ALERT( at_console, "DispatchSave( %s, %i )\n", STRING( pent->v.classname ), pent->serialnumber );
ENTITYTABLE *pTable = &pSaveData->pTable[ pSaveData->currentIndex ];
if( pTable->pent != pent )
if( pEntity->ObjectCaps() & FCAP_DONT_SAVE ) return;
// These don't use ltime & nextthink as times really, but we'll fudge around it.
if( pEntity->pev->movetype == MOVETYPE_PUSH )
float delta = gpGlobals->time - pEntity->pev->ltime;
pEntity->pev->ltime += delta;
pEntity->pev->nextthink += delta;
pEntity->m_fPevNextThink = pEntity->pev->nextthink;
pEntity->m_fNextThink += delta;
if( gpGlobals->changelevel )
pTable->location = pSaveData->size; // Remember entity position for file I/O
pTable->classname = pEntity->pev->classname; // Remember entity class for respawn
CSave saveHelper( pSaveData );
pEntity->Save( saveHelper );
pTable->size = pSaveData->size - pTable->location;// Size of entity block is data size written to block
int DispatchRestore( edict_t *pent, SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData, int globalEntity )
CBaseEntity *pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)GET_PRIVATE(pent);
if( pEntity && pSaveData )
entvars_t tmpVars;
Vector oldOffset;
// ALERT( at_console, "DispatchRestore( %s )\n", STRING( pent->v.classname ));
CRestore restoreHelper( pSaveData );
if ( globalEntity )
CRestore tmpRestore( pSaveData );
tmpRestore.PrecacheMode( 0 );
tmpRestore.ReadEntVars( "ENTVARS", &tmpVars );
pSaveData->size = pSaveData->pTable[pSaveData->currentIndex].location;
pSaveData->pCurrentData = pSaveData->pBaseData + pSaveData->size;
const globalentity_t *pGlobal = gGlobalState.EntityFromTable( tmpVars.globalname );
// Don't overlay any instance of the global that isn't the latest
// pSaveData->szCurrentMapName is the level this entity is coming from
// pGlobla->levelName is the last level the global entity was active in.
// If they aren't the same, then this global update is out of date.
if ( !FStrEq( pSaveData->szCurrentMapName, pGlobal->levelName )) return 0;
// Compute the new global offset
oldOffset = pSaveData->vecLandmarkOffset;
CBaseEntity *pNewEntity = UTIL_FindGlobalEntity( tmpVars.classname, tmpVars.globalname );
if ( pNewEntity )
// Tell the restore code we're overlaying a global entity from another level
restoreHelper.SetGlobalMode( 1 ); // Don't overwrite global fields
pSaveData->vecLandmarkOffset = (pSaveData->vecLandmarkOffset - pNewEntity->pev->mins) + tmpVars.mins;
pEntity = pNewEntity;// we're going to restore this data OVER the old entity
pent = ENT( pEntity->pev );
// Update the global table to say that the global definition of this entity should come from this level
gGlobalState.EntityUpdate( pEntity->pev->globalname, gpGlobals->mapname );
// This entity will be freed automatically by the engine. If we don't do a restore on a matching entity (below)
// or call EntityUpdate() to move it to this level, we haven't changed global state at all.
return 0;
if ( pEntity->ObjectCaps() & FCAP_MUST_SPAWN )
pEntity->Restore( restoreHelper );
pEntity->Restore( restoreHelper );
pEntity->Precache( );
// Again, could be deleted, get the pointer again.
pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)GET_PRIVATE(pent);
if (pEntity )pEntity->pev->colormap = ENTINDEX(pent);
// Is this an overriding global entity (coming over the transition), or one restoring in a level
if ( globalEntity )
pSaveData->vecLandmarkOffset = oldOffset;
if ( pEntity )
UTIL_SetOrigin( pEntity, pEntity->pev->origin );
else if ( pEntity && pEntity->pev->globalname )
const globalentity_t *pGlobal = gGlobalState.EntityFromTable( pEntity->pev->globalname );
if ( pGlobal )
// Already dead? delete
if ( pGlobal->state == GLOBAL_DEAD ) return -1;
else if ( !FStrEq( STRING(gpGlobals->mapname), pGlobal->levelName ) )
pEntity->MakeDormant(); // Hasn't been moved to this level yet, wait but stay alive
// In this level & not dead, continue on as normal
ALERT( at_error, "Global Entity %s (%s) not in table!!!\n", STRING(pEntity->pev->globalname), STRING(pEntity->pev->classname) );
// Spawned entities default to 'On'
gGlobalState.EntityAdd( pEntity->pev->globalname, gpGlobals->mapname, GLOBAL_ON );
return 0;
void SaveWriteFields( SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData, const char *pname, void *pBaseData, TYPEDESCRIPTION *pFields, int fieldCount )
CSave saveHelper( pSaveData );
saveHelper.WriteFields( "SWF", pname, pBaseData, pFields, fieldCount );
void SaveReadFields( SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData, const char *pname, void *pBaseData, TYPEDESCRIPTION *pFields, int fieldCount )
CRestore restoreHelper( pSaveData );
restoreHelper.ReadFields( pname, pBaseData, pFields, fieldCount );
void OnFreeEntPrivateData( edict_s *pEdict )
if( pEdict && pEdict->pvPrivateData )
void SetObjectCollisionBox( entvars_t *pev )
if (( pev->solid == SOLID_BSP ) && ( pev->angles != g_vecZero ))
// expand for rotation
float max = 0, v;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
v = fabs( pev->mins[i] );
if ( v > max ) max = v;
v = fabs( pev->maxs[i] );
if ( v > max ) max = v;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
pev->absmin[i] = pev->origin[i] - max;
pev->absmax[i] = pev->origin[i] + max;
pev->absmin = pev->origin + pev->mins;
pev->absmax = pev->origin + pev->maxs;
pev->absmin.x -= 1;
pev->absmin.y -= 1;
pev->absmin.z -= 1;
pev->absmax.x += 1;
pev->absmax.y += 1;
pev->absmax.z += 1;
void DispatchObjectCollsionBox( edict_t *pent )
CBaseEntity *pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)GET_PRIVATE(pent);
if( pEntity ) pEntity->SetObjectCollisionBox();
else SetObjectCollisionBox( &pent->v );
// ehandle operations
edict_t * EHANDLE::Get( void )
if (m_pent)
if (m_pent->serialnumber == m_serialnumber) return m_pent;
else return NULL;
return NULL;
edict_t *EHANDLE::Set( edict_t *pent )
m_pent = pent;
if (pent) m_serialnumber = m_pent->serialnumber;
return pent;
EHANDLE :: operator CBaseEntity *()
return (CBaseEntity *)GET_PRIVATE(Get());
CBaseEntity *EHANDLE :: operator = (CBaseEntity *pEntity)
if (pEntity)
m_pent = ENT( pEntity->pev );
if (m_pent)m_serialnumber = m_pent->serialnumber;
m_pent = NULL;
m_serialnumber = 0;
return pEntity;
EHANDLE :: operator int()
return Get() != NULL;
CBaseEntity *EHANDLE :: operator->()
return (CBaseEntity *)GET_PRIVATE(Get());