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1200 lines
26 KiB

// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// baseutils.c - platform utils
#include "platform.h"
#include <winreg.h>
#include "baseutils.h"
#include "blankframe.h"
char *strupr (char *start)
char *in;
in = start;
while (*in)
*in = toupper(*in);
return start;
char *strlower (char *start)
char *in;
in = start;
while (*in)
*in = tolower(*in);
return start;
char *copystring(char *s)
char *b;
b = Malloc(strlen(s)+1);
strcpy (b, s);
return b;
// search case-insensitive for string2 in string
char *stristr( const char *string, const char *string2 )
int c, len;
c = tolower( *string2 );
len = strlen( string2 );
while (string)
for ( ; *string && tolower( *string ) != c; string++ );
if (*string)
if (strnicmp( string, string2, len ) == 0)
else return NULL;
return (char *)string;
typedef struct
char filename[1024];
byte *buffer;
byte *script_p;
byte *end_p;
int line;
} script_t;
//max included scripts
#define MAX_INCLUDES 32
script_t scriptstack[ MAX_INCLUDES ];
script_t *script;
int scriptline;
char token[ MAX_SYSPATH ]; //contains token info
char g_TXcommand; //only for internal use
bool endofscript;
bool tokenready; // only true if UnGetToken was just called
bool EndOfScript (bool newline);
bool AddScriptToStack(const char *name, byte *buffer, int size)
if (script == &scriptstack[MAX_INCLUDES - 1])
Msg("script file exceeded limit %d", MAX_INCLUDES );
return false;
if(!buffer || !size) return false;
strcpy (script->filename, name );
script->buffer = buffer;
script->line = 1;
script->script_p = script->buffer;
script->end_p = script->buffer + size;
return true;
bool FS_LoadScript( const char *filename, char *buf, int size )
int result;
if(!buf || size <= 0)
buf = FS_LoadFile (filename, &size );
script = scriptstack;
result = AddScriptToStack( filename, buf, size);
if(result)MsgDev("Load script %s\n", filename );
endofscript = false;
tokenready = false;
return result;
bool FS_AddScript( const char *filename, char *buf, int size )
int result;
if(!buf || size <= 0)
buf = FS_LoadFile (filename, &size );
result = AddScriptToStack(filename, buf, size);
if(result) MsgDev("Insert script %s\n", filename );
return result;
bool GetToken (bool newline)
char *token_p;
if (tokenready) // is a token allready waiting?
tokenready = false;
return true;
if (script->script_p >= script->end_p)
return EndOfScript (newline);
skip_whitespace: // skip whitespace
while (*script->script_p <= 32)
if (script->script_p >= script->end_p)
return EndOfScript (newline);
if (*script->script_p++ == '\n')
if (!newline) goto line_incomplete;
scriptline = script->line++;
if (script->script_p >= script->end_p)
return EndOfScript (newline);
// ; # // comments
if (*script->script_p == ';' || *script->script_p == '#' || ( script->script_p[0] == '/' && script->script_p[1] == '/') )
if (!newline) goto line_incomplete;
if (*script->script_p == '/') script->script_p++;
if (script->script_p[1] == 'T' && script->script_p[2] == 'X')
g_TXcommand = script->script_p[3];//TX#"-style comment
while (*script->script_p++ != '\n')
if (script->script_p >= script->end_p)
return EndOfScript (newline);
goto skip_whitespace;
// /* */ comments
if (script->script_p[0] == '/' && script->script_p[1] == '*')
if (!newline) goto line_incomplete;
while (script->script_p[0] != '*' && script->script_p[1] != '/')
if (script->script_p >= script->end_p)
return EndOfScript (newline);
script->script_p += 2;
goto skip_whitespace;
// copy token
token_p = token;
if (*script->script_p == '"')
// quoted token
while (*script->script_p != '"')
if (token_p == &token[MAX_SYSPATH - 1])
Msg("GetToken: Token too large on line %i\n",scriptline);
*token_p++ = *script->script_p++;
if (script->script_p == script->end_p)
else // regular token
while ( *script->script_p > 32 && *script->script_p != ';')
if (token_p == &token[MAX_SYSPATH - 1])
Msg("GetToken: Token too large on line %i\n",scriptline);
*token_p++ = *script->script_p++;
if (script->script_p == script->end_p)
*token_p = 0;
//quake style include & default MSVC style
if (!strcmp(token, "$include") || !strcmp(token, "#include"))
GetToken (false);
FS_AddScript(token, NULL, 0 );
return GetToken (newline);
return true;
//invoke error
return EndOfScript( newline );
bool EndOfScript (bool newline)
if (!newline)
Sys_Error ("Line %i is incomplete\n", scriptline);
if (!strcmp (script->filename, "script buffer"))
endofscript = true;
return false;
//Free (script->buffer);
if (script == scriptstack + 1)
endofscript = true;
return false;
scriptline = script->line;
endofscript = true;
MsgDev("returning to %s\n", script->filename);
return false;
bool TokenAvailable (void)
char *search_p;
search_p = script->script_p;
if(search_p >= script->end_p)
return false;
while ( *search_p <= 32)
if (*search_p == '\n')
return false;
if (search_p == script->end_p)
return false;
if (*search_p == ';')
return false;
return true;
Parse a token out of a string
char *SC_ParseToken(const char **data_p)
int c, len;
const char *data;
data = *data_p;
len = 0;
token[0] = 0;
if (!data)
*data_p = NULL;
return NULL;
// skip whitespace
while ( (c = *data) <= ' ')
if (c == 0)
endofscript = true;
*data_p = NULL;
return NULL; // end of file;
// skip // comments
if (c=='/' && data[1] == '/')
while (*data && *data != '\n')
goto skipwhite;
// skip /* comments
if (c=='/' && data[1] == '*')
while (data[1] && (data[0] != '*' || data[1] != '/'))
data += 2;
goto skipwhite;
// handle quoted strings specially
if (c == '\"')
while( 1 )
c = *data++;
if (c=='\"'|| c== '\0')
token[len] = 0;
*data_p = data;
return token;
token[len] = c;
// parse single characters
if (c == '{' || c == '}'|| c == ')' || c == '(' || c == '\'' || c == ':' || c == ',')
token[len] = c;
token[len] = 0;
*data_p = data;
return token + 1;
// parse a regular word
token[len] = c;
c = *data;
if (c == '{' || c == '}'|| c == ')'|| c == '(' || c == '\'' || c == ':' || c == '\"' || c == ',')
} while(c > 32);
token[len] = 0;
*data_p = data;
return token;
Match Token With
check current token for match with user keyword
bool SC_MatchToken( const char *match )
if (!strcmp( token, match ))
return true;
return false;
skip current token and jump into newline
void SC_SkipToken( void )
GetToken( true );
tokenready = true;
release current token to get
him again with SC_GetToken()
void SC_FreeToken( void )
tokenready = true;
check token for available on current line
bool SC_TryToken( void )
return false;
GetToken( false );
return true;
get token on current or newline
char *SC_GetToken( bool newline )
if(GetToken( newline ))
return token;
return NULL;
return current token
char *SC_Token( void )
return token;
scriptsystem_api_t Sc_GetAPI( void )
static scriptsystem_api_t sc;
sc.api_size = sizeof(scriptsystem_api_t);
sc.Load = FS_LoadScript;
sc.Include = FS_AddScript;
sc.GetToken = SC_GetToken;
sc.Token = SC_Token;
sc.TryToken = SC_TryToken;
sc.FreeToken = SC_FreeToken;
sc.SkipToken = SC_SkipToken;
sc.MatchToken = SC_MatchToken;
sc.ParseToken = SC_ParseToken;
return sc;
typedef struct register_s
dword eax;
dword ebx;
dword ecx;
dword edx;
bool retval;
} register_t;
static register_t cpuid(unsigned int function )
register_t local;
local.retval = true;
_asm pushad;
xor edx, edx // Clue the compiler that EDX is about to be used.
mov eax, function // set up CPUID to return processor version and features
// 0 = vendor string, 1 = version info, 2 = cache info
cpuid // code bytes = 0fh, 0a2h
mov local.eax, eax // features returned in eax
mov local.ebx, ebx // features returned in ebx
mov local.ecx, ecx // features returned in ecx
mov local.edx, edx // features returned in edx
local.retval = false;
_asm popad
return local;
bool CheckMMXTechnology(void)
register_t mmx = cpuid(1);
if( !mmx.retval ) return false;
return ( mmx.edx & 0x800000 ) != 0;
bool CheckSSETechnology(void)
register_t sse = cpuid(1);
if( !sse.retval ) return false;
return ( sse.edx & 0x2000000L ) != 0;
bool CheckSSE2Technology(void)
register_t sse2 = cpuid(1);
if( !sse2.retval ) return false;
return ( sse2.edx & 0x04000000 ) != 0;
bool Check3DNowTechnology(void)
register_t amd = cpuid( 0x80000000 );
if( !amd.retval ) return false;
if( amd.eax > 0x80000000L )
amd = cpuid( 0x80000001 );
if( !amd.retval ) return false;
return ( amd.edx & 1<<31 ) != 0;
return false;
bool CheckCMOVTechnology()
register_t cmov = cpuid(1);
if( !cmov.retval ) return false;
return ( cmov.edx & (1<<15) ) != 0;
bool CheckFCMOVTechnology(void)
register_t fcmov = cpuid(1);
if( !fcmov.retval ) return false;
return ( fcmov.edx & (1<<16) ) != 0;
bool CheckRDTSCTechnology(void)
register_t rdtsc = cpuid(1);
if( !rdtsc.retval ) return false;
return ( rdtsc.edx & 0x10 ) != 0;
// Return the Processor's vendor identification string, or "Generic_x86" if it doesn't exist on this CPU
const char* GetProcessorVendorId()
static char VendorID[13];
register_t vendor = cpuid(0);
memset( VendorID, 0, sizeof(VendorID) );
if( !vendor.retval )
strcpy( VendorID, "Generic_x86" );
memcpy( VendorID+0, &(vendor.ebx), sizeof( vendor.ebx ) );
memcpy( VendorID+4, &(vendor.edx), sizeof( vendor.edx ) );
memcpy( VendorID+8, &(vendor.ecx), sizeof( vendor.ecx ) );
return VendorID;
// Returns non-zero if Hyper-Threading Technology is supported on the processors and zero if not. This does not mean that
// Hyper-Threading Technology is necessarily enabled.
static bool HTSupported(void)
const uint HT_BIT = 0x10000000; // EDX[28] - Bit 28 set indicates Hyper-Threading Technology is supported in hardware.
const uint FAMILY_ID = 0x0f00; // EAX[11:8] - Bit 11 thru 8 contains family processor id
const uint EXT_FAMILY_ID = 0x0f00000; // EAX[23:20] - Bit 23 thru 20 contains extended family processor id
const uint PENTIUM4_ID = 0x0f00; // Pentium 4 family processor id
register_t intel1 = cpuid(0);
register_t intel2 = cpuid(1);
if(!intel1.retval || !intel2.retval ) return false;
// Check to see if this is a Pentium 4 or later processor
if (((intel2.eax & FAMILY_ID) == PENTIUM4_ID) || (intel2.eax & EXT_FAMILY_ID))
if (intel1.ebx == 'uneG' && intel1.edx == 'Ieni' && intel1.ecx == 'letn')
return (intel2.edx & HT_BIT) != 0; // Genuine Intel Processor with Hyper-Threading Technology
return false; // This is not a genuine Intel processor.
// Returns the number of logical processors per physical processors.
static byte LogicalProcessorsPerPackage(void)
const unsigned NUM_LOGICAL_BITS = 0x00FF0000; // EBX[23:16] indicate number of logical processors per package
register_t core = cpuid(1);
if (!HTSupported()) return 1;
if( !core.retval) return 1;
return (byte)((core.ebx & NUM_LOGICAL_BITS) >> 16);
int64 ClockSample( void )
static int64 m_time = 0;
unsigned long* pSample = (unsigned long *)&m_time;
mov ecx, pSample
mov [ecx], eax
mov [ecx+4], edx
return m_time;
// Measure the processor clock speed by sampling the cycle count, waiting
// for some fraction of a second, then measuring the elapsed number of cycles.
static int64 CalculateClockSpeed()
LARGE_INTEGER waitTime, startCount, curCount;
int scale = 5; // Take 1/32 of a second for the measurement.
int64 start, end;
waitTime.QuadPart >>= scale;
start = ClockSample();
while(curCount.QuadPart - startCount.QuadPart < waitTime.QuadPart);
end = ClockSample();
return (end - start) << scale;
cpuinfo_t GetCPUInformation( void )
static cpuinfo_t pi;
// Has the structure already been initialized and filled out?
if( pi.m_size == sizeof(pi) ) return pi;
// Redundant, but just in case the user somehow messes with the size.
ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
// Fill out the structure, and return it:
pi.m_size = sizeof(pi);
// Grab the processor frequency:
pi.m_speed = CalculateClockSpeed();
// Get the logical and physical processor counts:
pi.m_usNumLogicCore = LogicalProcessorsPerPackage();
ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(si) );
GetSystemInfo( &si );
pi.m_usNumPhysCore = si.dwNumberOfProcessors / pi.m_usNumLogicCore;
pi.m_usNumLogicCore *= pi.m_usNumPhysCore;
// Make sure I always report at least one, when running WinXP with the /ONECPU switch,
// it likes to report 0 processors for some reason.
if( pi.m_usNumPhysCore == 0 && pi.m_usNumLogicCore == 0 )
pi.m_usNumPhysCore = 1;
pi.m_usNumLogicCore = 1;
// Determine Processor Features:
pi.m_bRDTSC = CheckRDTSCTechnology();
pi.m_bCMOV = CheckCMOVTechnology();
pi.m_bFCMOV = CheckFCMOVTechnology();
pi.m_bMMX = CheckMMXTechnology();
pi.m_bSSE = CheckSSETechnology();
pi.m_bSSE2 = CheckSSE2Technology();
pi.m_b3DNow = Check3DNowTechnology();
pi.m_szCPUID = (char*)GetProcessorVendorId();
return pi;
void Plat_InitCPU( void )
cpuinfo_t cpu = GetCPUInformation();
char szFeatureString[256];
// Compute Frequency in Mhz:
char* szFrequencyDenomination = "Mhz";
double fFrequency = cpu.m_speed / 1000000.0;
//copy shared info
GI.cpufreq = (float)fFrequency;
GI.cpunum = cpu.m_usNumLogicCore;
// Adjust to Ghz if nessecary:
if( fFrequency > 1000.0 )
fFrequency /= 1000.0;
szFrequencyDenomination = "Ghz";
strcpy( szFeatureString, cpu.m_szCPUID );
strcat( szFeatureString, " " );
if( cpu.m_bMMX ) strcat(szFeatureString, "MMX " );
if( cpu.m_b3DNow ) strcat(szFeatureString, "3DNow " );
if( cpu.m_bSSE ) strcat(szFeatureString, "SSE " );
if( cpu.m_bSSE2 ) strcat(szFeatureString, "SSE2 " );
if( cpu.m_bRDTSC ) strcat(szFeatureString, "RDTSC " );
if( cpu.m_bCMOV ) strcat(szFeatureString, "CMOV " );
if( cpu.m_bFCMOV ) strcat(szFeatureString, "FCMOV " );
// Remove the trailing space. There will always be one.
szFeatureString[strlen(szFeatureString)-1] = '\0';
// Dump CPU information:
if( cpu.m_usNumLogicCore == 1 ) Msg( "1 CPU, " );
char buffer[256] = "";
if( cpu.m_usNumPhysCore != cpu.m_usNumLogicCore )
sprintf(buffer, " (%i physical)", (int) cpu.m_usNumPhysCore );
Msg( "%i CPUs%s, ", (int)cpu.m_usNumLogicCore, buffer );
Msg("Frequency: %.01f %s\nCPU Features: %s\n", fFrequency, szFrequencyDenomination, szFeatureString );
used for make sprites and models (old stuff)
byte *ReadBMP (char *filename, byte **palette, int *width, int *height)
byte *buf_p, *pbBmpBits;
byte *buf, *pb, *pbPal = NULL;
int i, filesize, columns, rows;
ULONG cbBmpBits;
ULONG cbPalBytes;
ULONG biTrueWidth;
bmp_t bhdr;
RGBQUAD rgrgbPalette[256];
// File exists?
buf = buf_p = FS_LoadFile( filename, &filesize );
buf_p = (char *)blank_frame;
filesize = sizeof(blank_frame);
Msg("Warning: couldn't load %s\n", filename );
}[0] = *buf_p++;[1] = *buf_p++; //move pointer
bhdr.fileSize = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.reserved0 = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.bitmapDataOffset = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.bitmapHeaderSize = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.width = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.height = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.planes = LittleShort(*(short *)buf_p); buf_p += 2;
bhdr.bitsPerPixel = LittleShort(*(short *)buf_p); buf_p += 2;
bhdr.compression = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.bitmapDataSize = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.hRes = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.vRes = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.colors = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
bhdr.importantColors = LittleLong(*(long *)buf_p); buf_p += 4;
memcpy( bhdr.palette, buf_p, sizeof( bhdr.palette ));
// Bogus file header check
if (bhdr.reserved0 != 0) return NULL;
if (memcmp(, "BM", 2))
Msg("ReadBMP: only Windows-style BMP files supported (%s)\n", filename );
return NULL;
// Bogus info header check
if (bhdr.fileSize != filesize)
Msg("ReadBMP: incorrect file size %i should be %i\n", filesize, bhdr.fileSize);
return NULL;
// Bogus bit depth? Only 8-bit supported.
if (bhdr.bitsPerPixel != 8)
Msg("ReadBMP: %d not a 8 bit image\n", bhdr.bitsPerPixel );
return NULL;
// Bogus compression? Only non-compressed supported.
if (bhdr.compression != BI_RGB)
Msg("ReadBMP: it's compressed file\n");
return NULL;
// Figure out how many entires are actually in the table
if (bhdr.colors == 0)
bhdr.colors = 256;
cbPalBytes = (1 << bhdr.bitsPerPixel) * sizeof( RGBQUAD );
else cbPalBytes = bhdr.colors * sizeof( RGBQUAD );
memcpy(rgrgbPalette, &bhdr.palette, cbPalBytes ); // Read palette (bmih.biClrUsed entries)
// convert to a packed 768 byte palette
pbPal = Malloc(768);
pb = pbPal;
// Copy over used entries
for (i = 0; i < (int)bhdr.colors; i++)
*pb++ = rgrgbPalette[i].rgbRed;
*pb++ = rgrgbPalette[i].rgbGreen;
*pb++ = rgrgbPalette[i].rgbBlue;
// Fill in unused entires will 0,0,0
for (i = bhdr.colors; i < 256; i++)
*pb++ = 0;
*pb++ = 0;
*pb++ = 0;
// Read bitmap bits (remainder of file)
columns = bhdr.width, rows = bhdr.height;
if ( rows < 0 ) rows = -rows;
cbBmpBits = columns * rows;
buf_p += 1024;//move pointer
pb = buf_p;
pbBmpBits = Malloc(cbBmpBits);
// data is actually stored with the width being rounded up to a multiple of 4
biTrueWidth = (bhdr.width + 3) & ~3;
// reverse the order of the data.
pb += (bhdr.height - 1) * biTrueWidth;
for(i = 0; i < bhdr.height; i++)
memmove(&pbBmpBits[biTrueWidth * i], pb, biTrueWidth);
pb -= biTrueWidth;
pb += biTrueWidth;
*width = bhdr.width;
*height = bhdr.height;
// Set output parameters
*palette = pbPal;
//release buffer if need
if( buf ) Free( buf );
return pbBmpBits;
#define MAX_THREADS 64
int dispatch;
int workcount;
int oldf;
bool pacifier;
bool threaded;
void (*workfunction) (int);
int numthreads = -1;
static int enter;
void ThreadLock (void)
if (!threaded) return;
EnterCriticalSection (&crit);
if (enter) Sys_Error ("Recursive ThreadLock\n");
enter = 1;
void ThreadUnlock (void)
if (!threaded) return;
if (!enter) Sys_Error ("ThreadUnlock without lock\n");
enter = 0;
LeaveCriticalSection (&crit);
int GetThreadWork (void)
int r;
int f;
ThreadLock ();
if (dispatch == workcount)
ThreadUnlock ();
return -1;
f = 10*dispatch / workcount;
if (f != oldf)
oldf = f;
if (pacifier) Msg("%i...", f);
r = dispatch;
ThreadUnlock ();
return r;
void ThreadWorkerFunction (int threadnum)
int work;
while (1)
work = GetThreadWork ();
if (work == -1) break;
void ThreadSetDefault (void)
if (numthreads == -1) // not set manually
//NOTE: we must init Plat_InitCPU() first
numthreads = GI.cpunum;
if (numthreads < 1 || numthreads > MAX_THREADS)
numthreads = 1;
MsgDev("%i thread%s\n", numthreads, numthreads== 1 ? "" : "s" );
void RunThreadsOnIndividual (int workcnt, bool showpacifier, void(*func)(int))
if (numthreads == -1) ThreadSetDefault ();
workfunction = func;
RunThreadsOn (workcnt, showpacifier, ThreadWorkerFunction);
void RunThreadsOn (int workcnt, bool showpacifier, void(*func)(int))
int threadid[MAX_THREADS];
HANDLE threadhandle[MAX_THREADS];
int i;
double start, end;
start = Plat_DoubleTime();
dispatch = 0;
workcount = workcnt;
oldf = -1;
pacifier = showpacifier;
threaded = true;
// run threads in parallel
InitializeCriticalSection (&crit);
if (numthreads == 1) func (0); // use same thread
for (i = 0;i < numthreads; i++)
threadhandle[i] = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)func, (LPVOID)i, 0, &threadid[i]);
for (i=0 ; i<numthreads ; i++)
WaitForSingleObject (threadhandle[i], INFINITE);
DeleteCriticalSection (&crit);
threaded = false;
end = Plat_DoubleTime();
if (pacifier) Msg(" Done [%.2f sec]\n", end - start);
double Plat_DoubleTime (void)
static int first = true;
static bool nohardware_timer = false;
static double oldtime = 0.0, curtime = 0.0;
double newtime;
// LordHavoc: note to people modifying this code,
// DWORD is specifically defined as an unsigned 32bit number,
// therefore the 65536.0 * 65536.0 is fine.
if (GI.cpunum > 1 || nohardware_timer)
static int firsttimegettime = true;
// timeGetTime
// platform:
// Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
// features:
// reasonable accuracy (millisecond)
// issues:
// wraps around every 47 days or so (but this is non-fatal to us,
// odd times are rejected, only causes a one frame stutter)
// make sure the timer is high precision, otherwise different versions of
// windows have varying accuracy
if (firsttimegettime)
timeBeginPeriod (1);
firsttimegettime = false;
newtime = (double) timeGetTime () / 1000.0;
// QueryPerformanceCounter
// platform:
// Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
// features:
// very accurate (CPU cycles)
// known issues:
// does not necessarily match realtime too well
// (tends to get faster and faster in win98)
// wraps around occasionally on some platforms
// (depends on CPU speed and probably other unknown factors)
double timescale;
LARGE_INTEGER PerformanceFreq;
LARGE_INTEGER PerformanceCount;
if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency (&PerformanceFreq))
Msg("No hardware timer available\n");
// fall back to timeGetTime
nohardware_timer = true;
return Plat_DoubleTime();
QueryPerformanceCounter (&PerformanceCount);
timescale = 1.0 / ((double) PerformanceFreq.LowPart + (double) PerformanceFreq.HighPart * 65536.0 * 65536.0);
newtime = ((double) PerformanceCount.LowPart + (double) PerformanceCount.HighPart * 65536.0 * 65536.0) * timescale;
if (first)
first = false;
oldtime = newtime;
if (newtime < oldtime)
// warn if it's significant
if (newtime - oldtime < -0.01)
Msg("Plat_DoubleTime: time stepped backwards (went from %f to %f, difference %f)\n", oldtime, newtime, newtime - oldtime);
else curtime += newtime - oldtime;
oldtime = newtime;
return curtime;
compilers_api_t Comp_GetAPI( void )
static compilers_api_t cp;
cp.api_size = sizeof(compilers_api_t);
cp.Studio = CompileStudioModel;
cp.Sprite = CompileSpriteModel;
cp.PrepareBSP = PrepareBSPModel;
cp.BSP = CompileBSPModel;
return cp;