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// Copyright XashXT Group 2008 ©
// launch_api.h - main header for all dll's
#ifndef LAUNCH_APH_H
#define LAUNCH_APH_H
// disable some warnings
#pragma warning(disable : 4244) // MIPS
#pragma warning(disable : 4018) // signed/unsigned mismatch
#pragma warning(disable : 4305) // truncation from const double to float
#define MAX_STRING 256 // generic string
#define MAX_INFO_STRING 256 // infostrings are transmitted across network
#define MAX_SYSPATH 1024 // system filepath
#define bound(min, num, max) ((num) >= (min) ? ((num) < (max) ? (num) : (max)) : (min))
#define MAX_MODS 512 // environment games that engine can keep visible
#define EXPORT __declspec( dllexport )
#define BIT( n ) (1<<( n ))
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL ((void *)0)
// color strings
#define IsColorString( p ) ( p && *( p ) == '^' && *(( p ) + 1) && *(( p ) + 1) >= '0' && *(( p ) + 1 ) <= '9' )
typedef unsigned long dword;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef int sound_t;
typedef float vec_t;
typedef vec_t vec2_t[2];
typedef vec_t vec3_t[3];
typedef vec_t vec4_t[4];
typedef vec_t quat_t[4];
typedef byte rgba_t[4]; // unsigned byte colorpack
typedef byte rgb_t[3]; // unsigned byte colorpack
typedef vec_t matrix3x4[3][4];
typedef vec_t matrix4x4[4][4];
typedef char string[MAX_STRING];
#include "const.h"
// platform instances
typedef enum
HOST_OFFLINE = 0, // host_init( g_Instance ) same much as:
HOST_CREDITS, // "splash" "©anyname" (easter egg)
HOST_DEDICATED, // "normal" "#gamename"
HOST_NORMAL, // "normal" "gamename"
HOST_MAXCOUNT, // terminator
} instance_t;
enum dev_level
D_INFO = 1, // "-dev 1", shows various system messages
D_WARN, // "-dev 2", shows not critical system warnings
D_ERROR, // "-dev 3", shows critical warnings
D_AICONSOLE, // "-dev 4", special case for game aiconsole
D_NOTE, // "-dev 5", show system notifications for engine developers
typedef long fs_offset_t;
typedef struct file_s file_t; // normal file
typedef struct wfile_s wfile_t; // wad file
typedef struct convar_s convar_t; // console variable
typedef struct { const char *name; void **func; } dllfunc_t; // Sys_LoadLibrary stuff
typedef struct { int numfilenames; char **filenames; char *filenamesbuffer; } search_t;
typedef void ( *setpair_t )( const char *key, const char *value, void *buffer, void *numpairs );
typedef void ( *xcommand_t )( void );
// command buffer modes
// timestamp modes
// cvar flags
typedef enum
CVAR_ARCHIVE = BIT(0), // set to cause it to be saved to config.cfg
CVAR_USERINFO = BIT(1), // added to userinfo when changed
CVAR_SERVERNOTIFY = BIT(2), // notifies players when changed
CVAR_EXTDLL = BIT(3), // defined by external DLL
CVAR_CLIENTDLL = BIT(4), // defined by the client dll
CVAR_PROTECTED = BIT(5), // it's a server cvar, but we don't send the data since it's a password, etc.
CVAR_SPONLY = BIT(6), // this cvar cannot be changed by clients connected to a multiplayer server.
CVAR_PRINTABLEONLY = BIT(7), // this cvar's string cannot contain unprintable characters ( player name )
CVAR_UNLOGGED = BIT(8), // if this is a FCVAR_SERVER, don't log changes to the log file / console
CVAR_SERVERINFO = BIT(9), // added to serverinfo when changed
CVAR_PHYSICINFO = BIT(10),// added to physinfo when changed
CVAR_RENDERINFO = BIT(11),// save to a seperate config called opengl.cfg
CVAR_CHEAT = BIT(12),// can not be changed if cheats are disabled
CVAR_INIT = BIT(13),// don't allow change from console at all, but can be set from the command line
CVAR_LATCH = BIT(14),// save changes until server restart
CVAR_READ_ONLY = BIT(15),// display only, cannot be set by user at all
CVAR_LATCH_VIDEO = BIT(16),// save changes until render restart
CVAR_USER_CREATED = BIT(17),// created by a set command (dll's used)
CVAR_GLCONFIG = BIT(18),// set to cause it to be saved to opengl.cfg
} cvar_flags_t;
#include "cvardef.h"
keep console cmds, network messages, mouse reletives and key buttons
typedef enum
SE_NONE = 0, // end of events queue
SE_KEY, // ev.value[0] is a key code, ev.value[1] is the down flag
SE_CHAR, // ev.value[0] is an ascii char
SE_CONSOLE, // is a char*
SE_MOUSE, // ev.value[0] and ev.value[1] are reletive signed x / y moves
} ev_type_t;
typedef struct
ev_type_t type;
int value[2];
void *data;
size_t length;
} sys_event_t;
internal shared gameinfo structure (readonly for engine parts)
typedef struct gameinfo_s
// filesystem info
char gamefolder[64]; // used for change game '-game x'
char basedir[64]; // main game directory (like 'id1' for Quake or 'valve' for Half-Life)
char gamedir[64]; // game directory (can be match with basedir, used as primary dir and as write path
char startmap[64]; // map to start singleplayer game
char trainmap[64]; // map to start hazard course (if specified)
char title[64]; // Game Main Title
float version; // game version (optional)
// .dll pathes
char dll_path[64]; // e.g. "bin" or "cl_dlls"
char game_dll[64]; // custom path for game.dll
// about mod info
string game_url; // link to a developer's site
string update_url; // link to updates page
char type[64]; // single, toolkit, multiplayer etc
char date[64];
size_t size;
int gamemode;
char sp_entity[32]; // e.g. info_player_start
char mp_entity[32]; // e.g. info_player_deathmatch
vec3_t client_mins[4]; // 4 hulls allowed
vec3_t client_maxs[4]; // 4 hulls allowed
int max_edicts; // min edicts is 600, max edicts is 4096
int max_tents; // min temp ents is 300, max is 2048
int max_beams; // min beams is 64, max beams is 512
int max_particles; // min particles is 512, max particles is 8192
} gameinfo_t;
typedef struct sysinfo_s
string username; // OS current username
float version; // engine version
int cpunum; // count of cpu's
float cpufreq; // cpu frequency in MHz
char instance; // global engine instance
int developer; // developer level ( 1 - 7 )
gameinfo_t *GameInfo; // current GameInfo
gameinfo_t *games[MAX_MODS]; // environment games (founded at each engine start)
int numgames;
} sysinfo_t;
internal dll's loader
two main types - native dlls and other win32 libraries will be recognized automatically
NOTE: never change this structure because all dll descriptions in xash code
writes into struct by offsets not names
typedef struct dll_info_s
const char *name; // name of library
// generic interface
const dllfunc_t *fcts; // list of dll exports
const char *entry; // entrypoint name (internal libs only)
void *link; // hinstance of loading library
// xash interface
void *(*main)( void*, void* );
qboolean crash; // crash if dll not found
size_t api_size; // interface size
size_t com_size; // main interface size == sizeof( stdilib_api_t )
} dll_info_t;
// filesystem flags
#define FS_STATIC_PATH 1 // FS_ClearSearchPath will be ignore this path
#define FS_NOWRITE_PATH 2 // default behavior - last added gamedir set as writedir. This flag disables it
#define FS_GAMEDIR_PATH 4 // just a marker for gamedir path
typedef struct stdilib_api_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(launch_exp_t)
size_t com_size; // must matched with sizeof(stdlib_api_t)
sysinfo_t *SysInfo; // engine sysinfo (filled by launcher)
// base events
void (*instance)( const char *name, const char *fmsg ); // restart engine with new instance
void (*print)( const char *msg ); // basic text message
void (*printf)( const char *msg, ... ); // formatted text message
void (*dprintf)( int level, const char *msg, ...); // developer text message
void (*error)( const char *msg, ... ); // abnormal termination with message
void (*abort)( const char *msg, ... ); // normal tremination with message
void (*exit)( void ); // normal silent termination
void (*sleep)( int msec ); // sleep for some msec
char *(*clipboard)( void ); // get clipboard data
void (*queevent)( ev_type_t type, int value, int value2, int length, void *ptr );
sys_event_t (*getevent)( void ); // get system events
// memlib.c funcs
void (*memcpy)(void *dest, const void *src, size_t size, const char *file, int line);
void (*memset)(void *dest, int set, size_t size, const char *filename, int fileline);
void *(*realloc)(byte *pool, void *mem, size_t size, const char *file, int line);
void (*move)(byte *pool, void **dest, void *src, size_t size, const char *file, int line); // not a memmove
void *(*malloc)(byte *pool, size_t size, const char *file, int line);
void (*free)(void *data, const char *file, int line);
byte *(*mallocpool)(const char *name, const char *file, int line);
void (*freepool)(byte **poolptr, const char *file, int line);
void (*clearpool)(byte *poolptr, const char *file, int line);
void (*memcheck)(const char *file, int line); // check memory pools for consistensy
qboolean (*is_allocated)( byte *poolptr, void *data ); // return true is memory is allocated
// common functions
void (*Com_LoadGameInfo)( const char *rootfolder ); // initialize gamedir
void (*Com_AddGameHierarchy)( const char *dir, int flags ); // add base directory in search list
void (*Com_AddGameDirectory)( const char *dir, int flags ); // add game directory in search list
void (*Com_AllowDirectPaths)( qboolean enable ); // allow direct paths e.g. C:\windows
int (*Com_CheckParm)( const char *parm ); // check parm in cmdline
qboolean (*Com_GetParm)( char *parm, char *out, size_t size ); // get parm from cmdline
void (*Com_FileBase)(const char *in, char *out); // get filename without path & ext
qboolean (*Com_FileExists)( const char *filename, qboolean gamedir ); // return true if file exist
long (*Com_FileSize)( const char *filename, qboolean gamedir ); // same as Com_FileExists but return filesize
long (*Com_FileTime)( const char *filename, qboolean gamedir ); // same as Com_FileExists but return filetime
const char *(*Com_FileExtension)( const char *in ); // return extension of file
const char *(*Com_RemovePath)( const char *in ); // return filename without path
const char *(*Com_DiskPath)( const char *in, qboolean gamedir ); // return disk path for unpacked files
void (*Com_StripExtension)(char *path); // remove extension if present
void (*Com_StripFilePath)(const char* const src, char* dst); // get file path without filename.ext
void (*Com_DefaultExtension)(char *path, const char *ext ); // append extension if not present
void (*Com_ClearSearchPath)( void ); // delete all search pathes
// user dlls interface
void *(*LoadLibrary)( const char *dllname, int build_ordinals_table );
void *(*GetProcAddress)( void *hInstance, const char *name );
const char *(*NameForFunction)( void *hInstance, dword function );
dword (*FunctionFromName)( void *hInstance, const char *pName );
void (*FreeLibrary)( void *hInstance );
search_t *(*Com_Search)( const char *pattern, int casecmp, int gamedironly ); // returned list of found files
// console variables
convar_t *(*Cvar_Get)( const char *name, const char *value, int flags, const char *desc );
void (*Cvar_LookupVars)( int checkbit, void *buffer, void *ptr, setpair_t callback );
void (*Cvar_SetString)( const char *name, const char *value );
void (*Cvar_SetLatched)( const char *name, const char *value );
void (*Cvar_FullSet)( const char *name, const char *value, int flags );
void (*Cvar_SetFloat)( const char *name, float value );
long (*Cvar_GetInteger)(const char *name );
float (*Cvar_GetValue)(const char *name );
char *(*Cvar_GetString)(const char *name );
convar_t *(*Cvar_FindVar)(const char *name );
void (*Cvar_DirectSet)( cvar_t *var, const char *value );
void (*Cvar_Register)( cvar_t *variable ); // register game.dll variables
// console commands
void (*Cmd_Exec)(int exec_when, const char *text); // process cmd buffer
uint (*Cmd_Argc)( void );
char *(*Cmd_Args)( void );
char *(*Cmd_Argv)( uint arg );
void (*Cmd_LookupCmds)( char *buffer, void *ptr, setpair_t callback );
void (*Cmd_AddCommand)( const char *name, xcommand_t function, const char *desc );
void (*Cmd_AddGameCommand)( const char *cmd_name, xcommand_t function );
void (*Cmd_TokenizeString)( const char *text_in );
void (*Cmd_DelCommand)( const char *name );
// real filesystem
file_t *(*fopen)( const char* path, const char* mode, qboolean gamedir ); // same as fopen
int (*fclose)(file_t* file); // same as fclose
long (*fwrite)(file_t* file, const void* data, size_t datasize); // same as fwrite
long (*fread)(file_t* file, void* buffer, size_t buffersize); // same as fread, can see through pakfile
int (*fprint)(file_t* file, const char *msg); // printed message into file
int (*fprintf)(file_t* file, const char* format, ...); // same as fprintf
int (*fgetc)( file_t* file ); // same as fgetc
int (*fgets)(file_t* file, byte *string, size_t bufsize ); // like a fgets, but can return EOF
int (*fseek)(file_t* file, fs_offset_t offset, int whence); // fseek, can seek in packfiles too
long (*ftell)( file_t *file ); // like a ftell
qboolean (*feof)( file_t *file ); // like a feof
qboolean (*fremove)( const char *path ); // remove specified file
qboolean (*frename)( const char *oldname, const char *newname ); // rename specified file
fs_offset_t (*flength)( file_t *f ); // return length for current file
// filesystem simple user interface
byte *(*Com_LoadFile)(const char *path, long *filesize, qboolean gamedir ); // load file into heap
void (*Com_FreeFile)( void *buffer ); // free heap file
qboolean (*Com_WriteFile)(const char *path, const void *data, long len ); // write file into disk
qboolean (*Com_LoadLibrary)( const char *name, dll_info_t *dll ); // load library
qboolean (*Com_FreeLibrary)( dll_info_t *dll ); // free library
void*(*Com_GetProcAddress)( dll_info_t *dll, const char* name ); // gpa
double (*Com_DoubleTime)( void ); // hi-res timer
void (*Com_ShellExecute)( const char *p1, const char *p2, qboolean exit );// execute shell programs
// stdlib.c funcs
void (*strnupr)(const char *in, char *out, size_t size_out); // convert string to upper case
void (*strnlwr)(const char *in, char *out, size_t size_out); // convert string to lower case
void (*strupr)(const char *in, char *out); // convert string to upper case
void (*strlwr)(const char *in, char *out); // convert string to lower case
int (*strlen)( const char *string ); // returns string real length
int (*cstrlen)( const char *string ); // strlen that stripped color prefixes
char (*toupper)(const char in ); // convert one charcster to upper case
char (*tolower)(const char in ); // convert one charcster to lower case
size_t (*strncat)(char *dst, const char *src, size_t n); // add new string at end of buffer
size_t (*strcat)(char *dst, const char *src); // add new string at end of buffer
size_t (*strncpy)(char *dst, const char *src, size_t n); // copy string to existing buffer
size_t (*strcpy)(char *dst, const char *src); // copy string to existing buffer
char *(*stralloc)(byte *mp,const char *in,const char *file,int line); // create buffer and copy string here
qboolean (*is_digit)( const char *str ); // check string for digits
int (*atoi)(const char *str); // convert string to integer
float (*atof)(const char *str); // convert string to float
void (*atov)( float *dst, const char *src, size_t n ); // convert string to vector
char *(*strchr)(const char *s, char c); // find charcster at start of string
char *(*strrchr)(const char *s, char c); // find charcster at end of string
int (*strnicmp)(const char *s1, const char *s2, int n); // compare strings with case insensative
int (*stricmp)(const char *s1, const char *s2); // compare strings with case insensative
int (*strncmp)(const char *s1, const char *s2, int n); // compare strings with case sensative
int (*strcmp)(const char *s1, const char *s2); // compare strings with case sensative
char *(*stristr)( const char *s1, const char *s2 ); // find s2 in s1 with case insensative
char *(*strstr)( const char *s1, const char *s2 ); // find s2 in s1 with case sensative
int (*vsprintf)(char *buf, const char *fmt, va_list args); // format message
int (*sprintf)(char *buffer, const char *format, ...); // print into buffer
qboolean (*stricmpext)( const char *s1, const char *s2 ); // allow '*', '?' etc
char *(*va)(const char *format, ...); // print into temp buffer
int (*vsnprintf)( char *buf, size_t size, const char *fmt, va_list args ); // format message
int (*snprintf)( char *buffer, size_t buffersize, const char *format, ... ); // print into buffer
char *(*pretifymem)( float value, int digitsafterdecimal ); // pretify memory string
const char* (*timestamp)( int format ); // returns current time stamp
} stdlib_api_t;
typedef struct launch_exp_s
// interface validator
size_t api_size; // must matched with sizeof(launch_api_t)
size_t com_size; // must matched with sizeof(stdlib_api_t)
void (*Init)( const int argc, const char **argv ); // init host
void (*Main)( void ); // host frame
void (*Free)( void ); // close host
void (*CPrint)( const char *msg ); // host print
void (*CmdForward)( void ); // cmd forward to server
void (*CmdComplete)( char *complete_string ); // cmd autocomplete for system console
} launch_exp_t;
// this is the only function actually exported at the linker level
typedef void *(*launch_t)( stdlib_api_t*, void* );
typedef struct { size_t api_size; size_t com_size; } generic_api_t;
// moved here to enable assertation feature in launch.dll
#define ASSERT( exp ) if(!( exp )) com.abort( "assert failed at %s:%i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
#ifndef LAUNCH_DLL
don't add aliases for launch.dll because it may be conflicted with real names
struct convar_s
// this part shared with cvar_t
char *name;
char *string;
int flags;
float value;
struct convar_s *next;
// this part unique for convar_t
int integer;
qboolean modified;
memory manager funcs
#define Mem_Alloc(pool, size) com.malloc(pool, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Realloc(pool, ptr, size) com.realloc(pool, ptr, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Move(pool, ptr, data, size) com.move(pool, ptr, data, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Free(mem), __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_AllocPool(name) com.mallocpool(name, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_FreePool(pool) com.freepool(pool, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_EmptyPool(pool) com.clearpool(pool, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Copy(dest, src, size ) com.memcpy(dest, src, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Set(dest, val, size ) com.memset(dest, val, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_Check() com.memcheck(__FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Mem_IsAllocated( pool, ptr ) com.is_allocated( pool, ptr )
filesystem manager
#define FS_AddGameHierarchy com.Com_AddGameHierarchy
#define FS_AddGameDirectory com.Com_AddGameDirectory
#define FS_LoadGameInfo com.Com_LoadGameInfo
#define FS_InitRootDir com.Com_InitRootDir
#define FS_AllowDirectPaths com.Com_AllowDirectPaths
#define FS_LoadFile( file, size ) com.Com_LoadFile( file, size, false )
#define FS_LoadFileEx com.Com_LoadFile
#define FS_FreeFile com.Com_FreeFile
#define FS_Search( str, casecmp ) com.Com_Search( str, casecmp, false )
#define FS_SearchExt com.Com_Search
#define FS_WriteFile com.Com_WriteFile
#define FS_Open( path, mode ) com.fopen( path, mode, false )
#define FS_OpenEx com.fopen
#define FS_Read( file, buffer, size ) com.fread( file, buffer, size )
#define FS_Write( file, buffer, size ) com.fwrite( file, buffer, size )
#define FS_StripExtension( path ) com.Com_StripExtension( path )
#define FS_ExtractFilePath( src, dest) com.Com_StripFilePath( src, dest )
#define FS_DefaultExtension com.Com_DefaultExtension
#define FS_FileExtension( ext ) com.Com_FileExtension( ext )
#define FS_FileExists( file ) com.Com_FileExists( file, false )
#define FS_FileSize( file ) com.Com_FileSize( file, false )
#define FS_FileTime( file ) com.Com_FileTime( file, false )
#define FS_GetDiskPath( file ) com.Com_DiskPath( file, false )
#define FS_FileExistsEx com.Com_FileExists
#define FS_FileSizeEx com.Com_FileSize
#define FS_FileTimeEx com.Com_FileTime
#define FS_Close( file ) com.fclose( file )
#define FS_FileBase( x, y ) com.Com_FileBase( x, y )
#define FS_RemovePath( x ) com.Com_RemovePath( x )
#define FS_Printf (*com.fprintf)
#define FS_Print (*com.fprint)
#define FS_Seek (*com.fseek)
#define FS_Tell (*com.ftell)
#define FS_Eof (*com.feof)
#define FS_Getc (*com.fgetc)
#define FS_Gets (*com.fgets)
#define FS_Delete (*com.fremove)
#define FS_Rename (*com.frename)
#define FS_FileLength (*com.flength)
#define FS_Gamedir() com.SysInfo->GameInfo->gamedir
#define FS_Title() com.SysInfo->GameInfo->title
#define g_Instance() com.SysInfo->instance
#define FS_ClearSearchPath com.Com_ClearSearchPath
#define FS_CheckParm com.Com_CheckParm
#define FS_GetParmFromCmdLine( a, b ) com.Com_GetParm( a, b, sizeof( b ))
console variables
#define Cvar_Get com.Cvar_Get
#define Cvar_LookupVars com.Cvar_LookupVars
#define Cvar_Set com.Cvar_SetString
#define Cvar_FullSet com.Cvar_FullSet
#define Cvar_SetLatched com.Cvar_SetLatched
#define Cvar_Reset( name ) Cvar_SetLatched( name, NULL )
#define Cvar_SetFloat com.Cvar_SetFloat
#define Cvar_VariableValue com.Cvar_GetValue
#define Cvar_VariableInteger com.Cvar_GetInteger
#define Cvar_VariableString com.Cvar_GetString
#define Cvar_FindVar com.Cvar_FindVar
#define Cvar_DirectSet com.Cvar_DirectSet
#define Cvar_Register com.Cvar_Register
console commands
#define Cbuf_ExecuteText com.Cmd_Exec
#define Cbuf_AddText( text ) com.Cmd_Exec( EXEC_APPEND, text )
#define Cmd_ExecuteString( text ) com.Cmd_Exec( EXEC_NOW, text )
#define Cbuf_InsertText( text ) com.Cmd_Exec( EXEC_INSERT, text )
#define Cbuf_Execute() com.Cmd_Exec( EXEC_NOW, NULL )
#define Cmd_Argc() com.Cmd_Argc()
#define Cmd_Args() com.Cmd_Args()
#define Cmd_Argv( x ) com.Cmd_Argv( x )
#define Cmd_TokenizeString com.Cmd_TokenizeString
#define Cmd_LookupCmds com.Cmd_LookupCmds
#define Cmd_AddCommand com.Cmd_AddCommand
#define Cmd_AddGameCommand com.Cmd_AddGameCommand
#define Cmd_RemoveCommand com.Cmd_DelCommand
misc utils
#define SI com.SysInfo
#define GI com.SysInfo->GameInfo
#define Msg com.printf
#define MsgDev com.dprintf
#define Sys_LoadLibrary com.Com_LoadLibrary
#define Sys_FreeLibrary com.Com_FreeLibrary
#define Sys_GetProcAddress com.Com_GetProcAddress
#define Sys_ShellExecute com.Com_ShellExecute
#define Sys_NewInstance com.instance
#define Sys_Sleep com.sleep
#define Sys_Print com.print
#define Sys_GetEvent com.getevent
#define Sys_QueEvent com.queevent
#define Sys_GetClipboardData com.clipboard
#define Sys_Quit com.exit
#define Sys_Break com.abort
#define Sys_DoubleTime com.Com_DoubleTime
#define FS_LoadLibrary com.LoadLibrary
#define FS_GetProcAddress com.GetProcAddress
#define FS_NameForFunction com.NameForFunction
#define FS_FunctionFromName com.FunctionFromName
#define FS_FreeLibrary com.FreeLibrary
stdlib function names that not across with windows stdlib
#define timestamp com.timestamp
#define copystring( str ) com.stralloc( NULL, str, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define memprint( x ) com.pretifymem( x, 2 )
#define va