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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// cm_local.h - main struct
#ifndef CM_LOCAL_H
#define CM_LOCAL_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "launch_api.h"
#include "engine_api.h"
#include "entity_def.h"
#include "physic_api.h"
#include "qfiles_ref.h"
#include "bmodel_ref.h"
#include "trace_def.h"
extern physic_imp_t pi;
extern stdlib_api_t com;
#define Host_Error com.error
// 1/32 epsilon to keep floating point happy
#define DIST_EPSILON (0.03125)
#define MAX_BOX_LEAFS 256
#define DVIS_PVS 0
#define DVIS_PHS 1
extern cvar_t *cm_novis;
typedef struct
char name[64];
int contents;
} ctexture_t;
typedef struct
float vecs[2][4];
ctexture_t *texture;
int flags;
} ctexinfo_t;
// surface flags
typedef struct csurface_s
cplane_t *plane; // pointer to shared plane
int flags; // see SURF_ #defines
int firstedge; // look up in model->surfedges[], negative numbers
int numedges; // are backwards edges
ctexinfo_t *texinfo;
// lighting info
byte styles[LM_STYLES]; // index into d_lightstylevalue[] for animated lights
// no one surface can be effected by more than 4
// animated lights.
byte *samples; // [numstyles*surfsize]
} csurface_t;
typedef struct cleaf_s
// common with node
int contents;
struct cnode_s *parent;
cplane_t *plane; // always == NULL
// leaf specific
byte *visdata; // decompressed visdata after loading
byte *pasdata; // decompressed pasdata after loading
byte ambient_sound_level[NUM_AMBIENTS];
csurface_t **firstMarkSurface;
int numMarkSurfaces;
} cleaf_t;
#define CONTENTS_NODE 1 // fake contents to determine nodes
typedef struct cnode_s
// common with leaf
int contents; // CONTENTS_NODE, to differentiate from leafs
struct cnode_s *parent;
cplane_t *plane; // always != NULL
// node specific
struct cnode_s *children[2];
} cnode_t;
typedef struct
string name; // model name
byte *mempool; // private mempool
int registration_sequence;
// shared modelinfo
modtype_t type; // model type
vec3_t mins, maxs; // bounding box at angles '0 0 0'
// brush model
int firstmodelsurface;
int nummodelsurfaces;
int numsubmodels;
dmodel_t *submodels; // and studio animations too
int numplanes;
cplane_t *planes;
int numleafs; // number of visible leafs, not counting 0
cleaf_t *leafs;
int numvertexes;
vec3_t *vertexes;
int numedges;
dedge_t *edges;
int numnodes;
cnode_t *nodes;
int numtexinfo;
ctexinfo_t *texinfo;
int numsurfaces;
csurface_t *surfaces;
int numsurfedges;
int *surfedges;
int numclipnodes;
clipnode_t *clipnodes;
int nummarksurfaces;
csurface_t **marksurfaces;
chull_t hulls[MAX_MAP_HULLS];
int numtextures;
ctexture_t **textures;
script_t *entityscript; // only actual for world
byte *lightdata; // for GetEntityIllum
byte *extradata; // models extradata
int numframes; // sprite framecount
} cmodel_t;
typedef struct leaflist_s
int count;
int maxcount;
bool overflowed;
short *list;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
int topnode; // for overflows where each leaf can't be stored individually
} leaflist_t;
typedef struct clipmap_s
uint checksum; // map checksum
int registration_sequence;
int checkcount;
byte *pvs; // fully uncompressed visdata alloced in cm.mempool;
byte *phs;
byte nullrow[MAX_MAP_LEAFS/8];
} clipmap_t;
extern clipmap_t cm;
extern cmodel_t *sv_models[MAX_MODELS]; // replacement client-server table
extern cmodel_t *loadmodel;
extern cmodel_t *worldmodel;
// cm_debug.c
void CM_DrawCollision( cmdraw_t callback );
// cm_test.c
byte *CM_LeafPVS( int leafnum );
byte *CM_LeafPHS( int leafnum );
int CM_PointLeafnum( const vec3_t p );
cleaf_t *CM_PointInLeaf( const vec3_t p, cnode_t *node );
bool CM_HeadnodeVisible( int nodenum, byte *visbits );
int CM_BoxLeafnums( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, short *list, int listsize, int *lastleaf );
model_t CM_TempBoxModel( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, bool capsule );
bool CM_BoxVisible( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, byte *visbits );
int CM_HullPointContents( chull_t *hull, int num, const vec3_t p );
int CM_PointContents( const vec3_t p );
void CM_AmbientLevels( const vec3_t p, byte *pvolumes );
// cm_portals.c
void CM_CalcPHS( void );
byte *CM_FatPVS( const vec3_t org, bool portal );
byte *CM_FatPHS( const vec3_t org, bool portal );
// cm_model.c
void CM_FreeModels( void );
int CM_NumInlineModels( void );
script_t *CM_EntityScript( void );
void CM_ModelBounds( model_t handle, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs );
void CM_ModelFrames( model_t handle, int *numFrames );
modtype_t CM_ModelType( model_t handle );
cmodel_t *CM_ClipHandleToModel( model_t handle );
chull_t *CM_HullForBox( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs );
model_t CM_TempBoxModel( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, bool capsule );
void CM_BeginRegistration ( const char *name, bool clientload, uint *checksum );
bool CM_RegisterModel( const char *name, int sv_index );
void *CM_Extradata( model_t handle );
cmodel_t *CM_ModForName( const char *name, bool world );
void CM_EndRegistration( void );
// cm_studio.c
void CM_SpriteModel( cmodel_t *mod, byte *buffer );
void CM_StudioModel( cmodel_t *mod, byte *buffer );
void CM_StudioInitBoxHull( void );
int CM_StudioBodyVariations( model_t handle );
void CM_StudioGetAttachment( edict_t *e, int iAttachment, float *org, float *ang );
bool CM_StudioTrace( edict_t *e, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, trace_t *tr );
void CM_GetBonePosition( edict_t* e, int iBone, float *rgflOrigin, float *rgflAngles );
// cm_trace.c
trace_t CM_ClipMoveToEntity( edict_t *ent, const vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int flags );
const char *CM_TraceTexture( const vec3_t start, trace_t trace );
chull_t *CM_HullForBsp( edict_t *ent, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, float *offset );