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1191 lines
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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// utils.c - shared launcher utils
#include "launch.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
system_t Sys;
stdlib_api_t com;
launch_exp_t *Host; // callback to mainframe
FILE *logfile;
dll_info_t common_dll = { "common.dll", NULL, "CreateAPI", NULL, NULL, true, sizeof(launch_exp_t) };
dll_info_t engine_dll = { "engine.dll", NULL, "CreateAPI", NULL, NULL, true, sizeof(launch_exp_t) };
dll_info_t editor_dll = { "editor.dll", NULL, "CreateAPI", NULL, NULL, true, sizeof(launch_exp_t) };
dll_info_t idconv_dll = { "idconv.dll", NULL, "CreateAPI", NULL, NULL, true, sizeof(launch_exp_t) };
static const char *show_credits = "\n\n\n\n\tCopyright XashXT Group 2007 ©\n\t\
All Rights Reserved\n\n\t Visit\n";
// stubs
void NullInit( uint funcname, int argc, char **argv ) {}
void NullFunc( void ) {}
void Sys_NullPrint( const char *msg ) {}
void Sys_GetStdAPI( void )
// interface validator
com.api_size = sizeof(stdlib_api_t);
// base events
com.printf = Sys_Msg;
com.dprintf = Sys_MsgDev;
com.wprintf = Sys_MsgWarn;
com.error = Sys_Error;
com.abort = Sys_Break;
com.exit = Sys_Exit;
com.print = Sys_Print;
com.input = Sys_Input;
com.sleep = Sys_Sleep;
com.clipboard = Sys_GetClipboardData;
com.keyevents = Sys_SendKeyEvents;
// crclib.c funcs
com.crc_init = CRC_Init;
com.crc_block = CRC_Block;
com.crc_process = CRC_ProcessByte;
com.crc_sequence = CRC_BlockSequence;
com.crc_blockchecksum = Com_BlockChecksum;
com.crc_blockchecksumkey = Com_BlockChecksumKey;
// memlib.c
com.memcpy = _mem_copy;
com.memset = _mem_set;
com.realloc = _mem_realloc;
com.move = _mem_move;
com.malloc = _mem_alloc; = _mem_free;
com.mallocpool = _mem_allocpool;
com.freepool = _mem_freepool;
com.clearpool = _mem_emptypool;
com.memcheck = _mem_check;
com.newarray = _mem_alloc_array;
com.delarray = _mem_free_array;
com.newelement = _mem_alloc_array_element;
com.delelement = _mem_free_array_element;
com.getelement = _mem_get_array_element;
com.arraysize = _mem_array_size;
// common functions
com.Com_InitRootDir = FS_InitRootDir; // init custom rootdir
com.Com_LoadGameInfo = FS_LoadGameInfo; // gate game info from script file
com.Com_AddGameHierarchy = FS_AddGameHierarchy; // add base directory in search list
com.Com_CheckParm = FS_CheckParm; // get parm from cmdline
com.Com_GetParm = FS_GetParmFromCmdLine; // get filename without path & ext
com.Com_FileBase = FS_FileBase; // get filename without path & ext
com.Com_FileExists = FS_FileExists; // return true if file exist
com.Com_FileSize = FS_FileSize; // same as Com_FileExists but return filesize
com.Com_FileExtension = FS_FileExtension; // return extension of file
com.Com_RemovePath = FS_FileWithoutPath; // return file without path
com.Com_StripExtension = FS_StripExtension; // remove extension if present
com.Com_StripFilePath = FS_ExtractFilePath; // get file path without filename.ext
com.Com_DefaultExtension = FS_DefaultExtension; // append extension if not present
com.Com_ClearSearchPath = FS_ClearSearchPath; // delete all search pathes
com.Com_CreateThread = Sys_RunThreadsOnIndividual;// run individual thread
com.Com_ThreadLock = Sys_ThreadLock; // lock current thread
com.Com_ThreadUnlock = Sys_ThreadUnlock; // unlock numthreads
com.Com_NumThreads = Sys_GetNumThreads; // returns count of active threads
com.Com_LoadScript = SC_LoadScript; // load script into stack from file or bufer
com.Com_AddScript = SC_AddScript; // include script from file or buffer
com.Com_ResetScript = SC_ResetScript; // reset current script state
com.Com_ReadToken = SC_GetToken; // get next token on a line or newline
com.Com_TryToken = SC_TryToken; // return 1 if have token on a line
com.Com_FreeToken = SC_FreeToken; // free current token to may get it again
com.Com_SkipToken = SC_SkipToken; // skip current token and jump into newline
com.Com_MatchToken = SC_MatchToken; // compare current token with user keyword
com.Com_ParseToken_Simple = SC_ParseToken_Simple; // basic parse (can't handle single characters)
com.Com_ParseToken = SC_ParseToken; // parse token from char buffer
com.Com_ParseWord = SC_ParseWord; // parse word from char buffer
com.Com_Search = FS_Search; // returned list of founded files
com.Com_Filter = SC_FilterToken; // compare keyword by mask with filter
com.com_token = token; // contains current token
// console variables
com.Cvar_Get = Cvar_Get;
com.Cvar_FullSet = Cvar_FullSet;
com.Cvar_SetLatched = Cvar_SetLatched;
com.Cvar_SetValue = Cvar_SetValue;
com.Cvar_SetString = Cvar_Set;
com.Cvar_GetValue = Cvar_VariableValue;
com.Cvar_GetString = Cvar_VariableString;
com.Cvar_LookupVars = Cvar_LookupVars;
com.Cvar_FindVar = Cvar_FindVar;
// console commands
com.Cmd_Exec = Cbuf_ExecuteText; // process cmd buffer
com.Cmd_Argc = Cmd_Argc;
com.Cmd_Args = Cmd_Args;
com.Cmd_Argv = Cmd_Argv;
com.Cmd_LookupCmds = Cmd_LookupCmds;
com.Cmd_AddCommand = Cmd_AddCommand;
com.Cmd_DelCommand = Cmd_RemoveCommand;
com.Cmd_TokenizeString = Cmd_TokenizeString;
// real filesystem
com.fopen = FS_Open; // same as fopen
com.fclose = FS_Close; // same as fclose
com.fwrite = FS_Write; // same as fwrite
com.fread = FS_Read; // same as fread, can see trough pakfile
com.fprint = FS_Print; // printed message into file
com.fprintf = FS_Printf; // same as fprintf
com.fgets = FS_Gets; // like a fgets, but can return EOF
com.fseek = FS_Seek; // fseek, can seek in packfiles too
com.ftell = FS_Tell; // like a ftell
// virtual filesystem
com.vfcreate = VFS_Create; // create virtual stream
com.vfopen = VFS_Open; // virtual fopen
com.vfclose = VFS_Close; // free buffer or write dump
com.vfwrite = VFS_Write; // write into buffer
com.vfread = VFS_Read; // read from buffer
com.vfgets = VFS_Gets; // read text line
com.vfprint = VFS_Print; // write message
com.vfprintf = VFS_Printf; // write formatted message
com.vfseek = VFS_Seek; // fseek, can seek in packfiles too
com.vfunpack = VFS_Unpack; // inflate zipped buffer
com.vftell = VFS_Tell; // like a ftell
// filesystem simply user interface
com.Com_LoadFile = FS_LoadFile; // load file into heap
com.Com_WriteFile = FS_WriteFile; // write file into disk
com.Com_LoadImage = FS_LoadImage; // extract image into rgba buffer
com.Com_SaveImage = FS_SaveImage; // save image into specified format
com.Com_ProcessImage = Image_Processing; // convert and resample image
com.Com_FreeImage = FS_FreeImage; // free image buffer
com.Com_LoadLibrary = Sys_LoadLibrary; // load library
com.Com_FreeLibrary = Sys_FreeLibrary; // free library
com.Com_GetProcAddress = Sys_GetProcAddress; // gpa
com.Com_DoubleTime = Sys_DoubleTime; // hi-res timer
// stdlib.c funcs
com.strnupr = com_strnupr;
com.strnlwr = com_strnlwr;
com.strupr = com_strupr;
com.strlwr = com_strlwr;
com.strlen = com_strlen;
com.cstrlen = com_cstrlen;
com.toupper = com_toupper;
com.tolower = com_tolower;
com.strncat = com_strncat;
com.strcat = com_strcat;
com.strncpy = com_strncpy;
com.strcpy = com_strcpy;
com.stralloc = com_stralloc;
com.atoi = com_atoi;
com.atof = com_atof;
com.atov = com_atov;
com.strchr = com_strchr;
com.strrchr = com_strrchr;
com.strnicmp = com_strnicmp;
com.stricmp = com_stricmp;
com.strncmp = com_strncmp;
com.strcmp = com_strcmp;
com.stristr = com_stristr;
com.strstr = com_stristr; // FIXME
com.strpack = com_strpack;
com.strunpack = com_strunpack;
com.vsprintf = com_vsprintf;
com.sprintf = com_sprintf; = va;
com.vsnprintf = com_vsnprintf;
com.snprintf = com_snprintf;
com.timestamp = com_timestamp;
com.GameInfo = &GI;
Parse program name to launch and determine work style
NOTE: at this day we have eleven instances
1. "host_shared" - normal game launch
2. "host_dedicated" - dedicated server
3. "host_editor" - resource editor
4. "bsplib" - three BSP compilers in one
5. "imglib" - convert old formats (mip, pcx, lmp) to 32-bit tga
6. "qcclib" - quake c complier
7. "roqlib" - roq video file maker
8. "sprite" - sprite creator (requires qc. script)
9. "studio" - Half-Life style models creator (requires qc. script)
10. "credits" - display credits of engine developers
11. "host_setup" - write current path into registry (silently)
This list will be expnaded in future
void Sys_LookupInstance( void )
Sys.app_name = HOST_OFFLINE;
// lookup all instances
if(!com_strcmp(Sys.progname, "host_shared"))
Sys.app_name = HOST_NORMAL;
Sys.con_readonly = true;
// don't show console as default
if(!Sys.debug) Sys.con_showalways = false;
Sys.linked_dll = &engine_dll; // pointer to engine.dll info
com_sprintf(Sys.log_path, "engine.log", com_timestamp(TIME_NO_SECONDS)); // logs folder
com_strcpy(Sys.caption, va("Xash3D ver.%g", XASH_VERSION ));
else if(!com_strcmp(Sys.progname, "host_dedicated"))
Sys.app_name = HOST_DEDICATED;
Sys.con_readonly = false;
Sys.linked_dll = &engine_dll; // pointer to engine.dll info
com_sprintf(Sys.log_path, "engine.log", com_timestamp(TIME_NO_SECONDS)); // logs folder
com_strcpy(Sys.caption, va("Xash3D ver.%g", XASH_VERSION ));
else if(!com_strcmp(Sys.progname, "host_editor"))
Sys.app_name = HOST_EDITOR;
Sys.con_readonly = true;
//don't show console as default
if(!Sys.debug) Sys.con_showalways = false;
Sys.linked_dll = &editor_dll; // pointer to editor.dll info
com_strcpy(Sys.log_path, "editor.log" ); // xash3d root directory
com_strcpy(Sys.caption, va("Xash3D Editor ver.%g", XASH_VERSION ));
else if(!com_strcmp(Sys.progname, "host_convertor"))
Sys.app_name = HOST_CONVERTOR;
Sys.con_readonly = true;
Sys.log_active = true; // always create log
if(!Sys.debug) Sys.con_showalways = true;
Sys.linked_dll = &idconv_dll; // pointer to idconv.dll info
com_sprintf(Sys.log_path, "%s/convert.log", sys_rootdir ); // same as .exe file
com_strcpy(Sys.caption, va("Resource Convertor ver.%g", XASH_VERSION ));
else if(!com_strcmp(Sys.progname, "bsplib"))
Sys.app_name = BSPLIB;
Sys.linked_dll = &common_dll; // pointer to common.dll info
com_strcpy(Sys.log_path, "bsplib.log" ); // xash3d root directory
com_strcpy(Sys.caption, "Xash3D BSP Compiler");
else if(!com_strcmp(Sys.progname, "imglib"))
Sys.app_name = IMGLIB;
Sys.linked_dll = &common_dll; // pointer to common.dll info
com_sprintf(Sys.log_path, "%s/convert.log", sys_rootdir ); // same as .exe file
com_strcpy(Sys.caption, "Xash3D Image Converter");
else if(!com_strcmp(Sys.progname, "qcclib"))
Sys.app_name = QCCLIB;
Sys.linked_dll = &common_dll; // pointer to common.dll info
com_sprintf(Sys.log_path, "%s/compile.log", sys_rootdir ); // same as .exe file
com_strcpy(Sys.caption, "Xash3D QuakeC Compiler");
else if(!com_strcmp(Sys.progname, "roqlib"))
Sys.app_name = ROQLIB;
Sys.linked_dll = &common_dll; // pointer to common.dll info
com_sprintf(Sys.log_path, "%s/roq.log", sys_rootdir ); // same as .exe file
com_strcpy(Sys.caption, "Xash3D ROQ Video Maker");
else if(!com_strcmp(Sys.progname, "sprite"))
Sys.app_name = SPRITE;
Sys.linked_dll = &common_dll; // pointer to common.dll info
com_sprintf(Sys.log_path, "%s/spritegen.log", sys_rootdir ); // same as .exe file
com_strcpy(Sys.caption, "Xash3D Sprite Compiler");
else if(!com_strcmp(Sys.progname, "studio"))
Sys.app_name = STUDIO;
Sys.linked_dll = &common_dll; // pointer to common.dll info
com_sprintf(Sys.log_path, "%s/studiomdl.log", sys_rootdir ); // same as .exe file
com_strcpy(Sys.caption, "Xash3D Studio Models Compiler");
else if(!com_strcmp(Sys.progname, "wadlib"))
Sys.app_name = WADLIB;
Sys.linked_dll = &common_dll; // pointer to common.dll info
com_sprintf(Sys.log_path, "%s/wadlib.log", sys_rootdir ); // same as .exe file
com_strcpy(Sys.caption, "Xash3D Wad2\\Wad3 maker");
else if(!com_strcmp(Sys.progname, "credits")) // easter egg
Sys.app_name = CREDITS;
Sys.linked_dll = NULL; // no need to loading library
Sys.log_active = Sys.developer = Sys.debug = 0; // clear all dbg states
com_strcpy(Sys.caption, "About");
Sys.con_showcredits = true;
else if(!com_strcmp(Sys.progname, "host_setup")) // write path into registry
Sys.app_name = HOST_INSTALL;
Sys.linked_dll = NULL; // no need to loading library
Sys.log_active = Sys.developer = Sys.debug = 0; //clear all dbg states
Sys.con_silentmode = true;
Find needed library, setup and run it
void Sys_CreateInstance( void )
// export
launch_t CreateHost;
Sys_LoadLibrary( Sys.linked_dll ); // loading library if need
// pre initializations
case BSPLIB:
case QCCLIB:
case ROQLIB:
case IMGLIB:
case SPRITE:
case STUDIO:
case WADLIB:
CreateHost = (void *)Sys.linked_dll->main;
Host = CreateHost( &com, NULL ); // second interface not allowed
Sys.Init = Host->Init;
Sys.Main = Host->Main;
Sys.Free = Host->Free;
Sys.CPrint = Host->CPrint;
Sys.Cmd = Host->Cmd;
Sys_Break( show_credits );
// FS_UpdateEnvironmentVariables() is done, quit now
Sys_Break("Host offline\n");
// init our host now!
Sys.Init( Sys.app_name, fs_argc, fs_argv );
// post initializations
Con_ShowConsole( false ); // hide console
Cbuf_AddText("exec init.rc\n"); // execute startup config and cmdline
// if stuffcmds wasn't run, then init.rc is probably missing, use default
if(!Sys.stuffcmdsrun) Cbuf_ExecuteText( EXEC_NOW, "stuffcmds\n" );
Con_ShowConsole( false );
case BSPLIB:
case QCCLIB:
case ROQLIB:
case IMGLIB:
case SPRITE:
case STUDIO:
case WADLIB:
// always run stuffcmds for current instances
Cbuf_ExecuteText( EXEC_NOW, "stuffcmds\n" );
uint Sys_SendKeyEvents( void )
MSG msg;
int msg_time;
while (PeekMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE))
if(!GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) break;
msg_time = msg.time;
TranslateMessage (&msg);
DispatchMessage (&msg);
return msg.time;
void Sys_ParseCommandLine (LPSTR lpCmdLine)
fs_argc = 1;
fs_argv[0] = "exe";
while (*lpCmdLine && (fs_argc < MAX_NUM_ARGVS))
while (*lpCmdLine && *lpCmdLine <= ' ') lpCmdLine++;
if (!*lpCmdLine) break;
if (*lpCmdLine == '\"')
// quoted string
fs_argv[fs_argc] = lpCmdLine;
while (*lpCmdLine && (*lpCmdLine != '\"')) lpCmdLine++;
// unquoted word
fs_argv[fs_argc] = lpCmdLine;
while (*lpCmdLine && *lpCmdLine > ' ') lpCmdLine++;
if (*lpCmdLine)
*lpCmdLine = 0;
void Sys_InitLog( void )
// create log if needed
if(!Sys.log_active || !com_strlen(Sys.log_path) || Sys.con_silentmode) return;
logfile = fopen( Sys.log_path, "w");
if(!logfile) Sys_Error("Sys_InitLog: can't create log file %s\n", Sys.log_path );
fprintf(logfile, "=======================================================================\n" );
fprintf(logfile, "\t%s started at %s\n", Sys.caption, com_timestamp(TIME_FULL));
fprintf(logfile, "=======================================================================\n");
void Sys_CloseLog( void )
if(!logfile) return;
fprintf(logfile, "\n");
fprintf(logfile, "=======================================================================");
fprintf(logfile, "\n\t%s %sed at %s\n", Sys.caption, Sys.crash ? "crash" : "stopp", com_timestamp(TIME_FULL));
fprintf(logfile, "=======================================================================");
logfile = NULL;
void Sys_PrintLog( const char *pMsg )
if(!logfile) return;
fprintf(logfile, "%s", pMsg );
print into window console
void Sys_Print(const char *pMsg)
const char *msg;
char buffer[MAX_INPUTLINE * 8];
char logbuf[MAX_INPUTLINE * 8];
char *b = buffer;
char *c = logbuf;
int i = 0;
if(Sys.con_silentmode) return;
if(Sys.CPrint) Sys.CPrint( pMsg );
// if the message is REALLY long, use just the last portion of it
if ( com_strlen( pMsg ) > MAX_INPUTLINE - 1 )
msg = pMsg + com_strlen( pMsg ) - MAX_INPUTLINE + 1;
else msg = pMsg;
// copy into an intermediate buffer
while ( msg[i] && (( b - buffer ) < sizeof( buffer ) - 1 ))
if( msg[i] == '\n' && msg[i+1] == '\r' )
b[0] = '\r';
b[1] = c[0] = '\n';
b += 2, c++;
else if( msg[i] == '\r' )
b[0] = c[0] = '\r';
b[1] = '\n';
b += 2, c++;
else if( msg[i] == '\n' )
b[0] = '\r';
b[1] = c[0] = '\n';
b += 2, c++;
else if( msg[i] == '\35' || msg[i] == '\36' || msg[i] == '\37' )
i++; // skip console pseudo graph
else if(IsColorString( &msg[i])) i++; // skip color prefix
*b = *c = msg[i];
b++, c++;
*b = *c = 0; // cutoff garbage
Sys_PrintLog( logbuf );
if(Sys.Con_Print) Sys.Con_Print( buffer );
formatted message
void Sys_Msg( const char *pMsg, ... )
va_list argptr;
char text[MAX_INPUTLINE];
va_start (argptr, pMsg);
com_vsprintf (text, pMsg, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
Sys_Print( text );
void Sys_MsgDev( int level, const char *pMsg, ... )
va_list argptr;
char text[MAX_INPUTLINE];
if(Sys.developer < level) return;
va_start (argptr, pMsg);
com_vsprintf (text, pMsg, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
switch( level )
case D_INFO:
Sys_Print( text );
case D_WARN:
Sys_Print(va("^3Warning:^7 %s", text));
case D_ERROR:
Sys_Print(va("^1Error:^7 %s", text));
case D_LOAD:
Sys_Print(va("^2Loading: ^7%s", text));
case D_NOTE:
Sys_Print( text );
case D_MEMORY:
Sys_Print( text );
void Sys_MsgWarn( const char *pMsg, ... )
va_list argptr;
char text[MAX_INPUTLINE];
if(!Sys.debug) return;
va_start (argptr, pMsg);
com_vsprintf (text, pMsg, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
Sys_Print(va("^3Warning:^7 %s", text));
double Sys_DoubleTime( void )
static int first = true;
static bool nohardware_timer = false;
static double oldtime = 0.0, curtime = 0.0;
double newtime;
// LordHavoc: note to people modifying this code,
// DWORD is specifically defined as an unsigned 32bit number,
// therefore the 65536.0 * 65536.0 is fine.
if (GI.cpunum > 1 || nohardware_timer)
static int firsttimegettime = true;
// timeGetTime
// platform:
// Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
// features:
// reasonable accuracy (millisecond)
// issues:
// wraps around every 47 days or so (but this is non-fatal to us,
// odd times are rejected, only causes a one frame stutter)
// make sure the timer is high precision, otherwise different versions of
// windows have varying accuracy
if (firsttimegettime)
timeBeginPeriod (1);
firsttimegettime = false;
newtime = (double)timeGetTime () * 0.001;
// QueryPerformanceCounter
// platform:
// Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
// features:
// very accurate (CPU cycles)
// known issues:
// does not necessarily match realtime too well
// (tends to get faster and faster in win98)
// wraps around occasionally on some platforms
// (depends on CPU speed and probably other unknown factors)
double timescale;
LARGE_INTEGER PerformanceFreq;
LARGE_INTEGER PerformanceCount;
if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency (&PerformanceFreq))
Msg("No hardware timer available\n");
// fall back to timeGetTime
nohardware_timer = true;
return Sys_DoubleTime();
QueryPerformanceCounter (&PerformanceCount);
timescale = 1.0 / ((double) PerformanceFreq.LowPart + (double) PerformanceFreq.HighPart * 65536.0 * 65536.0);
newtime = ((double) PerformanceCount.LowPart + (double) PerformanceCount.HighPart * 65536.0 * 65536.0) * timescale;
if (first)
first = false;
oldtime = newtime;
if (newtime < oldtime)
// warn if it's significant
if (newtime - oldtime < -0.01)
Msg("Plat_DoubleTime: time stepped backwards (went from %f to %f, difference %f)\n", oldtime, newtime, newtime - oldtime);
else curtime += newtime - oldtime;
oldtime = newtime;
return curtime;
create buffer, that contain clipboard
char *Sys_GetClipboardData( void )
char *data = NULL;
char *cliptext;
if ( OpenClipboard( NULL ) != 0 )
HANDLE hClipboardData;
if(( hClipboardData = GetClipboardData( CF_TEXT )) != 0 )
if ( ( cliptext = GlobalLock( hClipboardData )) != 0 )
data = Malloc( GlobalSize( hClipboardData ) + 1 );
com_strcpy( data, cliptext );
GlobalUnlock( hClipboardData );
return data;
freeze application for some time
void Sys_Sleep( int msec)
msec = bound(1, msec, 1000 );
Sleep( msec );
void Sys_WaitForQuit( void )
MSG msg;
Sys_Print("press any key to quit\n");
getchar(); // wait for quit
Mem_Set(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
// wait for the user to quit
while(msg.message != WM_QUIT)
if(PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
else Sys_Sleep( 20 );
NOTE: we must prepare engine to shutdown
before call this
void Sys_Error(const char *error, ...)
va_list argptr;
char text[MAX_INPUTLINE];
if(Sys.error) return; // don't multiple executes
va_start (argptr, error);
com_vsprintf (text, error, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
Sys.error = true;
Con_ShowConsole( true );
if(Sys.developer) Sys_Print( text ); // print error message
else Sys_Print( "Internal engine error\n" ); // don't confuse non-developers with technique stuff
void Sys_Break(const char *error, ...)
va_list argptr;
char text[MAX_INPUTLINE];
va_start (argptr, error);
com_vsprintf (text, error, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
Sys.error = true;
Con_ShowConsole( true );
Sys_Print( text );
long _stdcall Sys_Crash( PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pInfo )
// save config
// check to avoid recursive call
Sys.crash = true;
Sys.Free(); // prepare host to close
Sys_FreeLibrary( Sys.linked_dll );
if(Sys.developer >= D_MEMORY)
// show execption in native console too
Con_ShowConsole( true );
Msg("Sys_Crash: call %p at address %p\n", pInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode, pInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress );
if( Sys.oldFilter )
return Sys.oldFilter( pInfo );
void Sys_Init( void )
char dev_level[4];
lpBuffer.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS);
Sys.oldFilter = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter( Sys_Crash );
GlobalMemoryStatus (&lpBuffer);
Sys.hInstance = (HINSTANCE)GetModuleHandle( NULL ); // get current hInstance first
Sys.Init = NullInit;
Sys.Main = NullFunc;
Sys.Free = NullFunc;
// parse and copy args into local array
if(FS_CheckParm ("-debug")) Sys.debug = true;
if(FS_CheckParm ("-log")) Sys.log_active = true;
if(FS_GetParmFromCmdLine("-dev", dev_level )) Sys.developer = com_atoi(dev_level);
FS_UpdateEnvironmentVariables(); // set working directory
SetErrorMode( SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS ); // no abort/retry/fail errors
Sys.con_showalways = true;
Sys.con_readonly = true;
Sys.con_showcredits = false;
Sys.con_silentmode = false;
Sys_LookupInstance(); // init launcher
NOTE: we must prepare engine to shutdown
before call this
void Sys_Exit ( void )
// prepare host to close
Sys_FreeLibrary( Sys.linked_dll );
// restore filter
if( Sys.oldFilter )
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter( Sys.oldFilter );
exit( Sys.error );
bool Sys_LoadLibrary ( dll_info_t *dll )
const dllfunc_t *func;
bool native_lib = false;
char errorstring[MAX_QPATH];
// check errors
if(!dll) return false; // invalid desc
if(!dll->name) return false; // nothing to load
if(dll->link) return true; // already loaded
MsgDev(D_NOTE, "Sys_LoadLibrary: Loading %s", dll->name );
// lookup export table
for (func = dll->fcts; func && func->name != NULL; func++)
*func->func = NULL;
else if( dll->entry) native_lib = true;
if(!dll->link) dll->link = LoadLibrary ( va("bin/%s", dll->name));
if(!dll->link) dll->link = LoadLibrary ( dll->name ); // environment pathes
// No DLL found
if (!dll->link)
com_sprintf(errorstring, "Sys_LoadLibrary: couldn't load %s\n", dll->name );
goto error;
if((dll->main = Sys_GetProcAddress(dll, dll->entry )) == 0)
com_sprintf(errorstring, "Sys_LoadLibrary: %s has no valid entry point\n", dll->name );
goto error;
// Get the function adresses
for(func = dll->fcts; func && func->name != NULL; func++)
if (!(*func->func = Sys_GetProcAddress(dll, func->name)))
com_sprintf(errorstring, "Sys_LoadLibrary: %s missing or invalid function (%s)\n", dll->name, func->name );
goto error;
if( native_lib )
generic_api_t *check = NULL;
// NOTE: native dlls must support null import!
// e.g. see ..\common\platform.c for details
check = (void *)dll->main( &com, NULL ); // first iface always stdlib_api_t
com_sprintf(errorstring, "Sys_LoadLibrary: \"%s\" have no export\n", dll->name );
goto error;
if(check->api_size != dll->api_size)
com_sprintf(errorstring, "Sys_LoadLibrary: \"%s\" mismatch interface size (%i should be %i)\n", dll->name, check->api_size, dll->api_size);
goto error;
MsgDev(D_NOTE, " - ok\n");
return true;
MsgDev(D_NOTE, " - failed\n");
Sys_FreeLibrary ( dll ); // trying to free
if(dll->crash) Sys_Error( errorstring );
else MsgDev( D_ERROR, errorstring );
return false;
void* Sys_GetProcAddress ( dll_info_t *dll, const char* name )
if(!dll || !dll->link) // invalid desc
return NULL;
return (void *)GetProcAddress (dll->link, name);
bool Sys_FreeLibrary ( dll_info_t *dll )
if(!dll || !dll->link) // invalid desc or alredy freed
return false;
// we need to hold down all modules, while MSVC can find erorr
MsgDev(D_NOTE, "Sys_FreeLibrary: Hold %s for debugging\n", dll->name );
return false;
else MsgDev(D_NOTE, "Sys_FreeLibrary: Unloading %s\n", dll->name );
FreeLibrary (dll->link);
dll->link = NULL;
return true;
#define MAX_THREADS 64
int dispatch;
int workcount;
int oldf;
bool pacifier;
bool threaded;
void (*workfunction) (int);
int numthreads = -1;
static int enter;
int Sys_GetNumThreads( void )
return numthreads;
void Sys_ThreadLock( void )
if (!threaded) return;
if (enter) Sys_Error( "Recursive ThreadLock\n" );
enter = 1;
void Sys_ThreadUnlock( void )
if (!threaded) return;
if (!enter) Sys_Error( "ThreadUnlock without lock\n" );
enter = 0;
LeaveCriticalSection (&crit);
int Sys_GetThreadWork( void )
int r, f;
Sys_ThreadLock ();
if (dispatch == workcount)
return -1;
f = 10 * dispatch / workcount;
if (f != oldf)
oldf = f;
if (pacifier) Msg("%i...", f);
r = dispatch;
Sys_ThreadUnlock ();
return r;
void Sys_ThreadWorkerFunction (int threadnum)
int work;
while (1)
work = Sys_GetThreadWork();
if (work == -1) break;
void Sys_ThreadSetDefault (void)
if(numthreads == -1) // not set manually
// NOTE: we must init Plat_InitCPU() first
numthreads = GI.cpunum;
if (numthreads < 1 || numthreads > MAX_THREADS)
numthreads = 1;
void Sys_RunThreadsOnIndividual(int workcnt, bool showpacifier, void(*func)(int))
if (numthreads == -1) Sys_ThreadSetDefault ();
workfunction = func;
Sys_RunThreadsOn (workcnt, showpacifier, Sys_ThreadWorkerFunction);
void Sys_RunThreadsOn (int workcnt, bool showpacifier, void(*func)(int))
int i, threadid[MAX_THREADS];
HANDLE threadhandle[MAX_THREADS];
double start, end;
start = Sys_DoubleTime();
dispatch = 0;
workcount = workcnt;
oldf = -1;
pacifier = showpacifier;
threaded = true;
// run threads in parallel
InitializeCriticalSection (&crit);
if (numthreads == 1) func(0); // use same thread
for (i = 0; i < numthreads; i++)
threadhandle[i] = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)func, (LPVOID)i, 0, &threadid[i]);
for (i = 0; i < numthreads; i++)
WaitForSingleObject (threadhandle[i], INFINITE);
DeleteCriticalSection (&crit);
threaded = false;
end = Sys_DoubleTime();
if (pacifier) Msg(" Done [%.2f sec]\n", end - start);
bool REG_GetValue( HKEY hKey, const char *SubKey, const char *Value, char *pBuffer)
dword dwBufLen = 4096;
long lRet;
if(lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( hKey, SubKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
return false;
lRet = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, Value, NULL, NULL, (byte *)pBuffer, &dwBufLen);
if(lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) return false;
RegCloseKey( hKey );
return true;
bool REG_SetValue( HKEY hKey, const char *SubKey, const char *Value, char *pBuffer )
dword dwBufLen = 4096;
long lRet;
if(lRet = RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, SubKey, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return false;
lRet = RegSetValueEx(hKey, Value, 0, REG_SZ, (byte *)pBuffer, dwBufLen );
if(lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) return false;
return true;