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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// r_model.c - model loading and caching
#include "r_local.h"
#include "byteorder.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "matrix_lib.h"
#include "const.h"
// the inline models from the current map are kept separate
static dshader_t *r_map_shaders[MAX_MAP_SHADERS]; // hold contents and texture size
static rmodel_t r_inlinemodels[MAX_MODELS];
static byte r_fullvis[MAX_MAP_LEAFS/8];
static rmodel_t r_models[MAX_MODELS];
int registration_sequence;
rmodel_t *m_pLoadModel;
static string r_skyShader;
static int r_nummodels;
leaf_t *R_PointInLeaf( const vec3_t p )
node_t *node;
cplane_t *plane;
float d;
if( !r_worldModel || !r_worldModel->nodes )
Host_Error( "Mod_PointInLeaf: bad model\n" );
node = r_worldModel->nodes;
while( 1 )
if( node->contents != -1 )
return (leaf_t *)node;
plane = node->plane;
d = DotProduct( p, plane->normal ) - plane->dist;
if( d > 0 ) node = node->children[0];
else node = node->children[1];
return NULL; // never reached
static byte *R_DecompressVis( const byte *in )
static byte decompressed[MAX_MAP_LEAFS/8];
byte *out;
int c, row;
row = (r_worldModel->vis->numclusters+7)>>3;
out = decompressed;
if( !in )
// no vis info, so make all visible
while( row )
*out++ = 0xff;
return decompressed;
if( *in )
*out++ = *in++;
c = in[1];
in += 2;
while( c )
*out++ = 0;
} while( out - decompressed < row );
return decompressed;
byte *R_ClusterPVS( int cluster )
if (!r_worldModel || !r_worldModel->vis || cluster < 0 || cluster >= r_worldModel->vis->numclusters )
return r_worldModel->novis;
return R_DecompressVis((byte *)r_worldModel->vis + r_worldModel->vis->bitofs[cluster][DVIS_PVS]);
static void R_LoadVertexes( wfile_t *l )
dvertex_t *in;
vertex_t *out;
size_t i, filelen;
in = (dvertex_t *)WAD_Read( l, LUMP_VERTEXES, &filelen, TYPE_BINDATA );
if( filelen % sizeof( dvertex_t ))
Host_Error( "R_LoadVertexes: funny lump size in '%s'\n", m_pLoadModel->name );
m_pLoadModel->numVertexes = filelen / sizeof(dvertex_t);
m_pLoadModel->vertexes = out = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, m_pLoadModel->numVertexes * sizeof(vertex_t));
for( i = 0; i < m_pLoadModel->numVertexes; i++, in++, out++ )
out->point[0] = LittleFloat(in->point[0]);
out->point[1] = LittleFloat(in->point[1]);
out->point[2] = LittleFloat(in->point[2]);
static void R_LoadEdges( wfile_t *l )
dedge_t *in;
edge_t *out;
size_t i, filelen;
in = (dedge_t *)WAD_Read( l, LUMP_EDGES, &filelen, TYPE_BINDATA );
if( filelen % sizeof( dedge_t ))
Host_Error( "R_LoadEdges: funny lump size in '%s'\n", m_pLoadModel->name );
m_pLoadModel->numEdges = filelen / sizeof( dedge_t );
m_pLoadModel->edges = out = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, m_pLoadModel->numEdges * sizeof( edge_t ));
for( i = 0; i < m_pLoadModel->numEdges; i++, in++, out++ )
out->v[0] = (uint)LittleLong(in->v[0]);
out->v[1] = (uint)LittleLong(in->v[1]);
static void R_LoadSurfEdges( wfile_t *l )
dsurfedge_t *in, *out;
size_t i, filelen;
in = (int *)WAD_Read( l, LUMP_SURFEDGES, &filelen, TYPE_BINDATA );
if( filelen % sizeof( int ))
Host_Error( "R_LoadSurfEdges: funny lump size in '%s'\n", m_pLoadModel->name );
m_pLoadModel->numSurfEdges = filelen / sizeof( int );
m_pLoadModel->surfEdges = out = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, m_pLoadModel->numSurfEdges * sizeof( int ));
for( i = 0; i < m_pLoadModel->numSurfEdges; i++ )
out[i] = LittleLong(in[i]);
static void R_LoadLighting( wfile_t *l )
byte *in;
size_t filelen;
if( r_fullbright->integer ) return;
in = WAD_Read( l, LUMP_LIGHTING, &filelen, TYPE_BINDATA );
if( !filelen ) return;
m_pLoadModel->lightData = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, filelen );
Mem_Copy( m_pLoadModel->lightData, in, filelen );
static void R_LoadPlanes( wfile_t *l )
dplane_t *in;
cplane_t *out;
size_t i, filelen;
in = (dplane_t *)WAD_Read( l, LUMP_PLANES, &filelen, TYPE_BINDATA );
if( filelen % sizeof( dplane_t ))
Host_Error( "R_LoadPlanes: funny lump size in '%s'\n", m_pLoadModel->name );
m_pLoadModel->numPlanes = filelen / sizeof( dplane_t );
m_pLoadModel->planes = out = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, m_pLoadModel->numPlanes * sizeof( cplane_t ));
for( i = 0; i < m_pLoadModel->numPlanes; i++, in++, out++ )
out->normal[0] = LittleFloat( in->normal[0] );
out->normal[1] = LittleFloat( in->normal[1] );
out->normal[2] = LittleFloat( in->normal[2] );
out->dist = LittleFloat( in->dist );
PlaneClassify( out );
void R_LoadShaders( wfile_t *l )
dshader_t *in;
size_t i, filelen, count;
int surfaceParm, contents;
int shaderType = SHADER_TEXTURE;
cvar_t *scr_loading = Cvar_Get("scr_loading", "0", 0, "loading bar progress" );
in = (void *)WAD_Read( l, LUMP_SHADERS, &filelen, TYPE_BINDATA );
if( filelen % sizeof( *in ))
Host_Error( "R_LoadShaders: funny lump size in '%s'\n", m_pLoadModel->name );
count = filelen / sizeof( *in );
m_pLoadModel->shaders = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, count * sizeof( shader_t* ));
m_pLoadModel->numShaders = count;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++, in++ )
surfaceParm = LittleLong( in->surfaceFlags );
contents = LittleLong( in->contentFlags );
r_map_shaders[i] = in; // hold pointers for texinfo
Cvar_SetValue( "scr_loading", scr_loading->value + 50.0f / count );
if( ri.UpdateScreen ) ri.UpdateScreen();
// performance evaluation option
if( r_singleshader->integer )
m_pLoadModel->shaders[i] = tr.defaultShader;
if( surfaceParm & (SURF_NODRAW|SURF_3DSKY))
m_pLoadModel->shaders[i] = tr.nodrawShader;
if( surfaceParm & SURF_SKY )
// setup sky shader
com.strncpy( r_skyShader, in->name, MAX_STRING );
shaderType = SHADER_SKY;
else shaderType = SHADER_TEXTURE;
// lightmap visualization tool
if( r_lightmap->integer && !(surfaceParm & SURF_NOLIGHTMAP))
m_pLoadModel->shaders[i] = tr.lightmapShader;
// detect surfaceParm
if( !m_pLoadModel->lightData || surfaceParm & SURF_WARP )
surfaceParm |= SURF_NOLIGHTMAP;
m_pLoadModel->shaders[i] = R_FindShader( in->name, shaderType, surfaceParm );
static void R_LoadTexInfo( wfile_t *l )
dtexinfo_t *in;
texInfo_t *out;
int shadernum;
int i, j, count;
uint surfaceParm = 0;
size_t filelen;
in = (void *)WAD_Read( l, LUMP_TEXINFO, &filelen, TYPE_BINDATA );
if( filelen % sizeof( *in ))
Host_Error( "R_LoadTexinfo: funny lump size in '%s'\n", m_pLoadModel->name );
count = filelen / sizeof( *in );
out = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, count * sizeof( *out ));
m_pLoadModel->texInfo = out;
m_pLoadModel->numTexInfo = count;
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++ )
for( j = 0; j < 8; j++ )
out->vecs[0][j] = LittleFloat( in->vecs[0][j] );
shadernum = LittleLong( in->shadernum );
if( shadernum < 0 || shadernum > m_pLoadModel->numShaders )
Host_Error( "R_LoadTexInfo: bad shader number in '%s'\n", m_pLoadModel->name );
out->shader = m_pLoadModel->shaders[shadernum]; // now all pointers are valid
// also copy additional info from shaderInfo
out->contentFlags = LittleLong( r_map_shaders[shadernum]->contentFlags );
out->surfaceFlags = LittleLong( r_map_shaders[shadernum]->surfaceFlags );
out->width = LittleLong( r_map_shaders[shadernum]->size[0] );
out->height = LittleLong( r_map_shaders[shadernum]->size[1] );
Fills in surf->mins and surf->maxs
static void R_CalcSurfaceBounds( surface_t *surf )
int i, e;
vertex_t *v;
ClearBounds( surf->mins, surf->maxs );
for( i = 0; i < surf->numEdges; i++ )
e = m_pLoadModel->surfEdges[surf->firstEdge + i];
if( e >= 0 ) v = &m_pLoadModel->vertexes[m_pLoadModel->edges[e].v[0]];
else v = &m_pLoadModel->vertexes[m_pLoadModel->edges[-e].v[1]];
AddPointToBounds( v->point, surf->mins, surf->maxs );
Fills in surf->textureMins and surf->extents
static void R_CalcSurfaceExtents( surface_t *surf )
float mins[2], maxs[2], val;
int bmins[2], bmaxs[2];
int i, j, e;
vertex_t *v;
mins[0] = mins[1] = 999999;
maxs[0] = maxs[1] = -999999;
for( i = 0; i < surf->numEdges; i++ )
e = m_pLoadModel->surfEdges[surf->firstEdge + i];
if( e >= 0 ) v = &m_pLoadModel->vertexes[m_pLoadModel->edges[e].v[0]];
else v = &m_pLoadModel->vertexes[m_pLoadModel->edges[-e].v[1]];
for( j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
val = DotProduct(v->point, surf->texInfo->vecs[j]) + surf->texInfo->vecs[j][3];
if( val < mins[j] ) mins[j] = val;
if( val > maxs[j] ) maxs[j] = val;
for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
bmins[i] = floor(mins[i] / 16);
bmaxs[i] = ceil(maxs[i] / 16);
surf->textureMins[i] = bmins[i] * 16;
surf->extents[i] = (bmaxs[i] - bmins[i]) * 16;
static void R_SubdividePolygon( surface_t *surf, int numVerts, float *verts )
int i, j;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
float *v;
vec3_t front[64], back[64];
int f, b;
float m, dist, dists[64];
int subdivideSize;
uint index;
float s, t;
vec3_t total;
vec2_t totalST, totalLM;
surfPoly_t *p;
texInfo_t *texInfo = surf->texInfo;
subdivideSize = texInfo->shader->tessSize;
ClearBounds( mins, maxs );
for( i = 0, v = verts; i < numVerts; i++, v += 3 )
AddPointToBounds( v, mins, maxs );
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
m = subdivideSize * floor(((mins[i] + maxs[i]) * 0.5) / subdivideSize + 0.5);
if( maxs[i] - m < 8 ) continue;
if( m - mins[i] < 8 ) continue;
// cut it
v = verts + i;
for( j = 0; j < numVerts; j++, v += 3 )
dists[j] = *v - m;
// wrap cases
dists[j] = dists[0];
v -= i;
VectorCopy( verts, v );
for( f = j = b = 0, v = verts; j < numVerts; j++, v += 3 )
if( dists[j] >= 0 )
VectorCopy(v, front[f]);
if( dists[j] <= 0 )
VectorCopy(v, back[b]);
if( dists[j] == 0 || dists[j+1] == 0 )
if((dists[j] > 0) != (dists[j+1] > 0))
// clip point
dist = dists[j] / (dists[j] - dists[j+1]);
front[f][0] = back[b][0] = v[0] + (v[3] - v[0]) * dist;
front[f][1] = back[b][1] = v[1] + (v[4] - v[1]) * dist;
front[f][2] = back[b][2] = v[2] + (v[5] - v[2]) * dist;
R_SubdividePolygon( surf, f, front[0] );
R_SubdividePolygon( surf, b, back[0] );
p = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, sizeof( surfPoly_t ));
p->next = surf->poly;
surf->poly = p;
// create indices
p->numIndices = (numVerts * 3);
p->indices = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, p->numIndices * sizeof( uint ));
for( i = 0, index = 2; i < p->numIndices; i += 3, index++ )
p->indices[i+0] = 0;
p->indices[i+1] = index - 1;
p->indices[i+2] = index;
// create vertices
p->numVertices = (numVerts + 2);
p->vertices = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, p->numVertices * sizeof(surfPolyVert_t));
VectorClear( total );
totalST[0] = totalST[1] = 0;
totalLM[0] = totalLM[1] = 0;
for( i = 0; i < numVerts; i++, verts += 3 )
// vertex
VectorCopy( verts, p->vertices[i+1].xyz );
VectorAdd( total, verts, total );
// texture coordinates
s = DotProduct( verts, texInfo->vecs[0] ) + texInfo->vecs[0][3];
if( texInfo->width != -1 ) s /= texInfo->width;
else s /= texInfo->shader->stages[0]->bundles[0]->textures[0]->width;
t = DotProduct( verts, texInfo->vecs[1] ) + texInfo->vecs[1][3];
if( texInfo->height != -1) t /= texInfo->height;
else t /= texInfo->shader->stages[0]->bundles[0]->textures[0]->height;
p->vertices[i+1].st[0] = s;
p->vertices[i+1].st[1] = t;
totalST[0] += s;
totalST[1] += t;
// lightmap texture coordinates
s = DotProduct(verts, texInfo->vecs[0]) + texInfo->vecs[0][3] - surf->textureMins[0];
s += surf->lmS * LM_SAMPLE_SIZE;
s += LM_SAMPLE_SIZE >> 1;
t = DotProduct(verts, texInfo->vecs[1]) + texInfo->vecs[1][3] - surf->textureMins[1];
t += surf->lmT * LM_SAMPLE_SIZE;
t += LM_SAMPLE_SIZE >> 1;
p->vertices[i+1].lm[0] = s;
p->vertices[i+1].lm[1] = t;
totalLM[0] += s;
totalLM[1] += t;
// vertex color
p->vertices[i+1].color[0] = 1.0f;
p->vertices[i+1].color[1] = 1.0f;
p->vertices[i+1].color[2] = 1.0f;
p->vertices[i+1].color[3] = 1.0f;
if( texInfo->surfaceFlags & SURF_TRANS )
p->vertices[i+1].color[3] *= 0.33;
else if( texInfo->surfaceFlags & SURF_BLEND )
p->vertices[i+1].color[3] *= 0.66;
// vertex
VectorScale( total, 1.0 / numVerts, p->vertices[0].xyz );
// texture coordinates
p->vertices[0].st[0] = totalST[0] / numVerts;
p->vertices[0].st[1] = totalST[1] / numVerts;
// lightmap texture coordinates
p->vertices[0].lm[0] = totalLM[0] / numVerts;
p->vertices[0].lm[1] = totalLM[1] / numVerts;
// vertex color
p->vertices[0].color[0] = 1.0f;
p->vertices[0].color[1] = 1.0f;
p->vertices[0].color[2] = 1.0f;
p->vertices[0].color[3] = 1.0f;
if( texInfo->surfaceFlags & SURF_TRANS )
p->vertices[0].color[3] *= 0.33;
else if( texInfo->surfaceFlags & SURF_BLEND )
p->vertices[0].color[3] *= 0.66;
// copy first vertex to last
Mem_Copy( &p->vertices[i+1], &p->vertices[1], sizeof( surfPolyVert_t ));
static void R_BuildPolygon( surface_t *surf, int numVerts, const float *verts )
int i;
uint index;
float s, t;
surfPoly_t *p;
texInfo_t *texInfo = surf->texInfo;
p = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, sizeof( surfPoly_t ));
p->next = surf->poly;
surf->poly = p;
// create indices
p->numIndices = (numVerts - 2) * 3;
p->indices = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, p->numIndices * sizeof( uint ));
for( i = 0, index = 2; i < p->numIndices; i += 3, index++ )
p->indices[i+0] = 0;
p->indices[i+1] = index-1;
p->indices[i+2] = index;
// create vertices
p->numVertices = numVerts;
p->vertices = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, p->numVertices * sizeof( surfPolyVert_t ));
for( i = 0; i < numVerts; i++, verts += 3 )
// vertex
VectorCopy( verts, p->vertices[i].xyz );
// texture coordinates
s = DotProduct( verts, texInfo->vecs[0] ) + texInfo->vecs[0][3];
if( texInfo->width != -1 ) s /= texInfo->width;
else s /= texInfo->shader->stages[0]->bundles[0]->textures[0]->width;
t = DotProduct( verts, texInfo->vecs[1] ) + texInfo->vecs[1][3];
if( texInfo->height != -1) t /= texInfo->height;
else t /= texInfo->shader->stages[0]->bundles[0]->textures[0]->height;
p->vertices[i].st[0] = s;
p->vertices[i].st[1] = t;
// lightmap texture coordinates
s = DotProduct( verts, texInfo->vecs[0] ) + texInfo->vecs[0][3] - surf->textureMins[0];
s += surf->lmS * LM_SAMPLE_SIZE;
s += LM_SAMPLE_SIZE >> 1;
t = DotProduct( verts, texInfo->vecs[1] ) + texInfo->vecs[1][3] - surf->textureMins[1];
t += surf->lmT * LM_SAMPLE_SIZE;
t += LM_SAMPLE_SIZE >> 1;
p->vertices[i].lm[0] = s;
p->vertices[i].lm[1] = t;
// vertex color
Vector4Set( p->vertices[i].color, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
if( texInfo->surfaceFlags & SURF_TRANS )
p->vertices[i].color[3] *= 0.33;
else if( texInfo->surfaceFlags & SURF_BLEND )
p->vertices[i].color[3] *= 0.66;
static void R_BuildSurfacePolygons( surface_t *surf )
vec3_t verts[64];
int i, e;
vertex_t *v;
// convert edges back to a normal polygon
for( i = 0; i < surf->numEdges; i++ )
e = m_pLoadModel->surfEdges[surf->firstEdge + i];
if( e >= 0 ) v = &m_pLoadModel->vertexes[m_pLoadModel->edges[e].v[0]];
else v = &m_pLoadModel->vertexes[m_pLoadModel->edges[-e].v[1]];
VectorCopy( v->point, verts[i] );
if( surf->texInfo->shader->flags & SHADER_TESSSIZE )
R_SubdividePolygon( surf, surf->numEdges, verts[0] );
else R_BuildPolygon( surf, surf->numEdges, verts[0] );
static void R_LoadSurfaces( wfile_t *l )
dsurface_t *in;
surface_t *out;
size_t i, filelen, lightofs;
in = (dsurface_t *)WAD_Read( l, LUMP_SURFACES, &filelen, TYPE_BINDATA );
if( filelen % sizeof( dsurface_t ))
Host_Error( "R_LoadFaces: funny lump size in '%s'\n", m_pLoadModel->name );
m_pLoadModel->numSurfaces = filelen / sizeof( dsurface_t );
m_pLoadModel->surfaces = out = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, m_pLoadModel->numSurfaces * sizeof( surface_t ));
for( i = 0; i < m_pLoadModel->numSurfaces; i++, in++, out++ )
out->firstEdge = LittleLong( in->firstedge );
out->numEdges = LittleLong( in->numedges );
if( LittleShort( in->side )) out->flags |= SURF_PLANEBACK;
out->plane = m_pLoadModel->planes + LittleLong( in->planenum );
out->texInfo = m_pLoadModel->texInfo + LittleLong( in->texinfo );
R_CalcSurfaceBounds( out );
R_CalcSurfaceExtents( out );
// tangent vectors
VectorCopy( out->texInfo->vecs[0], out->tangent );
VectorNegate( out->texInfo->vecs[1], out->binormal );
if(!( out->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK ))
VectorCopy( out->plane->normal, out->normal );
else VectorNegate( out->plane->normal, out->normal );
VectorNormalize( out->tangent );
VectorNormalize( out->binormal );
VectorNormalize( out->normal );
// lighting info
out->lmWidth = (out->extents[0] >> 4) + 1;
out->lmHeight = (out->extents[1] >> 4) + 1;
if( out->texInfo->surfaceFlags & (SURF_SKY|SURF_3DSKY|SURF_WARP|SURF_NODRAW))
lightofs = -1;
else lightofs = LittleLong( in->lightofs );
if( m_pLoadModel->lightData && lightofs != -1 )
out->lmSamples = m_pLoadModel->lightData + lightofs;
while( out->numStyles < MAX_LIGHTSTYLES && in->styles[out->numStyles] != 255 )
out->styles[out->numStyles] = in->styles[out->numStyles];
// create lightmap
R_BuildSurfaceLightmap( out );
// create polygons
R_BuildSurfacePolygons( out );
static void R_LoadMarkSurfaces( wfile_t *l )
dleafface_t *in;
surface_t **out;
int i, j;
size_t filelen;
in = (dword *)WAD_Read( l, LUMP_LEAFFACES, &filelen, TYPE_BINDATA );
if( filelen % sizeof( dword ))
Host_Error( "R_LoadMarkSurfaces: funny lump size in '%s'\n", m_pLoadModel->name );
m_pLoadModel->numMarkSurfaces = filelen / sizeof( dword );
m_pLoadModel->markSurfaces = out = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, m_pLoadModel->numMarkSurfaces * sizeof( surface_t * ));
for( i = 0; i < m_pLoadModel->numMarkSurfaces; i++ )
j = LittleLong( in[i] );
if (j < 0 || j >= m_pLoadModel->numMarkSurfaces)
Host_Error( "R_LoadMarkSurfaces: bad surface number in '%s'\n", m_pLoadModel->name );
out[i] = m_pLoadModel->surfaces + j;
static void R_LoadVisibility( wfile_t *l )
size_t filelen, vis_length;
byte *in;
int i;
// novis lumps attempt to create always
vis_length = ( m_pLoadModel->numClusters + 63 ) & ~63;
m_pLoadModel->novis = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, vis_length );
Mem_Set( m_pLoadModel->novis, 0xFF, vis_length );
in = WAD_Read( l, LUMP_VISIBILITY, &filelen, TYPE_BINDATA );
if( !filelen ) return;
m_pLoadModel->vis = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, filelen );
Mem_Copy( m_pLoadModel->vis, in, filelen );
m_pLoadModel->vis->numclusters = LittleLong( m_pLoadModel->vis->numclusters );
for( i = 0; i < m_pLoadModel->vis->numclusters; i++ )
m_pLoadModel->vis->bitofs[i][0] = LittleLong( m_pLoadModel->vis->bitofs[i][0] );
m_pLoadModel->vis->bitofs[i][1] = LittleLong( m_pLoadModel->vis->bitofs[i][1] );
static void R_LoadLeafs( wfile_t *l )
dleaf_t *in;
leaf_t *out;
size_t filelen;
int i, j;
in = (dleaf_t *)WAD_Read( l, LUMP_LEAFS, &filelen, TYPE_BINDATA );
if( filelen % sizeof( dleaf_t ))
Host_Error( "R_LoadLeafs: funny lump size in '%s'\n", m_pLoadModel->name );
m_pLoadModel->numLeafs = filelen / sizeof( dleaf_t );
m_pLoadModel->leafs = out = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, m_pLoadModel->numLeafs * sizeof( leaf_t ));
m_pLoadModel->numClusters = 0;
for( i = 0; i < m_pLoadModel->numLeafs; i++, in++, out++ )
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
out->mins[j] = LittleLong( in->mins[j] );
out->maxs[j] = LittleLong( in->maxs[j] );
out->contents = LittleLong( in->contents );
out->cluster = LittleLong( in->cluster );
out->area = LittleLong( in->area );
out->firstMarkSurface = m_pLoadModel->markSurfaces + LittleLong( in->firstleafsurface );
out->numMarkSurfaces = LittleLong( in->numleafsurfaces );
// mark the surfaces for caustics
if( out->contents & MASK_WATER )
for( j = 0; j < out->numMarkSurfaces; j++ )
if( out->firstMarkSurface[j]->texInfo->surfaceFlags & SURF_WARP )
continue; // HACK: ignore warped surfaces
if( out->contents & CONTENTS_WATER )
out->firstMarkSurface[j]->flags |= SURF_WATERCAUSTICS;
if( out->contents & CONTENTS_SLIME )
out->firstMarkSurface[j]->flags |= SURF_SLIMECAUSTICS;
if( out->contents & CONTENTS_LAVA )
out->firstMarkSurface[j]->flags |= SURF_LAVACAUSTICS;
// cluster count using for create novis lump
if( out->cluster >= m_pLoadModel->numClusters )
m_pLoadModel->numClusters = out->cluster + 1;
static void R_NodeSetParent( node_t *node, node_t *parent )
node->parent = parent;
if( node->contents != CONTENTS_NODE ) return;
R_NodeSetParent( node->children[0], node );
R_NodeSetParent( node->children[1], node );
static void R_LoadNodes( wfile_t *l )
dnode_t *in;
node_t *out;
size_t filelen;
int i, j, p;
in = (dnode_t *)WAD_Read( l, LUMP_NODES, &filelen, TYPE_BINDATA );
if( filelen % sizeof( dnode_t ))
Host_Error( "R_LoadNodes: funny lump size in '%s'\n", m_pLoadModel->name );
m_pLoadModel->numNodes = filelen / sizeof( dnode_t );
m_pLoadModel->nodes = out = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, m_pLoadModel->numNodes * sizeof( node_t ));
for( i = 0; i < m_pLoadModel->numNodes; i++, in++, out++ )
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
out->mins[j] = LittleLong(in->mins[j]);
out->maxs[j] = LittleLong(in->maxs[j]);
out->plane = m_pLoadModel->planes + LittleLong( in->planenum );
out->contents = -1;
out->firstSurface = LittleLong( in->firstsurface );
out->numSurfaces = LittleLong( in->numsurfaces );
for( j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
p = LittleLong( in->children[j] );
if( p >= 0 ) out->children[j] = m_pLoadModel->nodes + p;
else out->children[j] = (node_t *)(m_pLoadModel->leafs + (-1 - p));
// set nodes and leafs
R_NodeSetParent( m_pLoadModel->nodes, NULL );
static void R_SetupSubmodels( void )
int i;
submodel_t *bm;
rmodel_t *model;
// clear all previous bmodels
Mem_Set( r_inlinemodels, 0, sizeof( r_inlinemodels ));
for( i = 0; i < m_pLoadModel->numSubmodels; i++ )
bm = &m_pLoadModel->submodels[i];
model = &r_inlinemodels[i];
*model = *m_pLoadModel;
model->numModelSurfaces = bm->numFaces;
model->firstModelSurface = bm->firstFace;
model->type = mod_brush;
VectorCopy( bm->maxs, model->maxs );
VectorCopy( bm->mins, model->mins );
model->radius = bm->radius;
if( i == 0 ) *m_pLoadModel = *model;
else com.snprintf( model->name, sizeof(model->name), "*%i", i );
static void R_LoadSubmodels( wfile_t *l )
dmodel_t *in;
submodel_t *out;
size_t filelen;
int i, j;
in = (dmodel_t *)WAD_Read( l, LUMP_MODELS, &filelen, TYPE_BINDATA );
if( filelen % sizeof( dmodel_t ))
Host_Error( "R_LoadSubmodels: funny lump size in '%s'\n", m_pLoadModel->name );
m_pLoadModel->numSubmodels = filelen / sizeof( dmodel_t );
m_pLoadModel->submodels = out = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, m_pLoadModel->numSubmodels * sizeof( submodel_t ));
for( i = 0; i < m_pLoadModel->numSubmodels; i++, in++, out++ )
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
// spread the mins / maxs by a pixel
out->mins[j] = LittleFloat( in->mins[j] ) - 1;
out->maxs[j] = LittleFloat( in->maxs[j] ) + 1;
out->radius = RadiusFromBounds( out->mins, out->maxs );
out->firstFace = LittleLong( in->firstsurface );
out->numFaces = LittleLong( in->numsurfaces );
R_SetupSubmodels(); // set up the submodels
static void R_LoadLightgrid( wfile_t *l )
byte *data;
dlightgrid_t *header;
lightGrid_t *in, *out;
size_t i, filelen;
data = (byte *)WAD_Read( l, LUMP_LIGHTGRID, &filelen, TYPE_BINDATA );
if( !filelen ) return;
header = (dlightgrid_t *)data;
if(( filelen - sizeof( dlightgrid_t )) % sizeof( lightGrid_t ))
Host_Error( "R_LoadLightgrid: funny lump size in '%s'\n", m_pLoadModel->name );
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) m_pLoadModel->gridMins[i] = LittleFloat( header->mins[i] );
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) m_pLoadModel->gridSize[i] = LittleFloat( header->size[i] );
for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) m_pLoadModel->gridBounds[i] = LittleLong( header->bounds[i] );
m_pLoadModel->numGridPoints = LittleLong( header->numpoints );
in = (lightGrid_t *)(data + sizeof( dlightgrid_t ));
out = Mem_Alloc( m_pLoadModel->mempool, m_pLoadModel->numGridPoints * sizeof( lightGrid_t ));
m_pLoadModel->lightGrid = out;
for( i = 0; i < m_pLoadModel->numGridPoints; i++, in++, out++ )
out->lightDir[0] = LittleFloat( in->lightDir[0] );
out->lightDir[1] = LittleFloat( in->lightDir[1] );
out->lightDir[2] = LittleFloat( in->lightDir[2] );
void Mod_LoadBrushModel( rmodel_t *mod, const void *buffer )
dheader_t *header;
wfile_t *handle;
m_pLoadModel->type = mod_world;
r_skyShader[0] = 0;
if( m_pLoadModel != r_models )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "loaded a brush model after the world\n");
handle = (wfile_t *)buffer;
header = (dheader_t *)WAD_Read( handle, LUMP_MAPINFO, NULL, TYPE_BINDATA );
header->ident = LittleLong( header->ident );
header->version = LittleLong( header->version );
if( header->version != BSPMOD_VERSION )
Host_Error( "Mod_LoadBrushModel: %s has wrong version number (%i should be %i)", mod->name, header->version, BSPMOD_VERSION );
// load into heap
R_LoadVertexes( handle );
R_LoadEdges( handle );
R_LoadSurfEdges( handle );
R_LoadLighting( handle );
R_LoadLightgrid( handle );
R_LoadPlanes( handle );
R_LoadShaders( handle );
R_LoadTexInfo( handle );
R_LoadSurfaces( handle );
R_LoadMarkSurfaces( handle );
R_LoadLeafs( handle );
R_LoadNodes( handle );
R_LoadVisibility( handle );
R_LoadSubmodels( handle );
mod->registration_sequence = registration_sequence; // register model
void Mod_LoadStudioModel( rmodel_t *mod, const void *buffer )
R_StudioLoadModel( mod, buffer );
mod->type = mod_studio;
void Mod_LoadSpriteModel( rmodel_t *mod, const void *buffer )
R_SpriteLoadModel( mod, buffer );
mod->type = mod_sprite;
Loads in a model for the given name
rmodel_t *Mod_ForName( const char *name, bool crash )
wfile_t *wad = NULL;
byte *buf = NULL;
file_t *file = NULL;
uint i, hdr;
rmodel_t *mod;
if( !name[0] ) return NULL;
// inline models are grabbed only from worldmodel
if( name[0] == '*' )
i = com.atoi( name + 1 );
if( i < 1 || !r_worldModel || i >= r_worldModel->numSubmodels )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "Warning: bad inline model number %i\n", i );
return NULL;
// prolonge registration
r_inlinemodels[i].registration_sequence = registration_sequence;
return &r_inlinemodels[i];
// search the currently loaded models
for( i = 0, mod = r_models; i < r_nummodels; i++, mod++ )
if( !mod->name[0] ) continue;
if( !com.strcmp( mod->name, name ))
// prolonge registration
mod->registration_sequence = registration_sequence;
return mod;
// find a free model slot spot
for( i = 0, mod = r_models; i < r_nummodels; i++, mod++ )
if( !mod->name[0] ) break; // free spot
if( i == r_nummodels )
if( r_nummodels == MAX_MODELS )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Mod_ForName: MAX_MODELS limit exceeded\n" );
return NULL;
com.strncpy( mod->name, name, MAX_STRING );
// load the file
file = FS_Open( mod->name, "rb" );
if( !file )
if( crash ) Host_Error( "Mod_NumForName: %s not found\n", mod->name );
Mem_Set( mod->name, 0, sizeof( mod->name ));
return NULL;
mod->mempool = Mem_AllocPool(va("^1%s^7", mod->name ));
m_pLoadModel = mod;
// fill it in
FS_Read( file, &hdr, sizeof( uint ));
FS_Close( file );
MsgDev( D_LOAD, "%s\n", mod->name );
// call the apropriate loader
switch( LittleLong( hdr ))
wad = WAD_Open( mod->name, "rb" );
Mod_LoadBrushModel( mod, wad );
buf = FS_LoadFile( mod->name, NULL );
Mod_LoadStudioModel( mod, buf );
buf = FS_LoadFile( mod->name, NULL );
Mod_LoadSpriteModel( mod, buf );
// will be freed at end of registration
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Mod_NumForName: unknown file id for %s, unloaded\n", mod->name );
if( buf ) Mem_Free( buf ); // free file buffer
if( wad ) WAD_Close( wad );
return mod;
Specifies the model that will be used as the world
void R_BeginRegistration( const char *mapname )
string fullname;
r_oldViewCluster = -1; // force markleafs
com.sprintf( fullname, "maps/%s.bsp", mapname );
// explicitly free the old map if different
if( com.strcmp( r_models[0].name, fullname ))
Mod_Free( &r_models[0] );
// update progress bar
Cvar_SetValue( "scr_loading", 50.0f );
if( ri.UpdateScreen ) ri.UpdateScreen();
r_worldModel = Mod_ForName( fullname, true );
R_ModRegisterShaders( r_worldModel );
tr.waterCausticsShader = R_FindShader( "engine/waterCaustics", SHADER_TEXTURE, 0 );
tr.slimeCausticsShader = R_FindShader( "engine/slimeCaustics", SHADER_TEXTURE, 0 );
tr.lavaCausticsShader = R_FindShader( "engine/lavaCaustics", SHADER_TEXTURE, 0 );
r_viewCluster = -1;
rmodel_t *R_RegisterModel( const char *name )
rmodel_t *mod;
mod = Mod_ForName( name, false );
R_ModRegisterShaders( mod );
return mod;
void R_EndRegistration( const char *skyname )
int i;
rmodel_t *mod;
if( com.strncmp( skyname, "<skybox>", 8 ))
// worldspawn:skyname
R_SetupSky( skyname, 0, vec3_origin );
else if( com.strlen( r_skyShader ))
// setup skybox from map
R_SetupSky( r_skyShader, 0, vec3_origin );
// default shader
R_SetupSky( skyname, 0, vec3_origin );
for( i = 0, mod = r_models; i < r_nummodels; i++, mod++ )
if( !mod->name[0] ) continue;
if( mod->registration_sequence != registration_sequence )
Mod_Free( mod );
void R_ModelList_f( void )
rmodel_t *mod;
int i;
Msg( "\n" );
Msg( "-----------------------------------\n" );
for( i = 0, mod = r_models; i < r_nummodels; i++, mod++ )
if( !mod->name[0] ) continue; // free slot
Msg( "%s%s\n", mod->name, (mod->type == mod_bad) ? " (DEFAULTED)" : "" );
Msg( "-----------------------------------\n" );
Msg( "%i total models\n", r_nummodels );
Msg( "\n");
void Mod_Free( rmodel_t *mod )
Mem_FreePool( &mod->mempool );
Mem_Set( mod, 0, sizeof( *mod ));
mod = NULL;
void Mod_FreeAll( void )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < r_nummodels; i++ )
if( r_models[i].mempool )
Mod_Free( &r_models[i] );
void R_InitModels( void )
Mem_Set( r_fullvis, 0xFF, sizeof( r_fullvis ));
r_worldModel = NULL;
r_frameCount = 1; // no dlight cache
r_nummodels = 0;
r_viewCluster = r_oldViewCluster = -1; // force markleafs
r_worldEntity = &r_entities[0]; // First entity is the world
Mem_Set( r_worldEntity, 0, sizeof( ref_entity_t ));
r_worldEntity->ent_type = ED_NORMAL;
r_worldEntity->model = r_worldModel;
Matrix3x3_LoadIdentity( r_worldEntity->matrix );
VectorSet( r_worldEntity->rendercolor, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
r_worldEntity->renderamt = 1.0f; // i'm hope we don't want to see semisolid world :)
void R_ShutdownModels( void )
r_worldModel = NULL;
r_worldEntity = NULL;
Mem_Set( r_models, 0, sizeof( r_models ));
r_nummodels = 0;