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// Copyright XashXT Group 2008 ©
// sv_frame.c - server world snapshot
#include "common.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "const.h"
typedef struct
int num_entities;
int entities[MAX_VISIBLE_PACKET];
} sv_ents_t;
static byte *clientpvs; // FatPVS
static byte *clientphs; // ClientPHS
int c_fullsend;
static int SV_EntityNumbers( const void *a, const void *b )
int *ea, *eb;
ea = (int *)a;
eb = (int *)b;
if( *ea == *eb )
Host_Error( "SV_EntityNumbers: duplicated entity\n" );
if( *ea < *eb ) return -1;
return 1;
Copy entvars into entity state
void SV_UpdateEntityState( edict_t *ent, bool baseline )
if( !ent->pvServerData->s.classname )
ent->pvServerData->s.classname = SV_ClassIndex( STRING( ent->v.classname ));
if( ent->pvServerData->s.ed_type == ED_CLIENT && ent->v.fixangle )
MSG_Begin( svc_setangle );
MSG_WriteAngle32( &sv.multicast, ent->v.angles[0] );
MSG_WriteAngle32( &sv.multicast, ent->v.angles[1] );
MSG_WriteAngle32( &sv.multicast, 0 );
MSG_Send( MSG_ONE_R, vec3_origin, ent );
svgame.dllFuncs.pfnUpdateEntityState( &ent->pvServerData->s, ent, baseline );
// always keep an actual
ent->pvServerData->s.number = ent->serialnumber;
static void SV_AddEntToSnapshot( sv_priv_t *svent, edict_t *ent, sv_ents_t *ents )
// if we have already added this entity to this snapshot, don't add again
if( svent->framenum == sv.net_framenum ) return;
svent->framenum = sv.net_framenum;
// if we are full, silently discard entities
if( ents->num_entities == MAX_VISIBLE_PACKET )
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "too many entities in visible packet list\n" );
SV_UpdateEntityState( ent, false ); // copy entity state from progs
ents->entities[ents->num_entities] = ent->serialnumber;
c_fullsend++; // debug counter
Encode a client frame onto the network channel
Writes a delta update of an entity_state_t list to the message->
void SV_EmitPacketEntities( client_frame_t *from, client_frame_t *to, sizebuf_t *msg )
entity_state_t *oldent, *newent;
int oldindex, newindex;
int oldnum, newnum;
int from_num_entities;
MSG_WriteByte( msg, svc_packetentities );
if( !from ) from_num_entities = 0;
else from_num_entities = from->num_entities;
newent = NULL;
oldent = NULL;
newindex = 0;
oldindex = 0;
while( newindex < to->num_entities || oldindex < from_num_entities )
if( newindex >= to->num_entities ) newnum = MAX_ENTNUMBER;
newent = &svs.client_entities[(to->first_entity+newindex)%svs.num_client_entities];
newnum = newent->number;
if( oldindex >= from_num_entities ) oldnum = MAX_ENTNUMBER;
oldent = &svs.client_entities[(from->first_entity+oldindex)%svs.num_client_entities];
oldnum = oldent->number;
if( newnum == oldnum )
// delta update from old position
// because the force parm is false, this will not result
// in any bytes being emited if the entity has not changed at all
// note that players are always 'newentities', this updates their oldorigin always
// and prevents warping
MSG_WriteDeltaEntity( oldent, newent, msg, false,
(newent->ed_type == ED_CLIENT) || (newent->ed_type == ED_PORTAL));
if( newnum < oldnum )
// this is a new entity, send it from the baseline
MSG_WriteDeltaEntity( &svs.baselines[newnum], newent, msg, true, true );
if( newnum > oldnum )
// remove from message
MSG_WriteDeltaEntity( oldent, NULL, msg, false, false );
MSG_WriteBits( msg, 0, "svc_packetentities", NET_WORD ); // end of packetentities
static void SV_AddEntitiesToPacket( vec3_t origin, client_frame_t *frame, sv_ents_t *ents, bool portal )
int l, e, i;
edict_t *ent;
sv_priv_t *svent;
int leafnum;
byte *clientphs;
byte *bitvector;
int clientarea;
int clientcluster;
bool force = false;
// during an error shutdown message we may need to transmit
// the shutdown message after the server has shutdown, so
// specfically check for it
if( !sv.state ) return;
clientpvs = pe->FatPVS( origin, portal );
leafnum = pe->PointLeafnum( origin );
clientarea = pe->LeafArea( leafnum );
clientcluster = pe->LeafCluster( leafnum );
// calculate the visible areas
frame->areabits_size = pe->WriteAreaBits( frame->areabits, clientarea, portal );
clientphs = pe->FatPHS( clientcluster, portal );
for( e = 1; e < svgame.globals->numEntities; e++ )
ent = EDICT_NUM( e );
if( ent->free ) continue;
force = false; // clear forceflag
// completely ignore dormant entity
if( ent->v.flags & FL_DORMANT )
// NOTE: client index on client expected that entity will be valid
if( ent->pvServerData->s.ed_type == ED_CLIENT )
force = true;
if( ent->pvServerData->s.ed_type == ED_SKYPORTAL )
force = true;
// never send entities that aren't linked in
if( !ent->pvServerData->linked && !force ) continue;
if( ent->serialnumber != e )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "fixing ent->pvServerData->serialnumber\n");
ent->serialnumber = e;
svent = ent->pvServerData;
// quick reject by type
switch( svent->s.ed_type )
case ED_MOVER:
case ED_RIGIDBODY: break;
default: if( !force ) continue;
// don't double add an entity through portals
if( svent->framenum == sv.net_framenum ) continue;
if( !force )
// ignore if not touching a PV leaf check area
if( !pe->AreasConnected( clientarea, ent->pvServerData->areanum ))
// doors can legally straddle two areas, so
// we may need to check another one
if( !pe->AreasConnected( clientarea, ent->pvServerData->areanum2 ))
continue; // blocked by a door
if( svent->s.ed_type == ED_AMBIENT || svent->s.ed_type == ED_PORTAL )
bitvector = clientphs;
else bitvector = clientpvs;
if( !force )
// check individual leafs
if( !svent->num_clusters ) continue;
for( i = l = 0; i < svent->num_clusters && !force; i++ )
l = svent->clusternums[i];
if( bitvector[l>>3] & (1<<(l & 7)))
// if we haven't found it to be visible,
// check overflow clusters that coudln't be stored
if( i == svent->num_clusters )
if( svent->lastcluster )
for( ; l <= svent->lastcluster; l++ )
if( bitvector[l>>3] & (1<<(l & 7)))
if( l == svent->lastcluster )
continue; // not visible
else continue;
if( ent->pvServerData->s.ed_type == ED_AMBIENT )
vec3_t delta, entorigin;
float len;
// don't send sounds if they will be attenuated away
if( VectorIsNull( ent->v.origin ))
VectorAverage( ent->v.mins, ent->v.maxs, entorigin );
else VectorCopy( ent->v.origin, entorigin );
VectorSubtract( origin, entorigin, delta );
len = VectorLength( delta );
if( len > 400 ) continue;
// add it
SV_AddEntToSnapshot( svent, ent, ents );
// if its a portal entity, add everything visible from its camera position
if( svent->s.ed_type == ED_PORTAL || svent->s.ed_type == ED_SKYPORTAL )
if( svent->s.ed_type == ED_PORTAL )
// don't merge pvs for mirrors
if( !VectorCompare( svent->s.origin, svent->s.oldorigin ))
SV_AddEntitiesToPacket( svent->s.oldorigin, frame, ents, true );
else if( svent->s.ed_type == ED_SKYPORTAL )
SV_AddEntitiesToPacket( svent->s.origin, frame, ents, true );
void SV_WriteFrameToClient( sv_client_t *cl, sizebuf_t *msg )
client_frame_t *frame, *oldframe;
int lastframe;
// this is the frame we are creating
frame = &cl->frames[cl->netchan.outgoing_sequence & UPDATE_MASK];
if( cl->deltamessage <= 0 || cl->state != cs_spawned )
// client is asking for a retransmit
oldframe = NULL;
lastframe = 0;
else if( cl->netchan.outgoing_sequence - cl->deltamessage >= (UPDATE_BACKUP - 3))
// client hasn't gotten a good message through in a long time
MsgDev( D_WARN, "%s: Delta request from out of date packet\n", cl->name );
oldframe = NULL;
lastframe = 0;
{ // we have a valid message to delta from
oldframe = &cl->frames[cl->deltamessage & UPDATE_MASK];
lastframe = cl->netchan.outgoing_sequence - cl->deltamessage;
// the snapshot's entities may still have rolled off the buffer, though
if( oldframe->first_entity <= svs.next_client_entities - svs.num_client_entities )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "%s: delta request from out of date entities\n", cl->name );
oldframe = NULL;
lastframe = 0;
MSG_WriteByte( msg, svc_frame );
MSG_WriteFloat( msg, sv.time ); // send a servertime for each frame
MSG_WriteByte( msg, lastframe ); // what we are delta'ing from
// send over the areabits
MSG_WriteByte( msg, frame->areabits_size ); // never more than 255 bytes
MSG_WriteData( msg, frame->areabits, frame->areabits_size );
// just send an client index
// it's safe, because NUM_FOR_EDICT always equal ed->serialnumber,
// thats shared across network
MSG_WriteByte( msg, svc_playerinfo );
MSG_WriteByte( msg, frame->index );
// delta encode the entities
SV_EmitPacketEntities( oldframe, frame, msg );
Build a client frame structure
Decides which entities are going to be visible to the client, and
copies off the playerstat and areabits.
void SV_BuildClientFrame( sv_client_t *cl )
vec3_t org;
edict_t *ent;
edict_t *clent;
client_frame_t *frame;
entity_state_t *state;
sv_ents_t frame_ents;
int i;
clent = cl->edict;
// this is the frame we are creating
frame = &cl->frames[cl->netchan.outgoing_sequence & UPDATE_MASK];
frame->message_sent = svs.realtime; // save it for ping calc later
// clear everything in this snapshot
frame_ents.num_entities = c_fullsend = 0;
Mem_Set( frame->areabits, 0, sizeof( frame->areabits ));
if( !clent->pvServerData->client ) return; // not in game yet
// find the client's PVS
VectorCopy( clent->pvServerData->s.origin, org );
VectorAdd( org, clent->pvServerData->s.viewoffset, org );
// grab the current player index
frame->index = NUM_FOR_EDICT( clent );
// add all the entities directly visible to the eye, which
// may include portal entities that merge other viewpoints
SV_AddEntitiesToPacket( org, frame, &frame_ents, false );
// if there were portals visible, there may be out of order entities
// in the list which will need to be resorted for the delta compression
// to work correctly. This also catches the error condition
// of an entity being included twice.
qsort( frame_ents.entities, frame_ents.num_entities, sizeof( frame_ents.entities[0] ), SV_EntityNumbers );
// copy the entity states out
frame->num_entities = 0;
frame->first_entity = svs.next_client_entities;
for( i = 0; i < frame_ents.num_entities; i++ )
ent = EDICT_NUM( frame_ents.entities[i] );
// add it to the circular client_entities array
state = &svs.client_entities[svs.next_client_entities % svs.num_client_entities];
*state = ent->pvServerData->s;
// this should never hit, map should always be restarted first in SV_Frame
if( svs.next_client_entities >= 0x7FFFFFFE )
Host_Error( "svs.next_client_entities wrapped (sv.time limit is out)\n" );
Return the number of msec a given size message is supposed
to take to clear, based on the current rate
#define HEADER_RATE_BYTES 10 // sequence, qport etc
static float SV_RateTime( sv_client_t *cl, size_t msg_size )
float rate_time;
// individual messages will never be larger than fragment size
if( msg_size > MAX_MSGLEN ) msg_size = MAX_MSGLEN;
rate_time = (msg_size + HEADER_RATE_BYTES) / cl->rate;
return rate_time;
Called by SV_SendClientDatagram
void SV_SendMessageToClient( sizebuf_t *msg, sv_client_t *cl )
float rate_time;
// record information about the message
cl->frames[cl->netchan.outgoing_sequence & UPDATE_MASK].message_size = msg->cursize;
cl->frames[cl->netchan.outgoing_sequence & UPDATE_MASK].message_sent = svs.realtime;
cl->frames[cl->netchan.outgoing_sequence & UPDATE_MASK].message_acked = -1;
// send the datagram
Netchan_Transmit( &cl->netchan, msg->cursize, msg->data );
// set nextsnapshot based on rate and requested number of updates
// local clients get snapshots every frame
if( NET_IsLocalAddress( cl->netchan.remote_address ))
cl->nextsnapshot = svs.realtime + 0.1f; // FIXME: tune this value
// normal rate / snapshotMsec calculation
rate_time = SV_RateTime( cl, msg->cursize );
// never send more packets than this, no matter what the rate is at
if( rate_time < cl->snapshot_time ) rate_time = cl->snapshot_time;
cl->nextsnapshot = svs.realtime + rate_time;
// don't pile up empty snapshots while connecting
if ( cl->state != cs_spawned )
// a gigantic connection message may have already put the nextsnapshot
// more than a second away, so don't shorten it
// do shorten if client is downloading
if( !cl->download && cl->nextsnapshot < svs.realtime + 1.0f )
cl->nextsnapshot = svs.realtime + 1.0f;
bool SV_SendClientDatagram( sv_client_t *cl )
byte msg_buf[MAX_MSGLEN];
sizebuf_t msg;
SV_BuildClientFrame( cl );
MSG_Init( &msg, msg_buf, sizeof( msg_buf ));
// send over all the relevant entity_state_t
// and the player state
SV_WriteFrameToClient( cl, &msg );
// copy the accumulated multicast datagram
// for this client out to the message
// it is necessary for this to be after the WriteEntities
// so that entity references will be current
if( cl->datagram.overflowed ) MsgDev( D_WARN, "datagram overflowed for %s\n", cl->name );
else MSG_WriteData( &msg, cl->, cl->datagram.cursize );
MSG_Clear( &cl->datagram );
if( msg.overflowed )
// must have room left for the packet header
MsgDev( D_WARN, "msg overflowed for %s\n", cl->name );
MSG_Clear( &msg );
SV_SendMessageToClient( &msg, cl );
return true;
void SV_SendClientMessages( void )
sv_client_t *cl;
int i;
// send a message to each connected client
for( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < Host_MaxClients(); i++, cl++ )
if( !cl->state ) continue;
if( cl->edict && (cl->edict->v.flags & FL_FAKECLIENT))
// if the reliable message overflowed, drop the client
if( cl->netchan.message.overflowed )
MSG_Clear( &cl->netchan.message );
MSG_Clear( &cl->datagram );
SV_BroadcastPrintf( PRINT_HIGH, "%s overflowed\n", cl->name );
SV_DropClient( cl );
if( cl->state == cs_spawned )
if( svs.realtime < cl->nextsnapshot )
SV_SendClientDatagram( cl );
// just update reliable if needed
if( cl->netchan.message.cursize || svs.realtime - cl->netchan.last_sent > 1.0f )
Netchan_Transmit( &cl->netchan, 0, NULL );