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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// img_pcx.c - pcx format load & save
#include "imagelib.h"
bool Image_LoadPCX( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize )
pcx_t pcx;
bool result = false;
int s, i, x, y, x2, dataByte;
byte *pix, *pbuf, *palette, *fin, *enddata;
fin = (byte *)buffer;
Mem_Copy(&pcx, fin, sizeof(pcx));
fin += sizeof(pcx);
// probably it's not pcx file
if( pcx.manufacturer != 0x0a || pcx.version != 5 || pcx.encoding != 1 ) return false;
if( filesize < (int)sizeof(pcx) + 768)
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Image_LoadPCX: file (%s) have invalid size\n", name );
return false;
pcx.xmax = LittleShort (pcx.xmax);
pcx.xmin = LittleShort (pcx.xmin);
pcx.ymax = LittleShort (pcx.ymax);
pcx.ymin = LittleShort (pcx.ymin);
pcx.hres = LittleShort (pcx.hres);
pcx.vres = LittleShort (pcx.vres);
pcx.bytes_per_line = LittleShort (pcx.bytes_per_line);
pcx.palette_type = LittleShort (pcx.palette_type);
image.width = pcx.xmax + 1 - pcx.xmin;
image.height = pcx.ymax + 1 - pcx.ymin;
if( pcx.bits_per_pixel != 8 || pcx.manufacturer != 0x0a || pcx.version != 5 || pcx.encoding != 1)
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Image_LoadPCX: (%s) have unknown version '%d'\n", name, pcx.version );
return false;
if(!Image_ValidSize( name )) return false;
palette = (byte *)buffer + filesize - 768;
image.num_layers = 1;
image.num_mips = 1;
s = image.width * image.height;
pbuf = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( Sys.imagepool, s );
enddata = palette;
for( y = 0; y < image.height && fin < enddata; y++ )
pix = pbuf + y * image.width;
for (x = 0; x < image.width && fin < enddata;)
dataByte = *fin++;
if(dataByte >= 0xC0)
if (fin >= enddata) break;
x2 = x + (dataByte & 0x3F);
dataByte = *fin++;
if (x2 > image.width) x2 = image.width; // technically an error
while(x < x2) pix[x++] = dataByte;
else pix[x++] = dataByte;
// the number of bytes per line is always forced to an even number
fin += pcx.bytes_per_line - image.width;
while(x < image.width) pix[x++] = 0;
// NOTE: IL_HINT_Q2 does wrong result for sprite frames. use with caution
if( image.hint == IL_HINT_Q2 ) Image_GetPaletteQ2();
else Image_GetPalettePCX( palette );
// check for transparency
for (i = 0; i < s; i++)
if( pbuf[i] == 255 )
image.flags |= IMAGE_HAS_ALPHA; // found alpha channel
image.type = PF_INDEXED_32; // 32 bit palette
result = FS_AddMipmapToPack( pbuf, image.width, image.height );
Mem_Free( pbuf ); // free compressed image
return result;
bool Image_SavePCX( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pix )
byte *data, *out, *pack;
byte *palette;
file_t *file;
int i, j;
pcx_t pcx;
if(FS_FileExists( name ) && !(image.cmd_flags & IL_ALLOW_OVERWRITE ))
return false; // already existed
// bogus parameter check
if( !pix->palette || !pix->buffer )
return false;
switch( pix->type )
case PF_INDEXED_24:
case PF_INDEXED_32:
Image_ConvertPalTo24bit( pix );
MsgDev( D_WARN, "Image_SavePCX: unsupported image type %s\n", PFDesc[pix->type].name );
return false;
out = Mem_Alloc( Sys.imagepool, ( pix->size * 2 ) + 768 );
Mem_Set( &pcx, 0, sizeof( pcx ));
pcx.manufacturer = 0x0a; // PCX id
pcx.version = 5; // 256 color
pcx.encoding = 1; // uncompressed
pcx.bits_per_pixel = 8; // 256 color
pcx.xmin = 0;
pcx.ymin = 0;
pcx.xmax = LittleShort((short)(pix->width - 1));
pcx.ymax = LittleShort((short)(pix->height - 1));
pcx.hres = LittleShort((short)pix->width);
pcx.vres = LittleShort((short)pix->height);
pcx.color_planes = 1; // chunky image
pcx.bytes_per_line = LittleShort((short)pix->width);
pcx.palette_type = LittleShort( 1 ); // not a grey scale
// pack the image
palette = pix->palette;
data = pix->buffer;
pack = out;
// simple runlength encoding
for( i = 0; i < pix->height; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < pix->width; j++ )
if((*data & 0xc0) != 0xc0 )
*pack++ = *data++;
*pack++ = 0xc1;
*pack++ = *data++;
// write the palette
*pack++ = 0x0c; // palette ID byte
for( i = 0; i < 768; i++ )
*pack++ = *palette++;
file = FS_Open( name, "wb" );
if( !file ) return false;
// write header
FS_Write( file, &pcx, sizeof( pcx_t ));
// write image and palette
FS_Write( file, out, pack - out );
Mem_Free( out );
FS_Close( file );
return true;