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// Copyright XashXT Group 2008 ©
// net_chan.c - network channel
#include "common.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "byteorder.h"
packet header ( size in bits )
31 sequence
1 does this message contain a reliable payload
31 acknowledge sequence
1 acknowledge receipt of even/odd message
16 qport
The remote connection never knows if it missed a reliable message, the
local side detects that it has been dropped by seeing a sequence acknowledge
higher thatn the last reliable sequence, but without the correct evon/odd
bit for the reliable set.
If the sender notices that a reliable message has been dropped, it will be
retransmitted. It will not be retransmitted again until a message after
the retransmit has been acknowledged and the reliable still failed to get there.
if the sequence number is -1, the packet should be handled without a netcon
The reliable message can be added to at any time by doing
MSG_Write* (&netchan->message, <data>).
If the message buffer is overflowed, either by a single message, or by
multiple frames worth piling up while the last reliable transmit goes
unacknowledged, the netchan signals a fatal error.
Reliable messages are always placed first in a packet, then the unreliable
message is included if there is sufficient room.
To the receiver, there is no distinction between the reliable and unreliable
parts of the message, they are just processed out as a single larger message.
Illogical packet sequence numbers cause the packet to be dropped, but do
not kill the connection. This, combined with the tight window of valid
reliable acknowledgement numbers provides protection against malicious
address spoofing.
The qport field is a workaround for bad address translating routers that
sometimes remap the client's source port on a packet during gameplay.
If the base part of the net address matches and the qport matches, then the
channel matches even if the IP port differs. The IP port should be updated
to the new value before sending out any replies.
If there is no information that needs to be transfered on a given frame,
such as during the connection stage while waiting for the client to load,
then a packet only needs to be delivered if there is something in the
unacknowledged reliable
cvar_t *net_showpackets;
cvar_t *net_showdrop;
cvar_t *net_qport;
netadr_t net_from;
sizebuf_t net_message;
byte net_message_buffer[MAX_MSGLEN];
void Netchan_Init( void )
int port;
// pick a port value that should be nice and random
port = RANDOM_LONG( 1, 65535 );
net_showpackets = Cvar_Get ("net_showpackets", "0", CVAR_TEMP, "show network packets" );
net_showdrop = Cvar_Get ("net_showdrop", "0", CVAR_TEMP, "show packets that are dropped" );
net_qport = Cvar_Get ("net_qport", va("%i", port), CVAR_INIT, "current quake netport" );
called to open a channel to a remote system
void Netchan_Setup( netsrc_t sock, netchan_t *chan, netadr_t adr, int qport )
Mem_Set( chan, 0, sizeof( *chan ));
chan->sock = sock;
chan->remote_address = adr;
chan->qport = qport;
chan->last_received = Sys_DoubleTime ();
chan->incoming_sequence = 0;
chan->outgoing_sequence = 1;
chan->compress = true;
chan->rate = 1.0f / 2500; // inital value of rate
MSG_Init( &chan->message, chan->message_buf, sizeof(chan->message_buf));
Sends an out-of-band datagram
void Netchan_OutOfBand( int net_socket, netadr_t adr, int length, byte *data )
sizebuf_t send;
byte send_buf[MAX_MSGLEN];
// write the packet header
MSG_Init( &send, send_buf, sizeof(send_buf));
MSG_WriteLong( &send, -1 ); // -1 sequence means out of band
MSG_WriteData( &send, data, length );
// send the datagram
NET_SendPacket( net_socket, send.cursize,, adr );
Sends a text message in an out-of-band datagram
void Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( int net_socket, netadr_t adr, char *format, ... )
va_list argptr;
char string[MAX_MSGLEN];
va_start( argptr, format );
com.vsprintf( string, format, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
Netchan_OutOfBand( net_socket, adr, com.strlen( string ), string );
Returns true if the bandwidth choke isn't active
bool Netchan_CanPacket( netchan_t *chan )
if( chan->cleartime < host.realtime + MAX_BACKUP * chan->rate )
return true;
return false;
Returns true if the last reliable message has acked
bool Netchan_CanReliable( netchan_t *chan )
if( chan->reliable_length )
return false; // waiting for ack
return Netchan_CanPacket( chan );
bool Netchan_NeedReliable( netchan_t *chan )
bool send_reliable = false;
// if the remote side dropped the last reliable message, resend it
send_reliable = false;
if( chan->incoming_acknowledged > chan->last_reliable_sequence && chan->incoming_reliable_acknowledged != chan->reliable_sequence )
send_reliable = true;
// if the reliable transmit buffer is empty, copy the current message out
if( !chan->reliable_length && chan->message.cursize )
send_reliable = true;
if( !chan->reliable_length && chan->message.cursize )
Mem_Copy( chan->reliable_buf, chan->message_buf, chan->message.cursize );
chan->reliable_length = chan->message.cursize;
chan->message.cursize = 0;
chan->reliable_sequence ^= 1;
return send_reliable;
tries to send an unreliable message to a connection, and handles the
transmition / retransmition of the reliable messages.
A 0 length will still generate a packet and deal with the reliable messages.
void Netchan_Transmit( netchan_t *chan, int length, byte *data )
sizebuf_t send;
static bool overflow = false;
byte send_buf[MAX_MSGLEN];
bool send_reliable;
uint w1, w2;
// check for message overflow
if( chan->message.overflowed )
chan->fatal_error = true;
MsgDev( D_ERROR, "%s:outgoing message overflow\n", NET_AdrToString( chan->remote_address ));
send_reliable = Netchan_NeedReliable( chan );
// write the packet header
MSG_Init( &send, send_buf, sizeof(send_buf));
w1 = (chan->outgoing_sequence & ~(1<<31)) | (send_reliable<<31);
w2 = (chan->incoming_sequence & ~(1<<31)) | (chan->incoming_reliable_sequence<<31);
chan->last_sent = Sys_DoubleTime ();
MSG_WriteLong( &send, w1 );
MSG_WriteLong( &send, w2 );
// send the qport if we are a client
if( chan->sock == NS_CLIENT ) MSG_WriteWord( &send, Cvar_VariableValue( "net_qport" ));
// copy the reliable message to the packet first
if( send_reliable )
MSG_WriteData( &send, chan->reliable_buf, chan->reliable_length );
chan->last_reliable_sequence = chan->outgoing_sequence;
// add the unreliable part if space is available
if( send.maxsize - send.cursize >= length )
MSG_WriteData( &send, data, length );
overflow = false;
// don't flood with multiple messages
if( !overflow ) MsgDev( D_WARN, "Netchan_Transmit: unreliable msg overflow\n" );
overflow = true;
if( chan->compress ) Huff_CompressPacket(&send, (chan->sock == NS_CLIENT) ? 10 : 8);
if( chan->cleartime < host.realtime )
chan->cleartime = host.realtime + send.cursize * chan->rate;
else chan->cleartime += send.cursize * chan->rate;
// send the datagram
NET_SendPacket( chan->sock, send.cursize,, chan->remote_address );
if( net_showpackets->value )
if( chan->sock == NS_CLIENT ) MsgDev( D_INFO, "CL " );
else if( chan->sock == NS_SERVER ) MsgDev( D_INFO, "SV " );
MsgDev( D_INFO, "Netchan_Transmit: %4i : %sreliable\n", send.cursize, send_reliable ? "" : "un" );
called when the current net message is from remote_address
modifies net message so that it points to the packet payload
bool Netchan_Process( netchan_t *chan, sizebuf_t *msg )
uint sequence, sequence_ack;
uint reliable_ack, recv_reliable;
int qport;
// get sequence numbers
MSG_BeginReading( msg );
sequence = MSG_ReadLong( msg );
sequence_ack = MSG_ReadLong( msg );
// read the qport if we are a server
if( chan->sock == NS_SERVER )
qport = MSG_ReadShort( msg );
recv_reliable = sequence>>31;
reliable_ack = sequence_ack>>31;
sequence &= ~(1<<31);
sequence_ack &= ~(1<<31);
if( net_showpackets->value )
if( chan->sock == NS_CLIENT ) MsgDev( D_INFO, "CL " );
else if( chan->sock == NS_SERVER ) MsgDev( D_INFO, "SV " );
MsgDev( D_INFO, "Netchan_Process: %4i : %sreliable\n", msg->cursize, recv_reliable ? "" : "un" );
#if 0
// get a rate estimation
if( chan->outgoing_sequence - sequence_ack < MAX_LATENT )
int i;
double time, rate;
i = sequence_ack & (MAX_LATENT - 1);
time = Sys_DoubleTime() - chan->outgoing_time[i];
time -= 0.1f; // subtract 100 ms
if( time <= 0 )
// gotta be a digital link for <100 ms ping
if( chan->rate > 1.0f / 5000 )
chan->rate = 1.0f / 5000;
if( chan->outgoing_size[i] < 512 )
// only deal with small messages
rate = chan->outgoing_size[i] / time;
if( rate > 5000 ) rate = 5000;
rate = 1.0f / rate;
if( chan->rate > rate )
chan->rate = rate;
// discard stale or duplicated packets
if( sequence <= chan->incoming_sequence )
if( net_showdrop->value )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "%s:Out of order packet\n", NET_AdrToString( chan->remote_address ));
return false;
// dropped packets don't keep the message from being used
chan->dropped = sequence - (chan->incoming_sequence + 1);
if( chan->dropped > 0 )
if( net_showdrop->value )
MsgDev( D_WARN, "%s:dropped %i packets\n", NET_AdrToString( chan->remote_address ), chan->dropped );
// if the current outgoing reliable message has been acknowledged
// clear the buffer to make way for the next
if( reliable_ack == chan->reliable_sequence )
chan->reliable_length = 0; // it has been received
// if this message contains a reliable message, bump incoming_reliable_sequence
chan->incoming_sequence = sequence;
chan->incoming_acknowledged = sequence_ack;
chan->incoming_reliable_acknowledged = reliable_ack;
if( recv_reliable ) chan->incoming_reliable_sequence ^= 1;
if( chan->compress ) Huff_DecompressPacket( msg, ( chan->sock == NS_SERVER) ? 10 : 8 );
// the message can now be read from the current message pointer
// update statistics counters
chan->frame_latency = chan->frame_latency * OLD_AVG + (chan->outgoing_sequence - sequence_ack) * (1.0 - OLD_AVG);
chan->frame_rate = chan->frame_rate * OLD_AVG + (Sys_DoubleTime() - chan->last_received) * (1.0 - OLD_AVG);
chan->good_count += 1;
// the message can now be read from the current message pointer
chan->last_received = Sys_DoubleTime ();
return true;