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// Copyright (C) Shambler Team 2005
// rain.cpp - TriAPI weather effects
// based on original code from BUzer
#include "extdll.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "r_efx.h"
#include "triangle_api.h"
#include "hud.h"
#include "r_weather.h"
#include "pm_defs.h"
void WaterLandingEffect( cl_drip *drip );
void ParseRainFile( void );
cl_drip FirstChainDrip;
cl_rainfx FirstChainFX;
double rain_curtime; // current time
double rain_oldtime; // last time we have updated drips
double rain_timedelta; // difference between old time and current time
double rain_nextspawntime; // when the next drip should be spawned
cvar_t *cl_debugrain;
int dripcounter = 0;
int fxcounter = 0;
HSPRITE hsprWaterRing;
HSPRITE hsprDripTexture;
Must think every frame.
void ProcessRain( void )
rain_oldtime = rain_curtime; // save old time
rain_curtime = GetClientTime();
rain_timedelta = rain_curtime - rain_oldtime;
// first frame
if ( rain_oldtime == 0 )
// fix first frame bug with nextspawntime
rain_nextspawntime = GetClientTime();
if ( gHUD.Rain.dripsPerSecond == 0 && FirstChainDrip.p_Next == NULL )
// keep nextspawntime correct
rain_nextspawntime = rain_curtime;
if ( !IN_GAME() ) return; // not in pause
double timeBetweenDrips = 1 / (double)gHUD.Rain.dripsPerSecond;
cl_drip* curDrip = FirstChainDrip.p_Next;
cl_drip* nextDrip = NULL;
cl_entity_t *player = GetLocalPlayer();
if( !player ) return; // not in game
// save debug info
float debug_lifetime = 0;
int debug_howmany = 0;
int debug_attempted = 0;
int debug_dropped = 0;
while ( curDrip != NULL ) // go through list
nextDrip = curDrip->p_Next; // save pointer to next drip
if ( gHUD.Rain.weatherMode == 0 )
curDrip->origin.z -= rain_timedelta * DRIPSPEED; // rain
else curDrip->origin.z -= rain_timedelta * SNOWSPEED; // snow
curDrip->origin.x += rain_timedelta * curDrip->xDelta;
curDrip->origin.y += rain_timedelta * curDrip->yDelta;
// remove drip if its origin lower than minHeight
if ( curDrip->origin.z < curDrip->minHeight )
if ( curDrip->landInWater/* && gHUD.Rain.weatherMode == 0*/ )
WaterLandingEffect( curDrip ); // create water rings
if ( cl_debugrain->value )
debug_lifetime += (rain_curtime - curDrip->birthTime);
curDrip->p_Prev->p_Next = curDrip->p_Next; // link chain
if ( nextDrip != NULL )
nextDrip->p_Prev = curDrip->p_Prev;
delete curDrip;
curDrip = nextDrip; // restore pointer, so we can continue moving through chain
int maxDelta; // maximum height randomize distance
float falltime;
if ( gHUD.Rain.weatherMode == 0 )
maxDelta = DRIPSPEED * rain_timedelta; // for rain
falltime = (gHUD.Rain.globalHeight + 4096) / DRIPSPEED;
maxDelta = SNOWSPEED * rain_timedelta; // for snow
falltime = (gHUD.Rain.globalHeight + 4096) / SNOWSPEED;
while ( rain_nextspawntime < rain_curtime )
rain_nextspawntime += timeBetweenDrips;
if ( cl_debugrain->value ) debug_attempted++;
if ( dripcounter < MAXDRIPS ) // check for overflow
float deathHeight;
Vector vecStart, vecEnd;
vecStart[0] = RANDOM_FLOAT( player->origin.x - gHUD.Rain.distFromPlayer, player->origin.x + gHUD.Rain.distFromPlayer );
vecStart[1] = RANDOM_FLOAT( player->origin.y - gHUD.Rain.distFromPlayer, player->origin.y + gHUD.Rain.distFromPlayer );
vecStart[2] = gHUD.Rain.globalHeight;
float xDelta = gHUD.Rain.windX + RANDOM_FLOAT( gHUD.Rain.randX * -1, gHUD.Rain.randX );
float yDelta = gHUD.Rain.windY + RANDOM_FLOAT( gHUD.Rain.randY * -1, gHUD.Rain.randY );
// find a point at bottom of map
vecEnd[0] = falltime * xDelta;
vecEnd[1] = falltime * yDelta;
vecEnd[2] = -4096;
pmtrace_t pmtrace;
gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetTraceHull( 2 );
gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PlayerTrace( vecStart, vecStart + vecEnd, PM_STUDIO_IGNORE, -1, &pmtrace );
if ( pmtrace.startsolid || pmtrace.allsolid )
if ( cl_debugrain->value > 1 ) debug_dropped++;
continue; // drip cannot be placed
// falling to water?
int contents = POINT_CONTENTS( pmtrace.endpos );
if ( contents == CONTENTS_WATER )
// NOTE: in Xash3D PM_WaterEntity always return a valid water volume or NULL
// so not needs to run additional checks here
cl_entity_t *pWater = gEngfuncs.pfnWaterEntity( pmtrace.endpos );
if ( pWater )
deathHeight = pWater->curstate.maxs[2];
// hit the world
deathHeight = pmtrace.endpos[2];
deathHeight = pmtrace.endpos[2];
// just in case..
if ( deathHeight > vecStart[2] )
gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( "rain: can't create drip in water\n" );
cl_drip *newClDrip = new cl_drip;
if ( !newClDrip )
gHUD.Rain.dripsPerSecond = 0; // disable rain
gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( "rain: failed to allocate object!\n");
vecStart[2] -= RANDOM_FLOAT( 0, maxDelta ); // randomize a bit
newClDrip->alpha = RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.12, 0.2 );
newClDrip->origin = vecStart;
newClDrip->xDelta = xDelta;
newClDrip->yDelta = yDelta;
newClDrip->birthTime = rain_curtime; // store time when it was spawned
newClDrip->minHeight = deathHeight;
if ( contents == CONTENTS_WATER )
newClDrip->landInWater = 1;
else newClDrip->landInWater = 0;
// add to first place in chain
newClDrip->p_Next = FirstChainDrip.p_Next;
newClDrip->p_Prev = &FirstChainDrip;
if ( newClDrip->p_Next != NULL )
newClDrip->p_Next->p_Prev = newClDrip;
FirstChainDrip.p_Next = newClDrip;
if ( cl_debugrain->value )
gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( "rain: drip limit overflow! %i > %i\n", dripcounter, MAXDRIPS );
if ( cl_debugrain->value ) // print debug info
gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( "Rain info: Drips exist: %i\n", dripcounter );
gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( "Rain info: FX's exist: %i\n", fxcounter );
gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( "Rain info: Attempted/Dropped: %i, %i\n", debug_attempted, debug_dropped );
if ( debug_howmany )
float ave = debug_lifetime / (float)debug_howmany;
gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( "Rain info: Average drip life time: %f\n", ave);
else gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( "Rain info: Average drip life time: --\n" );
void WaterLandingEffect( cl_drip *drip )
if ( fxcounter >= MAXFX )
gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( "Rain error: FX limit overflow!\n" );
cl_rainfx *newFX = new cl_rainfx;
if ( !newFX )
gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( "Rain error: failed to allocate FX object!\n");
newFX->alpha = RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.6, 0.9 );
newFX->origin = drip->origin;
newFX->origin[2] = drip->minHeight; // correct position
newFX->birthTime = GetClientTime();
newFX->life = RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.7f, 1.0f );
// add to first place in chain
newFX->p_Next = FirstChainFX.p_Next;
newFX->p_Prev = &FirstChainFX;
if ( newFX->p_Next != NULL )
newFX->p_Next->p_Prev = newFX;
FirstChainFX.p_Next = newFX;
Remove all fx objects with out time to live
Call every frame before ProcessRain
void ProcessFXObjects( void )
float curtime = GetClientTime();
cl_rainfx* curFX = FirstChainFX.p_Next;
cl_rainfx* nextFX = NULL;
while ( curFX != NULL ) // go through FX objects list
nextFX = curFX->p_Next; // save pointer to next
// delete current?
if (( curFX->birthTime + curFX->life ) < curtime )
curFX->p_Prev->p_Next = curFX->p_Next; // link chain
if ( nextFX != NULL )
nextFX->p_Prev = curFX->p_Prev;
delete curFX;
curFX = nextFX; // restore pointer
clear memory, delete all objects
void ResetRain( void )
// delete all drips
cl_drip* delDrip = FirstChainDrip.p_Next;
FirstChainDrip.p_Next = NULL;
while ( delDrip != NULL )
cl_drip* nextDrip = delDrip->p_Next; // save pointer to next drip in chain
delete delDrip;
delDrip = nextDrip; // restore pointer
// delete all FX objects
cl_rainfx* delFX = FirstChainFX.p_Next;
FirstChainFX.p_Next = NULL;
while ( delFX != NULL )
cl_rainfx* nextFX = delFX->p_Next;
delete delFX;
delFX = nextFX;
initialze system
void InitRain( void )
cl_debugrain = CVAR_REGISTER( "cl_debugrain", "0", 0 );
gHUD.Rain.dripsPerSecond = 0;
gHUD.Rain.distFromPlayer = 0;
gHUD.Rain.windX = 0;
gHUD.Rain.windY = 0;
gHUD.Rain.randX = 0;
gHUD.Rain.randY = 0;
gHUD.Rain.weatherMode = 0;
gHUD.Rain.globalHeight = 0;
FirstChainDrip.birthTime = 0;
FirstChainDrip.minHeight = 0;
FirstChainDrip.alpha = 0;
FirstChainDrip.xDelta = 0;
FirstChainDrip.yDelta = 0;
FirstChainDrip.landInWater = 0;
FirstChainDrip.p_Next = NULL;
FirstChainDrip.p_Prev = NULL;
FirstChainFX.alpha = 0;
FirstChainFX.birthTime = 0; = 0;
FirstChainFX.origin[0] = 0;
FirstChainFX.origin[1] = 0;
FirstChainFX.origin[2] = 0;
FirstChainFX.p_Next = NULL;
FirstChainFX.p_Prev = NULL;
rain_oldtime = 0;
rain_curtime = 0;
rain_nextspawntime = 0;
// engine will be free unused shaders after each change map
// so reload it again
hsprWaterRing = 0;
hsprDripTexture = 0;
List of settings:
drips - max raindrips\snowflakes
distance - radius of rain\snow
windx - wind shift X
windy - wind shift Y
randx - random shift X
randy - random shift Y
mode - rain = 0\snow =1
height - max height to create raindrips\snowflakes
void ParseRainFile( void )
if ( gHUD.Rain.distFromPlayer != 0 || gHUD.Rain.dripsPerSecond != 0 || gHUD.Rain.globalHeight != 0 )
char mapname[256], filepath[256];
char token[1024];
char *pfile;
char *afile;
strcpy( mapname, gEngfuncs.pfnGetLevelName() );
if ( strlen( mapname ) == 0 )
gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( "rain: unable to read map name\n" );
// Xash3D always set bare mapname without path and extension
// mapname[strlen(mapname)-4] = 0;
sprintf( filepath, "scripts/weather/%s.txt", mapname );
afile = (char *)gEngfuncs.COM_LoadFile( mapname, NULL);
pfile = afile;
if ( !pfile )
if (cl_debugrain->value > 1 )
gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( "rain: couldn't open rain settings file %s\n", mapname );
while ( true )
pfile = gEngfuncs.COM_ParseFile(pfile, token);
if (!pfile)
if ( !stricmp( token, "drips" )) // dripsPerSecond
pfile = gEngfuncs.COM_ParseFile(pfile, token);
gHUD.Rain.dripsPerSecond = atoi( token );
else if ( !stricmp( token, "distance" )) // distFromPlayer
pfile = gEngfuncs.COM_ParseFile(pfile, token);
gHUD.Rain.distFromPlayer = atof( token );
else if ( !stricmp( token, "windx" )) // windX
pfile = gEngfuncs.COM_ParseFile(pfile, token);
gHUD.Rain.windX = atof( token );
else if ( !stricmp( token, "windy" )) // windY
pfile = gEngfuncs.COM_ParseFile(pfile, token);
gHUD.Rain.windY = atof( token );
else if ( !stricmp( token, "randx" )) // randX
pfile = gEngfuncs.COM_ParseFile(pfile, token);
gHUD.Rain.randX = atof( token );
else if ( !stricmp( token, "randy" )) // randY
pfile = gEngfuncs.COM_ParseFile(pfile, token);
gHUD.Rain.randY = atof( token );
else if ( !stricmp( token, "mode" )) // weatherMode
pfile = gEngfuncs.COM_ParseFile(pfile, token);
gHUD.Rain.weatherMode = atoi( token );
else if ( !stricmp( token, "height" )) // globalHeight
pfile = gEngfuncs.COM_ParseFile(pfile, token);
gHUD.Rain.globalHeight = atof( token );
else gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( "rain: unknown token %s in file %s\n", token, mapname );
gEngfuncs.COM_FreeFile( afile );
void SetPoint( float x, float y, float z, float (*matrix)[4] )
Vector point = Vector( x, y, z ), result;
result.x = DotProduct( point, matrix[0] ) + matrix[0][3];
result.y = DotProduct( point, matrix[1] ) + matrix[1][3];
result.z = DotProduct( point, matrix[2] ) + matrix[2][3];
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Vertex3f( result[0], result[1], result[2] );
draw raindrips and snowflakes
void DrawRain( void )
if ( FirstChainDrip.p_Next == NULL )
return; // no drips to draw
if( hsprDripTexture == 0 )
if ( gHUD.Rain.weatherMode == 0 )
// load rain sprite
int modelIndex = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_FindModelIndex( "sprites/hi_rain.spr" );
hsprDripTexture = gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->GetSpriteTexture( modelIndex, 0 );
// load snow sprite
int modelIndex = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_FindModelIndex( "sprites/snowflake.spr" );
hsprDripTexture = gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->GetSpriteTexture( modelIndex, 0 );
if( hsprDripTexture <= 0 ) return;
float visibleHeight = gHUD.Rain.globalHeight - SNOWFADEDIST;
// usual triapi stuff
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Enable( TRI_SHADER );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Bind( hsprDripTexture, 0 );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->RenderMode( kRenderTransAdd );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->CullFace( TRI_NONE );
// go through drips list
cl_drip *Drip = FirstChainDrip.p_Next;
cl_entity_t *player = GetLocalPlayer();
if( !player ) return; // not in game yet
if ( gHUD.Rain.weatherMode == 0 ) // draw rain
while ( Drip != NULL )
cl_drip* nextdDrip = Drip->p_Next;
Vector2D toPlayer;
toPlayer.x = player->origin[0] - Drip->origin[0];
toPlayer.y = player->origin[1] - Drip->origin[1];
toPlayer = toPlayer.Normalize();
float shiftX = (Drip->xDelta / DRIPSPEED) * DRIP_SPRITE_HALFHEIGHT;
float shiftY = (Drip->yDelta / DRIPSPEED) * DRIP_SPRITE_HALFHEIGHT;
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Color4f( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, Drip->alpha );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Begin( TRI_TRIANGLES );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->TexCoord2f( 0, 0 );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Vertex3f( Drip->origin[0]-toPlayer.y - shiftX, Drip->origin[1]+toPlayer.x - shiftY,Drip->origin[2] + DRIP_SPRITE_HALFHEIGHT );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->TexCoord2f( 0.5, 1 );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Vertex3f( Drip->origin[0] + shiftX, Drip->origin[1] + shiftY, Drip->origin[2]-DRIP_SPRITE_HALFHEIGHT );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->TexCoord2f( 1, 0 );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Vertex3f( Drip->origin[0]+toPlayer.y - shiftX, Drip->origin[1]-toPlayer.x - shiftY, Drip->origin[2]+DRIP_SPRITE_HALFHEIGHT);
Drip = nextdDrip;
else // draw snow
Vector normal;
GetViewAngles( (float *)normal );
float matrix[3][4];
AngleMatrix( normal, matrix ); // calc view matrix
while ( Drip != NULL )
cl_drip* nextdDrip = Drip->p_Next;
matrix[0][3] = Drip->origin[0]; // write origin to matrix
matrix[1][3] = Drip->origin[1];
matrix[2][3] = Drip->origin[2];
// apply start fading effect
float alpha = (Drip->origin[2] <= visibleHeight) ? Drip->alpha : ((gHUD.Rain.globalHeight - Drip->origin[2]) / (float)SNOWFADEDIST) * Drip->alpha;
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Color4f( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Begin( TRI_QUADS );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->TexCoord2f( 0, 0 );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->TexCoord2f( 0, 1 );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->TexCoord2f( 1, 1 );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->TexCoord2f( 1, 0 );
Drip = nextdDrip;
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Disable( TRI_SHADER );
void DrawFXObjects( void )
if ( FirstChainFX.p_Next == NULL )
return; // no objects to draw
float curtime = GetClientTime();
// usual triapi stuff
if( hsprWaterRing == 0 ) // in case what we don't want search it if not found
// load water ring sprite
int modelIndex = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_FindModelIndex( "sprites/waterring.spr" );
hsprWaterRing = gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->GetSpriteTexture( modelIndex, 0 );
if( hsprWaterRing <= 0 ) return; // don't waste time
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Enable( TRI_SHADER );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Bind( hsprWaterRing, 0 );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->RenderMode( kRenderTransAdd );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->CullFace( TRI_NONE );
// go through objects list
cl_rainfx* curFX = FirstChainFX.p_Next;
while ( curFX != NULL )
cl_rainfx* nextFX = curFX->p_Next;
// fadeout
float alpha = ((curFX->birthTime + curFX->life - curtime) / curFX->life) * curFX->alpha;
float size = (curtime - curFX->birthTime) * MAXRINGHALFSIZE;
float color[3];
// UNDONE: calc lighting right
gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_LightForPoint( (const float *)curFX->origin, color );
// gEngfuncs.Con_Printf( "color %g %g %g\n", color[0], color[1], color[2] );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Color4f( 0.4 + color[0], 0.4 + color[1], 0.4 + color[2], alpha );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Begin( TRI_QUADS );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->TexCoord2f( 0, 0 );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Vertex3f( curFX->origin[0] - size, curFX->origin[1] - size, curFX->origin[2] );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->TexCoord2f( 0, 1 );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Vertex3f( curFX->origin[0] - size, curFX->origin[1] + size, curFX->origin[2] );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->TexCoord2f( 1, 1 );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Vertex3f( curFX->origin[0] + size, curFX->origin[1] + size, curFX->origin[2] );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->TexCoord2f( 1, 0 );
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Vertex3f( curFX->origin[0] + size, curFX->origin[1] - size, curFX->origin[2] );
curFX = nextFX;
gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->Disable( TRI_SHADER );
void R_DrawWeather( void )