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* Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
* This product contains software technology licensed from Id
* Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* This source code contains proprietary and confidential information of
* Valve LLC and its suppliers. Access to this code is restricted to
* persons who have executed a written SDK license with Valve. Any access,
* use or distribution of this code by or to any unlicensed person is illegal.
// nodes.h
#define MAX_STACK_NODES 100
#define NO_NODE -1
#define MAX_NODE_HULLS 4
#define bits_NODE_LAND ( 1 << 0 ) // Land node, so nudge if necessary.
#define bits_NODE_AIR ( 1 << 1 ) // Air node, don't nudge.
#define bits_NODE_WATER ( 1 << 2 ) // Water node, don't nudge.
#define bits_NODE_GROUP_REALM (bits_NODE_LAND | bits_NODE_AIR | bits_NODE_WATER)
// Instance of a node.
class CNode
Vector m_vecOrigin;// location of this node in space
Vector m_vecOriginPeek; // location of this node (LAND nodes are NODE_HEIGHT higher).
BYTE m_Region[3]; // Which of 256 regions do each of the coordinate belong?
int m_afNodeInfo;// bits that tell us more about this location
int m_cNumLinks; // how many links this node has
int m_iFirstLink;// index of this node's first link in the link pool.
// Where to start looking in the compressed routing table (offset into m_pRouteInfo).
// (4 hull sizes -- smallest to largest + fly/swim), and secondly, door capability.
int m_pNextBestNode[MAX_NODE_HULLS][2];
// Used in finding the shortest path. m_fClosestSoFar is -1 if not visited.
// Then it is the distance to the source. If another path uses this node
// and has a closer distance, then m_iPreviousNode is also updated.
float m_flClosestSoFar; // Used in finding the shortest path.
int m_iPreviousNode;
short m_sHintType;// there is something interesting in the world at this node's position
short m_sHintActivity;// there is something interesting in the world at this node's position
float m_flHintYaw;// monster on this node should face this yaw to face the hint.
// CLink - A link between 2 nodes
#define bits_LINK_SMALL_HULL ( 1 << 0 )// headcrab box can fit through this connection
#define bits_LINK_HUMAN_HULL ( 1 << 1 )// player box can fit through this connection
#define bits_LINK_LARGE_HULL ( 1 << 2 )// big box can fit through this connection
#define bits_LINK_FLY_HULL ( 1 << 3 )// a flying big box can fit through this connection
#define bits_LINK_DISABLED ( 1 << 4 )// link is not valid when the set
#define NODE_FLY_HULL 3
class CLink
int m_iSrcNode;// the node that 'owns' this link ( keeps us from having to make reverse lookups )
int m_iDestNode;// the node on the other end of the link.
entvars_t *m_pLinkEnt;// the entity that blocks this connection (doors, etc)
// m_szLinkEntModelname is not necessarily NULL terminated (so we can store it in a more alignment-friendly 4 bytes)
char m_szLinkEntModelname[ 4 ];// the unique name of the brush model that blocks the connection (this is kept for save/restore)
int m_afLinkInfo;// information about this link
float m_flWeight;// length of the link line segment
typedef struct
int m_SortedBy[3];
int m_CheckedEvent;
typedef struct
Vector v;
short n; // Nearest node or -1 if no node found.
// CGraph
#define GRAPH_VERSION (int)16// !!!increment this whever graph/node/link classes change, to obsolesce older disk files.
class CGraph
// the graph has two flags, and should not be accessed unless both flags are TRUE!
BOOL m_fGraphPresent;// is the graph in memory?
BOOL m_fGraphPointersSet;// are the entity pointers for the graph all set?
BOOL m_fRoutingComplete; // are the optimal routes computed, yet?
CNode *m_pNodes;// pointer to the memory block that contains all node info
CLink *m_pLinkPool;// big list of all node connections
char *m_pRouteInfo; // compressed routing information the nodes use.
int m_cNodes;// total number of nodes
int m_cLinks;// total number of links
int m_nRouteInfo; // size of m_pRouteInfo in bytes.
// Tables for making nearest node lookup faster. SortedBy provided nodes in a
// order of a particular coordinate. Instead of doing a binary search, RangeStart
// and RangeEnd let you get to the part of SortedBy that you are interested in.
// Once you have a point of interest, the only way you'll find a closer point is
// if at least one of the coordinates is closer than the ones you have now. So we
// search each range. After the search is exhausted, we know we have the closest
// node.
#define CACHE_SIZE 128
#define NUM_RANGES 256
DIST_INFO *m_di; // This is m_cNodes long, but the entries don't correspond to CNode entries.
int m_RangeStart[3][NUM_RANGES];
int m_RangeEnd[3][NUM_RANGES];
float m_flShortest;
int m_iNearest;
int m_minX, m_minY, m_minZ, m_maxX, m_maxY, m_maxZ;
int m_minBoxX, m_minBoxY, m_minBoxZ, m_maxBoxX, m_maxBoxY, m_maxBoxZ;
int m_CheckedCounter;
float m_RegionMin[3], m_RegionMax[3]; // The range of nodes.
int m_HashPrimes[16];
short *m_pHashLinks;
int m_nHashLinks;
// kinda sleazy. In order to allow variety in active idles for monster groups in a room with more than one node,
// we keep track of the last node we searched from and store it here. Subsequent searches by other monsters will pick
// up where the last search stopped.
int m_iLastActiveIdleSearch;
// another such system used to track the search for cover nodes, helps greatly with two monsters trying to get to the same node.
int m_iLastCoverSearch;
// functions to create the graph
int LinkVisibleNodes ( CLink *pLinkPool, FILE *file, int *piBadNode );
int RejectInlineLinks ( CLink *pLinkPool, FILE *file );
int FindShortestPath ( int *piPath, int iStart, int iDest, int iHull, int afCapMask);
int FindNearestNode ( const Vector &vecOrigin, CBaseEntity *pEntity );
int FindNearestNode ( const Vector &vecOrigin, int afNodeTypes );
//int FindNearestLink ( const Vector &vecTestPoint, int *piNearestLink, BOOL *pfAlongLine );
float PathLength( int iStart, int iDest, int iHull, int afCapMask );
int NextNodeInRoute( int iCurrentNode, int iDest, int iHull, int iCap );
// A static query means we're asking about the possiblity of handling this entity at ANY time
// A dynamic query means we're asking about it RIGHT NOW. So we should query the current state
int HandleLinkEnt ( int iNode, entvars_t *pevLinkEnt, int afCapMask, NODEQUERY queryType );
entvars_t* LinkEntForLink ( CLink *pLink, CNode *pNode );
void ShowNodeConnections ( int iNode );
void InitGraph( void );
int AllocNodes ( void );
int CheckNODFile(char *szMapName);
int FLoadGraph(char *szMapName);
int FSaveGraph(char *szMapName);
int FSetGraphPointers(void);
void CheckNode(Vector vecOrigin, int iNode);
void BuildRegionTables(void);
void ComputeStaticRoutingTables(void);
void TestRoutingTables(void);
void HashInsert(int iSrcNode, int iDestNode, int iKey);
void HashSearch(int iSrcNode, int iDestNode, int &iKey);
void HashChoosePrimes(int TableSize);
void BuildLinkLookups(void);
void SortNodes(void);
int HullIndex( const CBaseEntity *pEntity ); // what hull the monster uses
int NodeType( const CBaseEntity *pEntity ); // what node type the monster uses
inline int CapIndex( int afCapMask )
if (afCapMask & (bits_CAP_OPEN_DOORS | bits_CAP_AUTO_DOORS | bits_CAP_USE))
return 1;
return 0;
inline CNode &Node( int i )
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ( !m_pNodes || i < 0 || i > m_cNodes )
ALERT( at_error, "Bad Node!\n" );
return m_pNodes[i];
inline CLink &Link( int i )
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ( !m_pLinkPool || i < 0 || i > m_cLinks )
ALERT( at_error, "Bad link!\n" );
return m_pLinkPool[i];
inline CLink &NodeLink( int iNode, int iLink )
return Link( Node( iNode ).m_iFirstLink + iLink );
inline CLink &NodeLink( const CNode &node, int iLink )
return Link( node.m_iFirstLink + iLink );
inline int INodeLink ( int iNode, int iLink )
return NodeLink( iNode, iLink ).m_iDestNode;
#if 0
inline CNode &SourceNode( int iNode, int iLink )
return Node( NodeLink( iNode, iLink ).m_iSrcNode );
inline CNode &DestNode( int iNode, int iLink )
return Node( NodeLink( iNode, iLink ).m_iDestNode );
inline CNode *PNodeLink ( int iNode, int iLink )
return &DestNode( iNode, iLink );
// Nodes start out as ents in the level. The node graph
// is built, then these ents are discarded.
class CNodeEnt : public CBaseEntity
void Spawn( void );
void KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd );
virtual int ObjectCaps( void ) { return CBaseEntity :: ObjectCaps() & ~FCAP_ACROSS_TRANSITION; }
short m_sHintType;
short m_sHintActivity;
// CStack - last in, first out.
class CStack
CStack( void );
void Push( int value );
int Pop( void );
int Top( void );
int Empty( void ) { return m_level==0; }
int Size( void ) { return m_level; }
void CopyToArray ( int *piArray );
int m_stack[ MAX_STACK_NODES ];
int m_level;
// CQueue - first in, first out.
class CQueue
CQueue( void );// constructor
inline int Full ( void ) { return ( m_cSize == MAX_STACK_NODES ); }
inline int Empty ( void ) { return ( m_cSize == 0 ); }
//inline int Tail ( void ) { return ( m_queue[ m_tail ] ); }
inline int Size ( void ) { return ( m_cSize ); }
void Insert( int, float );
int Remove( float & );
int m_cSize;
struct tag_QUEUE_NODE
int Id;
float Priority;
} m_queue[ MAX_STACK_NODES ];
int m_head;
int m_tail;
// CQueuePriority - Priority queue (smallest item out first).
class CQueuePriority
CQueuePriority( void );// constructor
inline int Full ( void ) { return ( m_cSize == MAX_STACK_NODES ); }
inline int Empty ( void ) { return ( m_cSize == 0 ); }
//inline int Tail ( float & ) { return ( m_queue[ m_tail ].Id ); }
inline int Size ( void ) { return ( m_cSize ); }
void Insert( int, float );
int Remove( float &);
int m_cSize;
struct tag_HEAP_NODE
int Id;
float Priority;
} m_heap[ MAX_STACK_NODES ];
void Heap_SiftDown(int);
void Heap_SiftUp(void);
// hints - these MUST coincide with the HINTS listed under
// info_node in the FGD file!
extern CGraph WorldGraph;