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// Copyright XashXT Group 2007 ©
// physic.c - physics engine wrapper
#include "cm_local.h"
physic_imp_t pi;
stdlib_api_t com;
physic_t ph; // physic globalstate
byte *physpool;
byte *cmappool;
NewtonWorld *gWorld;
int app_name;
cvar_t *cm_use_triangles;
cvar_t *cm_solver_model;
cvar_t *cm_friction_model;
cvar_t *cm_physics_model;
cvar_t *cm_debugdraw;
cvar_t *cm_novis;
bool InitPhysics( void )
char dev_level[4];
physpool = Mem_AllocPool( "Physic Pool" );
cmappool = Mem_AllocPool( "CM Zone" );
gWorld = NewtonCreate( Palloc, Pfree ); // alloc world
app_name = g_Instance();
// check developer mode
if( FS_GetParmFromCmdLine("-dev", dev_level ))
ph.developer = com.atoi( dev_level );
Mem_Set( cms.nullrow, 0xFF, MAX_MAP_LEAFS / 8 );
cm_noareas = Cvar_Get( "cm_noareas", "0", 0, "ignore clipmap areas" );
cm_use_triangles = Cvar_Get("cm_convert_polygons", "1", CVAR_SYSTEMINFO, "convert bsp polygons to triangles, slowly but more safety way" );
cm_solver_model = Cvar_Get("cm_solver", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH, "change solver model: 0 - precision, 1 - adaptive, 2 - fast. (changes need restart server to take effect)" );
cm_friction_model = Cvar_Get("cm_friction", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH, "change solver model: 0 - precision, 1 - adaptive. (changes need restart server to take effect)" );
cm_physics_model = Cvar_Get("cm_physic", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH, "change physic model: 0 - Classic Quake Physic, 1 - Physics Engine" );
cm_debugdraw = Cvar_Get( "cm_debugdraw", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "draw physics hulls" );
cm_novis = Cvar_Get( "r_novis", "0", 0, "ignore vis information (perfomance test)" );
return true;
void PhysFrame( float time )
NewtonUpdate( gWorld, time );
void FreePhysics( void )
NewtonDestroy( gWorld );
Mem_FreePool( &cmappool );
Mem_FreePool( &physpool );
physic_exp_t DLLEXPORT *CreateAPI ( stdlib_api_t *input, physic_imp_t *engfuncs )
static physic_exp_t Phys;
com = *input;
// Sys_LoadLibrary can create fake instance, to check
// api version and api size, but second argument will be 0
// and always make exception, run simply check for avoid it
if(engfuncs) pi = *engfuncs;
// generic functions
Phys.api_size = sizeof( physic_exp_t );
Phys.com_size = sizeof( stdlib_api_t );
Phys.Init = InitPhysics;
Phys.Shutdown = FreePhysics;
Phys.WriteCollisionLump = CM_SaveCollisionTree;
Phys.DrawCollision = DebugShowCollision;
Phys.LoadBSP = CM_LoadBSP;
Phys.FreeBSP = CM_FreeBSP;
Phys.BeginRegistration = CM_BeginRegistration;
Phys.RegisterModel = CM_RegisterModel;
Phys.EndRegistration = CM_EndRegistration;
Phys.SetAreaPortals = CM_SetAreaPortals;
Phys.GetAreaPortals = CM_GetAreaPortals;
Phys.SetAreaPortalState = CM_SetAreaPortalState;
Phys.FatPVS = CM_FatPVS;
Phys.FatPHS = CM_FatPHS;
Phys.VisData = CM_VisData;
Phys.NumClusters = CM_NumClusters;
Phys.NumTextures = CM_NumTextures;
Phys.NumBmodels = CM_NumInlineModels;
Phys.GetEntityScript = CM_EntityScript;
Phys.GetTextureName = CM_TexName;
Phys.ClipToGenericEntity = CM_CollisionClipToGenericEntity;
Phys.ClipToWorld = CM_CollisionClipToWorld;
Phys.CombineTraces = CM_CollisionCombineTraces;
Phys.ClusterPVS = CM_ClusterPVS;
Phys.ClusterPHS = CM_ClusterPHS;
Phys.PointLeafnum = CM_PointLeafnum;
Phys.BoxLeafnums = CM_BoxLeafnums;
Phys.LeafCluster = CM_LeafCluster;
Phys.LeafArea = CM_LeafArea;
Phys.AreasConnected = CM_AreasConnected;
Phys.WriteAreaBits = CM_WriteAreaBits;
Phys.Frame = PhysFrame;
Phys.CreateBody = Phys_CreateBody;
Phys.CreatePlayer = Phys_CreatePlayer;
Phys.SetParameters = Phys_SetParameters;
Phys.PlayerMove = CM_PlayerMove;
Phys.SetOrigin = CM_SetOrigin;
Phys.GetForce = Phys_GetForce;
Phys.SetForce = Phys_SetForce;
Phys.GetMassCentre = Phys_GetMassCentre;
Phys.SetMassCentre = Phys_SetMassCentre;
Phys.RemoveBody = Phys_RemoveBody;
return &Phys;