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mod_local.h - model loader
Copyright (C) 2007 Uncle Mike
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
#ifndef MOD_LOCAL_H
#define MOD_LOCAL_H
#include "common.h"
#include "bspfile.h"
#include "edict.h"
#include "eiface.h"
#include "com_model.h"
// 1/32 epsilon to keep floating point happy
#define DIST_EPSILON (1.0f / 32.0f)
#define FRAC_EPSILON (1.0f / 1024.0f)
#define BACKFACE_EPSILON 0.01f
#define MAX_BOX_LEAFS 256
#define DVIS_PVS 0
#define DVIS_PHS 1
#define ANIM_CYCLE 2
// remapping info
#define SUIT_HUE_START 192
#define SUIT_HUE_END 223
#define PLATE_HUE_START 160
#define PLATE_HUE_END 191
#define LM_SAMPLE_SIZE world.lm_sample_size // lightmap resoultion
#define SURF_INFO( surf, mod ) ((mextrasurf_t *)mod-> + (surf - mod->surfaces))
#define INFO_SURF( surf, mod ) (mod->surfaces + (surf - (mextrasurf_t *)mod->
#define CHECKVISBIT( vis, b ) ((b) >= 0 ? (byte)((vis)[(b) >> 3] & (1 << ((b) & 7))) : (byte)false )
#define SETVISBIT( vis, b )( void ) ((b) >= 0 ? (byte)((vis)[(b) >> 3] |= (1 << ((b) & 7))) : (byte)false )
#define CLEARVISBIT( vis, b )( void ) ((b) >= 0 ? (byte)((vis)[(b) >> 3] &= ~(1 << ((b) & 7))) : (byte)false )
#define REFPVS_RADIUS 2.0f // radius for rendering
#define FATPVS_RADIUS 8.0f // FatPVS use radius smaller than the FatPHS
#define FATPHS_RADIUS 16.0f
// model flags (stored in model_t->flags)
#define MODEL_LIQUID BIT( 2 ) // model has only point hull
typedef struct wadlist_s
char wadnames[256][32];
int count;
} wadlist_t;
typedef struct leaflist_s
int count;
int maxcount;
qboolean overflowed;
short *list;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
int topnode; // for overflows where each leaf can't be stored individually
} leaflist_t;
typedef struct
int version; // bsp version
int mapversion; // map version (an key-value in worldspawn settings)
uint checksum; // current map checksum
int load_sequence; // increace each map change
vec3_t hull_sizes[MAX_MAP_HULLS]; // actual hull sizes
msurface_t **draw_surfaces; // used for sorting translucent surfaces
int max_surfaces; // max surfaces per submodel (for all models)
qboolean loading; // true if worldmodel is loading
qboolean sky_sphere; // true when quake sky-sphere is used
qboolean has_mirrors; // one or more brush models contain reflective textures
qboolean custom_skybox; // if sky_sphere is active and custom skybox set
qboolean water_alpha; // allow translucency water
int lm_sample_size; // defaulting to 16 (BSP31 uses 8)
int block_size; // lightmap blocksize
color24 *deluxedata; // deluxemap data pointer
char message[2048]; // just for debug
// visibility info
byte *visdata; // uncompressed visdata
size_t visbytes; // cluster size
size_t fatbytes; // fatpvs size
int visclusters; // num visclusters
// world stats
size_t visdatasize; // actual size of the visdata
size_t litdatasize; // actual size of the lightdata
size_t vecdatasize; // actual size of the deluxdata
size_t entdatasize; // actual size of the entity string
size_t texdatasize; // actual size of the textures lump
vec3_t mins; // real accuracy world bounds
vec3_t maxs;
vec3_t size;
} world_static_t;
extern world_static_t world;
extern byte *com_studiocache;
extern model_t *loadmodel;
extern convar_t *mod_studiocache;
extern int bmodel_version; // only actual during loading
// model.c
void Mod_Init( void );
void Mod_ClearAll( qboolean keep_playermodel );
void Mod_Shutdown( void );
void Mod_ClearUserData( void );
void Mod_PrintBSPFileSizes( void );
void Mod_SetupHulls( vec3_t mins[MAX_MAP_HULLS], vec3_t maxs[MAX_MAP_HULLS] );
void Mod_GetBounds( int handle, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs );
void Mod_GetFrames( int handle, int *numFrames );
void Mod_LoadWorld( const char *name, uint *checksum, qboolean multiplayer );
void Mod_FreeUnused( void );
void *Mod_Calloc( int number, size_t size );
void *Mod_CacheCheck( struct cache_user_s *c );
void Mod_LoadCacheFile( const char *path, struct cache_user_s *cu );
void *Mod_Extradata( model_t *mod );
model_t *Mod_FindName( const char *name, qboolean create );
model_t *Mod_LoadModel( model_t *mod, qboolean world );
model_t *Mod_ForName( const char *name, qboolean world );
qboolean Mod_RegisterModel( const char *name, int index );
mleaf_t *Mod_PointInLeaf( const vec3_t p, mnode_t *node );
qboolean Mod_HeadnodeVisible( mnode_t *node, const byte *visbits, short *lastleaf );
void Mod_TesselatePolygon( msurface_t *surf, model_t *mod, float tessSize );
int Mod_BoxLeafnums( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, short *list, int listsize, int *lastleaf );
int Mod_FatPVS( const vec3_t org, float radius, byte *visbuffer, int visbytes, qboolean merge, qboolean fullvis );
qboolean Mod_BoxVisible( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const byte *visbits );
void Mod_BuildSurfacePolygons( msurface_t *surf, mextrasurf_t *info );
void Mod_AmbientLevels( const vec3_t p, byte *pvolumes );
byte *Mod_GetPVSForPoint( const vec3_t p );
modtype_t Mod_GetType( int handle );
model_t *Mod_Handle( int handle );
// mod_studio.c
void Mod_InitStudioAPI( void );
void Mod_InitStudioHull( void );
void Mod_ResetStudioAPI( void );
qboolean Mod_GetStudioBounds( const char *name, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs );
void Mod_StudioGetAttachment( const edict_t *e, int iAttachment, float *org, float *ang );
void Mod_GetBonePosition( const edict_t *e, int iBone, float *org, float *ang );
hull_t *Mod_HullForStudio( model_t *m, float frame, int seq, vec3_t ang, vec3_t org, vec3_t size, byte *pcnt, byte *pbl, int *hitboxes, edict_t *ed );
int Mod_HitgroupForStudioHull( int index );