/* Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // ui_menu.c -- main menu interface #define OEMRESOURCE // for OCR_* cursor junk #include "extdll.h" #include "basemenu.h" #include "keydefs.h" #include "menufont.h" // built-in menu font #include "utils.h" #include "menu_btnsbmp_table.h" //CR #include "ui_title_anim.h" cvar_t *ui_precache; cvar_t *ui_showmodels; uiStatic_t uiStatic; const char *uiSoundIn = "media/launch_upmenu1.wav"; const char *uiSoundOut = "media/launch_dnmenu1.wav"; const char *uiSoundLaunch = "media/launch_select2.wav"; const char *uiSoundGlow = "media/launch_glow1.wav"; const char *uiSoundBuzz = "media/launch_deny2.wav"; const char *uiSoundKey = "media/launch_select1.wav"; const char *uiSoundRemoveKey = "media/launch_deny1.wav"; const char *uiSoundMove = ""; // Xash3D not use movesound const char *uiSoundNull = ""; int uiColorHelp = 0xFFFFFFFF; // 255, 255, 255, 255 // hint letters color int uiPromptBgColor = 0xFF404040; // 64, 64, 64, 255 // dialog background color int uiPromptTextColor = 0xFFF0B418; // 255, 160, 0, 255 // dialog or button letters color int uiPromptFocusColor = 0xFFFFFF00; // 255, 255, 0, 255 // dialog or button focus letters color int uiInputTextColor = 0xFFC0C0C0; // 192, 192, 192, 255 int uiInputBgColor = 0xFF404040; // 64, 64, 64, 255 // field, scrollist, checkbox background color int uiInputFgColor = 0xFF555555; // 85, 85, 85, 255 // field, scrollist, checkbox foreground color int uiColorWhite = 0xFFFFFFFF; // 255, 255, 255, 255 // useful for bitmaps int uiColorDkGrey = 0xFF404040; // 64, 64, 64, 255 // shadow and grayed items int uiColorBlack = 0xFF000000; // 0, 0, 0, 255 // some controls background int uiColorConsole = 0xFFF0B418; // just for reference // color presets (this is nasty hack to allow color presets to part of text) const unsigned int g_iColorTable[8] = { 0xFF000000, // black 0xFFFF0000, // red 0xFF00FF00, // green 0xFFFFFF00, // yellow 0xFF0000FF, // blue 0xFF00FFFF, // cyan 0xFFF0B418, // dialog or button letters color 0xFFFFFFFF, // white }; /* ================= UI_ScaleCoords Any parameter can be NULL if you don't want it ================= */ void UI_ScaleCoords( int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h ) { if( x ) *x *= uiStatic.scaleX; if( y ) *y *= uiStatic.scaleY; if( w ) *w *= uiStatic.scaleX; if( h ) *h *= uiStatic.scaleY; } /* ================= UI_CursorInRect ================= */ int UI_CursorInRect( int x, int y, int w, int h ) { if( uiStatic.cursorX < x ) return FALSE; if( uiStatic.cursorX > x + w ) return FALSE; if( uiStatic.cursorY < y ) return FALSE; if( uiStatic.cursorY > y + h ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* ================= UI_DrawPic ================= */ void UI_DrawPic( int x, int y, int width, int height, const int color, const char *pic ) { HIMAGE hPic = PIC_Load( pic ); if (!hPic) return; int r, g, b, a; UnpackRGBA( r, g, b, a, color ); PIC_Set( hPic, r, g, b, a ); PIC_Draw( x, y, width, height ); } /* ================= UI_DrawPicAdditive ================= */ void UI_DrawPicAdditive( int x, int y, int width, int height, const int color, const char *pic ) { HIMAGE hPic = PIC_Load( pic ); if (!hPic) return; int r, g, b, a; UnpackRGBA( r, g, b, a, color ); PIC_Set( hPic, r, g, b, a ); PIC_DrawAdditive( x, y, width, height ); } /* ================= UI_FillRect ================= */ void UI_FillRect( int x, int y, int width, int height, const int color ) { int r, g, b, a; UnpackRGBA( r, g, b, a, color ); FillRGBA( x, y, width, height, r, g, b, a ); } /* ================= UI_DrawRectangleExt ================= */ void UI_DrawRectangleExt( int in_x, int in_y, int in_w, int in_h, const int color, int outlineWidth ) { int x, y, w, h; x = in_x - outlineWidth; y = in_y - outlineWidth; w = outlineWidth; h = in_h + outlineWidth + outlineWidth; // draw left UI_FillRect( x, y, w, h, color ); x = in_x + in_w; y = in_y - outlineWidth; w = outlineWidth; h = in_h + outlineWidth + outlineWidth; // draw right UI_FillRect( x, y, w, h, color ); x = in_x; y = in_y - outlineWidth; w = in_w; h = outlineWidth; // draw top UI_FillRect( x, y, w, h, color ); // draw bottom x = in_x; y = in_y + in_h; w = in_w; h = outlineWidth; UI_FillRect( x, y, w, h, color ); } /* ================= UI_DrawString ================= */ void UI_DrawString( int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *string, const int color, int forceColor, int charW, int charH, int justify, int shadow ) { int modulate, shadowModulate; char line[1024], *l; int xx, yy, ofsX, ofsY, len, ch; if( !string || !string[0] ) return; #if 0 // g-cont. disabled 29/06/2011 // this code do a bad things with prompt dialogues // vertically centered if( !strchr( string, '\n' )) y = y + (( h - charH ) / 2 ); #endif if( shadow ) { shadowModulate = PackAlpha( uiColorBlack, UnpackAlpha( color )); ofsX = charW / 8; ofsY = charH / 8; } modulate = color; yy = y; while( *string ) { // get a line of text len = 0; while( *string ) { if( *string == '\n' ) { string++; break; } line[len++] = *string++; if( len == sizeof( line ) - 1 ) break; } line[len] = 0; // align the text as appropriate if( justify == 0 ) xx = x; if( justify == 1 ) xx = x + ((w - (ColorStrlen( line ) * charW )) / 2); if( justify == 2 ) xx = x + (w - (ColorStrlen( line ) * charW )); // draw it l = line; while( *l ) { if( IsColorString( l )) { if( !forceColor ) { int colorNum = ColorIndex( *(l+1) ); modulate = PackAlpha( g_iColorTable[colorNum], UnpackAlpha( color )); } l += 2; continue; } ch = *l++; ch &= 255; #if 0 #ifdef _WIN32 // fix for letter пїЅ if( ch == 0xB8 ) ch = (byte)'пїЅ'; if( ch == 0xA8 ) ch = (byte)'пїЅ'; #endif #endif ch = UtfProcessChar( (unsigned char) ch ); if(!ch) continue; if( ch != ' ' ) { if( shadow ) TextMessageDrawChar( xx + ofsX, yy + ofsY, charW, charH, ch, shadowModulate, uiStatic.hFont ); TextMessageDrawChar( xx, yy, charW, charH, ch, modulate, uiStatic.hFont ); } xx += charW; } yy += charH; } } /* ================= UI_DrawMouseCursor ================= */ void UI_DrawMouseCursor( void ) { /* TODO: SDL2 menuCommon_s *item; HICON hCursor = NULL; int i; if( uiStatic.hideCursor ) return; for( i = 0; i < uiStatic.menuActive->numItems; i++ ) { item = (menuCommon_s *)uiStatic.menuActive->items[i]; if ( item->flags & (QMF_INACTIVE|QMF_HIDDEN)) continue; if ( !UI_CursorInRect( item->x, item->y, item->width, item->height )) continue; if ( item->flags & QMF_GRAYED ) { hCursor = (HICON)LoadCursor( NULL, (LPCTSTR)OCR_NO ); } else { if( item->type == QMTYPE_FIELD ) hCursor = (HICON)LoadCursor( NULL, (LPCTSTR)OCR_IBEAM ); } break; } if( !hCursor ) hCursor = (HICON)LoadCursor( NULL, (LPCTSTR)OCR_NORMAL ); SET_CURSOR( hCursor ); */ } /* ================= UI_DrawBackground_Callback ================= */ void UI_DrawBackground_Callback( void *self ) { if (!uiStatic.m_fHaveSteamBackground) { menuCommon_s *item = (menuCommon_s *)self; UI_DrawPic( item->x, item->y, item->width, item->height, uiColorWhite, ((menuBitmap_s *)self)->pic ); return; } int xpos, ypos; float xScale, yScale; // work out scaling factors xScale = ScreenWidth / uiStatic.m_flTotalWidth; yScale = xScale; // iterate and draw all the background pieces ypos = 0; for (int y = 0; y < BACKGROUND_ROWS; y++) { xpos = 0; for (int x = 0; x < BACKGROUND_COLUMNS; x++) { bimage_t &bimage = uiStatic.m_SteamBackground[y][x]; int dx = (int)ceil(xpos * xScale); int dy = (int)ceil(ypos * yScale); int dw = (int)ceil(bimage.width * xScale); int dt = (int)ceil(bimage.height * yScale); if (x == 0) dx = 0; if (y == 0) dy = 0; PIC_Set( bimage.hImage, 255, 255, 255, 255 ); PIC_Draw( dx, dy, dw, dt ); xpos += bimage.width; } ypos += uiStatic.m_SteamBackground[y][0].height; } } /* ================= UI_LoadBackgroundImage ================= */ void UI_LoadBackgroundImage( void ) { int num_background_images = 0; char filename[512]; for( int y = 0; y < BACKGROUND_ROWS; y++ ) { for( int x = 0; x < BACKGROUND_COLUMNS; x++ ) { sprintf( filename, "resource/background/800_%d_%c_loading.tga", y + 1, 'a' + x ); if (g_engfuncs.pfnFileExists( filename, TRUE )) num_background_images++; } } if (num_background_images == (BACKGROUND_COLUMNS * BACKGROUND_ROWS)) uiStatic.m_fHaveSteamBackground = TRUE; else uiStatic.m_fHaveSteamBackground = FALSE; if (uiStatic.m_fHaveSteamBackground) { uiStatic.m_flTotalWidth = uiStatic.m_flTotalHeight = 0.0f; for( int y = 0; y < BACKGROUND_ROWS; y++ ) { for( int x = 0; x < BACKGROUND_COLUMNS; x++ ) { bimage_t &bimage = uiStatic.m_SteamBackground[y][x]; sprintf(filename, "resource/background/800_%d_%c_loading.tga", y + 1, 'a' + x); bimage.hImage = PIC_Load( filename, PIC_NOFLIP_TGA ); bimage.width = PIC_Width( bimage.hImage ); bimage.height = PIC_Height( bimage.hImage ); if (y==0) uiStatic.m_flTotalWidth += bimage.width; if (x==0) uiStatic.m_flTotalHeight += bimage.height; } } } else { if( g_engfuncs.pfnFileExists( "gfx/shell/splash.bmp", TRUE )) { // if we doesn't have logo.avi in gamedir we don't want to draw it if( !g_engfuncs.pfnFileExists( "media/logo.avi", TRUE )) uiStatic.m_fDisableLogo = TRUE; } } } /* ================= UI_StartSound ================= */ void UI_StartSound( const char *sound ) { PLAY_SOUND( sound ); } // ===================================================================== /* ================= UI_AddItem ================= */ void UI_AddItem( menuFramework_s *menu, void *item ) { menuCommon_s *generic = (menuCommon_s *)item; if( menu->numItems >= UI_MAX_MENUITEMS ) HOST_ERROR( "UI_AddItem: UI_MAX_MENUITEMS limit exceeded\n" ); menu->items[menu->numItems] = item; ((menuCommon_s *)menu->items[menu->numItems])->parent = menu; ((menuCommon_s *)menu->items[menu->numItems])->flags &= ~QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS; menu->numItems++; switch( generic->type ) { case QMTYPE_SCROLLLIST: UI_ScrollList_Init((menuScrollList_s *)item ); break; case QMTYPE_SPINCONTROL: UI_SpinControl_Init((menuSpinControl_s *)item ); break; case QMTYPE_CHECKBOX: UI_CheckBox_Init((menuCheckBox_s *)item ); break; case QMTYPE_SLIDER: UI_Slider_Init((menuSlider_s *)item ); break; case QMTYPE_FIELD: UI_Field_Init((menuField_s *)item ); break; case QMTYPE_ACTION: UI_Action_Init((menuAction_s *)item ); break; case QMTYPE_BITMAP: UI_Bitmap_Init((menuBitmap_s *)item ); break; case QMTYPE_BM_BUTTON: UI_PicButton_Init((menuPicButton_s *)item ); break; default: HOST_ERROR( "UI_AddItem: unknown item type (%i)\n", generic->type ); } } /* ================= UI_CursorMoved ================= */ void UI_CursorMoved( menuFramework_s *menu ) { void (*callback)( void *self, int event ); menuCommon_s *curItem; if( menu->cursor == menu->cursorPrev ) return; if( menu->cursorPrev >= 0 && menu->cursorPrev < menu->numItems ) { curItem = (menuCommon_s *)menu->items[menu->cursorPrev]; callback = curItem->callback; if( callback ) callback( (void *)curItem, QM_LOSTFOCUS ); // Disable text editing if( curItem->type == QMTYPE_FIELD ) EnableTextInput( false ); } if( menu->cursor >= 0 && menu->cursor < menu->numItems ) { curItem = (menuCommon_s *)menu->items[menu->cursor]; callback = curItem->callback; if( callback ) callback( (void *)curItem, QM_GOTFOCUS ); // Enable text editing. It will open keyboard on Android. if( curItem->type == QMTYPE_FIELD ) EnableTextInput( true ); } } /* ================= UI_SetCursor ================= */ void UI_SetCursor( menuFramework_s *menu, int cursor ) { if(((menuCommon_s *)(menu->items[cursor]))->flags & (QMF_GRAYED|QMF_INACTIVE|QMF_HIDDEN)) return; menu->cursorPrev = menu->cursor; menu->cursor = cursor; UI_CursorMoved( menu ); } /* ================= UI_SetCursorToItem ================= */ void UI_SetCursorToItem( menuFramework_s *menu, void *item ) { for( int i = 0; i < menu->numItems; i++ ) { if( menu->items[i] == item ) { UI_SetCursor( menu, i ); return; } } } /* ================= UI_ItemAtCursor ================= */ void *UI_ItemAtCursor( menuFramework_s *menu ) { if( menu->cursor < 0 || menu->cursor >= menu->numItems ) return 0; // inactive items can't be has focus if( ((menuCommon_s *)menu->items[menu->cursor])->flags & QMF_INACTIVE ) return 0; return menu->items[menu->cursor]; } /* ================= UI_AdjustCursor This functiont takes the given menu, the direction, and attempts to adjust the menu's cursor so that it's at the next available slot ================= */ void UI_AdjustCursor( menuFramework_s *menu, int dir ) { menuCommon_s *item; int wrapped = false; wrap: while( menu->cursor >= 0 && menu->cursor < menu->numItems ) { item = (menuCommon_s *)menu->items[menu->cursor]; if( item->flags & (QMF_GRAYED|QMF_INACTIVE|QMF_HIDDEN|QMF_MOUSEONLY)) menu->cursor += dir; else break; } if( dir == 1 ) { if( menu->cursor >= menu->numItems ) { if( wrapped ) { menu->cursor = menu->cursorPrev; return; } menu->cursor = 0; wrapped = true; goto wrap; } } else if( dir == -1 ) { if( menu->cursor < 0 ) { if( wrapped ) { menu->cursor = menu->cursorPrev; return; } menu->cursor = menu->numItems - 1; wrapped = true; goto wrap; } } } /* ================= UI_DrawMenu ================= */ void UI_DrawMenu( menuFramework_s *menu ) { static long statusFadeTime; static menuCommon_s *lastItem; menuCommon_s *item; int i; // draw contents for( i = 0; i < menu->numItems; i++ ) { item = (menuCommon_s *)menu->items[i]; if( item->flags & QMF_HIDDEN ) continue; if( item->ownerdraw ) { // total subclassing, owner draws everything item->ownerdraw( item ); continue; } switch( item->type ) { case QMTYPE_SCROLLLIST: UI_ScrollList_Draw((menuScrollList_s *)item ); break; case QMTYPE_SPINCONTROL: UI_SpinControl_Draw((menuSpinControl_s *)item ); break; case QMTYPE_CHECKBOX: UI_CheckBox_Draw((menuCheckBox_s *)item ); break; case QMTYPE_SLIDER: UI_Slider_Draw((menuSlider_s *)item ); break; case QMTYPE_FIELD: UI_Field_Draw((menuField_s *)item ); break; case QMTYPE_ACTION: UI_Action_Draw((menuAction_s *)item ); break; case QMTYPE_BITMAP: UI_Bitmap_Draw((menuBitmap_s *)item ); break; case QMTYPE_BM_BUTTON: UI_PicButton_Draw((menuPicButton_s *)item ); break; } } // draw status bar item = (menuCommon_s *)UI_ItemAtCursor( menu ); if( item != lastItem ) { // flash on selected button (like in GoldSrc) if( item ) item->lastFocusTime = uiStatic.realTime; statusFadeTime = uiStatic.realTime; lastItem = item; } if( item && ( item->flags & QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS && !( item->flags & QMF_NOTIFY )) && ( item->statusText != NULL )) { // fade it in, but wait a second int alpha = bound( 0, ((( uiStatic.realTime - statusFadeTime ) - 1000 ) * 0.001f ) * 255, 255 ); int r, g, b, x, len; GetConsoleStringSize( item->statusText, &len, NULL ); UnpackRGB( r, g, b, uiColorHelp ); TextMessageSetColor( r, g, b, alpha ); x = ( ScreenWidth - len ) * 0.5; // centering DrawConsoleString( x, 720 * uiStatic.scaleY, item->statusText ); } else statusFadeTime = uiStatic.realTime; } /* ================= UI_DefaultKey ================= */ const char *UI_DefaultKey( menuFramework_s *menu, int key, int down ) { const char *sound = NULL; menuCommon_s *item; int cursorPrev; // menu system key if( down && key == K_ESCAPE ) { UI_PopMenu(); return uiSoundOut; } if( !menu || !menu->numItems ) return 0; item = (menuCommon_s *)UI_ItemAtCursor( menu ); if( item && !(item->flags & (QMF_GRAYED|QMF_INACTIVE|QMF_HIDDEN))) { switch( item->type ) { case QMTYPE_SCROLLLIST: sound = UI_ScrollList_Key((menuScrollList_s *)item, key, down ); break; case QMTYPE_SPINCONTROL: sound = UI_SpinControl_Key((menuSpinControl_s *)item, key, down ); break; case QMTYPE_CHECKBOX: sound = UI_CheckBox_Key((menuCheckBox_s *)item, key, down ); break; case QMTYPE_SLIDER: sound = UI_Slider_Key((menuSlider_s *)item, key, down ); break; case QMTYPE_FIELD: sound = UI_Field_Key((menuField_s *)item, key, down ); break; case QMTYPE_ACTION: sound = UI_Action_Key((menuAction_s *)item, key, down ); break; case QMTYPE_BITMAP: sound = UI_Bitmap_Key((menuBitmap_s *)item, key, down ); break; case QMTYPE_BM_BUTTON: sound = UI_PicButton_Key((menuPicButton_s *)item, key, down ); break; } if( sound ) return sound; // key was handled } // system keys are always wait for keys down and never keys up if( !down ) return 0; // default handling switch( key ) { case K_UPARROW: case K_KP_UPARROW: case K_LEFTARROW: case K_KP_LEFTARROW: cursorPrev = menu->cursor; menu->cursorPrev = menu->cursor; menu->cursor--; UI_AdjustCursor( menu, -1 ); if( cursorPrev != menu->cursor ) { UI_CursorMoved( menu ); if( !(((menuCommon_s *)menu->items[menu->cursor])->flags & QMF_SILENT )) sound = uiSoundMove; } break; case K_DOWNARROW: case K_KP_DOWNARROW: case K_RIGHTARROW: case K_KP_RIGHTARROW: case K_TAB: cursorPrev = menu->cursor; menu->cursorPrev = menu->cursor; menu->cursor++; UI_AdjustCursor(menu, 1); if( cursorPrev != menu->cursor ) { UI_CursorMoved(menu); if( !(((menuCommon_s *)menu->items[menu->cursor])->flags & QMF_SILENT )) sound = uiSoundMove; } break; case K_MOUSE1: if( item ) { if((item->flags & QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS) && !(item->flags & (QMF_GRAYED|QMF_INACTIVE|QMF_HIDDEN))) return UI_ActivateItem( menu, item ); } break; case K_ENTER: case K_KP_ENTER: case K_AUX1: case K_AUX13: if( item ) { if( !(item->flags & (QMF_GRAYED|QMF_INACTIVE|QMF_HIDDEN|QMF_MOUSEONLY))) return UI_ActivateItem( menu, item ); } break; } return sound; } /* ================= UI_ActivateItem ================= */ const char *UI_ActivateItem( menuFramework_s *menu, menuCommon_s *item ) { if( item->callback ) { item->callback( item, QM_ACTIVATED ); if( !( item->flags & QMF_SILENT )) return uiSoundMove; } return 0; } /* ================= UI_RefreshServerList ================= */ void UI_RefreshServerList( void ) { uiStatic.numServers = 0; memset( uiStatic.serverAddresses, 0, sizeof( uiStatic.serverAddresses )); memset( uiStatic.serverNames, 0, sizeof( uiStatic.serverNames )); CLIENT_COMMAND( FALSE, "localservers\n" ); } /* ================= UI_RefreshInternetServerList ================= */ void UI_RefreshInternetServerList( void ) { uiStatic.numServers = 0; memset( uiStatic.serverAddresses, 0, sizeof( uiStatic.serverAddresses )); memset( uiStatic.serverNames, 0, sizeof( uiStatic.serverNames )); CLIENT_COMMAND( FALSE, "internetservers\n" ); } /* ================= UI_StartBackGroundMap ================= */ bool UI_StartBackGroundMap( void ) { static bool first = TRUE; if( !first ) return FALSE; first = FALSE; // some map is already running if( !uiStatic.bgmapcount || CL_IsActive() || gpGlobals->demoplayback ) return FALSE; int bgmapid = RANDOM_LONG( 0, uiStatic.bgmapcount - 1 ); char cmd[128]; sprintf( cmd, "maps/%s.bsp", uiStatic.bgmaps[bgmapid] ); if( !FILE_EXISTS( cmd )) return FALSE; sprintf( cmd, "map_background %s\n", uiStatic.bgmaps[bgmapid] ); CLIENT_COMMAND( FALSE, cmd ); return TRUE; } // ===================================================================== /* ================= UI_CloseMenu ================= */ void UI_CloseMenu( void ) { uiStatic.menuActive = NULL; uiStatic.menuDepth = 0; uiStatic.visible = false; // clearing serverlist uiStatic.numServers = 0; memset( uiStatic.serverAddresses, 0, sizeof( uiStatic.serverAddresses )); memset( uiStatic.serverNames, 0, sizeof( uiStatic.serverNames )); UI_ClearButtonStack (); // KEY_ClearStates (); KEY_SetDest ( KEY_GAME ); } /* ================= UI_PushMenu ================= */ void UI_PushMenu( menuFramework_s *menu ) { int i; menuCommon_s *item; // if this menu is already present, drop back to that level to avoid stacking menus by hotkeys for( i = 0; i < uiStatic.menuDepth; i++ ) { if( uiStatic.menuStack[i] == menu ) { uiStatic.menuDepth = i; break; } } if( i == uiStatic.menuDepth ) { if( uiStatic.menuDepth >= UI_MAX_MENUDEPTH ) HOST_ERROR( "UI_PushMenu: menu stack overflow\n" ); uiStatic.menuStack[uiStatic.menuDepth++] = menu; } uiStatic.menuActive = menu; uiStatic.firstDraw = true; uiStatic.enterSound = gpGlobals->time + 0.15; // make some delay uiStatic.visible = true; KEY_SetDest ( KEY_MENU ); menu->cursor = 0; menu->cursorPrev = 0; // force first available item to have focus for( i = 0; i < menu->numItems; i++ ) { item = (menuCommon_s *)menu->items[i]; if( item->flags & (QMF_GRAYED|QMF_INACTIVE|QMF_HIDDEN|QMF_MOUSEONLY)) continue; menu->cursorPrev = -1; UI_SetCursor( menu, i ); break; } } /* ================= UI_PopMenu ================= */ void UI_PopMenu( void ) { UI_StartSound( uiSoundOut ); uiStatic.menuDepth--; if( uiStatic.menuDepth < 0 ) HOST_ERROR( "UI_PopMenu: menu stack underflow\n" ); UI_PopPButtonStack(); if( uiStatic.menuDepth ) { uiStatic.menuActive = uiStatic.menuStack[uiStatic.menuDepth-1]; uiStatic.firstDraw = true; } else if ( CL_IsActive( )) { UI_CloseMenu(); } else { // never trying the close menu when client isn't connected KEY_SetDest( KEY_MENU ); UI_Main_Menu(); } if( uiStatic.m_fDemosPlayed && uiStatic.m_iOldMenuDepth == uiStatic.menuDepth ) { CLIENT_COMMAND( FALSE, "demos\n" ); uiStatic.m_fDemosPlayed = false; uiStatic.m_iOldMenuDepth = 0; } } // ===================================================================== /* ================= UI_UpdateMenu ================= */ void UI_UpdateMenu( float flTime ) { if( !uiStatic.initialized ) return; UI_DrawFinalCredits (); if( !uiStatic.visible ) return; if( !uiStatic.menuActive ) return; uiStatic.realTime = flTime * 1000; uiStatic.framecount++; if( CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "cl_background" ) && !g_engfuncs.pfnClientInGame()) return; // don't draw menu while level is loading if( uiStatic.firstDraw ) { // we loading background so skip SCR_Update if( UI_StartBackGroundMap( )) return; if( uiStatic.menuActive->activateFunc ) uiStatic.menuActive->activateFunc(); } // draw menu if( uiStatic.menuActive->drawFunc ) uiStatic.menuActive->drawFunc(); else UI_DrawMenu( uiStatic.menuActive ); if( uiStatic.firstDraw ) { uiStatic.firstDraw = false; static int first = TRUE; if( first ) { // if game was launched with commandline e.g. +map or +load ignore the music if( !CL_IsActive( )) BACKGROUND_TRACK( "gamestartup", "gamestartup" ); first = FALSE; } } //CR UI_DrawTitleAnim(); // // draw cursor UI_DrawMouseCursor(); // delay playing the enter sound until after the menu has been // drawn, to avoid delay while caching images if( uiStatic.enterSound > 0.0f && uiStatic.enterSound <= gpGlobals->time ) { UI_StartSound( uiSoundIn ); uiStatic.enterSound = -1; } } /* ================= UI_KeyEvent ================= */ void UI_KeyEvent( int key, int down ) { const char *sound; if( !uiStatic.initialized ) return; if( !uiStatic.visible ) return; if( !uiStatic.menuActive ) return; if( key == K_MOUSE1 ) { cursorDown = !!down; } if( uiStatic.menuActive->keyFunc ) sound = uiStatic.menuActive->keyFunc( key, down ); else sound = UI_DefaultKey( uiStatic.menuActive, key, down ); if( !down ) return; if( sound && sound != uiSoundNull ) UI_StartSound( sound ); } /* ================= UI_CharEvent ================= */ void UI_CharEvent( int key ) { menuFramework_s *menu; menuCommon_s *item; if( !uiStatic.initialized ) return; if( !uiStatic.visible ) return; if( !uiStatic.menuActive ) return; menu = uiStatic.menuActive; if( !menu || !menu->numItems ) return; item = (menuCommon_s *)UI_ItemAtCursor( menu ); if( item && !(item->flags & (QMF_GRAYED|QMF_INACTIVE|QMF_HIDDEN))) { switch( item->type ) { case QMTYPE_FIELD: UI_Field_Char((menuField_s *)item, key ); break; default: break; } } } bool cursorDown; float cursorDY; /* ================= UI_MouseMove ================= */ void UI_MouseMove( int x, int y ) { int i; menuCommon_s *item; if( !uiStatic.initialized ) return; if( !uiStatic.visible ) return; if( cursorDown ) { static bool prevDown = false; if(!prevDown) prevDown = true, cursorDY = 0; else if( y - uiStatic.cursorY ) cursorDY += y - uiStatic.cursorY; } else cursorDY = 0; //Con_Printf("%d %d %f\n",x, y, cursorDY); if( !uiStatic.menuActive ) return; // now menu uses absolute coordinates uiStatic.cursorX = x; uiStatic.cursorY = y; if( UI_CursorInRect( 1, 1, ScreenWidth - 1, ScreenHeight - 1 )) uiStatic.mouseInRect = true; else uiStatic.mouseInRect = false; uiStatic.cursorX = bound( 0, uiStatic.cursorX, ScreenWidth ); uiStatic.cursorY = bound( 0, uiStatic.cursorY, ScreenHeight ); // region test the active menu items for( i = 0; i < uiStatic.menuActive->numItems; i++ ) { item = (menuCommon_s *)uiStatic.menuActive->items[i]; if( item->flags & (QMF_GRAYED|QMF_INACTIVE|QMF_HIDDEN)) { if( item->flags & QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS ) { if( !UI_CursorInRect( item->x, item->y, item->width, item->height )) item->flags &= ~QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS; else item->lastFocusTime = uiStatic.realTime; } continue; } if( !UI_CursorInRect( item->x, item->y, item->width, item->height )) { item->bPressed = false; continue; } // set focus to item at cursor if( uiStatic.menuActive->cursor != i ) { UI_SetCursor( uiStatic.menuActive, i ); ((menuCommon_s *)(uiStatic.menuActive->items[uiStatic.menuActive->cursorPrev]))->flags &= ~QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS; if (!(((menuCommon_s *)(uiStatic.menuActive->items[uiStatic.menuActive->cursor]))->flags & QMF_SILENT )) UI_StartSound( uiSoundMove ); } ((menuCommon_s *)(uiStatic.menuActive->items[uiStatic.menuActive->cursor]))->flags |= QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS; ((menuCommon_s *)(uiStatic.menuActive->items[uiStatic.menuActive->cursor]))->lastFocusTime = uiStatic.realTime; return; } // out of any region if( uiStatic.menuActive->numItems ) { ((menuCommon_s *)(uiStatic.menuActive->items[uiStatic.menuActive->cursor]))->flags &= ~QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS; ((menuCommon_s *)(uiStatic.menuActive->items[uiStatic.menuActive->cursor]))->bPressed = false; // a mouse only item restores focus to the previous item if(((menuCommon_s *)(uiStatic.menuActive->items[uiStatic.menuActive->cursor]))->flags & QMF_MOUSEONLY ) { if( uiStatic.menuActive->cursorPrev != -1 ) uiStatic.menuActive->cursor = uiStatic.menuActive->cursorPrev; } } } /* ================= UI_SetActiveMenu ================= */ void UI_SetActiveMenu( int fActive ) { if( !uiStatic.initialized ) return; uiStatic.framecount = 0; if( fActive ) { // don't continue firing if we leave game KEY_ClearStates(); KEY_SetDest( KEY_MENU ); UI_Main_Menu(); } else { UI_CloseMenu(); } } /* ================= UI_AddServerToList ================= */ void UI_AddServerToList( netadr_t adr, const char *info ) { int i; if( !uiStatic.initialized ) return; if( uiStatic.numServers == UI_MAX_SERVERS ) return; // full if( stricmp( gMenu.m_gameinfo.gamefolder, Info_ValueForKey( info, "gamedir" ))) return; // ignore if duplicated for( i = 0; i < uiStatic.numServers; i++ ) { if( !stricmp( uiStatic.serverNames[i], info )) return; } // add it to the list uiStatic.updateServers = true; // info has been updated uiStatic.serverAddresses[uiStatic.numServers] = adr; strncpy( uiStatic.serverNames[uiStatic.numServers], info, sizeof( uiStatic.serverNames[uiStatic.numServers] )); uiStatic.numServers++; } /* ================= UI_IsVisible Some systems may need to know if it is visible or not ================= */ int UI_IsVisible( void ) { if( !uiStatic.initialized ) return false; return uiStatic.visible; } void UI_GetCursorPos( int *pos_x, int *pos_y ) { if( pos_x ) *pos_x = uiStatic.cursorX; if( pos_y ) *pos_y = uiStatic.cursorY; } void UI_SetCursorPos( int pos_x, int pos_y ) { // uiStatic.cursorX = bound( 0, pos_x, ScreenWidth ); // uiStatic.cursorY = bound( 0, pos_y, ScreenHeight ); uiStatic.mouseInRect = true; } void UI_ShowCursor( int show ) { uiStatic.hideCursor = (show) ? false : true; } int UI_MouseInRect( void ) { return uiStatic.mouseInRect; } /* ================= UI_Precache ================= */ void UI_Precache( void ) { if( !uiStatic.initialized ) return; if( !ui_precache->value ) return; PIC_Load( UI_LEFTARROW ); PIC_Load( UI_LEFTARROWFOCUS ); PIC_Load( UI_RIGHTARROW ); PIC_Load( UI_RIGHTARROWFOCUS ); PIC_Load( UI_UPARROW ); PIC_Load( UI_UPARROWFOCUS ); PIC_Load( UI_DOWNARROW ); PIC_Load( UI_DOWNARROWFOCUS ); if( ui_precache->value == 1 ) return; UI_Main_Precache(); UI_MultiPlayer_Precache(); UI_Options_Precache(); UI_InternetGames_Precache(); UI_LanGame_Precache(); UI_PlayerSetup_Precache(); UI_Controls_Precache(); UI_AdvControls_Precache(); UI_GameOptions_Precache(); UI_CreateGame_Precache(); UI_Audio_Precache(); UI_Video_Precache(); UI_VidOptions_Precache(); UI_VidModes_Precache(); UI_Credits_Precache(); UI_Touch_Precache(); UI_TouchOptions_Precache(); UI_TouchButtons_Precache(); UI_TouchEdit_Precache(); UI_FileDialog_Precache(); UI_PlayDemo_Precache(); UI_PlayRec_Precache(); UI_RecDemo_Precache(); } void UI_ParseColor( char *&pfile, int *outColor ) { int i, color[3]; char token[1024]; memset( color, 0xFF, sizeof( color )); for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token ); if( !pfile ) break; color[i] = atoi( token ); } *outColor = PackRGB( color[0], color[1], color[2] ); } void UI_ApplyCustomColors( void ) { char *afile = (char *)LOAD_FILE( "gfx/shell/colors.lst", NULL ); char *pfile = afile; char token[1024]; if( !afile ) { // not error, not warning, just notify Con_Printf( "UI_SetColors: colors.lst not found\n" ); return; } while(( pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token )) != NULL ) { if( !stricmp( token, "HELP_COLOR" )) { UI_ParseColor( pfile, &uiColorHelp ); } else if( !stricmp( token, "PROMPT_BG_COLOR" )) { UI_ParseColor( pfile, &uiPromptBgColor ); } else if( !stricmp( token, "PROMPT_TEXT_COLOR" )) { UI_ParseColor( pfile, &uiPromptTextColor ); } else if( !stricmp( token, "PROMPT_FOCUS_COLOR" )) { UI_ParseColor( pfile, &uiPromptFocusColor ); } else if( !stricmp( token, "INPUT_TEXT_COLOR" )) { UI_ParseColor( pfile, &uiInputTextColor ); } else if( !stricmp( token, "INPUT_BG_COLOR" )) { UI_ParseColor( pfile, &uiInputBgColor ); } else if( !stricmp( token, "INPUT_FG_COLOR" )) { UI_ParseColor( pfile, &uiInputFgColor ); } else if( !stricmp( token, "CON_TEXT_COLOR" )) { UI_ParseColor( pfile, &uiColorConsole ); } } int r, g, b; UnpackRGB( r, g, b, uiColorConsole ); ConsoleSetColor( r, g, b ); FREE_FILE( afile ); } static void UI_LoadBackgroundMapList( void ) { if( !g_engfuncs.pfnFileExists( "scripts/chapterbackgrounds.txt", TRUE )) return; char *afile = (char *)LOAD_FILE( "scripts/chapterbackgrounds.txt", NULL ); char *pfile = afile; char token[1024]; uiStatic.bgmapcount = 0; if( !afile ) { Con_Printf( "UI_LoadBackgroundMapList: chapterbackgrounds.txt not found\n" ); return; } while(( pfile = COM_ParseFile( pfile, token )) != NULL ) { // skip the numbers (old format list) if( isdigit( token[0] )) continue; strncpy( uiStatic.bgmaps[uiStatic.bgmapcount], token, sizeof( uiStatic.bgmaps[0] )); if( ++uiStatic.bgmapcount > UI_MAX_BGMAPS ) break; // list is full } FREE_FILE( afile ); } /* ================= UI_VidInit ================= */ int UI_VidInit( void ) { UI_Precache (); // Sizes are based on screen height uiStatic.scaleX = uiStatic.scaleY = ScreenHeight / 768.0f; uiStatic.width = ScreenWidth / uiStatic.scaleX; // move cursor to screen center uiStatic.cursorX = ScreenWidth >> 1; uiStatic.cursorY = ScreenHeight >> 1; uiStatic.outlineWidth = 4; uiStatic.sliderWidth = 6; // all menu buttons have the same view sizes uiStatic.buttons_draw_width = UI_BUTTONS_WIDTH; uiStatic.buttons_draw_height = UI_BUTTONS_HEIGHT; UI_ScaleCoords( NULL, NULL, &uiStatic.outlineWidth, NULL ); UI_ScaleCoords( NULL, NULL, &uiStatic.sliderWidth, NULL ); UI_ScaleCoords( NULL, NULL, &uiStatic.buttons_draw_width, &uiStatic.buttons_draw_height ); // trying to load colors.lst UI_ApplyCustomColors (); // trying to load chapterbackgrounds.txt UI_LoadBackgroundMapList (); // register menu font uiStatic.hFont = PIC_Load( "#XASH_SYSTEMFONT_001.bmp", menufont_bmp, sizeof( menufont_bmp )); UI_LoadBackgroundImage (); #if 0 FILE *f; // dump menufont onto disk f = fopen( "menufont.bmp", "wb" ); fwrite( menufont_bmp, sizeof( menufont_bmp ), 1, f ); fclose( f ); #endif // reload all menu buttons UI_LoadBmpButtons (); // now recalc all the menus in stack for( int i = 0; i < uiStatic.menuDepth; i++ ) { menuFramework_s *item = uiStatic.menuStack[i]; // do vid restart for all pushed elements if( item && item->vidInitFunc ) item->vidInitFunc(); } return 1; } /* ================= UI_Init ================= */ void UI_Init( void ) { // register our cvars and commands ui_precache = CVAR_REGISTER( "ui_precache", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); ui_showmodels = CVAR_REGISTER( "ui_showmodels", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_main", UI_Main_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_multiplayer", UI_MultiPlayer_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_options", UI_Options_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_langame", UI_LanGame_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_intenetgames", UI_InternetGames_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_playersetup", UI_PlayerSetup_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_controls", UI_Controls_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_advcontrols", UI_AdvControls_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_gameoptions", UI_GameOptions_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_creategame", UI_CreateGame_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_audio", UI_Audio_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_video", UI_Video_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_vidoptions", UI_VidOptions_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_vidmodes", UI_VidModes_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_touch", UI_Touch_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_touchoptions", UI_TouchOptions_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_touchbuttons", UI_TouchButtons_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_touchedit", UI_TouchEdit_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_filedialog", UI_FileDialog_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_playrec", UI_PlayRec_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_playdemo", UI_PlayDemo_Menu ); Cmd_AddCommand( "menu_recdemo", UI_RecDemo_Menu ); CHECK_MAP_LIST( TRUE ); uiStatic.initialized = true; // setup game info GetGameInfo( &gMenu.m_gameinfo ); // load custom strings UI_LoadCustomStrings(); //CR UI_InitTitleAnim(); } /* ================= UI_Shutdown ================= */ void UI_Shutdown( void ) { if( !uiStatic.initialized ) return; Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_main" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_multiplayer" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_options" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_intenetgames" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_langame" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_playersetup" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_controls" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_advcontrols" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_gameoptions" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_creategame" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_audio" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_video" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_vidoptions" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_vidmodes" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_advanced" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_performance" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_network" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_defaults" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_cinematics" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "menu_quit" ); memset( &uiStatic, 0, sizeof( uiStatic_t )); }