/*** * * Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved. * * This product contains software technology licensed from Id * Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting * object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from * Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited * without written permission from Valve LLC. * ****/ // // decay_gamerules.cpp // Author: Vyacheslav Dzhura ( slava.dzhura@gmail.com ; slava.dzhura@protonmail.com ) // (C) 2008 // #include "build.h" // for XASH_WIN32 checks #ifdef XASH_WIN32 #include #else #include #include #define MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH 64 // random number #endif #include #include "extdll.h" #include "util.h" #include "cbase.h" #include "player.h" #include "weapons.h" #include "gamerules.h" #include "skill.h" #include "items.h" #include "client.h" #include "bot.h" #include "triggers.h" extern DLL_GLOBAL CGameRules *g_pGameRules; extern DLL_GLOBAL BOOL g_fGameOver; extern int gmsgDeathMsg; // client dll messages extern int gmsgScoreInfo; extern int gmsgMOTD; extern int gmsgChangePlayer; extern int gmsgGameMode; extern int gmsgSparePlayer; extern int gmsgUpdateDecayPlayerName; extern respawn_t bot_respawn[32]; bool bStatsLoaded = false; int m_iMagicWord1 = 159123512; int m_iMagicWord2 = 241245; byte m_bMagicShift = 23; struct mapEntry //structure definition { char szName[128]; int m_iId; int m_iNextId; bool m_bLocked; t_playerStats statsBest1; t_playerStats statsLast1; t_playerStats statsBest2; t_playerStats statsLast2; } ; static t_playerStats blankStats = { 0, // kills; 0, // int damage; 0, // int shots; 0, // int hits; 0, // int lastShotId; m_iMagicWord1, 0, // lastShotCounted; m_iMagicWord2, 0, // float accuracy; 3, // int gradeKills; 3, // int gradeDamage; 3, // int gradeAccuracy; 3 // int gradeFinal; }; mapEntry decayMaps[] = { { "dy_accident1", 1, 2, false, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats }, { "dy_accident2", 2, 3, false, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats }, { "dy_hazard", 3, 4, true, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats }, { "dy_uplink", 4, 5, true, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats }, { "dy_dampen", 5, 6, true, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats }, { "dy_dorms", 6, 7, true, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats }, { "dy_signal", 7, 8, true, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats }, { "dy_focus", 8, 9, true, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats }, { "dy_lasers", 9, 10, true, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats }, { "dy_fubar", 10, 11, true, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats }, { "dy_outro", 11, -1, true, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats }, { "dy_alien", 12, -1, true, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats, blankStats } }; inline char *GET_INFOBUFFER( edict_t *e ) { return (*g_engfuncs.pfnGetInfoKeyBuffer)( e ); } inline void SET_CLIENT_KEY_VALUE( int clientIndex, char *infobuffer, const char *key, const char *value ) { (*g_engfuncs.pfnSetClientKeyValue)( clientIndex, infobuffer, key, value ); } int getMapEntryId( int desiredId ) { int mapCount = sizeof(decayMaps)/sizeof(decayMaps[0]); for ( int i = 0; i < mapCount; i++ ) { if ( decayMaps[i].m_iId == desiredId ) return i; } return -1; } int findMapId( char* szMapName ) { int mapCount = sizeof(decayMaps)/sizeof(decayMaps[0]); int mapId = -1; //char szMapName[ 128 ]; //strcpy( szMapName, szMapName ); for ( int i = 0; i < mapCount; i++ ) { if ( strcmp( szMapName, decayMaps[i].szName ) == 0 ) { mapId = decayMaps[i].m_iId; break; } } return mapId; } bool canUnlockBonusMission() { int mapCount = sizeof(decayMaps)/sizeof(decayMaps[0]); for ( int i = 0; i < mapCount; i++ ) { if (( decayMaps[i].statsBest1.gradeFinal != 0 ) || ( decayMaps[i].statsBest2.gradeFinal != 0 )) return false; } return true; } char *CDecayRules::getDecayMapName( int mapId ) { static char szMap[128]; sprintf( szMap, "null" ); int entryId = getMapEntryId( mapId ); if ( entryId == -1 ) return szMap; sprintf( szMap, decayMaps[entryId].szName ); return szMap; } void CDecayRules::SetAlienMode( bool bMode ) { this->m_bAlienMode = bMode; } static void Platform_GetComputerName( char *buffer, size_t buffersize ) { #if XASH_WIN32 DWORD size = buffersize; GetComputerName( buffer, &size ); #else gethostname( buffer, buffersize); buffer[buffersize - 1] = 0; // unspecified by POSIX if truncated name will be null-terminated #endif } //========================================================= //========================================================= CDecayRules::CDecayRules( void ) { char buffer[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1]; Platform_GetComputerName( buffer, sizeof( buffer )); m_iMagicWord1 = 0; int cnl = strlen(buffer); for (int i=1; im_bAlienMode = false; PlayersCount = 0; RefreshSkillData(); statsLoad(); memset( &this->pStats[0], 0, sizeof( t_playerStats )); memset( &this->pStats[1], 0, sizeof( t_playerStats )); memset( &this->pStats[2], 0, sizeof( t_playerStats )); memset( &this->pStats[3], 0, sizeof( t_playerStats )); int curMapId = this->getDecayMapId(); if ( curMapId != -1 ) { int mapEntryId = getMapEntryId( curMapId ); if ( decayMaps[mapEntryId].m_bLocked == true ) { ALERT( at_console, "Loading LOCKED MISSION!!!\n" ); } else ALERT( at_console, "Current mission is UNLOCKED!!!\n" ); } //pLoopBack = NULL; } //========================================================= //========================================================= void CDecayRules::statsLoad() { byte *aMemFile; byte *pMemFile; int length; char szDirName[MAX_PATH]; GET_GAME_DIR( szDirName ); strcat( szDirName, "/save" ); char szFilename[MAX_PATH]; strcpy ( szFilename, "save/save0.sv2" ); pMemFile = aMemFile = LOAD_FILE_FOR_ME(szFilename, &length); if ( ( !pMemFile ) || ( length == 0 ) ) { ALERT( at_console, "(load game) failed, file is null or does not exists!!!\n" ); statsSave(); // create blank stats file return; } int iVersion; byte bTrash[50]; bool bHasNext = true; bool bInvalid = false; // read version memcpy(&iVersion, pMemFile, sizeof(int)); pMemFile += sizeof(int); // read map entry mapEntry m_mapEntry; byte bEntryCount = 0; while ( bHasNext == true ) { if ( bEntryCount > 12 ) { ALERT( at_console, "(load game) probably infinite loop - stopped reading game save!!!\n" ); bInvalid = true; break; } memcpy(&bTrash[0], pMemFile, m_bMagicShift ); pMemFile += m_bMagicShift; memcpy(&m_mapEntry, pMemFile, sizeof(mapEntry)); pMemFile += sizeof(mapEntry); if (( m_mapEntry.statsLast1.magicWord1 != m_iMagicWord1 ) || ( m_mapEntry.statsLast1.magicWord2 != m_iMagicWord2 )) { bInvalid = true; // INVALID FILE!!! break; } int m_iReadMapId = findMapId( m_mapEntry.szName ); int m_iReadMapEntryId = getMapEntryId( m_iReadMapId ); if (( m_iReadMapId == -1 ) || ( m_iReadMapEntryId == -1 )) { bInvalid = true; // INVALID FILE!!! break; } decayMaps[m_iReadMapEntryId].m_bLocked = m_mapEntry.m_bLocked; decayMaps[m_iReadMapEntryId].statsLast1 = m_mapEntry.statsLast1; decayMaps[m_iReadMapEntryId].statsBest1 = m_mapEntry.statsBest1; decayMaps[m_iReadMapEntryId].statsLast2 = m_mapEntry.statsLast2; decayMaps[m_iReadMapEntryId].statsBest2 = m_mapEntry.statsBest2; // read next entry memcpy(&bHasNext, pMemFile, sizeof(bHasNext)); pMemFile += sizeof(bHasNext); bEntryCount++; } FREE_FILE(aMemFile); if ( bInvalid == true ) ALERT( at_console, "(load game) failed, file is invalid!!!\n" ); } static void Platform_CreateDirectory( const char *szFilename ) { #if XASH_WIN32 CreateDirectory( szFilename, NULL ); #else mkdir( szFilename, 0777 ); #endif } void CDecayRules::statsSave() { FILE *file; int length; char szFilename[MAX_PATH]; GET_GAME_DIR( szFilename ); strcat( szFilename, "/save" ); Platform_CreateDirectory( szFilename ); strcat( szFilename, "/save0.sv2" ); // TODO: replace with fs_stdio interface file = fopen ( szFilename, "wb" ); if ( !file ) { ALERT( at_console, "(save game) failed to create %s: %s!!!\n", szFilename, strerror( errno )); return; } int iVersion = 692008; byte bTrash[50]; bool bHasNext = true; bool bInvalid = false; // write version fwrite ( &iVersion, sizeof ( int ), 1, file ); // read map entry mapEntry m_mapEntry; byte bEntryCount = 0; /*********/ char buffer[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1]; Platform_GetComputerName( buffer, sizeof( buffer )); m_iMagicWord1 = 0; int cnl = strlen(buffer); for (int i=1; i\n" ); else fprintf( fp, "\n" ); fprintf( fp, "%d\n", playerId ); fprintf( fp, "%f\n", playerStats.accuracy ); fprintf( fp, "%d\n", playerStats.damage ); fprintf( fp, "%d\n", playerStats.hits ); fprintf( fp, "%d\n", playerStats.kills ); fprintf( fp, "\n" ); fprintf( fp, "%c\n", getGradeChar( playerStats.gradeFinal ) ); fprintf( fp, "%c\n", getGradeChar( playerStats.gradeAccuracy ) ); fprintf( fp, "%c\n", getGradeChar( playerStats.gradeDamage ) ); fprintf( fp, "%c\n", getGradeChar( playerStats.gradeKills ) ); fprintf( fp, "\n" ); if ( bBest ) fprintf( fp, "\n" ); else fprintf( fp, "\n" ); } void CDecayRules::statsExportXml( void ) { char szFilename[MAX_PATH]; GET_GAME_DIR( szFilename ); strcat( szFilename, "/manual" ); Platform_CreateDirectory( szFilename ); strcat( szFilename, "/stats.xml" ); FILE *fp; // TODO: replace with fs_stdio interface fp = fopen( szFilename, "w" ); if ( !fp ) { ALERT( at_console, "failed to export stats %s: %s", szFilename, strerror( errno )); return; } int mapCount = sizeof(decayMaps)/sizeof(decayMaps[0]); fprintf( fp, "\n" ); fprintf( fp, "\n" ); fprintf( fp, "\n" ); for ( int i = 0; i < mapCount; i++ ) { fprintf( fp, "\n" ); fprintf( fp, "%d\n", decayMaps[i].m_iId ); fprintf( fp, "%s\n", decayMaps[i].szName ); fprintf( fp, "%d\n", decayMaps[i].m_bLocked ); if ( decayMaps[i].m_iId == 12 ) fprintf( fp, "1\n" ); printXmlPlayerStats( fp, decayMaps[i].statsBest1, true, 1 ); printXmlPlayerStats( fp, decayMaps[i].statsLast1, false, 1 ); printXmlPlayerStats( fp, decayMaps[i].statsBest2, true, 2 ); printXmlPlayerStats( fp, decayMaps[i].statsLast2, false, 2 ); fprintf( fp, "\n" ); } fprintf( fp, "\n" ); //fprintf( fp, "%6.2f, %6.2f, %6.2f, %s, %2d\n", dataTime, health, ammo, pMapname, skillLevel ); fclose( fp ); } //========================================================= //========================================================= void CDecayRules::Think ( void ) { } //========================================================= //========================================================= BOOL CDecayRules::IsMultiplayer( void ) { return FALSE; } //========================================================= //========================================================= BOOL CDecayRules::IsDeathmatch ( void ) { return FALSE; } //========================================================= //========================================================= BOOL CDecayRules::IsCoOp( void ) { int mapId = getDecayMapId(); ALERT( at_console, "Decay IsCoOp = True, %d\n", mapId); return TRUE; } //========================================================= //========================================================= BOOL CDecayRules::FShouldSwitchWeapon( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBasePlayerItem *pWeapon ) { if ( !pPlayer->m_pActiveItem ) { // player doesn't have an active item! return TRUE; } if ( !pPlayer->m_pActiveItem->CanHolster() ) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } //========================================================= //========================================================= BOOL CDecayRules :: GetNextBestWeapon( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBasePlayerItem *pCurrentWeapon ) { return FALSE; } void CDecayRules ::UpdateGameMode( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgGameMode, NULL, pPlayer->edict() ); if ( m_bAlienMode ) WRITE_BYTE( 2 ); // alien mode else WRITE_BYTE( 3 ); // turn off alien mode MESSAGE_END(); } //========================================================= //========================================================= BOOL CDecayRules :: ClientConnected( edict_t *pEntity, const char *pszName, const char *pszAddress, char szRejectReason[ 128 ] ) { // pPlayers array of 2 (now 8) stores Decay players starting from 0 // so first player is in pPlayer[0] (PlayersCount = 1) Gina // second is in pPlayer[1] (PlayersCount = 2) Colette // only second player could be a bot if (PlayersCount >= 2) { if (FBitSet(pPlayers[1]->pev->flags, FL_FAKECLIENT) && strcmp(pszAddress, "") != 0) { bot_respawn[0].state = 0; //SERVER_COMMAND("kick Colette\n"); char cmd[128]; sprintf( cmd, "kick \"%s\"\n", STRING( pPlayers[1]->pev->netname ) ); SERVER_COMMAND( cmd ); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; // even if we return FALSE clien still gets connected } // Players DecayId is assigned in GameRules->OnPlayerSpawn code which is called via ClientPutInServer // PlayersCount variable is also incremented there // thus code below is obsolete /* pPlayers[PlayersCount] = GetClassPtr( (CBasePlayer *)VARS(pEntity)); pPlayers[PlayersCount]->SetDecayPlayerIndex( PlayersCount+1 ); // Gina 1, Collete 2 PlayersCount++; UTIL_LogPrintf( "\"%s<%i>\" has entered the game\n", STRING( pPlayers[PlayersCount]->pev->netname ), GETPLAYERUSERID( pPlayers[PlayersCount]->edict() ) ); ALERT( at_console, "\"%s<%i>\" has entered the game\n", STRING( pPlayers[PlayersCount]->pev->netname ), GETPLAYERUSERID( pPlayers[PlayersCount]->edict() ) ); */ return TRUE; } void CDecayRules :: InitHUD( CBasePlayer *pl ) { // // pop-up spare player message // if ( pl->m_iDecayId >= 3) { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgSparePlayer, NULL, pl->edict() ); WRITE_BYTE( 0 ); MESSAGE_END(); } // // update alien\human game mode // MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgGameMode, NULL, pl->edict() ); if ( m_bAlienMode ) WRITE_BYTE( 2 ); // alien mode else WRITE_BYTE( 3 ); // turn off alien mode MESSAGE_END(); // // update HUD color // MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgChangePlayer, NULL, pl->edict() ); WRITE_BYTE( pl->m_iDecayId ); MESSAGE_END(); // // update pPlayer name // MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgUpdateDecayPlayerName, NULL, pl->edict() ); WRITE_BYTE( pl->m_iDecayId ); MESSAGE_END(); UTIL_LogPrintf( "\"%s<%i>\" has entered the game\n", STRING( pl->pev->netname ), GETPLAYERUSERID( pl->edict() ) ); // // check if mission is locked!!! // int curMapId = this->getDecayMapId(); if ( curMapId != -1 ) { if ( decayMaps[ getMapEntryId(curMapId) ].m_bLocked == true ) { // fade screen // show message // call end section CTriggerLockedMission *pKicker = (CTriggerLockedMission *)CBaseEntity::Create( "trigger_lockedmission", g_vecZero, g_vecZero ); if ( !pKicker ) ALERT( at_aiconsole, "Locked mission entity was not created!\n"); pKicker->Lock(); } } // // fire all trigger_clientspawn entities // CBaseEntity *pEnt = NULL; while ((pEnt = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pEnt, "trigger_clientspawn" )) != NULL) pEnt->Use( pl, pl, USE_ON, 0.0 ); } //========================================================= //========================================================= void CDecayRules :: ClientDisconnected( edict_t *pClient ) { PlayersCount--; } //========================================================= //========================================================= float CDecayRules::FlPlayerFallDamage( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { // subtract off the speed at which a player is allowed to fall without being hurt, // so damage will be based on speed beyond that, not the entire fall pPlayer->m_flFallVelocity -= PLAYER_MAX_SAFE_FALL_SPEED; return pPlayer->m_flFallVelocity * DAMAGE_FOR_FALL_SPEED; } void CDecayRules ::RemoveNewPlayer( int PlayerIdInArray ) { CTriggerKicker *pKicker = (CTriggerKicker *)CBaseEntity::Create( "trigger_kicker", g_vecZero, g_vecZero ); if ( !pKicker ) ALERT( at_aiconsole, "Kicker entity was not created!\n"); pKicker->m_flDelay = 3; pKicker->KickPlayer( pPlayers[PlayerIdInArray] ); } //========================================================= //========================================================= void CDecayRules :: PlayerSpawn( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { // UpdateGameMode( pPlayer ); if ( PlayersCount >= 2) { pPlayers[PlayersCount] = pPlayer; // also store extra player in our array PlayersCount++; pPlayer->m_iDecayId = PlayersCount; ALERT( at_console, "Spare player joined the game!\n"); // Vyacheslav Dzhura TODO RemoveNewPlayer( PlayersCount-1 ); // in 5 seconds // all these won't normally remove the player: // ClientDisconnect( pPlayer->edict( ) ); // ClientKill( pPlayer->edict( ) ); // UTIL_Remove( pPlayer ); return; } pPlayers[PlayersCount] = pPlayer; PlayersCount++; pPlayer->m_iDecayId = PlayersCount; ALERT( at_console, "Player spawned with DecayID = %i \n", pPlayer->m_iDecayId ); if ( m_bAlienMode ) pPlayer->GiveNamedItem( "weapon_vorti" ); /* // // update pPlayerayer's models // if ( !m_bAlienMode ) SET_MODEL(ENT(pPlayer->pev), "models/player.mdl"); else SET_MODEL(ENT(pPlayer->pev), "models/player/dm_slave/dm_slave.mdl"); char *infobuffer = GET_INFOBUFFER( pPlayer->edict( ) ); int clientIndex = pPlayer->entindex( ); if ( !m_bAlienMode ) SET_CLIENT_KEY_VALUE( clientIndex, infobuffer, "model", "ginacol" ); else SET_CLIENT_KEY_VALUE( clientIndex, infobuffer, "model", "player/dm_slave/dm_slave" ); // // update heads (for human mode) // pPlayer->SetBodygroup( 0, 0 ); if ( !m_bAlienMode ) { if ( pPlayer->m_iDecayId == 1 ) { pPlayer->SetBodygroup( 1, 1 ); pPlayer->pev->skin = 1; } else if ( pPlayer->m_iDecayId == 2 ) { pPlayer->SetBodygroup( 1, 0 ); pPlayer->pev->skin = 0; } } // // update various pPlayerayer's properties // if ( !m_bAlienMode ) pPlayer->m_bloodColor = BLOOD_COLOR_RED; else pPlayer->m_bloodColor = BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW; pPlayer->UpdateClientData(); */ } //========================================================= //========================================================= BOOL CDecayRules :: AllowAutoTargetCrosshair( void ) { return ( g_iSkillLevel == SKILL_EASY ); } //========================================================= //========================================================= void CDecayRules :: PlayerThink( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { } //========================================================= //========================================================= BOOL CDecayRules :: FPlayerCanRespawn( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { return TRUE; } //========================================================= //========================================================= float CDecayRules :: FlPlayerSpawnTime( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { return gpGlobals->time;//now! } //========================================================= // IPointsForKill - how many points awarded to anyone // that kills this player? //========================================================= int CDecayRules :: IPointsForKill( CBasePlayer *pAttacker, CBasePlayer *pKilled ) { return 1; } void CDecayRules :: MonsterKilled( entvars_t *pKiller, entvars_t *pVictim ) { // CBaseEntity *pAttacker = CBaseEntity::Instance(pevAttacker); CBaseEntity *pKillerEnt = CBaseEntity::Instance( pKiller ); if ( pKillerEnt->IsPlayer() ) { CBasePlayer *pl = (CBasePlayer*) CBasePlayer::Instance( pKillerEnt->pev ); CBaseEntity *pVictimEnt = CBaseEntity::Instance( pVictim ); //ALERT( at_console, "Player %d killed %s entity!\n", pl->m_iDecayId, STRING( pVictimEnt->pev->classname ) ); pStats[pl->m_iDecayId].kills++; } } void CDecayRules :: PlayerDamaged( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType ) { //ALERT( at_console, "Player %d damaged for %f hp (dt: %d)\n", pPlayer->m_iDecayId, flDamage, bitsDamageType ); pStats[pPlayer->m_iDecayId].damage += flDamage; } void CDecayRules :: BulletsFired( entvars_t *pevAttacker, ULONG cShots, int iBulletType, int iShotId ) { //lastShotAction CBaseEntity *pShooterEnt = CBaseEntity::Instance( pevAttacker ); if ( pShooterEnt->IsPlayer() ) { CBasePlayer *pl = (CBasePlayer*) CBasePlayer::Instance( pShooterEnt->pev ); pStats[pl->m_iDecayId].lastShotId = iShotId; pStats[pl->m_iDecayId].lastShotCounted = false; pStats[pl->m_iDecayId].shots++; } } void CDecayRules :: BulletHit( CBaseEntity *pEntity, entvars_t *pevAttacker, int iShotId ) { CBaseEntity *pShooterEnt = CBaseEntity::Instance( pevAttacker ); if ( pShooterEnt->IsPlayer() ) { CBasePlayer *pl = (CBasePlayer*) CBasePlayer::Instance( pShooterEnt->pev ); if ( ( iShotId == pStats[pl->m_iDecayId].lastShotId ) & (!pStats[pl->m_iDecayId].lastShotCounted) ) { // yes! we hit something pStats[pl->m_iDecayId].lastShotCounted = true; if ( !FClassnameIs( pEntity->pev, "worldspawn" ) ) pStats[pl->m_iDecayId].hits++; //ALERT( at_console, "Bullet hit stats - player hit %s \n", STRING(pEntity->pev->classname) ); } } } char* CDecayRules :: getDecayNextMap() { int mapCount = sizeof(decayMaps)/sizeof(decayMaps[0]); static char szNextMap[128]; sprintf( szNextMap, "null" ); char szMapName[ 128 ]; strcpy( szMapName, STRING(gpGlobals->mapname) ); for ( int i = 0; i < mapCount; i++ ) { if ( strcmp( szMapName, decayMaps[i].szName ) == 0 ) { if ( decayMaps[i].m_iNextId != -1 ) { int nextMapEntryId = getMapEntryId( decayMaps[i].m_iNextId ); if ( nextMapEntryId != -1 ) { sprintf( szNextMap, decayMaps[nextMapEntryId].szName ); break; } } } } return szNextMap; } int CDecayRules :: getDecayMapId() { int mapCount = sizeof(decayMaps)/sizeof(decayMaps[0]); int mapId = -1; char szMapName[ 128 ]; strcpy( szMapName, STRING(gpGlobals->mapname) ); for ( int i = 0; i < mapCount; i++ ) { if ( strcmp( szMapName, decayMaps[i].szName ) == 0 ) { mapId = decayMaps[i].m_iId; break; } } return mapId; /* if ( strcmp( szMapName, "dy_accident1" ) == 0 ) mapId = 0; */ } void CDecayRules :: savePlayerStats( int playerId, int finalGrade, int damageGrade, int killsGrade, int accuracyGrade ) { char buffer[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1]; Platform_GetComputerName( buffer, sizeof( buffer )); m_iMagicWord1 = 0; int cnl = strlen(buffer); for (int i=1; igetDecayMapId(); int mapEntryId = getMapEntryId( mapId ); pStats[playerId].magicWord1 = m_iMagicWord1; pStats[playerId].magicWord2 = m_iMagicWord2; if ( mapEntryId != -1 ) { if ( playerId == 1 ) { //if ( !decayMaps[mapEntryId].statsBest1.gradeFinal || decayMaps[mapEntryId].statsBest1.gradeFinal <= finalGrade ) if ( decayMaps[mapEntryId].statsBest1.gradeFinal >= finalGrade ) { decayMaps[mapEntryId].statsBest1 = pStats[playerId]; decayMaps[mapEntryId].statsLast1 = pStats[playerId]; } else decayMaps[mapEntryId].statsLast1 = pStats[playerId]; } else if ( playerId == 2 ) { //if ( !decayMaps[mapEntryId].statsBest2.gradeFinal || decayMaps[mapEntryId].statsBest2.gradeFinal <= finalGrade ) if ( decayMaps[mapEntryId].statsBest2.gradeFinal >= finalGrade ) { decayMaps[mapEntryId].statsBest2 = pStats[playerId]; decayMaps[mapEntryId].statsLast2 = pStats[playerId]; } else decayMaps[mapEntryId].statsLast2 = pStats[playerId]; } int nextMapId = decayMaps[mapEntryId].m_iNextId; if ( nextMapId != -1 ) { decayMaps[getMapEntryId(nextMapId)].m_bLocked = false; // TODO: what if -1 here? if ( mapId == 10 ) if ( canUnlockBonusMission() == true ) { int bonusEntryId = getMapEntryId( 12 ); // dy_alien if ( bonusEntryId != -1 ) { decayMaps[bonusEntryId].m_bLocked = false; UTIL_ShowMessageAll( "CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :D Alien mission unlocked!!!" ); } } } } statsSave(); } //========================================================= // PlayerKilled - someone/something killed this player //========================================================= void CDecayRules :: PlayerKilled( CBasePlayer *pVictim, entvars_t *pKiller, entvars_t *pInflictor ) { if (PlayersCount > 2) // player count will be decreased afterwards in ClientDisconnected function { ALERT( at_console, "Removed player with id > 2 !!!\n" ); return; } char enddecayname[32]; sprintf( enddecayname, "decay_player%d_dead", pVictim->m_iDecayId ); // decay_player2_dead //edict_t *pentTarget = NULL; //pentTarget = FIND_ENTITY_BY_TARGETNAME(pentTarget, enddecayname); FireTargets( enddecayname, pVictim, NULL, USE_ON, 1); // Could not find trigger_enddecay for player death! } //========================================================= // Deathnotice //========================================================= void CDecayRules::DeathNotice( CBasePlayer *pVictim, entvars_t *pKiller, entvars_t *pInflictor ) { } //========================================================= // PlayerGotWeapon - player has grabbed a weapon that was // sitting in the world //========================================================= void CDecayRules :: PlayerGotWeapon( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBasePlayerItem *pWeapon ) { } //========================================================= // CanHavePlayerItem - the player is touching an CBasePlayerItem, // do I give it to him? //========================================================= BOOL CDecayRules :: CanHavePlayerItem( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBasePlayerItem *pWeapon ) { // only living players can have items if ( pPlayer->pev->deadflag != DEAD_NO ) return FALSE; if (this->m_bAlienMode == true) { return (pWeapon->m_iId == WEAPON_VORTI); } if (pWeapon->DecayPlayerIndex !=0) { return (pWeapon->DecayPlayerIndex == pPlayer->m_iDecayId); } return true; } //========================================================= // FlWeaponRespawnTime - what is the time in the future // at which this weapon may spawn? //========================================================= float CDecayRules :: FlWeaponRespawnTime( CBasePlayerItem *pWeapon ) { return -1; } //========================================================= // FlWeaponRespawnTime - Returns 0 if the weapon can respawn // now, otherwise it returns the time at which it can try // to spawn again. //========================================================= float CDecayRules :: FlWeaponTryRespawn( CBasePlayerItem *pWeapon ) { return 0; } //========================================================= // VecWeaponRespawnSpot - where should this weapon spawn? // Some game variations may choose to randomize spawn locations //========================================================= Vector CDecayRules :: VecWeaponRespawnSpot( CBasePlayerItem *pWeapon ) { return pWeapon->pev->origin; } //========================================================= // WeaponShouldRespawn - any conditions inhibiting the // respawning of this weapon? //========================================================= int CDecayRules :: WeaponShouldRespawn( CBasePlayerItem *pWeapon ) { return GR_WEAPON_RESPAWN_NO; } //========================================================= //========================================================= BOOL CDecayRules::CanHaveItem( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CItem *pItem ) { if ( this->m_bAlienMode ) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } //========================================================= //========================================================= void CDecayRules::PlayerGotItem( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CItem *pItem ) { } //========================================================= //========================================================= int CDecayRules::ItemShouldRespawn( CItem *pItem ) { return GR_ITEM_RESPAWN_NO; } //========================================================= // At what time in the future may this Item respawn? //========================================================= float CDecayRules::FlItemRespawnTime( CItem *pItem ) { return -1; } //========================================================= // Where should this item respawn? // Some game variations may choose to randomize spawn locations //========================================================= Vector CDecayRules::VecItemRespawnSpot( CItem *pItem ) { return pItem->pev->origin; } //========================================================= //========================================================= BOOL CDecayRules::IsAllowedToSpawn( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { return TRUE; } //========================================================= //========================================================= void CDecayRules::PlayerGotAmmo( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, char *szName, int iCount ) { } //========================================================= //========================================================= int CDecayRules::AmmoShouldRespawn( CBasePlayerAmmo *pAmmo ) { return GR_AMMO_RESPAWN_NO; } //========================================================= //========================================================= float CDecayRules::FlAmmoRespawnTime( CBasePlayerAmmo *pAmmo ) { return -1; } //========================================================= //========================================================= Vector CDecayRules::VecAmmoRespawnSpot( CBasePlayerAmmo *pAmmo ) { return pAmmo->pev->origin; } //========================================================= //========================================================= float CDecayRules::FlHealthChargerRechargeTime( void ) { return 0;// don't recharge } //========================================================= //========================================================= int CDecayRules::DeadPlayerWeapons( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { return GR_PLR_DROP_GUN_NO; } //========================================================= //========================================================= int CDecayRules::DeadPlayerAmmo( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { return GR_PLR_DROP_AMMO_NO; } //========================================================= //========================================================= int CDecayRules::PlayerRelationship( CBaseEntity *pPlayer, CBaseEntity *pTarget ) { // why would a single player in half life need this? return GR_TEAMMATE; } //========================================================= //========================================================= BOOL CDecayRules :: FAllowMonsters( void ) { return TRUE; } void CDecayRules::ClientUserInfoChanged( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, char *infobuffer ) { // ALERT( at_console, "client info (player %d) changed!\n", pPlayer->m_iDecayId ); } void CopyWeaponsAndAmmo(CBasePlayer *PlayerFrom, CBasePlayer *PlayerTo, bool bDummyDest = false) { int i; CBasePlayerItem *pWeapon; CBasePlayerItem *pNextWeapon; CBasePlayerItem *pActiveWeapon = NULL; int viewmodel, weaponmodel, sequence = 0; // // AMMO // for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_AMMO_SLOTS ; i++ ) { PlayerTo->m_rgAmmo[i] = PlayerFrom->m_rgAmmo[ i ]; // String below prevents sending to HUD (gmsgAmmoX) new ammo values (applied after weapon change) //PlayerTo->m_rgAmmoLast[i] = PlayerFrom->m_rgAmmoLast[i]; PlayerTo->m_rgAmmoLast[i] = 0; } if ( !bDummyDest ) PlayerTo->SendAmmoUpdate(); // // SELECTED (ACTIVE) WEAPON // pActiveWeapon = NULL; for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_ITEM_TYPES ; i++ ) { if ( PlayerFrom->m_rgpPlayerItems[ i ] ) { pWeapon = PlayerFrom->m_rgpPlayerItems[i]; while ( pWeapon ) //rgpPackWeapons[ iPW ] { if ( pWeapon == PlayerFrom->m_pActiveItem ) { pActiveWeapon = pWeapon; break; } pWeapon = pWeapon->m_pNext; } // while } } sequence = PlayerFrom->pev->sequence; if (pActiveWeapon) { viewmodel = PlayerFrom->pev->viewmodel; weaponmodel = PlayerFrom->pev->weaponmodel; } else { viewmodel = 0; weaponmodel = 0; } // // WEAPONS // for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_ITEM_TYPES ; i++ ) { if ( PlayerFrom->m_rgpPlayerItems[ i ] ) { pWeapon = PlayerFrom->m_rgpPlayerItems[i]; //(CBasePlayerWeapon *) while ( pWeapon ) //rgpPackWeapons[ iPW ] { if ( pWeapon->m_pPlayer ) { //if ( pWeapon == PlayerFrom->m_pActiveItem ) //{ // PlayerTo->m_pActiveItem = pWeapon; //} pNextWeapon = pWeapon->m_pNext; // problem here moving from tmpPlayer to player 2!!! if ( !pWeapon->m_pPlayer->RemovePlayerItem( pWeapon, false ) ) { ALERT( at_console, "problems removing weapon\n" ); } int iWeaponSlot = pWeapon->iItemSlot(); if ( PlayerTo->m_rgpPlayerItems[ iWeaponSlot ] ) { // there's already one weapon in this slot, so link this into the slot's column pWeapon->m_pNext = PlayerTo->m_rgpPlayerItems[ iWeaponSlot ]; PlayerTo->m_rgpPlayerItems[ iWeaponSlot ] = pWeapon; } else { // first weapon we have for this slot PlayerTo->m_rgpPlayerItems[ iWeaponSlot ] = pWeapon; pWeapon->m_pNext = NULL; } if ( bDummyDest == true ) { pWeapon->m_pPlayer = PlayerTo; //NULL; pWeapon->pev->owner = PlayerTo->edict(); } else { pWeapon->AddToPlayer( PlayerTo ); pWeapon->AttachToPlayer( PlayerTo ); } } pWeapon = pNextWeapon; } // while } } if ( pActiveWeapon != NULL ) { PlayerTo->m_pActiveItem = pActiveWeapon; PlayerTo->TabulateAmmo(); if ( !bDummyDest ) { PlayerTo->m_pActiveItem->UpdateClientData( PlayerTo ); // should send gmsgCurWeapon, then should call SendAmmoUpdate which sends gmsgAmmox PlayerTo->SwitchWeapon(pActiveWeapon); // calls m_pActiveWeapon->Deploy() //PlayerTo->SendAmmoUpdate(); PlayerTo->m_pActiveItem->UpdateItemInfo(); // updates HUD state } } else PlayerTo->m_pActiveItem = NULL; //PlayerTo->m_pActiveItem = pActiveWeapon; PlayerTo->pev->viewmodel = viewmodel; PlayerTo->pev->weaponmodel = weaponmodel; PlayerTo->pev->weapons = PlayerFrom->pev->weapons; PlayerTo->pev->sequence = sequence; if ( !bDummyDest ) PlayerTo->UpdateClientData(); } void CDecayRules :: ChangePlayer( void ) { if (PlayersCount < 2) // was != { ALERT( at_console, "There is no second player!\n" ); return; } // CREATE TEMP PLAYER TO STORE SETTINGS TO COPY edict_t *pent; pent = CREATE_NAMED_ENTITY( MAKE_STRING( "player" ) ); if ( FNullEnt( pent ) ) { ALERT ( at_console, "Can't create tmpPlayer for ChangePlayer function!\n" ); return; } CBasePlayer *tmpPlayer = (CBasePlayer*)CBasePlayer::Instance( VARS( pent )); //ClearBits(tmpPlayer->pev->flags, FL_FAKECLIENT); tmpPlayer->pev->flags |= FL_IMMUNE_WATER; // Hoaxer: HACK-HACK-HACK // ************** INFOBUFFERS ********************** char *infobuffer1; char *infobuffer2; char *pName; char sName1[256]; char sName2[256]; infobuffer1 = GET_INFOBUFFER( pPlayers[0]->edict( ) ); pName = g_engfuncs.pfnInfoKeyValue( infobuffer1, "model" ); strncpy( sName1, pName, sizeof(sName1) - 1 ); sName1[ sizeof(sName1) - 1 ] = '\0'; infobuffer2 = GET_INFOBUFFER( pPlayers[1]->edict( ) ); pName = g_engfuncs.pfnInfoKeyValue( infobuffer2, "model" ); strncpy( sName2, pName, sizeof(sName2) - 1 ); sName2[ sizeof(sName2) - 1 ] = '\0'; //sNameX contains model name without .mdl extensions // Vyacheslav Dzhura TODO: set "name" property as Gina and Colette manually here //char sName3[256] = "Gina"; //sName3[ sizeof(sName3) - 1 ] = '\0'; //char sName4[256] = "Colette"; //sName4[ sizeof(sName4) - 1 ] = '\0'; //SET_CLIENT_KEY_VALUE( pPlayers[0]->entindex(), infobuffer1, "name", sName3 ); //SET_CLIENT_KEY_VALUE( pPlayers[1]->entindex(), infobuffer2, "name", sName4 ); SET_CLIENT_KEY_VALUE( pPlayers[0]->entindex(), infobuffer1, "model", sName2 ); SET_CLIENT_KEY_VALUE( pPlayers[1]->entindex(), infobuffer2, "model", sName1 ); // ************************************************* bool bP1Ducked = FBitSet(pPlayers[0]->pev->flags, FL_DUCKING); bool bP2Ducked = FBitSet(pPlayers[1]->pev->flags, FL_DUCKING); // ************** FLASHLIGHT ********************** bool tmpPlayer1UseFlashligh = pPlayers[0]->FlashlightIsOn(); // to avoid NOT CLIENT bug bool tmpPlayer2UseFlashligh = pPlayers[1]->FlashlightIsOn(); // to avoid NOT CLIENT bug if (tmpPlayer2UseFlashligh) pPlayers[0]->FlashlightTurnOn(); else pPlayers[0]->FlashlightTurnOff(); if (tmpPlayer1UseFlashligh) pPlayers[1]->FlashlightTurnOn(); else pPlayers[1]->FlashlightTurnOff(); tmpPlayer->m_flFlashLightTime = pPlayers[0]->m_flFlashLightTime; tmpPlayer->m_iFlashBattery = pPlayers[0]->m_iFlashBattery; pPlayers[0]->m_flFlashLightTime = pPlayers[1]->m_flFlashLightTime; pPlayers[0]->m_iFlashBattery = pPlayers[1]->m_iFlashBattery; pPlayers[1]->m_flFlashLightTime = tmpPlayer->m_flFlashLightTime; pPlayers[1]->m_iFlashBattery = tmpPlayer->m_iFlashBattery; // ************************************************* //for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_AMMO_SLOTS ; i++ ) // ALERT( at_console, "BE4 p1 ammo %d is %d | p2 ammo %d is %d \n", i, pPlayers[0]->m_rgAmmo[ i ], i, pPlayers[1]->m_rgAmmo[ i ]); // // weapons switching stuff // // store items from PLAYER 1 to TEMP PLAYER //ALERT( at_console, "(CopyWeaponsAndAmmo) from pPlayers[0] to tmpPlayer\n" ); CopyWeaponsAndAmmo( pPlayers[0], tmpPlayer, true ); pPlayers[0]->RemoveAllItems( FALSE ); // now from PLAYER 2 to PLAYER 1 //ALERT( at_console, "(CopyWeaponsAndAmmo) from pPlayers[1] to pPlayers[0]\n" ); CopyWeaponsAndAmmo( pPlayers[1], pPlayers[0] ); pPlayers[1]->RemoveAllItems( FALSE ); // and finally from TEMP PLAYER to PLAYER 2 //ALERT( at_console, "(CopyWeaponsAndAmmo) from tmpPlayer to pPlayers[1]\n" ); CopyWeaponsAndAmmo( tmpPlayer, pPlayers[1] ); //ALERT( at_console, "DONE WITH WEAPOSN COPYING!!!\n" ); //for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_AMMO_SLOTS ; i++ ) // ALERT( at_console, "AFTER p1 ammo %d is %d | p2 ammo %d is %d \n", i, pPlayers[0]->m_rgAmmo[ i ], i, pPlayers[1]->m_rgAmmo[ i ]); // ******* BASIC PARAMS FROM PLAYER 1 TO TEMP PLAYER ******* tmpPlayer->pev->origin = pPlayers[0]->pev->origin; tmpPlayer->pev->v_angle = pPlayers[0]->pev->v_angle; tmpPlayer->pev->angles = pPlayers[0]->pev->angles; tmpPlayer->m_iDecayId = pPlayers[0]->m_iDecayId; tmpPlayer->pev->skin = pPlayers[0]->pev->skin; tmpPlayer->pev->body = pPlayers[0]->pev->body; tmpPlayer->pev->view_ofs = pPlayers[0]->pev->view_ofs; tmpPlayer->pev->health = pPlayers[0]->pev->health; tmpPlayer->pev->armorvalue = pPlayers[0]->pev->armorvalue; // ******* BASIC PARAMS FROM PLAYER 1 TO PLAYER 2 ******* pPlayers[0]->pev->origin = pPlayers[1]->pev->origin; pPlayers[0]->pev->v_angle = pPlayers[1]->pev->v_angle; pPlayers[0]->pev->angles = pPlayers[1]->pev->angles; pPlayers[0]->pev->fixangle = TRUE; pPlayers[0]->pev->view_ofs = pPlayers[1]->pev->view_ofs; pPlayers[0]->m_iDecayId = pPlayers[1]->m_iDecayId; pPlayers[0]->pev->skin = pPlayers[1]->pev->skin; pPlayers[0]->pev->body= pPlayers[1]->pev->body; pPlayers[0]->pev->health = pPlayers[1]->pev->health; pPlayers[0]->pev->armorvalue = pPlayers[1]->pev->armorvalue; //pPlayers[0]->m_hEnemy = NULL; //SetBits(pPlayers[0]->pev->flags, FL_FAKECLIENT); // ******* BASIC PARAMS FROM PLAYER 2 TO TEMP PLAYER ******* pPlayers[1]->pev->origin = tmpPlayer->pev->origin; pPlayers[1]->pev->v_angle = tmpPlayer->pev->v_angle; pPlayers[1]->pev->angles = tmpPlayer->pev->angles; pPlayers[1]->pev->fixangle = TRUE; pPlayers[1]->pev->view_ofs = tmpPlayer->pev->view_ofs; pPlayers[1]->m_iDecayId = tmpPlayer->m_iDecayId; pPlayers[1]->pev->skin = tmpPlayer->pev->skin; pPlayers[1]->pev->body = tmpPlayer->pev->body; pPlayers[1]->pev->health = tmpPlayer->pev->health; pPlayers[1]->pev->armorvalue = tmpPlayer->pev->armorvalue; // AI pPlayers[0]->m_hEnemy = NULL; pPlayers[1]->m_hEnemy = NULL; //ClearBits(pPlayers[1]->pev->flags, FL_FAKECLIENT); // ******* FINAL PREPARATIONS ******* // remove temp player //ALERT( at_console, "REMOVING TMPPLAYER!!!\n" ); UTIL_Remove( tmpPlayer ); //ALERT( at_console, "TMPPLAYER SUCCESFULLY REMOVED!!!\n" ); // ******* DUCK FIX ************ //if ((pev->button & IN_DUCK) || FBitSet(pev->flags,FL_DUCKING) || (m_afPhysicsFlags & PFLAG_DUCKING) ) // Duck(); if (bP1Ducked == true) //= FBitSet(pPlayers[0]->pev->flags, FL_DUCKING); { SetBits(pPlayers[1]->pev->flags, FL_DUCKING); pPlayers[1]->Duck(); } if (bP2Ducked == true) { SetBits(pPlayers[0]->pev->flags, FL_DUCKING); pPlayers[0]->Duck(); } // ******** END OF DUCK FIX **** // ****** HEADS CHANGE ********* for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { pPlayers[i]->SetBodygroup( 0, 0 ); if ( pPlayers[i]->m_iDecayId == 1 ) { pPlayers[i]->SetBodygroup( 1, 1 ); pPlayers[i]->pev->skin = 1; } else if ( pPlayers[i]->m_iDecayId == 2 ) { pPlayers[i]->SetBodygroup( 1, 0 ); pPlayers[i]->pev->skin = 0; } } // ****** END OF HEADS CHANGE ****** if ( gmsgChangePlayer != 0) { //MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ALL, gmsgChangePlayer); MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgChangePlayer, NULL, pPlayers[0]->edict() ); WRITE_BYTE( pPlayers[0]->m_iDecayId ); MESSAGE_END(); MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgChangePlayer, NULL, pPlayers[1]->edict() ); WRITE_BYTE( pPlayers[1]->m_iDecayId ); MESSAGE_END(); } else ALERT( at_console, "Message gmsgChangePlayer not found in client.dll! Invalid CLIENT.DLL!!!\n" ); // update client data... again :) //pPlayers[0]->UpdateClientData(); //pPlayers[1]->UpdateClientData(); //ALERT( at_console, "Checking if second player is bot...\n" ); if (!pPlayers[1]->IsNetClient()) // if second player is bot { CBot *pBot; pBot = (CBot*)pPlayers[1]; pBot->pBotEnemy = NULL; pBot->BotWeaponInventory(); } // BotWeaponInventory }