/*** * * Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved. * * This product contains software technology licensed from Id * Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting * object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from * Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited * without written permission from Valve LLC. * ****/ #include "extdll.h" #include "util.h" #include "cbase.h" #include "monsters.h" #include "weapons.h" #include "nodes.h" #include "player.h" #include "items.h" #include "gamerules.h" #include "game.h" #include "actanimating.h" //#include "effects.h" extern int gmsgItemPickup; class CHealthKit : public CItem { void Spawn( void ); void Precache( void ); BOOL MyTouch( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ); /* virtual int Save( CSave &save ); virtual int Restore( CRestore &restore ); static TYPEDESCRIPTION m_SaveData[]; */ }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( item_healthkit, CHealthKit ) /* TYPEDESCRIPTION CHealthKit::m_SaveData[] = { }; IMPLEMENT_SAVERESTORE( CHealthKit, CItem ) */ void CHealthKit::Spawn( void ) { Precache(); SET_MODEL( ENT( pev ), "models/w_medkit.mdl" ); CItem::Spawn(); } void CHealthKit::Precache( void ) { PRECACHE_MODEL( "models/w_medkit.mdl" ); PRECACHE_SOUND( "items/smallmedkit1.wav" ); } BOOL CHealthKit::MyTouch( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { if( pPlayer->pev->deadflag != DEAD_NO ) { return FALSE; } if( pPlayer->TakeHealth( gSkillData.healthkitCapacity, DMG_GENERIC ) ) { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgItemPickup, NULL, pPlayer->pev ); WRITE_STRING( STRING( pev->classname ) ); MESSAGE_END(); EMIT_SOUND( ENT( pPlayer->pev ), CHAN_ITEM, "items/smallmedkit1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM ); if( g_pGameRules->ItemShouldRespawn( this ) ) { Respawn(); } else { UTIL_Remove( this ); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Wall mounted health kit //------------------------------------------------------------- class CWallHealth : public CBaseToggle { public: void Spawn(); void Precache( void ); void EXPORT Off( void ); void EXPORT Recharge( void ); void KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd ); void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ); virtual int ObjectCaps( void ) { return ( CBaseToggle::ObjectCaps() | FCAP_CONTINUOUS_USE ) & ~FCAP_ACROSS_TRANSITION; } virtual int Save( CSave &save ); virtual int Restore( CRestore &restore ); static TYPEDESCRIPTION m_SaveData[]; float m_flNextCharge; int m_iReactivate ; // DeathMatch Delay until reactvated int m_iJuice; int m_iOn; // 0 = off, 1 = startup, 2 = going float m_flSoundTime; }; TYPEDESCRIPTION CWallHealth::m_SaveData[] = { DEFINE_FIELD( CWallHealth, m_flNextCharge, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_FIELD( CWallHealth, m_iReactivate, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( CWallHealth, m_iJuice, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( CWallHealth, m_iOn, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( CWallHealth, m_flSoundTime, FIELD_TIME ), }; IMPLEMENT_SAVERESTORE( CWallHealth, CBaseToggle ) LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( func_healthcharger, CWallHealth ) void CWallHealth::KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd ) { if( FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "style" ) || FStrEq( pkvd->szKeyName, "height" ) || FStrEq( pkvd->szKeyName, "value1" ) || FStrEq( pkvd->szKeyName, "value2" ) || FStrEq( pkvd->szKeyName, "value3" ) ) { pkvd->fHandled = TRUE; } else if( FStrEq( pkvd->szKeyName, "dmdelay" ) ) { m_iReactivate = atoi( pkvd->szValue ); pkvd->fHandled = TRUE; } else CBaseToggle::KeyValue( pkvd ); } void CWallHealth::Spawn() { Precache(); pev->solid = SOLID_BSP; pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_PUSH; UTIL_SetOrigin( pev, pev->origin ); // set size and link into world UTIL_SetSize( pev, pev->mins, pev->maxs ); SET_MODEL( ENT( pev ), STRING( pev->model ) ); m_iJuice = (int)gSkillData.healthchargerCapacity; pev->frame = 0; } void CWallHealth::Precache() { PRECACHE_SOUND( "items/medshot4.wav" ); PRECACHE_SOUND( "items/medshotno1.wav" ); PRECACHE_SOUND( "items/medcharge4.wav" ); } void CWallHealth::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ) { // Make sure that we have a caller if( !pActivator ) return; // if it's not a player, ignore if( !pActivator->IsPlayer() ) return; // if there is no juice left, turn it off if( m_iJuice <= 0 ) { pev->frame = 1; Off(); } // if the player doesn't have the suit, or there is no juice left, make the deny noise if( ( m_iJuice <= 0 ) || ( !( pActivator->pev->weapons & ( 1 << WEAPON_SUIT ) ) ) || ( ( chargerfix.value ) && ( pActivator->pev->health >= pActivator->pev->max_health ) ) ) { if( m_flSoundTime <= gpGlobals->time ) { m_flSoundTime = gpGlobals->time + 0.62f; EMIT_SOUND( ENT( pev ), CHAN_ITEM, "items/medshotno1.wav", 1.0, ATTN_NORM ); } return; } pev->nextthink = pev->ltime + 0.25f; SetThink( &CWallHealth::Off ); // Time to recharge yet? if( m_flNextCharge >= gpGlobals->time ) return; // Play the on sound or the looping charging sound if( !m_iOn ) { m_iOn++; EMIT_SOUND( ENT( pev ), CHAN_ITEM, "items/medshot4.wav", 1.0, ATTN_NORM ); m_flSoundTime = 0.56f + gpGlobals->time; } if( ( m_iOn == 1 ) && ( m_flSoundTime <= gpGlobals->time ) ) { m_iOn++; EMIT_SOUND( ENT( pev ), CHAN_STATIC, "items/medcharge4.wav", 1.0, ATTN_NORM ); } // charge the player if( pActivator->TakeHealth( 1, DMG_GENERIC ) ) { m_iJuice--; } // govern the rate of charge m_flNextCharge = gpGlobals->time + 0.1f; } void CWallHealth::Recharge( void ) { EMIT_SOUND( ENT( pev ), CHAN_ITEM, "items/medshot4.wav", 1.0, ATTN_NORM ); m_iJuice = (int)gSkillData.healthchargerCapacity; pev->frame = 0; SetThink( &CBaseEntity::SUB_DoNothing ); } void CWallHealth::Off( void ) { // Stop looping sound. if( m_iOn > 1 ) STOP_SOUND( ENT( pev ), CHAN_STATIC, "items/medcharge4.wav" ); m_iOn = 0; if( ( !m_iJuice ) && ( ( m_iReactivate = (int)g_pGameRules->FlHealthChargerRechargeTime() ) > 0 ) ) { pev->nextthink = pev->ltime + m_iReactivate; SetThink( &CWallHealth::Recharge ); } else SetThink( &CBaseEntity::SUB_DoNothing ); } // // NEW MODEL WALL HEALTH AS SEEN IN PLAYSTATION(R)2 VERSION OF HALF-LIFE // //------------------------------------------------------------- // Wall mounted health kit //------------------------------------------------------------- #define seq_Still 0 #define seq_Deploy 1 #define seq_RetractArm 2 #define seq_GiveShot 3 #define seq_RetractShot 4 #define seq_PrepShot 5 #define seq_ShotIdle 6 #define seq_Inactive 7 #define seq_Slosh 1 #define seq_ToRest 2 #define CHARGER_AWAKE_DISTANCE 64 class CMdlWallHealthTank : public CActAnimating { public: void Spawn( ); void Precache( void ); void Update( int m_iJuice ); void EXPORT TankThink( void ); void StartUse( void ); int m_iJuice; static CMdlWallHealthTank *CreateFluidTank( edict_t *pOwner, const Vector &position ); }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( item_healthchargertank, CMdlWallHealthTank ); CMdlWallHealthTank *CMdlWallHealthTank::CreateFluidTank( edict_t *pOwner, const Vector &position ) { CMdlWallHealthTank *pHealthTank = GetClassPtr( (CMdlWallHealthTank *)NULL ); pHealthTank->pev->classname = MAKE_STRING( "item_healthchargertank" ); pHealthTank->pev->origin = position; pHealthTank->pev->owner = pOwner; pHealthTank->Spawn(); return pHealthTank; } void CMdlWallHealthTank::Precache() { PRECACHE_MODEL("models/health_charger_both.mdl" ); } void CMdlWallHealthTank::Spawn() { Precache( ); pev->solid = SOLID_NOT; pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; UTIL_SetSize(pev, pev->mins, pev->maxs); SET_MODEL(ENT(pev), "models/health_charger_both.mdl" ); pev->rendermode = kRenderTransTexture; pev->renderamt = 192; SetBoneController( 0, 0 ); // -11 to 0 (empty to full) SetSequence( seq_Still ); SetThink( TankThink ); if (g_pGameRules->IsCoOp() ) { CDecayRules *g_pDecayRules; g_pDecayRules = (CDecayRules*)g_pGameRules; if ( g_pDecayRules->m_bAlienMode == true ) { SetThink( NULL ); SetUse( NULL ); } } pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1; } void CMdlWallHealthTank::Update(int m_iJuice) { SetBoneController( 0, -(10 - (m_iJuice / gSkillData.healthchargerCapacity * 10)) ); // -11 to 0 (empty to full) } void CMdlWallHealthTank::StartUse() { if (GetSequence() != seq_Slosh ) SetSequence( seq_Slosh ); } void CMdlWallHealthTank::TankThink() { StudioFrameAdvance(); pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1; switch( GetSequence() ) { case seq_Still: // 0 - still break; case seq_Slosh: // 1 - slosh if ( m_fSequenceFinished ) SetSequence( seq_Slosh ); break; case seq_ToRest: // 2 - to rest if ( m_fSequenceFinished ) SetSequence( seq_Still ); break; default: break; } } #define HEALTHSTATION_FULL 0 #define HEALTHSTATION_EMPTY 1 class CMdlWallHealth : public CActAnimating { public: void Spawn( ); void Precache( void ); void EXPORT Off(void); void EXPORT Recharge(void); void EXPORT ChargerThink( void ); void KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd ); void Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ); virtual int ObjectCaps( void ) { return (CActAnimating :: ObjectCaps() | FCAP_CONTINUOUS_USE) & ~FCAP_ACROSS_TRANSITION; } virtual int Save( CSave &save ); virtual int Restore( CRestore &restore ); void UpdateArm(); void UpdateFluidTank(); void TurnOff(); static TYPEDESCRIPTION m_SaveData[]; float m_flNextCharge, m_flStopCharge; int m_iReactivate ; // DeathMatch Delay until reactvated int m_iJuice; int m_iOn; // 0 = off, 1 = startup, 2 = going float m_flSoundTime; bool m_bStartUsing; int m_iRotValue; CBaseEntity *pEntity; CMdlWallHealthTank *pFluidTank; }; TYPEDESCRIPTION CMdlWallHealth::m_SaveData[] = { DEFINE_FIELD( CMdlWallHealth, m_flNextCharge, FIELD_TIME), DEFINE_FIELD( CMdlWallHealth, m_flStopCharge, FIELD_TIME), DEFINE_FIELD( CMdlWallHealth, m_iReactivate, FIELD_INTEGER), DEFINE_FIELD( CMdlWallHealth, m_iJuice, FIELD_INTEGER), DEFINE_FIELD( CMdlWallHealth, m_iOn, FIELD_INTEGER), DEFINE_FIELD( CMdlWallHealth, m_iRotValue, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( CMdlWallHealth, m_flSoundTime, FIELD_TIME), DEFINE_FIELD( CMdlWallHealth, m_bStartUsing, FIELD_BOOLEAN), DEFINE_FIELD( CMdlWallHealth, pFluidTank, FIELD_CLASSPTR ), DEFINE_FIELD( CMdlWallHealth, pEntity, FIELD_CLASSPTR ), }; //FIXED: caused bugs after load because of incorrectly specified derivied class IMPLEMENT_SAVERESTORE( CMdlWallHealth, CActAnimating ); LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(item_healthcharger, CMdlWallHealth); void CMdlWallHealth::KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd ) { if ( FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "style") || FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "height") || FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "value1") || FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "value2") || FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "value3")) { pkvd->fHandled = TRUE; } else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "dmdelay")) { m_iReactivate = atoi(pkvd->szValue); pkvd->fHandled = TRUE; } else CActAnimating::KeyValue( pkvd ); } void CMdlWallHealth::Spawn() { Precache( ); pev->solid = SOLID_BBOX; pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; //PUSH; // UTIL_SetSize( pev, Vector(-7,-6,-27), Vector(7,6,27) ); //size(-20 -6 -27,20 6 27) UTIL_SetOrigin(pev, pev->origin); // set size and link into world UTIL_SetSize(pev, pev->mins, pev->maxs); SET_MODEL(ENT(pev), "models/health_charger_body.mdl" ); m_iJuice = gSkillData.healthchargerCapacity; pev->frame = 0; pev->skin = HEALTHSTATION_FULL; InitBoneControllers(); pFluidTank = CMdlWallHealthTank::CreateFluidTank( edict(), pev->origin); //pFluidTank->pev->origin = pev->origin; pFluidTank->pev->angles = pev->angles; int YVal = pev->angles.y; switch (YVal) { case 180: m_iRotValue = 0; break; case 270: m_iRotValue = -90; break; case 0: m_iRotValue = -180; break; case 90: m_iRotValue = -270; break; } // controller is -90...90 // -90...90 - ang 180 use 0 // 0..180 - ang 270 use -90 // 90..270 - ang 0 use -180 // 180..360 - ang 90 use -270 SetSequence( seq_Inactive ); SetThink(ChargerThink); pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1; } void CMdlWallHealth::Precache() { PRECACHE_SOUND("items/medshot4.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("items/medshotno1.wav"); PRECACHE_SOUND("items/medcharge4.wav"); PRECACHE_MODEL("models/health_charger_body.mdl" ); UTIL_PrecacheOther("item_healthchargertank"); } void CMdlWallHealth::UpdateFluidTank( void ) { pFluidTank->Update( m_iJuice ); /* -11 - 0 0 - 100 m_iJuice - X gSkillData.healthchargerCapacity - 100 25 - 50 (?) 50 - 100 25:50*100 m_iJuice div gSkillData.healthchargerCapacity * 100 -(10 - (m_iJuice div gSkillData.healthchargerCapacity * 10)) */ } void CMdlWallHealth::ChargerThink( void ) { //ALERT( at_console, "WallHealth thinks!\n" ); //ALERT( at_console, "next = %f prev = %f\n", m_flNextCharge, m_flStopCharge ); //ALERT( at_console, "seq %d, on %d, juice %d\n", GetSequence(), m_iOn, m_iJuice ); StudioFrameAdvance(); pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1; Vector posGun, angGun; Vector vecTarget, vecOut, angles; float flDist; if (m_bStartUsing == true) if (m_flStopCharge >= gpGlobals->time) { SetSequence( seq_RetractShot ); pFluidTank->SetSequence( seq_ToRest ); m_flStopCharge = 0; } switch( GetSequence() ) { case seq_Inactive: // inactive { if (pev->skin == HEALTHSTATION_EMPTY) // we're in "off" state { SetThink( NULL ); return; } // iterate on all entities in the vicinity. CBaseEntity *pTmpEntity = NULL; while ((pTmpEntity = UTIL_FindEntityInSphere( pTmpEntity, pev->origin, CHARGER_AWAKE_DISTANCE )) != NULL) { if (pTmpEntity->IsPlayer()) { pEntity = pTmpEntity; if (( pev->origin - pEntity->pev->origin).Length() <= CHARGER_AWAKE_DISTANCE ) { SetSequence( seq_Deploy ); break; } } } } break; case seq_Deploy: // arm awakens UpdateArm(); if ( m_fSequenceFinished ) SetSequence( seq_PrepShot ); break; case seq_PrepShot: // we are waiting for player to use charger flDist = ( pev->origin - pEntity->pev->origin).Length(); // CRASH IS HERE!!!!!! //ALERT( at_console, "dist = %f\n", flDist ); if ( flDist > CHARGER_AWAKE_DISTANCE ) { SetSequence( seq_RetractArm ); break; } UpdateArm(); // can be interruped from USE function which activates seq_GiveShot break; case seq_RetractArm: if ( m_fSequenceFinished ) { SetSequence( seq_Inactive ); pEntity = NULL; } else UpdateArm(); // possible fix??? break; case seq_RetractShot: // stopped using m_bStartUsing = false; if ( m_fSequenceFinished ) SetSequence( seq_PrepShot ); break; case seq_GiveShot: // started using m_bStartUsing = false; if ( m_fSequenceFinished ) { m_bStartUsing = true; SetSequence( seq_ShotIdle ); } break; case seq_ShotIdle: // in use // give health here while USE is pressed break; default: break; } } void CMdlWallHealth::UpdateArm() { Vector vecTarget = (pev->origin - pEntity->pev->origin).Normalize( ); Vector angles = UTIL_VecToAngles (vecTarget); //ALERT( at_console, "angles = %f, %f, %f - %f\n", angles.x, angles.y, angles.z, angles.y / 180 ); if (angles.y > 180) angles.y = angles.y - 360; if (angles.y < -180) angles.y = angles.y + 360; // 180 - 100 // 90 - X (50) // 50 = 90 * 100 / 180 // percent = desired degree * 100 / 180 // percent = desired degree / 180 // controller is -90...90 // -90...90 - 180 use 0 // 0..180 - 270 use -90 // 90..270 - 0 use -180 // 180..360(0) - 90 use // pos = (end - start) * scalar + start // pos = 180 * scalar - 90 SetBoneController(0, angles.y + m_iRotValue); //- 90); // +25 to the right } void CMdlWallHealth::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ) { // Make sure that we have a caller if (!pActivator) return; // if it's not a player, ignore if ( !pActivator->IsPlayer() ) return; if (pev->skin == HEALTHSTATION_EMPTY) // already off return; // if there is no juice left, turn it off if (m_iJuice <= 0) { TurnOff(); // do we need it there or in Off() ? return; } // if the player doesn't have the suit, or there is no juice left, make the deny noise if ((m_iJuice <= 0) || (!(pActivator->pev->weapons & (1<time) { m_flSoundTime = gpGlobals->time + 0.62; EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pev), CHAN_ITEM, "items/medshotno1.wav", 1.0, ATTN_NORM ); } return; } pFluidTank->StartUse(); pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.25; // pev->ltime SetThink(Off); // start the give shot sequence and do not use until it's finished if (GetSequence() != seq_GiveShot) if ( m_bStartUsing == false ) { SetSequence( seq_GiveShot ); return; } // Time to recharge yet? if (m_flNextCharge >= gpGlobals->time) return; // Play the on sound or the looping charging sound if (!m_iOn) { m_iOn++; EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pev), CHAN_ITEM, "items/medshot4.wav", 1.0, ATTN_NORM ); m_flSoundTime = 0.56 + gpGlobals->time; } if ((m_iOn == 1) && (m_flSoundTime <= gpGlobals->time)) { m_iOn++; EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pev), CHAN_STATIC, "items/medcharge4.wav", 1.0, ATTN_NORM ); } // charge the player if ( pActivator->TakeHealth( 1, DMG_GENERIC ) ) { m_iJuice--; //pFluidTank->StartUse(); } UpdateFluidTank(); // govern the rate of charge m_flNextCharge = gpGlobals->time + 0.1; } void CMdlWallHealth::Recharge(void) { //if (pev->skin == HEALTHSTATION_EMPTY) // return; EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pev), CHAN_ITEM, "items/medshot4.wav", 1.0, ATTN_NORM ); m_iJuice = gSkillData.healthchargerCapacity; pev->skin = HEALTHSTATION_FULL; // set the active skin SetThink( ChargerThink ); } void CMdlWallHealth::Off(void) { m_flStopCharge = gpGlobals->time + 0.25; SetThink( ChargerThink ); pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.01; // Stop looping sound. if (m_iOn > 1) STOP_SOUND( ENT(pev), CHAN_STATIC, "items/medcharge4.wav" ); m_iOn = 0; if ((!m_iJuice) && ( ( m_iReactivate = g_pGameRules->FlHealthChargerRechargeTime() ) > 0) ) { pev->nextthink = pev->ltime + m_iReactivate; SetThink(Recharge); } //else // SetThink( SUB_DoNothing ); } void CMdlWallHealth::TurnOff( void ) { pev->skin = HEALTHSTATION_EMPTY; pFluidTank->SetSequence( seq_ToRest ); SetUse( NULL ); SetSequence( seq_RetractArm ); }