//========= Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============ // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //============================================================================= // There are hud.h's coming out of the woodwork so this ensures that we get the right one. #include "../cl_dll/hud.h" #include "../cl_dll/cl_util.h" #include #include #include #include "../cl_dll/parsemsg.h" #include "../cl_dll/hud_servers.h" #include "../cl_dll/demo.h" #include "demo_api.h" #include "voice_status.h" #include "r_efx.h" #include "entity_types.h" #include "VGUI_ActionSignal.h" #include "VGUI_Scheme.h" #include "VGUI_TextImage.h" #include "vgui_loadtga.h" #include "vgui_helpers.h" #include "vgui_mousecode.h" using namespace vgui; extern int cam_thirdperson; #define VOICE_MODEL_INTERVAL 0.3 #define SCOREBOARD_BLINK_FREQUENCY 0.3 // How often to blink the scoreboard icons. #define SQUELCHOSCILLATE_PER_SECOND 2.0f extern BitmapTGA *LoadTGA( const char* pImageName ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The voice manager for the client. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // CVoiceStatus g_VoiceStatus; CVoiceStatus* GetClientVoiceMgr() { return &g_VoiceStatus; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CVoiceStatus. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // static CVoiceStatus *g_pInternalVoiceStatus = NULL; int __MsgFunc_VoiceMask( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ) { if( g_pInternalVoiceStatus ) g_pInternalVoiceStatus->HandleVoiceMaskMsg( iSize, pbuf ); return 1; } int __MsgFunc_ReqState( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ) { if( g_pInternalVoiceStatus ) g_pInternalVoiceStatus->HandleReqStateMsg( iSize, pbuf ); return 1; } int g_BannedPlayerPrintCount; void ForEachBannedPlayer( char id[16] ) { char str[256]; sprintf( str, "Ban %d: %2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x\n", g_BannedPlayerPrintCount++, id[0], id[1], id[2], id[3], id[4], id[5], id[6], id[7], id[8], id[9], id[10], id[11], id[12], id[13], id[14], id[15] ); strupr( str ); gEngfuncs.pfnConsolePrint(str); } void ShowBannedCallback() { if( g_pInternalVoiceStatus ) { g_BannedPlayerPrintCount = 0; gEngfuncs.pfnConsolePrint("------- BANNED PLAYERS -------\n"); g_pInternalVoiceStatus->m_BanMgr.ForEachBannedPlayer( ForEachBannedPlayer ); gEngfuncs.pfnConsolePrint("------------------------------\n"); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CVoiceStatus. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // CVoiceStatus::CVoiceStatus() { m_bBanMgrInitialized = false; m_LastUpdateServerState = 0; m_pSpeakerLabelIcon = NULL; m_pScoreboardNeverSpoken = NULL; m_pScoreboardNotSpeaking = NULL; m_pScoreboardSpeaking = NULL; m_pScoreboardSpeaking2 = NULL; m_pScoreboardSquelch = NULL; m_pScoreboardBanned = NULL; m_pLocalBitmap = NULL; m_pAckBitmap = NULL; m_bTalking = m_bServerAcked = false; memset( m_pBanButtons, 0, sizeof(m_pBanButtons) ); m_bServerModEnable = -1; m_pchGameDir = NULL; } CVoiceStatus::~CVoiceStatus() { g_pInternalVoiceStatus = NULL; for( int i = 0; i < MAX_VOICE_SPEAKERS; i++ ) { delete m_Labels[i].m_pLabel; m_Labels[i].m_pLabel = NULL; delete m_Labels[i].m_pIcon; m_Labels[i].m_pIcon = NULL; delete m_Labels[i].m_pBackground; m_Labels[i].m_pBackground = NULL; } delete m_pLocalLabel; m_pLocalLabel = NULL; FreeBitmaps(); if( m_pchGameDir ) { if( m_bBanMgrInitialized ) { m_BanMgr.SaveState( m_pchGameDir ); } free( m_pchGameDir ); } } int CVoiceStatus::Init( IVoiceStatusHelper *pHelper, Panel **pParentPanel ) { // Setup the voice_modenable cvar. gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable( "voice_modenable", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable( "voice_clientdebug", "0", 0 ); gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand( "voice_showbanned", ShowBannedCallback ); if( gEngfuncs.pfnGetGameDirectory() ) { m_BanMgr.Init( gEngfuncs.pfnGetGameDirectory() ); m_bBanMgrInitialized = true; } assert( !g_pInternalVoiceStatus ); g_pInternalVoiceStatus = this; m_BlinkTimer = 0; m_VoiceHeadModel = NULL; memset( m_Labels, 0, sizeof(m_Labels) ); for( int i = 0; i < MAX_VOICE_SPEAKERS; i++ ) { CVoiceLabel *pLabel = &m_Labels[i]; pLabel->m_pBackground = new Label( "" ); if( pLabel->m_pLabel = new Label( "" ) ) { pLabel->m_pLabel->setVisible( true ); pLabel->m_pLabel->setFont( Scheme::sf_primary2 ); pLabel->m_pLabel->setTextAlignment( Label::a_east ); pLabel->m_pLabel->setContentAlignment( Label::a_east ); pLabel->m_pLabel->setParent( pLabel->m_pBackground ); } if( pLabel->m_pIcon = new ImagePanel( NULL ) ) { pLabel->m_pIcon->setVisible( true ); pLabel->m_pIcon->setParent( pLabel->m_pBackground ); } pLabel->m_clientindex = -1; } m_pLocalLabel = new ImagePanel( NULL ); m_bInSquelchMode = false; m_pHelper = pHelper; m_pParentPanel = pParentPanel; gHUD.AddHudElem( this ); m_iFlags = HUD_ACTIVE; HOOK_MESSAGE( VoiceMask ); HOOK_MESSAGE( ReqState ); // Cache the game directory for use when we shut down const char *pchGameDirT = gEngfuncs.pfnGetGameDirectory(); m_pchGameDir = (char *)malloc( strlen( pchGameDirT ) + 1 ); strcpy( m_pchGameDir, pchGameDirT ); return 1; } int CVoiceStatus::VidInit() { FreeBitmaps(); if( m_pLocalBitmap = vgui_LoadTGA( "gfx/vgui/icntlk_pl.tga" ) ) { m_pLocalBitmap->setColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 135 ) ); } if( m_pAckBitmap = vgui_LoadTGA( "gfx/vgui/icntlk_sv.tga" ) ) { m_pAckBitmap->setColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 135 ) ); // Give just a tiny bit of translucency so software draws correctly. } m_pLocalLabel->setImage( m_pLocalBitmap ); m_pLocalLabel->setVisible( false ); if( m_pSpeakerLabelIcon = vgui_LoadTGANoInvertAlpha( "gfx/vgui/speaker4.tga" ) ) m_pSpeakerLabelIcon->setColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 1 ) ); // Give just a tiny bit of translucency so software draws correctly. if( m_pScoreboardNeverSpoken = vgui_LoadTGANoInvertAlpha( "gfx/vgui/640_speaker1.tga" ) ) m_pScoreboardNeverSpoken->setColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 1 ) ); // Give just a tiny bit of translucency so software draws correctly. if( m_pScoreboardNotSpeaking = vgui_LoadTGANoInvertAlpha( "gfx/vgui/640_speaker2.tga" ) ) m_pScoreboardNotSpeaking->setColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 1 ) ); // Give just a tiny bit of translucency so software draws correctly. if( m_pScoreboardSpeaking = vgui_LoadTGANoInvertAlpha( "gfx/vgui/640_speaker3.tga" ) ) m_pScoreboardSpeaking->setColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 1 ) ); // Give just a tiny bit of translucency so software draws correctly. if( m_pScoreboardSpeaking2 = vgui_LoadTGANoInvertAlpha( "gfx/vgui/640_speaker4.tga" ) ) m_pScoreboardSpeaking2->setColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 1 ) ); // Give just a tiny bit of translucency so software draws correctly. if( m_pScoreboardSquelch = vgui_LoadTGA( "gfx/vgui/icntlk_squelch.tga" ) ) m_pScoreboardSquelch->setColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 1 ) ); // Give just a tiny bit of translucency so software draws correctly. if( m_pScoreboardBanned = vgui_LoadTGA( "gfx/vgui/640_voiceblocked.tga" ) ) m_pScoreboardBanned->setColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 1 ) ); // Give just a tiny bit of translucency so software draws correctly. // Figure out the voice head model height. m_VoiceHeadModelHeight = 45; char *pFile = (char *)gEngfuncs.COM_LoadFile( "scripts/voicemodel.txt", 5, NULL ); if( pFile ) { char token[4096]; gEngfuncs.COM_ParseFile( pFile, token ); if( token[0] >= '0' && token[0] <= '9' ) { m_VoiceHeadModelHeight = (float)atof( token ); } gEngfuncs.COM_FreeFile( pFile ); } m_VoiceHeadModel = gEngfuncs.pfnSPR_Load( "sprites/voiceicon.spr" ); return TRUE; } void CVoiceStatus::Frame( double frametime ) { // check server banned players once per second if( gEngfuncs.GetClientTime() - m_LastUpdateServerState > 1 ) { UpdateServerState( false ); } m_BlinkTimer += frametime; // Update speaker labels. if( m_pHelper->CanShowSpeakerLabels() ) { for( int i = 0; i < MAX_VOICE_SPEAKERS; i++ ) m_Labels[i].m_pBackground->setVisible( m_Labels[i].m_clientindex != -1 ); } else { for( int i = 0; i < MAX_VOICE_SPEAKERS; i++ ) m_Labels[i].m_pBackground->setVisible( false ); } for( int i = 0; i < VOICE_MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) UpdateBanButton(i); } void CVoiceStatus::CreateEntities() { if( !m_VoiceHeadModel ) return; cl_entity_t *localPlayer = gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer(); int iOutModel = 0; for( int i = 0; i < VOICE_MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { if( !m_VoicePlayers[i] ) continue; cl_entity_s *pClient = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex( i + 1 ); // Don't show an icon if the player is not in our PVS. if( !pClient || pClient->curstate.messagenum < localPlayer->curstate.messagenum ) continue; // Don't show an icon for dead or spectating players (ie: invisible entities). if( pClient->curstate.effects & EF_NODRAW ) continue; // Don't show an icon for the local player unless we're in thirdperson mode. if( pClient == localPlayer && !cam_thirdperson ) continue; cl_entity_s *pEnt = &m_VoiceHeadModels[iOutModel]; ++iOutModel; memset( pEnt, 0, sizeof(*pEnt) ); pEnt->curstate.rendermode = kRenderTransAdd; pEnt->curstate.renderamt = 255; pEnt->baseline.renderamt = 255; pEnt->curstate.renderfx = kRenderFxNoDissipation; pEnt->curstate.framerate = 1; pEnt->curstate.frame = 0; pEnt->model = (struct model_s*)gEngfuncs.GetSpritePointer( m_VoiceHeadModel ); pEnt->angles[0] = pEnt->angles[1] = pEnt->angles[2] = 0; pEnt->curstate.scale = 0.5f; pEnt->origin[0] = pEnt->origin[1] = 0; pEnt->origin[2] = 45; VectorAdd( pEnt->origin, pClient->origin, pEnt->origin ); // Tell the engine. gEngfuncs.CL_CreateVisibleEntity( ET_NORMAL, pEnt ); } } void CVoiceStatus::UpdateSpeakerStatus( int entindex, qboolean bTalking ) { if( !*m_pParentPanel ) return; if( gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat("voice_clientdebug") ) { char msg[256]; sprintf( msg, "CVoiceStatus::UpdateSpeakerStatus: ent %d talking = %d\n", entindex, bTalking ); gEngfuncs.pfnConsolePrint( msg ); } // Is it the local player talking? if( entindex == -1 ) { m_bTalking = !!bTalking; if( bTalking ) { // Enable voice for them automatically if they try to talk. gEngfuncs.pfnClientCmd( "voice_modenable 1" ); } } else if( entindex == -2 ) { m_bServerAcked = !!bTalking; } else if( entindex >= 0 && entindex <= VOICE_MAX_PLAYERS ) { int iClient = entindex - 1; if( iClient < 0 ) return; CVoiceLabel *pLabel = FindVoiceLabel( iClient ); if( bTalking ) { m_VoicePlayers[iClient] = true; m_VoiceEnabledPlayers[iClient] = true; // If we don't have a label for this guy yet, then create one. if( !pLabel ) { if( pLabel = GetFreeVoiceLabel() ) { // Get the name from the engine. hud_player_info_t info = {0}; GetPlayerInfo( entindex, &info ); char paddedName[512]; sprintf( paddedName, "%s ", info.name ); int color[3]; m_pHelper->GetPlayerTextColor( entindex, color ); if( pLabel->m_pBackground ) { pLabel->m_pBackground->setBgColor( color[0], color[1], color[2], 135 ); pLabel->m_pBackground->setParent( *m_pParentPanel ); pLabel->m_pBackground->setVisible( m_pHelper->CanShowSpeakerLabels() ); } if( pLabel->m_pLabel ) { pLabel->m_pLabel->setFgColor( 255, 255, 255, 0 ); pLabel->m_pLabel->setBgColor( 0, 0, 0, 255 ); pLabel->m_pLabel->setText( paddedName ); } pLabel->m_clientindex = iClient; } } } else { m_VoicePlayers[iClient] = false; // If we have a label for this guy, kill it. if( pLabel ) { pLabel->m_pBackground->setVisible( false ); pLabel->m_clientindex = -1; } } } RepositionLabels(); } void CVoiceStatus::UpdateServerState( bool bForce ) { // Can't do anything when we're not in a level. char const *pLevelName = gEngfuncs.pfnGetLevelName(); if( pLevelName[0] == 0 ) { if( gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat( "voice_clientdebug" ) ) { gEngfuncs.pfnConsolePrint( "CVoiceStatus::UpdateServerState: pLevelName[0]==0\n" ); } return; } int bCVarModEnable = !!gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat( "voice_modenable" ); if( bForce || m_bServerModEnable != bCVarModEnable ) { m_bServerModEnable = bCVarModEnable; char str[256]; sprintf( str, "VModEnable %d", m_bServerModEnable ); ServerCmd( str ); if( gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat( "voice_clientdebug" ) ) { char msg[256]; sprintf( msg, "CVoiceStatus::UpdateServerState: Sending '%s'\n", str ); gEngfuncs.pfnConsolePrint( msg ); } } char str[2048] = "vban"; bool bChange = false; for( unsigned long dw = 0; dw < VOICE_MAX_PLAYERS_DW; dw++ ) { unsigned long serverBanMask = 0; unsigned long banMask = 0; for( unsigned long i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) { char playerID[16]; if( !gEngfuncs.GetPlayerUniqueID( i + 1, playerID ) ) continue; if( m_BanMgr.GetPlayerBan( playerID ) ) banMask |= 1 << i; if( m_ServerBannedPlayers[dw * 32 + i] ) serverBanMask |= 1 << i; } if( serverBanMask != banMask ) bChange = true; // Ok, the server needs to be updated. char numStr[512]; sprintf(numStr, " %x", banMask); strcat(str, numStr); } if( bChange || bForce ) { if( gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat( "voice_clientdebug" ) ) { char msg[256]; sprintf( msg, "CVoiceStatus::UpdateServerState: Sending '%s'\n", str ); gEngfuncs.pfnConsolePrint( msg ); } gEngfuncs.pfnServerCmdUnreliable( str ); // Tell the server.. } else { if( gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat( "voice_clientdebug" ) ) { gEngfuncs.pfnConsolePrint( "CVoiceStatus::UpdateServerState: no change\n" ); } } m_LastUpdateServerState = gEngfuncs.GetClientTime(); } void CVoiceStatus::UpdateSpeakerImage( Label *pLabel, int iPlayer ) { m_pBanButtons[iPlayer - 1] = pLabel; UpdateBanButton(iPlayer - 1); } void CVoiceStatus::UpdateBanButton( int iClient ) { Label *pPanel = m_pBanButtons[iClient]; if( !pPanel ) return; char playerID[16]; extern bool HACK_GetPlayerUniqueID( int iPlayer, char playerID[16] ); if( !HACK_GetPlayerUniqueID( iClient + 1, playerID ) ) return; // Figure out if it's blinking or not. bool bBlink = fmod( m_BlinkTimer, SCOREBOARD_BLINK_FREQUENCY * 2 ) < SCOREBOARD_BLINK_FREQUENCY; bool bTalking = !!m_VoicePlayers[iClient]; bool bBanned = m_BanMgr.GetPlayerBan( playerID ); bool bNeverSpoken = !m_VoiceEnabledPlayers[iClient]; // Get the appropriate image to display on the panel. if( bBanned ) { pPanel->setImage( m_pScoreboardBanned ); } else if( bTalking ) { if( bBlink ) { pPanel->setImage( m_pScoreboardSpeaking2 ); } else { pPanel->setImage( m_pScoreboardSpeaking ); } pPanel->setFgColor( 255, 170, 0, 1 ); } else if( bNeverSpoken ) { pPanel->setImage( m_pScoreboardNeverSpoken ); pPanel->setFgColor( 100, 100, 100, 1 ); } else { pPanel->setImage( m_pScoreboardNotSpeaking ); } } void CVoiceStatus::HandleVoiceMaskMsg( int iSize, void *pbuf ) { BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize ); unsigned long dw; for( dw = 0; dw < VOICE_MAX_PLAYERS_DW; dw++ ) { m_AudiblePlayers.SetDWord( dw, (unsigned long)READ_LONG() ); m_ServerBannedPlayers.SetDWord( dw, (unsigned long)READ_LONG() ); if( gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat( "voice_clientdebug" ) ) { char str[256]; gEngfuncs.pfnConsolePrint( "CVoiceStatus::HandleVoiceMaskMsg\n" ); sprintf( str, " - m_AudiblePlayers[%d] = %lu\n", dw, m_AudiblePlayers.GetDWord( dw ) ); gEngfuncs.pfnConsolePrint( str ); sprintf( str, " - m_ServerBannedPlayers[%d] = %lu\n", dw, m_ServerBannedPlayers.GetDWord( dw ) ); gEngfuncs.pfnConsolePrint( str ); } } m_bServerModEnable = READ_BYTE(); } void CVoiceStatus::HandleReqStateMsg( int iSize, void *pbuf ) { if( gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat( "voice_clientdebug" ) ) { gEngfuncs.pfnConsolePrint( "CVoiceStatus::HandleReqStateMsg\n" ); } UpdateServerState( true ); } void CVoiceStatus::StartSquelchMode() { if( m_bInSquelchMode ) return; m_bInSquelchMode = true; m_pHelper->UpdateCursorState(); } void CVoiceStatus::StopSquelchMode() { m_bInSquelchMode = false; m_pHelper->UpdateCursorState(); } bool CVoiceStatus::IsInSquelchMode() { return m_bInSquelchMode; } CVoiceLabel *CVoiceStatus::FindVoiceLabel( int clientindex ) { for( int i = 0; i < MAX_VOICE_SPEAKERS; i++ ) { if( m_Labels[i].m_clientindex == clientindex ) return &m_Labels[i]; } return NULL; } CVoiceLabel *CVoiceStatus::GetFreeVoiceLabel() { return FindVoiceLabel( -1 ); } void CVoiceStatus::RepositionLabels() { // find starting position to draw from, along right-hand side of screen int y = ScreenHeight / 2; int iconWide = 8, iconTall = 8; if( m_pSpeakerLabelIcon ) { m_pSpeakerLabelIcon->getSize( iconWide, iconTall ); } // Reposition active labels. for( int i = 0; i < MAX_VOICE_SPEAKERS; i++ ) { CVoiceLabel *pLabel = &m_Labels[i]; if( pLabel->m_clientindex == -1 || !pLabel->m_pLabel ) { if( pLabel->m_pBackground ) pLabel->m_pBackground->setVisible( false ); continue; } int textWide, textTall; pLabel->m_pLabel->getContentSize( textWide, textTall ); // Don't let it stretch too far across their screen. if( textWide > ( ScreenWidth * 2 ) / 3 ) textWide = ( ScreenWidth * 2 ) / 3; // Setup the background label to fit everything in. int border = 2; int bgWide = textWide + iconWide + border * 3; int bgTall = max( textTall, iconTall ) + border * 2; pLabel->m_pBackground->setBounds( ScreenWidth - bgWide - 8, y, bgWide, bgTall ); // Put the text at the left. pLabel->m_pLabel->setBounds( border, ( bgTall - textTall ) / 2, textWide, textTall ); // Put the icon at the right. int iconLeft = border + textWide + border; int iconTop = ( bgTall - iconTall ) / 2; if( pLabel->m_pIcon ) { pLabel->m_pIcon->setImage( m_pSpeakerLabelIcon ); pLabel->m_pIcon->setBounds( iconLeft, iconTop, iconWide, iconTall ); } y += bgTall + 2; } if( m_pLocalBitmap && m_pAckBitmap && m_pLocalLabel && ( m_bTalking || m_bServerAcked ) ) { m_pLocalLabel->setParent( *m_pParentPanel ); m_pLocalLabel->setVisible( true ); if( m_bServerAcked && !!gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat( "voice_clientdebug" ) ) m_pLocalLabel->setImage( m_pAckBitmap ); else m_pLocalLabel->setImage( m_pLocalBitmap ); int sizeX, sizeY; m_pLocalBitmap->getSize( sizeX, sizeY ); int local_xPos = ScreenWidth - sizeX - 10; int local_yPos = m_pHelper->GetAckIconHeight() - sizeY; m_pLocalLabel->setPos( local_xPos, local_yPos ); } else { m_pLocalLabel->setVisible( false ); } } void CVoiceStatus::FreeBitmaps() { // Delete all the images we have loaded. delete m_pLocalBitmap; m_pLocalBitmap = NULL; delete m_pAckBitmap; m_pAckBitmap = NULL; delete m_pSpeakerLabelIcon; m_pSpeakerLabelIcon = NULL; delete m_pScoreboardNeverSpoken; m_pScoreboardNeverSpoken = NULL; delete m_pScoreboardNotSpeaking; m_pScoreboardNotSpeaking = NULL; delete m_pScoreboardSpeaking; m_pScoreboardSpeaking = NULL; delete m_pScoreboardSpeaking2; m_pScoreboardSpeaking2 = NULL; delete m_pScoreboardSquelch; m_pScoreboardSquelch = NULL; delete m_pScoreboardBanned; m_pScoreboardBanned = NULL; // Clear references to the images in panels. for( int i = 0; i < VOICE_MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { if( m_pBanButtons[i] ) { m_pBanButtons[i]->setImage( NULL ); } } if( m_pLocalLabel ) m_pLocalLabel->setImage( NULL ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns true if the target client has been banned // Input : playerID - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CVoiceStatus::IsPlayerBlocked( int iPlayer ) { char playerID[16]; if( !gEngfuncs.GetPlayerUniqueID( iPlayer, playerID ) ) return false; return m_BanMgr.GetPlayerBan( playerID ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns true if the player can't hear the other client due to game rules (eg. the other team) // Input : playerID - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CVoiceStatus::IsPlayerAudible( int iPlayer ) { return !!m_AudiblePlayers[iPlayer - 1]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: blocks/unblocks the target client from being heard // Input : playerID - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CVoiceStatus::SetPlayerBlockedState( int iPlayer, bool blocked ) { if( gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat( "voice_clientdebug" ) ) { gEngfuncs.pfnConsolePrint( "CVoiceStatus::SetPlayerBlockedState part 1\n" ); } char playerID[16]; if( !gEngfuncs.GetPlayerUniqueID( iPlayer, playerID ) ) return; if( gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat( "voice_clientdebug" ) ) { gEngfuncs.pfnConsolePrint( "CVoiceStatus::SetPlayerBlockedState part 2\n" ); } // Squelch or (try to) unsquelch this player. if( gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat( "voice_clientdebug" ) ) { char str[256]; sprintf( str, "CVoiceStatus::SetPlayerBlockedState: setting player %d ban to %d\n", iPlayer, !m_BanMgr.GetPlayerBan( playerID ) ); gEngfuncs.pfnConsolePrint( str ); } m_BanMgr.SetPlayerBan( playerID, blocked ); UpdateServerState( false ); }