//========= Copyright © 1996-2002, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============ // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //============================================================================= // engine/launcher interface #if !defined( ENGINE_LAUNCHER_APIH ) #define ENGINE_LAUNCHER_APIH #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif //typedef void ( *xcommand_t ) ( void ); #define RENDERTYPE_UNDEFINED 0 #define RENDERTYPE_SOFTWARE 1 #define RENDERTYPE_HARDWARE 2 #define ENGINE_LAUNCHER_API_VERSION 1 typedef struct engine_api_s { int version; int rendertype; int size; // Functions int ( *GetEngineState ) ( void ); void ( *Cbuf_AddText ) ( char *text ); // append cmd at end of buf void ( *Cbuf_InsertText ) ( char *text ); // insert cmd at start of buf void ( *Cmd_AddCommand ) ( char *cmd_name, void ( *funcname )( void ) ); int ( *Cmd_Argc ) ( void ); char *( *Cmd_Args ) ( void ); char *( *Cmd_Argv ) ( int arg ); void ( *Con_Printf ) ( char *, ... ); void ( *Con_SafePrintf ) ( char *, ... ); void ( *Cvar_Set ) ( char *var_name, char *value ); void ( *Cvar_SetValue ) ( char *var_name, float value ); int ( *Cvar_VariableInt ) ( char *var_name ); char *( *Cvar_VariableString ) ( char *var_name ); float ( *Cvar_VariableValue ) ( char *var_name ); void ( *ForceReloadProfile ) ( void ); int ( *GetGameInfo ) ( struct GameInfo_s *pGI, char *pszChannel ); void ( *GameSetBackground ) ( int bBack ); void ( *GameSetState ) ( int iState ); void ( *GameSetSubState ) ( int iState ); int ( *GetPauseState ) ( void ); int ( *Host_Frame ) ( float time, int iState, int *stateInfo ); void ( *Host_GetHostInfo ) ( float *fps, int *nActive, int *nSpectators, int *nMaxPlayers, char *pszMap ); void ( *Host_Shutdown ) ( void ); int ( *Game_Init ) ( char *lpCmdLine, unsigned char *pMem, int iSize, struct exefuncs_s *pef, void *, int ); void ( *IN_ActivateMouse ) ( void ); void ( *IN_ClearStates ) ( void ); void ( *IN_DeactivateMouse ) ( void ); void ( *IN_MouseEvent ) ( int mstate ); void ( *Keyboard_ReturnToGame ) ( void ); void ( *Key_ClearStates ) ( void ); void ( *Key_Event ) ( int key, int down ); int ( *LoadGame ) ( const char *pszSlot ); void ( *S_BlockSound ) ( void ); void ( *S_ClearBuffer ) ( void ); void ( *S_GetDSPointer ) ( struct IDirectSound **lpDS, struct IDirectSoundBuffer **lpDSBuf ); void *( *S_GetWAVPointer ) ( void ); void ( *S_UnblockSound ) ( void ); int ( *SaveGame ) ( const char *pszSlot, const char *pszComment ); void ( *SetAuth ) ( void *pobj ); void ( *SetMessagePumpDisableMode ) ( int bMode ); void ( *SetPauseState ) ( int bPause ); void ( *SetStartupMode ) ( int bMode ); void ( *SNDDMA_Shutdown ) ( void ); void ( *Snd_AcquireBuffer ) ( void ); void ( *Snd_ReleaseBuffer ) ( void ); void ( *StoreProfile ) ( void ); double ( *Sys_FloatTime ) ( void ); void ( *VID_UpdateWindowVars ) ( void *prc, int x, int y ); void ( *VID_UpdateVID ) ( struct viddef_s *pvid ); // VGUI interfaces void ( *VGui_CallEngineSurfaceProc ) ( void* hwnd, unsigned int msg, unsigned int wparam, long lparam ); // notifications that the launcher is taking/giving focus to the engine void ( *EngineTakingFocus ) ( void ); void ( *LauncherTakingFocus ) ( void ); #ifdef _WIN32 // Only filled in by rendertype RENDERTYPE_HARDWARE void ( *GL_Init ) ( void ); int ( *GL_SetMode ) ( HWND hwndGame, HDC *pmaindc, HGLRC *pbaseRC, int fD3D, const char *p, const char *pszCmdLine ); void ( *GL_Shutdown ) ( HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, HGLRC hglrc ); void ( *QGL_D3DShared ) ( struct tagD3DGlobals *d3dGShared ); int ( WINAPI *glSwapBuffers ) ( HDC dc ); void ( *DirectorProc ) ( unsigned int cmd, void * params ); #else // NOT USED IN LINUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! void ( *GL_Init ) ( void ); void ( *GL_SetMode ) ( void ); void ( *GL_Shutdown ) ( void ); void ( *QGL_D3DShared ) ( void ); void ( *glSwapBuffers ) ( void ); void ( *DirectorProc ) ( void ); // LINUX #endif } engine_api_t; #endif // ENGINE_LAUNCHER_APIH